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Saône Goldenwood still wasn't sure what she thought about the plan, but she kept quiet about her doubts just as she had during the meeting with Agatha. It could've seemed out of character for her to do so as Saône was so often a loud and opinionated sort, but she had her reasons for not calling the plan stupid from the onset. One of those reasons being the simple fact that she preferred not to have been assigned to maintenance duty or some other mundane task and miss out on a daring adventure, even if the daring adventure happened to be questionably dangerous. The bottom line was Saône didn't want to be stuck sitting on her thumbs while everybody else got to have their fun.

After all, she had been stuck doing the work of an engineer when the fight with Yellowbeard happened and missed out being involved. A fact that remained on her mind... or at least it was on her mind until Venrid started suggesting how they were splitting up the team; a fact that caught Saône off guard considering the fact he wasn't the leader of the group.

I thought Laura was in charge or something? What's going on?

While Saône didn't care who was leading the group or not, the whole notion of leadership had been defined several weeks prior by the Agatha, who was the leader of the entire company. If there was a memo that stated Laura was out and Venrid was in Saône in particular didn't get the memo. But before she could even vocalize any confusion it seemed Venrid wasn't interested in any discussion of his plan and headed forward in a rush; a rush that Saône was left being forced to follow along with. Especially considering Venrid now held the detonator – the item that essentially was the centerpiece to the whole operation, or at least for the team Saône had been placed on.

As she followed Venrid she kept her eyes and ears open, observing everything and anything she could. This was an important operation that needed her to not be distracted and with Venrid suddenly taking the leadership role she did not really need to do anything but keep her eyes open and make sure she made everything go according to plan as possible. Despite being a wild and eccentric person, Saône was also quick-witted and perceptive; traits that were no doubt something that Agatha took into consideration when assigning people to groups for the mission.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much to notice while Venrid entered a discussion with the guards. Saône still kept her wits about her, especially with how wary one of the guards engaging with their newfound leader were acting. It wouldn't take much for her to flip her jacket and reach for her holster if things went south. But luckily the encounter didn't seem to create the need to; a fact Saone was happy for. She may have liked a good fight, but she still had a distinctive 'no killing rule' and nothing would make her change her stance on that; not Venrid, not Agatha, not even the mission. It would take a lot more than that.

Just keep them distracted.

As the thought left her head there was a loud shout which nearly made her react until she noticed the guard was point over to a loose metal pipe that Venrid's foot almost caught. Her body loosened and she let out a quick breath to calm her anxiety.

Well, I almost blew the lid off that one.

She let out a hushed chuckle, trying to contain herself from breaking 'character'.

Once the matter of the 'cargo' was settled Venrid carried on and Saône followed with a calm smile as he ushered everyone to grab the cargo before he inevitable dipped into the closest latrine. As he did so she pushed her back against a nearby wall and looked to the group with an expression of tepid relief. The whole operation could've gone off the rails if one of them reacted wrong and it was a miracle none of them did.

"This is fun right? We're all having fun."
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The mission had been going well so far, the airboat's arrival in the Sovereign went without much issues despite a few tensing moments here and there. The white-haired Inquisitor would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous but she believed the Divine One would guide her way. Dressed up as a guard along with a few others, Laura abandoned her usual distinctive holy knight armor for the standard-issue Imperial Guard uniform.

The maps were given by their contacts, the parties were set, time to depart, but in a twist of irony, her first obstacle came from her own group. The man named Venrid insisted that they split to avoid attracting attention, while it made sense, the way he spoke about it expressed no regard for the chain of command. How could Agatha hire someone like this? Well... she hired Helen among other people. Maybe the Captain saw something in people that Laura couldn't.

The inquisitor wanted to protest but they had no time and deep in her heart, she felt that Vendrid knew what he was doing, the fact that he spent two weeks working in the flying fortress backed up this thought. "Fine..." Laura sighed as she grabbed her equipment. "Shinobu, Marumei, Seven, Yumi, Sonya, and Jo-..." Oh, the brown-haired Guardian was already gone, likely decided to follow Venrid instead, "Alright, you four with me." Well, this was going swell.


