CHARACTERS EXERCISE Your character does an interview...

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern


Get to know your character better with these questions. Answer in any POV you see fit, and feel free to skip questions that you feel are irrelevant. You can also go back and answer previous questions you missed. Post your answers below!

Will be updated semiweekly (depending on interest).

INTERVIEW #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
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Interview 1

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

A cat with white and yellow fur is sitted upon a black surface. On it's chest there is a yellow sticker with the words I'M AN ASSHOLE. I WEAR FUR. written in black. The cat looks proud.

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

"You can say what you want, nothing is better than walking under the stars. No limits, no destiny, only you and your freedom as the road disappears."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

"You know that thing crumbled paper does with light? The way it twists and changes color? No? That's not a human thing? Well, crap. I guess you'll never know true happiness, then."

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

"Oh, I'm definitely an animal person! Can you pet me, please?"

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

"I don't really care about my bad reputation, baby! Just leave them be. Now, if they stumble on a small surprise later... What is it you humans like to say? Oh, yes! I plead the fifth!"

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

"Please get the sweet stuff away from me! If I'm going to hide my beautiful scent, I will at least use something fresh."

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

"The ribs. Someone else's, of course. I really love pork ribs!"

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

"I... Eh... They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right?"

A white tabby cat with orange patterns sleeping on a white couch. It's body is twisted in a weird position.

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?

"The first time I fled home. The moon was full, the sky was clean and I swear I never saw something so beautiful in my life. Not then and not ever. I tried climbing a tree so I'd get closer to the stars, but I ran so fast I went face first into the trunk! That's how I got this cut here, look."​
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~Three Birds With One Stone~

Interview with Shinoa C. Bradford from The Purge

High School Student from Los Angeles

11. Can you cook?
"I can cook, yes. I prefer to cook at home versus getting take out to be honest. It's healthier and saves money. And learning new recipes can be pretty fun. The only downside is grocery shopping can be a pain, though there is always the option of Amazon Fresh, where food is delivered directly to your home. However, it doesn't always have everything that I need, so I do go out at times to get specific items. Some places have what others may most likely don't.

12. What's your favorite food?
"Mmmmm, that's a tough one since I'm not a very picky eater. If I had to pick a favorite though? Probably Caesar Salad with Smoked Salmon and Croutons. I try not to eat too much red meat anymore."

13. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
"Back in High School, probably when I decided to put on the School Mascot Suit in a bad attempt to impress my crush at the time."

14. What's your ideal date?
"I like the classic; Dinner followed by a Movie."

15. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
"Good question, I've never thought about it. But the first thing that comes to mind is a bigger house and a new car. Then put the rest into savings, maybe investments once I learn more about that. I dunno, its just that winning the lottery is like a one in a million chance, so I don't really think about it.

16. Can you hold your liquor?
"I can't drink, I'm pregnant. So I wouldn't know."

17. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?
"Hearing. Because even without it, I can still communicate through sign language and text. The idea of losing taste or touch is just too weird. And life would be really hard without my sights.

18. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?
"Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. Unless there is something in between all of them."

19. What are three things you can't live without?
Currently? My Maternity Belly Band, Videogames Dog, Max."

20. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?
"A Raven. They're beautiful birds."

21. What are you skilled at?
"Cooking. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen experimenting with ingredients and coming up with new recipes or I'm online looking at new recipes to try out."

22. What's your favorite beverage?
"Peppermint Tea."

23. How would you hide a body?
"I wouldn't be able to; I'd just throw in the river and just leave.

24. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
"When I was a kid? A Police Officer. But I'm probably not really cut out for that anymore."

25. What's something you regret doing?
"That one night stand that got me to where I am currently at; hungry, lazy and gassy with a belly the size of a pumpkin because there is another human being growing in it. Not to mention no control over my emotions or my body."

26. What's your favorite song?
Everytime We Touch by Cascada

27. Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
"Team Player. There are times where you will need help or the extra hands...if you're a lone wolf, you're not gonna get too far.

28. If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?
"Maybe. It would depend on how much I hate them."

29. What are your pet peeves?
"I have my fair share. But my current worst one that makes me really angry is when people touch my belly without asking."

30. Have you ever been in an accident?
"No. I have not, luckily. Right now would be the worst time to do that."

31. What are your parents like?
"I haven't seen my Mom in almost a decade now since she divorced my Dad. But my Dad? He's a pretty easy going guy and we have a healthy Father-Daughter relationship. And he's never had to yell or raise his voice whenever I've misbehaved. Instead, he just makes the worst Dad jokes for a bit. And I look forward to seeing how he is gonna be as a Grandpa."

32. What is your favorite time of the year?
"Spring. It's not too hot, but also not too cold. That fine balance between the two. Well, except for pollen. That part, I really hate."

33. Do you have any bad habits?
"Well, when I wake up, I lay in bed for another hour, hour and a half. Though right now I have an excuse for it. Chronically late to events sometimes, which I am trying to correct when I enter the workforce. Bad timing on getting chores squared away. I don't think I wanna really go on. But none of my bad habits are like...super bad or anything, right?"

34. What is your biggest fear?
"Losing my baby."

35. Who is closest to you and why?
"My Dad. He's always been there for me, especially when it counts. Hell, when I first got pregnant, I was terrified of telling him. But as soon as I did, his first words were "I'm gonna be the Best Grandfather Ever", so...if that doesn't tell you how close we are...I don't know what will."

36. Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?
"No, I don't really look at those things and I've distanced myself from religion the older I got. I'm sure there is a higher power, but I don't really think about it too much."

37. Have you done much traveling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?
"Haven't done much traveling as of late. And right now there isn't a place I really wanna go to at the moment. The last time I really remember traveling is going on that Summer Cruise with my Dad at the end of Sophomore Year of High School."

38. What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?
"The best gift? My Baby. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, even if the Father didn't bother to stay. But the worst? Probably this dress that my Mom sent me out of nowhere. I didn't really send it back because I wanted to use it for one of my Photoshoots once my belly gets a little bit bigger."
ex_prod_3307 (2).jpg

39. Who do you look up to?
"My Grandma. She filled the void that my Mom left behind when she divorced my Dad."

40. What's the most valuable thing you own?
"My Grandma's Cross Necklace, which came into my possession shortly after she passed away. And I plan to pass it down to my Daughter one day."
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An Interview with Summit
The Lucario

A bipedal standing canine figure skips over to your desk, sitting himself into the chair set in front of it, seeming to need to permission to do so. His fur is a tanned yellow, with gray markings over his body. His torso is a pastel blue to go with his scarf, in which is navy. His eyes are a gleaming red as they look at you. The creature seems to be a Lucario, a fictional creature that is now standing in front of you. He has a wide smile on his face, seeming to be very excited to be here.

