Welcome to Doncaster (supernatural slice of life rp) sign up thread

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Fluff lord
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  1. No Preferences
The town of Doncaster everything looks quite normal. Its peaceful and a quite nice place to live due to a fairly nice community and nice places to visit.
However the oddest thing with the town is the residents. To put it simply most of the people living in Doncaster aren't human. This town has a very high population of supernatural beings and creatures living there. They try their best to live as normally as possible.
However one day a few non knowledgeable humans move into the town leading to these folks discovering that the supernatural are real and are their neighbours.
How will this affect them and the residents of the town especially when drama occurs every so often between the residents of the town or rarely with outsiders.
Have fun in this town and hope you have a wonderful time living here

This rp is about a town known as Doncaster which is mostly inhabited by supernatural beings and creatures. They have quite normal lives despite this and the town is quite peaceful minus the drama between folks that happens every so often.
The plot/events will start when a few humans move into the town and they'll have to get used to and adapt to their new neighbours. The direction and events that occur can be decided as the rp goes on. While it'll primarily be slice of life stuff we can have some major events and notable dramas happen.
The main thing for this rp is to have fun while having these characters interact and see what happens along the way!
Any supernatural/mythological creatures are allowed tho they'll mostly all have human/humanoid disguises.
Hope anyone likes the idea and has fun!

Chary Oppen = Golem (cyberelite2k)
Eve Oppen = Golem (cyberelite2k)
Doppia Nyx = Gorgon (cyberelite2k)
Aliyah = Dust Spirit (ValGalorian)
Tate Kingston = Human (StareNation)
Samuel Watterbourn = Human (Samuel W.)
Gohh Vanderwell = Mimic (Jig The Zom-B)











My Form
Name: Chary Oppen
Nickname: Hug Rock, Lil Ginger
Race: Golem


Occupation: Currently works in a small local cafe as a barista. Part time carpenter, wants to become far better at it.
Home: Lives in a small but cozy apartment, she's quite a lovely tenant according to her landlord.
Hobbies: DIY and making things, Lego building, Gaming and likes to make plushies

Chary is a Sweet and Kind hearted person who will often try to keep people happy through a positive attitude and trying to make fun for people. She does this through physical and verbal affection quite often.
She's quite friendly and warm to new people. Often she'll end up befriending new people she meets through persistent kindness and helping them out.
She's quite brave despite her occasional nerves and will try to help people in danger even if it is something she's actually scared of. She also makes sure to comfort her friends even if nervous.

However she seems to not think all too highly of herself often saying others are way better than her and not believing she is that good at much. She also is prone to nervous panics when in large crowds and if flirted to often freezes up then hides.

Likes: Carpentry, Godzilla and Kaiju, Hugging, Flowers, Games, Tennis and simply meeting friends.
Dislikes: Crowds, Alarms/Sirens, Scary movies, Spiders often hiding fron them, Arguments between friends and discomforted by some types of flirts

Abilities: High strength, durability and agility. Doesnt need sleep, food or drink though she likes it
Skills: A good engineer and carpenter, skilled programmer/hacker, can garden quite well mainly for flowers and as her boss puts it "a great hugger despite her rock body"

Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush/Relationship: Open
Family: Her moms Scylla and Yamata and her aunts Brunhildr and Athena. Her twin sister Eve who is away on work.

Chary was built alongside her twin as a project by her mother, the mad but kind scientist Scylla, in order to give her and her wife Yamata children. Even early on Chary showed her kind and sweet nature often trying to comfort those around her or trying robotic help her family just to see them smile. However she got worried that she wasnt liked as much by her twin due to Eve not showing as much emotion and coldly referring to her.

So she dedicated some time to make her happy even helping her twin discover both her interest in science and helping the cold girl with her crush who she began dating. She then discovered that Eve always adored her and just didn't know how to tell her. The sisters proceeded to spend a lot of time bonding more much to the delight of their moms.

