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After getting himself sorted out by moving to his own room and focusing on his training routine and meditation exercises, Voyd had finally gotten over what he had considered to be a failure on his part both as Sorina Caramitru's bodyguard and as crew of the Lughanta Mercenary Company. Just as he had finished performing his calisthenics, a pamphlet was slipped from under his door into his room. Upon reading the contents, a grin forms on the Harbinger's face. From what he had gathered, Sorina was making an active effort to better the condition of perhaps the most vital resource the Lughanta has, its human resource, particularly the mercenaries that had to go out in the field to perform the various jobs the company undertakes.

Watching Sorina teach would be another interesting spectacle to see for himself so he decided to attend the drill course. And boy,it surely didn't disappoint. Sorina apparently got peeved when she caught a certain mercenary by the name of Venrid taking a nap while she was just about ready to start the lecture. As a result, Sorina took offense and from the looks of it, made sure the guy would be pleasantly resting... in peace permanently by launching a decisive and seemingly deadly strike with her lance.

The onslaught continued on for what looked like an eternity. It looked less than a fight and more of a one-sided schooling coming from the blood devil as she effortlessly countered everything Venrid through at her all the same time delivering lectures to a more than engaged audience. He saw a couple of guys right down note on notepads even. Whether or not they did this out of genuine interest, or out of fear of sharing the same fate as a now bloodied, fatigued, and beaten swordsman, only the Divine One could now, but nonetheless, everyone was showing keen interest on Sorina's lectures.

Voyd needed to commend Venrid's tactics and tenacity however. Not only did he manage to land a few shots to her, (though from his perspective he was actively trying to go for her vitals), he also willingly got pierced on the shoulder by the Blood Devil's lance just to create an opportunity for him to attack her. This not only forced Sorina to back off but also effectively ended the bout.

After the lecture ended, Voyd approached Sorina as he made sure everyone else was out of earshot.

"Never expected you to be the teacher sort. Good work out there, though clearly the guys showed grit. If I'd known better, I would have intervened myself it really looked like he'd land that last hit on you." The black haired swordsman comments. "Still, it looks like you're gonna have some regulars. Gonna stick around myself. I'm a firm believer that there's always room for improvement."

"Well hopefully you got through most of those guys. Keep this up and you might have a future training the Netherworld's armies, or perhaps even commanding them."
@Team 2 @SteelMoon


The party boarded the Draconus, the battleship-class airship dwarfing the Lughanta in both size and personnel. Predominantly colored in black with golden accents, decorations and carvings depicting its namesake were visible in various parts of the vessel. The symbol of a dragon, what an interesting coincidence that they would be having two dragons as guests. Two men approached Saki, carrying a stretcher, "We'll be taking her into the infirmary."

They would help the battered dragon on the stretcher before leaving as another figure approached them instead, this one quite familiar to the Lughanta crew. The dark-haired no-nonsense eyepatched Captain, Camus Lombardi. "Welcome to the Draconus, Crew of the Lughanta," He gave them a polite bow much like a Venesian Patrician would upon receiving honored guests, "I wish our circumstances could have been more... favorable."

He turned, motioning for them to follow him, "Rest assured, we no longer hold any loyalty to the false duke who sold out Venesia to save his own skin." The man sighed as they arrived into one of the vacant cabins that could hold at least five people. "We had eyes and ears in the Palace, I wasn't pleased to see Imperial Officers and soldiers marching into it as if it's their own. Well, they do now. Venesia is no more, it's a territory of the Empire." The Captain cleared his throat, "I know that the Lughanta is currently in Eustia, correct? We'll be heading there through the Armerium Council. Until then, you are our honored guests, we haven't forgotten your brave deeds in delivering the final blow to that pirate scum Yellowbeard."

"Should you need anything..." He motioned behind him, prompting for one of his most trusted crew to enter, she was a pink-haired swordswoman with sharp golden eyes, "Her name is Ino, I am assigning her as your escort for the duration of your stay." Camus then turned to the Lilim, "I am entrusting them to you, Ino." then he nodded before leaving the cabin, leaving Ino and the Lughanta crew to their business.

The hums of the Draconus' Magitek Engines hummed as the airship flew away from Venesia, leaving the Merchant Republic and this time, they had no intention of returning.

@Team 3


"I see..." Ivanova took in the points expressed by the Silva and Cera carefully, the course of action was certainly the obvious one to take with the lead scavenged by the Lughanta. So the group, whoever they were, weren't Imperials, they were just mercenaries based in Somnus. This was quite an unexpected development, so a third party was involved in this. The situation was a convoluted political mess, they had to tread carefully here. "No news, very well, then, Oriana, Ariel." The Divine-Queen turned to the Celestial Messengers, "Inform the Messengers to scout the situation in Somnus, Venesia, and the Lughanta if they haven't already."

"Hmmm?" The Divine-Queen turned her emerald gaze to the Knight of the Truthful Voices Order, Adale, the previously nervous woman seemed to have regained her composure. Not in any way to demean or disrespect her but Ivanova had gotten used to guests being anxious in her presence, she was just glad that this one didn't turn into a mess of gasps and stutters. "Ah, do you have something to say then, Adale?" Ivanova smiled though her eyes showed concern, like everyone else in the room, she preferred for peace to prevail but she was no naive fool, Fraulia had to prepare for the worst. "I am aware, The Empire believes that humans are inherently superior. Though they believe in the Divine Trinity, they have little respect for the teachings of the Divine Church. I hear your concern and whatever the outcome of the Lughanta's efforts may be, Fraulia will prepare for war."

"Your Holiness, pardon..." From the side, Ariel approached the Divine-Queen and whispered into her ear.

"Oh...?" Her green eyes narrowed for a moment before she nodded, "Very well, let her in." With her command, the servants opened the door, allowing a winged figure to enter the meeting hall.


Like many of her Celestial brethren, the angel was clad in full armor with her claymore sheathed behind her back just between her wings. Long golden locks cascading down her back, sharp sapphire irises, and a golden halo floating a few inches above her head, she looked every part of the Justicar faction she embodied. If one looked closer at her facial features, one could see she looked very similar to the short-haired Messenger albeit taller.

"Your Holiness, Archangel, Grandmaster, Ariel, ...Oriana," She paused upon turning her gaze to the white-haired Celestial, the one who abandoned the cause of justice in favor of negligence under the guise of 'compassion'. She hoped both she and Ariel would see the error of their ways sooner than later. Finally, the woman turned towards the guests and for a brief moment, her eyes lingered on Cera's form as if she saw through the Infernal blood coursing through her veins, "...and honored guests."

"Yes, Zephiel, what news do you bring?" Diana regarded the Justicar, "Please make it concise."

"Of course, Archangel," Ariel's older sister stood straight, "The airship Lughanta has arrived in Eustia moments ago, the Captain and crew are requesting an audience with Her Holiness."

"Granted, bring them here as soon as possible." Ivanova answered promptly without a shred of hesitation.

"Yes, Your Holiness. Right away." Zephiel bowed before she turned and stepped out of the room.
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After the situation in Somnus, Rurik thought it best to visit Lilya and make sure she was adjusting alright. Aside from checking on the girl's health, it was also a valid excuse to escape any questions or conversations. He didn't want to explain to anyone else why his plus one now was a plus two. Furthermore, he'd need to collect his thoughts before arguing with Amilia more on her servitude. The woman was simply adamant in being someone's subject. In his service, some of the more zealous of his peers often cheered and boasted their privilege to serve, but most he assumed would have preferred their freedom.

With a sigh and a shake of his head, Rurik gripped and turned the knob of the door before entering.

"I have returned, Kamov… How's Lilya doing?"


"Eh?" Looking up from a medical chart, Josef was a little surprised to see someone actually coming into his office not bleeding to death. "Eh Rurik. Lilya is doing just fine. Surprisingly fast learner. Well all things considered maybe not that surprising.. Though she picks up on other's personalities too. Finally starting to speak some. Lilya, would you come in here, you can finish taking stock later, Rurik is here to see you."

Glancing at his list the Doctor smirks slightly. "I see that other stray you picked up will be coming here shortly.. Oh staying in your room huh? Hmm I guess I can leave that one alone, unless you're still a gloomy helpless case."


"Is that so?" Rurik inquired. It was nice that the girl was carrying on fine, but he wasn't expecting her to be a savvy assistant. Being so ignorant and vulnerable as she was not very long ago. However, sure enough at the doctor's beckons, the small girl pops up from the back of the office and scurries over to the front. The girl still held a serious facade, but she somehow seemed more lively than before.

"...You're back. Are you okay?" She questioned, glancing over to the cut on his cheek from the fatman's pistol.

Though her tone of voice was soft, nonetheless Rurik's eyes widened slightly. She was so silent—almost mute before. The wizard honestly thought it was possible that she held no concept of language, but here she was. "Y-Yes… Tis but a scratch… You have been adapting well, then?"

With a nod, the girl replies almost immediately. "Mm… The Doctor is nice… He gives me candy."

With a soft sigh and a gentle smile, Rurik pats the girl on the head. This was a pleasant surprise, and one that he felt validated the decision he made in regards to her. However, that happy moment cut short, Kamov brought up Amilia, near instantly bringing another furrow to his brow. "It… It is not… I freed her from servitude, but she insisted upon being indebted to me…" Listening to Kamov's less decent insinuations, it was likely that the doctor didn't hold on his typical behavior just because of Lilya's presence. "I am not so crude, Kamov. I help who I am able… I hoped that by freeing her she may pursue something in life or settle… Instead she is adamant on serving…"


"Hmm.. People aren't so simple Rurik, what you took to doing and have done was plenty reckless. I wouldn't assume she was doing this for such a simple reason. I've read her file, a woman like that could be plenty dangerous if she wanted to be. So to just be hanging around someone like you for Servitude? Well you always were my slowest student."

"Lilya if you don't mind, go get some more Candy, you can come right back. Just one piece."

Waiting for the girl to wander off till she would return, Kamov smile's warily. "I'm pretty sure she knows, but the Candy contains her medication. She's in your care originally, but she's proven highly competent, if I can I may train her in general medicine, keep her around for awhile if you have no objections. I might can pull some strings to help her out, but.." Leaving the rest unsaid, the Doctor gives a shrug.


Sighing, he didn't need a lecture in regards to his time in Somnus. "I am aware, but… Somnus…" Acquiring a conflicted expression, it was clear that even if he managed to save one person, and likely did more than anyone would have dreamed capable, to him it wasn't enough. "...Awful." He didn't understand the Doctor's other insinuations. "And what exactly does that mean?"

As Lilya hears her name, she replies with a nod and disappears for a short while as the Doctor changes the subject. Shaking his head, Rurik responds. "If you could do that for her, I would appreciate it. I will not be able to safeguard her forever…"


"Isn't just Somnus Rurik.. And nothing at all you dimwit. You always had trouble seeing things of a certain nature." Crossing his arms, the next bit he just tips his head slightly. "Heh, it's no problem, plus I think she can help with my research."

As Lilya returns, Amilia finally turns up for her examination, entering through the door behind the pair. "Ah Rurik.." Smiling briefly, her face keeps it's normal dull expression as she stares at the trio, she seems to have acquired a pair of grey coveralls with a black T-shirt, much like the clothing she had before, if not in better shape.

"..hmm.. So is this your Sister I heard about?" Kneeling down, she smiles at the girl briefly, pondering what to do next Amillia sighs briefly. "Do you like stuffed animals? When I get paid I could get you one.. Let's just call it part of a deal. I would like to borrow your brother for a bit, someone needs to show me around the ship and I would like to eat with him, or would you rather some chocolate?"

"Well you seem to act on what you want pretty fast huh?" Getting a smile in return, Kamov sighs, knowing Rurik this would all likely go over his head. "Well let me scan you, just come back later for a full physical, I have to deal with the bloody Orc after this.. Or I can get it out of the way now. Someone needs to have some fun with my idiot pupil."


"...I will agree that my foresight is not my best…" Grimacing at that, he had the habit of letting his ideals blind him to a certain degree, though he wasn't speaking in regards to what the doctor was referring.

Suddenly, Amilia arrives as Lilya returns. "Ah… Hello Amilia… I see you've been outfitted," He commented, unsure of exactly what to say. Her sudden bargaining with Lilya took him a bit off guard as much as it confused him. Looking between her and Kamov, Rurik didn't quite understand what they were speaking about, aside from what it meant literally.

Lilya herself seemed primarily concerned with the prospect of food, her eyes lighting up the little girl's typical monotonous expression. Nodding her head decisively, she didn't seem to have many issues with whatever deal the woman spoke of. "...I like chocolate."

Sighing, Rurik supposed it was good that the two got along well enough. However to add one headache to his bout of confusion, Kamov then mentioned an Orc. It couldn't be. "Wait, Orc…? What Orc do you speak of?"


"Big Mean Green Son of a Bitch, partially insane I think, or just stupid, wears a Business suit. Let's see here.." Flipping through his sheets until he finds what he's looking for Dr. Kamov nods. "Gorgutz Orksen. I've been given some special instructions in regards to him..but eh, can't be worse than anything else we have in the crew. He came aboard with Venrid from what I gathered, helped out with that battle by hanging out a damn window with a speaker box for your lady friend there."

"Ah, so that's who was directing the speaker, I should thank him later. But hmm are you sure it's fine I can cut my visit short?" Amilia says in response, before laying a hand on Lilya's shoulder, rubbing her softly, her one remaining physical one at least. "Sure we can get you a box of chocolates while we're out."

Kamov gazes at the woman for a bit before sighing. Pulling out his magitek medical scanner, he runs a few passes, going over the woman's body. Finishing, Josef reads off the results. "Let's see..history of traumatic wounds, lodged..hmm interesting, physical projectile in left hip, well, your Arm is pretty obvious… Magitek device lodged into the upper arm, or what's left of it.. Some irregularities from dietary imbalance, anything more I'll need blood work and physical examination… Eh, let's get this out of the way first, Lilya I'll let you handle the first bit, just measure her, take note of scars, noticeable physical ailments. In layman's terms, if she has any strange skin coloration, I'll go in to take her blood. It's pretty simple and routine."

Eying Rurik it would have been amusing to conduct it himself, if only to see if his student was disturbed by it, but more importantly there was his concern about the Orc.


Hearing the Orc's name, Rurik slams a hand to his forehead in annoyance. "...Absolutely perfect…" He murmured with an aggravated sigh. Then there was another familiar, but not very friendly name. "Yes… Venrid. Quite a charming man." Well, not so much charming as a kiss ass. If he recalled correctly, Venrid was the rogue who attempted to play off his requests to the Cabal. Truly his sense of comradery was something to be amazed at…

Shaking his head as Lilya gave a nod to Amilia, the young girl quickly picked up a clipboard and pen, jotting down notes of whatever the doctor pointed out or examined. Afterwards, she grabbed a roll of measuring tape and lined the strings up with Amilia's body to take measurements. Kamov was right, the girl was a fast learner. She looked almost used to this.


"Eh I wouldn't be surprised if one of them ends up here later tonight, the Blood Princess wants to play Drill Instructor. Every Army that has ever existed tends to ask for Volunteers for the Sargeant to beatdown on." The man says with a shrug. Walking off to collect blood, Amilia seemed to be in good health at least. "You can go, this will take me a few to analyze anyways, get out of my Medbay, got more work to do. I'm afraid you'll be a bit disappointed in the venue."

"Well, I was a slave eating what was allowed me the last couple of years.. Even a ship has better food than what I'm used to, plus that isn't the main purpose of this." Taking Rurik by the arm, the former assassin leaves from the room.

"Hmm.. Rurik should learn to be careful what dog he feeds." Patting Lylia on the head, Kamov returns to his work as the pair walk off down the hall.

"So, Ser Knight, would you mind accompanying me to the store and ships mess? I can't buy anything now, but I would like to see what's in both, and I would like to speak with your for a bit." Amilia says flatley, though the Ser Knight remark seemed to have the hint of a laugh to it, or as if to lightly jab him a bit.


"That would be… unfortunate…" Rurik said unsympathetically. Thus far he didn't very much care for Venrid or the Orc, though Orksen at least did help them somewhat in the end. Regardless, they weren't of his concern. At the moment, he was apparently to show Amilia around. As she took him by the arm and the two left, Lilya simply watches them leave with some confusion.

"...Rurik has a dog?" The two could very well be siblings.

As the two walk on, Rurik looks at her with a sigh. "Why is it do I feel you are making fun of me…?" Though, maybe he should just be glad she seems more uplifted than before. "I can acquire some food for you if you want something… and what specifically would you like to speak of?"


