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The Apex of the World
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Roughly 9:30 AM-2:30 AM (CST)
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Alt History, Anything really. It honestly depends on how I'm feeling. I am always up for a good, solid Cyberpunk RP. I'm also up for Crossover RPs.
Please see the group's General Chat / RP Discussion / Discord Server for OOC talk.
Please see the wiki for more info.

"On Christmas Eve, many years ago... I lay quietly in my bed.

I did not rustle the sheets.

I breathed slowly and silently.

I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear... The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh."

"Mathematically, Santa is an impossibility. His sleigh would have to go significantly faster than the speed of light, and to carry all this presents, his ship would require more mass and carrying space that a cruise ship. The North Pole is a barren, inhospitable wasteland, and no one could survive there for very long, much less maintain an industrial level society.

In conclusion: Saint Nicholas is a historical person, but Santa Claus is mythological."

The Polar Express is a magical train that appears every Christmas. It takes children to the North Pole to see Santa Claus. It takes both those who believe to meet him, as well as those who doubt that he exists. On the trip, the passengers experience things normal people don't. They make new friends from interesting places, and at the end of it, they meet Santa Claus, who chooses one of them and gives the First Gift of Christmas to that special child.

The train travels the Multiverse, looking for those special few for that year's trip to meet Santa at the North Pole.

Across the Multiverse, it's Christmas Eve, and you've just fallen asleep, or are in the process of falling asleep. Maybe you, like a young child, believe in Santa, maybe you're of the staunch belief that he doesn't exist. No matter where you are, be it a Highrise in a cyberpunk city, an average suburban home, or a hovel out in the medieval countryside, the train pulled up to wherever you were that night. No one else heard it, despite its loud steam train sounds.

If you went outside (After putting on proper clothing), you would find a man dressed as a conductor standing outside of it shouting "ALL ABOARD!" and gesturing with a lantern.


If you ask where you're going, he responds "Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the POLAR EXPRESS!" He says gesturing to the train. "We are on a tight schedule, so make your decision now."

If you would get on the train just to see what it was all about, you would find yourself in between a passenger car and the caboose. In the passenger car, you would find assorted kids and adults, including a petite, odd-looking trio mingling amongst each other in a manner most merry. The caboose, meanwhile, just has a red haired girl clutching a notebook.

From here, there are two options open to you:
The passenger car or the caboose

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Hospapayas as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

((And, we are a-go! My Co-GM is @Crow, and he will help handle stuff. We will try and make this a fun and enjoyable Christmas experience for all. And if you want me to do something, don't hesitate to ask.))
Chase Davenport had gone to sleep, hoping that everything would be fine. He turned over to his teammates as he heard a loud train whistle. He had no clue where that was coming from and both Kaz and Oliver were sleeping like damn rocks. Neither responded to it. He got dressed and went outside, looking and paused when the man said that the train was going to the North Pole. Was this some sort of prank? It wasn't common to say the least. He decided to run the risk and enter the train. He saw all the adults and kids and then decided to go into the other car. He saw the other girl and looked at her. " Hello, what are you reading?" He asked the girl.

@Minerva @Crow @thatguyinthestore @Caboose

"H- how did I even get here?"

Silence Dogood sighs as she rests on a seat.

But yes, how did she get there?

~Immense Flashback Time!~


It was a fine day in the vast dreamscape. In the middle of a cloudy field was a table set, completely constructed from clouds.


"It's almost Christmas~! Ah, I wish I could spend time with my family, but my friends are enough~ I should've invited Snow White, but she's having very tough training or something with a... Pythie Frederica. I wish she eased herself a little from time to time~"

"Snow White? Like the character known by many via Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm?" Silence Dogood asks.

"No, no, don't be silly, Silence Dogood, she's a very kind magical girl, like me~."

"Luna's missing out on these vanilla scones. I heard she's celebrating this... 'Nightmare Night' this month. It's kind of her Halloween. Her equivalent of Christmas, 'Hearth's Warming Eve', was before. I mean, celebrating Christmas before Halloween... who does that?"


"You have some traditions others might find bizarre too, now don't you, Silence Dogood," the smile never left Nemurin's face, "it's not nice to say things like that~ and if you're not nice, you'll be on Santa's naughty list~"

"It doesn't matter, I'm not really one to accept," Silence Dogood replies as she flinches backwards. She knew that Nemurin had god-like power, and her friendly nature was the only thing holding her back.

"Do you believe in Santa Claus, Silence Dogood?" Nemurin asks.

"I know he exists, but..."

"Knowing that he exists isn't the same as believing in him, Silence Dogood. It's important to believe~"

After a while, Silence Dogood unleashes her umbrella and slashes the air, creating a rift through time and space. "Yeah, I think I should be heading home soon."

Nemurin simply smiled as her friend left. That was when she snapped her fingers...

~Dogood Mansion~

While its external polish was radiant and regal, what was within was a sight to behold.

"Time of giving? At the end of it all, it's just a... time of recieving..." Silence Dogood sighs as she sits at the balcony of her room, unable to sleep as the full moon rose in the sky. That was when what appeared to be a steam engine buzzed towards her.

Using her reflexes, she jumped off the balcony to find what appeared to be a... conductor?


Those were the words of the conductor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Silence Dogood asks.

"Is your name here?" The conductor displays a clipboard to Silence Dogood.

"Um... yes... but... where exactly does this train go?"

"Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the POLAR EXPRESS!


... well, you coming?"

~Back to Present Time~

Needless to say, Silence Dogood agreed. Why else would she be on board?


"We've been riding pretty long, how tight is this schedule?" Silence Dogood utters as she sits in the chatty Passenger Car. Where were the refreshments?

@Minerva @Crow @PASSENGERCAR
Last edited:
Chase Davenport had gone to sleep, hoping that everything would be fine. He turned over to his teammates as he heard a loud train whistle. He had no clue where that was coming from and both Kaz and Oliver were sleeping like damn rocks. Neither responded to it. He got dressed and went outside, looking and paused when the man said that the train was going to the North Pole. Was this some sort of prank? It wasn't common to say the least. He decided to run the risk and enter the train. He saw all the adults and kids and then decided to go into the other car. He saw the other girl and looked at her. " Hello, what are you reading?" He asked the girl.