One day however alongside Scylla getting ill more often Eve had to leave their home in order to do her job as a scientist. She promised to stay in touch but both these things saddened the emotional golem. Luckily Yamata was able to comfort Chary and even taught her some skills or introduced her to what became her favourite films, Godzilla and kaiju. Chary still remembers this day so fondly.

A year later Chary wanted to impress her family so with their help moved into an apartment in the town and worked on being her own independent person.

Currently she's happily working away at her cafe job happy that she's been accepted by most of her coworkers. She however is worried about Scylla's health and is still very nervous to make new friends. Hopefully these improve.

-Despite her almost identical twin Eve being slight taller than average, Chary is around 4'11, shes very embarrassed about this
-Has a large collection of kaiju figures in her apartment she hides with a curtain, really only her family and manager/close friend has seen it
-Her glasses are fake and more to look like her mom who she adores
-Known at the cafe for her high energy and being willing to try to help with troublesome customers
-Likes to mess with her friends' hair and tries to style it as a way to show affection alongside her hugs
-When flirted with she often panics and hides either behind her friends or an object, if its a girl she kind of likes she will freeze up...and then hide while trying to thank them
-Has once lifted a motorbike up casually leading to her friend joking that her shortness made her muscles more focused.
-Can dance kind of, its more just her trying her best
-Despite her stone body is actually really really soft and human like, apparently Scylla wanted to let her have hugs easier
-Is always willing to have a friend over to sleep in, she's just glad she has friends
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will be adding a new character soon, btw this is where the forms go for sign ups cus i realise i never actually stated as such lol
I'm interested and working on possibly two carries - my oblivious human wine princess and her... knowing assistant. Not sure if I'm going to use my blue water dragon girl or my male lycan for her assistant.... Or might just totally change things up and just choose one of the three.
ooo im excited to see them and luckily, wine princess might have a wine pirate pal lol
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Here's the new gal/café manager
Name: Doppia Nyx
Nickname: Pirate boss, Lesbian empress (from her wife), Suit
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race: Gorgon

Occupation: Café manager and part time pro dancer
Home: Lives in an apartment above the café though she often uses the back entrance so it can catch people by surprise.
Hobbies: Break dancing, gaming a little bit, sword fighting, magic tricks and making outfits for her pals

Doppia is a fun loving and friendly woman who will try to make sure to have a fun day as much as possible through trying to put as much fun as she can into it. Often through simply hanging out with friends or even putting small events at the café.
She's quite kind being a shoulder to cry on for everyone and is willing to be vented to. She's also quite protective being willing to fight for friends
Shes quite confident in herself which lets her put on a brave face and help boost others confidence.

However she can be cold as ice to those who've got on her very bad side often snarking at them or openly wanting them to leave her café (though that's only very few people who've done very bad stuff). She also does get nervous about her friends prone to worrying too much.

Likes: Wine, Dancing, Wearing suits, Flirting jokingly, Swords, Coffee, Relaxing, Music and Socialising especially when helping a friend
Dislikes: Smoke, Wearing skirts, Bad quality food, Repeating eye comments, Hawks and People trying to harm her pals emotionally

Abilities: A very agile and flexible lady due to her snake traits, Higher than normal strength.
Can petrify things with her gaze which is luckily completely under her control but her missing eye makes it weaker, can be reverted easily.
Skills: A skilled break dancer, can fence quite well, Good at preparing food and drinks often putting flare to it and good at repairing clothing. Also can be charismatic especially with her friends like Chary in order to boost their confidence.

Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush/Relationship: Is married, tho her wife is away often as a pro athlete, they chat often over video when possible.
Family: Raised by her god parents Al and Alice heftig. Has a older sister Vizer

Doppia was born to a frankly horrible house life. Her father never accepted her for who she was and her mother died soon after her birth. The only good thing was her older sister Vizer, her god parents Al and Alice and finally a girl she fell for Marlene who made her days bearable.

One day her god parents found out about her father and took her in making sure she wouldn't see him again. This allowed her to live her life as herself for years. However Marlene seemed to like another girl so the serpent ended up dating another girl called Hato. This ended badly. The wendigo got angered at being friends with Marlene still and after a fight...gouged her eye out. Luckily Alice dealt with Hato afterwards.

