CHARACTERS EXERCISE Your character does an interview...

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern


Get to know your character better with these questions. Answer in any POV you see fit, and feel free to skip questions that you feel are irrelevant. You can also go back and answer previous questions you missed. Post your answers below!

Will be updated semiweekly (depending on interest).

INTERVIEW #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
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1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
Jason Pierce
A mechanical engineer from the rp

Written with PavellumPendulum
"Hey so this the place? I got called up for an interview. The phone call didn't really mention a job." *He takes a seat, a paper's shoved in front of him* "Oh...just record it into this? A-Alright then. I'm already here so why the hell not."

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
"I'm pretty boring. I just like my overalls and boots. Anything that keeps me from getting fried or chopped up. I haven't lost a finger yet and that's something to be proud of in my line of work. That said I suppose I've got a lot of years to go. Whenever I'm not tearing into a machine I like wearing just a nice t-shirt, some cargo pants, and boots. Nice and practical. I was never really much one for getting all dressed up. Most I've ever worn was a tuxedo for some family stuff, hated every minute of it."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
"Anything that's not my car. Its nice and all but its just so impractical. Takes up so much space, depending on the model spews out a lot of pollution and trust me, we don't need any more of that. Its a miracle our planet's ecosystem hasn't collapsed yet. If I had to pick I suppose I'd say a train. I love the way you hop on and off, the way it rocks ever so gently as it speeds down the track. Its just nice. I can do plenty of work on my laptop while I'm cruising by and unlike a bus, which has a lot of the same problems as a car I might add, I don't have to worry about missing my stop all too much."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
"Uhh...steel I guess. Like the color, not the material. Yeah, I know, kinda cliche but it really is a nice color. There's nothing offensive about it, its sturdy, calm, and cool. You don't look at a movie player and go 'oooh that's garish' now do you?"

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
"Absolutely not. They're fine in a zoo I guess but I wouldn't want to ever own a pet. I'm much too busy to properly take care of one. It'd probably starve or get out of the apartment while I'm off on one of my multi-day projects. I suppose if I had more time I wouldn't mind a cat or something. But I like keeping busy so it's not in the cards anytime soon."

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
"I'll be honest. I'd take it pretty hard. I'm not with other people so to get to that point takes a bit of effort. So to get insulted after that...ah man it'd be rough. I guess I'd go ask them what was up, see if they really meant what they said. I don't really want to think about something like this, I'm going to move on to the next question."

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
"Ok...ay....a bit of a weird question. No, I don't wear perfume. I'm a guy and all, it'd be a little weird. Not...that weird I suppose but weird for me, I mean! *He takes a breath to calm himself down, his left hand rubbing the back of his neck.* Uh...scent...another weird one. I suppose a bit like oil? I'm working with machines a lot and that entails a lot of oil....yeah that's all I've got to say on this one."

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
"I'd probably help them get away with it. I'm going to be honest, if they're cheating they've probably got a good reason. *He laughs* Believe me, I understand that's probably not the answer most people would give, but I like being honest. Like I said before, if someone's my friend they've really worked to get there. I've got their back and they've got mine. I'd help them till it was safe to discuss why the heck they were cheating in the first place."

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
"Just being there for me. I get worked up pretty easy, its a bad habit of mine. Getting put through what I did as a kid, it stunted a lot of social growth. Its hard for me to control myself sometimes, so I really value anyone who can patient with me. Calm me down and reassure me at my worst. But, I haven't found anyone like that yet, and I doubt I'll find someone who's not a lunatic like me in my field."

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
"Dunno! I'm asleep! I'm a pretty light sleeper though, there's some cats outside of my apartment that fight from time to time and it wakes me up, from time to time. Heck, one time my neighbor downstairs was watching some soap opera and I wound up having to listen to the whole thing. I guess I should invest in some sleeping headphones."

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
"Probably playing with my parents when I was a kid, before they put me through the prodigy programs. I was really excited to join them but it basically took my whole childhood away. They weren't really the richest or well off but I remember my days with them really fondly. I know they just wanted the best for me...not that I got much of a chance to hang out with them after I was done. *He sighs, sitting forward.* Yeah, definitely getting a chance to play with them. Its kinda pathetic, huh?"

"Uh, sorry to end things on a bit of a somber note there. I guess I'm all done?" *He stand, glancing around briefly.* "I don't think the camera's running anymore so I guess that's it? Well...uh thanks for the interview! Lemme know if whatever it was." *With a wave, he slowly, and awkwardly, departs the room*
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Interview with Elspeth Loch from ARC-ALPHA: ESCAPE LOGS, written with Waking Nights.
Electrical engineer from Dundee, Scotland.


The girl shuffles into the room. She looks uncomfortable. She stares at the ground the entire time and when someone on set offers her a drink, she whispers something under her breath and skitters away. The staff member thinks that she has hexed them. She has not, she is just allergic to social interaction. Why are they interviewing her anyway?

"How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?"

Elspeth makes a face. She pays more attention to gum mashed into the sidewalk by passing shoes than fashion trends. Even now, she is wearing a wrinkled flannel and jeans. Her mess of ginger hair is topped with a worn down trucker hat. Her simple response lacks the venom in her expression, though it's still disapproving.
"Comfortable. Paying attention to that stuff is annoying."

"What is your preferred method of transportation?"