@Minerva @Crow @thatguyinthestore @Caboose


The girl would sit up inand be clutching the book in her hands when Chase walked in. On the cover, Chase could read "Ryoko Otonashi Memory Notebook" in her other hand appeared to be a pencil. "Just writing down and then going through my memories..." she said in a quiet voice.

Marco was suddenly awoken in the middle of the night by a loud train whistle from outside of his window. "What the?" He asked himself quietly looking outside his window and at the train that had just miraculously appeared in the middle of the street. Marco got out of bed and quietly snuck into Star's room to see if she was still awake.


Surprisingly though, Star was still sound asleep in her bed. "I don't wanna ride the warnicorn.." The teen mumbled amidst her sleep. Marco simply sighed and quietly exited the room, trying not to wake her. Marco just left her best friend be and headed downstairs and outside to the train. Of course, he questioned the man's presence and where the train was going. What kind of rational person wouldn't? But then he had realized that they were going to the North Pole. It seemed as though it was a trap of some sort, but he was already up so why not? Besides, he would have a good story for Star in the morning.

When Marco entered the caboose, he looked at the array of different boys and girls that occupied the caboose. Marco approached the booth with the quiet girl reading the book and the teenager who looked to be about his age. Marco would hold up a single hand to signal a wave and a slight smile on the edge of his face.

"So do either of you know what the deal with this train is?" He asked, still suspicious.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Caboose

She had finally been able to slip into bed after a long day, just about to close those eyes for a good long rest. But it was not to be, as before she knew it, the loud and clunky sounds of a train ruined the peaceful quiet. Groggily Satsuki got up, stumbled to the window and peered out...to confirm that yes, it is a train.

In the middle of the street with no train tracks.

"Oh not now!" She complained, hand curling into a balled up fist at her side. These goddamn ghosts. Always at the worst time.

She pushed the window open, stuck her head out, took a deep breath and:


With that, she slammed the window and stomped back to her room, grabbing her mother's journal as she plopped onto the bed and began flicking through...only to find nothing about any ghost trains. And still the sounds just went on and on.

Eventually Satsuki sighed, changed into some better outfit and stepped outside to check out this train. When she did, she ran into the conductor. She looked him over for a second--

"Holy porn-staches, Batman." She muttered to herself. Polar Express, he said. Haunted-ass train, she thought. Still...there was a curiosity there.

And soon enough, she found herself on the train, seated in the crowded passenger car and trying to just ignore the rest.

@Minerva @Crow @PassengerCar​
Peter had been trying to sleep after a long day of being New York's favorite arachnid themed super hero, when he heard the train.

At first, he grumbled something about the trains in New York being louder than anything. But then, he remembered. Where he and Aunt May lived, there was no train station this close...

So, with suspicion in mind. Peter got out of bed, snuck over to his closet. Reached to the place where he had webbed up his "costume" and pulled it down. Taking it out, Peter began to put it on. After putting on the bandana, goggles and after tying his shoes. He made sure his web shooters had enough web fluid in them, and that he had spare cartridges, just incase.

With everything looking alright. He flipped up the hood, and walked to the window in his room. Opening it, crawling through it, then closing it behind him. In Queens, the likelihood of someone breaking in, in Queens, especially around Christmas was less likely than having Dr. Strange putting on a tutu.

When he saw the train, he tried to blink to see if it was a hallucination. But, when it was still there, he got really cautious. Afterall, if you just saw what appeared to be a train in Queens with no visible track there. It is kind of hard to not have doubts.

But, as he boarded the train and looked around, he saw that there were others. So, that dashed some of the doubt. But, as he was considering leaving. A voice in his head told him to stay, and make sure nothing bad happens. As, with great power, comes great responsibility.

So, he decided to sit in the passenger car. Pulling out his phone, and proceeding to play a game that looked to be a matching game.

@Minerva @Passenger car

Inukashi had.just about to hit the hay after getting her final customer of the day set up in a room with some of her many dogs to use as heaters. It was good business, if she got paid. Though, she could always visit Shion more often she didn't want to burden him. Speaking of him, if she remembered correctly, he invited her to see him and his mother or something for some "old holiday", although she would of liked to, she had to turn it down. She had a business to run, one that she's known for years and a pack to take care of. Though as she got settled and closed her eyes for the night the sound of a blaring whistle startled her, eyes snapping open as she shot up.

"What the hell?" she growled, getting out of her sleeping area and throwing on her old ratty cloak for some warmth over her worn clothes. Though she stopped as she made it to the lobby when she realized that none of the dogs were disturbed, nor the customers. She almost thought of the men next to her was dead, but it wasn't the case as she nudged him with her foot and got a snore from him. Narrowing her eyes she headed outside, making her way through the blanket of snow on the desert like ground only to stare up at a train, one thing they didn't have since a very long time ago-especially one of such make.

She stared in silence, both confused and, albeit, in awe at such a thing. Was this some really weird dream? Did she accidentally stumble into Shion's stupid dream? Hearing the conductor snapped her out of her thoughts and she studied him for a moment, shoulders shaking ever do slightly from the cold of the night, before wordlessly getting on the train to see what was inside.

Noticing some others present, some dressed strangely compared to others, she sat in the passenger car by herself.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Passenger car
If it hadn't been for the Marley Brothers, Scrooge would have dismissed all of this as an exceedingly feverish dream. A train directly outside his house? Poppycock! Balderdash!

His property values would have been much reduced and thus cheaper to have obtained. If the man who had sold him the house withdrew this important bit of information, then his cane was going to have an appointment with someones nose. Ye gods and spirits of air and darkness.

He utterly despised those who thought to rob the businessman. At any rate, it was a glorious looking train. Certainly not one meant for his dressing gown and wordlessly, he stepped back inside and changed. Back to the clothing that set him apart as one of the cities own, feared and avoided by all when he strode like some portent of a dark future.

Cane thumping, hat on his head he strode into the Passenger car, uncaring as he sat down in his seat and flicked up a newspaper, cutting off everyone else from his attention and added to his atmosphere.

Do not disturb.

And woe betide the first to try.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Passenger car​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"On Christmas Eve, many years ago... I lay quietly in my bed.

I did not rustle the sheets.

I breathed slowly and silently.

I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear... The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh."

"Mathematically, Santa is an impossibility. His sleigh would have to go significantly faster than the speed of light, and to carry all this presents, his ship would require more mass and carrying space that a cruise ship. The North Pole is a barren, inhospitable wasteland, and no one could survive there for very long, much less maintain an industrial level society.