"Name's Summit, Summit Blackout. Nice to be here." He hold out his darkened gray paw, a spike sticking out the back of it. He shakes your hand in a respectful manner, before going to lean back into the chair, back paws set upon the desk front.​

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

Summit seems to put some thought into the question before giving his firm answer; "I don't usually wear much, but I am a huge fan of tuxedoes. They really bring out my looks, both a bow tie or an average work tie could go great with it. It just looks, overall, very appealing to me. The other thing about fashion trends, is that I honestly don't care, unless it actually looks good. If a style gives me good vibes, I'll look more into it, see if I'm really interested."​

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

The canine seems to lighten up at the question, slipping his paws off the desk and back onto the floor. His eyes are almost sparkling with impatience to reply.

"Dimension hopping, of course! It's amazing how many places you can go with the help of portal to completely other realms! That's how I ended up here. There are so many interesting things to find upon the vast universes, you should try it sometime."​

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

"Yellow, most definitely. Though, not all yellows. I primarily prefer pastel yellow, gives off nice feelings, almost like pollen from the daisies in your neighborhood garden." Summit sighed happily as he finished up his answer.​

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

"I used to be a bird lover. Till' I wasn't, I had a few birds, a Starly named Becky, and a Chatot named Chatty. Both names very creative, I know." Summit slurred the last sentence in a sarcastic tone to show his knowing creativity with the naming of birds.​

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

"I deal with insults from by buddies a lot different then those I'm unknowing of. It really depends on if the insult is genuine or not. If my bud is joking around, I'll go ahead and play along, throwing a sentence of, quote in quote, hatred, back at them," Summit flicks around his yellow tail, which reflects the lighting of the room after hitting a beam of light, "now, if this was a genuine act of trying to be rude. We might have a few.. casualties among the two of us. Unless that is, they apologize:"​

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

"I wish, I reek of—" he paused to take a quick whiff under his arm, giving a look of disgust, "—sweat and blood, man, I need a bath."​

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?

"I let them do it, obviously, if the guy wants to get himself in trouble, and cause bad things for his ongoing, most likely already horrible life, then he can be my guest." Summit held a smirk through his sentence.​

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

"Get me a glass of wine, maybe a kiss or two, and baby, I'm yours." Summit's tail started to wag as the question had been asked.​

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

"I sleep curled up into a ball, helps me feel safe knowing my limbs are closer to me. If I'm being attacked as I sleep, I can just pop up, do some kicking or something."

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?

Summit's eyes widen-up, then his eyelids droop as he leans back into the chair, his ears hanging at the back of his head.

"..alright. It's been a couple thousand years, so I'm a bit rusty on the details, but my fondest memory is of when my father taught me to play the piano. I wasn't a good listener, so I'd always get distracted by something as he tried to keep me on the seat. Eventually, though he bribed me into giving me some sort of reward after we would finish. I agreed, and he got around to teaching me posture, the name of the keys, and then playing the piano itself.." Summit let's put a soft chuckle, a smile on his face, "the notes sounded so beautiful, though what I was playing sounded like absolute crap, it was beautiful. I got around to playing small songs, simple ones. My father was so proud of me.. his pride is what drove me forward to continue on with the instrument. Even after he left."​

41. What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?
42. What does perfect happiness look like to you?
43. How empathetic are you?
44. Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?
45. Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?
46. Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?
47. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a playlist?
48. What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?
49. What's your biggest turn-off?
50. Describe yourself in one word.
~Part V~

Interview with Shinoa C. Bradford from The Purge
High School Student from Los Angeles

41. What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?
"A house close towards the peak of a mountain away from civilization. Complete with five bedrooms, a hot tub on the patio and a breathtaking view of the landscape, from the snowy covered mountain top to the forests closer towards the bottom and anything else beyond that."

42. What does perfect happiness look like to you?
"Raising a Family and watching my child grow up happily. While I do want a bigger family in the future, it'll have to wait until I find the right person to spend my life with. And even if my current pregnancy wasn't planned, I will still love my child with all my heart."

43. How empathetic are you?
"If someone close to me is sad, it makes me sad too. If they cry, I will cry too."

44. Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?
"Prior to getting pregnant, no. I was able to remain relatively calm in annoying situations depending on its severity. Now that I am in the final stages of pregnancy, I have a lower tolerance for disrespect. When I am moody, it doesn't take a lot to make me mad or cry. And if I am being mistreated, I will more then likely lose my temper at the drop of a hat."

45. Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?
"No markings, but I do have a scar on my right elbow, which I got around the age of twelve. I got the scar after riding my bike down a steep hill and jumping a curb which sent me flying onto the pavement. Sadly, that day I was not wearing elbow pads and along with that, took a bit of a tumble down the sidewalk. Had to get stitches for my elbow which saw the worst of my fall. I was lucky that it wasn't fractured or anything in the process."

46. Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?
"Definitely a clean freak. At least once every other week, I will set a day aside to deep-clean the house and hit all the chores at once, especially if I've been procrastinating. And then there was one time I cried over a dropped potato chip I saw on the floor after sweeping, but we're not gonna talk about that."

47. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a playlist?
"While I don't have a playlist, I do like Orchestral Music, especially if they have the piano or violin playing. It relaxes me a lot. But when I am driving, I listen to Kpop, Hip-Hop, R&B, whatever mixes YouTube Music or Spotify have for me."

48. What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?
"Mutually hating another person. Nothing brings people together like "Oh, I hate that person too!". That's how at least half of my friendships started to be honest."

49. What's your biggest turn-off?
"I do have a long list, but since I'm pregnant, my biggest turn-off is when people comment on my belly in any way, shape or form. Sure, some of these comments may seem harmless, but that doesn't make them okay. While I cannot speak for all expectant mothers, I do often feel self-conscious about how big my belly has gotten and how much weight I've gained since getting pregnant. Please, keep these comments to yourself, I really don't wanna hear them."

50. Describe yourself in one word.
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An Interview With Russel

A considerably short man, who looked human enough, walked into the interviewing room. He looked nervous, his expression looked to be faltering. Once he spotted you, he tried to put a smile on his face, but it was broken, in a way.