After recovering Doppia started to stick with Marlene a lot feeling more comfortable. This led to the two eventually confessing feelings. Doppia's life was going well after this for years. They even got married officially and her wife got her dream as a professional athlete.

She started to get lonely and full of worry when her wife had to leave often for work. So to distract her Al helped her open a café which she hopped into it well and was helped by her video calling Marlene nearly every night.

At this job she one day met a golem called Chary who she thought was both adorable and sweet to everyone leading to the manager becoming at first protective of her like the other employees but more sisterly than how she'd treat others. Eventually they became very close friends often hanging out after work. She wants to build up her confidence.

-Almost always weaving a suit, seems to have one for each occasion, though she does have a few t shirts
-When working will often whistle or even drink from her flask mainly when out of sight, its just water but she likes confusing people
-Has a few swords she keeps around her apartment, she says she just loves how they look
-She is able to return her legs to their normal snake tail which she uses to mess with people or to use as a third arm.
-She has various eyepatches which she changes everyday and has a few for special events
-Despite missing an eye she's amazing at doing trick pours and catching things on her blind side
-When stressed starts to get a hiss to her words or rubs her eyepatch
-Once literally threw a aggressive customer from her café after he tried to assault her employees including Chary, was notable due yo her being a lot smaller looking than him
-Will sometimes take a videocall mid work and let people talk to her wife with her, says it feels really nice.
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[K, throwing my gal in. She's an old charrie that I love using, so there's a lot of information. I'll have her business partner up soon, cause I've got to do some homework tonight.]

The Wine Princess:
Marietta Nicoliya

[To keep introductions to new friends short and sweet, she just uses her mother's maiden name of Rosewood, rather than her father's family name of Dulviar or her father's mother's maiden name of Kiepersol. It's a bit confusing, but due to the connection of family wineries these names are historically attached to, it's best for Marietta to hold them all – since, being the only child of this generation, they will one day soon belong to her.]

Nickname: Libellula (Dragonfly) – her adored rabbit name given to her by her Italian grandfather, Horacio Nicola Dulviar. He was the one honored by naming his only grandchild.

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Race: Human
Nationality: Italian American - Dominican Republic
Sexuality: Pan/Poly
Appearance: 5'6", 128 lbs, dark brown hair, blue chameleon eyes that change with her mood. She carries herself with the grace of a swan on pointe, but due to her inactivity training her body in dance and swimming, she's lost a bit of her elegant form. Still, Marrose still holds an attractive dancer's form and is still just as light on her feet.

Occupation: Future CEO of the Dulviar-Kiepersol Wineries - International, and Co-CEO of The Kiepersol-Rosewood Wineries of the US.
Preparing to transfer to a college in America in preparation for opening a new refinery in Doncaster, USA.

Home: She occupies a lavish townhome suite in downtown Doncaster along with her business partner, Marcello. Dual Citizenship: USA & Italy.

Efficient | Business-Savvy | Hardworking | Determined | Playful | Suicidal | Stubborn | Strong-Willed | Sporadic | Resentful | Bipolar | Controlling

Marrose's personality is one that is of extremes: When she is feeling like herself, and everything is going her way, she has an extremely sweet and silly disposition; kind and friendly, but all business when required. However, when her asthma drains her into a poor state of mind, Marietta is best described as insensitive, distant, dejected, and suicidal. Her strong asthmatic and panic attacks frustrate her, making a very athletic and determined young lady slow and flustered at herself. She is a work-o-holic and a fierce businesswoman who is used to having her way. She doesn't like pity or soft-hearted people treating her like an infant due to her health issues.

She can be rather stubborn at times, hard-headed, and strong-willed to keep things her way if the other way seems far too uncomfortable or just downright uncalled for. Due to how she's had to manage her life without a proper set of parents, Marrose has drilled herself to be effectively and efficiently independent. Keeping her life in control is not necessary, but it makes her feel secure in her belief that she will not mature into the woman her mother had become – lacking self-sufficiency; always needing an ungrateful man in her life. She's seen two 'step-fathers' grind her mother to hamburger meat, and that's after her millionaire dead-beat father left her rather than working things out. Deep down, regardless of where Marrose's life takes her or what her unknown father does for her, she will never forgive him for abandoning her.