"Actually." The raven-haired veteran crossed her arms. "I'm going on my own. Cover more ground that way." It was quite clear that in her dark eyes, the Harukayaman didn't trust Laura's capability to lead. Rather than risking her life under such a rigid leader, she'd better go off on her merry way. She was familiar with the Imperials anyway, she was one of them, it should come naturally for her. "Then, I'm off." Shinobu waved as she took her assigned equipment then disembarked the airboat.


@Karyra @☆Luna☆

"Well uhm..." The green-eyed witch smiled, trying to lift up the somber mood, "I'm going with you Laura~ and... Yumi, Sonya, you'll be going with us, right?"" She examined the thrall collar on their necks, "You girls are 'thrall's anyway so shouldn't be walking alone." Especially Sonya due to her race. "Come on, Laura, let's go!" With a nod from their squad leader, the witch grabbed her stuff and followed, patting her maid outfit as she emerged from the airboat.
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Participants: @Izurich @Lstorm @Miya


Cera chuckled to herself, shaking her head as she observed the humongous side of the Sovereign while she and the others from the first team were transported to the Grand Ball through an airboat.

("Is this really an airship? It looks a floating city...")

As the airboat traveled to its destination, the half-Infernal cannot help but think more about the Sovereign.

("I wonder where do they even get the necessary resources to build it. And how much Erchius it consumes just to keep it afloat anyway...?")

Her thoughts continued on until the airboat has landed. Upon disembarking the airboat, Cera shielded her crimson eyes as a gust of wind blew at her. While carefully following the rest of the team, the half-Infernal entered the Grand Ball.

Cera was greeted with numerous shades of red and orange decorated around the spacious ballroom. Her crimson eyes narrowed a few moments before she was accustomed to the fiery view. Even the combat school she attended back in Brendorn was not this red. The half-Infernal gently paced her steps alongside with the others, displaying a sense of politeness that was never seen during typical missions.

Just for this Grand Ball, Cera wore a modern black colored leather armor, with pieces of metal interwoven on crucial locations of her body. The elegant armor was decorated with red accents on the edges, giving it a striking look as if she was from the Imperial. However, Cera felt the armor was kind of revealing, as it made her figure more prominent. Then again, she rarely wore any high-class armors like this one, or dresses in general. Her previously shoulder length, black disheveled hair was straightened too.

Instead of pants, the half-Infernal wore a black skirt that just cover her thighs, with red laces on the hemline. Cera also wore a pair of black tights that matches her skirt, and a pair of black knee high boots that complements her black-red outfit. Along with her Scarlet Princess, her fiery red Magitek sword securely held onto her back with a magnetic holster, it seemed like it was too much for a guard of a noble.

The sight of thralls owned by some of the nobles annoyed her, but there was not much she could do as indentured servitude is legal for the Imperial.

"Please enjoy yourselves."

With that been said, the butler who escorted them to the ball eventually left the group to their own accord.

"Alright, everyone, you know what to do. Blend in and observe."

Agatha commanded with a gentle voice. With that being said, Cera began to look around, while attempting to stay alongside with Ádalé.

The red-eyed young woman looked human enough to pass off as one even though she had Infernal blood in her, no pointy ears, no fangs, no slitted pupils. Unlike Sorina and Charlotte, she had barely anything to hide. So far so good, she was just masquerading as a guard of Agatha's entourage. Her attire certainly fit the position of a guard who was tasked to protect a Venesian noble's life. While most of the attendants were locals, there were a few foreign dignitaries here and there, the group clad in blue was most certainly from Fraulia. Those clad in gold and robes were Masyans. There were even Armers bearing Solar Academy's emblems on their uniforms. The Empress clearly intended to impress, showed to all that the Empire had all the glory in the world.

The Empire favored warriors, strong individuals who could fight. As such, the male nobles here loved ladies who could stand her ground in combat that the stereotypical delicate damsel, strong and dominant just like their Empress. With the way she dressed along with her signature red sword, a few heads turned towards her way. Two, in particular, belonged to a pair of young men, both of them redheads and possessed strikingly similar features. They wore red military uniforms with gold highlights, such fancy clothes could only belong to nobles. A rapier was sheathed at the side of their waist. The twins talked amongst themselves before they approached the red-eyed swordswoman.