He headed on over to the seat, sitting down and staring up at you. His face just barely showed over the desk, you expected an android to be just a bit taller, but alas, there was still an interview to get to.

You asked the man's name, even though already knowing it.

"Russel." The android answered, his voice in a sort of distant tone.

11. Can you cook?

Russel hesitates, cringing back in the seat. He brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head, "no, I don't eat myself, so there has been no use for it. I can have different kinds of drinks, though."

12. What's your favorite food drink?

"I'm a really big fan of boba, not the small pearls at the bottom, considering I can't eat them and they just don't taste good in general? I don't know, the drink itself is very enjoyable." Russel gave you a small smile, not having it falter this time.

13. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

"I'm not sure, I've a lot of things, just none... embarrassing? If that makes sense."

14. What's your ideal date?

"Somewhere quiet, maybe on a balcony or rooftop somewhere, eating dinner by candlelight. I'm not a fan of crowded places, nothing loud, just something romantic." Russel closed his eyes to fantasize about what he was talking about, taking a few moments after that to imagine his fantasy.

15. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

"Eh, this is a difficult question, there is so many things you can get with that kind of money, but I guess a new house for my husband and kid. Then, maybe some supplies for Chrissy-" Russel continued his list of things he would buy, ranging from toys for his kid, to things for his husband.

16. Can you hold your liquor?

"Haha, no. Not really. Seeing that I'm a lot smaller, alcohol takes a much stronger effect on me than someone who's like, five foot nine."

17. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?

"Smell, most definitely. Not everything smells great, like babies, or trash, or veal."

18. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?

Russel is oddly quiet after you had asked the question, staring past you.

You turn to look behind you, and there's nothing there, you turn back to look at Russel, who seems to be on the verge of tears. You decide to move onto the next question…

19. What are three things you can't live without?

Russel wiped his eyes with his sleeve and took a deep breath.

"I wouldn't be able to live without my husband, my kid, and the third thing..." Russel had to think for a moment before answering, "my bed."

20. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?

"A giraffe. For unspecified reasons." Russel answered quickly.​
~Interview with Kaiya Ashikaga~
A Gang Member looking to exit the game
No RP Applicable (New Character)

~Part I~
1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
"I don't really keep up with the latest trends. For most of my life, I enjoyed wearing biker leathers and boots, though in the Summers I would switch over to lighter colored athletic wear. More recently though, I have switched over to dark-colored floral maxi dresses. They're quite comfortable and go well with my all black make-up, not to mention my hair."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
"A Skateboard or Longboard if I am not going too far. My go-to is my Motorcycle, a 2018 Suzuki Hayabusa. Though now, for my safety, I now drive around in a 2021 Toyota Highlander. Not to mention the extra room it has. Plus, great for a grocery getter or shopping. The Motorcycle was more or less if I was taking care of a grab and go or don't expect to be out too long."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
"Black. Because that's the color of all my make-up, including lipstick. Though I loosen up in the summers because it can get pretty hot and I don't want my mascara or eyeliner dripping all over my face on a hot day. Aside from my go-to Biker Leathers, I also go for black jeans and shirts, etc. And of course, my hair."

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
"While I do consider myself an animal person, I do not have any pets. I don't think I'm really home enough to either take care of one or spend time with one. Though I hope that'll change in the future."

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
"Depends on severity and how their tone is. The worst they'll get is a smack on the back of the head or a slap across the face. Lighter-hearted insults or jokes will be laughed off."

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
"I don't wear perfume because I find it to be unbearable and hard to breathe if I am around it. But as far as my scent, I'd compare it to lavender."

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
"Call them out on it at the first chance I get. Or if we're talking about school work, report them after class while requesting anonymity."

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
"Food. Especially if Seafood is involved. Sushi being the best route of all."

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
"Right now, on my left side. Before I got pregnant, my sleeping position didn't matter. As long as I was comfortable, I was content. Some nights I'd be too tired to care."

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
"Brazilian Jujitsu with my Father for the first time and seeing him there every time I was promoted from one belt to the next."

~Part II~
11. Can you cook?
"Yes. Can't be reliant on take-out all the time. Not to mention how bad it is in excess. Plus there are plenty of recipes to try out across the internet. May as well make use of it, right?"

12. What's your favorite food?
"Salmon, especially when it is grilled or smoked."

13. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
"Attempting to make a 'granny shot' during Basketball practice just to be funny with my teammates...then it bounced off the rim of the hoop and hit our coach on the back of the head and knocking him out. After that, I was suspended for four games. Had it not been a light-hearted accident, I probably would have gotten booted off the team."

14. What's your ideal date?
"Dinner, movie and then a walk on the beach. Then ending the night with a Motorcycle ride on the highway."

15. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
"A new house, two new bikes and a new SUV. Then whatever's left, put it into savings."

16. Can you hold your liquor?
"Yes, I can. Though right now I am in no condition to drink."

17. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?
"If I had to pick, touch. Everything else, I don't think I can live without."

18. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?
"Ascend into Heaven or descend into Hell. I'm already pretty sure I am going to go to hell after I leave this world."

19. What are three things you can't live without?
"My bikes, seafood and martial arts."

20. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?
"Simple. A Wolf."

~Part III~
21. What are you skilled at?
"Motorcycle riding for sure. Definitely helped that I took part in motocross starting around fourteen, which got me a head-start in motorcycle riding."

22. What's your favorite beverage?
"Easy. Green Tea. One of my favorites when I was a kid."

23. How would you hide a body?
"Hang it on a Ferris Wheel."

24. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
"I wanted to follow in my Father's Footsteps as a Police Officer. But obviously that didn't happen."

25. What's something you regret doing?
"Not processing grief properly and letting basically define my life."

26. What's your favorite song?
"Bloody Tears by Michiru Yamane."

27. Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
"I rolled in a gang and I was the second in command for it. Probably safe to say that I'm a Team Player."

28. If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?
"Yes. Only because I know my Father would have and he'd want me to do the same. I've already shown to be a big disappointment to him, might as well start somewhere I think he'd be proud."

29. What are your pet peeves?
"When people don't mind their own business and physical contact without consent. And now that I'm eight months pregnant, I really hate it when people touch my belly, even more so when they rub it."

30. Have you ever been in an accident?
"Yeah, I've been in a couple. The worst one was with a drunk driver."

~Part IV~
31. What are your parents like?
"My parents were very family oriented and put me and my siblings first. Because my Father was a Police Officer, it was tough for him to be with his Family given a relatively sporadic work schedule. My Mom had to stay strong for us, even more so after my Father died. To this day, she's still the strongest woman I know. Taking care of three kids while grieving and pregnant herself. She's sacrificed a lot for me and my siblings, probably more then I deserve."