She looks thoughtful. Needing transportation implies going somewhere. Elspeth doesn't particularly like looking at places, much less going to places. Places are gross. They're infested with people, crawling around like ants. Elspeth knows people don't usually crawl up the walls in public spaces, but it sure feels like it when they're swarming around her. She does not give the interviewer much to work with when it comes to responses.
"I walk if I have to. I take the bus if it's too far to walk."

"What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?"

"What am I, six?"
Her tone is deadpan, lacking the previous shyness from her other responses. Okay, so she doesn't have a favourite colour. ... Nor does she think that having a favourite colour is something that people normally do.

"Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?"

She still refuses to sit on the chair provided for her, awkwardly standing next to it and twiddling her fingers. Since she is looking down so often, it's hard to hear her voice, as it is projected towards the ground. Her quiet volume does not help. She looks like she is ready to flee at a moment's notice.
"Animals are okay. Looking at them is okay. I don't like being around them though. Especially loud ones."

"What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?"

"I don't really care about stuff like that. I don't have a lot of friends."
Elspeth doesn't look embarrassed at all about this statement. She doesn't expand on her response though, so it remains a mystery if she would take any action against being insulted or not.

"Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?"

Elspeth looks doubtful of this question for some reason. She doesn't move for a second, before slowly raising her sleeve to her nose and giving it a sniff. Apparently, she does not know what she smells like off the top of her head. Why would she? Do people normally go around smelling themselves? She looks unimpressed with her own sleeve as she lets the hand drop again.
"Uh... Smells like nothing. I don't know. I don't think I've ever even owned perfume in my life."

"What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?"

She shrugs.

"I'm not a snitch."
She does not elaborate, even when asked to.

"What's the quickest way to your heart?"

She doesn't seem to like this question. Romance is weird. She prefers doing crossword puzzles and Sudoku. She has never gone on a date in her life, and the idea of going on one makes her skin crawl. Her idea of a good time is tinkering with a machine, doing some puzzles then drinking enough espresso to make her heartbeat mimic a drum and bass song. She hesitates, but she still replies.
"This is a stupid question."

"Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?"

"Like a baby. Like, um," she's trying to find the words, but she can't seem to, and a red flush seems to take over her freckled cheeks, "Er... Fetal position. Yes. Curled up." Somehow, she looks smaller than she did before. The nervousness is kicking in again, worse now that she has fumbled with her words.

"What is your fondest childhood memory?"

A ghost of a smile seems to pass through her face, but it is barely visible. For once, she looks vaguely happy to answer a question. Either that, or she knows that this is the last one, and she is ready to scramble back into whatever mouse hole she came out of. The interview is almost over.
"I did the daily crossword with my dad everyday, growing up. Whenever I helped him with a tricky one, he'd take me out to get coffee together. He always got the same thing. It was stupid. Double shot of blueberry syrup with whip cream on a cappuccino. I tried it once." She actually smiles, though it's still faint. "It was disgusting."

That is the most she has talked the entire interview, but it is too late to have her answer another question. She quickly fades away into another dimension out of sheer willpower and leaves nothing behind. Either that, or she escaped out the fire exit. Everyone on set seems perplexed.
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(a vampire from VtM)

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

"Ecletic. Perfectly wild, I should say, though I do not pay much attention to latest trends." The raven-haired woman shrugged lightly. Smoke filled the air from the cigarette dangling from her fingers. "What do these children know, anyways? All they do is repeat styles from the past."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

"Oh how cute. I assume everyone's answer for this has been cars, no? I can not stand public transportation. Too filthy."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

Amélie stared blankly. "Is this an interview for adults or children?"

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

"No," She replied shortly. "They're dirty and would leave a mess in my home."

The woman paused, smoke petering from her lips.

"Perhaps I would allow a snake."

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

"Merde, we're friends. I would insult the bitch back. Goodness." Amélie's smile was caustic. "What else is there in friendship but to chafe at one another's nerves?"

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

"No. Should a woman bathe regularly, no artificial scent is needed. Right?"

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?

The irritation in the vampire's eyes was palpable. She said nothing, opting instead to take a drag off her cigarette.

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

"I'm afraid I have none. A fruitless endeavor, I must say."

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

Amélie made a show of looking at the clock. "How many more questions are there, darling? I have a gig at seven."

10. Last one. What is your fondest childhood memory?

At this, the woman paused, the halo of smoke about her dissipating as she leaned forward into the cloud. The intensity of her silver gaze was frightening.

"Saved the best for last, hm? I was beginning to wonder." Her eyes glanced away, looking beyond the interviewer's head. A pregnant silence followed as the woman's mind traveled years upon years in the past, and she stilled, thinking silently.

Just as the interviewer was about to say something, she spoke.

"We were very poor growing up. I left France when I was around twelve - no, my apologies, love. I was sent away. One less mouth to feed...but." She tapped the ash from the butt of her cigarette, a small curve to her lips. "I remember seeing the Statue of Liberty upon first approaching America. It was dawn...I remember how beautiful the sky was. It was nice to come above deck and breath fresh air. I was too small to see past the adults so a man - an Irishman and his wife, they made way for me. It was very kind of them."

Amélie was silent for awhile, lost in the bittersweet memory. Then her eyes panned to the interviewer, cold and lifeless.

"Is that all?"