Dislikes: Marionette puppets, someone sneaking up on her, thunderstorms/tornadoes, fighting to breathe.
Fears: dying alone, running her own global monopoly.

Hobbies: She enjoys photography, fencing, Tai Chi, hiking, and she is an excellent swimmer in spite of her asthma. She enjoys the outdoors, mostly through the lens of her camera. She's also has a fondness for dance. She wanted to train professionally like her mother once did, but due to her asthma, she was told that it will be impossible for her to do so. Such negatives are what drive Marrose to prove others wrong. But oftentimes it can also drive her to despair or do something stupid.

Crush/Relationship: TBA
Marcello Esposito - He and Marrose grew up in Italy throughout her childhood. He's part of the historical Dulviar family as the descendant of Bro. Emanuelo Esposito, the Vallombrosan monk of Badia a Coltibuono Abbey in Tuscany where the Dulviar wines originated. He has a hidden crush on her and believes they're destined to be together. Marrose loves him like an overbearing big brother or an irritating distant cousin. Regardless, they work together on a daily basis, and due to this move, Marcello was determined to stay by her side regardless of what she said.

Parents - Kaspesin Dulviar-Kiepersol & Marinella Rosewood
Grandparents - Horacio (deceased) & Locendia Dulviar
Ontology Scientist for Dulviar-Kiepersol-Rosewood Wineries, & Marietta's childhood friend - Marcello Esposito

Marietta had missed out on experiencing stable family life, as far as she knows. Her father, Kaspesin Dulviar-Kiepersol, is the CEO of the Dulviar-Kiepersol Wineries in South Korea. The Kiepersol Wineries of the US, a company of his making, is located originally in Tyler, Texas. Now they span clear across the United States. He's the son of Horacio & Locendia Dulviar, owners of the famous Dulviar Chianti wines of Tuscany, Italy. They still reside in the historical "Abbey of the Good Harvest" (Badia a Coltibuono) in Tuscany where the Vallombrosan monk, Bro. Emanuelo Esposito, entered the monastery in the 11th century and took over the care of the holy wines.

Marietta's mother, Marinella Rosewood, is a former dancer at the Boston Ballet. Her career ended suddenly due to a very serious injury that forced her to leave the dance for life. She struggled to try to find a new career because dance was all she knew. Eventually, through good friends, she obtained a job as a secretary for Sweeney Designs in Chicago, IL; an advertising and marketing firm that happens to work for the Kiepersol Wineries. Marinella slowly worked her way through college as an executive assistant, learning about marketing while on the job. Soon, she was able to work as an entry-level ad designer, and her first project was assisting the design team for Kiepersol Wineries. That's where she met Kaspesin. Eventually, they became a thing... and quickly that thing turned into an amazing turn of events.

With her bold marketing collaboration and elaborate hidden knowledge of Ontology (the science of winemaking), his company eventually turned into The Kiepersol-Rosewood Wineries at their unannounced marriage, turning heads as they soared higher in the American Winery markets.

Kaspesin and Marinella's marriage was not favored by his parents, for regardless of Marinella's family background, they saw her lack of success and poverty in her past life to be a damaging entity in their son's life now. They felt she would become an anchor against his rising future. Marinella's parents, two Spanish American/Italian descents, were thrilled that she had found a stable husband – meaning if she wasn't in it for the money, they were. Regardless of the troubles, the two went through a second marriage ceremony in Italy - with his parents' unwilling blessings. However, far too soon they felt they were not compatible and separated after Marietta was born.