"Good evening, Miladies." One of them bowed elegantly followed soon by his brother, "I am Romulus..." "and I am Remulus of the Aurelius family. We are pleased to meet you." The twins straightened their backs. Now that they noticed, the guard's mistress looked quite stunning as well.

"How are you enjoying yourselves tonight, miladies?" Romulus chuckled.

"A lovely night, yes? Made even lovelier by your presence. May we be graced by your names, Miladies?" Remulus followed.

Somehow, somewhere, at some time in the distant past, Ádalé had let herself be coerced into the role of a noble. She considered this to be the worst decision she could have possibly made in her life, especially as she fussed with the many frills and the delicate fabric of her ceremonial dress just moments before the landing. She was feeling downright uncomfortable in her skin as she tried to make sure that the minute details were just right, taking in deep breaths as she steeled herself for what was to come. And when even the last wrinkle was smoothed out, she took a look at her dress.


It was not her. At all. The various little details where breathtakingly beautiful and with the crest of the Divine One shining from a pin on her breast, it projected the image of a strong person who respected both Sol and Luna equally. She had taken off the little pins along with the extra bits that would identify her as a member of the Order of Truthful Voices so she would have an easier time passing off as a noble, but it still did not feel right. The knight could already see countless eyes staring at her from a distance, fawning over her as if she was some sort of a prize to be won or worse... It almost made her shudder. And with how much of a mess she has been lately, Ádalé worried that she might jeopardise the mission completely.

Not that any of those thoughts were expressed in any way other than how her hands were clasped in front of her just a little bit too tightly as she stepped onto the Empress' airship. But even that got annihilated at the sheer spectacle before her. This... She had seen it from a distance, of course, however, up close, Ádalé had to fight not to let her jaw drop. Compared to the massive fortress-airship presented before her, she felt ridiculously underdressed. Almost naked, in fact. Just how many florins did this cost? One could probably buy an entire country at the price of this thing! No wonder that the Imperium had managed to conquer one nation after another if they had the money to spare for something like this.

Ádalé's awe was interrupted by Agatha's orders and she nodded as confidently as it was possible in her situation. She was not used to this sort of spectacle at all, so she hoped that she would be left alone so she could go around in the ballroom in peace with Cera at her side. She had no such fortune. Two people, nobles of the Aurelius family, approached her and she found her voice lost as she tried to answer confidently. She opened her mouth before she pressed her lips into a thin line, then she cleared her throat.

"I am sorry, Milords, but would you mind if I got a glass of water before I introduced myself?" Ádalé did not need to play up her nerves or her discomfort at being put into such a situation; that could be read openly based on her quiet tone and body language. "I am much too thirsty to talk properly and I would not want to grate your ears with my voice." Hopefully, that would be enough to convince the two that she was just exhausted from a long journey or something. Ádalé was grasping at straws and she had to explore the limits of her self-control in order to not glance at Cera for help in this situation.

While Cera continued observing the ballroom and other details that would help with the operation, a pair of male red-headed male nobles approached and greeted them.

"Good evening, Miladies."

("Ugh... I wish they would just approach the Captain instead.")

Cera displayed her looks of disdain towards the pair of Aurelius brothers for a moment and disappeared as they introduced themselves. Despite their polite greeting...

"I am sorry, Milords, but would you mind if I got a glass of water before I introduced myself?"

Ádalé gently requested for a moment of rest. "I am much too thirsty to talk properly and I would not want to grate your ears with my voice."

At this moment...

"Good day, Milords." Cera smiled at the nobles. "It was a pleasure to meet both of you, but I'm afraid I have to agree with Milady."

The black-haired sellsword gently bowed at the Aurelius brothers.

"It was a long trip for Milady, and she needed a quick respite."

Cera looked at Ádalé for a brief moment, before turning back to the nobles with another smile, hoping they would understand. Or buying more time for Ádalé.