In conclusion: Saint Nicholas is a historical person, but Santa Claus is mythological."

The Polar Express is a magical train that appears every Christmas. It takes children to the North Pole to see Santa Claus. It takes both those who believe to meet him, as well as those who doubt that he exists. On the trip, the passengers experience things normal people don't. They make new friends from interesting places, and at the end of it, they meet Santa Claus, who chooses one of them and gives the First Gift of Christmas to that special child.

The train travels the Multiverse, looking for those special few for that year's trip to meet Santa at the North Pole.

Across the Multiverse, it's Christmas Eve, and you've just fallen asleep, or are in the process of falling asleep. Maybe you, like a young child, believe in Santa, maybe you're of the staunch belief that he doesn't exist. No matter where you are, be it a Highrise in a cyberpunk city, an average suburban home, or a hovel out in the medieval countryside, the train pulled up to wherever you were that night. No one else heard it, despite its loud steam train sounds.

If you went outside (After putting on proper clothing), you would find a man dressed as a conductor standing outside of it shouting "ALL ABOARD!" and gesturing with a lantern.


If you ask where you're going, he responds "Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the POLAR EXPRESS!" He says gesturing to the train. "We are on a tight schedule, so make your decision now."

If you would get on the train just to see what it was all about, you would find yourself in between a passenger car and the caboose. In the passenger car, you would find assorted kids and adults, including a petite, odd-looking trio mingling amongst each other in a manner most merry. The caboose, meanwhile, just has a red haired girl clutching a notebook.

From here, there are two options open to you:
The passenger car or the caboose

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Hospapayas as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

((And, we are a-go! My Co-GM is @Crow, and he will help handle stuff. We will try and make this a fun and enjoyable Christmas experience for all. And if you want me to do something, don't hesitate to ask.))
Needless to say, Silence Dogood agreed. Why else would she be on board?


"We've been riding pretty long, how tight is this schedule?" Silence Dogood utters as she sits in the chatty Passenger Car. Where were the refreshments?

@Minerva @Crow @PASSENGERCAR

She had finally been able to slip into bed after a long day, just about to close those eyes for a good long rest. But it was not to be, as before she knew it, the loud and clunky sounds of a train ruined the peaceful quiet. Groggily Satsuki got up, stumbled to the window and peered out...to confirm that yes, it is a train.

In the middle of the street with no train tracks.

"Oh not now!" She complained, hand curling into a balled up fist at her side. These goddamn ghosts. Always at the worst time.

She pushed the window open, stuck her head out, took a deep breath and:


With that, she slammed the window and stomped back to her room, grabbing her mother's journal as she plopped onto the bed and began flicking through...only to find nothing about any ghost trains. And still the sounds just went on and on.

Eventually Satsuki sighed, changed into some better outfit and stepped outside to check out this train. When she did, she ran into the conductor. She looked him over for a second--

"Holy porn-staches, Batman." She muttered to herself. Polar Express, he said. Haunted-ass train, she thought. Still...there was a curiosity there.

And soon enough, she found herself on the train, seated in the crowded passenger car and trying to just ignore the rest.

@Minerva @Crow @PassengerCar​
Peter had been trying to sleep after a long day of being New York's favorite arachnid themed super hero, when he heard the train.

At first, he grumbled something about the trains in New York being louder than anything. But then, he remembered. Where he and Aunt May lived, there was no train station this close...

So, with suspicion in mind. Peter got out of bed, snuck over to his closet. Reached to the place where he had webbed up his "costume" and pulled it down. Taking it out, Peter began to put it on. After putting on the bandana, goggles and after tying his shoes. He made sure his web shooters had enough web fluid in them, and that he had spare cartridges, just incase.

With everything looking alright. He flipped up the hood, and walked to the window in his room. Opening it, crawling through it, then closing it behind him. In Queens, the likelihood of someone breaking in, in Queens, especially around Christmas was less likely than having Dr. Strange putting on a tutu.

When he saw the train, he tried to blink to see if it was a hallucination. But, when it was still there, he got really cautious. Afterall, if you just saw what appeared to be a train in Queens with no visible track there. It is kind of hard to not have doubts.

But, as he boarded the train and looked around, he saw that there were others. So, that dashed some of the doubt. But, as he was considering leaving. A voice in his head told him to stay, and make sure nothing bad happens. As, with great power, comes great responsibility.

So, he decided to sit in the passenger car. Pulling out his phone, and proceeding to play a game that looked to be a matching game.

@Minerva @Passenger car

Inukashi had.just about to hit the hay after getting her final customer of the day set up in a room with some of her many dogs to use as heaters. It was good business, if she got paid. Though, she could always visit Shion more often she didn't want to burden him. Speaking of him, if she remembered correctly, he invited her to see him and his mother or something for some "old holiday", although she would of liked to, she had to turn it down. She had a business to run, one that she's known for years and a pack to take care of. Though as she got settled and closed her eyes for the night the sound of a blaring whistle startled her, eyes snapping open as she shot up.

"What the hell?" she growled, getting out of her sleeping area and throwing on her old ratty cloak for some warmth over her worn clothes. Though she stopped as she made it to the lobby when she realized that none of the dogs were disturbed, nor the customers. She almost thought of the men next to her was dead, but it wasn't the case as she nudged him with her foot and got a snore from him. Narrowing her eyes she headed outside, making her way through the blanket of snow on the desert like ground only to stare up at a train, one thing they didn't have since a very long time ago-especially one of such make.

She stared in silence, both confused and, albeit, in awe at such a thing. Was this some really weird dream? Did she accidentally stumble into Shion's stupid dream? Hearing the conductor snapped her out of her thoughts and she studied him for a moment, shoulders shaking ever do slightly from the cold of the night, before wordlessly getting on the train to see what was inside.

Noticing some others present, some dressed strangely compared to others, she sat in the passenger car by herself.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Passenger car
If it hadn't been for the Marley Brothers, Scrooge would have dismissed all of this as an exceedingly feverish dream. A train directly outside his house? Poppycock! Balderdash!

His property values would have been much reduced and thus cheaper to have obtained. If the man who had sold him the house withdrew this important bit of information, then his cane was going to have an appointment with someones nose. Ye gods and spirits of air and darkness.