32. What is your favorite time of the year?
"Winter. Even though I don't get to ride my motorcycle, I get to more or less stay home, relax in my living room and have a nice cup of cocoa and watch the snowfall."

33. Do you have any bad habits?
"Perfectionism, constant snacking, multitasking and probably not getting as much sleep as I should to name a few."

34. What is your biggest fear?
"Sharp objects near my belly. My anxiety will spike and there've been instances where I'll burst into tears. If anything, its probably those C-Section nightmares getting to me."

35. Who is closest to you and why?
"My Best Friend Kimiko. Well, she leads the gang I was once a part of. She may be ruthless and hot tempered, like me, but she has a good heart. I was scared of telling her that I was ready to leave the gang life behind, out of the drug business. I was even more terrified of showing her the positive pregnancy test. But when those happened, she was very supportive. Her reaction was the complete opposite. She was very understanding about me wanting out. We're living far apart now, but we still keep in touch. Next time I'll be seeing her is when I get out of the delivery room."

36. Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?
"To an extent, yes. Shintoism helped me cope with my Father's death, but I ended up going to the dark side of it when I became a member of the Crimson Gangs, the Biker Gang that I was once a part of. For five years, I prayed to Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the Japanese God of Evil for guidance and to guide me to success."

37. Have you done much traveling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?
"I've done my fair share of traveling, yes. I've been to most of Western Europe and to all fifty states. I've only been to three places in Asia; China, Korea and Thailand. I am hoping to visit Tokyo, Japan one of these days. In terms of revisiting, I wouldn't mind going to London again."

38. What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?
"The best gift I've ever received is my unborn baby. They've served as my primary motivation to seek a better life and I would never want them to go down the same path I had. The worst? My Father's Police Badge, because it'll forever be a reminder that I lost my Father and along with him, my way in life."

39. Who do you look up to?
"My Mother. She sacrificed a lot for me and my siblings and I hope to repay that one day. Just wish I knew where to start because we're currently not on talking terms."

40. What's the most valuable thing you own?
"My Father's Police Academy Class Ring."

~Part V~
41. What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?
"A fully staffed, privately owned cruise ship to live out my retirement and a penthouse so I am not constantly uprooting my child's life just so I can travel the seas."

42. What does perfect happiness look like to you?
"Watching my child growing up in a normal household, away from guns, drugs and gang violence."

43. How empathetic are you?
"When someone close to me is hurt, or if they cry, I'll cry too. I'm one of those friends."

44. Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?
"I will admit, I have blown up over some relatively trivial things in the past. The worst that I did was beat up another student for talking trash towards me. I think it took three teachers to break up that altercation. Too bad they didn't pull me away, because I broke free, continued beating the crap out of them and throwing them into the trashcan before knocking it over and sending it rolling down the hall. Then I gave someone a swirly for pulling my ponytail."

45. Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?
"No markings, but I have a couple of scars on my torso and on my right arm. Most of it came from knife fights and getting shot during my tenure as a gang member."

46. Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?
"Clean freak. I deep clean my house almost every weekend, though mainly that ends up spending hours in the bathroom and the kitchen. Vacuuming is every Thursday. Dishes are almost daily and I do laundry (including folding) three times a week."

47. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a playlist?
"My go-to includes J-Rock and J-Pop. Mostly Asian music, like Kpop and K-R&B. Others include West Coast Hip-hop/Rap. I have a playlist, but I'm not about to throw that out into the open."

48. What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?
"Not invade my privacy or initiate physical contact right off the get-go and without consent. Understanding the concept of keep your hands (and feet) to yourself. Also not oversharing within minutes of meeting someone is a plus."

49. What's your biggest turn-off?
"Initiating physical contact, especially without consent. Rubbing my belly will definitely earn a punch to the face. I'm still a person, not a Buddha Statue."

50. Describe yourself in one word.
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41. What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?

The young man raised a cheeky brow, "Exra-excrement? Like-what's the most expensive shit I would buy?" Tossing monetary concerns to the wind, the question posed at hand almost salivated his tongue. He visibly relaxed, a pensive silence ensuing, then his face lit up like a Christmas tree, "I mean, a Gibson les Paul, obviously, yeah, I got an LTD ec-256 right now. It's essentially the same shape as a les Paul." He leaned back in his seat, content with the idea.

42. What does perfect happiness look like to you?

The question shot a pang through his chest, starting at the heart as it coursed the rest of his body. He drew a deep breath up his nostrils as the clock ticked about a handful of seconds, then responded in turn with a passionate intensity in his eyes whilst exhaling out the mouth, "A full tank of gas in my hatchback, some tunes and the open country." Daniel pursed his lips momentarily, downcast, then perked up as a fleeting grin carved his cheek, "Mm, would be sick if Blair could come along for the ride. My cat. Uh-yeah, you know cats aren't really into that stuff though, I think." He shrugged, amusing himself as his eyes began to wander the room, "I've always wanted a husky, anyways, they're beautiful, uh..that's mostly it."

43. How empathetic are you?

"Empathetic." Daniel repeated, not finding the question particularly humoring as his eyes began to wander the room again, "Ahh, well, you know. I mean, life can bite you in the ass sometimes." He posed the answer solemnly, holding fast the interviewers gaze as a reminiscent gleam caught the lights reflection, "I know how that feels."

44. Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?

"Mmmm," Daniel mused, chewing on the interviewers choice of words as his eyes wandered again, "In my line of work, disrespect could be a swift death. That's if you're lucky." Despite his humorous tone, a grave air filled the space around him as he shifted uncomfortably, massaging the back of his neck with one hand, barely noticing the precious silver caressing his skin; four silver rings wrapped around his fingers, two on each hand, one on each ring and middle finger, "But yeah, we're also disciplined from a young age. Like soldiers-we have to keep our cool, you know, for all kinds of things." He shook his head, "Keeping their pompous traditions, making good impressions, holding your tongue, doing as your told. Just glorified butlers, honestly, but they train us to kill, too. We gotta stay in line, you know. Man, it really pisses me off, sometimes." Daniel fixed his gaze in place, slightly downcast as he realized his answer had strayed off-topic, then sighed, "But anyways..." he muttered under his breath.

45. Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?