"Maybe I was, and the food doesn't really matter. In my old work, when a target was in my sights I often took to learning about them, habits, past, daily life. Let's just say I have no plans to kill you, but I would like to learn those facts. Though it seems the Doctor was a little right in regards to you, you may ask me things as well.. I understand if there are things we both cannot speak of for now." Pausing for a bit, her jaw twitches slightly as she pauses briefly, before picking back up the pace.

"Or does my own appearance and past disturb you?.. I cannot do anything about either if that is the case, but an understandable objection."


Listening to her speak, Rurik shakes his head furiously, seemingly appalled at the insinuation. "No, no. That… I do not have an issue with your past and your appearance is not… Well, I mean it…" Sighing at his own inability to properly speak, his next words come out a bit more casual than his typical manner of speaking. "You're very pretty… That arm doesn't subtract from your overall appearance. As for your job, well, I could not scold you if I wished to." For a knight he didn't appear to be so well-spoken when it came to intimacies or the opposite sex.

"I apologize if I have made you think an issue lies with yourself. Simply I was fortunate that the Captain allowed Lilya to board with me and being so new and to bring another aboard immediately after… Then the situation with the rooms…" Seemingly going on to vent, Rurik stops himself.

Then there was matters of himself. Obviously he couldn't tell her any more than he told Agatha or anyone else, least for now. At the least he could recite what was public knowledge. "Well… I was born in Eustia. For a while I sought to go into medicine, studied under Kamov, but due to my talents and constant pressure, I ended up serving the crown for a time…" Explaining that, there was much he left out, but Rurik fond it better to give half-truths than to make up lies—he was always terrible at that. "There is not much of note… What of yourself, were you always in Somnus?"


"Huh.. And don't worry about the room, or me, I think after the battle today the Captain of yours won't mind my presence. Well..I doubt you would try anything, though hmm.." Whatever she intended to say next was left up in the air for the longest of pauses as she listened to this story. "I see. I need to observe you for a bit longer, then I'll make my intentions clear."

Then it came up the subject of her own life, a rather touchy one, but one she did not mind all that much in some regards. "I was as far as I known, I was trained to do all of this at a rather young age after I was purchased, or I guess adopted from the local Divine Temple. I'm not sure how old I was then. Or my own real birthdate, years I know, date not so much. But yes, I was always in Somnus, and minus the sky at the cave opening, I never once have seen this world.. At first, the brightness hurt, but it's so strange now, to be using a gimmicky tool I made to help with my taking of lives, to now use it to save lives."

Shrugging, there was no reason to not to continue with her thoughts, even if it may make him uncomfortable. "I partly follow you around as you took the contract, I came as I had nowhere to go. But more importantly, I took notice of your eyes, Kamov's, even you sister., My eyes. The eyes of those who have seen too much, did too much, Rurik,with any of us, we the broken bit's, I want to see if a better path for us is out there.With my gratitude, and an offer I want to make of you and me, I wish to offer what I can give, to see what sort of world our eyes can find."


"W-What? No… I wouldn't dream of…" Stopping at that, there wasn't any point in going further, yes he fail to speak properly and something comes out wrong. Besides, there was other things of notice, such as her supposed intentions. The woman was rather confusing. The story of her past did not possess much that he could comment on, or rather he didn't want to. Obviously such were unpleasant memories and apologizing for her unhappiness or pitying her wasn't likely something she wanted.

Then there was the last part of what she said, something about the eyes. Grimacing, Rurik was conflicted about this. Amilia knew. She may not know details, but she knows that something happened in his life. If he wasn't careful with what he divulged around her, she'd pick it out with ease. She might possibly be holding onto what he already said with doubt. More importantly, her words brought out thought for the future, something he might should have paid more attention to. Most his life, Rurik turned his attention towards the present or not long after it. Thinking to the future was—too uncertain, too many unknowns and right now there were too many things that might lead to that future getting cut short. Thinking to the future was anxious work.

"...Exactly what are your intentions, Amilia? And these offers..."


"Well Ser Rurik, how do I put this.. If I am not interested in you as an assassin, then it is clearly as a woman. I can offer my skills. Maybe it is too early, maybe it's a bit too much for you now, or a payment in all. Regardless it is my wish. I don't think we need an answer here or now, but...Let's see how the less traumatic half lives, hmm? You do have a couple of places to show me, and given my intentions, we can call this a date."

The former Assassin says, looking around it might be a bit much to take it, or he would have other questions, or maybe it would just the meal and looking around the ship. "Oh we could take a look at that training as well."


Blanking, Rurik didn't know how to respond. At least this time he chose to react internally rather than trying to form words and slowly deform into a stuttering mess. Is this what the damn doctor was mocking him on? The timing was rather bad. The woman herself wasn't at all a poor choice but he didn't much enjoy the idea of lying or even omitting from someone he's trying to court. He also wished to avoid relationships in the case his past came back to haunt him, less others be caught in the crossfire.

"We… will see where it goes." With a sigh, the woman's blatancy was too much for him to respond to. "For now let us get you some food."

Given the battle from before, and her through way of handling it, no further challengers continues her little event. Of note was the fact how thrilled and into it all Charlotte seemed to be enjoying the show, not that she could blame her. There was still one small issue that she was overlooking, he had tried to seriously harm her, though she did badly injure him, mostly from his own foolishness. The man was not to be underestimated.

"Hmm.." Turning her attention to Voyd he seemed to have more than a bit of praise for her. Narrowing her eyes a bit of a smile appeared on her face, the Harbinger knew her well. Or at least what buttons to press. "That Human is rather dangerous, self taught but he has the potential to do great harm.. And Hmph, I simply do not want to die from incompetent allies. And I'm not so sure about commanding our armies or training them. We are still a somewhat divided land.. No, much more must be done. Much more. Alright you lot, make a formation.. Though I must say you have quite the silver tongue.. Though I choose to believe your remarks are in earnest." Sorina says to the rest, letting her right arm rest, she uses her left to tap the lance against others softly for the most part to encourage stance corrections or to provide small bits of motivation.

"It is good to learn the capabilities of your allies to-"

Continuing the training course, the hours pass swiftly without further incident, somewhat tired, the Blood Devil takes the time to bask in the moonlight, largely in isolation.

And so the next couple of days would go as the Lughanta alternated between using it's boosters and burning through fuel to reach the Kingdom's Capital in record time.


Approaching the city of Fraulia the Lughanta quickly gains approval for docking, the crew were given permission to stay aboard the ship or to explore the city, with Agatha being needed directly, Aster would handle supplies. Kamov would also join the meeting for any needed medical explinations while the Princess would be taken to the Palace Infirmary.

Hating the city and it's angelic Wardens, Sorina wanted nothing to do with the city, to see it, nor to speak with it's inhabitants outside of the shopping district. The hatred between infernals and Celestials was a rather long running one. Though she may have had a duty to report the results of the mission and what they had seen, Agatha had most of the information already, so the Blood Devil justified her lack of being before the Divine Queen. Sitting in her room Sorina flips through the pages of a book, not wanting to sleep in this city, she trusted it less than Somnus.

Meanwhile Orksen was in the lower holds up to his normal tricks, setting up a battle ring of sorts, unsurprisingly the ship would turn into a beehive of activity as some of the separated crew could make it's way back, others went about their own way and resupply was underway.


Meanwhile back in the meeting room a few moments later, Zephiel returns at the head of a procession, not wanting to name all present in the name of expedience takes a middle ground in making the introduction;

"I bring before you Agatha Nightingale, Captain of the Lughanta, Third Officer Josef Kamov and other assorted crew who are accompanying the Captain." Parting ways from the group the Celestial bows lightly bidding the group entry so that this dreadfully long meeting could finally end.
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@Team 2

Ino had been following Captain Camus around for a fair while today. In fact she thought she'd been a rather good lackey under his command. It may have just been her ego, but the grizzled veteran seemed to hold her in high respects. A smug grin spread on her lips as she chuckled to herself softly, only to catch Camus' motion from the corner of her eye, the signal for her to enter the room. Quickly she brushed herself off, shook off her nerves and marched her way through the door of the cabin to meet the esteemed members of the Lughanta crew she'd come to hear so much about.

When standing beside her captain the Witch felt full of pride, being the escort to such honored guests was a privilege! But for some reason after she nodded to her captain as he left all wind left her sails. Suddenly she was alone, staring at the small band in front of her, an absent look on her face "So..." she began with a deep breath, mulling over words in her head "You're the lot that helped with Yellowbeard hm? preeeetty impressive" she managed to force out with a sigh, fumbling with the hilt of her sword "I'm Ino." she began again, leaving her pause maybe a little too long "But you knew that... I do magic, have a sword and..." she wanted to list another redeeming quality about herself, but in the moment nothing came to mind, like all manner of thought had left her brain "I'm... Not very good. At talking to groups." she finally managed to finish with an almost disappointed nod, eyes simply scanning the reaction of her audience.

A this point it would have probably been the right thing to ask who the hell they were, but Ino decided that any other instances of opening her mouth were only going to end in embarrassment for herself. Why was nothing in her mind quite linking up like it should when talking to people!? And come to think of it... Had Camus made her a babysitter?

Oh bother...


Note: This Flashback Collab takes place shortly after the kidnapping of Princess Olivia

The Draconus, one of - if not the - Venesia's mightiest mercenary company, crewed by some of the best men and women both local and foreign. The company that led the band of sellswords in the victorious campaign to vanquish the notorious pirate Yellowbeard. Honed under the disciplined leadership of Captain Camus Lombardi, a member of the Lombardi Patrician family, Draconus possessed some of the most disciplined crew in all of Venesia, rivaling even those of Imperial Knights.

This was the company that a certain pink-haired Lilim found herself in, her skills and prowess at combining martial and magic earned her place among the crew, right now, Ino found herself in the Captain's Cabin, "This is... troubling." She had just informed the Captain regarding the kidnapping of Princess Olivia and the strange coincidence that the Lughanta, a fellow Venesian mercenary company led by one Agatha Nightingale, was attending the party, "You don't think... the Lughanta has something to do with this?" The Captain looked up at the Lilim, a deep scowl on his gruff face.

As the captain pondered to himself Ino was left to awkwardly rock back and forth on her heels. It was never fun delivering bad news. Especially to someone as gruff and intimidating as Camus. She'd only really been here a short while in the grand scheme of things. But it wasn't nearly as bad as the first few times she had to deliver less than stellar info. "I can't really confirm or deny that sir!" she said as she came to attention, knowing how Camus liked to run things

"All I can say for certain is that the Princess has been captured and the Lughanta crew is attending the party" she said simply "but..." she started, mulling over some things in her head "if you want my honest opinion sir I do think something has to be related between the two. It seems a little too coincidental sir!" she said with a slight sigh, trying not to lose composure "What about you sir? How do you see it?" she asked the stone cold man in front of her, who she could have sworn hadn't changed his cold gaze since she entered 'note to self... don't bother attempting to allure Camus' she thought to herself 'no woman could ever soften that brick'.

"Hmmm..." The Captain rubbed the light stubble on his chin, "If... if the Lughanta had a hand in this, what did they hope to achieve?" He rubbed his forehead, he didn't know Agatha but even for him, there was no amount of Florin in the world that could convince him to kidnap an Imperial Princess, the political implication alone made it not worth the effort, let alone actually being there to physically snatch the Princess. This whole farce was fishier than a fishing dock after a big catch.

"I think," He grunted, frowning deeply, "Whatever the case may be, the Empire will turn their eyes to Venesia and Fraulia, the warmongering nation had been looking for a reason to march their armies once more. Heh... considering this, it isn't far-fetched to think that the Empress and, Sol forbid, the Doge themselves engineered this all along. Poor Lady Nightingale was just their unwitting pawn..." He stood up from his seat then stepped towards his cabin's door, fluttering his cape, "Come, Ino, we shall return to Venesia as soon as possible. For now, we observe..." It was time to make use of their contacts in the Palazzo Ducale...

The captain obviously seemed to have a lot on his mind. Luckily for him though it seemed he was an expert at sorting out information and forming conclusions. In fact he had it down to the point that Ino found herself a little jealous. Maybe something that came with age? Either way Camus seemed to have his theory, and in her eyes it was a crazy theory of a mad man yet... Possibly just crazy enough to work.

She'd been hearing through the Coven that the empire had indeed been looking to stir up trouble for a while now. But not even Luna herself could have predicted this sort of outcome, if it was true.

But at the sound of Camus' chair scraping across the decks Ino knew that it was time to leaver, jumping back to attention as the captain passed her by, hearing his request for her to accompany him "aye aye captain" she said with a small grin. It seemed she may just be moving up in this ship if things keep up.

Escorted by the Celestial, Agatha, Kamov, and any crew who had decided to come along entered the meeting hall. "A great honor to be in your presence, Your Holiness, and Officials of Eustia. I am Agatha Nightingale representing the Lughanta Company." Agatha made her customary bow as she greeted the Divine-Queen, aiming to keep herself brief as there were so many people here in the room, calling them out one by one would be more hassle than it's worth, anyone who didn't have a stick up their ass would understand.

Next, she glanced to her crew, Silvania, Cera, and Adale, giving them a nod filled with genuine gratitude and pride. They had done well. "We have just arrived from Somnus, Your Holiness. Through the brave efforts of our crew, we took Princess Olivia from the grasp of her kidnappers.."

"I see, Captain," Ivanova pondered, "Where is the Princess now and tell us more about the people who kidnapped her."

"Ah yes, the Princess..." Agatha took a deep breath then sighed, "Doctor, if you please?" she took a step back, letting Kamov take the stage.

Not one much for formalities, or proper protocol, Kamov didn't bother with a bow or titles for the most part as he came forward. "Well your Worshipfulness, to be frank, she has most of her mental faculties to her, but there is more than a bit of emotional trauma there. The Word of Kharlan, or at least someone connected to it, seemed to use a bit of mental persuasion and a healthy dose of Luna's Bell to get some compliance out of her. Forced out some of her research. As a result, her memory has considerable gaps in regards to this. I suspect part of a coping mechanism is at work. She also has taken in a deal of paranoia in regards to her safety. As you know Luna's Bell is a highly addictive substance. I've worked her down to a half dosage, anything past that will rest on her willpower." Pausing for a bit, the doctor sighed slightly, letting out a held breath. He wouldn't bother adding it would be good if that dreadful research of hers never saw the light of day.

"If I might make a recommendation, Father Anderson, a traveling Battlefield Priest on our ship has been doing consoling services with her. For now, we took her to your doctors for being looked over, but I believe if we are to hand her over, it should be a gradual process, or at the least, our Priest should continue his visits. While there were minor signs of physical abuse her main problems are largely emotional. It is ill-advised that we should change her care provider instantly, with such a patient a measure of trust must be established...plus she seems attached to one of our crewmen. Troubles could arise from a sudden change without consent."

Stepping back, that was all he had to say, tipping his head slightly in some form of manners.

"There you have it, Your Holiness and Honored Officials, we hope she can recover soon." The brunette paused, "As for the Cult, they call themselves as 'The Word of Kharlan', their motives are unknown to us right now but we can safely assume they are nothing but trouble. This won't be the last time we'll see them."

"However, they weren't this malicious in their earlier days. Founded by an Infernal exile around eight decades ago. From what two of my crewmen put together, they are a group that operates on the principles that demand the following, all states should outlaw slavery, wealth should be redistributed in equally, the aristocracy should be removed from power, and all leaders should be elected by popular vote of the people, and the Divine Church should hold no sway in public affairs of state. Most of its members seem to be anarchists, runaway slaves, and those who despise the status quo. They were just a fringe cult pushing largely for the end of slavery and some sort of elected assembly with monarchs left in power in some locations. Charity work and the like, harmless if not a thorn in the side of some... The Captain paused, letting the everyone, including her own crew, to take it all in.

"Until Mersha Kharlan took power... The Infernal rose to power through 'mysterious deaths' in the organization and funding by unknown backers. They turned violent and militant, terrorists. A few actions of the cult also didn't make sense in this mission, clearly, they had ulterior motives. When we escaped they chased us with a makeshift warship, armed and armored to the teeth though, we narrowly escaped them." Going over the battle that had taken place she went on to inform them of the bombardment the ship had carried out on the Cabal and city proper in a few locations, before moving on, "Last we were there, the battle was evenly matched, but I don't know if the Cultist forces are still there. The Cabal might even have an upper hand, or it might be a stalemate, without some form of central control with the rebels and the Cabal being the Cabal, I doubt it will be peaceful regardless. Somnus is experiencing one bloody civil war at the moment." With an exhale, Agatha stepped back, "That is all, Your Holiness."



