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~I'm drinking coffee on a trampoline~
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
3pm - 1am (GMT / BST)
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Monsters, supernatural, fantasy, romance, criminality, slice-of-life (modern or set in past, usually with some twists)

Saturdays in July had been the highlight of many people's years before The Invasion. With the hot weather and the weekend combining, people flocked to the beaches held barbecues on their front lawns, or simply sat inside, in the cool shade, with a nice cold glass of iced tea. No matter what anyone did on these days, it always had the benefit of seeming relaxed, more enjoyable than on any other Summer day.

Though, that was before they came five years ago. Any chance of enjoying a hot day in July in the usual fashion evaporated. People were wiped out of cities, massacred innocently in their homes or on the streets as they fled, and life as everyone knew it changed drastically overnight. Nobody was safe, and hardly many survived. Those that did could hardly sit back on the current July afternoon to absorb the bright sun. No, they had to hide away, unable to return to any normality in the fear that they would be killed if they took their eye off survival. That was the key aim among all surviving humans: continue to survive, by any means necessary.

Well, for all humans and for Octavius. The disowned Prince had gone five years so far, surviving and hiding away from the guards that prowled the streets for any signs of breathing life. Though, unlike most humans, he had enjoyed every second of it. This was his freedom, his chance to finally do what he wanted, and even though the price to pay for that was living in the shadows, it was worth it.

Currently, the beyond handsome man was sat underneath the bridge he knew was mostly unguarded and safe from inspection. He didn't stay there all the time, he had to keep on the move, but it made a nice stop now and then to protect from the harsh sun. And what was he currently doing? Sitting beside a dead body and preparing to cut it up for food. Though, the body itself was that of an alien; someone he had known since he was a child. The man, despite knowing the guard very well, hadn't hesitated to shoot a bullet through his eye and proceed to collect the weapons the guard had been carrying. After all, Octavius had no sympathy for them: it was kill or be killed. Besides, he had killed them all his life for a snack-- this was no different.

Until hearing footsteps approach anyway. Spinning wildly on his heel with a gun raised, he narrowed his eyes in an attempt to see through the grim darkness underneath the bridge, while standing and hiding the dead body behind him. If it was another alien approaching, Octavius at least needed to hide the one he had killed. He knew he wouldn't be killed on the spot anyway, knowing his parents wanted to at least speak with him before his death, but he would be killed if a guard saw he had massacred another alien, and dying really wasn't on his agenda.

His gun, despite staying pinpointed at the stranger, did waver just a tad at seeing the human girl enter his hiding area, a faint smile dragging across his lips. Humans may not tell friend from foe, but Octavius could tell the girl was human simply from the scent.

"Woah, hold up, I come in peace, hm?" He grinned, holding his hands up in surrender while chuckling at his choice of words. 'I come in peace' - that was what aliens were supposed to say, right? How ironic. "Look, darlin'? Chill, put that gun down. I'm not the enemy, alright? Shit, it's sure nice to see a human face 'round these parts, it's usually crawling with aliens," he continued, moving back from the dead body at his feet to at least try and earn some trust before she shot a bullet between his eyes, nudging the guard for emphasis. "Alien. See? I'm a good guy, so put that gun down and... and don't fucking kill me? That'd be helpful, love, thanks."​
Saturdays in July used to be the highlight of Devin's summer. When she was a child, it would be spent in her clubhouse with her little brother Jimmy as they pretended to be ninjas guarding a village. As he approached her teenage years, her saturdays used to be more of partying. She would spend her Saturday night partying all night, and her early Sunday mornings dying somewhere in a field because she drank too much. Once she became an adult, it was spent with her family, and her boyfriend Trevor. They would have barbecues, have a water gun fight, and simply enjoyed their life. She had the perfect life. There were still things she wanted, but she had all that she needed.