"Nah, clean as a whistle mostly, if you don't count the holes from my piercings." He gestured to the helix aperture on his left ear, pointing it out with a finger, singling the particular piece out from the rest of his jewelry. "Tattoos are against policy, so I got em' instead." He added with a smile, taking pride in the fact. "It's my little way of standing out from the herd."

46. Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?

The young man furrowed his cheeky brow, "I mean, cleaning up after yourself doesn't make you a freak. I'm not OCD, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I won't make the bed some mornings or leave a few empty water bottles around, I guess. Shower everyday, pretty normal stuff. Who enjoys doing the laundry, you know?" He paused with narrowed eyes, tossing his head back as a gesture, "What, you guys tryin' to weed out the lazies?" His expression softened, another reminiscent gleam caught the light as he continued, "I read somewhere, that people with messy rooms like that are the creative type. Artistic. Some people, anyways." With that Daniel folded his arms, slightly tilting his head to convey his sudden restlessness.

47. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a playlist?

As if sensing his boredom, the interviewer caught Daniel off-guard with the next question. His face lit up like fireworks and he chuckled, "Oh man, let's see..."

A couple minutes had past by, "That opening track, ah-that's what metalheads hear in their head when they're in love." Another couple minutes pass by on the clock as an animated Daniel continued rambling, gesturing with his hands and waving them around as he went on, "This guy, Nocturno Culto, its his stage name. He's on lead guitar and vocals, anyways he said: 'Music is music. It all boils into a very primitive thing that is: you listen to an album, you like it or not, and that's the end of it.'" Another few minutes past by, "But its purely the SOUND of it; the screams themselves are an instrument! It sets a mood, I don't feel agony or self pity at all during the track. If anything. I feel at peace. And-eh? Huh! Move on? Tss-" He threw his arms up, sucking his teeth as he leaned back into the chair again, shaking his head. Then he folded his arms again, deadpan, "If you don't want to know, then you shouldn't have asked."

48. What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?

"Respect goes both ways." He snapped at the interviewer, nearly cutting them off, not taking a moment to reflect on the question, arms still folded as his back pressed against the chair. "Someone cuts me off, well. An eye for an eye then." He added coldly.

49. What's your biggest turn-off?

Daniel scoffed at the question, piercing the interviewers gaze with his own, "Who's got time to think about that kind of stuff?" His lips curled into a heinous grin, "Ah, guess you do. Sorry."

50. Describe yourself in one word.


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Artwork by Lucy Canning

Fumihiro Nishioka-Ndike
✧ Professional shithead, gamer, newly made catboy and bakery worker featured in
cat got your tongue? (jk that's gay) with @spacepeep

41. What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?

Fumi makes a face at the question. "Fucking extravagance?" he mocks the interviewer, blatant disrespect coating every single syllable without an ounce of shame, "What fucking year is it? Extravagance my ass. Talk like a normal ass person." He rolls his eyes, drowning in his hoodie, though when the interview doesn't move on, he huffs dramatically, as though answering this question is the most annoying and inconvenient thing that could ever happen to him. It kind of is, at the moment. "I dunno, I mostly just buy games and merch and shit. I'm not a fucking child prince."

42. What does perfect happiness look like to you?

He tries not to say Kest's name and opts to shrug instead. He can't possibly let his boyfriend know that he thinks of saying nice things about him in front of others. "Bag of doritos. Magic fucking hands that I can use to obliterate anyone in any game ever. Maybe my parents hopping off my dick." he grumbles. There are many other things that he would like to add, but he smushes his lips shut, a grumpy frown gracing his features.

43. How empathetic are you?

"Like... Not at all?" he raises a brow, eyes wandering around the room. He's bad at holding eye contact and making it look like he actually wants to have a conversation with anyone ever, "Shit's complicated."

He does not elaborate.

44. Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?

"I like... Pretending to be mad. I'm actually fucking pressed, half the time, but you should hear people on comms when I tell them to choke on my fat balls. It's not that deep, ha." he laughs dryly, nonchalant about it all, "Who gives a shit anyway?"

45. Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?

Fumi thinks about the birth mark on his thigh, nature's imperfect mimicry of a garbled thumb print, darkened against his skin. There's no story behind it, besides the fact that he was born with it. It doesn't look or sound very cool either, not that he was going to whip his pants clean off to show it to the camera. He has no scars to point at on his soft, squishy body. He adjusts himself, movement almost akin to a squirm, on the couch, heavy sweatpants billowing loose over his limbs. "... No."

46. Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?

He snorts at the question. "Do I look like someone that's anal about keeping things clean?" he replies, waving them off, "I really don't give a shit. You can see most of the floor in my room and that's as good as it's gonna get." One can almost imagine the Dorito dust clinging to his fingers.

47. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a playlist?

He thinks about his weaboo playlist, ripe with top fucking bangers from YOASOBI and Kaf. He supposes he isn't really a weeb, since he is half Japanese anyway, but he still omits the information. "I like dubstep and nightcore." He thinks that his answers are really fucking cool, nodding solemnly, "EDM slaps."

48. What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?

"Be a cunt with class." he states, but this time, is willing to divulge more information to better explain himself, "Being an asshole on the internet is easy. You gotta do it while being funny or else what's the fucking point? There's a balance. Everyone's told me they're gonna fuck my mom. No one's gonna remember if that's all you got to say. But I bet nobody's ever fucking told you that your mom sucked me through my jorts. That's the kinda shit that leaves a mark."

He says it all as though it is a precise, proven science. His shit kicking grin blooms on his face.

"A mark on my jorts, anyway."

49. What's your biggest turn-off?

"Try hards. Literally get fucking a life." He pauses, but then remembers more types of people that piss him off, "Oh, and those girls that are into talking with a high pitched voice and acting like a baby because they think it makes them hot. Get fucking bent. Annoying as shit." He has more to add, since Fumi is an accomplished, well-versed hater, but the interviewer moves on.

50. Describe yourself in one word.

He looks smug. "Better."

His expression finishes the sentence with 'than you.'
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The Twins: Kestutis and Ramunas Lukošius
Identical white witches, bakers, and artists that couldn't be any more different.

What are you skilled at?

"Oil painting, for starters - I mean, that's my day job, so it'd suck if I wasn't good at it, right?" He laughs ever-so-charmingly. "I really love painting beautiful women, but I'll paint just about anything for the right price... Mm, I guess I'm good at baking, too. I like the decorating part, like cakes and cookies, not the actual making bread or whatever. Uh... I'm also really good at other things, but this is PG-13, soooOOOOoo..."
"Baking bread and lifting weights." He seems uncomfortable talking about himself.

