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"About time, I certainly do," the young woman says to the Conductor, before turning to Ebenezer Scrooge and Cleopatra and nodding.

"Surely you both must be awaiting this period."​

@Jeremi @Minerva @Ringmaster @Crow


The lonely boy envied the interactions going on in the brightly-lit Passenger Car as he looks out of the door-window.

The lonely boy could only look shocked when Ryoko displayed intimidation.

He wanted to speak, he wanted to help, but he just... couldn't.​

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Poe Dameron @Nater Taters @Yun Lee @Minerva @Crow @Yang Lee @Caboose
Mei got back into her seat after the sudden commotion settled down. Hopefully no one pulled on the emergency brakes again.

Her ears perked up again when she heard the announcement. Refreshments? Who would say no to that?! Plus, Mei's stomach was growling for quite a while now, since she hasn't eaten anything for the entire course of the trip. However, she didn't know what sort of refreshments were on offer, since the Conductor didn't tell them or even gave out a menu of the things they could order. Hence, she decided to quickly go over to the Conductor before he left and asked what was available.

@Minerva @Passenger Car
Tomoko had finally peeled herself off the ground, and looked around, her eyes growing as big as dinner plates when she noticed all the people in the Caboose with her.

Oh no! look at all these people,where did they all come from?

Tomoko quickly walked past the group of people, quickly glancing and noticed Ryoko looking for her journal.She paused.

"M-m-m-missing s-s-something?" She asked Ryoko nervously, not really sure why she stopped and stated talking

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Meanwhile, in the Caboose, Ryoko would still panic. "My notebook and pen." She said.

The boy in the blue bathrobe would watch as various people stepped forward to take responsibility. He didn't even know these people, why were they defending him? "Thank you." He said to Chase and Hogarth. He seemed relieved about the incident, since Billy was now on the train.

With a raised eyebrow, the Conductor stared at the group of people who all claimed responsibility, or blamed someone else. "Well, whoever pulled it, you should know that that cord is for Emergency purposes only, and in case you weren't aware, Tonight is Christmas Eve!" He shouted that last part. "And in case you hadn't noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule."

He reacted a bit before checking his watch. "And... I've never been late before, and I'm certainly not going to be late tonight!" He exclaimed emphatically. "Now, everyone, take your seats, please!"

As people would get in their seats, the train would begin moving. The Conductor would grab the microphone on the wall. "Your attention, please. Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?"

"About time, I certainly do," the young woman says to the Conductor, before turning to Ebenezer Scrooge and Cleopatra and nodding.

"Surely you both must be awaiting this period."​

@Jeremi @Minerva @Ringmaster @Crow

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car
Hogarth Hughes
@Jeremi @Minerva @Ringmaster @Crow
@Passenger Car

Hogarth nodded meekly, sinking into his seat once more... He wasn't really feeling particularly tired, and his nose was just a little sore from that incident earlier with the emergency brake.

In either case though, when refreshments came around andthe smell of hot chocolate and cookies permeated the car, he was eager to get some for himself... Even standing up on his seat to get a better view of where these delicious smells are coming from.

Maybe this trip wasn't going to be so bad after all!

However, he was a bit too focused on the refreshments being carted around that he paid little mind to his surroundings... In fact, it was likely just a matter of time before he tread on someone, or... Well, lost his balance thanks to his over eagerness.

But hey, at least no-one gave him any coffee, or I daresay... Espresso this time around.​

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Meanwhile, in the Caboose, Ryoko would still panic. "My notebook and pen." She said.


Inukashi kind of just...stared as the chefs danced about before staring at the cup in front of her. She stared at the steaming cup for a moment before hesitating as she took the warm cup into her hands. Afterwards she took a sip. It was good. She wasn't sure she had anything as sweet before. Her eyes lit up in joy for a split second before returning to their less than bright look. Drinking the rest of the liquid in her cup the brunette seemed satisfied before she rubbed her slightly sore chest.

@Minerva @Crow @Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @Yatagarasu @The Wanderer @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed
Chase debated heading back into the Caboose and he decided too, but not before he took the hot chocolate cup with him to drink while he talked with his new friends. "So, that went much better than I expected. Anyone want some hot chocolate? They are serving it in the Passenger Car," he said, before he went to drink it. He looked at the others and went against the urge to drink it. He turned to the others. " Anyone want mine?"