He utterly despised those who thought to rob the businessman. At any rate, it was a glorious looking train. Certainly not one meant for his dressing gown and wordlessly, he stepped back inside and changed. Back to the clothing that set him apart as one of the cities own, feared and avoided by all when he strode like some portent of a dark future.

Cane thumping, hat on his head he strode into the Passenger car, uncaring as he sat down in his seat and flicked up a newspaper, cutting off everyone else from his attention and added to his atmosphere.

Do not disturb.

And woe betide the first to try.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Passenger car​

The bright and colorful Mato Kuroi hummed herself a tune while reading her favorite book, thinking about how her two friends were doing after those incidents. She couldn't wait to see them again once Christmas break was over. She remembered about that journal entry she wrote a few days ago, going on how she wanted certain things for her Christmas this year. Most people in her household asked her on why she still entranced by the story of Santa Claus when she was a good way into her time in middle school, but she didn't mind it. She had a lot of time before she would grow up from it, lots and lots of time.

That was when she heard something out of the blue outside of her bedroom window. Peeking through the curtains, Mato blinked and rubbed her eyes multiple times to see some train right in front of her house and on the street! Weird... she was pretty sure that trains had to be on rails in order to get places, but then again, she did have a strange encounter with her "other self" in order to find Yomi not too long ago.


"... Black Rock Shooter... is this something you're involved in?"

Well, with her 14-year-old mind, Mato came to the conclusion that her "other self" was behind the strange appearance of a train in her neighborhood. Thankfully her family was busy with late Christmas shopping, because she had plans to check out this train for herself. Packing her storybook, journal, and some snacks into her backpack, Mato slung her hoodie jacket before going outside to board the train for further investigation.

What could possibly go wrong if she went on? It'll take her back here like how she was brought back home with the help of her "other self," right?


"Um... hello? I-I'm looking for a friend of mine... I think she's on this train..."

Mato stepped into the passenger car, voicing out her curiosities on whether or not her special friend was around.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Ringmaster @Passenger Car​
It was a quiet, peaceful night, in comparison to those that had transpired prior. Disappointing as it may have been, they'd traveled all day with no signs of any elves, well... Anywhere. Aside from Celcia, of course(though admittedly, she didn't exactly count in her... current state, though this was left unsaid by Ritsuko and Airi at the very least). But on the bright side of it all? They had found a nice place to stay the night. A place that wasn't a haunted mansion, which, Ritsuko was extremely grateful for after that last experience. Whether there had really been ghosts there at all or not, she had just been glad to get out of the place.

Plus, it had been pretty hilarious, seeing Celcia with the spell fragments they picked up there. That had certainly lifted her mood.

In any case, the redhead was all comfy cozy in their largerly shared room for the night, huddled up in a pile of blankets to accommodate for the chilly weather. From what she'd learned from Celcia, it sounded as though Christmas was something celebrated in this land, as well. The teen couldn't help but think about it, the Christmases she'd celebrated for so many years. Pleasant thoughts and recollections danced through her head as a yawn split her face and her eyes drifted shut, snuggling closer into the warmth of the blankets. And when she woke, she thought to herself, it'd be Christmas! What a pleasant thought...


Admittedly, whether she had drifted off or not was blurry, but Ritsuko found herself stirring what felt like mere moments later with a drowsiness about her. But stronger than that was the curiosity, for she swore she heard...

Despite the grogginess about her, the teen slowly shifted, inching out of her burrito of blankets over to a certain... Panda. Lightly, she nudged the creature, speaking up softly. "Celcia. Celcia, did you hear that?" she inquired, voice clouded with sleep. When no response came, she lightly nudged the panda once again. "Celcia?" It took a few moments, but the young redhead managed to provoke a groan from the creature, who shifted and turned over. "Ugh, Ri-chan, go to sleep. It's the middle of the night," the sorceress, despite her current animal form, complained. Well, that was about as much as Ritsuko was getting out of her for the night. So her head turned, looking to the sleeping forms of her other friends. "Airi? Junpei? You heard it, too, right?"

All she got from the large, muscular form of the martial artist was loud, obnoxious snoring. If she hadn't been brought to a more aware state from the repeated train sounds outside, she certainly would have been wide awake, now. All she could do in response was deadpan, staring at his sleeping form for a moment before sighing and letting out a mutter. "What a putz." With that, and a complete lack of response from Airi, she climbed to her feet, grabbed and stowed her gun at her waist, and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, in that case, I guess it's just you and me, Pichi...."

A pause.


Of course, another glance showed that the little bear-like creature was still fast asleep. "Mew..." And thus, the teen let her arms drop to her sides defeatedly, momentarily looking discouraged before puffing out her cheeks, straightening up and puffing out her chest, arms crossing over it. "Well fine, I guess I'll go check it out by myself!" As she expected, but was still disappointed by, no response came.

So in her pajamas, the young female set out with determination, curiosity piqued. After all, it had been so long since she'd heard a train... No such thing seemed to exist in this world, but she knew what she'd heard. And that alone called for investigation! Of course, naturally, when she got outside and found herself face to metal with what was obviously a train, yet had no tracks or conceivable way of being there? Well, she was quick to let the curiosity get the best of her and board, heading to the passenger car to explore.

@Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Ringmaster @Crow @Passenger Car​
Cane thumping, hat on his head he strode into the Passenger car, uncaring as he sat down in his seat and flicked up a newspaper, cutting off everyone else from his attention and added to his atmosphere.

Do not disturb.

And woe betide the first to try.​
"Oh man, a newspaper and cane. Can't tell you're an old man, nope. Not at all."


"Um... hello? I-I'm looking for a friend of mine... I think she's on this train..."

Mato stepped into the passenger car, voicing out her curiosities on whether or not her special friend was around.​
"You're going to need to be a lot more specific. In case you didn't notice." She gestured to their surroundings with open arms. "Jeez, these schoolgirls. Why bother going to school if you don't learn? Asian trash."

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Hospapayas
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"On Christmas Eve, many years ago... I lay quietly in my bed.

I did not rustle the sheets.

I breathed slowly and silently.

I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear... The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh."

"Mathematically, Santa is an impossibility. His sleigh would have to go significantly faster than the speed of light, and to carry all this presents, his ship would require more mass and carrying space that a cruise ship. The North Pole is a barren, inhospitable wasteland, and no one could survive there for very long, much less maintain an industrial level society.