Umraeyrr Helviep from To Save The Realms (Backstory and other 50 questions compliments of Ginni DI here)
51) How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
I wear what is comfortable, practical, protective, and fashionable. I don't keep up with the latest trends as my armor and accompanying suit will always look good.
52) What is your preferred method of transportation?
Whatever is fastest and still safe, but it also depends on the situation as a slow carriage through a scenic forest or town is very relaxing.
53) What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
A tie between purple and silver to be sure, it just looks good on me but I'm not obsessed with it…
54) What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
I'm not sure, it depends on the situation to be quite frank.
55) Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
I do at noble events, but normally I don't. As for what I smell like when I don't, I smell like what you would smell in a field of flowers when a light breeze blows your direction… at least that's what I've been told.
56) What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
I would confront them and tell them what they did was wrong, but I wouldn't pursue it any further as they likely have their own circumstances.
57) Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
I tend to sleep on my back or side… I don't see why this is important though.
58) What is your fondest childhood memory?
A tough question due to a tough childhood, I would suppose when I was playing games with the other drow children… oh how long ago that was.
59) What's the quickest way to your heart?
Quite frankly I'm a bit flustered by this question… I suppose by getting to know me, being there for me and showing you cared and were serious… I just don't want something shallow like before when I was passed around like a toy.
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11. Can you cook?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
14. What's your ideal date?
15. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
16. Can you hold your liquor?
17. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?
18. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?
19. What are three things you can't live without?
20. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?
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Umraeyrr Helviep from To Save The Realms (Backstory and other 50 questions compliments of Ginni DI here)
20) Are you a good cook?
Yes, it's one of the things I pride myself on learning after coming to the surface. The majordomo of the Crommor household tested me to see what I was good at, and I was good enough in cooking to be taught by one of the best chefs in the house.
42) Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate? Do you have a favorite food?
Not really, most foods taste good to me as long as they're properly seasoned. Though my favorite food by far is bacon wrapped venison tenderloin, and for dessert… Turkish delight is probably my favorite.
60) What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
"I'm afraid the most embarrassing thing I've done occurred during my first time with a drow matron… it's not something children should hear, so I shan't share it. As for after that… I mistook the female dwarven noble for a man which made negotiations awkward after…" He declares before scratching the back of his head still embarrassed by the memory.
61) What's your ideal date?
A walk around the beautiful wooded glade in the church of Eilistraee where the beautiful silver pool resides in the middle as we talk to one another, followed by a visit to the entertainment district for games, music, and shows, and finish it off with a candle-lit dinner.
62) What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
"I would give it all to the church of Eilistraee, save a small portion of it, and let the good work of my Goddess thrive with it. Though I suppose I would spend my share on a fashionable magic breastplate and suit to go with it."
63) Can you hold your liquor?
"Yes, I know I won't outdrink seasoned dwarven drinkers, but I can outdrink the average resident of waterdeep and a few of the seasoned tavern goers."
64) If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?
"I wouldn't give up any if I could… but I would give up smell if I had to, provided it didn't affect taste, since as much as I love the smell of roses and perfume, there are many foul smells out there and I like tasting what I cook for others."
65) What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?
"Well that's a silly question, they go to the afterlife where their god or gods reside as long as they were faithful in life. I don't know much about those who willfully ignore the gods but I would assume they're sent to a void of some kind."
66) What are three things you can't live without?
"The support of the church, the Crommor household, and my voice tool since I lost my vocal chords escaping the underdark. The other two give me drive and purpose in life."
67) If you could get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?
"I don't really know, unlike most people I'm still not informed on all the creatures on the surface world. Though there seem to be many technicalities that aren't really detailed in this question… as how close to intelligent does a creature have to be to no longer count?"
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Interview with Owen Quince from Something strange in Aldsvale


1. Can you cook?
I uh...kinda? I mean, I'm not bad. I could be a lot worse. I don't think Im going to be pulling off any three course anytime soon, but I like to think my food is...passable. It's perfectly average, I guess. That's not bad! Baking though. I uh...maybe should leave that to others. I've never quite been able to get it right. I get kind impatient with the recipes and it goes...not great.

2. What's your favorite food?
Good question. Honestly? It changes depending on what's good and nearby, but I have to stay the staple I always come back to is just Mushroom Alfredo Pizza. It's....specific, but its good I swear.

3. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

Probably the "Blueberry Boy" incident. It was the first day of the swim meet, and I jumped into the wrong pool. Guess what? That was getting some kind of seinor prank situation going on for it, and it was just loaded with blue dye. I was basically blue for the whole day, and a shade of it for something like a week. It...didn't go super well for me, but it makes a good conversation starter I guess?

4. What's your ideal date?

Oh. Geez, that's a tough one. I think I just want to see my partner really just...feel passionate. Not even romantically, but I'd want them to be open, y'know? Seeing someone light up about something they're excited about just leaves a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart, y'know? Besides that, I think the simpler the better, but something that shows they put a lot of work into it. I know guys are supposed to do most of the strutting, and I can walk that walk just fine, but sometimes it's nice for a lady to surprise you back.

5. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

Well, previously, a farm would be the last thing on my mind, but I guess these days I kinda have to improvise don't I? I know farming equipment is expensive, so I'd probably look into getting everything set up properly for Grandpa's farm. Once that's settled, I'd probably invest a lot of it? Honestly, I came to Aldsvale to get away from the rush, so I think I'd just try and quietly live my life with...minimal impacts. I'd keep it a secret, I dont really want that kind of attention in a small town.

6. Can you hold your liquor?

Sure! I mean. A little. I'm not...great at it. I just don't drink very often so I don't have a tolerance. Or really know what my tolerance is. It's not a lot. I...ok, fine. No, not really.

7. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?

There's no way I could give up sight, and hearing is pretty far up there too. That leaves Taste, Touch, and Smell. I'd say...Smell? Might make picking out good foods hard, but it's a safe option. I feel like you have a lot of worse options when you work it out. If that was off the table, probably smell? Something tells me that's probably going to be most of your answers, but I don't think I could give up the big ones.

8. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?

I'm not really...big on religion, but I guess I've always kinda been raised Christian? I never really went to church or anything, but it just kinda...seemed to be the default. I dunno, if it's not the whole Heaven or Hell thing, maybe just a big void? Thats a bit depressing though. I guess Reincarnation could work too. I haven't really thought about it I guess. My goal is to think about the whole dying thing as little as possible.

9. What are three things you can't live without?

Friends, Food. F...something that rhymes with F. Wait. Not Rhymes. The other thing. Alliteration. Is it too late to change my answer?

10. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?

Oh hey, there's reincarnation again. Hm...I guess a dog? Still get to hang out around people, and I mean, dogs seem to have pretty comfy lives. Just kinda chilling and getting pets and stuff. Even being a work dog wouldn't be too bad. I dunno about breed, but one of the bigger ones for sure. Maybe a Collie or a Retriever or something.
Interview with Shinoa C. Bradford from The Purge
High School Student from Los Angeles

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
"I don't really wear anything flashy and I don't really keep up with the latest trends, whether or not we are talking about Maternity Fashion or not. Really all I really wear right now are Floral Dresses because I think they go really well with my baby bump. As long as it looks good with my growing belly, I'm happy because I've been very self-conscious with my looks since I got pregnant."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
"I like to take the bus. Don't have to worry about other drivers being dumb or getting into an accident. Also really hate having to deal with paid parking, so I take the bus a lot to avoid it. Paying a couple bucks for the bus is much better then paying out the a** for parking."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
"Pink. Not too obsessed with it, but I love enough to wear it a few times a week."

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
"I'm not like a super big animal person, but I like them and think some of them are very adorable. But I don't have any pets. Maybe in a few years, I'd like to have a Dog, but I don't know what breed yet. And a Cat. Hopefully they'll get along with each other."

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
"It depends on the insult and the severity of it. If its bad enough, that friendship can go bye-bye."

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
"I do not wear perfume, because some scents are just the worst. So I'd go with...Lavender?"

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
"I'd keep my mouth shut. We're talking about school tests, right? Because if they keep cheating, they'll slip up and start learning things the hard way and that cutting corners doesn't work well in the real world."

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
"Flowers, namely Roses... and Food."

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
"I sleep on my side most nights. Though now that I'm like...super pregnant, I sleep on my side, particularly my left side because that is, according to my Midwife, the best sleeping position during pregnancy because it increases the blood and nutrient flowing to my placenta and my baby."

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
"The Trip to Honolulu when I was nine. It was just me and my Dad."
Interview with Soleil Monette from Something Strange in Aldsvale, written with TerraBooma
Owner of Chez Sol, chef and resident sweetheart of Aldsvale ✧

Soleil looks faintly nervous, but the fact that the interview is being conducted in her restaurant seems to calm her down slightly. Though it is quite small, it is homey in the way that restaurants are in tiny towns like her own, with warm lighting and handsewn tablecloths. She's wearing a white, frilled apron atop her dainty dress, but it is pristine. Perhaps she put it on just to really hammer home the fact that she is the chef there?

"Can you cook?"

She stares directly at the camera in a confused fashion, blinking repeatedly. They are in her restaurant after all... She does it all, from planning the menu, to cooking, to cleaning. The only other employee there is Chai, and she is not present for the interview. She coughs awkwardly and attempts to give everyone the most polite smile she can.
"Um, yes. I cook every single day. It's my job."

"What's your favourite food?"

She seems more at ease with this question, her smile becoming less performative. Soleil presses her hands together in front of her chest, revealing nails painted a peach colour. "Oh, well, there's so many... I adore sweets. Churros are very tasty. I could snack on gulab jamun forever, even if it's horrible for my teeth. And you can never go wrong with a good chocolate soufflé!" she pauses, pressing a hand to her cheek now, realizing she's only been listing desserts, "I-If I had to say something savoury, maybe... Ratatouille? Paired with a fresh baguette and rosé."

Some of the camera crew laughs. "Like the movie?" the interviewer asks as a joke.

Soleil looks puzzled. "Like what?"

They decide to move on, instead of explain.

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

Soleil winces, as if the very thought of remembering her social missteps physically hurt her. How can she possibly choose, when she is constantly embarrassing herself in her own mind?

"Er, maybe the time I misheard Theo saying that he absolutely abhorred alcohol. I, um... My English isn't perfect. I'm still learning." she prefaced her mistake, cheeks dusting pink, "I thought he said that he adored alcohol. I made him a rum cake for his birthday, without knowing that he was three years sober." She hid her face in her hands, shaking her head repeatedly. "Oh, it was terrible! He glared a hole through my cake. I should have asked instead of eavesdropping."

"What's your ideal date?"

The blonde woman removes her face from her hands, trying to recover from the last question. At least this next one is about love! Soleil loves love! A shy smile appears upon her lips (that are shiny with tinted lip gloss) and she sheepishly glances out the window and onto the main street of Aldsvale.
"A picnic near the lake. Flowers. Wine and good food. A kiss at sunset. That sort of thing..." she replies, twiddling her thumbs now, "Maybe it's cliché, but I've always wanted that kind of love."