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Peter cocked an eyebrow at the dancing chefs. He did appreciate the hot chocolate. Afterall, a warm drink in the middle of winter was something to not squander. Especially if you were a vigilante who swung around in light clothing.

He pulled down the bandana mask to drink some of the hot choco. He had nothing to worry about, as his goggles and hood did make it hard to see his face. That and the chance of the other passengers not even remembering his facial details and recognizing him in public.

@Minerva @ Passenger-car @Crow @Ringmaster @Other people​
Chase debated heading back into the Caboose and he decided too, but not before he took the hot chocolate cup with him to drink while he talked with his new friends. "So, that went much better than I expected. Anyone want some hot chocolate? They are serving it in the Passenger Car," he said, before he went to drink it. He looked at the others and went against the urge to drink it. He turned to the others. " Anyone want mine?"

Marco looked up at Chase and nodded before putting his shoes on.

"I'll have some." He said calmly.

Marco looked up at Chase and nodded before putting his shoes on.

"I'll have some." He said calmly.
Chase handed him the cup that he had been holding for the last few minutes.

Hopefully he didn't drop it before he could drink any.


"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Meanwhile, in the Caboose, Ryoko would still panic. "My notebook and pen." She said.



During this great song montage, the young hero girl hid her cup underneath the table, only to take it back up after the staff had left.


"I'm going to give this to the boy back there..." the young girl whispers to boy with the blue bathrobes. Little did she know, the bespectacled Knowitall kid would soon find immediately about her actions!​

@Minerva @Caboose​


The young woman silently drinks the hot chocolate. If one looked closely at her, they would notice that during the dance montage, a porcelain kettle near her would vanish, only to return to its supposed position 10 seconds later.

This young woman looks behind her, only to find Chase disappearing into the Caboose, and for the young hero girl to follow.

The young woman lets a single nod out before turning back.


"Grough..." the beast says as it vanishes underneath the table, as if like smoke.

@Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @PassengerCar

Inukashi kind of just...stared as the chefs danced about before staring at the cup in front of her. She stared at the steaming cup for a moment before hesitating as she took the warm cup into her hands. Afterwards she took a sip. It was good. She wasn't sure she had anything as sweet before. Her eyes lit up in joy for a split second before returning to their less than bright look. Drinking the rest of the liquid in her cup the brunette seemed satisfied before she rubbed her slightly sore chest.

@Minerva @Crow @Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @Yatagarasu @The Wanderer @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed


"What just happened?" Mirei asks Inukashi as she drank her cup. As soon as she was done, the waiters snatched her cup away.

Wiping her mouth with her hands, she shrugs her shoulders.


"Th- they had a lot of soul put into it... but... I would've preferred it... if they did it... without practice... much like me... and metal..."


"That? Without practice?" Nono exclaims, "th- that's absolutely impossible!"

"Not... if you're me... Fuhihi..." Shouko smiles.

"Oh yeah?" Mirei retorts towards Shouko, "do a cartwheel."

"But I'm wearing a skirt..."

"No you're no- wait, how come you're not wearing a skirt today?"

"I... I just felt like it... fuhihi... same way you pick your clothes, Mirei..."

"You don't even care about your appearance that much."

"That's... very untrue... I care about it... on stage..."

"Alright, let's just drop this topic. So ummm..." Mirei turns to Inukashi, "I never really got your name, but I'm Mirei, Mirei Hayasaka. These are my friends, Nono and Shouko."

@Takumi @Kaykay @PassengerCar​

During this great song montage, the young hero girl hid her cup underneath the table, only to take it back up after the staff had left.


"I'm going to give this to the boy back there..." the young girl whispers to boy with the blue bathrobes. Little did she know, the bespectacled Knowitall kid would soon find immediately about her actions!​

@Minerva @Caboose​


The young woman silently drinks the hot chocolate. If one looked closely at her, they would notice that during the dance montage, a porcelain kettle near her would vanish, only to return to its supposed position 10 seconds later.

This young woman looks behind her, only to find Chase disappearing into the Caboose, and for the young hero girl to follow.

The young woman lets a single nod out before turning back.


"Grough..." the beast says as it vanishes underneath the table, as if like smoke.

@Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @PassengerCar


"What just happened?" Mirei asks Inukashi as she drank her cup. As soon as she was done, the waiters snatched her cup away.

Wiping her mouth with her hands, she shrugs her shoulders.


"Th- they had a lot of soul put into it... but... I would've preferred it... if they did it... without practice... much like me... and metal..."