The black-haired lady looked quite exquisite in her white dress with dark highlights. Her heterochromic eyes only added to her beauty. It was no wonder that the pair garnered the attention of the two young nobles. However, while their appearances certainly looked the part, a noble lady and her guard, their conduct were less so. Romulus visibly blinked his eyes twice in confusion as the noble dismissed him and his sibling just like that. Remulus let out a subtle quirk of one eyebrow as the female guard also followed suit... or maybe, the mistress just looked really tired, she was visibly nervous and all.

"Oh, no need, Milady. I shall bring your drink. In just a moment." Romulus went towards the long table where various beverages were served while his twin stayed behind. Why was a noble willing to go so far as personaliy delivering a drink to another? Well let's just say, they were young and the ladies caught their eye. Soon, the older twin returned with a glass of fresh water, "Here you are, Milady."

"Your clothes look Venesian, Remulus quipped after Adale had her drink, "Was it a long journey from Venesia to here? Well, the Sovereign is certainly worth the trip, yes?"

Fortunately, Cera backed Ádalé up and the woman let out an internal sigh of relief before she almost cussed out loud when one of the siblings offered to fetch her a glass of water. Instead, the knight did her best to flash them a grateful, if a little strained smile while she internally debated her options. She needed to calm herself down somehow or maybe highli- no, that would not work in noble company. Admitting to feeling like one was being ogled and stuck out of the crowd was basically the same as confirming that she was not a real noble. Only someone who almost knew her way around nobility. She would have to have the head of her etiquette instructor for that; if it was not for that man, Ádalé could have been a guard or something.

Hopefully, it seemed as if she was trying to place the two men properly on the ladder of nobility or something instead of thinking about what to say or how to continue the conversation. She only had a few seconds to spare before Romulus returned and she thanked him by his name to show she was paying attention. Then, the knight took a measured sip from the glass with all the elegance she could muster from the depths of herself without emphasizing the gesture too much. Balance was key to seeming polite in front of a noble, Ádalé reminded herself before she cleared her throat and spoke.

"Thank you once again, Romulus. I am Livna of House Ardentim." Now Ádalé was much more confident in her voice and she paid attention to her movements as she peformed a texture-book curtsey. Of course, more experienced eyes could easily note that she was a little bit stiff. Or the fact that her gestures were filled with nerves along with discomfort. She was all too aware of this herself, but she hoped that she would be able to fool at least these two into believing that she was a noble. Perhaps she could still play the part of inexperienced princess shut away from the world. Or was that too unrealistic?

Divine One, she needed some help here!

"This is the first time I see such a large airship," she continued, trying to rely on facts instead of decieving the two nobles with fake titles or accomplishments that could get her into further trouble while internally going over how she could try and salvage the situation. She did not want to screw this up, but she felt so out of her element! "I think the long journey was worth it, beceause it is very beautiful." For the sake of the Divine One, Ádalé, think of something else to say! Anything! Something that did not sound like it was painfully excavated from the page of 'how to make wooden-sounding small talk'!

"Oh, no need, Milady. I shall bring your drink. In just a moment."

One of the red-haired male noble replied almost in an instant, before heading towards the beverage table nearby. Both Ádalé and Cera were surprised by Romulus's sudden act. Were they really that interested in the two women?

"Here you are, Milady."

Romulus passed the glass of water to Ádalé, and the female knight sipped the glass as gently as she could after showing her gratitude. Cera followed suit as well.

"Was it a long journey from Venesia to here? Well, the Sovereign is certainly worth the trip, yes?"

The other twin, Remulus soon followed with a question.

"Thank you once again, Romulus. I am Livna of House Ardentim."

Ádalé responded with a hint of confidence, while utilizing a disguised name for her noble position. Cera merely observed the conversation, standing by in case the knight required help in the conversing section.

"This is the first time I see such a large airship." Ádalé continued on after a brief pause. "I think the long journey was worth it, because it is very beautiful."

The conversation was largely fine, but Cera felt that it was kind of forced. In this case, Cera turned at the nobles and smiled.