In conclusion: Saint Nicholas is a historical person, but Santa Claus is mythological."

The Polar Express is a magical train that appears every Christmas. It takes children to the North Pole to see Santa Claus. It takes both those who believe to meet him, as well as those who doubt that he exists. On the trip, the passengers experience things normal people don't. They make new friends from interesting places, and at the end of it, they meet Santa Claus, who chooses one of them and gives the First Gift of Christmas to that special child.

The train travels the Multiverse, looking for those special few for that year's trip to meet Santa at the North Pole.

Across the Multiverse, it's Christmas Eve, and you've just fallen asleep, or are in the process of falling asleep. Maybe you, like a young child, believe in Santa, maybe you're of the staunch belief that he doesn't exist. No matter where you are, be it a Highrise in a cyberpunk city, an average suburban home, or a hovel out in the medieval countryside, the train pulled up to wherever you were that night. No one else heard it, despite its loud steam train sounds.

If you went outside (After putting on proper clothing), you would find a man dressed as a conductor standing outside of it shouting "ALL ABOARD!" and gesturing with a lantern.


If you ask where you're going, he responds "Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the POLAR EXPRESS!" He says gesturing to the train. "We are on a tight schedule, so make your decision now."

If you would get on the train just to see what it was all about, you would find yourself in between a passenger car and the caboose. In the passenger car, you would find assorted kids and adults, including a petite, odd-looking trio mingling amongst each other in a manner most merry. The caboose, meanwhile, just has a red haired girl clutching a notebook.

From here, there are two options open to you:
The passenger car or the caboose

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)

@thatguyinthestore as Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)

@Poe Dameron as Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)

@Crow as Silence Dogood (OC)

@york as Hogarth Hughes (The Iron Giant)

@Hospapayas as Ritsuko Inoue (Those Who Hunt Elves)

@Takumi as Inukashi (No. 6)

@Gummi Bunnies as Mato Kuroi (Black★Rock Shooter)

@C.T. as Satsuki Miyanoshita (Ghost Stories dub)

@Yang Lee as Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)

@The Wanderer as Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)

@Ringmaster as Ebenezer Scrooge (The Muppets: A Christmas Carol)

@Minerva as Hana "D.Va" Song (Overwatch)

@Yun Lee as Starfire (Teen Titans)

((And, we are a-go! My Co-GM is @Crow, and he will help handle stuff. We will try and make this a fun and enjoyable Christmas experience for all. And if you want me to do something, don't hesitate to ask.))
"Is that anyway for a commoner to speak to me?" The long haired beauty responded to the conductor. "Oh never mind I am just here to see the plump fellow that gives out presents. I have a wish list for him." She winked sensually at the man before stepping inside and heading towards the passenger car. Cleopatra had preferred a private cart for her alone but perhaps this had to suffice for now.
Dearest Sonia, how are you? I am just fine, thank you. I must admit that my heart is full to the brim with excitement and cheer, as it is now the Eve of Christmas!

I wonder...do they have festivities in Japan? Or have you gone home to your own country? I have been working my hardest in order to make this Christmas the most festive it can be for myself and my roommates. Stockings have been hung with great care, and hopefully the dancing sugar plums will be in ny dreams tonight...whatever sugar plums are.

I wish you a Merry Christmas, my friend!

All the hugs and kisses, Kori

PS: My friend Cy has informed me that X and O signify hugs and kisses in letters. Is this true?

PPS: You may notice a package with this letter. I hope the contents are pleasing.

Starfire smiled to herself as she finished penning her letter to her pen pal. To be safe, she double checked to make sure that it didn't look too unusual. All Sonia knew was that Star was a teenage girl living in New York with four roommates. Part of her felt a little guilty for lying to her friend, but it was kind of hard to confess thst she was a princess from the planet Tamaran who fought crime and lived in a giant T on an island off New York City. Saying something like that kind of guaranteed you wouldn't get written back.

Oh well. Maybe someday she could fess up. But for now, all she did was tape the letter to a box she had on the table in the living room. She really hoped Sonia liked this present...Raven actually went out of her way to help Starfire get it! Sure, the store they'd gone to was...creepy, but Sonia loved this kind of stuff.

Looking around, Starfire couldn't help but smile-the decorations were beautiful. Red and green everywhere, with a big beautiful Christmas tree and presents underneath. A plate of cookies and milk were all set up, as were the stockings. This was going tobe a wonderful Christmas, she could feel it.

Starfire yawned, getting up from the couch. Well, everyone else had gone to sleep, she might as well do the same. She could send Sonia's gift on the 26th. Humming the Christmas Song to herself, Star started off for her room.

Until she saw it.

"Huh?" Looking outside, the Teen Titan saw a train racing along the snow on the mainland...but there were no tracks there? What was going on? She started to run to her friends to wake them up, but there was no time. They needed to sleep for Christmas-she could handle a train on her own.

Starfire flew out of their base, not aware she still held Sonia's present as she did so. It didn't take too long to reach the train, and she entered the caboose once she landed, bursting inside.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

@Yang Lee @Minerva @Crow @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @Caboose​
  • Love
Reactions: Yang Lee
Dearest Sonia, how are you? I am just fine, thank you. I must admit that my heart is full to the brim with excitement and cheer, as it is now the Eve of Christmas!

I wonder...do they have festivities in Japan? Or have you gone home to your own country? I have been working my hardest in order to make this Christmas the most festive it can be for myself and my roommates. Stockings have been hung with great care, and hopefully the dancing sugar plums will be in ny dreams tonight...whatever sugar plums are.

I wish you a Merry Christmas, my friend!

All the hugs and kisses, Kori

PS: My friend Cy has informed me that X and O signify hugs and kisses in letters. Is this true?

PPS: You may notice a package with this letter. I hope the contents are pleasing.

Starfire smiled to herself as she finished penning her letter to her pen pal. To be safe, she double checked to make sure that it didn't look too unusual. All Sonia knew was that Star was a teenage girl living in New York with four roommates. Part of her felt a little guilty for lying to her friend, but it was kind of hard to confess thst she was a princess from the planet Tamaran who fought crime and lived in a giant T on an island off New York City. Saying something like that kind of guaranteed you wouldn't get written back.