"..." Ivanova, Diana, and Maximilian were in deep thoughts, they discussed amongst themselves for a moment until it was the Divine-Queen who addressed the Lughanta, "We have received your reports and proper measures will be taken, Captain. Princess Olvia shall be in our care, we will do our best to hasten her recovery. These Words of Kharlan are responsible yes, however, as we all know, the chance of the Empire believing us will be extremely slim. They will so much as to spit on our faces than letting go the precious casus belli from their hands even if we can prove Olivia's return." The Kharlan played the Lughanta like a fiddle, they likely had achieved their purpose, fanning the flames of war, "As for the situation in Somnus..."

"My apologies, Your Holiness, may I speak?" Zephiel, the Celestial who escorted the group, raised her hand.

"You may, Zephiel."

"I believe we can't allow the atrocities in Somnus to continue, though the place is a scum, there are innocent people who live there, those who are indentured against their will for example." The fire burning in the Justicar's blue eyes were clear, "We must take action, with each moment delayed, more are dying. Send my brethren and I there, Your Holiness, we shall restore order in Somnus. The Cabal and this... terrorizing cult, they shall answer to our blade."

"Sister, a moment..." Ariel had to quip, "Are you suggesting to send the Justicars there? She was worried, her sister and those of her faction might not be able to tell friend from foe in Somnus. To them, the shopkeepers might just be as guilty as the slavers.

"Yes, I will not stand by while people are dying."

"..." The Messenger couldn't say anything, she knew Zephiel was just waiting for a chance to unleash her wrath upon Somnus, the Justicars had always hated the city. However, she had a strong argument, mixing in the notion of saving innocent lives to cover their desire to 'cleanse' the underground settlement.

Ivanova turned to the Eidolon of Sol, "Diana, what say you?"

The Archangel was silent for a moment before she clasped her hands on the table, "Very well, but, the Messengers must accompany our forces." She turned her gaze towards Ariel... then at Oriana, "Make sure that our blade does not smite those who don't deserve it."

"Bu-..." Zephiel stopped herself short, realizing it would be unbecoming of her to protest the Archangel's direct orders, "Yes, Archangel."


With that being said, Ivanova stood up, "Very well. Eidolon Diana, organize the task force to restore order in Somnus, The Lughanta crew are allowed to participate if so they wish as they have first-hand experience of the situation. Grandmaster Maximilian, prepare our troops for the coming storm. As for the Lughanta and her crew, you may rest, we will provide you accommodations in the Cathedral if need be, otherwise, you are free to conduct your business in Eustia. Captain Agatha, we will notify you with further notice. This meeting is adjourned. The Divine One, Sol, and Luna's blessings upon you." Together with escorts, the Divine-Queen made her way out of the room. officially ending the session.

"Oriana, Ariel," Diana gave the Messengers a small smile, "Accompany the crew for now, see to their needs. As for you, Zephiel, come, we have things to discuss." The Archangel nodded before she went to follow Ivanova, trailed by the rather disgruntled Zephiel.

"Alright then... guess I should start prepping the men." Maximilian cleared his throat, looking over the crew, his gaze particularly lingering on Silva, "Lughanta, should you need anything from me, just inform one of the staff here. Until then, take care." He too, left the room.

"Haaa... I'll get back to the ship" Agatha rubbed the back of her head, glad they got things settled at least, "Kamov, please look after the princess. As for everyone, well, you heard the Queen, relax for now, believe me, we'll need it."
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"I think I've had enough of being a 'guest'." Taka said, brushing dust, ordinary, erchius, imaginary or other, off of his wing and clothing. Shortly after saying that, he realized he forgot something. That automatic grinder. That thing had costed him 6 silver, but there was nothing he could do about it except growl in frustration. And growl he did.

'And here I thought you were an owl Youkai. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call you a dog.' Buras commented, appearing on Taka's shoulder. "Quiet, you." he snapped at the spirit animal.

Then they were introduced to Ino, who was to be their escort. "Hmph, I've had enough of guards as well." The whole business of him losing what he had purchased had put him in a bad mood, and sadly someone was trying to have a conversation with him. "I do not care what your name is, I do not care what it is you can do. Show me to where I shall be sleeping, and where I will be eating. Once you are done with that, you will leave me be."

'Oh, so the dog has some bark to him. Any bite?' Buras hummed from his perch, though he was quickly shooed off because of it."

Hah! Seeing Venrid get his ass handed to him by the Blood Bitch felt so satisfying. Almost worth having to go through this ridiculous training, even. Almost. Bored now, Sonya used her racial ability to blend in with the nighttime shadows to ditch the training. If Sorina noticed, Sonya didn't particularly care. Besides, that other demon had been talking with Sorina and unwittingly acted as the perfect distraction. And so Sonya passed the rest of the night with sleep in her own cabin.

The letter, half written and half crumpled into a mess, remained on her desk.

The following days she spent with some light training on her own and drinking. With the stop being Fraulia, she expected to be confined to the ship yet again. Or rather, she'd be stuck on the ship by herself and Agatha wouldn't weigh in on her decision to do so. Sonya would decide that a bunch of angels might be angry if a dirty Drow thief entered their city.

But she would be bored out of her mind while they were there. She'd long since mastered the game of Solitaire, sewed all the holes in her clothes shut, and somehow managed to keep working wherever they needed her. But, she wasn't an Engineer, a trustworthy leader, nor was she someone who could leave the boat to get supplies without people staring at her.

In short, she was useless on the ship. Not much call for a thief on a ship that needed people to fly it. So, she spent time in the bar, and drank more to pass the time between missions than to get drunk. That got boring too, so she started playing three card monty with the drunker patrons with the bar. She was doing that at this moment, shuffling the cards this way and that, and the guy was drunk enough that she didn't need to cheat.

"Yer not cheating, are you?"

"Not this time," Sonya said with a wink. "But a skilled player like you, I always play fair and square."

"Better not be."


Note: This collab took place shortly before the Lughanta landed in Eustia.

Merrelien, while eager to get involved in the more personal issues involving Agatha and Lughanta, was hesitant. The last few days ate away at him, almost endlessly. Throughout the short lived firefight outside of Somnus,the ruckus made by the Blood Devil Queen who suddenly felt like playing Sergeant, and now on the sleepless nights as they drifted ever so closely to Fraulia, he considered if this was the best option. Should he truly involve himself in something that didn't have to do with him? Of course he did, he had every right to...right?

Last time he laid eyes on this city he was recruited by the Lughanta, and if he were being honest, he wouldn't mind visiting Kishimoto. But he had business to attend to before he lost his opportunity, he had to speak to Agatha for the first time in years.The morning that the Lughanta docked itself in Fraulia's port, Merrelien prepped his mental state and garnered his best attire. Making himself as presentable as possible to stand before his childhood friend once again. It was unbeknownst to him whether she knew he was recruited or not, which made the situation even more nerve wrecking for the Armer.

Finally giving up the procrastination, he stood from his bed in one of the bunking compartments of the ship, and marched his way out into the corridor, through the shifting hallways until he reached her quarters. He placed his fist upon her door, uncertain if he should knock or not.

"What is the matter with you?," He mumbled under his breath as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead, "Quit being so damn anxious." He had a bad habit of speaking to himself. Finally, he knocked twice on the door. He took a step back, using this opportunity to collect himself one last time, before planting a smile on his calm facade.

Would she even remember him? If so how much would she remember? He couldn't forget her, in fact she was one of only very few friends outside of school and lessons

As the Lughanta continued to head towards Eustia, the Divine-Kingdom's capital city, the atmosphere within the airship gradually calmed down. Even though tension still lingered, the princess being safe in their hands remained a fact. The future was uncertain as always but at least they knew what to do, where to go, instead of going on a wild goose chase.

At the moment, Agatha was relaxing in her cabin, reading a book, tunes singing from the gramophone set in the corner, and of course, not without a bottle of grape juice set on her table. "Hmm?" She was briefly interrupted when two knocks resounded from her door, "Yes, come in." She wondered who it was, maybe it was Aster with his usual reports or Kamov with medical notes about the princess' health.

"Ah..." As it turned out, it was none of them, one of her crew, an Armer. "Good day, what do you need...?" Agatha's voice trailed off a bit at the end, why did the male Elf before her looked so... so familiar. It was as if they knew each other beforehand but she couldn't remember him at the top of her head. One thing for sure, he was someone whom she didn't hire personally because Agatha was pretty sure she hadn't gone senile yet.

"Sorry..." The Captain put the book down then stood up, approaching the red-eyed High Elf, "Have we met before? I mean... before all this, before the Lughanta."

His nerves dematerialized as soon as her voice resounded from the other side of the door. That was his friend alright, he was sure of it. He placed a gentle hand against the handle, and calmly stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Here he was, standing before his friend after many long years without contact. The nostalgia began to hit him when their eyes met, and a genuine smile fell upon his lips.

She was propped in her seat, enjoying a book and what appeared to be...wine? The gentle breeze blew in through one of the windows and the tunes from the gramophone continued to play.

With a happy inhale of the fresh air he nodded, "Pardon me for the intrusion, Captain," His formality wouldn't falter, despite the history between the two. "I'm here to have a talk, and possibly catch up."

She hadn't remembered him, which was understandable. But there was an instillment of familiarity in her eyes. It was confirmed when she stood and asked the question. Merrelien chortled confidently and looked into her eyes almost mockingly, "I must say, I'm slightly disappointed you don't remember me, Captain,"

He outstretched his arm, his pale hand open to take hers, "Yet, of course, many of my people look alike so I won't hold it against you. Let me re-introduce myself,Merrelien Thedove, at your disposal."

"It's great to see you again, Ms.Nightingale. May I call you Agatha?" He gave another warm laugh, the Armer and their damn formality, "All these years, and who would've known we'd end up here."

"Oh... ah..." A rather awkward atmosphere fell in the room as Agatha tried her best to dig up her memories, who was he? She knew him yet couldn't recall much beyond fragments. He spoke as if they have met before so that reassured Agatha about their relation, she just had to remember, damn it! If her fuzzy memory was the result of her stress and short-lived alcoholism, good thing she switched to plain grape juice before she drowned herself in wine. Too much alcohol wasn't good for the mind and body. "Sorry, it looks like you have to jog my memory here." Agatha admitted defeat with a regretful sigh.

"Oh... oh...!" The moment the Armer spoke his full name, Agatha felt as if the fog in her head vanished swiftly. Her childhood moments, their first meeting, the time they spent together while their parents met up to do business. "Merrelien..." Agatha blinked a few times, now recalling everything, "Ah yes, how could I forget?! By Luna, haa... how silly I am." A rosy tint fell on her cheeks, her old childhood friend among her crew, how could she miss it? By the Trinity, she had to appreciate Merrel for not taking offense or laughing at her idiocy.

"Ah, please, please, take a seat," The Captain warmed up immediately as she gestured for the Elf join her, she took a spare glass as she poured him the grape juice, "Sorry if it's just grape juice, I have been avoiding alcohol according to the doctor's advice." The brunette smiled, "So, when did you first join? Damn, I still can't believe I haven't noticed you until now." She chuckled, embarrassed, "Haaa... nevertheless, it's good to see you again, Merrel and furthermore, even if it's too late, I am honored to have you aboard. I just wish we could meet in... better circumstances."

He found it humorous how she would scramble for her memories, and then finally when obtaining them her cheeks would flush. It helped him relax once she realized who he really was, he could only imagine how awkward it truly would've been if she hadn't remember his family name at all.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Agatha,"
He took a seat on a chair across from hers, gleefully accepting the glass of wine. He analyzed the Human girl, she seemed stress. Yet who wouldn't be when you're running such a well known mercenary group that has seemed to gotten itself in some...trouble. Yet her features were all the same, almost as though she hadn't aged a bit. That was a good sight for sore eyes.

He broke his glance, remembering that humans don't like being stared at for too long, "Ah, Dr.Kamov? That man has a sharp tongue, and a witty mind. Most may not take too kindly to him, but I appreciate his integrity." He took a sip of the grape juice, honeyed and sweet, just like he liked it. "If he gives advice, it's surely for the greater good, in fact he helped me out with a nasty stomach bug I had a while ago. Yet, no alcohol could be taxing for someone who runs a ship of 300 plus men."

"I joined quite a while ago, I was on the ship far before the events in Somnus, shortly after the quarrel against Yellowbeard. I was accepted by some man in blue hair, second in command he says, friend of yours I suppose."
He laughed at her embarrassment for having not noticed him, and waved it off with his free hand. The other grasped the glass and he held it up before his eyes, spinning the purple liquid around in circles, "Actually, it was I that refused to speak with you-" He seemed flustered and corrected himself, "Not because I didn't want to! More so because I was nervous, for a good reason, a good reason indeed. Yet now, that reason is no longer relevant."

He nodded, holding his glass out in front of her, "The pleasure is all mine of course," He touched glasses with her before taking another sip and sitting back in his seat. Exhaling and setting his glass aside, Merrelien nodded in agreement, "Having such a reunion dur
ing better circumstances would have been much better indeed...how have you been Agatha?"

His crimson eyes looked into hers, his tone became much more solemn. He worried about her, but there was something on his mind and it was clear he wanted to talk about it.

"Heh, thanks, but I don't run the company alone, as you can see," The fact that he was accepted through Aster was a definite proof, Agatha wasn't the sole decision maker in the Lughanta even though she owned the company. "Yeah, Aster, my second-in-command, he's good, loyal, definitely someone I can count on." She lost count on how many times his calm demeanor helped her pull through the worst of situations.

"Oh... why then?" Agatha leaned forward, her tone took on a concerned shift, if Merrel had issues with her, he should tell her. "Ah, hahaha, I see..." Even though he didn't have problems with her personally, after all the fiasco since the Sovereign mission, the brunette was painfully reminded that she wasn't the best captain around., there were so many flaws she had to work on. It was quite a miracle that her crew stayed with her through all this, they had their doubts but at the end of the day, they stayed. From that moment, she promised herself to be a better person.

"Well, we are here now, that's all that matters," She leaned back, taking a few sips of the grape juice, "Haha, hmmm... from the bags under my eyes, it isn't hard to see. We are in this together anyway so you know why, things have been tough obviously. This company was on a roll for the last five years, I guess I got overconfident and that bit me back, dragging all of you with it." She rubbed the back of her neck, "Say... we didn't see each other much since we were kids. If I remember correctly, your parents wanted you to be a researcher in the Solar Academy... I guess plans changed, huh?"

"We're still young Agatha," He reminded her with a grin, "What you have achieved with this company, you're team, and the crew in so little time is an incredible accomplishment. Something not seen in Bumi in many years, if not ever before."
At the mention of his parents, he felt his stomach urch and he sat back. Keeping his composure, he picked up the glass and took another sip, yet his hand trembled. Oh how he wished this was wine. He put the glass back down on the table, it was half empty and he swung one leg over the other. "Actually, the plan never changed, I simply left. It's a long story, so I'll give you the short version. After my family stopped seeing yours, I continued all of my classes. Lessons in the Academy, personal sessions by sword wielding masters, and learning to play a number of Eruvian instruments. As the only child in my family's name, since my mother who couldn't produce more children, I was born to be the poster child of all things Thedove."

He looked at the ground, his face twisted in resentment, his fist clenched,"God forbid I had the slightest bit of freedom, it would resort to my father giving me one his infamous speeches. About how I should uphold the family name, represent myself as a gentlemen. I was to go to the Academy, become a researcher, marry someone worthy of our family name whether I truly cared for them or not, and die an old man with a pair of kids somewhere in Armerium."

He sighed, returning to his calm demeanor, and unclenching his fist. He looked up at her with soft features, "Yet, somewhere in me, I knew I had to get out. That's when I heard about your company, they were hiring recruits. I looked at the name of the signature at the end of leaflet, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Agatha Nightingale, it was you. That's when I knew I had to escape. So I did, with the help of many friends I got to the capital of Fraulia. There I signed up, and not too long after I was a new member on the ship."

"Actually, there's another reason why I'm here Agatha...while I did want to catch up, I also want to get involved. This crew may not get along, and we may not be the biggest fleet out there, but with a leader like you we could do great things. So I want to help and include myself in the tasks, no matter how life threatening. You've saved my life, and helped me see the world, I'm forever in your debt."
That was something Merrelien stayed true to, his earnesty. He's as honest as he is calm, and as calm as he is callous when speaking his mind.