"That? Without practice?" Nono exclaims, "th- that's absolutely impossible!"

"Not... if you're me... Fuhihi..." Shouko smiles.

"Oh yeah?" Mirei retorts towards Shouko, "do a cartwheel."

"But I'm wearing a skirt..."

"No you're no- wait, how come you're not wearing a skirt today?"

"I... I just felt like it... fuhihi... same way you pick your clothes, Mirei..."

"You don't even care about your appearance that much."

"That's... very untrue... I care about it... on stage..."

"Alright, let's just drop this topic. So ummm..." Mirei turns to Inukashi, "I never really got your name, but I'm Mirei, Mirei Hayasaka. These are my friends, Nono and Shouko."

@Takumi @Kaykay @PassengerCar​

"Folks call me Inukashi." she replied, after watching them banter back and forth for a bit.

Placing an elbow on the table before her and then resting her chin on her palm she grinned.


"You guys are strange, you know that?"

@Minerva @Crow @Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @Yatagarasu @The Wanderer @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Meanwhile, in the Caboose, Ryoko would still panic. "My notebook and pen." She said.


Hand on hip Cleopatra would inspect the cup with hot chocolate for a moment before taking a sip. "Mmm, warm and comforting in these troubled times!"

"You'll see, Mei? Is it?" The conductor said, checking the manifest. "Now please, go back to your seat so they can be served."

A bunch of kids would also clamor for refreshment. And soon, a bunch of chefs would come in with trays and carts with strange contraptions and start turning peoples' seats around. All of a sudden the chefs would begin singing and start handing out saucers with cups on them.

Oh boy, get ready for Hot Chocolate. And cookies. Man can not live on Hot Chocolate alone.

@Passenger Car

Meanwhile, in the Caboose, Ryoko would still panic. "My notebook and pen." She said.

Mei raised her eyebrows in confusion, but quickly smiled back at the conductor politely, before heading back to her seat. Just as she sat down, a sweet and aromatic smell rushed through her nose. Curious, she tried to follow the direction of the aroma and saw chefs serving something to everyone in the passenger car.

"Hot chocolate and cookies? My favourite!" Mei exclaimed before clapping her hands happily. When she finally got a plate, Mei quickly thanked the chef before taking a sip at the chocolate drink. "It is so delicious!"

Although the drink was scalding hot, Mei was really enjoying the cup. She then took a bite of her cookies, which were just as good as the ones she made at home.

@Minerva @Passenger Car
"Folks call me Inukashi." she replied, after watching them banter back and forth for a bit.

Placing an elbow on the table before her and then resting her chin on her palm she grinned.


"You guys are strange, you know that?"

@Minerva @Crow @Ringmaster @Jeremi @york @Yatagarasu @The Wanderer @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed


"I- I am? I mean, I know my fashion sense isn't the most updated, but..."


"Well... you're right about something... I'm certainly not... normal... because normalcy... is unideal... for me... fuhihi..."

@Kaykay @Takumi @Crow @PassengerCar​
Chase debated heading back into the Caboose and he decided too, but not before he took the hot chocolate cup with him to drink while he talked with his new friends. "So, that went much better than I expected. Anyone want some hot chocolate? They are serving it in the Passenger Car," he said, before he went to drink it. He looked at the others and went against the urge to drink it. He turned to the others. " Anyone want mine?"


Cedric opened his eyes as he heard the guy's voice. Was it the voice, or the smell of hot chocolate that brought him to rise from his short nap? Regardless, he sat up, and before he could stake a claim on the drink... someone else beat him to it. The thought of a warm drink sounded nice, it seemed to have been a long while for the budding wizard so it was worth an ask in his mind.

"I think I'll get myself one. passenger car, you said?", he asked. He stood up. "Anything else of interest over there?"


Cedric opened his eyes as he heard the guy's voice. Was it the voice, or the smell of hot chocolate that brought him to rise from his short nap? Regardless, he sat up, and before he could stake a claim on the drink... someone else beat him to it. The thought of a warm drink sounded nice, it seemed to have been a long while for the budding wizard so it was worth an ask in his mind.

"I think I'll get myself one. passenger car, you said?", he asked. He stood up. "Anything else of interest over there?"

Marco took a sip out of the hot chocolate and rose a hand. He was sitting alone and didn't have anyone to talk to at the moment, and he might as well make the best out of this situation while he was here.