Oh well. Maybe someday she could fess up. But for now, all she did was tape the letter to a box she had on the table in the living room. She really hoped Sonia liked this present...Raven actually went out of her way to help Starfire get it! Sure, the store they'd gone to was...creepy, but Sonia loved this kind of stuff.

Looking around, Starfire couldn't help but smile-the decorations were beautiful. Red and green everywhere, with a big beautiful Christmas tree and presents underneath. A plate of cookies and milk were all set up, as were the stockings. This was going tobe a wonderful Christmas, she could feel it.

Starfire yawned, getting up from the couch. Well, everyone else had gone to sleep, she might as well do the same. She could send Sonia's gift on the 26th. Humming the Christmas Song to herself, Star started off for her room.

Until she saw it.

"Huh?" Looking outside, the Teen Titan saw a train racing along the snow on the mainland...but there were no tracks there? What was going on? She started to run to her friends to wake them up, but there was no time. They needed to sleep for Christmas-she could handle a train on her own.

Starfire flew out of their base, not aware she still held Sonia's present as she did so. It didn't take too long to reach the train, and she entered the caboose once she landed, bursting inside.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

@Yang Lee @Minerva @Crow @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @Caboose​
Marco immediately turned around the second that he heard her burst inside, just like Star would everyday. Or she would use her dimensional scissors despite his efforts to get her to just simply knock. Marco looked over Starfire and rose a brow.

"Um..... hi? I'm Marco. And this is apparently a train that's going to the north pole. And you are?" Marco asked, holding out a hand for a handshake.

@Yun Lee
If it hadn't been for the Marley Brothers, Scrooge would have dismissed all of this as an exceedingly feverish dream. A train directly outside his house? Poppycock! Balderdash!

His property values would have been much reduced and thus cheaper to have obtained. If the man who had sold him the house withdrew this important bit of information, then his cane was going to have an appointment with someones nose. Ye gods and spirits of air and darkness.

He utterly despised those who thought to rob the businessman. At any rate, it was a glorious looking train. Certainly not one meant for his dressing gown and wordlessly, he stepped back inside and changed. Back to the clothing that set him apart as one of the cities own, feared and avoided by all when he strode like some portent of a dark future.

Cane thumping, hat on his head he strode into the Passenger car, uncaring as he sat down in his seat and flicked up a newspaper, cutting off everyone else from his attention and added to his atmosphere.

Do not disturb.

And woe betide the first to try.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Passenger car​

Silence Dogood felt the unease around the train.


"I guess holidays aren't my resting time. Or yours either, Benjamin."

Silence Dogood snaps her fingers, conjuring a German Shepherd-sized beast. This beast was chimeric in appearance, yet had a regal feel. Those who were familiar with oriental myth and legend would recognise it as a Baku, a dream-eating chimerical being with similiarities to a Tapir.


"Grragh..." it growled, its snout pointed towards Ebenezer Scrooge.

"That man isn't even sleeping," Silence Dogood says as her eyes dart towards the Scrooge as well. "well, for now, anyways. Must be a pretty strong miasma if it can be sensed while he's awake. What could it be about?"

@Ringmaster @C.T.
Inukashi had.just about to hit the hay after getting her final customer of the day set up in a room with some of her many dogs to use as heaters. It was good business, if she got paid. Though, she could always visit Shion more often she didn't want to burden him. Speaking of him, if she remembered correctly, he invited her to see him and his mother or something for some "old holiday", although she would of liked to, she had to turn it down. She had a business to run, one that she's known for years and a pack to take care of. Though as she got settled and closed her eyes for the night the sound of a blaring whistle startled her, eyes snapping open as she shot up.

"What the hell?" she growled, getting out of her sleeping area and throwing on her old ratty cloak for some warmth over her worn clothes. Though she stopped as she made it to the lobby when she realized that none of the dogs were disturbed, nor the customers. She almost thought of the men next to her was dead, but it wasn't the case as she nudged him with her foot and got a snore from him. Narrowing her eyes she headed outside, making her way through the blanket of snow on the desert like ground only to stare up at a train, one thing they didn't have since a very long time ago-especially one of such make.

She stared in silence, both confused and, albeit, in awe at such a thing. Was this some really weird dream? Did she accidentally stumble into Shion's stupid dream? Hearing the conductor snapped her out of her thoughts and she studied him for a moment, shoulders shaking ever do slightly from the cold of the night, before wordlessly getting on the train to see what was inside.

Noticing some others present, some dressed strangely compared to others, she sat in the passenger car by herself.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Passenger car
It was a quiet, peaceful night, in comparison to those that had transpired prior. Disappointing as it may have been, they'd traveled all day with no signs of any elves, well... Anywhere. Aside from Celcia, of course(though admittedly, she didn't exactly count in her... current state, though this was left unsaid by Ritsuko and Airi at the very least). But on the bright side of it all? They had found a nice place to stay the night. A place that wasn't a haunted mansion, which, Ritsuko was extremely grateful for after that last experience. Whether there had really been ghosts there at all or not, she had just been glad to get out of the place.

Plus, it had been pretty hilarious, seeing Celcia with the spell fragments they picked up there. That had certainly lifted her mood.

In any case, the redhead was all comfy cozy in their largerly shared room for the night, huddled up in a pile of blankets to accommodate for the chilly weather. From what she'd learned from Celcia, it sounded as though Christmas was something celebrated in this land, as well. The teen couldn't help but think about it, the Christmases she'd celebrated for so many years. Pleasant thoughts and recollections danced through her head as a yawn split her face and her eyes drifted shut, snuggling closer into the warmth of the blankets. And when she woke, she thought to herself, it'd be Christmas! What a pleasant thought...


Admittedly, whether she had drifted off or not was blurry, but Ritsuko found herself stirring what felt like mere moments later with a drowsiness about her. But stronger than that was the curiosity, for she swore she heard...

Despite the grogginess about her, the teen slowly shifted, inching out of her burrito of blankets over to a certain... Panda. Lightly, she nudged the creature, speaking up softly. "Celcia. Celcia, did you hear that?" she inquired, voice clouded with sleep. When no response came, she lightly nudged the panda once again. "Celcia?" It took a few moments, but the young redhead managed to provoke a groan from the creature, who shifted and turned over. "Ugh, Ri-chan, go to sleep. It's the middle of the night," the sorceress, despite her current animal form, complained. Well, that was about as much as Ritsuko was getting out of her for the night. So her head turned, looking to the sleeping forms of her other friends. "Airi? Junpei? You heard it, too, right?"