Indeed, they were young, no more than prepubescent kids. Those were fun moments but they went on with their life as they grew up. "Hahaha..." The Captain rubbed the back of her neck as she let out a nervous chuckle, "I would take the compliment better if it isn't for the fuck-ups recently, but still, thank you." Merel was being kind with her, trying to cheer her up, she noticed his efforts and to be honest, she really appreciated him.

"..." Since he was the only other person around in the cabin and her attention was fully on him, the trembling of his hand didn't go unnoticed. Agatha's smile died down into a neutral frown, it seemed she accidentally hit a nerve. Something definitely happened between him and his parents or else, he wouldn't be here, traveling with a Venesian mercenary group. "Oh..." They had a falling out, the notion of his parents stressing him out with excessive lessons and apprenticeship wasn't surprising considering they were Armers. Merel's parents certainly fit the stereotype of overbearing individuals with unreasonably high expectations, made worse by the fact that he was their only child.

"Hey, you know what?" Agatha put down her glass then clasped her hands on her desk, a sincere smile on her lips, "I'd do the same thing if I were you." She didn't chuckle, nor giggle, she seriously stood by her statement, "However, in my case, being the third child and a girl at that means I will not be spearheading the inheritance my father's businesses, that's my eldest brother's job. I guess you could say, I was luckier... but, look at us now, traveling across Bumi, killing pirates, kidnapping a princess, then rescuing said princess. I say this is a much better life than spending your days as a researcher... just gotta ignore the fact that we pissed off the most powerful empire in Bumi."A chuckle as she held her forehead.

"Hey, don't make me feel too bad for not remembering you know..." He actually found out through her recruitment posters, what were the odds? Agatha wasn't exactly the religious sort but... in cases like these, even she had to ponder if there were some higher powers orchestrating all these.

"Yes, what is it?" She listened to him, those were true, the Draconus boasted the most disciplined crew and largest airship for Mercenaries. "Of course," She nodded, "We will need every help we can get for the coming ordeals." She paused, seemingly deep in her thoughts, then looked up, "Oh, Merel, it might be too late now but..." She extended her right arm, offering a handshake,"I am honored to have you on board, old friend."

"The honor is all mine, Agatha," He boasted a smile and clasped her hand. He held it with a gentle grip, before giving a firm squeeze and standing up from his seat. He picked up the glass, and downed the rest of the juice in one gulp.

He placed the cup back down and patted himself off, "Well then, I should start heading out, I wouldn't want to take too much of your time. Eustia is getting ever closer, and it seems like trouble is soon to be afoot." He stepped over to the window, peering down onto Bumi's wonderful landscapes below, "If one thing's for sure," He turned around, giving her a confident and reassuring grin,"it's that we're coming out of this the victors."

He walked to the door and opened it, yet stopping and without turning around he gave her one last playful word, "Perhaps next time we speak, it could be over a glass of wine, and the doctor won't have to know," He closed the door with a smile and sighed in relief.

"That went better than expected."

Seven declined all the summons that had been ordered of him after he had returned to the Lughanta. Requests to go out to sortie with the expeditionary teams, to attend briefings, to see the princess. Seven declined all of them. Instead, he remained locked in a cycle, between his room and working about the ship's galley and kitchen. Today too, he was silently working at making the day's meal.

Everyone knew Seven wasn't much of a talker. The couple of people he had actually bothered to converse with was limited to Yumi, the Head Coo. But, even the head cook could tell he was being more distant than he had ever been. Any potential reason for it was lost to her until word of the mission that brought back Princess Olivia started to circulate among the crew.

From what she understood, it seemed like Seven was affected by that mission's outcome. Did that mean Seven was involved with her somehow?

According to what the doctor had been saying, it seemed like it was the most likely case. Today, she would ask him again if he'd go to see the princess. But she was probably going to get the same response.

"..Sorry. I'm too busy."

Just like always.

"I'm on duty to help with dinner tonight, am I not?"
"Yes. But, I'll go ahead and let it slide, since the doctor says it's for the Princess' sake."
"Sorry. I can't."

Denial again. The head cook's shoulder's sank.
It was definitely guilt.

At this point, could Yumi even be able to convince him to go see her? Either way, for now she had to withdraw. They continued as normal.

"Miss Elaina. I'll be taking my break to eat now."

"Sure. Thanks."

A minute or two later, the head cook takes notice of Seven's belongings in a knapsack, left behind.

"Oh, that's not supposed be left there... Mh? A letter?"

Up on the top deck. Seated, Seven reaches for his days' rations he had portioned into a sealable cup. However... the cup, located inside his personal satchel was most certainly not on his person. He must've left it in the kitchen.


The thundering sound of the Head Cook's voice immediately drew his attention before he could even stand up. In her hand was a rolled up pieces of parchment. That was...!

"...Miss Elaina. That letter."

"Yeah. This letter."
"I can explain."

She let the roll out and dangle in front of her. It most certainly was a letter.

"Oh the letter explains itself pretty clearly. Considering how you clearly wrote resignation right in the first sentence."

"Yeah. I did."
"So you're just going to up and leave like that?"
"Yes. I intend to."

The head cook crushed it in her hands.

"Just going to come her and then just leave as you please, then?"

"No. That letter made it clear that I'll be leaving permanently."
"There's someone who really wants to see you-! But you won't even give them that!"
"That has nothing to do with me. I don't know what you're talking ab-..."

"I do! That aura that's coming off of you. That's guilt isn't it? Whatever happened to her, you're guilty about it right?"

"Seven... no... That's obviously not your real name. Tell me. Who are you?"

Damn cook. Was someone who worked in the galley supposed be that perceptive?
The young man stood up from where he sat and faced his immediate superior. Elaina Boro. Head cook.

"I'm just some nobody."

"Going to be that hardheaded until the end, then?"

Elaina reached into her pocket. With a flick of her wrist, a butterfly knife with a brilliantly silvery body unfolded. It was immediately apparent she was well versed in it's usage.

"This butterfly knife is my prized weapon."

"You've used that thing to cut vegetables too"
"Yes. It's a knife I'm most comfortable using. My prized quicksilver blade that was made by an eccentric craftsman before I joined the Lughanta Company. This knife carries all of the guilt that I've committed over the years. Because of that, It's naturally attracted to said guilt. And only by drinking the blood of those whom are guilty can it's thirst be satiated."

"Seriously, what are you getting at?"

Seven began to laugh at her outlandish statements... but he stopped. Realizing that her stance was... she wasn't inexperienced at all. Quite the opposite.


Seven shifted into a battle-ready stance.

"So you get it then, Seven? If your guilt is keeping your 'truth' tucked away, then I'll rend through it right here. On behalf of my mistress... prepare yourself!"
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As the pair standoff with one another, a very deep laugh can be heard, the huge greenskin was there, munching on some meat. While it begged the question of why and how he got into the room without being noticed.

"Ehehehahaha! Are yah a Coward boy?" Wearing combat like clothing, the Orc narrows his eyes at the pair, all the while seemingly unconcerned about what he was witnessing. Listening in the whole time. "Oi, don't mind me, just listin'n. Heh Guilt, yah can only go on wit fight'n and die'n Ummie, you wanna run away, den dat's all you'll eva do. an'yer word won't be worth a sod. Jobs a Job."

"Nice knife yah got there."
He says in regards to the chef, looking at the woman he nods his head. Twitching his mouth for a brief moment the Orc shrugs. "Well Ummie yah don't seem da sort'ta like stand'n and fight'n, but dat's change'n fer now."

Stomping on the deck with his right foot, the Orc seemed to be involving himself in this spat. "Gotta finish up yer contract boy, an help whatever lass it is yer knife lady is talk'n about, been hear'n sum aboutcha too. Little bit'o blood sport among the crew is real proppa, burns off aggression, shows if yah can be trusted, whoz got yer back. So Ummie itz time yah had a lesson, don't know much onyah, but what sorta man or merc worth 'is salt throws is work off on otha's with a I'm Sowwy Letter? Eh?! Time yah learn not all problems can be ran away from..;

Oi! Yah Lot! Wez gonna has us a bit'o Blood Sport! Get up ere and let's make a ring! Bets be placed between da lady wit da knife and da scrawny ummie wit da suit!"

Sure enough this grabs some attention, be it on the deck, below decks, or the superstructure, Lughanta crewmen crawl out of the wood work so to speak, soon a small betting circle was up and the woman would get her chance to talk with Seven, there would be no escape, no hiding, no toilets, no pacifism this time. While the Orcs motives were more base than this, he was attempting in his own way to help resolve the situation, if the man hated him after that he would just buy him a drink or two, after all he was a civilized suit wearer like himself, right?


Collab w/@Beowulf
Roughly a Week after Somnus

Venrid awoke some odd hours after having collapsed on his bunk in exhaustion to the darkness of his room. Body now stiff from the hours of rest, his whole upper body ached as he sat up and ran a hand through his wild hair. Letting out a half yawn that ended in a groan he attempted a stretch in the hopes his pain would fade. But as was the result of having unwisely slept in his usual attire, it remained.

Grumbling his way to his feet and swaying from lethargy, the day had passed in what seemed like minutes. His memory foggy of the events that unfolded hours ago, he looked to the wraith gauntlet in his hand that seemed like a dream hardly a week ago. Though, there was still one detail that managed to irk him.

He still had no damn idea on how the blasted thing worked!

Clenching a fist and looking it over in the darkness, he was tempted to flip the light on and inspect it for the umpteenth time, before suddenly he recalled his original plan. Gazing between his fingers at the ship's floor and what laid before him, the bargaining chip he had guarded till now would finally get to unlocking the dark hand's hidden secrets


Sometime later and after having spent a good while hunting those still awake and asking for the old man's room using his wing as a means to identity. Venrid eventually came to a darkened hallway and stopped before a door which faintly glowed with the light of research. Faintly illuminating his face and the door behind him, he considered his choice method of persuasion before giving the wood a good rapping. With the wing draped over his right shoulder in a firm hand he could hear the shuffling of objects within and an old, but familiar voice.


Taka sat at his desk, head bent over his work, which involved carefully setting erchius crystals in a ring, with magnifying glasses firmly planted on his face so he can better see what he was doing. An erchius fueled lamp provided decent illumination, but mirrors amplified it and forced all shadows to not even reveal themselves.

'We have a visitor' Buras spoke up from his perch by the bed. However, even with the warning, Taka was caught off guard as someone banged on his door. This caused him to jerk his head up, and right into the lamp above. "Blasted…" he began before reining himself in. He didn't know who was outside his door, it could've been his captain, and it wouldn't do to cuss in the company of his captain.

Grumbling sweet nothings, he made his way to the door. Taking a deep breath in order to compose himself, he opened the door. It was Venrid, but that was not what he cared about. His gaze was immediately drawn to what was draped over his right shoulder. His wing. It was his wing. Grabbing for his wing, and missing, he says "Where did you find that?"


"Sure not one for manners are yah. heh. ..." Twisting his body just out of reach of the clumsy hand. Venrid invited himself in without word and while keeping a firm grip on the wing. Shutting the door behind him, he answered Taka's immediate question with a wild tale, but still remaining truthful... "Believe it or not, a giant fucking Ork fell out of the sky with it to save my ass, and I traded em some gems for it. Dunno where the hell he got the damned thing." Shrugging as he turned around and briefly inspected the room, he couldn't help but lightly smile at the crystals and equipment strewn across it.

Letting the enthusiasm fade as the old man questioned as to what he wanted for it, he got to laying down the terms for their little exchange. "Well I ain't running no charity, and didn't get it for you. ... But I'm also not looking to rob yah of money." Letting the wing slide off his shoulder and handing it to Taka, he kept a firm hand on the appendage as the old man made to take it. Meeting his gaze but briefly, Venrid let go in a gesture to say he was willing to part with it before negotiations were settled, so long as Taka agreed to his end.

"I need yah to look at something for me. I hear yer good with magitek. Got a real puzzle for yah."

At this point Venrid raised his right arm to display the gauntlet that no doubt would have caught the old engineer's attention. Crafted chiefly of leather, sleek black in appearance, it was joined in a manner quite complex with sparse pieces of metal plating covered in bizarre configurations along the top of the hand and forearm. Possibly rune markings or engravings in the steel, they shown clear black, like much of the gauntlet, against the glint the rooms light.

Turning it over so that the studded knuckles faced him, the underside had a similar design except for one major difference. In the palm was a small spiral pattern that ended at its center. Connected by the faded lines of symbols and drawn circuitry, it seemed important to the overall design.


Taka's attention had been completely on his wing, so he did not notice the eerily dark gauntlet in Venrid's other hand. In fact, when it was brought up, Taka was busy inspecting his wing with trembling hands, smoothing feathers and making sure that it was, in fact, his. It took a second for him to look up from his wing and see this "puzzle".

Gingerly setting his wing aside, he held out his hand for the gauntlet. Once it was in his hands, he turned it over in his hand to inspect it from all angles. "Go stand in a corner and be quite." he ordered his guest as he moved to the table where he had been working on his latest project. Carelessly pushing it aside, he put the gauntlet in its place. He continued turning the gauntlet over, but stopped when the palm was facing up and he saw the spiral pattern. "If this is more than just a decorative piece of armor, and indeed a magitek item, then it would need magic to run." As he spoke, he searched the desk for a pair of tweezers and some small erchius crystals.

Finding the tweezers and his choosing of crystals, he gently grabs one that looks like it'd fit in the center of the palm and puts it in place. What happened next surprised him. The purple crystal was having its color bleed away, and rather quickly as well. This normally wasn't anything surprising, it happened in every magitek item that ran off of crystals. The inner magic of the crystals would be used up, but it often shattered the crystal in the process and left a white dust. This crystal, however, wasn't shattering. "Interesting." he mumbled by himself as he watched the last few traces of pink disappear into the glove.

Perhaps it simply needed more power, it was possible. So he found a larger crystal, and placed it in the palm. Once again, the crystal was drained of color, but nothing else appeared to happen. "I have two theories on this," he said, waving Venrid over so he can see what he was talking about. "Either this gauntlet has a secret that requires far more erchius than I have to reveal, or it simply swallows up the magic inside. What it does with it from there, I do not know. Either way, just from what I can do on such a short notice, it swallows up magic. I do not, however, know if this is only for magic coming from erchius in all its forms, or if it can also block natural magic. You will have to find someone else to find that out."


"That's it?"

Staring rather glumly at what had amounted to little more than playing with erchius crystals, it was evident that Venrid hardly seemed impressed by the discovery. While useful, it didn't exactly strike the merc as being worth the trouble, nor his time. If left to his own devices, he knew he'd likely lof earned that on his own, or in a fight.

"Yah wouldn't mind holding it up to take an arrow would ya?" He asked. Pondering how his Nightmare bows arrows proved against it.

The glare from the old man was enough to tell him that was a firm "No". And ignoring his prattling at the mere suggestion, Venrid grabbed his gauntlet and quickly returned it to its hand. Looking to where the erchius had been drained moments before, he thrust his hand out in an open palm in the hopes it might activate the gauntlet after having been powered. When that failed to work he tried using various hand signs instead, right until he was forced to stop and leave.

"Tch. ... I'll go see if I can get more outa the mechanics." "Enjoy yer wing old man, try not go betting it again."

With acute contempt he made for the door. The codger after all had been no real help to him and likely wouldn't be except for wasting his time. His hopes once again dashed, it seemed all the talk about him by the others had just been that and nothing more. Regardless, Venrid's burning desire to unlock the gauntlets powers would not be satiated here.

A thing of Legend, said to be more myth than reality was hiding its power beyond imagine just beyond his finger tips, and the only thing keeping it at bay was his own insufferable ignorance. Though, it wasn't like that held him back much in the past. Even if he had to ask every damn person who seemed remotely capable of handling magitek, he would and gladly, if it meant getting closer to wielding the gauntlet as his own.

Considering for a moment as he turned the doorknob and exited back out into the hallway, that the armor may be a fake. He shook the thought from his head and reassured himself in brisk pace by regarding the complexity of it. If that didn't make it the genuine article, then nothing could.

The Cabal wouldn't of had it otherwise…


Taka glared at Venrid the rest of the time he was in his room. What did he expect? That he could just unlock all of the secrets of that gauntlet just by poking, prodding, and looking at it in a couple of minutes? That's not how it worked at all, especially on such short notice. He was lucky that they had discovered as much as they did.

Then suddenly Venrid was flailing his hands around, no doubt trying to activate the gauntlet, if it could even be activated. "Not in my room. It's a big enough mess in here already." he told him, grabbing the offending hand to stop it. "Go make a mess somewhere else, but not here."

