The Depth Online - [OOC & Signups]

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If beta-testing taught me anything, it's that community-wise that is the best period an RP will ever have. Period. If this was an established vrmmo with nobody trapped inside, I woulda rolled a d20 and have it not turn out to be a scam only if he rolled a clean 20.
Eh-heh. Confession: I've never been in a beta. This definitely made me laugh, though. Did even LoL have a nice community in the beta, do you think? It's a little hard for me to imagine. >.<
Despite my preference of DOTA2, I have actually played LoL a fair bit. They have a great community, albeit competitive, and most pro-teams are really cool people. It's the assholes who only play matchmaking that give the game a bad rep.

In other news, I shall have something up for both of my characters sometime in the next 12 hours.
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I'm moving to start college in 2 days so things will be (and have been) a bit hectic. I'll get posts up as soon as possible, I plan on writing one tomorrow though I also have to finish packing so we'll see what happens. But I will be sticking around, no worries about that - just gotta settle into this new routine first. :)
Gotcha, guys.

Which reminds me, I'll be moving to eh... China, starting September 11th, so that may be a bit of a chaotic period for me posting-wise. I'm working on a little thing I'll be posting guidelines for tomorrow, but after we've played around with the idea of crafting, we're going to jump into the next big thing;

Player-submitted and ran missions. Basically, I need you guys to think of big quests, like small story arcs, and people who want to run them. This is a first experiment for me, but I'll be giving you a couple guidelines on how to lead a quest, and you can run it for your co-players. I think we're looking at anywhere between 4 and 6 different ones, at least one of which I'll be heading (spoiler alert, Mac already has an idea in mind as well). So start thinking of ideas, and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
I'll be giving you a couple guidelines on how to lead a quest, -snip- I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Remember when I wrote this?

Well, when I got started on this I figured I had so much to tell I couldn't finish it in one day. Hell, I'll be posting this thing in the guide-section when it's finished. So delays, but on the bright side; more brainstorming time for you guys!
I'm still here and would like to continue playing so I ask that people kind of move around me for awhile since Leviathan found a way around me and nobody else needs me. I'll quest and power grind and dungeon crawl when I get back to activity.
I'm still here and would like to continue playing so I ask that people kind of move around me for awhile since Leviathan found a way around me and nobody else needs me. I'll quest and power grind and dungeon crawl when I get back to activity.
Gotcha, let us know when you're free.

Everyone else; the guidelines are done. You can find them here;

... Yeah so basically I ended up expanding so much I figured I might as well make it a complete guide. I'll set up my own quest idea soon, and hope you guys can start PM'ing your ideas to me as well.
So it did the thing where I don't receive any alerts at all so I couldn't really see if someone posted or not. Sorry for holding anyone up. *^*)/
Alright, I know Wolfsin and Mac are working on a quest and with CAS and VerbalAbuse on hiatus, we have 13 characters. If you want to lead one, let me know fast because there's only one more to go around!

Also, here's my quest;

Relics of Yore
NPC: Wim Argall
Location: Deep in the woods west of the Landing Site.
Possible enemies: Unknown.
Task: Locate and bring back information about mysterious stones.

A number of adventurers has been bringing back strange stones with luminescent patterns. Having been exposed to the sun for several hours, these stones have began glowing and are oddly resisting gravity. The stones have been found isolated, but reports suggest they're more common deeper in the forest. I need a small group to head deep into the unknown and see what more they can find out about the stones... Perhaps they are the first step to understanding the mysteries of this new world.

(template by Key Tuzi)
Maybe it is the same problem I had with the not-receiving alerts. Or it is just irl stuff.
Here's my summary:
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said:
...feel like a cart pulled by a dozen work animals—each straining in a different direction. A lot of energy is expended, but the cart doesn't go anywhere.
Relics of Yore is exactly what Rissa would be excited to get into, though.
I might be able to conspire a quest as a show of good faith. There's virtually no coding involved so expect me to brew one up sometime. I like helping with story arcs.
Good to see you're still here, guys :D

@VerbalAbuse Looking forward to it.

EDIT: Also, because I figured this was all communicated through skype; Azzy unfortunately had to drop the RP because the math was in her way of enjoyment. Also, Key Tuzi will be on a hiatus as her college schedule is busier than expected, but Wolfsin will be controlling Charm until she's freed up.

So much skype stuff yo.
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I've been quiet due to "Okay, let's come up with a quest! ...why are all of these ideas not interesting enough?/No, that one's from another game." mostly, to be honest. :p Going to keep working on it.
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Given a choice, would you rather be trapped in Sword Art Online, Elder Tale, or Second Life? I think Elder Tale would be most interesting because it's a world, not a game. Interacting with People of the Land would be fascinating and somewhat bizarre. Truth be told, I would like to be a Rudy more than anything else.
While I'll say Log Horizon is the better series any day, I think SAO's systems would just feel a ton more natural versus what's described in LH... Though the people-die-if-they-are-killed is bad, a more natural system feels infinitely better. And the part where food tastes like food is good ;p
-wheels into the chat in a wheel chair- Sorry about all this Kestrel I got hurt in an accident awhile back and haven't had much time with physical therapy and various other things; I don't intend on disappearing from the RP but....well I've also got writer's block so I can't post at the moment...
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