Now...Devin no longer had the luxury to enjoy this July sun. Ever since those Aliens came five years ago, she's had to fight to survive. Devin wasn't this carefree Californian girl anymore. She was a paranoid, serious, cold hard killer. Thanks to years of being in karate, she had survived this long. However she couldn't say the same about her family and boyfriend. They all died early on in the invasion...Including her baby brother, Jimmy. She would never forgive those damn monsters for that. Devin's been traveling on her own, and only on her own.

She doesn't trust a damn soul. Which would explain why she had her gun raised and pointed straight at Octavius head. Her gun didn't savor, her eyes were cold and hard. Her face were married with dirt, cuts and dried up blood. Her hair was in a messy poneytail. Her clothes had holes and rips in them. "Shuddup." She hissed as she inched closer, looking at the Alien body, before staring at the man in front of her, her gun still pointed to his head.

"Step away from the body. Now!" She barked, her finger pressed against the trigger firmly, ready to shoot if he did anything she liked. She didn't trust anyone. She had to make sure the guy on the ground was an Alien foreal if she was going to trust this guy.
"Okay, okay, lowering my weapon, I'm not gonna make any sudden moves..." Drawled the handsome man, his ice blue eyes locking onto the girl's as he obediently, and slowly, droppd his gun to the floor. He had bumped into various humans over the years, but none had pointed a gun at his head like this, though he didn't need that to realise just how serious Devin was. From the moment he saw her, he realised just how damaged she was. The ones who were so tough and cold tended to be the ones who had been affected the worst by the invasion - that was something he had worked out over the years.

"Sweetheart, look," he gently urged, ripping open the guard's shirt to reveal the alien markings across his chest, smirking smugly up at the girl as he rose slowly to his feet. "Alien, alright? So I ain't the enemy here, meaning I'd happily appreciate you putting that gun down. You hungry? I have some food back there, and hey, we gotta stick together, don't we? You look like you could do with a nice rest-- you sort of look like shit, and I mean that in the nicest way possible, so sit the hell down and chill out. No aliens come down this way often."​
She lowered her gun a little, her eyes still hard as she looked over the Alien's body. "...Well life hasn't been that easy lately." Spat the girl, putting her gun away. She still had her guard up however. She had fought humans before simply because they were hungry and crazed. She wasn't quick to trust him just yet. But she would see what food he was offering.

"...Devin...That's my name. Where's the food?" She asked before crouching down to the dead Alien, searching his pockets for anything she could possibly use. Any information, of anything. Her dark blue eyes looked up to meet Octavius eyes. He was handsome, a bit rugged however. She arched a brow, her hand going to her gun just in case he tried anything. "What's with ya looks? You one of them?" She asked, being paranoid. However she realized how silly she sound. "....Sorry. I know Aliens don't kill other aliens. I'm just...A bit paranoid."
"Am I seriously being targeted because I happen to be mildly attractive? God, you are paranoid," laughed Octavius in amusement, his typically playful manner on full display as he lounged back against a tatty armchair he had found and dragged down to the area, absently rooting around a sack until tossing the human a can of tinned fruit, smiling as smugly as ever at his ability to help her out. Something about her was interesting, clearly. She was so highly wound up and defensive that it did make Octavius slightly intrigued to see what she was like when her guards were lowered. Aligning himself with a human wasn't the wisest idea. He wasn't human, after all, and being around one constantly would run the risk of his true identity being discovered... but he hadn't talked to someone this interesting before, and he didn't want that to really come to an end.

Besides, aligning himself with someone who could handle a gun didn't seem too bad a decision. He could be careful and simply hide what he was with greater subtlety. Simple.

"Y'know, some humans have formed alliances, decided that being alone isn't cutting it," he drawled absently, his eyes scanning the girl for her reaction. "I mean, you're so paranoid that you'll probably kill me just because I'm highly attractive, but you can handle a weapon and that's rare. I've seen people shoot themselves accidentally because they can't work out how to work a gun-- are you sure you're human, by the way? You're pretty cute, and those aliens all seem to be attractive..."​
"Don't fucking put me in a category with those monsters." She angrily snapped, her words coaxed with venomous hate. Her eyes were once again hard, and her teeth clenched tightly. She obviously didn't take kindly to his words. They made her stomach churn. Opening up the can, she bit the inside of her cheek to calm her nerves.