With that, he let go and scooped up his wing. He held it with both hands and close to his chest as Venrid left, relishing just the touch of his wing. He had been short a wing for what felt like a very long time, but here his wing was. Now he just had to find somebody with the right kind of magic to reattach it so it was as if it had never been severed in the first place.
~~~Mini-Gm Post to tie into events later this week~~~​

Aboard the Lughanta, Sorina carries about her task, Kamov remains at the meeting and the Capital's Military Hospital, overseeing Olivia, Orksen continues the plot and betting he helped worsen, in a lonely makeshift chapel Father Anderson sits at a simple desk with a bottle of light wine, as a messenger from the Kingdom's Army walks in, giving a slight bow in greeting with a military salute mixed in as Customary. "Chaplin Anderson, the Conclave would like to see you at once. We have need of your Battlefield Services for a coming offense to Liberate Somnus, to Record the Battle."

"Is that so? I would be honored to assist the Conclave in this task. Might the light of the Divine shine down upon that city so that it might know peace. Let me bring a few things with me and we can leave, ah would you mind assisting me?"

"But of course Father, I would be more than happy to assist." As the pair go about retrieving a chest and leaving the ship, another figure shows up sometime thereafter. Covered in steel plate from head to toe with golden inlays a Celestial floats above the Lughanta's Deck, calling out in a loud voice, it seemed to have visited other ships and a small force of the Kingdom's Navy, which was now preparing it's self for a sortie among a few ships.


"Hearken unto me, brave crew of the Lughanta! I am Lord Commander Azrael, Militant Knight General of the Holy Order of the Silver Lance, Commander of the Third Cohort! Chosen by the Conclave to lead a Joint Taskforce for the Liberation of Somnus! The Justicar's have need of the service of Mortals! Fellow Breathern of the Divine One! If you lack in such strength then the Messengers may have use of you in our peace keeping and safeguard of the Innocent! The Divine Church I regret to say cannot pay you! So we implore that yee join this most Holy of Crusades to safeguard the City of your own Nobility! What Say you!?"

Who is the Loud son of a bitch..
Sorina thinks to herself, climbing the steps to reach the deck, as Orksen is briefly distracted from his betting game, the details of the previous battle yet to be determined.

"Oi'how much I get paid?" "Nothing! Glory and honor is your Pay! And the Knowledge you have helped the helpless in service to your common man!" "Not intrest Birdman, No Pay no werk." The Ork says plainly, with a few nods of agreement, they were Mercenaries afterall, not exactly known for being Charitable sorts.

Meanwhile metallic footfalls hit the deck, as the two armored Warriors stare eye to eye.


"So, Angel, do I get to kill Rebels And the Cabal? And it's sanctioned as Work of the Divine? Even a Blood Devil like me can join in on this little Crusade?"

"Sol and Luna both are aspects of the Divine, we naturally should work together. In battle and life we each should seek aspects of the other. For we are Children of the Divine First, Sol and Luna second. Be you an Infernal you are still my shorter lived Kin. Though yours may Err, you are still capable of understanding Justice!"

Says the armored Commander staring at Sorina from his darkened Mask, as Sorina gazes back. "A Simple yes would have done, perhaps your kind has lived for too long to understand what it is to do things shortly, my fellow Kin. But very well, I shall join my Lance in this Crusade." The Blood Devil fires back with some resolve to her voice. "Though I must ask, what is the goal of this operation?"

Nodding his head in acceptance the Commander let's his gaze linger upon the deck and the Infernal below. "SICKNESS MUST BE PURGED! Regardless of reasoning or ideal, the two factions must be swept aside or made to bend the knee. They have caused a great disturbance. They have questioned and brought others into this struggle. Questioning is Doubt, Doubt is Heresy, Heresy is Death."

"Hmm So we must Purge the City of those who are deemed guilty. More so after this city disrespected myself and caused great trouble for a few of us. Of this I approve. I only ask you consider me among the Van."

"Yes Let us show them our might!"

"AHAHAHAHA!" The Pair laugh in unison, seemingly coming to terms of agreement in regards to the Somnus Question. It would be unlikely that the interplay would go unnoticed.
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Collab with @Astros


Unlike a certain other red-eyed girl, Charlotte did not have any personal aversion to the whitewashed city of Eustia. As with every city she visited, she took to wandering the city's cobbled streets with a keen eye, always ready for excitement or a novelty to strike her fancy. It was on the holiest of these adventures that the golden-haired girl ventured into the more mortal levels of Eustian society, ever curious about its inhabitants, and more importantly… the spirits they kept.

In her search, she found herself wandering into a quaint Venesian-style pub, with a weather-worn wooden facade that dearly needed a fresh coat of paint. While it was not so slapshod that it could be called home to ruffians, it had its own time-tested charm that drew Charlotte to it. Indeed, stepping inside, it was a more quiet affair compared to an establishment off the main street. Filled to half-occupancy with a dim interior, the vampire walked up to the bar table, subtly sticking out tongue out upon seeing an all too familiar wine on the top shelf. Ordering something distinctly local, she frowned as her eyes fell on a darker-haired figure slumped over a table.

Unbuckling her sheathed sword, Charlotte stood above him, rapping him once on the head with the scabbard. "Hey~ Lost yet another battle?"


With the firm thump earning little reaction, it seemed the figure paid it no mind until a low audible groan, almost like a growl, accompanied the swift rise of its head. Staring up at the demon with furrowed brow and squinted eyes, Venrid barked "Yah want ter lose ye fookin teeth!?". Sounded with a bit of a slur to his tone and sway of his body in order to maintain an upright position, any with an eye for drunkards could tell he was more than a few beers in.

Glaring up at Charlotte he hadn't yet realized who she was upon uttering the words, and only just noticed a few seconds after having been awoken from his stupor. Seeming to sit straighter and wisen up to her presence, he kept the scowl firmly in place before kindly asking her to leave him be.

"Piss off… fer I give yah som..somtin else to cry about."

Taking to repositioning himself on the cool table to rest his head, he let it lay on his right forearm, and all but ignored her question and state of being there. Content to lie wherever he could in the stupor he had so well fashioned, it beat lying in the docs ward which smelled of booze but didn't offer any.


"Wow," said Charlotte in a non-committal manner, "Too drunk. No fun." Returning her scabbard to its proper position on her belt, she sized up the drunkard again. She was still a fair bit displeased at the man. Although her thirst for vengeance for his actions had died down some, she still had a proper mind to give him a hard time. "Calm down now, before they throw you out~"


""Heh… heh… cam down.. eh?"

With an abrupt spring of motion influenced by the effects of alcohol, Venrid leapt up from his wooden chair and across the table, snatching his glass mug, and with a backhand swing, aimed it at the Vampire's head. Swinging awfully wide and with half his strength while not properly viewing his target, it missed by a wide margin and only managed to sling what contents were left of it in her general direction.

Catching himself with his left arm, as he tripped on his feet, the pain in his shoulder had it give way and he fell face forward atop the table. Almost tipping it over, but managing to balance himself upright on it by means of experience, Venrid turned his head and let out a slurred string of curses before aptly pointing out.

"Lemme … hit ye in the… fuckin head with meh glass and… ask ye tah stay calm… ya damn witch…"

"Mindin my own business... till ye poke yer fuck... brown nose... into it"

With the outburst catching the attention of the staff, a few looked up their way including a voluptuous redhead barmaid attending to a table a few rows down from them. Eying the back of woman's body up and down from the table top, Venrid called out with a whistle.

"Move that sweet tail… an gemme another round… Red."


Charlotte only moved the side of her head, dodging the poorly swung mug cleanly. In response, she simply took a sip of her own wine as the glass crashed to the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces. "You know, they're not going to be happy about that," she pointed out, as the drunkard stood up. Really, she wasn't in the mood for a barfight. Still… "Well, it's too bad you weren't minding your own business earlier~"

The redheaded barmaid, meanwhile, wasn't having any of it. While she wasn't half bad for looks, the face she had on in the moment had left little room for loving. She was already having a hell of a day cleaning after a few other drunkards, and she twitched at the sound of yet another glass being smashed against the ground. Turning around, she identified the source as she strode up to Venrid, ignoring the blond-haired vampire. Instead of paying heed to his vulgar catcall, with perfect simplicity, she slaps him across the face.

"You think you're going 'ta get away with trashing my bar 'jus like that? What fuckin' nerve 'ya have. No more! Pay up an' leave!"


The hand would leave a red bruise, but he had been expecting it from the way she'd waltzed over. Pushing off the table and back into his chair, she didn't hold back with the swing and gave his loose neck a good thrashin. In a way it was just the thing he needed to sober up as his blood started to race, but the sting reminded him of several barmaids he'd taken a hit from in the past only to get clawed up later.

"That's what I like about ye Reds... " Venrid said with a big grin, not trying to hide his glee of the chase.

"Heh heh. Tho if yah go throwin out drunks ova every old glass yah won't be keepin business long... Ere."

Reaching around his waist, he untied a small pouch before setting it on the table with a hard clink. The noise often recognized as the sound of bound coin shuffling and hitting one another, was by size and shape more than enough to cover his drinking expenses.

"Should cova it and the glass. Gimme another an keep the rest, get yah something nice. Yah deserve it fer keepin me entertained." Being more than a little generous with his retribution, it was clear he was either a very rich merc or there was a catch. Watching as the woman begrudgingly went for the parcel of money, Venrid swiftly extended his hand with more precision and speed than had been with the beer glass and clamped down atop her hand.

"Oh, an gimme a peck for my troubles, will yah? Come on... I won hassle yah no more. Promise." Turning his face and protruding his jaw to where the woman had smacked it, Venrid waited patiently on the gesture while still maintaining his lofty grin. Meeting the woman's fiery ice stare and watching her eyes shift to the reward, he didn't expect another slap and was handsomely pleased with the short exchange. Letting go of the money and watching as it left with its new prized owner, he watched the barmaid's figure until she was gone from sight.

"Earlier? I don't do business with devils cept slave trading an I don't rememba ya mug."

The redheaded barmaid simply rolled her eyes as she snatched the coinpurse from the table. Of course, being plied with what appeared to be a decent amount of money, this time she was a bit more amicable to his request. But her response was hardly even a fleeting peck. "I'm ain't bought so easily," she smiled, breathing into his ear before breaking away with the drawstring pouch, briefly opening it to inspect its contents. "Fine." Sighing, she stepped away to fetch what would hopefully be this drunkard's last glass of ale.

Charlotte meanwhile watched this exchange with a raised eyebrow. Not emotionally invested enough to intervene, she waited for the barmaid to leave before responding directly to Venrid's answer. "Oh yeah! You don't remember me, I see, I see~" Making her words as cheerfully as she could, she gave the mercenary his second slap of the day before leaving with her cup of wine.



Nearly being thrown to the floor by the abrupt hand, its owner didn't hold back on the power and it showed in the way his neck whipped around. Clinging himself against the table's edge, Venrid hung to his seat as his jaw seized from the impact. Numbing the sensations that the small peck had given him just before, the stinging of walloped flesh came back to him threefold in intensity.

"Soldamn.. haha"

Stamping his left boot on the floor in a seemingly bid to kick the stars from his eyes and the daze clouding his head, it only managed to make racket as the blood devil got up from the corner of his eyes to leave.

"Dunno what in hell I did to get yer bloomers in such a wad, but keepem there... Maybe you'll learn to stay outa my way haha."

Despite what had been said and done, for his part Venrid had not truly forgotten Charlotte's face. It would be hard to do so with one who nearly got you killed and prevented you from attaining the ever present vengeance that seared from within for an outlet. However, not having been ruminating on that with the solace of his ale it had not occurred to Venrid what exactly it was she meant by "earlier business". But now with a spark, or rather slap, of remembrance it had come back to him and he seized the moment to rub dirt in an old wound.

"Less yah like rods in yah backside. Ahahaha" Overtaken by a bout of drunken silliness, he burst into a laugh over the vulgar joke, before going into coughing fit at the sudden loss of air.

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After the so-called date, which consisted of food from the mess and a showcasing of the ship, that which he wasn't all too familiar with himself, Rurik had the—uncomfortable pleasure of sharing his room with Amilia. It wasn't so much out of dislike rather than the fact he living in such tight quarters with a woman to whom he was not even wed. Not to mention that the ex-hitman appeared to notice his awkwardness and take certain pleasure in taunting him whenever possible.

With having to deal with that for the past couple days, Rurik took whatever time he could alone. It didn't exactly help him unwind but it did allow time for his heart to settle. Some of the crew took to exploring the city but for him—well, it wasn't a very good idea for a number of reasons. However they would be gone soon, hopefully. For now he would...

"Hearken unto me, brave crew of the Lughanta!"

Well, he was going to go relax in the mess, but with such a loud preacher aboard the deck, likely an investigation wouldn't hurt.

Pulling up the hood of his cloak, Rurik made his way up topside to catch the gist of the man's speech. A crusade on Somnus. The man spoke of liberation, but then again he also spoke of Justicars. He knew how Justicars worked. It was a crusade, an excuse to spill blood, though many in Somnus more than deserved it. Still, there were many who lay in the role of victim. It was perhaps slightly risky considering his past connections, however the best way to make sure the Justicars did their jobs and no more was to fly with them.

Watching as the crowd garnered by the knight's voice slowly begins to dissipate as the prospect of monetary gain vanishes, there were still a few that remained. The Blood Devil for one, whom likely wished to see the Cabal perish as much as he did. Sighing as the two begin to laugh full of zeal, the spellsword gives a subtle nod and turns to leave. A more formal briefing was likely to follow with further information. For now, he would eat and hopefully get some rest...




The news that came from the Captain of the Lughanta was troubling, to say the least, but so was that gleam in Zephiel's eye. Oriana stifled a long-suffering sigh when the Justicar launched into a zealous declaration, only to be silenced when the Eidolon assigned the Messengers to help oversee the operation. She didn't miss the protest that slipped from the Celestial's lips, nor did she mind. She was more worried that she might actually have to stop them once they were in Somnus.

With the last of the information shared and most orders issued, the meeting drew to a close, and the Divine-Queen exited the hall with her usual grace and poise. Knowing her objectives, Oriana seized upon the opportunity to talk to her newest allies. With the room slowly being emptied of its occupants, the Celestial approached both of the two remaining adventurers, conscious of how heavy she sounded clinking upon the marble floors now that there was no more noise.

"Hello. Cera and… Silva, was it? I am Oriana, of the Messengers. It's a pleasure to meet you." Oriana smiled and raised her hand to her heart, a customary gesture she had picked up in her journeys somewhere. She thought it fitting for the occasion. "As you've heard, I have been assigned by the Archangel Diana to help the Lughanta in any possible capacity of mine. Please, do not hesitate to rely on me."

Speaking of her new task… "That's a touch of horrible news, earlier. If you prefer, we can take this time to relax? I would be delighted to accompany either of you." The Celestial suddenly seemed touched by an idea, and she hurriedly gestured to herself with a short, abashed laugh. "Not right now, of course. I'm hardly the image of relaxation in this armor. What say you we meet somewhere after half an hour…?"

The recent revelations brought by both Agatha and Doctor Kamov was a lot to digest. Even the good news, which was that they managed to rescue Princess Olivia, sounded bleak when the doctor described her condition. If anything, it signaled the beginning of a complicated, sinister plan. The meeting adjourned when it was decided that the Justicar will be sent to Somnus, escorted alongside with the Messengers to quell the unrest caused by the World of Kharlan.

With the new information in hand, Cera realized that she needed to brush up her fighting ability, or even acquire a new gear. With that in mind, the half-Infernal proceeded to exit the meeting room. Then...

"Hello. Cera and… Silva, was it? I am Oriana, of the Messengers. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The white haired Celestial approached and greeted both Cera and Silva as they were leaving.

"Hello, Ms. Oriana..."

The half-Infernal promptly replied, feeling slightly surprised by her sudden friendliness to her.

"As you've heard, I have been assigned by the Archangel Diana to help the Lughanta in any possible capacity of mine. Please, do not hesitate to rely on me."

Instead of replying, Cera went with the silent stance.

"That's a touch of horrible news, earlier. If you prefer, we can take this time to relax? I would be delighted to accompany either of you."


The crimson-eyed sellsword raised her eyebrows as she replied. Cera glanced at Silva, before switching her focus back to Oriana, curiously thinking what kind of relaxing activity that the Celestial would propose.

"Not right now, of course. I'm hardly the image of relaxation in this armor. What say you we meet somewhere after half an hour…?"

Oriana giggled. After considering on the offer...

"Sure, I guess." Cera agreed on the Celestial's invitation.

The good news that Agatha brought turned bleak as the ship's doctor explained the condition the princess is currently in. Although she have yet to hear about the report from the team that were sent to Venesia. Silva seems to predict that this war will definitely happen and that there's nothing the Lughanta can do to salvage the whole situation.

With her holiness orders, the meeting was adjourned. With most of the people left the meeting room, leaving Silva, Cera and Oriana. Oriana greets Silva and Cera as they were about to leave.