Marietta has never met her father; only heard of his name and seen older pictures of him on the internet. Her mother and family friends have been her only family. She notes them for all of her achievements, not the man who only gave her life and was never there to teach her about it. Because of her birth, her grandparents made amends with Marinella for she is now the mother of their only grandchild - the new heir to their historical and ancient family company. Marietta grew up between the U.S. and Italy, holding dual citizenship. This is all for her grandfather's quest in teaching his grandchild everything about the company before his passing. His son had not become the man he'd hoped he would. Therefore, to avoid watching all his lifelong hard work fall to greed and stupidity, he's molding Marietta and keeping her safe. Her grandmother, however, disagrees with her husband about utilizing the girl, for she's too young and a liability.

Recently, Marinella has been acting strange, questioning her if she's received any strange calls from her father, and talking about her visiting her grandparents and heading overseas for college. Marrose had already set her sights at Pratt University in New York, one of the most prestigious fine arts universities in the US, riding on several scholarships in photography, and savings that her mother had set up for her for years. She was also hoping to room with her best friend, a dance student who was also heading to Pratt. For her mother to suddenly bring up her absent father, of all people, right at the edge of graduating high school, was crazy; even more so when she partially explained why…

Eventually, she made her mother talk. Her grandparents wanted her to live with them in Italy for the rest of the year, before starting college, in order to teach her more about the winery - for Horatio has only a few months left to live. After his death, Marietta returned to America with an entire global company in her pocket and a new project to christen her status as CEO - the opening of a new refinery in America. This all before starting college in America.

Asthmatic. In her early years, Marietta was constantly in the hospital due to her ill health. Premature at birth with poor lungs, Marrose always struggled to stay afloat, to keep her head above water just to take her next breath. It didn't make simplicity easy for her. School, friends, hanging out, dance, hiking, fencing, swimming... all of her joys became a life or death situation if something triggered a serious attack; sometimes her inhaler just wasn't enough. This did not stop her from trying new things and succeeding in a few of them, but it made the basic challenge difficult. At 13, due to back luck hitting her all at once - a medication mix-up, and depression, she attempted to end her life, but her Italian childhood friend, Marcello Esposito, saved her. Regardless of her choice, she sees her salvation as a second chance and decided not to allow anything to stop her from living her way, trying new things, and succeeding in a few of them.

She always carries an inhaler, but she has learned to control her breathing to a point with Tai Chi breathing techniques. Still, if she becomes too nervous and falls into a panic, her attacks will be harder to control and cause her to go so far as passing out. Afterward, these forms of serious attacks can leave her lethargic, with a migraine, or unconscious for hours. Usually, for seriously long travels, her mother and grandmother insisted that she carries a small oxygen pack, extra inhalers, smelling salts, and emergency injectors filled with high dosages of her medication that rapidly opens her passageways.
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Oh shes cool! She accepted! I can already see some fun interactions happening lol
Nickname: Ali. Lady Aliyah.
Gender: Female
Age: Several hundred (472, to be exact), though she appears to be in her late twenties.
Race: Dust Spirit

Appearance: Shoulder-length red hair (dyed, naturally her hair was pale blonde), framing a slender face. She has a scar down one side, which she got when providing housing to particularly unruly (not to mention supernatural) guest. She has a slender muscles and a slightly rounded figure. She weighs about as much as a pile of dust... And stands at 5'7" without heels (which she is almost always wearing).

Occupation: Bonds dealer for a local housing insurance agency.
Home: A vast manor house, paid for with her inheritance. Also well insured.

Personality: Calm, sometimes even calculated. Aliyah has seen a lot and come to expect the same repetitions. It has broken her heart to keep leaving her family every time she settles somewhere new. And, hopefully, this time she plans not to leave Doncaster or her family. Aliyah can be very determined and trusts that she will always have enough time to get anything right with practice.

She has a deeply caring side, as a mother and grandmother and friend. Aliyah loves her family and would do anything for them. Often times worrying about them too much. She fears that she has made terrible mistakes when leaving her previous families and vows to not do the same ever again.