"Yes, Milords." The half-Infernal spoke alongside with Ádalé. "It is our first time visiting such a magnificent airship, not to mention this is our first event with the Imperials."

"Oh, pardon me Milords!" Cera bowed at the pair of nobles. "My name is Ceres Ravenholm, Lady Livna's trusted escort."

She smiled at the noble twins, while trying to be as natural as possible.

Now that the lady properly introduced herself, the redheaded twins smiled in appreciation and perhaps a tad relief now that she was alright, having someone fainting in the ballroom would be troublesome indeed. "An honor to meet you, Lady Livna Ardentim and Lady Ceres Ravenholm" "An honor, Milady Ardentim, Milady Ravenholm." The twins replied and bowed in quick successions. T

"It is indeed, pride and joy of the Empire." Romulus gestured to the grand ballroom with one hand. "The pinnacle of Imperial ingenuity indeed. It is no wonder that the Empress' favored location to celebrate her birthday." Remulus added, the brothers certainly had a manner of speaking that showed as if their minds were connected.

"Speaking about the Empress, she should be arriving soon enough. " The older twin turned to gaze at the giant clock on one side of the ballroom's walls. " I hear Princess Olivia will make an appearance as well."

"It'd certainly be an occasion.." The younger chuckled, "Ah yes, Her Highness Olivia, oh? I understand if Miladies aren't aware of her. She is the Empress' younger sibling. Just like me and my brother... only they don't resemble each other much and further gap in age."

"Ah, Remulus, that'd be saying roses and tulips are the same just because they are both flowers. Hahaha!" Romulus laughed, at his own jokes apparently. "Hahaha! You're correct, brother, how silly of me." To make matters worse and even more awkward for the two disguised women, his younger brother followed suit... and they knew what this would mean in terms of 'noble etiquette'.

Then again, there was just something... off about how Lady Livna acted. "I say, Milady, you are quite nervous, I see. Is something the matter?" The older twin blinked, keeping a rather steady gaze but he was scrutinizing Adale.

"Maybe she is just unused to being on a flying fortress, brother. I believe only the Empire possesses one after all" Remulus chuckled, "But do tell, Milady, what kind of business do your House have? I hear Venesians are the experts at Mercantile. My brother and I would appreciate some advice. Perhaps we can share our ideas, hmm?"

That response confirmed Agatha's sources, so that was a brief moment of respite for Ádalé. However, it also meant that they would have to enact their plan to kidnap Olivia, which still did not sit well for her. Despite her youth, she could not help but think about the ramifications such an action would have. But such worries were quickly buried beneath the fact that the twins noticed her obviously nervous behaviour. In that moment, she felt the blood rush out of her face, something which she tried to fix by drinking another gulp of water to buy time for herself. Her mind whirled with possibilities as she searched for something that could rescue her from such a situation and in the end, she decided truth would serve the best.

"I am sorry if my behaviour offended either of you," started Ádalé as smoothly as she could, which was not very, "But this is the first time I am... in such a great gathering." Yes. Yes! That was true. She felt her words flow a little more confidently as she tried to phrase her feelings in a manner that would not reveal her outright. "There are many people here and I fear that I am lacking compared to them, especially Empress Kyrie. To be aboard her vessel is... unbelievable. Please forgive any transgressions that I may commit in the face of such an experience." There. That was a huge load off Ádalé's chest as she indirectly told these two about the source of her nerves. Granted, that still left the fact that she was as uncomfortable in this dress as she could be, but she could not tell them that, could she?

However, as she finished, she found herself wondering if her words were believed at all or if she had just outed herself as a complete moron. Uncertainty began to creep into her features. Hopefully, it could be misconstrued as a noble who was not sure how her confession would be taken in the face of two strangers. Or something along those lines. Ádalé was really not coherent enough to think up possible narratives for herself or her bodyguard. She was flying by the seat of her pants here and the longer the conversation went on, the more she felt like she was going to screw up.

Cera merely listened on as the Aurelius brothers spoke to them, mentioning about the appearance of Empress Kyrie and Princess Olivia. With the appearance of Princess Olivia now confirmed, the half-Infernal felt relieved. Even then, the thought of herself being involved in an act of war-provoking terrorism still gave her discomfort. Cera smiled at the nobles while glancing at Ádalé from time to time, monitoring her body language and condition.