"A pleasure to meet you as well Oriana." Silva replied with a honorary bow. Silva then listened as Oriana offered to take the time to relax. She seems to have an idea for a relax time as she glanced to Cera before returning her gaze to Oriana. She wanted to change before going to relax.

"Sure, I'll take your offer." Silva smiled, accepting Oriana's offer for a relaxing time. "If you'll excuse us... We'll see you later then." Silva then leaves the meeting room and head to her room.


On their way back to their room, Silva looked at Cera. "Maybe we'll get to sightsee Eustia together, we never had a chance to do that ever since we got here." She guessed on what the activity would be.

Right. Well, that was done!

Oriana exited the room and glanced from left to right. The other one of them- the knight from The Order of the Truthful Voices- had left earlier, and supposed it would only be polite to invite her along for today's refreshments. She realized she had no idea what they were going to do- she had extended the offer on instinct, nearly- but brushed aside that problem for later.

Asking the Cathedral staff about the location of this knight yielded great results, and Oriana soon found herself in the well-trimmed gardens of the Cathedral. With no current inclination to appreciate the tranquility offered by the place, the Celestial circled the fountain and happened upon Ádalé.

"Ah, hello there. I've been looking for you." Oriana repeated her introduction, and her offer as well. "What do you think? We've agreed to meet up again within the hour."

For the second time today, Ádalé found herself surprised by a certain individual. Not as much as before, but she definitely did not expected to see Orianna here. The knight had excused herself from the briefing quite early on. News of the princess along with the organisation and the coming war had weighed on her heavily. Even more so given her most recent encounter, which she had not yet recovered from. Thus, Ádalé could be excused for freezing up at the voice of Orianna for a moment before she let out a relieved sigh. Thank the One! She could handle 'regular' celestials just fine. They were not Eidolons or Divine Queens who were all but direct representatives of the Creator. Therefore, much easier to address than someone whom the knight had been raised to respect through and through.

Not that Orianna was less deserving of respect. She merely did not have the extra gravitas of literally holding one half of the world or the whole of it.

"Good day," greeted Ádalé in a pleasant tone as soon as she recovered from the brief shock. Then she listened to the angel's offer. Apparently, the rest of her team was also planning on an excursion to the city of Eustia. She did not even have to think about the offer. "I'd be more than happy to join you," she smiled. "I was planning to take a tour of Eustia too. The more the merrier!" Yes. Even if she could not really afford to enjoy everything the city had to offer, Ádalé felt that some company would make it easier to explore. She was confident in her ability to manage alone, of course, yet there was more safety in numbers. Come to think of it, Silva was also from Fraulia, was she not? Maybe she knew something of the capital then, and she could offer useful insights for their group. "Should we go now?" asked Ádalé as she finished her train of thought.

With Silva agreeing to Oriana's suggestion for some relaxing activities for the day, the pair eventually excused themselves and went to back to their own guests room. While they were making on their way...

"Maybe we'll get to sightsee Eustia together, we never had a chance to do that ever since we got here."

Silva commented. As for Cera...

"Yeah. I guess..." The half-Infernal monotonously replied back.

* * *

Once the group of four has gathered in front of the entrance of the Divine Cathedral and decided on a selection of locations in Eustia, they began their tour, with Oriana and Silva leading the other two, acting as guides. Cera enjoyed the view of the city, its colorful inhabitants freely mingle with each other. However, most of them have no idea that the world is about to be embroiled in war, once more. The realization of that harsh fact gnawed the half-Infernal's feelings.

"So uh..." Cera began her attempt to start a conversation after being a Yes-Man ever since she met them at the beginning.

"Where are we going again? Any notable histories or famous facts that we should know about it?

Silva, now in her casual crew clothes is now in front of the Divine Cathedral. Leading the girls along with Oriana for a sightseeing trip around Eustia. Before the trip started, Cera asked a question on where Silva and Oriana would lead them to. "Ah, good question Cera. I believe there's the Grand Church of Sol, Luna, and other big churches around Eustia. But we're visiting only the two biggest one for today." She explained about visiting the grand churches of Sol and Luna respectively.

"And then after the church... We go to my family's workshop. One of the largest supplier of armaments for the Kingdom's Azure Crusaders... After that we go to the market district, heard that theres a nice cafe serving delicious cheesecakes..." She continued to explain their trip as they starts walking to their first destination. The Grand Church of Sol, and The Grand Church of Luna.

Oriana had changed into a simple blue dress and had retracted her wings, along with her halo, so she looked just as human as could be. She had to admit that she was more comfortable in clothing than she was earlier, in her armor; a far cry from what she expected to feel when she unearthed the set from their resting place beneath her cabin. As they walked down the bustling streets, the Celestial found herself remembering a great number of things- which may or may not be that important. Eustia looked much different now, which made her feel both nostalgic and impressed, but her mind held the images of a much less refined city.

And since Cera asked…

"Well, they're nowhere as important as you may have wanted to hear, but…" With that provocation, Oriana launched into a retelling of a handful of tales. As they passed the city square, she gestured to the statue of a famed painter- "That's not actually him. The sculptor refused to continue with the royal commission because of a scandal with his sister. There was quite a mess trying to hire someone to pass for him."- the fountain- "Oooh, I once saw a city official fall in that, and his robes rode up. It was a ghastly sight. I think the closest Justicar nearly fainted."- and even an inconspicuous wall, where Oriana swore once served as the hunting grounds of two Infernals who had a penchant for throwing eggs down at passersby. "They actually managed to hit the Divine-Queen once. I was so relieved I wasn't anywhere near her honor guard that day," Oriana recounted, sounding far, far older than she looked as she wistfully sighed, seemingly huddling back into her mind and folding into her memories. But it only lasted a moment.

They arrived at the Grand Churches. The Celestial kept quiet as they walked to their destination, preferring to spend her time listening to the three interact, otherwise giving her opinion about the matters being discussed; to her credit, she did share valuable pieces of history, and not just gossip. She was still a stranger, after all, and it had been a long time since she had moved around companions. She wanted to have time to acclimatize to their presence. Oriana supposed she was lucky none of them disliked her race, though from what she had asked about the Lughanta, they were a varied crew.

Cera merely nodded when Silva listed out today's tour. Although she would not mind visiting the Grand Churches, especially the ones for both Sol and Luna, the half-Infernal felt that there are other places which are equally interesting as well. Regardless, the visit to Silva's family workshop and a cafe on the market district were good enough to compensate.

As they moved on, Oriana began to chime in as well, mentioning some funny yet scandalous tales that made Cera barely stifled her laughs. The four continued to interact with each other, with the Celestial eventually observed them more rather joining into the other trio's conversation when they reached the Grand Churches. Ever since she joined the Lughanta Company, Cera hardly interact with the crew until now.

It did not take long for Ádalé and Orianna to arrive at the designated meeting spot. Cera and Silva were already waiting for them there and it seemed like they had a good idea of where they wanted to go. Or more accurately, Silva had a good idea of where they wanted to go. Ádalé and Orianna saw no reason not to follow. In fact, the latter seemed to take thorough enjoyment in regaling them with stranger and stranger tales that may or may not be true. The group either watched incredulously or in a mixture of horror and disbelief. Especially at the tale involving the Infernals disgracing the Divine Queen herself. That was... that was something. Ádalé could not help but pale at the thought of such atrocity. To her, Ivanova was almost the living avatar of the One on Bumi. In fact, she practically was the One herself given her powers, only separated by the fact that she had an actual physical body.

This thought caused Ádalé to start up a conversation about the One and the other two deities of Bumi. What did they think of them? The knight did not want to judge, but the topic basically demanded to be discussed. Especially in light of her recent experiences and the upcoming war. Would they be able to expect the support of either Luna, Sol, or if the worst came to it, the One Itself? Perhaps. The consesus seemed to be split. One could not know what the divine forces thought, after all. Then the topic moved onto lighter things: Food, Eustia, some childhood experiences inspired by Orianna's various tales, Brendorn... A lot of memories. Some heavy, some light, some utterly hilarious, some sorrowful. The group traded little insights about the architecture or perhaps a particularly tasteful food while Orianna gave out the occassional history lessons.

Of note were Ádalé sharing the story of how she discovered her magic, a fond memory that she could not help but think somehow interested Orianna. Then there was Silva talking about guns. And guns. And guns. So many guns that it was likely no one else but her could keep track of them. But that was okay, because then Cera joined in with a couple of her own experiences. Time flew by as the group uncovered street after street. They visited the most important places that they could think of. Famous statues of past grandmasters, a memorial dedicated to queen Ivanova herself... Truly, Eustia was a beautiful place to behold. Most of the buildings they went by could be considered works of art in and of themselves in other cities. Here? They were part of the hustle and bustle. More than once, Ádalé had to stop to admire her surroundings, bringing the group to a halt.

But then, they would start again. The four women lost themselves in the market, almost ended up in the wrong part of town, discovered a few interesting places and... It would be hard to recount. Of course, it was over all too soon. Before the group knew it, they had to go their separate ways. Cera and Silva apparently had some business to take care of in the city, so they had to separate. As for Ádalé, while she was able to withstand much more walking out in the city, it was getting late. Not to mention that Orianna also seemed tired and she looked as if she wanted to talk about something with her. So the knight proposed that they go back to the Lughanta.

@Lstorm @LowDefinition @Miya
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Earlier in the Cathedral Gardens...

Those had been some... enlightening relevations. Ádalé definitely needed some time to think them over and as such, she found herself in the Cathedral gardens. Dressed in casual attire that she had donned after her audience with Ivanova. She definitely felt more home in it than that dreaded ceremonial dress. It was also more a little more comfortable than her armour set, which she had worn to show proper respect towards the Divine Queen. Bless the blacksmiths of the Order, but a full set of plate armour always managed to feel a little stiff. Unless it was made out of some horribly expensive or magically enchanted materials, Ádalé reminded herself. Seizing onto this thought, the knight pondered if she should try to get something between the two. She definitely needed something that she could use for more formal occassions that did not embarrass her. Simply put, the ceremonial dress was too much for her to bear and her other sets of clothes were plain at best.

A little bit of shopping was in order then. Having successfully diverted her thoughts from matters of the looming war, Ádalé toured the majestic garden as she took inventory. She managed to save quite a bit of florins from her salary. Problem was, she was in Eustia and she had several things she could spend it on. One, she definitely needed some basic medical supplies to supplement her rudimentary healing magic. Two, she wanted to increase her horizons a little. War or not, she was in Eustia. One of the biggest cities in the world. Bearing the massive crowds in exchange for a once-in-a-lifetime experience was nothing. She was here to earn the right to become a free knight, after all. The more she saw of the world, the better chance she had of actually becoming one. Three, and this was the last point, Ádalé would have definitely liked to buy some clothes.

But how did she budget her expenses to allow for all three? Buying a dress that was not too fancy and yet respectful enough would eat up a lot of her money. Things like those did not come cheap and then there were the medical supplies. This would leave her no money for Eustia. Or very little. She would have to forego something in exchance for something else. The medical supplies, Ádalé would definitely buy. The dress... she had to buy that unless she wanted to crash and burn like back on the Sovereign. Even the thought of wearing the Order's ceremonial clothes made her fidget with embarrassment. That moment when she made a fool of herself all but burned into Ádalé's memory. It had been simply so mortifying! She had embarrassed herself before instructors before, of course. However, that single moment was almost like a pinnacle of everything wrong she had done, all thrown into her face at once. Maybe even launched by catapult.

She was never going to get over that, was she?

As the knight with heterochromic irises wandered through Cathedral's gardens, the tranquil nature of the complex provided solace for her thoughts. There wasn't a soul in sight to disturb her pondering... at least provided one didn't look above towards the top of one of the marble pillars adorning the paths. Up there was a woman bearing the signature look of an Abyssal Infernal, deep red eyes much like Sorina's, long alabaster locks cascading down her back, and to complement, she was clad in all white. Hanging from her neck and resting neatly between her collarbone was a silver pendant bearing the symbol of Luna.

As a devout follower of the Divine Church, Adale would recognize that she was none other than Elysion, Eidolon of Luna.

"Hi~" Elysion called out to the lone knight, a wide happy smile tinged with slight mischievousness. A light breeze blew at that moment, swaying the woman's white strands as she removed herself from the pillar, slowly floating down with her form trailing red mists behind her. Her heels landed on the ground then she approached the taller knight.

"Finally, we meet, Adale~" The Eidolon grinned, letting her words sink in, "Yep, I know who you are o' Knight of the Truthful Voices." A wink, "I frequently visit your Order just so you know, well, let's just say the story of the orphan girl who could bend iron with her bare fists go around fast... especially with those mismatched eyes of yours." The white-haired woman giggled then mocked a surprised gasp, "Oh! Where are my manners, I am Elysion o-... aaah, you can just call me Ellie~ I'm not one for all those fancy titles and stuff you see? I leave that to Diana and Ivanova." With her hands behind her back, Ellie skipped around Adale, examining her form before returning to her front, "So, how did the big important meeting go?"

Just as she had finished that thought, a voice interrupted Ádalé and she found her breath halt as she looked towards the source. White hair. Red eyes. White clothes. A pose that spoke of mischief. A pendant of Luna hanging from a pale, contrasting against perfectly white skin. That alone was enough to convince the knight of Ellysion's identity, but the display of power solidified it completely. For the second time today, she found herself awed by the mere presence of another individual. First, she got to stand in the presence of Diana. She had also been graced by the Divine Queen herself. Now, Ádalé stood face-to-face with Ellysion. Naturally, she froze up just as any individual would in the presence of the Divine One's Left Hand. Ellysion might have frequented Bumi more often to interact with mortals, but to her knowledge, the infernal never did it openly.

So it was safe to say this was yet another encounter she could not repeat in her lifetime. Absolutely stunned by Ellysion's sudden appearance, Ádalé completely forgot about her manners. Then she was reminded by Ellysion herself that such things were not needed when one addressed the avatar of change. Rules along with regulations were a bane of Ellysion's; it was almost as if she was allergic to it. This realisation caused Ádalé only to flail in her mental scape while gaping like a fish. What did she say? What did she do?! This was one of the most important figures in Bumi and yet Ádalé could not do anything! Not even realising that this was only making her panic worse, the knight ended up making some form of incoherent noise as she firmly landed herself in a pile of fluster. A huge, massive pile that covered her neck deep. A gigantic one that would no doubt amuse Ellysion.

"I... I'm sorry..." managed Ádalé after several moments of silent steaming. She did not even try to conceal her embarrassment, because it was useless. "I didn't expect to see you here, Ellysi- Ellie." No formality, she reminded herself. Just respect which flowed from the bottom of her heart. "The meeting... umm... It went well." Steady. Do not worry about this, Ádalé. She will not see you as rude. She will not see you as rude if you are casual! You would be more rude if you were formal! "Princess Olivia has been rescued." A painful pause. Between her inherent respect for Ellysion and her beliefs, the knight really did not know what to do. She felt awkward, not to mention more stiff than a stiff made of titanium. She just could not do this casual thing! Even if intellectually, she was aware of Ellysion's preferences, it felt wrong to address her like this.

Oh my oh my~ Just listen to all the wonderful distressed noises of the girl. To think she was a mighty Knight who could bend armor with naught but her punches, such contrast intrigued the Eidolon indeed. "Hehe~" A small giggle escaped Ellie's lips as a hand elegantly hid them from view, "Relax, Adale~" The girl was a skittish one indeed... and this was precisely why she was so perfect!

Ellie was clearly enjoying her blushes, fidgets, and stutters as the Eidolon patiently waited for Adale to compose herself from a nervous wreck to a slightly better wreck, "Aha~ so I've heard, and...?" The Infernal representative of Luna stepped in closer, closer, and closer until their faces were separated by mere inches, a low 'hmmm~?' purring from her as she gave the knight as much as time as she needed.

"Ah, you're a cutie, you know that?" As if having no sense of personal space, Ellie patted Adale's head even though the woman was taller than her, it made the sight quite interesting indeed but well, no one else was there to notice. "Come then, let's talk a walk." Positioning herself beside the dark-haired girl, she led her around the gardens, the breeze waving their contrasting locks.