Loves: Family.
Likes: Smoking. Anything new. The arts. History.
Hobbies: Collecting art and antiques. Going to the opera. Painting, writing poetry, listening to and playing music (loves jazz music).
Dislikes: Dust, perhaps it reminds her of where she came from. Fighting. Driving, she is a terrible driver (though she believes she will get the hang of it eventually).
Fears: Clowns and puppets, they're bloody creepy.

Abilities: Immortal and unaging (can be hurt and killed). Can turn to a floating cloud of dust, either her whole body or just parts.
Skills: She's a published author and has worked as an editor in New York in the sixties, a talented painter, can play multiple instruments (piano, violin, and harp to name a few).

Sexuality: Pan.
Crush/Relationship: None, insofar. Is not looking to settle down.
Family: Adopted family, taking in children and raising them over the centuries. Her last adopted child, a human who is aware of Aliyah being a spirit, has grown old and recently moved back into Aliyah's house to be taken care of. Her latest adopted child also gave her grand children (though they currently believe her to be their cousin). She also, presumably, has family all over the country from her previous adopted children.

History: When she awoke, had no idea what she even was. Those first few decades were the most confusing and difficult but she eventually came to understand the humans around her. She drifted for a while, moving through human settlements and occasionally settling down for a time. Every once in a while she would fall in love, but never allowed anything to happen. Aliyah has never known if she can carry child or give birth, but she has wanted to find out: She's lived through wars and seen the worst of humanity. Rather that bring new life into the world, Aliyah though it was best to care for the life already in the world. She would adopt children, care for them, and when they passed on she would move to a new location. Each time she moved, she would pretend to have inherited a fortune (actually her own money, gathered over centuries)

Some eighty years ago she moved into Doncaster, where she adopted a young girl. Aliyah offered her home to the Supernatural in need of help, providing safety and sanctuary until they were ready to leave. Her daughter grew up around the supernatural and, for the first time, Aliyah had been honest with her daughter about being a spirit. The grand house has also been the site of many parties and balls over the decades

Her daughter grew up, moved out, and had a life of her own. When the girl had her own family, she presented Aliyah as her sister who would visit on occasions (later, Aliyah would pretend to be her daughter's niece to explain her age- even dyed her hair to keep up the charade). When her adopted daughter grew old and her grandchildren wanted to put her into a care home, Aliyah suggested that she move into her house as it was large enough and she could hire a nurse to make daily visits if needed.

- Has invested in many businesses over the centuries, including Dulviar-Kiepersol Wineries.
- For special occasions, she likes to commission dresses from Doppia Nyx.
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Ooo i like her so far! She already accepted
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Ooo i like her so far! She already accepted

Thank you

I've got some changes in mind, not quite finished yet

Will have to see if any players want to work together on any parts as well
Hi yall, i might make a lil plotting thread today if you guys want one, itll be for like interaction ideas or just how it'll start off for now lol
WIP - just a bit about Marcello. Will finish later today

The Wine Scientist:
Dr. Marcello Destry Esposito
(Marc) & Trinket

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Lycan
Occupation: Ontology Scientist for Dulviar-Kiepersol-Rosewood Wineries, has a background in Mechanical Engineering.

Marcello is not your typical doctor. Covered in vitiligo and tattoos, he stands around 6'4" with about 215 lbs of lean muscle. (Never worked out a day in his life). His hair is a blend of dark arburn and silver (the only cool side effect to his skin condition, he would say), and it's usually in a stylish bed-head or wind-blown state. (Never met a brush in his life).

Home: He occupies a lavish townhome suite in downtown Doncaster along with his business partner (future wife - unknown to her), Marietta and his ferret, Trinket.


- His appearance throws everyone off, cause really - how is HE a doctor of anything? But, keep in mind, studying the chemistry of fine wine or brew doesn't take rocket science - just a bit of biology and chemistry, sprinkle in a touch of refinement and attitude, and tatts, and you've got yourself a fine beverage for any occasion. Besides, no one truly asked if he wanted to be in the family business... But, it does keep him tied to Marrose's hip, so he's good.
- He's known for being a trouble maker at the office, not the malicious type, but he definitely likes getting the last laugh. He's got a soft heart tho, and even though he plays the hooligan, there are a lot of evils in the world that are far worse than him.
- Pathological liar - so he can get his way, charming when it counts, and misleading/misdirecting - because no one has to know everything. His reasoning for all of this is to keep Marrose, and the wines, safe. As Marrose is too trusting at times, Marcello is always skeptical about new people and can spot a fellow liar a mile away.