Everything was fine and dandy, until...

"I say, Milady, you are quite nervous, I see. Is something the matter?"

One of the noble twins locked his eyes on Ádalé, observing her every movement. Cera's vibrant expression faded when she gazed at the knight, who was now taking another deeper sip from the glass of water she was holding.

("Uh oh.")

The half-Infernal braced herself as the Aurelius brothers bantered on, before asking questions for Ádalé.

"But do tell, Milady, what kind of business do your House have? I hear Venesians are the experts at Mercantile. My brother and I would appreciate some advice. Perhaps we can share our ideas, hmm?"

At this moment, Cera thought that this will be a fine turning point for Ádalé to solidify her disguise as a noble. However...

"I am sorry if my behaviour offended either of you."

("Yes! Looks like she's heading in a right direction!")

The half-Infernal happily thought to herself as her smile widened once more.

"But this is the first time I am... in such a great gathering."

Cera merely listened on, but...

"There are many people here and I fear that I am lacking compared to them, especially Empress Kyrie. To be aboard her vessel is... unbelievable. Please forgive any transgressions that I may commit in the face of such an experience."

Wait a minute. Did Ádalé ignored the nobles' previous questions? Upon realizing such a cruel fact, Cera's friendly smile faded completely while looking at her.

("By the Divine One... Don't tell me she just...!")

Knowing that Ádalé has made a glaring mistake, the escort in disguise immediately devised a way in mitigating the verbal damage that has been done to the nobles. Despite being mostly a mercenary in her line of work, Cera's upbringing in Venesia allowed her to learn ways of lying and deceiving. After all, being purely consist of brawn and zero brains can land you in numerous troubles, especially in the famous merchant country.

("Alright Ms. Ravenholm, how would you salvage this situation...")

With a deep breath, Cera began her salvaging effort.

"I truly agree with Milady!" The half-Infernal gently chuckled. "The might of the Empress is so grand that it dwarfs our humble textile business in Venesia!"

"Speaking of advice for businesses, the most I can say on behalf of House Ardentim is that one has to survey the market and meet its demands. For example, if I may to hazard a guess..." Cera thought for a brief moment. "The Imperium requires vast amounts of food, then obviously a would-be successful merchant has to develop efficient ways or methods to satiate the Imperium's needs for food, especially during wartime."

She explained in a professional tone.

"The means of distribution is important as well, but it depends on the goods you intend to market with. By utilizing a reputable intermediary to promote your goods, say well-made Imperium swords, more profits can be reaped as the general populace trust the distributor while making Imperium goods more prominent."

"I hope the advice are of use, Milords. I'm just a lowly aide of the House Ardentim, after all." Cera politely smiled and bowed at the nobles.

"And on behalf of Milady Livna, I pardon for her absentmindedness when she did not reply to your questions, Milord Aurelius." She bowed again once more. "She mostly kept to herself in the House. It was under Lord Ardentim's behest that she attended the Grand Ball."

With that, she was done. For now, Cera focused on keeping the two of them believable before she could even question about Princess Olivia.

("Phew! I hope it works! If not.. May the Divine One help us...!")
"Relax, you won't be failed, boss!"​


"Yeeeaaah, this isn't what I had in mind, guess I'll miss the buffet," Wukong uttered as she donned the Imperial Guard armour. "Like the design though. Kind of a shame we don't get to keep it... do we?"

Her prehensile tail was hidden for added disguise, a minor disadvantage was still a disadvantage, one might say.

"I think I can get a feel of the place either way," Wukong comments as she has a good look at the map, "so, this goes there... and that goes here, got it."

Wukong waves for a bit in glee when Venrid mentioned that she was leading, a gesture of politeness if one may. "Pleased to meet you," she greets. "I imagine you boys want to roll into the party too, I guess I do too. Heard the food's pretty great. Guess someone's gotta make the party fun for all, huh? That's why we're here, making sure no one crashes the thing."

Wukong looks at them drinking.