"Those....things are monsters. I'm not one of them." She didn't seem to want to explain why she thought they were monsters. But it was easy to guess. The aliens came down and killed so many humans, it was obvious that many lost family, friends, everyone they held dear. Glancing over at him cautiously, she arched her eyebrow.

"...Have an alliance? How don't I know you aren't trying to sell me to some fucking crazed humans? The only humans that travel in a pack are crazy and try to take control of what little humans are out there." She mumbled as she began to eat, mumbled a small 'thank you'.
"Hey, would a charming, completely handsome guy like me do that?" He grinned, propping his feet up on a small stool nearby and fully stretching out to relax properly in his typically lethargic way. He wasn't someone who stressed out and panicked frequently, after all, and seeing him lounge out like this really wasn't a rare sight to behold... even if the city was crawling with his fellow species who were instructed to capture him upon sight, unless he killed them first.

His eyes quietly travelled to the guard in slight annoyance at that thought. Now the human was sat in his company, he couldn't exactly cut up the alien for a snack. Sure, he could kill Devin and simply get on with things... but this was an opportunity he didn't want to pass up. He had a chance to align himself with someone cute, and someone who could handle a weapon and clearly know how to defend herself. Besides, Octavius was a creature who adored company. He had spent his whole life stuck inside his bedroom, locked away from others because of his mother's obsession with keeping him perfect, so having someone to converse with and be playful with was surprisingly important to him.

"Listen, babe, I can clearly kill these... things, and I think you probably need me," he cockily retorted with a casual shrug, fiddling in his pocket for a cigarette, lighting it after placing it coolly in his lips. "I'm handsome, right? You can stare at me whenever you're scared, I'm okay if you decide to fantasise about me. I've had a ton of girls fall at my feet-- though seriously, we should hook up some time, when all this shit is over and done with. I'm pretty decent in bed."​
She let out a rather verbal gag in disgust. "I'll pass on the hooking up. I'm not exactly into fucking random people I met." Hissed thebgirl, grimacing at his crude way of speaking. Looking down at her can of fruit, she went back to eating as she thought over his words. He did seem to know how to kill aliens rather well. The dead alien near them proved that....She could use his muscle on her side. And maybe she'll be able to actually sleep.

Looking up at him, she sneered a bit, before saying, "you've got a deal. Not on the hooking up, but on teaming up. I need someone like you to help me out....But how did you know he was alien? Is there like a clear way of telling if someone isn't human, other than their chest?" She asked.
Lounging out with an effortlessly handsome beam, the man knew he was the epitome of handsome-- and he wasn't afraid to boast about it. Even when aliens were known to embody beauty of the highest standard, Octavius was pretty bold in his exclamations of his own looks. He knew he had them, and he couldn't really hide them, so why play them down when it was obvious to him and everyone else?

What he could do was charm his way out of suspicion. Usually, humans were fickle, even in these hard times. One flash of a grin and a husky-toned promise that he wasn't the enemy, and humans usually smiled back and left him be. Then he met Devin. She was far tougher, far more... damaged than any other human he had met, and if the dead body hadn't conveniently been at his feet, he was aware that his charm would probably not have been enough to save his life-- and that scared him. At least he had sort of won her around, but being careful and cautious was paramount, even if he was far more comfortable being wild and reckless.

And then she proposed that question: how did he know the guard was an alien without seeing his chest? He could hardly say; "Oh, I've known him since I was born, I'm an alien too!', but saying nothing and refusing to answer would be just as suicidal.