All she got from the large, muscular form of the martial artist was loud, obnoxious snoring. If she hadn't been brought to a more aware state from the repeated train sounds outside, she certainly would have been wide awake, now. All she could do in response was deadpan, staring at his sleeping form for a moment before sighing and letting out a mutter. "What a putz." With that, and a complete lack of response from Airi, she climbed to her feet, grabbed and stowed her gun at her waist, and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, in that case, I guess it's just you and me, Pichi...."

A pause.


Of course, another glance showed that the little bear-like creature was still fast asleep. "Mew..." And thus, the teen let her arms drop to her sides defeatedly, momentarily looking discouraged before puffing out her cheeks, straightening up and puffing out her chest, arms crossing over it. "Well fine, I guess I'll go check it out by myself!" As she expected, but was still disappointed by, no response came.

So in her pajamas, the young female set out with determination, curiosity piqued. After all, it had been so long since she'd heard a train... No such thing seemed to exist in this world, but she knew what she'd heard. And that alone called for investigation! Of course, naturally, when she got outside and found herself face to metal with what was obviously a train, yet had no tracks or conceivable way of being there? Well, she was quick to let the curiosity get the best of her and board, heading to the passenger car to explore.

@Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Ringmaster @Crow @Passenger Car​

The bright and colorful Mato Kuroi hummed herself a tune while reading her favorite book, thinking about how her two friends were doing after those incidents. She couldn't wait to see them again once Christmas break was over. She remembered about that journal entry she wrote a few days ago, going on how she wanted certain things for her Christmas this year. Most people in her household asked her on why she still entranced by the story of Santa Claus when she was a good way into her time in middle school, but she didn't mind it. She had a lot of time before she would grow up from it, lots and lots of time.

That was when she heard something out of the blue outside of her bedroom window. Peeking through the curtains, Mato blinked and rubbed her eyes multiple times to see some train right in front of her house and on the street! Weird... she was pretty sure that trains had to be on rails in order to get places, but then again, she did have a strange encounter with her "other self" in order to find Yomi not too long ago.


"... Black Rock Shooter... is this something you're involved in?"

Well, with her 14-year-old mind, Mato came to the conclusion that her "other self" was behind the strange appearance of a train in her neighborhood. Thankfully her family was busy with late Christmas shopping, because she had plans to check out this train for herself. Packing her storybook, journal, and some snacks into her backpack, Mato slung her hoodie jacket before going outside to board the train for further investigation.

What could possibly go wrong if she went on? It'll take her back here like how she was brought back home with the help of her "other self," right?


"Um... hello? I-I'm looking for a friend of mine... I think she's on this train..."

Mato stepped into the passenger car, voicing out her curiosities on whether or not her special friend was around.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Ringmaster @Passenger Car​


Inukashi would hear this sound as she sat on her seat. It appeared that her mildly intimidating appearance had scared someone. A swift flash was evident as someone seemed to hide underneath the table that she sat in front of. This light screech might be heard by Ritsuko and Mato, too, as well as others present in the Passenger Car. What was it?


"It happened again?" one girl says as she looks underneath the table for the supposed source of the screech. It appeared that this girl had sat on the seat on the opposite side of the table.


"Speaking of happening again... I think... I'm going to be... sick..." a second girl, sitting beside the first one, adds. "This crowd... the air is full of..."

"Come on Shouko," the first girl speaks, "don't do this to me. P- please. Deep breaths, deep breaths..."

"But I must let it all out..." the second girl states, "I can't take it... I can't handle it..."

This was going to be a long day.

Or night, for that matter.

@Takumi @Savannah Clause @Gummi Bunnies

@Minerva @The Wanderer @PASSENGERCAR

The bright and colorful Mato Kuroi hummed herself a tune while reading her favorite book, thinking about how her two friends were doing after those incidents. She couldn't wait to see them again once Christmas break was over. She remembered about that journal entry she wrote a few days ago, going on how she wanted certain things for her Christmas this year. Most people in her household asked her on why she still entranced by the story of Santa Claus when she was a good way into her time in middle school, but she didn't mind it. She had a lot of time before she would grow up from it, lots and lots of time.

That was when she heard something out of the blue outside of her bedroom window. Peeking through the curtains, Mato blinked and rubbed her eyes multiple times to see some train right in front of her house and on the street! Weird... she was pretty sure that trains had to be on rails in order to get places, but then again, she did have a strange encounter with her "other self" in order to find Yomi not too long ago.


"... Black Rock Shooter... is this something you're involved in?"

Well, with her 14-year-old mind, Mato came to the conclusion that her "other self" was behind the strange appearance of a train in her neighborhood. Thankfully her family was busy with late Christmas shopping, because she had plans to check out this train for herself. Packing her storybook, journal, and some snacks into her backpack, Mato slung her hoodie jacket before going outside to board the train for further investigation.

What could possibly go wrong if she went on? It'll take her back here like how she was brought back home with the help of her "other self," right?


"Um... hello? I-I'm looking for a friend of mine... I think she's on this train..."

Mato stepped into the passenger car, voicing out her curiosities on whether or not her special friend was around.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Takumi @Ringmaster @Passenger Car​

"Oh man, a newspaper and cane. Can't tell you're an old man, nope. Not at all."

"You're going to need to be a lot more specific. In case you didn't notice." She gestured to their surroundings with open arms. "Jeez, these schoolgirls. Why bother going to school if you don't learn? Asian trash."

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Hospapayas

Inukashi simply watched the exchange with a roll of her eyes as she crossed her arms where she sat.

"Like Ms. Smartmouth suggested, you'll have to specify." she added, leaning back to get comfortable while crossing her legs. Mato reminded Inukashi of Shion already. Maybe it was how she looked, who knows?

Silence Dogood felt the unease around the train.


"I guess holidays aren't my resting time. Or yours either, Benjamin."

Silence Dogood snaps her fingers, conjuring a German Shepherd-sized beast. This beast was chimeric in appearance, yet had a regal feel. Those who were familiar with oriental myth and legend would recognise it as a Baku, a dream-eating chimerical being with similiarities to a Tapir.


"Grragh..." it growled, its snout pointed towards Ebenezer Scrooge.