A short moment later, Ellie glanced at her, the ever-present small smile visible on her pale features, "So, Adale of the Truthful Voices, I sense doubt in your heart..." She paused, "Hehe~ just kidding, anyone with functioning eyes can see you have a lot on your mind, all those frowns and scowls, they aren't good for your skin you know?" Ellie giggled, "But, seriously, you can talk to me if you wish, unlike Diana, my help is available to all who needs them! ...except orcs, can't hear through their butchered excuse of the Common Tongue."

A small flush appeared on Ádalé's face as Ellysion laughed at her. Damnation, she managed to embarrass herself again! As she was starting to learn, she was not good at certain social events. Especially if they included people whom she looked up to or was afraid of. She really needed to work on that. And as she did not want to make the situation worse, she did not even try to deny her clumsiness to her current company. Instead, she took the infernal's advice to take a deep breath. Slowly, she filled her lungs with air in an attempt to calm herself down. She was essentially forcing her body to adopt a state of calm, which would then spread to her mind. But of course, as soon as she was almost done with the process, Ellysion had to make that comment about her being cute.

Ádalé's efforts came crashing down immediately. She may not have flushed this time, but her confusion was written onto her face as plainly as it was humanly possible. What? The knight was just about to elaborate on what happened so what?! How did that connect to this topic? How was it releva- Oh. Right. Infernal, Eidolon of Luna, mistress of Change and the new. Realising that Ellysion was probably doing this for the exact purpose of taking her off guard, Ádalé managed to recover from the shock in just a few seconds. There would likely be even more surprises to come later. But for now, the knight managed to regain control over herself with another deep breath. Remembering to treat Ellysion just as if she was speaking with another individual, she finally managed to find her voice after she took a long time to reassert herself.

"I'm sorry, Elly...e." That was not a great start. Ádalé frowned. "I'm thankful for the offer, but I can't be so selfish. Bumi needs Luna now, doesn't it?" A rhetorical question not meant to be answered. "Queen Ivanova told her troops to prepare for war. The Empire is going to attack soon." Of course she would not be so selfish as to lay her burdens onto the Eidolon. She may have been confused, but she was sure she could handle herself. Not to mention that even if Ellysion was not present during the briefing, then surely, not even Luna wanted a war so soon. Or maybe she did. It was all but impossible to predict a force of Change, after all. So instead of laying out her presumptions or asking Ellysion for help on behalf of the Lughanta and Fraulia, Ádalé pursed her lips. "I'm sure Diana would hear me out too, but she is busy. Everyone is worthy of the One's respect, after all, are they not, Ellie?"

Or at least that was what Ádalé believed. She knew that Ellysion was trying to make a joke, but she was also feeling a little uncomfortable. Why was the Eidolon of Luna seeking her out of all people? And why had she memorised her name when she supposedly was a member of the Order? It was honsetly overwhelming and the knight did not know if she should be flattered or a little bit scared of the Eidolon's power.

"Hmmm~" The Eidolon of Luna hummed mischievously, her hands clasped behind her back, swaying deliberately as she walked, "Oh, how humble, of course, without Luna, we'd still be stuck with sticks and stones." She answered Adale nonetheless, rhetorical or no. "I am not surprised, the truce was a fragile one, Little Kyrie has been looking for a politically valid reason to launch another invasion." Ellie chuckled as if the notion of imminent war wasn't something worth worrying about. Bumi was a changing world, big or small, change didn't necessarily have to pander to the subjective notion of Good and Evil, it was above such moralities.

"Maybe but you said it yourself, Diana is busy..." Then Ellie gasped a little, "However, I am not slacking around mind you, I have my own duties, don't get the wrong idea okay?" Her pale lips giggled, "Hmmm... I don't know... Respect is earned not a privilege and I don't think it matters in the end. For example, those faithless who doesn't believe in the existence of The Divine Trinity, well it makes no difference, they were still born from the Flow and to the Flow they shall return whether they accepted it or not."

"Anyways~" Ellie stepped in front of Adale, smiling at her, "I know your Order prefers Balance, not particularly leaning to Luna or Sol, mind telling me why, Adale? Or... don't tell me you have been sleeping in your learning sessions now?"

"Ah!" A surprised little gasp left Ádalé's lips as she was accused. "I didn't mean to imply that you weren't performing your duties, Eidolon of Luna!" The formal apology managed to slip out despite the knight's best intentions. All knowledge of Ellysion's mischeviousness was cast aside for this single moment. Because no matter what sort of opinions Ádalé held, she did not want to offend the Creator's Left Hand. Not only would be that unwise, but it also went against what she believed. Of course, she quickly realised her mistake when her conversational partner giggled. Ádalé flushed in response. She had fallen into the trap again! Ellysion way too good at this. Or maybe she was just bad at interacting with the Eidolon. Either way, the knight once again felt as if she had made a fool of herself. At least this time, she managed to recover somewhat gracefully before she considered what Ellysion said.

"Yes. All life returns to the Flow, because all life was created by the One. I don't want to insult you, Ellie, but I think that means everyone should be respected. All are equal before the One." The quote of her Order's first principle was perhaps unnecessary. If Ellysion really had been observing the Truthful Voices, she would likely know the code just as well as Ádalé did. However, the knight felt it was necessary to justify her opinion. "I mean, if the One created everything, then that means It cherishes all of Bumi, right? I... I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say it." For Ádalé who had lived her entire life in tolerance and a sort of tough love, it was odd to think that someone would play favourites with the various races. She had been taught to respect them equally, even if she had to hold a core of spite in her heart when she ended the life of an enemy.

"As for my Order's views," continued Ádalé after a slight pause that she used to count to three lest she raise to the provocation, "I can't speak for everyone. But I think that if the One wanted to favour Luna or Sol, then it would have made one of them stronger. But It made them equals." There were other reasons, but as always, her religious views came first. She found them the easiest to phrase.

"Hmmm... how to put this..." Ellie crossed her arms under her chest, pondering, "We can't apply our limited senses and thoughts to the Divine Trinity, Adale, they are beyond us, yes, even myself." The Eidolon hummed, "Their sense of 'respect' and 'equality' may be very well different than ours, they are eternal, we aren't." Adale was a smart girl, she'd understand.

Then, the pair continued their walk, "Adale, oh, Adale~" Ellie shook her head slowly, "Though Luna and Sol are created equal in the bigger picture, there are always ebbs and flows. Sometimes, one aspect plays a bigger part than the other, things are never the same. In fact, this is part of change. I am sure you know which one of the Forces are playing her hand now with the coming war." The white-haired woman winked as she nudged Adale's shoulder, "However, don't you think that Luna is superior?

Ellie paused, letting her question sink in before she continued, "Just imagine, if it isn't for Luna, nothing would ever progress! Boring routine, no Erchius, no airships, living in caves. I think it's safe to say that Luna is the one who brought progress while Sol is just... there, I guess." The albino shrugged, "Why do we even need Order? Luna is the best! I say even more important than the One Itself!" With a wide grin, Elysion spread her arms wide, "So, switch your allegiance in favor of Chaos, Adale, you can do so much more~"

That made sense and got Ádalé to think. The One had not created every race to be truly equal, because It chose to give them different strengths. But still, would it be so strange to think of the One as percieving them as equals? Life returned to the Flow no matter where it came from. Whether they be servants of Luna, Sol or even some other deity that they thought up for themselves, people's fate was the same. Similarly, Ellysion's point about ebbs and flows also struck a chord within the knight. She may not have been someone for fancy words or scholarly thought, but even she could recognise the various shifts through history. From the Celestial Dictatorships spoken of only in hushed whispers to the Aeons of Chaos, Luna and Sol were indeed constantly shifting in their balance.

As this made tremendous sense, Ádalé could not help but blink in astonishment when Ellysion dropped a metaphorical bomb. Luna? Superior? No, that could not be true, could it be? Yet the proposition made sense, especially with the way Sol was put at the mercy of Change. No matter how hard Ádalé's gut rebelled against that idea, it was far too true. Order was a fragile thing that could be toppled by a simple rebellion. It also required Bumi to remain constant. For all of its virtues, this was true. Even the knight's teachers admitted that invention along with creativity were fueled by Luna. Therefore, the influence of Change really was what made the world today, was it not? Yes, that sounded right. However, it also sounded wrong. Was it really the complete picture? Ádalé felt in her heart of hearts that it was not.

"I..." A conflicted expression bloomed on Ádalé's face as she struggled with words and concepts. "Please give me a little time to think, Ellie. I don't want to insult you, but I don't know if... if what you said is right." Thankfully, the Eidolon honoured her request and let the knight sink into her thoughts. Even if Ellysion did stare at Ádalé with a shit-eating grin. She seemed to be sure of herself that the knight would agree with her in the end. Ádalé was not so certain. For even though the words were true, there was something fundamentally wrong with them. It was not something she could identify at first glance. Maybe it way only a gut feeling that came from Ellie challenging Ádalé's beliefs. Maybe it was that Ádalé had just been told an uncomfortable truth. The knight knew not, only that she was unsettled.

At first, Ádalé tried to think of examples of Order inventing something. That failed miserably. Everything, even the founding of cities or countries was a change. The very fabric of Order rested on Change! No, no, that could not be true. There was an inherent contradiction there. If Luna had its way, then those cities would not be founded, would they? No, that was weak. But, Ádalé realised, the cities would not remain standing if it was for Luna. A bright smile blossomed on the knight's face as she seized victory, only for the jaws of defeat to close aroubd her throat. The existence of cities did not invalidate the fact that Luna was responsible for all invention. Therefore, Sol was still unnecessary, was it not?

No, no, no, no. Think, Ádalé, think! If that was true, then the Order would take Luna's side, would it not? If that was true, then why did Sol exist? The Creator would not create things superflously, would It? The knight's mind traversed increasingly more complicated circles as she tried to find out the reasons for Sol's existence. But the more she tried, the more bogged up she became. She reached beyond her own expertise several times, painfully rebounding against her lack of knowledge. It seemed then, that Luna's superior nature was truly inevitable. There was simply no reason to believe otherwise! It was a heavy truth that Ádalé struggled to accept. She tried to fight it on every ground she coulf, but ultimately, she was soundly defeated. And as such, the Knight opened her eyes with a heavy sigh of resignation

And then her first word got stuck in her throat as she saw the Cathedral.

Of course. How could she have been so completely, utterly stupid? Sol's purpose was right in front of her. She had just been too tied up in things beyond her reach to notice it. For all that Luna may boast, there was no way Change could do something like this. And because of this realisation, Ádalé finally found her resolve to speak against Ellysion.

"I... I can't agree with that, Ellie." The words felt heavy as they fell from Ádalé's mouth, but she still spoke them. "Luna is inventive and clever... but can Luna make the Cathedral or Eustia? No, because they are something that people built together." A long sigh filled with tension, almost overflowing. Ádalé did not want to insult Ellie, but what the Eidolon said was simply not true. "People can't do that without Sol. And... and even if someone invents something, isn't Sol the one who puts the pieces where they belong?" This point, she was not so sure of, but she believed it held merit. Ádalé had seen the forging of her armour and weapon; both processes requiring rigor and procedure. Could Luna be the only one responsible for that? No. At least Ádalé did not think so.

"So... umm... I don't think Luna is superior. Sol has an equal place in Bumi." There. She said it. Filled with nerves and drawn out like a piece of bowstring, Ádalé hoped against all hope that Ellysion would not be offended. And that her arguements stood up against scrutiny.

"Of course~" A simple nod was given to the knight's request to think. The albino Eidolon kept up her trademark shit-eating grin as she thoroughly enjoyed messing around with the female knight's convictions. Yes, questions, doubts, curiosity, these were a few of the many emotions Luna embodied. If Adale listened closely, she could swear that Ellie was lowly humming while staring at her, pale features frozen in an amused expression.

"Awww~" Ellie didn't even try to pass off her 'disappointment' as genuine when the heterochromic woman finally gave her answer. The white-haired Abyssal crossed one arm across her chest while the other one held her chin, "Hmmm..." Ellie seemed to be deep in thoughts herself, taking in everything that Adale said. Luna was the Force of Change, she moved everything, progress and advancements, however, they would have no directions or meaning even if it wasn't for Sol's part in the matter. These were the points expressed by the Knight, ended with her conclusion that Sol and Luna were equals, no more, no less.

The Eidolon paced around the knight, examining her form closely, she made two rounds before ending up in her previous position in front of Adale. "Adale of the Truthful Voices..." Ellie's voice suddenly fell a few octaves below as she placed an arm on the dark-haired woman's shoulder, then she slowly leaned in, closer, and closer until her lips were beside Adale's ear, "I'll certainly be seeing you more from now on~" With that, Ellie gave a soft kiss on Adale's cheek, before she drew back, grinning. "Hehehe~" With the both ominous and adorable giggle, Elysion paced away, turning around the corner, disappearing from the stunned knight's sights.

For the longest of moments, Ádalé felt herself tense up as she waited for Ellysion's answer. She hoped that her reasoning would be good enough for the Eidolon to accept her disagreement, because the knight honestly did not know how long she could argue with the avatar of Change herself. And even if that was not the case, she simply held the Eidolon in high enough esteem that it was difficult to not take her word as fact. Therefore, when the knight's conversational partner relented, Ádalé let out a relieved sigh. She had done it! She made a case good enough for Ellysion to accept, which meant that her beliefs were right. Or maybe Ellysion just wanted to see her dig her own grave. Either way, she did not have the slightest chance to expect what happened next. First, the Eidolon started to threaten her and then...

She whispered into Ádalé's ear that she was going to see her more from now on?!

Confused beyond the ability of words to express, the knight could only gape like a fish as Ellysion literally disappeared in front of her eyes. What in the name of the One was that about? Ádalé could not... would not... should not... Argh! Why? Why her? Was she the Divine One's plaything or something? Whatever she had done wrong with her life? Frustrated, confused and most of all, wishing that she could understand the cryptic message, Ádalé tried her best to calm down in the garden in the following few minutes. However, all she got for her efforts was an ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach. And it was most definitely not connected to the coming war.

Oh please, was he really getting lectured about trust and camaraderie from an orc? For Seven, it certainly betrayed a previously held notion that they though of nothing but destruction and slaughter. Though maybe that was giving him too much credit. It was pretty clear that Orksen wanted to egg them on into a fight mostly for entertainment value, probably.

Seven didn't have time to mull over the thought for much longer. For in that instant, his instinct kicked in. Back-stepping, he skidded back. Just avoiding the slash from the head cook. The crew gathered around cheered as the battle began in earnest.

With a killing intent that strong, there wasn't any point in running away. Seven had to engage Elaina.

"Damn it..." Seven muttered under his breath. Just from that one strike along, he could already tell, in a battle of speed he was severely outmatched. After the first strike, a wide driving slash, Elaina pulled back. Her movement was noticeable smooth and fluid. SHe was most definitely a fast mover. Making quick maneuvers and delivering a decisive blow. That was her style. It was very assassin-like.

With her handiwork in the kitchen too, Seven knew that in close combat he was at a disadvantage trying to challenge her with her Butterfly Knife. If only he could catch her off guard and land a strike...

"What's wrong Seven? If you just stand there you're just a sitting target."

"Better to stand at a safe distance than to get cut apart by that knife of yours. I've seen what you can do to onions."
"Heh, real cheeky. But, I won't argue with that." Elaina said as she readied her knife. It seemed to choreograph a type of thrusting movement. By the way that she attacked him in the opening strike, there was no doubt in Seven's mind that she was a type of wind user. At it's heart, she was using mana in a similar way to how the pirates of Yellowbeard's ship used mana for their signature attack. However Elaina took it a step higher. Using wind magic to increase the speed and range of that same sort of attack.

Seven was a sitting duck no matter hat the situation was. With her mobility and her wind magic, she could run circles around him. Still, if she could anticipate her next move, the advertised thrust move she was now executing, he could let her come to him and counter appropriately.

"Haaaa....!" Pushing her feet off the deck, the head cook blasted forward with knife poised ahead.

Now was his chance. Seven...

"Too slow!"


Seven fumbled down the deck like a ragdoll. Almost hitting the crowd.

Even if he could see where she was coming from, and the direction of her attack. it still wasn't enough. Seven didn't have the agility to match that speed. Paradoxically, it seemed like even unarmed, he was slower.

No, that wasn't quite it.

Fighting with his fists was secondary. He was betraying his instincts by forcing himself to use them. Against someone like this so called cook, he couldn't face someone at that level using only a secondary skill. Right now, he needed the sword. Desperately...

"Get up! You're not going down just from being slammed into by my shoulder are you!?"

"That's cold Miss Elaina. I haven't once been late to work."
"Fight me seriously!"

Again, she charged forward. This time, a horizontal slash. Aimed to take out his head. There was no way, in these couple of seconds...

