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"You'd grieve me if I died, sweetheart, even if I remain a practical stranger. I'm one of those people who everyone falls in love with in seconds. Besides, I promise you, I can't be killed. I'm invincible, essentially. You have a good partner to fight these aliens with, alright? I've got your back, kiddo," he grinned, nudging her with his shoulder in hopes of raising a smile. The two were complete opposites, clearly. She was tough and took things seriously; he was happy to joke around like life wasn't at danger. However, he was hoping he could at least get a smile from her. He was intrigued by her, given most people loved him when they met him, even in this world of chaos...

"Anyway, if you won't open up, that's fine. I can assume that you went through some bad shit, given you haven't got a family with you-- sorry about that. I... know what it's like losing people. My family are alive, but they disowned me. At least your family loved you, I s'pose. My family probably want me dead," he quietly shrugged in admission, having clearly worked out what she was holding back, even if he didn't have the details. "...But yeah, this is depressing, let's forget about it~ I'm too cool for family, anyway. They held me back. You know, my Mom kept me locked in my room all my life? How sad is that?"​
Devin listened to the man's sad tale, and honestly? She wished her dainly had disowned her. Instead of feeling sadness, loss, and missing them, she would only feel hate for them. That was better. However her family loved her, and she loved her family. So much.

Shrugging her shoulder she glanced at him. "Yeah that's pretty sad. so you've been on your own these entire five years? Or have you been in a group?"
"Oh, so now you want to question me? Can't blame you. A chance to get close to someone as gorgeous as me is tough to pass down," he grinned, ruffling her hair up again and rolling his eyes to himself. After briefly scanning the clouds up ahead, in the now darkening sky, he gave a quiet snort in response.

"A group? I don't need anyone, sweetheart. At least, I don't think I do. Then again, I have you now, don't I? We make a mighty fine team, by the way. Beauty and the little tough girl he persuaded to join him," he grinned, flattering himself with a devilish grin shot her way. "I've been alone, sure. Had a girlfriend, but she died. Pretty sad, really. She got killed by this alien guy, and I couldn't save her. She literally got torn apart and... hey, let's not talk about that," he shrugged. Of course, he could fake looking sad. In truth, he had been the one who killed her, and then ate her in front of the fire with a beer in hand. He was hardly going to admit that, though.​
"Sorry for your loss." Mumbled the girl as she looked down at the road. "...I was in a group once....After I loss my family. But....They all got super paranoid, son I went to be on my own. Being on my own is the best really." She mumbled to herself.
"...Well this got depressing real fast," laughed Octavius as he attempted to, characteristically, lighten up the atmosphere with one of his now signature grins. Despite the facade, though, he was on alert. He was well aware that the place was crawling with guards who, even after five years, were still looking for him. His parents knew he was still alive, and they weren't going to rest until they found him and brought him back for punishment. If he let his guard down for one moment, the rest of his life would be spent locked up and not experiencing the freedom he had grown to love.

"Now, cookie, let's just smile, alright? You have me now, and I'm all you really need right now. I'm that good, so chill out, smile and appreciate the starry night sky or whatever you girls do, hm~?"​
Rolling her eyes at his cockiness, she decided to block him out until seeing figures dart behind a building. It was night, and hard to see the shadowy figures. But she knew that they must be targeting them, the way the figures kept poking their heads our, and peaking at them.

Instantl . She reached for her gun, raising it. "Look alive. We have company." She spat out, her eyes hard and focused. However she was straining to see in the darkness.

One of the figures emerged from the darkness, holding their own gun. The woman look scared, and obviously didn't know how to hold a gun properly. Her hands were shaking and she kept pointing her gun to Devin, then to Octavius. She didn't pick a target completely. "Y-You two....Y-Youre aliens aren't you?" She squeaked out, her eyes crazy and paranoid.

Devin had her finger firmly on the trigger, ready to pull if the girl tried anything stupid. hood_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9hpz83.jpg
When his counterpart insisted they had company, all signs of playfulness vanished from the alien's face. He may have little care or consideration for consequences, as evident by his lacklustre efforts and general nonchalance, but when it came face to face with potential aliens, he knew he had to be on guard. Granted, he did grin eagerly at the thought of killing an alien, but he was a great deal more mature than before.

Until realising that, rather than a burly alien to gun down, he was faced with a scared and anxious human girl, who, from her shakiness, really didn't have a clue how to handle the dangerous weapon she held. Putting his own gun away slowly, with hands held up in surrender, his signature smirk came crawling back onto his lips, that handsome set of piercing eyes now locked on the pretty young thing in front of him.