Sexuality: Bi

Serious crush on his childhood friend, Marietta, but he has a feeling he's been too much of a big brother in her eyes all these years for anything to really spark. He's hoping this new business venture in Doncaster, which has them living there for at least 5 to 8 years monitoring their new refinery, will help him push forward in winning her heart. They're destined to be with each other - it's written in the books! Dulvier wines have always maintained their connection to the lineage of the Esposito family - either through business ties or marriage. It's him and her - the only two descendants of their family lines in this generation. Well, it all depends on her heart.

Marrose is his best friend, wine sister, better side, devious enemy, and future lover (hopefully); what a complex relationship. They're either laughing and goofing off with each other, arguing about little nothings, or cuddling when the need for familiar comfort and security are needed... They are the worst and the best for each other.


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I like how he looks so far
Heres the plotting thread
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Placing my interest here as a place holder for my character :D
also i nearly forgot but marcello is on the character kist now, im so sorry phi that i forgot
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Absolutely love this idea, mind if i present a character for consideration?
Name: Tate Kingston
Nickname: none specific
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Human
Nationality: Irish born, American citizen.

Appearance: 5ft9, 170lbs, muscular build with broad shoulders and muscular frame with little fat. Currently in performance condition coming off a bout. Icy grey eyes and black hair cut in a medium length quiff cut. He sometimes haphazardly styles his hair side parted or slick back depending on how he feels and how much he can be bothered. When not conditioning for a fight, Tate may allow himself to gain some fat however caps this at 180lbs max. Olive skin complexion. Sports scars from a surgery on his right knee, a small scar on the left side of his bottom lip and a 4 cm scar on his left hip. Tate has several tattoos, most notable being the large script of Gaelic text on his back right shoulder blade. He also has a celtic cross on his left bicep, a humorous caricature of the Muppets uncle deadly, animal and sweetums on his left calf, two solid band tattoos on his upper right bicep and a silhouetted, masked woman's naked form on his left forearm.

Occupation: Professional fighter and Mechanic

Home: has just moved into an old warehouse on the end of town in Doncaster in a semi industrial area. The property has a large gated yard accessible at the side of the warehouse, a small strip for parking out the front and a two story warehouse building in which the bottom floor houses a fully equipped gym and ring, a bar, changerooms and office. Upstairs is an open plan warehouse apartment. The yard is host to several vehicle bodies and numerous parts, a large mechanics garage with a small office, toilet and sink. The rear of the property ends at the start of a reserve.

Personality: From a distance, Tate appears to be a person who keeps to themselves as much as possible, preferring privacy over making friends. Once he is comfortable around someone he will gradually let some walls down, showing himself to be self assured (some would call him egotistical), loyal, stubborn, competitive, blunt, adaptive and intelligent. He has a wicked sense of humour. When crossed, Tate can be vengeful and hold one heck of a grudge.

Likes: hunting, bonfires, spontaneous activities, one night stands, tinkering on projects and building things, challenges, leading, space and his own freedom, will drink just about anything but appreciates the hell out of an aged whiskey.
Dislikes: formal attire, high society affairs, uptight people, authorities, deep and meaningful conversations, dishonesty, absolutely loathes peas and capsicum (pepper).

Hobbies: lives and breathes mixed martial arts, hunting (both crossbow and gun), woodworking, metalwork, motorbike riding, adrenaline type sports, cooking outdoors

Abilities: Agile and quick on his feet, athletic. Able to think quickly under pressure and is a natural leader. Has an innate ability to get into trouble without looking for it.