"Hey!" The teen said before putting his hand back down on the table in front of him.

@Poe Dameron @caboose
Marco took a sip out of the hot chocolate and rose a hand. He was sitting alone and didn't have anyone to talk to at the moment, and he might as well make the best out of this situation while he was here.

"Hey!" The teen said before putting his hand back down on the table in front of him.

@Poe Dameron @caboose

Cedric Diggory caught wind of the voice seemingly directed at him, and looked over. Teenage guy, seemed a bit younger than himself, and the "greeting" seemed a bit rude but as his father and Hogwarts taught him to be polite even in the most uncivilized situations, he would hold steadfast to that doctrine.

"Yes, what is it?", he asked.


Cedric Diggory caught wind of the voice seemingly directed at him, and looked over. Teenage guy, seemed a bit younger than himself, and the "greeting" seemed a bit rude but as his father and Hogwarts taught him to be polite even in the most uncivilized situations, he would hold steadfast to that doctrine.

"Yes, what is it?", he asked.

Marco smiled when the other teen walked over to him. It was a friendly smile, though he could obviously tell that there was something... off about him. Living with a princess from another dimension for almost two let you tell the normal people apart from the more unique ones.

"I'm Marco." He said. The clothes he was wearing were definitely fancy, to say the least. It was like the outfits him and Star wore to the Blood Moon Ball, or what he wore on his first, and so far only, date with Jackie. Two times that turned into utter disasters. He hoped that wouldn't be the case this time.

@Poe Dameron @Caboose
Chase had watched the whole ordeal and paused. He wasn't sure what to make of this whole mess. But he would have to remember that it happened. He knew that there was no way around that. " Yes, they are located in the passenger car. I'm Chase," he added as a side note.

@Poe Dameron @thatguyinthestore @caboose
Mid-Round Update - The Ticket

The Knowitall kid decides to share his knowledge with Cleopatra again.


"Hey, did you know, Montezuma, the King of the Aztecs, would drink 50 quarts of hot chocolate every day? It is said th- hey!"

The Knowitall kid spots the young hero girl sneaking into the Caboose.

"Hey! You can't get in there without an adult! That's against the rules!"

The hero girl ignores him and simply proceeds. That is when the Conductor appears behind her in an intimidating fashion.


"Did the boy have his share of Hot Chocolate?"

"N... no..." the girl replies.

"Well, then what're we waiting for?" the Conductor bellowed in a manner most friendly, "let's bring it to him!"

And so the Conductor and the hero girl vanish into the Caboose.

The Hero Boy might notice something on the Hero Girl's chair...


A ticket!

Most likely that girl's ticket...

Before he knew it, the ticket flew out of the window before anyone could catch it....


"I guess I'm not the only one who had the idea," the young girl smiles as she sees the sight of Chase giving his Hot Chocolate to Marco. She proceeds to give hers to the boy who sat in the corner.

"Th- thank you," the boy weakly replied as he started to take a sip.

"Well," the Conductor adds, "we have a tight schedule so we'll be heading out now. I'll be back for you all later."

Following that, the girl and the Conductor leave the Caboose.

In the darkness of the Caboose, the individuals that stood there would feel an eerie presence. A petite girl donning black gothic lolita clothing would appear before them.


"I enjoy socialising as much as you all do," the mysterious maiden steps out of the shadows as she speaks, "but to miss the chance of a drink? Preposterous."

From the shadows, a tusked, chimerical quadraped beast with the snout of an elephant, ears and size of a dog and scales of a dragon appears. From the ceiling, an odd spider-shaped being slung down from its web.

"Arachnophobia is very common, but Franklin here isn't a wild beast that acts on instinct," the young woman assures in her neutral voice, "in Layman's terms, he doesn't bite."

Underneath the spider, a large dreamcatcher, improvised as a tray to carry a few cups of Hot Chocolate, was conjured from the shadows as it hovered in place. Using its twiggy legs, the arachnid handed Hot Chocolate to those who didn't have it. It appeared that the prior-mentioned chimerical beast used its long snout to do the same, holding the handles of the cups like an elephant would hold a giang uprooted tree.

"They're all out. So I pulled a trick to get you all this while they were still serving it, so yes, I already had my share," the young woman says. She turns to Chase. "It turns out that the idea was not completely mine. I- it's only natural for me to do this. It is choice for you, but it is duty for me..."

The young woman turns to make her back face the group, before unleashing an lacy umbrella and opening it.

