Welcome to Doncaster (supernatural slice of life rp) sign up thread

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I'm still around, not sure where to send Matt off to. Got Maci waiting in the wings as well.
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It's just where to push the story off to. The cafe was a fine intro area, but our characters are done there now. We need scenarios with good interaction and a timeslot potentialy. As our characters are not human, they won't feel time as much of at all.
It's just where to push the story off to. The cafe was a fine intro area, but our characters are done there now. We need scenarios with good interaction and a timeslot potentialy. As our characters are not human, they won't feel time as much of at all.
Minus mine because they are humans
Ahh, true. Hmmm... Small timeskips at most then. I recall yours were new to town. Maybe a decent import point would be when they have settled into their new home? Your human characters could also start a lot of interesting interaction !
Yeah I was thinking if we time skipped I will play it as though they have then been there for a while and have settled in, perhaps having been a little hesitant since discovering that the town is full of non human inhabitants. I was tossing up whether they have previous knowledge of the existence of supernatural beings in general before moving to Doncaster or if that is their first real idea of beings other than humans existing. I specifically went with human characters originally because I figured there were heaps of other beings already and I wanted to be able to play out plot lines between players characters rather than npc's
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That's what I was thinking! The idea that your characters could discover the monster community! Could start off as not knowing anything about it and coming to discover that the town isn't normal! the female of your two characters from what I remembered didn't think too highly of the area and could have an interesting time fighting out that this place isn't full of nothing but humans!
what did i miss?
what did i miss?
Nothing much. Right now it's just trying to see who is still around and also finding a new point to possibly time-skip to story ahead too. It's currently at a point where minimal interaction is being made, so we are wanting a new jump-off point for better intractability!

If your still interested in joining in, feel free!
I'm still around, not sure where to send Matt off to. Got Maci waiting in the wings as well.
We need a new point in the towns timeline where all of us can interact with another character.
Any ideas of where We can push the story to is welcome!
I'll work on my Cooking Companions OCs that I'm planning on submitting haha
I keep forgetting...
Go for it! No rush!
Go for it! No rush!
unfortunately i'll havta work on their lore for a lil bit so it'll take a bit haha
For now, if we reset the RP, I'll use Yuuji an Kaoru...
*peeks* This still going?
It's kind of dead in the water now
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Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it.
Hello which one would fit this place the most my human EMT who has been involved with way too much Supernatural stuff or my fairy OC who was raised by humans