What's your favorite beverage?
"Do I have to pick just one?" Assuming a thoughtful pose, he clicks his tongue. "Cappucino? Yeah. Let's go with that. The kind with cute foam art on top is-" Chef kiss. "Mmh. Perfection!"
"Thai iced coffee with extra sweetened condensed milk."

How would you hide a body?
Both show the same uncomfortable reaction, with Kest taken aback and Ramunas raising his eyebrows.
"E-excuse me?"

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
"Comic book writer... artist... whatever-er. Then, I wanted to be a video game programmer-director-designer-thing. THEN, I found out how much work that stuff is, so I was like, nah, I'll just do art school."
He looks pensive for a moment, maybe even a bit shy. "Veterinarian or doctor. I liked taking care of things."

What's something you regret doing?
"As a kid, I had a nightmare and ran into my parents' room in the middle of the night, and they were-" [Insert long censor beep.] "Ugh. Scarred for life." With a thousand-yard stare, he shudders.
He looks absolutely gutted and looks to his lap in shame. "I stole a cookie from our blind grandmother and blamed it on my cat."

What's your favorite song?
"Easy. Your Love by The Outfield. Absolute classic."
"Any good performance of Clair de Lune by Debussy."

Are you a team player or a lone wolf?

Both respond in tandem: "Depends."

If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't want the guilt of, like, kinda killing someone haunting me for life. But, uh... If they, I dunno, got run over by a truck after, I don't think I'd be too sad." He laughs awkwardly and looks around the room. "... Next question?"
"Sure." His eyes grow uncharacteristically dark. "No promises I wouldn't beat the shit out of them after, though."

What are your pet peeves?
He begins listing things, counting each on his fingers as he prattles them off. "Getting ghosted, sleeping with clothes on, having to clean out the shower drain, Karens at the bakery, idiots dodging when you've been waiting forever to start a League/Overwatch/Valorant game or FFXIV dungeon..." The list goes on, and on, and on...
"People who talk too much."

Have you ever been in an accident?
"We-ll, if you want to be technical..." He grins, revealing his trademark dimples. "I was seeing this one girl, and she was a-" [The rest of this interview has been censored.]
He sighs and runs his hands down his face. "No. Can I go back to work now?"
Interview with a 5,000 year old Babylonian Djinn of fire~

1.How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

He shifts in his seat a bit with a thoughtful expression as he isn't too fond of labels, but if he had to, "Not really... I just wear a lot of black. I guess I swap between the 'rocker' look, business casual and a dark bohemian..."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

A mildly impish smirk contorts his expression, "Teleportation".

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

He doesn't even have to think about this one, "Black and red, but mostly black".

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

"I don't mind them. I do have a hell hound named Garmr".

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

"I have fairly thick skin but I'd either insult them right back or use magic to immediately prank them in response".

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

"I don't... I tend to naturally smell like a camp fire as I'm told".

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?

He lightly chuckles at this one, "I wouldn't give two shits. Doesn't affect me".

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

He shifts in his seat again with more of an air of slight discomfort, "Respecting my privacy will get you major bonus points with me", among other things but he leaves it there.

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

Raising a brow he answers, "Odd question... on my back mostly".
10. What is your fondest childhood memory?

I do not have an answer for this question as I don't have his childhood flushed out.
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51. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
52. Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.
53. What would you say is your fatal flaw?
54. What is something you currently feel passionate about?
55. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
56. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
57. What is the most recent thing you have purchased?
58. List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.
59. Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?
60. What is your worst personality trait?
~Shinoa Bradford~
~Los Angeles High School Student~

~Part VI~

51. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
"I have been, yes. Sadly it didn't work out."

52. Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.
"An argument with my Mom at my Grandmother's funeral. The argument wasn't what bothered me that day, the fact that it was at my Grandmother's funeral bothered me a lot. The day I was supposed to be saying goodbye to a woman that had a strong influence on my life...ruined by someone I wasn't even on talking terms with just because I got pregnant. I'm just thankful that the fight with my Mom didn't cause me to go into labor."

53. What would you say is your fatal flaw?
"Being harsh with my judgment."

54. What is something you currently feel passionate about?
"Health and fitness. Kinda funny coming from a pregnant woman, I know."

55. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
"On a scale of one to ten? Probably a nine. While pregnant? Seven."

56. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
"Natural causes. Old age after watching my kids grow up and living a fulfilling life."

57. What is the most recent thing you have purchased?
"A robe to wear at the hospital during labor and delivery."

58. List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.
  1. Baseball
  2. Volleyball
  3. Soccer
59. Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?
"While they're attempting to hide the body, send an anonymous tip to Police. I got a bun in the oven, I can't be going to jail for accessory to murder!"

60. What is your worst personality trait?
"I'm unforgiving."

~Kaiya Ashikaga~
~A Gang Member looking to exit the game~

~Part VI~

51. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
"Yes. Sadly, I broke it off after High School after my Best Friend died and moved away not wanting to be reminded of the tragedy that would go on to define my life."

52. Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.
"My Best Friend dying in my arms after saving me in a gunfight."

53. What would you say is your fatal flaw?
"My uncontrolled wrath."

54. What is something you currently feel passionate about?
"Personal growth so that I can set a good example for my child."

55. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
"I'd say I'm at least a seven. My love for dark aesthetics may be a turn off to some. While pregnant? Eight as long as I'm wearing a floral dress."

56. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
"Protecting my child from harm."

57. What is the most recent thing you have purchased?
"An SUV. My old Muscle Car and Motorcycles aren't exactly child-friendly. Also riding motorcycles during pregnancy is a terrible idea on its own."

58. List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.
  1. Tennis
  2. Ping Pong
  3. Lacrosse
59. Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?
"Help them dump the body. If they wanna hide it, they're on their own."

60. What is your worst personality trait?
"I'm a very vindictive person."
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Hustle Til You No Longer Need An Introduction

Elysion Group Rp ( Inactive ) | Obasi Ekene Anokwuru | Early Forties | Lower District Gang Leader


⊰ Interview One ⊱

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

" Meticulous. " his deep voice replied almost instantaneously, lips pursing against the rim of his Hennessy filled glass. Head subtly nodding in appreciation of the mixture of flavors cascading across his palette, coiled locks shifted against his cheekbones. "I've never been one to pay much attention to trends. However, I have always believed in looking my best." he added, amethyst gaze flickering towards the glass within his large hand.