"What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?"

"Oh, er..." she genuinely seems surprised at the question, shrugging, "I've never thought about anything like that. Truthfully, money has never been too important to me." The interviewer eyes her earrings, shiny wedding ring and necklace, all glimmering atop her pale skin. Soleil notices, and her cheeks flush red, "Well... Perhaps jewelry and nice food. I'm not against living a fancy life, I just... It's not my first priority."

"Can you hold your liquor?"

She shakes her head. "Oh, not at all. Just a few weeks ago, I got horribly drunk at the lake with everyone watching. Owen had to drive me home! It was horribly embarrassing." she murmurs, frowning, "Rosé does horrid things to me, though I love it so." Looking past her head and into the kitchen, one can see her wine rack, attached to the wall. It is huge. She shifts in her seat, seemingly displeased by whatever they are trying to insinuate by pointing the camera in that direction.

"If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?"

Soleil scrunches up her face. This seems to be a difficult one for her. "... I think hearing. It's not as if I want to be deaf, but half of tasting is smelling. I couldn't possibly remove anything related to my work." Food seems to be such an integral part of her life that imagining it without her full sense of taste seems preposterous.

"What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?"

The chef settles her hands on her lap, seeming thoughtful. "I don't think we're supposed to know, truthfully. Maybe nothing happens at all." she replies, shrugging again, "I'd like to think that something nice happens, but in the end, that is just my imagination. I feel like it's better to not have any expectations."

"What are three things you can't live without?"

Food seems to be the obvious response to begin with, when she says it, but the rest seem to be more of a challenge for her. Soleil's green eyes train on the ceiling briefly, before returning to the interviewer. "My friends. And er... Maybe romance. I feel like life is boring without it. For me, anyway."

"If you could get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?"

She seems prepared for this final question, smiling brightly. "Oh, I've thought of this before. A bird of paradise. Which one doesn't matter to me." she says dreamily, a happy expression upon her face, "It sounds lovely, doesn't it? An abundance of food, bright and varied colours surrounding you, your only thought being the perfection of your next dance for a beautiful mate... I just think it would be nice." With the interview being done, she exchanges polite handshakes with the interviewer, as well as the crew, offering to feed everyone who came out to the tiny, sleepy Aldsvale.

Everyone gorges themselves on delicious, homemade pasta before they leave.


1. Can you cook?

"Nah. I can make sum' grits or sumpin', but I can't cook cook, man." Tre's voice is a low, mumbled drawl. His position is unnaturally relaxed. Draped over the chair like a thrown shawl, his limbs hang loosely every which way, and the young man's head lolls to the side, watching the interviewer idly.

There is suspicion that the man is high. But no; the boy's eyes are clear as water, sharply astute despite their half-lidded slant.

2. What's your favorite food?

"Chitlins. I like mine's with hog maws and greens." The Atlanta accent is thick as syrup over the words, and at the puzzlement that clouds the interviewer's face, Tre straightens, repeating his words with agonizing slowness. "Mama used to make 'em for me, but I ain't seen her in a lil bit and I ain't tryna go down and ask her for sum', know what I'm sayin'? I buy 'em now...but not everybody know how to clean them right. You gotta be careful."

3. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

It takes Tremaine a while to answer. His eyes search the room as he thinks.

"When I was sixteen, I tried to ask this girl for her number. She ain't want no broke ni- bum though, so I lied and -" He laughs a bit, interrupting himself "- So I lied and tol' her I was an upcoming rapper. Played her a fake diss track and everything. Anyways, her friends found out the truth and tol' her and uh..."

He laughs again, a light, easy sound.

"Yeah. I never called her."

4. What's your ideal date?

"We go to a theme park first. Then I take her out to eat, maybe a movie when we get home. Then I put her ass to sleep."

The grin on his face is full of mischief.

5. What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

The answer shoots out immediately like a bullet. "2012 black Lambo with the suicide doors." He gesticulates, as if the answer was a no brainer.

6. Can you hold your liquor?

"Of course I can," Tre lied.

7. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?

"Sigh- No." The young man catches himself, his brows furrowing. "Uh, maybe...maybe smell? Shi-et, Ion know."

8. What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?

"Oh now we're gettin' to the easy questions. Ok. Errybody go to heaven, man. That's what Jesus died for. If you don't know that, then you need to take yo ass back to church, know what I'm sayin'? We all know that."

9. What are three things you can't live without?

Tremaine asks if the answers are confidential, to which he is assured they are. Slowly, the man raises three fingers, ticking one each as he rattles off his answers.

"My money is one. Can't live without it. Two are my skills - cuz I can't do anything in life without 'em, right? That's facts. And number three is...Ion know, I guess a tie between my friends and..."

He pauses. He wants to say family, but there is no family in his corner. With a slight shrug, he continues, "Just my friends I guess."

10. If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?

"Some rich lady's dog."

21. What are you skilled at?
22. What's your favorite beverage?
23. How would you hide a body?
24. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
25. What's something you regret doing?
26. What's your favorite song?
27. Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
28. If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?
29. What are your pet peeves?
30. Have you ever been in an accident?

Umraeyrr Helviep from To Save The Realms (Backstory and other 50 questions compliments of Ginni DI here)

4) If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change/What do you regret?
"To join in the drow raids on the surface, but then I would still be stuck in the underdark so I'm not really sure if I want to change anything."