"Hey, do I look like an alien to you-- don't answer that. Just because I'm handsome doesn't mean I'm a bad guy. We're human, me and my friend here-- what's your name, sweetheart? Put the gun down, and... and we can have a chat," he murmured slowly, taking several small steps forward before stopping in front of her, smiling in an effort to reassure her she was safe. "...You alone here?"​
"Octavius!" Devin snapped at her idiot comrade. Just because it was a girl, and she was human did not mean she wasn't dangerous. Besides her eyes we're crazed, she was scared, and humans scared like that with nothing to loose were equally as dangerous as an Alien.

The girl hands shook, her arms wavering a bit as the man came closer to her. Her eyes we're on his rather handsome face making her cheeks go red. Shaking her head she looked at the girl who still had the gun pointed to her. "...I...I have s partner, he's just a kid....So please don't shoot." She begged, her brown eyes big and wet.

Devon's gun didn't lower not once. Her eyes still just as cold as ever. She had been tricked far too many times to just let her guard down. "Octavius, move from in front of her, or I will shoot." She warned. However before Devin could, the second figure appeared from the shadows holding his own gun. Judging by how he was holding it, he knew what he was doing.

"Alright, Gem, drop the act. She ain't falling for it. Look, just give us any food you have, and weapons and we'll let you live." Stated the guy with a glare. dead_men_by_killer_instincts-d9vtqk2.jpg
Glancing between the two as calmly as ever, the alien's smile eventually grew once the penny dropped and he realised just what was going on, chuckling to himself at his own naivety. He would have realised in time, of course, but he was a tad thankful to Devin for her intervention in tugging him back before he had made a fool of himself - he would thank her later on for that, he inwardly vowed.

"So, this is an act? You're a very good actress, darling. Very convincing. Quit the tears now, though. It's a little pathetic now we know it's an act-- and what is it you two want from me and my companion? Weapons and food? How about... no?" Octavius simply stated as he trailed over to the boy parading the gun, standing in front of him without any fear. Guns were dangerous, and he wasn't invincible... but he was hardly going to show how nervous he was. In a way, he didn't see why he needed to fear a human anyway. "Put the gun away, and maybe we'll talk. We're heading to get food ourselves. Maybe if you put that gun away, we'll share a few locations with you."​
The man looked up at him, fear in his eyes. Octavius wasn't a short man, nor was he small in size. He was huge, anyone would fear him. "...W-Why should we trust you?"

The girl was about to run over to protect the boy, the gun pointed to Octavius, however Devin shot her in the leg, easily making her fall. Screaming out she glared at Devin. "Y-You bitch!"

"Gem!" The boy yelled, his eyes wide. "Alright, alright! We get the picture we ain't welcomed here! Don't hurt her please!" He yelled
"...And why would you do that, cookie? Keep your gun down and relax a little bit. These guys are fine, they ain't going to hurt us, so chill out and put the gun away, doll," sighed Octavius, though in truth, he really didn't care that his companion had shot the girl. He didn't care if Devin decided to put bullets in their heads. What he did care about was the sudden scent of blood hitting him, doing everything in his power to keep those cravings at bay. He may have been a cannibal most his life with his cravings for his own kind, but humans tasted just as good-- and it was hard avoiding the hunger he felt when faced with the sight and smell of fresh blood.

Nevertheless, he smiled to himself and knelt down beside Gem, holding his hands up in surrender briefly before breaking the arm of his shirt and, after tearing it up again, wrapped it firmly around the shit wound. "At least the bullet's not stuck in there, that'd be agony to get out-- I'm Octavius, that's Devin. She's a little on edge right now, but hey, she'll apologise later on. Now, you guys wanna accompany us? The more, the merrier, right cookie? These guys are cool, they have guns. We need more guns, and that means more protection-- you guys aren't aliens, are you? Let's just get that out the way before we head off together. I do't want to wake up with you guys, like, tearing my stomach apart."​
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Devin snapped, her blue eyes angrily glaring at her new partner. Obviously he did things differently from her. "Like hell am I traveling with them. They just tried to rob us. If we're not careful they'll rob us in our sleep." Hissed the woman. That had obviously happened toher before. She wasn't going to allow all these people with her. Besides, traveling in groups is what attracts the aliens.

The guy ran over to help Gem, looking at her worriedly before looking to Octavius. "....We could travel with you...As long as she agrees to calm her trigger happy finger." Grumbled the man. "I'm Blyke." He mumbled. "As you know this is Gem..." He mumbled as he grabbed Gem putting her on his back.