And so, the Conductor has returned.

"Attention passengers, can I have your tickets please?"


"O- OK..." Mirei says, scratching her head. Her two friends followed. "Wait a second, we were never given tickets!"

"Are you sure you checked your pocket?"

Nothing there.

"How about your other pocket?"

It was there alright.

The Conductor, with agility that would make Usain Bolt look like a snail, punches various holes on the three tickets to create a pair of letters on each of them.


"What does S-O mean?"

And so the Conductor walked towards the Hero Boy, only to find this scene unfold.


"You can have my ticket if you want."

The Conductor grabs the ticket from the Hero Boy.

"I'll have you know that these tickets are non-exchangeable and one-of-a-kind per person!" the Conductor angrily exclaims.

"He was only giving me his to ticket because I lost mine!" the Hero Girl retaliated.

"So you lost your ticket, right?" the Conductor asks the Hero Girl, only to be responded with a nod. "Well, come with me."


The young Hero Girl looks back as the Conductor guides her away.

"I'll be back for your tickets in a while, everyone! So stay put!"

In a blink of convenience, the girl's ticket appears in the air vents, allowing the young Hero Boy to snatch it swiftly. That was when he knew what he had to do. He stands up, ready to roll.

The Knowitall kid, in all his glory, interrupts him.


"Hey! You can't head there without an adult! This train has rules!"

"But I have to give this ticket back to her!" the Hero Boy retaliates.

So, would you aid this boy in his quest to deliver the ticket to the girl, or be obedient and stay put in your seat, like the Conductor ordered?


@Jeremi as Cleopatra

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Savannah-Clause as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@Nater Taters as Tomoko Kuroki

@Kaykay as Akira Manase

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

@Yatagarasu as Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch)​
Last edited:
Mid-Round Update - The Ticket

The Knowitall kid decides to share his knowledge with Cleopatra again.


"Hey, did you know, Montezuma, the King of the Aztecs, would drink 50 quarts of hot chocolate every day? It is said th- hey!"

The Knowitall kid spots the young hero girl sneaking into the Caboose.

"Hey! You can't get in there without an adult! That's against the rules!"

The hero girl ignores him and simply proceeds. That is when the Conductor appears behind her in an intimidating fashion.


"Did the boy have his share of Hot Chocolate?"

"N... no..." the girl replies.

"Well, then what're we waiting for?" the Conductor bellowed in a manner most friendly, "let's bring it to him!"

And so the Conductor and the hero girl vanish into the Caboose.

The Hero Boy might notice something on the Hero Girl's chair...


A ticket!

Most likely that girl's ticket...

Before he knew it, the ticket flew out of the window before anyone could catch it....


"I guess I'm not the only one who had the idea," the young girl smiles as she sees the sight of Chase giving his Hot Chocolate to Marco. She proceeds to give hers to the boy who sat in the corner.

"Th- thank you," the boy weakly replied as he started to take a sip.

"Well," the Conductor adds, "we have a tight schedule so we'll be heading out now. I'll be back for you all later."

Following that, the girl and the Conductor leave the Caboose.

In the darkness of the Caboose, the individuals that stood there would feel an eerie presence. A petite girl donning black gothic lolita clothing would appear before them.


"I enjoy socialising as much as you all do," the mysterious maiden steps out of the shadows as she speaks, "but to miss the chance of a drink? Preposterous."

From the shadows, a tusked, chimerical quadraped beast with the snout of an elephant, ears and size of a dog and scales of a dragon appears. From the ceiling, an odd spider-shaped being slung down from its web.

"Arachnophobia is very common, but Franklin here isn't a wild beast that acts on instinct," the young woman assures in her neutral voice, "in Layman's terms, he doesn't bite."

Underneath the spider, a large dreamcatcher, improvised as a tray to carry a few cups of Hot Chocolate, was conjured from the shadows as it hovered in place. Using its twiggy legs, the arachnid handed Hot Chocolate to those who didn't have it. It appeared that the prior-mentioned chimerical beast used its long snout to do the same, holding the handles of the cups like an elephant would hold a giang uprooted tree.

"They're all out. So I pulled a trick to get you all this while they were still serving it, so yes, I already had my share," the young woman says. She turns to Chase. "It turns out that the idea was not completely mine. I- it's only natural for me to do this. It is choice for you, but it is duty for me..."

The young woman turns to make her back face the group, before unleashing an lacy umbrella and opening it.