"You're very paranoid, Devin, sweetheart. The guy held a gun to my head and called me human scum, I sort of figured the rest out for myself-- are we done with the third degree?" He scoffed, resting his hands behind his head, both for comfort and to show off his biceps. "Now, my new little buddy, I was gonna head south tonight. I've heard some guy downtown has a supply of pocket knives, and I could do with one more, y'know? If you can keep up with me, anyway~"​
Devin finished off her fruit, setting the can to the side. "I'll have no trouble keeping up. But heading South is dangerous. You know that don't you?" Down South, you didn't have to worry much about the Aliens. They were a big problem down there. The humans were. That's were most of the crazed human gangs were. As well as many weapons. And armed crazed humans were never a good thing.

"I mean....I could do with getting some good weapons. But...If you get caught I ain't saving you. I don't expect you to save me either." Mumbled the girl as she looked st the fire, her eyes staring off a bit.

Here she was, sitting with some guy who seemed so....Careless. How could he still have that personality? It was as if this war wasn't affecting him a bit. Devin was once like that. Carefree, would joke around. If she were her old self, she would have probably flirted back just for the fun of it. But that was no longer her. She wasn't that happy California girl. She a damaged girl with no family, no home. All she had was herself.
"Save me? Oh god, sweetheart? I'm Octavius Fonte, I don't need saving from anyone. I really think you need to learn to relax. You were probably scared and felt hopeless before, but now you've wisely decided to join my side, I don't think you have to worry about being killed. I happen to be the best alien killer in all of California~! You're in safe hands, and the thought of you having to save me is, no offence, laughable," snorted Octavius as he eased up from his lounged position to press a little closer to the tough girl opposite him. She was an enigma. She wasn't going to fall for a charming smile and a few husky-toned words, no matter how handsome he was. No, she was going to be difficult to break down and emotionally impenetrable-- but didn't that make it all the more fun? He needed someone who wasn't going to giggle at his every word just to win his affection. Having someone who could challenge him and his teases would be... well, fun!

"We're going to head south. Like I said, I know some guys. Don't you trust me, tough stuff?" He coaxed with a flash of his ice blue eyes, his forehead and face rather close to the human's now. His scent, despite having been living roughly for five years, was a tantalising mix of spearmint chewing gum and musky aftershave, made most evident when he came up close like this. "Mm, you are a delight to be around. Crack a smile, would 'ya? We're alive, we can get some good weapons and I know for certain a place I can grab a bite to eat. I once saved a guy from dying, so he hooks me up with a few meals and weapons now and then-- hey, I bet you can't believe your luck, huh? Meeting someone so connected, cool, handsome and tough~?"​
She placed a rough hand over his face, mushing it away from her own with a low growl. "Alright, if we're teaming up I want some rules. Do NOT invade my personal space. Do it again, you'll loose a finger. No asking for personal background. I rather leave my past life in the past. In return, I won't ask about your past. Even though I am curious to why you act like the world isn't completely fucked up. Other than that, I don't care what you do."

Devin leaned back, taking out a few knifes to sharpen them. Glancing at the dirty knives, she sighed a bit, before sharping and cleaning them. "...So we're heading South. This should be fun. We travel at night. It's better to travel at night. That way people can't see us."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: potassiumboron
"I can almost see the sarcasm dripping from your tone, tough cookie. Relax, would you? I'm like I am because I realise that panicking and fretting is really not going to do me any good. You want to survive, yes? Then trust me, I know how to do that, and I haven't shut down and become as feisty as you, cookie," he grinned, mostly at the development of a nickname for his new companion. As hungry as he was, and as much as he wanted to just kill her and eat her whole, he was starting to definitely enjoy her company. She wasn't the typical girl he saw around, which made her all the more amusing.

"Right, cookie, we'll make our move later, and when we have a nice chunk of meat and a cool glass of water, you'll be thanking me. If you want to reward me with a few kisses under the stars, I'm down for that," he laughed, ruffling her hair up and absently noting the dried blood along her neck. "You wanna clean that up? Those aliens can smell blood, I've learnt that the hard way. Clean yourself up-- even though the blood and the tough-girl look you have going on is pretty cute."​
Devin looked at him,rolling her eyes at the rather annoying nickname. Smacking jis hand away that was ruffling her hair,she stood up so she could get washed up. A bath sounded much like heaven right now. She hasn't had the luxury in nearly three days. She had to keep running.