Devin finally lowered her gun, her eyes still cold on the trio. "Octavius....It's not a good idea to travel in groups."
"Why is it such a bad idea? It gives us company, means we can defend ourselves better, and I'm not going to say no to hanging out with some cute guys, Devin. If they try to double-cross us, you have my permission to shoot them, alright? If you do try and hurt either me or my friend, or steal from us, then I'll personally torture you for days," threatened Octavius with the same smirk on his face, before letting the intimidating air drop to laugh brightly and pocket his gun into its holder. "Now can we get a move on, and stop all this yelling, Devin? It's hardly great to be so loud, I thought you'd know that? It's good we have a few new friends, ain't it? Like our own little family~"​
"We are not a family. And why is this a bad idea? Because, its easier to spot humans in a group. Aliens will notice us. And besides she hurt. She'll slow us down."

"Did you forget I'm hurt because of you." Hissed Gem with a clear glare.

"Alright everyone relax. Look, Devin was it? Me and Gem are actually pretty skilled with guns. And I see that you are, and I'm sire Octavius over here has some serious skill unless he's all muscle for nothing. What I'm saying is, we've got a real good team going on here. We could survive longer if we stick together."
"Exactly, so this should be real fun. I rarely get to hang out with people, especially pretty guys-- you sure none of you are aliens?" Snorted the actual alien as he beamed over at them all, before simply treading forward to continue heading south, though hung back a little to walk alongside Devin.

"Like I said, it they double-cross us, we'll take revenge or something. Until then, let's trust them and enjoy the protection-- relax, cookie. You need to just learn to trust people, hm?"​
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"Not trusting people is what got be to survive this long." She stated before glancing st the pair.

Blyke glanced at them, before flashing a bit of a smile. Whereas Gem was glaring furiously at Devin.

Rolling her eyes Devin continued to head south. "Lets just get as far as we can tonight. Once morning hits we have to make camp."

"Who the hell made you the leader?" Gem venomously hissed.

"Are you seriously going to argue against me like a child?" Asked the woman with an arched brow.
"Girls, girls. Let's take a deep breath and stop bickering like little children, how about that? Honestly, we have to stick together unless you want to be killed by those aliens. Devin makes a good point. We keep going as far as we can, but we have to find a base we can call home for a day or two. I think that's wise," admitted Octavius, shooting the human one of his now infamously handsome smiles, before pocketing his gun in his back pocket. He was trying to get on Devin's good side, to get her trust, and if that meant defending her, so be it. This wasn't really what he wanted, to be in a group of humans and have to act human himself... but it was better than being alone, even he knew that. Having a group who offered protection meant he stood a better chance of evading capture, right? And sure, he would get hungry and couldn't just tear into a human or alien now he had this gang with him, but he figured he could control his urges...

"Now, you two gals gonna stop bitching? Really, we gotta stick together, don't we?" He continued, pushing his hair back with a broad glance over the surrounding area. "Let's get a move on-- Gem, tell us about yourself, you and Blyke. Are you boyfriend and girlfriend, brother and sister...?"​
Gem was flaring her nostrils, as well as grinding her teeth together. She was in the middle of fantasizing about Devin death, honestly wishing to slaughter the girl, so Blyke answered.

"We're cousins. Gem had been staying over my house when the invasion first happened. We used to be in a a group with our family. But slowly they just started dying, or being killed one by one. It's just us now." Answered Blyke. His story similar to many humans. That's how many humans Were, sticking with family until they were all picked off.

Gem, who was still avoiding conversation with a pinched face, she finally caved in before glaring at the duo. "...Me and Blyke are all we have. So you can imagine why I would fight to protect him."

Devin listened to their story, with little to no empathy. Sure she was like that too, having brutally lost her family, then being shoved into a group and lastly being betrayed and nearly loosing her life by the group. She had been through a lot, yet she didn't empathize with them. She didn't care for their sob story.
"Right-- that's tough, but it's not like you're the only ones. Devin and I have been through shit, so you guys aren't alone. Hey, this should make us all closer, you know? Shared travesties often lead people to bond and move on stronger than ever, you know? I'm definitely happy to protect you both if you do the same for Devin and I. We're good friends now, ain't we, darling?" He beamed over at the girl, his ice blue eyes lighting mischievously as the four trudged down the empty -but blood-soaked- road. "Down south, I'm sure there'll be places we can find food. Hopefully some meat and a good beer, but hey, that's gonna be rare, ain't it..."​
"Mmhm, meat. I've hadn't had that in nearly two months." Exclaimed Blyke, his mouth watering at just the mention of it. Licking his lips, he hoisted Gem up again, as she began sliding down his back a bit.

Devin glanced over at Octavious, wondering why he was being so friendly. He must naturally be this friendly, but how can someone remain being so trusting after all these horrors. She found it odd.