He raised his arms. Crossing them in front of him defensively.

"The hell!? You're arms are going to get cut off mate!"

It was already over. This fight...



Elaina again made his distance between seven and herself. Her face was full of disappointment.

"Barrier manipulation. Thought as much."

"Ah, that's right..." Seven lowered his arms. The were rapped in a waning Translucent blue light. Almost like glass armor. But most importantly, they were unharmed and intact. "...!?"

Seven tumbled forward. Sliding across the deck with his belley. Elaina, whom had been just ahead of him, was now just a few steps behind him. Maneuvering and landing an attack on Seven before he could even react.

Looking at his back, again, the same translucent glass armor... dissipated. But it had done it's job.

"W...what the heck. I didn't even see her move!?"

Seven could agree with the peanut gallery. That speed was even faster than he first saw her. Typical.

"I see. So that shield will work against even an unexpected attack."

"No, you're wrong."
Seven pushed himself off the deck once more. "This 'armor' would burn through all of my mana in just 5 minutes if I tried to protect my entire body at all times. So... I use the bounder rings to divide my shield into parts across my body."

"...and Relegate mana to where it's needed." Elaina finished. Watching as the translucent armor pieces on Seven became invisible again.

Seven stood up, and faced the head cook, eyes undeterred from being tossed around.

"Yes. Striking at me with that knife over and over again wold do you no good. With my efficiency, you'll tire out long before I run out of mana. My shield was meant to go after magic user tying to keep me closing in on them. The damage output from your knife isn't nearly enough."

"Is that so? challenge accepted...!"

Seven blinked.
It was the wrong move.

"Whoah, she's disappeared ag-...."

Before the crewmate could even finish his sentence. Seven again was being barraged from all sides. Though this time, he braced his feet to the ground. He was visibly being pushed about by Elaina's attacks, but his feet remained planted to the ground.

So she's going to see if she can wear me down? No, that's not it. She's waiting for me to slip up.

Thinking about it, Seven realized what Elaina was aiming for.

Seeking out an striking out as many sections of his 'armor' until she could make a breakthrough. She was like a needle trying to pick apart a shell by applying force in just the right spot. Yes.. in the end it was a battle of speed. Elaina's physical speed versus Seven's intuition and mana management. If he slipped up at the wrong place.... she would land a direct strike.

An astounding 8 strikes in a second.
9 Strikes in a second.

Elaina couldn't keep it up.
She was slowing down.
In fact... at that moment: seven lashed out. Launching palm strike right into her.

The cook landed on her feet, a dozen or so paces away from seven. She breathed heavily. Seven himself couldn't nary afford to take that sigh of relief. With bated breath, he waited. Any moment, she could launch another flurry of attacks and...


Elaina collapsed, the cheering crew spectators fell silent.
Red damp circles were visible on parts of her clothing.

"Oh damn! Did he actually win?"
"The galley head is down!"

A look of mild surprise came over Seven. He didn't do anything.
So what happened just now to have her bleeding all over?

"Quick! Someone Get her to the doctor...!"

The fight was over.
Seven survived. He had even won.
But he still wasn't pleased with this outcome in any way.


Night had already fallen on the kingdom of Fraulia quite some time ago and yet Voyd had not yet gotten a wink of sleep. Perhaps it was because he wasn't used to sleeping in a city where the presence of Sol's beings rivaled those of Luna's children but for all he knew, other factors could have contributed to this outcome such as war inevitably breaking out between the Divine Kingdom and the Empire. Then there was the issue with the task assigned to him by his father. After spending years travelling all across Bumi, the one solid lead he had on one of the swords turned out to be a dead end while another is in the hands of an Imperial Crimson Knight. It was even possible that his father did not mean for his task to be taken literally and instead wanted Voyd to interpret it as returning home with something whose value is equal to the legendary sword.

Whatever the case, the black haired mercenary could not get a wink of sleep even if he wanted to so he decided to head outside to take a little walk. This walk would take him all around the capital of the Divine Kingdom, finding amusement at observing the bustling nightlife of the citizens as they engaged in trade and commerce at the nightmarkets or the festive shouts of bar patrons as they drank the night away with their companions. Seeing the sight almost made it quite incomprehensible that all of this was soon going to be threatened by an impending war with Brendorn.

Before he had realized it, Voyd would find himself at the magnificent garden courtyard of the Cathedral. Various species of flora could be seen lively growing in abundance in the well-maintained gardens coupled by the chirping of cicadas and the mesmerizing lights emitted by fireflies have contributed to bringing a more magical feel to the place.

In the midst of it all, Voyd saw a rather familiar figure crouching down to observe this wonderful spectacle before them. Her lovely features were illuminated by the brilliant light of the moon shining down upon them further adding a mystical aura to the beautiful blonde Messenger.

"Can't sleep? Or are you just fond of sneaking out at night." Voyd mused before realizing one flaw between them. Neither have been properly introduced aside from the momentary encounter during that meeting.

"Oh how rude of me. I believe we've only been briefly acquainted. My name is Voyd, and it is an honor to be in the presence of a Messenger, and a pleasure to meet the acquaintance of lovely lady such as yourself." The black haired infernal courteously told Ariel as he bowed respectfully towards the blonde Celestial.

Taking some time for herself to relax after the day's events, the Messenger was enjoying the tranquil gardens of the Cathedral. Basking under the silver luster of the moon, she had learned to appreciate Luna's beauty even if she was a daughter of Sol. They were both parts of the One after all, respecting Its other half was appropriate. Ariel didn't expect a visitor, an Infernal visitor at that, but fate was always fickle as a masculine voice called out to her from the side.

"Oh..." The winged woman stood up, turning towards the dark-haired Infernal, "I can ask the same to you," She smiled, "Unless you are nocturnal then my apologies." He didn't look like a Blood Devil or Nosferatu but there were many other Infernal sub-races who were most active during Luna's reign.

"Hmmm... Voyd, right?" She remembered his name, he was one of the crews who accompanied Captain Agatha into the meeting hall. "The honor is mine, Voyd." A light blush fell on her face as she turned away a bit, clearing her throat before looking back at him, "Thank you for the compliment but I am sure you will find no difficulty in encountering fairer faces in Eustia." She returned his bow, "Here to enjoy the flowers as well, Sir Voyd?"

A chuckle would escape from Voyd at the mention of being nocturnal. It was easy to make such an assumption considering that a multitude of Infernal races prefer to operate under the cover of Luna's darkness.

"My race isn't inherently nocturnal, though, Lady Ariel. In my case, a plethora of reasons have contributed to a sleepless night for myself. Though it's nothing you need to be concerned with, my lady. For the most part, I'm just having a bit of difficulty sleeping in a place where more than a few Justicars reside. My people don't really have the best of relationships with them, after all." The Harbinger admitted with a sigh of resignation.

He would smile yet again when faced with Ariel's modesty about her appearance prompting Voyd to make a comeback of his own. He certainly was taking a liking to this Celestial already though her more calm, relaxed, and friendly demeanor could have significantly contributed to it

"Forgive me for being presumptuous for saying this but, I believe there's a saying that goes like this : "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." and adding to that, I dare say that you are perhaps the most beautiful woman my eyes have gotten the chance to beheld, not just in Fraulia, but in all of Bumi."

Voyd would further accentuate his statement by gingerly taking Ariel's hand and kissing it gently followed by a warm, tender smile.

"While the flowers are certainly beautiful, the sounds of the cicadas alluring in their own right, and the sight of these fireflies mesmerizing, I must say that I enjoy gazing upon the brilliant lights that dot the canvas which is the night sky. Perhaps you'd be able to grace me with the opportunity to go stargazing with you on this fine night, milady?"

"Ah, then I will be more than happy to give you a selection of fine inns," Ariel giggled softly, finding his admittance regarding Justicars to be quite interesting considering their current location, "I have to say that hanging about the Cathedral's complex is quite the odd choice if you're not keen of encountering Justicars." If anyone wanted to find them, this was the place after all.

"True, everyone is beautiful to someone else." It wouldn't be surprising for an Orc man to find his female kin beautiful, "Haha, thank you." Oh he was flattering her, Ariel might not look like it but it shouldn't be a stretch to assume that she was much older than the Infernal considering her kin's ageless nature. Over the years, she had met all kinds of people but there was no harm in appreciating a kind gesture, "You aren't so bad yourself, Sir."

The kiss on her hand further intrigued her. She knew that the children of Luna were a chaotic bunch, very much different from the strict hierarchy of the Celestials. However, to meet one who wouldn't hesitate to be so close to her, either he was already used to angels or... he had ulterior motives. He was one of the Lughanta crew and she was assigned to look after them so he was a safe bet. Still, It was a good thing that her sister wasn't around, she wouldn't be so pleased to see an Infernal being so... intimate with her.

"Of course, Sir Voyd," Ariel gave him a nod, "Would you lead the way then?"

Having gotten an affirmation from the blonde Celestial, Voyd smiles fondly at Ariel and bows to her once more before addressing her again.

"Well, shall we get going, milady? I know of a good spot from which we can observe the stars in their pure form, unobstructed an untainted by man-made lights."

After he had finished talking to Ariel, she would feel a tiny amount of chaos emanating from the Harbinger as darkness partially enveloped his back revealing a pair of raven-black wings after they parted and dissipated. With the exception of their color, these wings looked strikingly, if not disturbingly similar to a Celestial's, almost as if it was a corrupted version of their own. Any Justicar who would have seen the abomination he had created would most certainly smite Voyd right then and there in an instant but he was confident that Ariel, being a Messenger and all, would be more... open minded about this.

Gently leading Ariel by the hand, the two would travel by air towards one of the marvelous and grand bell towers of the cathedral where no light would be able to contest that of the moon and the stars.

"I apologize if this place is deemed to be inappropriate for such an activity but I am afraid that there are few places as suitable as here to conduct this without the artificial light of men to take away from the experience. After all, one could only truly appreciate the brilliance of light if they view it from a place of darkness. As such, somewhere high up, and away from luminescence of household candles, mercantile lightings, and tavern chandeliers is the best location from which to view the stars."

Being a city built around and on a high mountain, Eustia had quite a lot of stellar stargazing spots. She wondered which one Voyd would pick, the tower near the Cathedral or the one just beside the Memorial Monuments? Truly towers were the best of the best, up high and no obstructions. Considering this, even though Ariel asked him to lead the way, she had the thought to offer her wings so they could travel faster. It was at that moment when Voyd began to display his Infernal abilities.

"Oh my..." Those ebbing shadows, the darkness manipulated as if it was part of his body, shaping into the darkened version of a Celestial's wings. The nature of the man before her was now clear to her, he was one of those, the Harbingers, the Infernal sub-race who played a major part in ending the Seraphic Era. They were a rare sight nowadays but Ariel certainly didn't forget how their powers worked. "This explains why your caution regarding Justicars." The Messenger smiled but behind it, she let out another sigh of relief that her older sister wasn't around. Frolicking with an Infernal and a Harbinger at that, Zephiel would begin one of her endless tirades.

Eager to leave the Cathedral's complex due to the revelation, Ariel took his hand then spread her wings, taking off from the gardens alongside Voyd. The sight was quite symbolic with the contrasting shade of their wings, representing the two Primordial Forces. Soon enough, they landed at one of the many tall towers anchored on the mountain. "This location will serve just fine, Sir Voyd." Indeed, he picked a favorable spot. She took a seat on the blue roof, staring up at the night sky.

"They say that Celestia lies above us and the Netherworld below but... Bumi is a sphere revolving around Sol and being revolved by Luna in return. We are always on the move." Ariel spoke softly as her sapphire irises reflected the many stars dotting the sky, "What do you think, Voyd?" She paused, "You don't mind me calling you without honorifics, yes?"

Stunned silence would follow Ariel's words as Voyd would gawk at her explanation of Celestia and the Netherworld. He was hoping he could impress her with the sight of the stars dotting the night sky but as it turned out, he would be the one amazed by her knowledge of the world. It just goes to show that even though Ariel looked like a lovely, young maiden, she still may have a couple of years, decades, or even centuries on him.

When he could finally regain his composure, the black haired Harbinger smiled whimsically as he stared at the stars himself before replying to Ariel.

"What you say makes for a more befitting explanation than what the masses generally believe. In fact, I am amazed that only a few people think as you do regarding that matter" Voyd said in agreement.

"In a way, the stars portray the harmony of the ways of Sol and Luna. Only in Darkness can a star's beauty be truly appreciated. It shines brilliantly in the darkness of Luna but are outshoned themselves in the light of Sol. If Sol represents Order, and Light, while Luna signifies Chaos and Darkness then the light of the stars and that of the moon as well is a perfect example of Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, Sol and Luna in perfect balance. For Darkness without Light is an Abyss, while Light without Darkness is Blinding." He explained furthermore before facing the blonde Celestial again, a warm, gentle smile plastered on his face.

"Ah, I never really am comfortable with being addressed as a "Sir", hence it's perfectly acceptable to make do without the honorifics. Provided that I could do the same to you, Ariel."

With her request to get rid of honorifics, it would seem that Voyd hasn't screwed up just yet. In fact, it seems that he's successfully getting along with if he did say so himself.

"Well, Voyd," Ariel looked up dreamily at the twinkling stars up above, "This is why the Messengers are needed, we need to keep reminding Bumi that Sol and Luna are two parts of the same whole, they are different yet the same, only through the delicate balance they maintained that life may flourish." She was thoroughly enjoying her talks with the Infernal, he was a knowledgeable sort. Though Ariel believed everyone deserved to be loved, she was still a person with her own thoughts and honestly speaking, she preferred to be in the company of philosophers than warmongers.

"Wonderfully put, Voyd," She turned her sapphire gaze at him, nodding in agreement, "I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said." For that moment, they stared into each other's eyes and Ariel felt as if she found something so very appealing about the Infernal. She could see through his red gaze and through the tone of his voice, he was genuinely spending time with her and not out here because of some malicious intentions. For once in her ageless life, she felt... something rising in her heart.

"Ah..." Realizing she had stared at him for too long, Ariel turned her head back towards the sky but if Voyd looked closely on her fair features, he'd see a rosy tint was coloring her cheeks.


Time passed as they pair of Celestial and Infernal enjoyed their time together and before they knew it, the bells announcing midnight had passed rang from the tower. "As much as I wish to spend more time with you, Voyd, I think we should return, I have my duties tomorrow and I am sure you have your own as well." Ariel said as she prepared to stand up and bid her farewell.

The raven haired swordsman would experience a warm feeling running throughout his body after observing just how much he brought happiness to Ariel by merely stating what he truly felt. It would seem that she shared his sentiments and way of thinking, almost as if they compliment each other too well to be mere coincidence.

After expressing her eager agreement to his points of view, he and Ariel ended up mutually staring into one another's eyes. Seconds seemed like an eternity as Voyd intently gazed upon Ariel's cerulean pools to the point that it felt like he could drown in them if he stared at her eyes for too long.

This very moment seemed perfect for something... something other than this breathless moment to happen but alas neither of them had the courage to explore any options further. But as Ariel pulled her gaze away and re focused herself on the stars, he could have sworn that he saw her cheeks flushing with a rosy tint. Nonetheless, Voyd would notice his heart skip a beat each time his gaze wanders off to the blonde and blue eyed celestial amidst their time gazing upon the stars.​

The time he spent with Ariel was perhaps the most fun he ever had ever since he had left the Netherworld. To think that spending an hour with the Blonde Messenger would give him more joy than years of living free and on the edge without a single care in the world. Still, it is inevitable that all good things must come to an end, and as such it finally came the time for Infernal and Celestial to part ways. However, something inside Voyd screamed at him to not allow this night to end without doing... something, lest he regret this moment forever.

As it turned out, the something turned out to be him gently pulling her hand to stop her in her tracks before leaning closer and closer to Ariel until his lips would touch hers and lock together in a passionate kiss.

Just like when they stared intently into each other's eyes, the kiss felt like it lasted an eternity and Voyd was determined to relish every moment of it. When they finally separated from each other Voyd looked at Ariel a bit apologetically, feeling guilty for what he had suddenly done.

" My deepest apologies if I have somehow insulted you. I don't know what came over me... but know that I did not act out of a whim but I acted according to the voice of my heart. It may have been the spur of the moment but my feelings behind that action are true." said the Harbinger before before turning his back to the Messenger to leave.

But this time, it was his turn to stop in his tracks.

"On second thought, at least let me escort you back to your room... It's the least I could do after what happened. "