12) What's your biggest pet peeve?
"Not having my two fingers, I never knew how useful they were until I lost them. While I'm grateful it wasn't my dominant hand, it's still very inconvenient to be without them."

What are you skilled at? (2 parts for this one)
15) What's something you're naturally good at?
"Verbal communication, I can talk a lot and I'm good at keeping people interested when I do. This lends me to be good at diplomacy and singing."
16) What's something you had to work hard to be good at?
"Getting insight to when people are lying to me and noticing things that are out of place, I'm very trusting which can lend me to often miss things. "

42.2) What's your favorite beverage?
"As for drink, I find myself partial to a fine bottle of well aged wine, though I only indulge in that desire on special occasions."

50) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
"I wanted to grow up to become a war leader and be responsible for the armies, the highest position a male could ever reach... Now I am free of those shackles."

68) How would you hide a body?
"A bit of a strange question to be asking in an interview. Well if I had to I would try and find the nearest underdark tunnel and drop the body there, no one's going to bother looking there."

69) What's your favorite song?
"Oh so many good songs, Change My Life and Lay Your Weapons Down to name a few… as for a favorite… I suppose it would be one of the songs of Eilistraee, but I can't decide as they are all beautiful."

70) Are you a team player or lone wolf?
"Team player for sure, often the leader or one of them. I find pleasure in my duty of making sure everyone is safe and doing their best, and I'm willing to take a hit to protect them."

71) If you were the only one that could, would you save the life of someone you hated?
"Many facets to this question could be present, but if no one would be hurt aside from myself, I would surely save them… but if another would be hurt by my doing so then surely not."

72) Have you ever been in an accident?
"Yes I have, during my escape from the drow I encountered an umberhulk which took my two fingers here as you can see." He declares as he points to them.
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Background: Jin Cho, aged 28, is a security operative through Delta Corps., the largest private sector for interplanetary mercenaries in this corner of the galaxy. She arrives to the interview forty minutes late with profuse apologies, blast-singed fatigues, and a menacingly large plasma gun. She blames her tardiness on "a detour."

21. What are you skilled at?

"Oh that's easy," Jin laughs. "What I do for work, of course."

Recovered from her hasty entry, Jin owns her chair fully, leaning back with her legs akimbo and her right across the chair's top, hanging loosely. Her smile is wide, as warm as it is inviting.

"Fighting, shooting, knifin'- you name it. I'm a people wrangler and an alien buster. Nothing to it."

22. What's your favorite beverage?

"Oh, that's a- yeah." Jin shakes her head a bit, patting her stomach. "Just water. I don't drink anything else. I've had too many bad experiences with drinks through the processor, and off-world sodas aren't to be trusted. Maybe I'd drink a beer...if it wasn't fried from the atmosphere."

23. How would you hide a body?

There is no hesitation from the mercenary.

"Stuff it in the ship's waste dispensary. The chute processes and burns particles every rotation, which is what, every ten days? And the maintenance guys never bother to look at the contents. Only thing you'd have to worry about is if there was an overzealous inspector making sure no valued goods were caught in the sludge."

Jin pauses before putting her hands up defensively. "You asked."

24. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

Jin thinks for a minute. "I engineer? Like my mom. Or a teacher. I honestly can't remember; I was such a dumb, crazy kid. One minute I'd do this, the other I'd do that... you know?"

25. What's something you regret doing?

"Oh geez. So many" The woman smoothed down her hair, her right leg jiggling as she looked askance. "Let's see...let me try to pinpoint one. Uhhh-"

She snaps her fingers, eyes widening. "Oh yeah, yeah- here. I've got one: I blew off my graduation ceremony. I feel really bad about it; like, my parents wanted to come and see me in my cap and gown, but I just didn't want to be bothered with going. I still feel like I robbed them of a moment."
26. What's your favorite song?

"Rock Me by the Synth Waves. They're so cool. I just wish they'd come to Mars and do a concert, but I heard they're Earth-based only."

27. Are you a team player or a lone wolf?

Before she answers, Jin asks for a cup of water. There is a brief pause as she sips from it, apologizes, and then drains the whole thing. She then asks for a snack as well, somewhat sheepishly. A weighted ensues as she snags a few chips.

"It depends," The young woman finally answers slowly, looking down. "My line of work is dangerous. Having people to watch my back is always the preference, but when you're in a tight corner and the stakes are down to split second decisions, I think I'd rather be on my own. Especially if I'm requested as a bodyguard. Sorry - too many chefs in the kitchen can jeopardize the client's life. And in a situation like that, I'm not in the mood to argue with less keen soldiers."

28. If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?

Jin's smile returns. "Well I don't really hate anyone, but I'm sure I would. Probably. I mean- wow, I guess it really depends on what they did to me, right? Like, I'm not one to hold a grudge, but for me to hate you, you must have done something seriously screwed up. So I..."

She shrugs lightly. "I guess 'to be determined' on that answer."

29. What are your pet peeves?

"Pet peeves?"

Jin looks to be at a loss for an answer momentarily, her almond eyes squinting and her lips pursing as she thought about it. Plenty of things annoyed her, sure. But she was always good at ignoring them.

"I'll stick with work pet peeves. I hate when the guys razz new muscle when they join the company. You know; not wanting to show them what to do, giving them a hard time. We've got high enough turnover excluding any injuries that put guys out of commission. Sure, the high pay will keep drawing people in, but we should do everything we can to keep them too."