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

The corner of his lips tugging upwards, Obasi proceeded to smirk as he mulled over his impending reply. " Depends on how much time I've got on my hands. " O responded, head turning towards the nearest window as droplets of rain decorated its exterior. " And, the weather. " he continued, turning to face the interviewer once more.

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

" Black and burgundy are tied for first place. " he mused, the pad of his thumb brushing against the glass within his possession. " But, if I had to choose, it'd be the former. Black is timeless. " Obasi inwardly chuckled with a wink, raising his glass towards his lips again.

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

" I would, yes. Although, rarely is the feeling mutual. At least not with dogs, but cats on the other hand.... "

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

Head tilting a bit to the side, Oba's eyes narrowed as the question processed within his mind. " I've had countless friends insult myself, as well as those I hold dear. Each has been... " he paused. " dealt with. " Obasi continued. " Disrespect is not tolerated where I come. " the older male concluded, imposing undertone 'encouraging' the interviewer to move on.

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

" Intoxicating. Or so I've been told. "

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

" As clique as it may sound, my stomach. Nothing beats a home cooked meal. " Obasi admitted, a brief, yet throaty chuckle surfacing. " The care, and consideration conveyed through another person's cooking can speak volumes. It enhances the flavor tenfold, and leaves a lasting impression. " the older male smiled.

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

" On my front. Naked. Ass out. "

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1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
*spreads his arms and grins.* "I mean, look at me."
2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
"I don't see how that has anything to do with it, but as long as it's fit for a King, I'll be transported in any way necessary."
3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
"Obsessed? Don't make me laugh. I suppose I like...Green. Red. Gold?"
4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
*Squints* "What's that supposed to mean?!"
5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
"Friend? What are you on about? Either you mean friend, or something else! Speak bluntly, or don't speak at all!"
6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
*smiles pleased, and looks up in thought.* Wouldn't you like to know.
7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
*Blinks confused* "I am probably what inspired them to cheat in the first place, or at least aided them."
8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
"...I've never considered that."
9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
"Log? Who sleeps like a log? A flora colossus, maybe."
10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
"This interview is over."

I'd be so happy if you can guess who my character is.
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51. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?

The question neglected to charm Lilliana's intrigue as she sat attentively across the interviewer, sucked her teeth with righteous indignation. "Slow down there tiger, cutting right to the chase are we?" The Firehawk raised her hand, dragged the cigarette betwixt her fingers bitterly, "You think a good looking woman like myself hasn't had her fair share of high school sweethearts?" She breathed sarcastically, narrowing her gaze along the smoke and pensive silence ensued. "What, seriously? Don't you think its rude, prying into something like that?" The crimson haired woman paused, downcast as she desperately dragged the butt of her cig, furrowing her thick brow, "You never know if you might be stepping on somebody's dirty laundry."

Lilliana held fast the interviewers gaze through a puff of smoke, seemed far away all of a sudden, as if she could see beyond them. "I was just the side chick." She confessed blankly, a stony air encircling her, "Then his puta put her hands on me, and that was all she fucking wrote." The Firehawk grew quiet, still; let the memory fade away as plumes of smoke.

52. Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.

Lilliana froze, stiller than still, wide eyes drying with each second she neglected to blink them. Half a dreadful minute passed until she finally asked, "What the hell is this?" The crimson haired woman demanded to know, her tone bridging a wild edge. She could feel the room cave in and how it filled her consternation to the brim; blank faced albeit trembling, stirred. She scoffed indignantly, "Fuck you, huh?" The Firehawk snapped hotly, her chair grating across the floor as she sprung from the seat, a grave flare glistening her hazel eyes, "What the fuck do you want from me?"

A handful of deliberating minutes pass-- and after some cursing and convincing, Lilliana pulls the chair back in place, breathes heavily as she sits, pulls another cigarette. Her disconcerted countenance melts in the face of the interviewer; eyes downcast as she slides the butt between her lips and breathes in, lighting the cig with her breath in lieu of a match or gas station lighter. Another pensive silence ensues before Lilliana takes the liberty at hand, "tss-- I'm not some preppy Black City vampira living on daddy's estate. Don't ask me that kind of shit."

53. What would you say is your fatal flaw?

The young woman hummed, downcast still, "Wow, what an insightful question."

She indulged a long drag of her cigarette, "I don't know, Aristotle. Who said I got one?" After a heavy sigh, she seemed to perk by the way her irises floated up to hold the interviewer within them. "Seems like a trick question, any woman as good looking as me can't give herself up to that. It's just not in my nature."

54. What is something you currently feel passionate about?

"I love that word, passion. It's a beautiful word." She confessed ardently, eyes beaming towards the interviewer, "People confuse it with emotion, like this crazy exciting thing you can't control, but it's much simpler than that. My mother..." The crimson haired woman cast her gaze to the side, musing, "...she loved art and poetry, lived for it. She used to tell me passion was a gift from the sun, fuego del alma she called it; soul fire." Her face fell beside another long drag. "I think about it every day of my life." She breathed, a faint yet distinct smile curving her lips as she turned to face the interviewer again. "Thank you for reminding me."

55. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?

The question stoked her smile, "10, ay ay." She raised a clever brow, "--and I don't think, I know."

56. If you could choose, how would you like to die?

Lilliana's smile fell awkwardly as she shifted in her seat, brushing the bottom of her canvas shoes along the floor. She narrowed her eyes again, shaking her head, "Another trick question, obviously. Mira, death isn't a game, you don't come back after that. When its time for it, I better be a short little vieja with gray hair sleeping on a king sized mattress." She pursed her lips, hesitant to add, "My mother would turn in her grave if I didn't have any grandkids to show for it, but I'm not really that kind of woman to be honest with you."

57. What is the most recent thing you have purchased?

"I don't 'purchase' things, I just take them."
She admitted coyly. "I can't remember the last time I used money for anything. Everything is fake, anyways. Money isn't real." The crimson haired woman answered as truthfully she could, not eager to divulge anymore details on the matter in spite of the question.

58. List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.

Lilliana sighed, rolling her eyes, "I'm good at everything I do, I'm not a petty experimentalist. It's all in or nothing."

59. Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?