And so, the Conductor has returned.

"Attention passengers, can I have your tickets please?"


"O- OK..." Mirei says, scratching her head. Her two friends followed. "Wait a second, we were never given tickets!"

"Are you sure you checked your pocket?"

Nothing there.

"How about your other pocket?"

It was there alright.

The Conductor, with agility that would make Usain Bolt look like a snail, punches various holes on the three tickets to create a pair of letters on each of them.


"What does S-O mean?"

And so the Conductor walked towards the Hero Boy, only to find this scene unfold.


"You can have my ticket if you want."

The Conductor grabs the ticket from the Hero Boy.

"I'll have you know that these tickets are non-exchangeable and one-of-a-kind per person!" the Conductor angrily exclaims.

"He was only giving me his to ticket because I lost mine!" the Hero Girl retaliated.

"So you lost your ticket, right?" the Conductor asks the Hero Girl, only to be responded with a nod. "Well, come with me."


The young Hero Girl looks back as the Conductor guides her away.

"I'll be back for your tickets in a while, everyone! So stay put!"

In a blink of convenience, the girl's ticket appears in the air vents, allowing the young Hero Boy to snatch it swiftly. That was when he knew what he had to do. He stands up, ready to roll.

The Knowitall kid, in all his glory, interrupts him.


"Hey! You can't head there without an adult! This train has rules!"

"But I have to give this ticket back to her!" the Hero Boy retaliates.

So, would you aid this boy in his quest to deliver the ticket to the girl, or be obedient and stay put in your seat, like the Conductor ordered?


@Jeremi as Cleopatra

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Savannah-Clause as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@Nater Taters as Tomoko Kuroki

@Kaykay as Akira Manase

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

@Yatagarasu as Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch)​

After seeing the new arrivals in the caboose, Marco decided that he this might have been a bit too weird even for him. And with that, Marco grabbed his hot chocolate and headed to the passenger car. When he got there though, he saw what happened with the girl and her ticket as he took his seat.

Marco, of course, was conflicted about the situation as it unfolded before his eyes. On the one hand, he was known as the "safe kid." The guy who always played by the rules. Mr. Nice Guy. And he was fine with that. But on the other hand, who knew what would happen to the girl? From the look on the conductor's face, it seemed as though he was pretty angry with the girl. He had to do something to help, right? I mean it would be what Star would do in this situation, after all.

That was it. He had decided. Gulping down the rest of his hot chocolate, Marco stood up and approached the know it all kid. As he approached the kid, Marco looked to the Hero Boy and motioned for him to get the ticket.

"So what are you planning on doing when we get to the North Pole?" Marco asked, trying to get the kid distracted long enough so the other boy would have time to grab the ticket without Mr. Knowitall alerting the conductor.

@Crow @Minerva

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Mid-Round Update - The Ticket

The Knowitall kid decides to share his knowledge with Cleopatra again.


"Hey, did you know, Montezuma, the King of the Aztecs, would drink 50 quarts of hot chocolate every day? It is said th- hey!"

The Knowitall kid spots the young hero girl sneaking into the Caboose.

"Hey! You can't get in there without an adult! That's against the rules!"

The hero girl ignores him and simply proceeds. That is when the Conductor appears behind her in an intimidating fashion.


"Did the boy have his share of Hot Chocolate?"

"N... no..." the girl replies.

"Well, then what're we waiting for?" the Conductor bellowed in a manner most friendly, "let's bring it to him!"

And so the Conductor and the hero girl vanish into the Caboose.

The Hero Boy might notice something on the Hero Girl's chair...


A ticket!

Most likely that girl's ticket...

Before he knew it, the ticket flew out of the window before anyone could catch it....


"I guess I'm not the only one who had the idea," the young girl smiles as she sees the sight of Chase giving his Hot Chocolate to Marco. She proceeds to give hers to the boy who sat in the corner.

"Th- thank you," the boy weakly replied as he started to take a sip.

"Well," the Conductor adds, "we have a tight schedule so we'll be heading out now. I'll be back for you all later."

Following that, the girl and the Conductor leave the Caboose.

In the darkness of the Caboose, the individuals that stood there would feel an eerie presence. A petite girl donning black gothic lolita clothing would appear before them.


"I enjoy socialising as much as you all do," the mysterious maiden steps out of the shadows as she speaks, "but to miss the chance of a drink? Preposterous."