She threw a chip in her mouth. The interviewer was a saint for finding them; who knew Rag Nuts could be bought Earth-side?

"Mm! And I hate getting assignments by automation. Drives me nuts, 'cause our bosses all day to get back to us on inquiries. You'll be three days in planet-side before they finally address your staffing concerns. It's annoying as hell."

30. Have you ever been in an accident?

"Ha! No. And yeah, I'm as shocked as you," Jin says with a loud laugh. "I've come close so, so many times but-"

Suddenly, her knuckles rapped sharply on the oak table.

"-knock on wood. But yeah; only injuries I've ever sustained have been deliberate and in the line of fire. Let's keep it that way."


31. What are your parents like?
32. What is your favorite time of the year?
33. Do you have any bad habits?
34. What is your biggest fear?
35. Who is closest to you and why?
36. Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?
37. Have you done much traveling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?
38. What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?
39. Who do you look up to?
40. What's the most valuable thing you own?
Interview with Hua Jiang from ARC-ALPHA: ESCAPE LOGS, written with Waking Nights.
Doctor from Hangzhou, China.


The woman is seated like she is the one doing the interviewing, with a polite, business smile and one of her legs crossed over the other, hand folded over her hook on her lap. Her blouse is white and ironed, paired with a long, heavy skirt that barely shows off her ankles from under it. How scandalous. Even her prosthetic gleams, as if she meticulously scrubbed and polished it just for today. (She had. First impressions are important, after all.)

"What are your parents like?"

Her expression falters briefly, but she covers it up by turning her head and clearing her throat, as though it'd been on purpose. "Kind. My mother is a homemaker and my father has his own business. They're the types to go to church every Sunday and watch Jeopardy in the evenings. I admit I haven't stayed in touch with them much since I moved to China, but we do Facetime, perhaps once a month." she explains, "I've always been thankful for their support."

She stops, expectant eyes on the interviewer now, not wanting to divulge any more information.

"What is your favourite time of the year?"

Hua looks more at ease with this question. "Spring. The flowers are blooming and typhoon season patiently waits until summer to come knocking." she laughs a little, but it is isn't very genuine. At the very least, she pretends to like being interviewed, unlike that last Elsa girl. (Elizabeth? Ella? Whatever her name was.)

"Do you have any bad habits?"

She pauses for a moment, before shrugging a bit. "Skipping the gym? I don't enjoy working out much and a lot of the equipment is a bit difficult to use." she gestures to the hook attachment on her prosthetic.

"Always skipping arm day, huh?" the interviewer tries to make a joke, but she takes a moment to process it, before rolling her eyes, shaking her head disapprovingly. Perhaps the joke would've been better received by someone she was actually friends with.

"What is your biggest fear?"

There is a thoughtful look on her face as she adjusts a lock of hair near her lips, pulling it back behind her ear. The sparkle of tiny stud earrings suddenly becomes visible. They are simple bits of jewelry. "Making the world worse than it was without me. I just want to do my part. Is it not terrifying to think about your impact on the world?" Everyone looks very serious about her answer. She smiles, to ease the tension. "I'm also deeply afraid of clowns. They're horrifying."

"Who is closest to you and why?"

"Er..." Hua doesn't seem very prepared to answer this question. "I don't talk to many people."

"Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?"

There is no hesitation in her response. "Yes." she says with a certain determination, as if there are no words in existence that can sway her, "I'm not very religious, but I believe there's something more than us, somewhere. I'd like to believe that whatever it is, it is kind. That's the most we can ask for, in the end."

"Have you done much travelling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?"

"I wouldn't say I've travelled a lot... But I have been to some pretty amazing places. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt is one of them. The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, The University of Warsaw Library, The Tianjin Binhai Library..." She realized, despite her enthusiasm, that she is now just listing off libraries, "You could say that visiting famous libraries is all I do when I travel. I can't really help it. They're beautiful, honestly."

"What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?"

"Once, for my birthday, I was gifted a fancy hydroponics set up for herbs by my work colleagues. I've had it for years and it still sees daily use from me... My plants look quite comfortable in it. They're all spoiled, I swear, haha. As for the worst..." she thinks on it for a moment, before her expression becomes sympathetic, "Someone gave me guitar strings once. It was a nice sentiment, except for the fact that I don't play guitar. I play violin."

"Who do you look up to?"

"Greta Thunberg. She's one of the activists I respect the most. She's young, but she doesn't care, she looks towards the future head on and demands that change happens now." Hua says in a pleased tone, before she frowns for a moment, "It's unfortunate that we need people like her though. She should be enjoying her teen years and yet here she is, arguing with us adults. Isn't that embarrassing?"

"What's the most valuable thing you own?"

Hua raises her prosthetic with a curious look. "This, probably. It costs a grand, maybe, even more with maintenance. The fancier ones, with hands instead of hooks can run you several thousand." She blinks, before tilting her head, "Or do you mean value as in valuable to me? ... Well, either way, I do sort of need it to get things done in my day to day life, so I'd say it's pretty valuable."
Jason Pierce


A mechanical engineer from the rp


Written with PavellumPendulum​

"Did you…forget some questions or something?" *He walks back in, a bit more hesitant compared to before.* "I mean, I don't mind answering more, guess I'll consider this like a follow up. By the way, who was that woman who walked in before me…Hua? She seemed nice, cool arm too…" *He trails off a bit before refocusing, he claps his hands together rubbing them readily. A thin layer of dust flies off as he does so.* "Alright, let's get down to business.