"That man isn't even sleeping," Silence Dogood says as her eyes dart towards the Scrooge as well. "well, for now, anyways. Must be a pretty strong miasma if it can be sensed while he's awake. What could it be about?"

@Ringmaster @C.T.


Inukashi would hear this sound as she sat on her seat. It appeared that her mildly intimidating appearance had scared someone. A swift flash was evident as someone seemed to hide underneath the table that she sat in front of. This light screech might be heard by Ritsuko and Mato, too, as well as others present in the Passenger Car. What was it?


"It happened again?" one girl says as she looks underneath the table for the supposed source of the screech. It appeared that this girl had sat on the seat on the opposite side of the table.


"Speaking of happening again... I think... I'm going to be... sick..." a second girl, sitting beside the first one, adds. "This crowd... the air is full of..."

"Come on Shouko," the first girl speaks, "don't do this to me. P- please. Deep breaths, deep breaths..."

"But I must let it all out..." the second girl states, "I can't take it... I can't handle it..."

This was going to be a long day.

Or night, for that matter.

@Takumi @Savannah Clause @Gummi Bunnies

@Minerva @The Wanderer @PASSENGERCAR

"Problem?" Inukashi deadpanned as she looked under the table for the source of the scream, finding a very strange looking girl not much older than herself under there. The fourteen year old honestly had no idea what made this chick scream so loudly like she did.

As for the other girl, it sounded like, to the rather young businesswoman, that she was close to throwing up or something. If that was the case, she was prepared to leave thr area due to a her slightly sensitive nose.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause @Jeremi @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed
Inukashi had.just about to hit the hay after getting her final customer of the day set up in a room with some of her many dogs to use as heaters. It was good business, if she got paid. Though, she could always visit Shion more often she didn't want to burden him. Speaking of him, if she remembered correctly, he invited her to see him and his mother or something for some "old holiday", although she would of liked to, she had to turn it down. She had a business to run, one that she's known for years and a pack to take care of. Though as she got settled and closed her eyes for the night the sound of a blaring whistle startled her, eyes snapping open as she shot up.

"What the hell?" she growled, getting out of her sleeping area and throwing on her old ratty cloak for some warmth over her worn clothes. Though she stopped as she made it to the lobby when she realized that none of the dogs were disturbed, nor the customers. She almost thought of the men next to her was dead, but it wasn't the case as she nudged him with her foot and got a snore from him. Narrowing her eyes she headed outside, making her way through the blanket of snow on the desert like ground only to stare up at a train, one thing they didn't have since a very long time ago-especially one of such make.

She stared in silence, both confused and, albeit, in awe at such a thing. Was this some really weird dream? Did she accidentally stumble into Shion's stupid dream? Hearing the conductor snapped her out of her thoughts and she studied him for a moment, shoulders shaking ever do slightly from the cold of the night, before wordlessly getting on the train to see what was inside.

Noticing some others present, some dressed strangely compared to others, she sat in the passenger car by herself.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @C.T. @Passenger car

Inukashi simply watched the exchange with a roll of her eyes as she crossed her arms where she sat.

"Like Ms. Smartmouth suggested, you'll have to specify." she added, leaning back to get comfortable while crossing her legs. Mato reminded Inukashi of Shion already. Maybe it was how she looked, who knows?

"Problem?" Inukashi deadpanned as she looked under the table for the source of the scream, finding a very strange looking girl not much older than herself under there. The fourteen year old honestly had no idea what made this chick scream so loudly like she did.

As for the other girl, it sounded like, to the rather young businesswoman, that she was close to throwing up or something. If that was the case, she was prepared to leave thr area due to a her slightly sensitive nose.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause @Jeremi @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed

A kid would turn to Inukashi and Cleopatra once they sat down.


"Hey you!" He called out. "Yeah, you! Do you know what kind of train this is?" He spoke really excitedly. It seemed like he really wanted to talk about the train.
  • Love
Reactions: Takumi and Crow
"Problem?" Inukashi deadpanned as she looked under the table for the source of the scream, finding a very strange looking girl not much older than herself under there. The fourteen year old honestly had no idea what made this chick scream so loudly like she did.

As for the other girl, it sounded like, to the rather young businesswoman, that she was close to throwing up or something. If that was the case, she was prepared to leave thr area due to a her slightly sensitive nose.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause @Jeremi @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed

As Inukashi would look underneath the table, she would find a third girl.​




"Uh..." the first girl with the Visual Kei looks at Inukashi. "Not at all. Nono's just... easy to intimidate. That's all. Come on Nono, everyone on this train is harmless. Well... mostly anyways."

The first girl pulls the one she referred to as 'Nono' up, back on the seat.​

@Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause

A kid would turn to Inukashi and Cleopatra once they sat down.


"Hey you!" He called out. "Yeah, you! Do you know what kind of train this is?" He spoke really excitedly. It seemed like he really wanted to talk about the train.

It appears that the girl's brief conversation with Inukashi was interrupted. She decided to let it run and roll.

Her friend, on the other hand... displayed an expression most eerie and played along.


"Ehehehehe... what kind of train do you think it is, boy?"

@Minerva @Jeremi
As Inukashi would look underneath the table, she would find a third girl.​




"Uh..." the first girl with the Visual Kei looks at Inukashi. "Not at all. Nono's just... easy to intimidate. That's all. Come on Nono, everyone on this train is harmless. Well... mostly anyways."

The first girl pulls the one she referred to as 'Nono' up, back on the seat.​

@Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause

It appears that the girl's brief conversation with Inukashi was interrupted. She decided to let it run and roll.

Her friend, on the other hand... displayed an expression most eerie and played along.


"Ehehehehe... what kind of train do you think it is, boy?"

@Minerva @Jeremi

"Is that so? Well I don't bite." Inukashi replied with a chuckle, before someone decided to speak to her and another passenger.

A kid would turn to Inukashi and Cleopatra once they sat down.


"Hey you!" He called out. "Yeah, you! Do you know what kind of train this is?" He spoke really excitedly. It seemed like he really wanted to talk about the train.

Her attention taken for the moment Inukashi looked up at the boy and cringed internally at how excited he was.

"No. Don't really care to know, kid. Where I come from we don't have 'em or need 'em." she replied nonchalantly with a wave of her hand.

But then someone had to ask what the boy thought of the train.

@Minerva @Crow @The Wanderer @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause @Jeremi @Passenger Car @Anybody I missed
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