From the shadows, a tusked, chimerical quadraped beast with the snout of an elephant, ears and size of a dog and scales of a dragon appears. From the ceiling, an odd spider-shaped being slung down from its web.

"Arachnophobia is very common, but Franklin here isn't a wild beast that acts on instinct," the young woman assures in her neutral voice, "in Layman's terms, he doesn't bite."

Underneath the spider, a large dreamcatcher, improvised as a tray to carry a few cups of Hot Chocolate, was conjured from the shadows as it hovered in place. Using its twiggy legs, the arachnid handed Hot Chocolate to those who didn't have it. It appeared that the prior-mentioned chimerical beast used its long snout to do the same, holding the handles of the cups like an elephant would hold a giang uprooted tree.

"They're all out. So I pulled a trick to get you all this while they were still serving it, so yes, I already had my share," the young woman says. She turns to Chase. "It turns out that the idea was not completely mine. I- it's only natural for me to do this. It is choice for you, but it is duty for me..."

The young woman turns to make her back face the group, before unleashing an lacy umbrella and opening it.

And so, the Conductor has returned.

"Attention passengers, can I have your tickets please?"


"O- OK..." Mirei says, scratching her head. Her two friends followed. "Wait a second, we were never given tickets!"

"Are you sure you checked your pocket?"

Nothing there.

"How about your other pocket?"

It was there alright.

The Conductor, with agility that would make Usain Bolt look like a snail, punches various holes on the three tickets to create a pair of letters on each of them.


"What does S-O mean?"

And so the Conductor walked towards the Hero Boy, only to find this scene unfold.


"You can have my ticket if you want."

The Conductor grabs the ticket from the Hero Boy.

"I'll have you know that these tickets are non-exchangeable and one-of-a-kind per person!" the Conductor angrily exclaims.

"He was only giving me his to ticket because I lost mine!" the Hero Girl retaliated.

"So you lost your ticket, right?" the Conductor asks the Hero Girl, only to be responded with a nod. "Well, come with me."


The young Hero Girl looks back as the Conductor guides her away.

"I'll be back for your tickets in a while, everyone! So stay put!"

In a blink of convenience, the girl's ticket appears in the air vents, allowing the young Hero Boy to snatch it swiftly. That was when he knew what he had to do. He stands up, ready to roll.

The Knowitall kid, in all his glory, interrupts him.


"Hey! You can't head there without an adult! This train has rules!"

"But I have to give this ticket back to her!" the Hero Boy retaliates.

So, would you aid this boy in his quest to deliver the ticket to the girl, or be obedient and stay put in your seat, like the Conductor ordered?


@Jeremi as Cleopatra

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Savannah-Clause as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@Nater Taters as Tomoko Kuroki

@Kaykay as Akira Manase

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

@Yatagarasu as Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch)​

Just as everything calmed down, Mei heard and saw the intense situation that began to unfold in front of her eyes. Without much assessment, she quickly stood in front of the boy and shielded him with her arms, hoping the Conductor won't hurt the little boy.
After seeing the new arrivals in the caboose, Marco decided that he this might have been a bit too weird even for him. And with that, Marco grabbed his hot chocolate and headed to the passenger car. When he got there though, he saw what happened with the girl and her ticket as he took his seat.

Marco, of course, was conflicted about the situation as it unfolded before his eyes. On the one hand, he was known as the "safe kid." The guy who always played by the rules. Mr. Nice Guy. And he was fine with that. But on the other hand, who knew what would happen to the girl? From the look on the conductor's face, it seemed as though he was pretty angry with the girl. He had to do something to help, right? I mean it would be what Star would do in this situation, after all.

That was it. He had decided. Gulping down the rest of his hot chocolate, Marco stood up and approached the know it all kid. As he approached the kid, Marco looked to the Hero Boy and motioned for him to get the ticket.

"So what are you planning on doing when we get to the North Pole?" Marco asked, trying to get the kid distracted long enough so the other boy would have time to grab the ticket without Mr. Knowitall alerting the conductor.

@Crow @Minerva

When Marco tried to make a conversation happening with a seemingly very arrogant child, Mei saw this as the perfect opportunity to get the Hero Boy to move it. Attempting to hustle the boy to get to the girl without a ticket, she dropped her arms, before apologising to the Conductor for breaking a rule.

"Hurry!" Mei whispered quietly to the hero boy, "Or else the conductor might kick you off the train!"

@Minerva @Crow
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