"Is there somewhere to bathe around here?" She asked, and looked down at her dirty ripped clothes. She would wash them too, but she didn't have enough time to dry them. When they went down stairs she would try find some newish clothes.
"I haven't got a plumbed-in bath, sweetheart, this isn't the Ritz," laughed Octavius, silently proud of himself for the human reference he had used. He had made it his aim to learn about human society and phrases to make himself seem more convincing, and clearly that had work hadn't been for nothing. Nobody suspected him to be alien, even someone like Devin who was clearly tough and well guarded. If he could convince her, then who couldn't he convince? It did boost his ego considerable, hence why he was sat back with arms behind his head and a smug, but dreamy, smile across his face.

"There's a stream just opposite us, see it? Be quick, 'cause those aliens could pop along, and sure, I could kill 'em, but I want to see who I've partnered up with. I want to see how you fight, see if I'm going to have to save you," he continued smugly, propping his feet up on the dead alien at his feet. "Just hurry it along, cookie."​
Rolling her eyes, she headed to the stream. This would be good enough to wash up in. It definitely wasn't a bath, and her past self wouldn't even think of bathing in a stream, but what choice did she have now? Undressing quickly, she left her clothes folded up before getting into the stream.

Allowing the cool water to hit her body, she sink in, sighing a bit to relax. She knew she couldn't take her time. She didn't know if that perv was watching or not, and not only that aliens could pop up. So she began washing up rather quickly, getting as clean as she possibly could. After about ten minutes did she get out, and pull her clothes on without drying off.
"Hallelujah, cookie. You sure do take your time, huh? Typical girl. My sisters are just like you-- or were. I don't really know where they are," he admitted rather openly, smiling all the while as he pushed himself up from his lounged position to gentlemanly offer her his jacket for warmth. The statement was true: he didn't know where his many sisters were, likewise with his brothers. They could be anywhere in the country, but he wasn't going to be specific and state that they weren't going to be victims of the aliens - they were the ones committing the murders on humans, after all.

"You wanna head down south now, doll? I have my trusty gun, a knife, and some matches in case we need to set fire to something," he beamed, flexing his muscles unsubtly with a wink. "Though I have my strength to help us. Could probably tear the head of an alien without breaking sweat."​
"You have a real narcissist problem dude." She grumbled rolling her eyes. "You've been complimented yourself since the moment we met. But yeah, let's head down south. I'm ready to go." She mumbled as she grabbed her backpack that had all her belongs in there.

It wasn't much. Just a diary, some weapons, food, matches and a picture of her family.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: potassiumboron
"Narcissism, confidence... What's the difference, cookie? And you'll succumb to my charm eventually. Maybe when I save you from the clutches of death. You'll be swept into my arms, stare longingly into my eyes and we'll kiss, just as it begins to rain," he dreamily purred, obviously making a big deal out of romantically painting out the picture, evidenced by his loud laugh seconds after. Hitching his own backpack over his shoulders, he adjusted his leather jacket and finally headed along, after a tired glance at the dead body he never had a chance to eat. He was starving as a result, but he could cope for a little while longer.

"So, cookie, you won't talk about your past life? Why not? We're buds now, you can share stuff with me. I'll tell 'ya about my life. My folks disowned me when the invasion happened, I've been surviving alone without 'em. They're basically dead to me-- now you go."​
"I don't bring up the past. There's no reason to linger on it. If I do, it'll make me emotional. I don't have time for being emotional." Stated the girl as she trenched across the land, her feet crunching the dried dirt under them.

"I don't understand why you would want to know. The less you know about me the better. If I don't know you well, and if you don't know me well, it'll save us from feeling grief if one of us dies."