31. What are your parents like?

*Despite his prior excitement, he immediately freezes on this question. A quiet huff escapes his nose.* "Dead." *He frowns.* "Died while I was completing the prodigy programs. Car crash. Not terribly exciting I know but life never is. I don't really have too many regrets with them, we had a good relationship but I just wish they had the chance to see their son achieve everything he set out to do." *His expression drops further and silence takes over the room.*

32. What is your favorite time of the year?

"Summer. You can get the most work done then. Nothing's really closed due to the cold, heat's a bitch but you just wear less. I suppose when I get some free time I can hit the beach or go for a nice walk. I mostly like keeping busy."

33. Do you have any bad habits?

"I got precisely two. Working too much." *He lets out a quiet laugh considering his answer to the previous question.* "And getting mad." *The following topic seems far more serious.* "I've been known to go days without talking to anyone by getting buried in my work. Sometimes I even forget to eat. It's hard to remember at times. On the other…my temper's a little too short. I can explode pretty easy. I try not to but sometimes it happens. I usually try to get myself away and do something else till I calm down."

34. What is your biggest fear?

"I honestly don't know. There's a lot to be afraid of. But I'm pretty young and got a lot of time, hopefully. I know it could end any minute, abruptly, suddenly, but I try not to think too much about that. I suppose…my biggest fear is not really contributing anything before I die. I don't mean to, like, the whole world, I just mean in general. Doing something for someone, building something useful that's used for years after I'm gone. That sort of thing. Not leaving an impact…being…forgotten, it scares me."

35. Who is closest to you and why?

"Hmm." *He takes a while before coming up with a response.* "No one really. Sometimes my coworkers? I don't really have too many friends I keep up with. Most of my relationships are working rather than personal. There's always time for it later, I'm in the prime of my career, I'd rather buckle down and make connections, living like I've always done then deal with something new like that. Besides, it can be a lot of strings, hard to manage. People are chaotic, machines…not so much."

36. Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?

"No." *His answer his forceful and direct, given without hesitation. "The world is a mess. It's up to us to make sense of it. Relying on a higher power…it just makes you complacent."

37. Have you done much traveling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?

*He leans back, getting more comfortable for this one.* "I've been everywhere. At least in the USA. I've worked on projects all over the states. Most of my trips aren't for leisure but I take a chance to see the sights, ya know? I've worked on buildings, dams, power plants, bridges, roads, you name it, I've done it. I guess if I had to revisit anything it'd be the dam I helped design up in the northeast. I didn't stick around to see it to completion, mostly served on the schematics side of things, so I'd like to check it out now that it's finished."

38. What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?

"I don't get too many gifts. I don't know all that many people. Most of what I'm given is pay for my work." *He pauses to mull it over.* "I suppose the best thing I've been given is some tools? Every now and then people will buy me something new, it's nice to expand the collection. I try to treat them well but tools is tools. They're designed to be used till they break. I guess in that sense, the worst gift I've gotten is shitty tools." *He smirks.*

39. Who do you look up to?

*Once again, he ponders the question for a time.* "Stephen Hawking. He's passed now, but I always admired him. He did so much even before he was diagnosed and then after…he just continued. He was a brilliant man with wonderful insights. Showed that you can contribute to the world even in the worst of circumstances."

40. What's the most valuable thing you own?

*Jason leans in and smiles conspiratorially.* "A hydraulic press." *His grin widens.* "They're stupid expensive, easily tens of thousands of dollars just to get it set up. Expensive to maintain. But I've got one. Mostly use it for work but…it's fun to mess around with and see what unstoppable force can do to some objects."

"Whew, this interview was much better, you loaded the shitty questions near the front this time." *He stands with a chipper grin.* "Alright, I'm done. Got things to do and places to be. Hope this was informative, get back to me about…uh, whatever this was." *He exits with a wave and grin.*
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Nico and Nero Visser

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

Nico: "Fashion is confusing, we just wear what we like."
Nero: "We like to match a lot, so we can confuse people. But, in general, Nico dresses more like a nerd, and I like flashy stuff."

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
Nico: "I like to walk, it helps to clear my head."
Nero: "Skateboards. But I wouldn't mind a stretch limo."

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
Nico: "I like blue. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but it's the color of a majority of my close."
Nero: "I prefer red. I was thinking of dying my hair red, but Nico stopped me."

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
Nico: "I love animals. If I could I'd live on a farm."
Nero: "He likes them more, but I wouldn't mind having a dog when we can afford it."

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
Nico: "I would probably just try to ignore it."
Nero: "Puch them. And if they insulted Nico, they get two punches."
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1644087607088.pngNico and Nero

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
Nico: "I don't like to wear too much since it will give me a headache. But I prefer more fruity and flowery scents."
Nero: "I'm not picky. I usually mist myself for some cologne that Nico bought me. I used to use Axe body spray, but he said it was gross."

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
Nico: "Afterwards I would probably try to talk to them about it, and tell them that they are taking a big risk."
Nero: "I would be pissed they didn't offer to include me."

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
Nico: "Nero says I'm too easy, I appreciate anything someone does for me."
Nero: " Easy. Food."

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
Nico: "Uh, I sleep on my side…"
Nero: "We cuddle, otherwise we get nightmares. But I refuse to be the little spoon."

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
Nico: "When I was upset, Nero brought me a flower. It was technically a weed, but I loved it."
Nero: "I hate getting sick, but Nico always takes care of me. And it always makes me feel better."
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