The young woman blinked. Staring blankly at the interviewer, she blinked once more, shook her head and rolled her eyes again, flicked her thumb off the butt of her cigarette before bringing it up to her lips while ash trickled to the floor,
"Yeah," she started, kissing the cig behind the hiss of its ember. It was her longest drag so far; not that anyone seemed to notice such an insignificant detail. "Fuck it," She breathed. "what's there to do if they're already dead?" Her crimson head tilted to the side unconsciously, "Besides burn the body, obviously." The Firehawk held fast her unblinking gaze, "I mean, unless she already did." She shrugged.

60. What is your worst personality trait?

"Another trick question, huh babe?"
Lilliana retorted softly, another smile curving up the Firehawk's lips behind a drag of her cigarette, "The worst thing about me, is that there's not enough of me for everybody."

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Interview #6
Alice the satyr

51. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
The satyr takes a second to think, reaching his hand to scratch at the back of his head.
"I don't recall being in a romantic relationship of any kind. I guess I never go the chance to really bond with someone, y'know? Other kids didn't really like me.. this leading to having really no relationships besides my parents—"

52. Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.
"I was around six or seven years old, and uh, Hah..- I got a little too close to the water.. Now, where I'm from, there a very strict rule about not being around this certain body of water because of the sirens lurking in it," He swallowed down the lump in his throat, "I unfortunately suffered a very severe bite to my shoulder. Any higher than that, and I wouldn't be here."

53. What would you say is your fatal flaw?
"I don't really like focusing on flaws, but rather look at good qualities about someone. But if I had to think of one.. I'd say I'm a bit clingy. If I get emotionally attached to someone, it's hard to let go," Alice have a shrug, his tail flicked around behind him.

54. What is something you currently feel passionate about?
"I really like to play chess! I always end up winning, but the game itself is always the fun part! And the stories my opponent has to share while we play! Very interesting to listen to," Alice gave a few claps with his hands, "ended up getting someone else's life-story."

55. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
"Honestly, I'd say I'm around a six? Or a seven. I like to think everyone's beautiful, but not all people think the same way I do.."

56. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
"Peacefully, perhaps of old age, in a meadow. When a satyr dies, they become a plant, so I want to thrive even after I die with other plants," Alice gave a soft smile, "sometimes, a satyr's middle name can determine what plant they are.. my dad accidentally decided to name me after the most poisonous flower in the world, an Oleander."

57. What is the most recent thing you have purchased?
"A very tasty sandwich! It had tuna and cheese and tomato and lettuce—all kinds of things! It was really good."

58. List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.
"I cannot sing for the life of me, I'm very off-key. Sports are another thing, especially baseball," Alice shuddered at whatever thought he was reflecting, "I hit a guy in the face really hard with the bat. The last thing would probably be writing and such. All my letters look like they've been written backwards, or upside down, can't read my own handwriting half the time."

59. Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?
"I don't—I don't know.. I'd be shocked, most definitely, but I wouldn't know how to react.. If they're killing someone, they have to have a reason to, right?" He paused, "..right—?"

60. What is your worst personality trait?
"I can be very talkative, or not at all. People find both annoying. I talk too much, 'shut up, Alice!' I don't talk at all, 'you're not going to answer, Alice?' I feel someone has to make up their mind at some point."

61. What is your "tell" when you're lying?
62. How much of a crier are you? When was the last time you cried, and why?
63. How would you react if someone you don't know very well broke down crying?
64. Would you speed up or slow down at a yellow light?
65. Do you have any quirks that are second nature to you, but to others may seem a little strange?
66. What would you say is your catchphrase?
67. What is the best advice you have ever received?
68. How do you wind down after a long day?
69. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
70. What, in your opinion, is the worst way to die?
~Shinoa Bradford~
~Los Angeles High School Student~

~Part VII~

61. What is your "tell" when you're lying?
"Nine times out of ten, I'll be averting eye contact and since I'm pregnant, holding my belly."

62. How much of a crier are you? When was the last time you cried, and why?
"I cry quite a bit, though it often depends on the circumstances, like watching a TV Show, Drama or Anime, or even a Movie, after a fight. It all really depends. Last time I cried was over a chocolate chip cookie that broke as soon as I picked it up. This happened I was about thirty-five weeks pregnant at the time."

63. How would you react if someone you don't know very well broke down crying?
"Frown and if they weren't covering their eyes, approach and ask what's wrong."

64. Would you speed up or slow down at a yellow light?
"Speed up if I know I can make it."

65. Do you have any quirks that are second nature to you, but to others may seem a little strange?
"Well, I'm usually pretty patient even when I am frustrated. Most people usually aren't patient when they're frustrated or upset in any way, so people will probably find that strange for someone as young as me. I'm also a bit of a neat freak, overachiever and...adventurous. Maybe overcautious, but I kinda have to be."

66. What would you say is your catchphrase?
"Oh. Lovely."

67. What is the best advice you have ever received?
"Sleep on the left side while pregnant, especially during the third trimester."

68. How do you wind down after a long day?
"A refreshing shower and cuddling on the couch with my Dog while I look for something on one of the streaming services for us to watch together."

69. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
"That I was a good Mother to my children and a loving family woman."

70. What, in your opinion, is the worst way to die?
"Well, watching the first episode of House of the Dragon was a mistake. Queen Aemma's death was rather...excruciating."
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~Kaiya Ashikaga~
~A Gang Member looking to exit the game~

61. What is your "tell" when you're lying?
"Averting eye-contact at all costs."

62. How much of a crier are you? When was the last time you cried, and why?
"Takes a lot for me to cry, so not much of one. Prior to getting pregnant, the last time I shed tears was at my Father's Funeral. But more recently, I cried over a dropped potato chip one night when I was thirty-four weeks pregnant."

63. How would you react if someone you don't know very well broke down crying?
"I wouldn't react at all. I don't know who they are and it's not my place to comfort them."

64. Would you speed up or slow down at a yellow light?
"Speed up, naturally."

65. Do you have any quirks that are second nature to you, but to others may seem a little strange?
"Twirling my hair if its not up in its usual ponytail, cradling my belly every fifteen minutes...and straightening out my dress every time I see the smallest of crinkles."

66. What would you say is your catchphrase?
"Say hello to my little friend."

67. What is the best advice you have ever received?
"Floral maxi dresses go very well with a baby bump and they can hide cankles."

68. How do you wind down after a long day?
"Fresh shower, new dress, plop down in my bed, connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and open Spotify."

69. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
"That I did everything I possibly could to turn my life around and be a Best Mom I can possibly be for my Daughter and any other child that may come after her."

70. What, in your opinion, is the worst way to die?
"Logging Truck because of Final Destination 2. That scarred me for life."
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