Skills: Qualified mechanic. Experienced in woodwork and metalwork (welding, smithing. A bloody good cook. Proficient in Brazilian jiu jitsu, muay thai and capoeira

Sexuality: heterosexual
Crush/Relationship: presently none, Tate is notorious for avoiding committed relationships and prefers a dirty one night stand without questions. No crushes

Biological mother – Molly Kingston (deceased)
Biological father – unknown
Sister – Bree Kingston
Niece – Willow Kingston

History: Born in Killarney, Count Kerry in Ireland to a single mother, Tate was placed into government care soon after birth. His biological father is unknown to him and in record. His mother's name is recorded as Molly Kingston although she was later recorded to be deceased some years before Tate had searched for her.

A biological sister (Bree) was also placed into care three years following Tate's birth and with a matching record of detail, both children were united together in the system in an effort to provide some essence of familiarity. Early childhood was not ideal, bounced from home to home however both children were fortunate to learn positive lessons from a few families. The longest time spent in one home was five years, cared for by a much older couple who owned a large dairy farm just south of Tullamore. It was in this home that Tate learnt a lot of his trade skills, fixing farm equipment and vehicles before learning to weld and wood turn. It was not until much later in life that he would appreciate having learnt these skills at a young age. Due to the couple aging and the wife of the couple falling ill with bowel cancer, both Tate and his sister Bree were moved onto several more families which did not prove to be as fruitful. Though intelligent, Tate did not enjoy school and struggled with following the rules. Both siblings have at some point endured abuse of different forms although Tate has never spoken about his personal experiences. Lacking guidance and a positive influence, Tate eventually spent two years in juvenile detention before being released back into foster care. His sister had run away from the last foster home he had seen her at, losing contact with her as a result.

Once old enough to leave the system, Tate worked odd jobs until he could save enough money to move to Belfast, falling in and out of different crowds and spending more time than not on the street. Adapting to living poor and fighting for cash, Tate learnt what he could to survive. Learning martial arts from a local instructor in exchange for working as a cleaner at the boxing gym, he worked his way into competitive fighting. By the age of twenty, Tate moved over to America and continued to learn different styles of martial arts, finding he had a natural talent. Working down at some shipping docks as a welder to make a coin, Tate made something of himself in the ring while he began to enjoy the freedom of being on his own and under his own governance. It wasn't all smooth sailing, having been arrested on several occasions and involved in different illegal activities to get by. It was his career as a fighter that provided him some wealth after a lifetime of living skint.

Upgrading his living arrangements to a modest apartment, Tate found a girl waiting on his doorstep one evening. She was young and seemed familiar despite him never having laid eyes on her before. After an awkward greeting, Tate learned the girl was his niece Willow. Informed that his sister had struggled with addiction and ultimately landed in jail for suspected dealing, her daughter had landed on his doorstep to stay. Things were rough to begin with, Tate not expecting to become a guardian to a teen girl and Willow wanting nothing more than to be back in Ireland with her friends. With Tate and his sister no longer getting along even from a distance, Tate was able to eventually relate with Willow, sharing secrets of his own upbringing and forming a fairly strong bond with his niece. Earning more money by taking on bigger competitors and often working multiple jobs, Tate eventually secured a property in Doncaster, strategically choosing the town in order to try and provide Willow with an atmosphere where she could thrive rather than go through the same type of lifestyle he and Bree had endured.

  • Has a thick accent however has learnt to soften this since living in America. Some adaptation of an American accent has begun to show subtly over time.
  • Pranks his niece quite often.
  • Runs at dawn most mornings.
  • Loves to throw open house parties every now and then.
  • Has major trust issues he has never sorted out.
  • Refuses to speak to his sister since Willow has moved in with him.
  • Although in the public eye, Tate has moved to Doncaster not only for his niece but to also claim back some privacy. He has made a concerted effort to conceal his address outside of Doncaster.
  • Saves his money as much as possible.
  • More often is seen at home without a shirt on and used to have a pair of 'door pants' in the drawer of a side table so that he can put them on to answer the door. Willow being around has put a halt to the door pants.
  • Has been arrested in the past for public intoxication, public nuisance, petty theft and trespass.