"Personally not a big fan of that brand, but each to their own," she comments. She wasn't exactly lying, since she wasn't fond of alcohol in general. "You guys sure love your booze, don't you? Picky about brands or do you drink whatever bottle comes your way?"

And boy oh boy, love was an understatement for the shorter guy. Wukong was astonished when the taller one told them to stop right there. Wukong was just about to prepare to unleash the Ruyi Jingu Bang from her hidden tail, but then realised that they haven't seen through their disguises yet, it seems.

When ordered to pick a crate of Erechius, Wukong smiled and said, "Aye aye, Marcus." She seemed to be close to breaking out into laughter, but her Infernal physiology had enough muscles to halt her.

"I just hope they don't take too long," Wukong comments. "Really though, why Marcus?"
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Collab between @R-9 Pilot and @Izurich

Saki arrived with the others, and stuck with them through the security checkpoints, but quickly drifted away once they entered the ballroom proper. Better to fan out, than just remain in a single blob. Even if she didn't know anyone else present.

She was dressed more in the style one would expect for a native of Harukayama, rather than a typical evening gown. It wasn't a completely accurate kimono, to accommodate for the wings, but it was close. Might as well look the part, if you were going to stick out like a sore thumb anyway and it was equally difficult to fight in the other outfits. It wouldn't stop her from bringing her sword along anyway, as part of the outfit.

The ship itself, the ballroom, everything made it clear these people were powerful. And in such a space, it wouldn't be an easy job. Were they really going through with this plan?

The golden-white-scaled dragon youkai obviously attracted the most attention as eyes began to turn towards her instead of Agatha. Her ornate horns, majestic wings, and radiant scales made her looked quite noble even if she was completely in the nude. The Harukayaman style outfit was a nice cherry on top, she wasn't kidding when she said playing the part of the 'exotic Harukayaman beauty'.

This resulted in a small group of nobles, particularly those who fancied themselves as collectors of fine items, gathering around Saki. Being nobles, they kept their distance, respecting the dragon lady's privacy (and being smacked by those wings would hurt). "Oh, a visitor from the distant Harukayama, I see." Quipped one noble, a senior noble with graying hair, a well-trimmed beard, and monocle. "You come far but I say, the journey must be worth it." Of course it is, they were in the Sovereign! Mightiest fortress in the whole world!

"Are you a Dragon youkai?" Asked another noble. "Can you fly and breathe fire?" These questions might be obvious for Saki but considering how secretive her whole race was, they were inevitable.

"How does Harukayama look like? Is it true that Youkais gain sustenance from consuming the aurora coloring the sky?" A particularly fascinated young woman inquired, "Do you make your clothes by spinning threads from the clouds?"

Saki briefly considered simply replying in her native language and pretending not to understand the nobles ,but that would be quite counter-productive. "Oh, it's been quite worth it, I must say. Your Sovereign is truly a sight to behold." Anyone could state the obvious. "I did not expect to visit such an illustrious occasion during my travels."

She nodded in answer to the next question. "Of course I am, and of course I can." She grinned at the nobles. "Would you like a demonstration?" The confidence may not deter them, but it didn't hurt to show off a little. Not that she'd actually breathe fire (or anything else out of the ordinary). It would be a little too far in such a venue.

Saki produced a paper fan from one of her sleeves and covered the lower half of her face, mostly to hide any expression which would give her away. She always enjoyed messing with people and their strange stereotypes about her mysterious home. Mostly, by just building upon them. "Of course we do," she said. "We may eat and drink of your earthly foods as well as any other, but our true sustenance is from the Heavens themselves." She did tell the truth on the last one. It wasn't any less strange than the idea of spinning them from the clouds. "Actually, we get the threads for cloth like this from a worm. Though, I've never been told the secrets of how they do it."

"Oh my!" "That's amazing!" "I want to visit there myself." Various excited murmurs and gasps saturated the area around Saki as the nobles all expressed their fascination to the dragon's confirmations regarding her 'mystical' home. The answers were coming from a native so they must be true! They'd like a demonstration of her ability to breath fire but decided against it as they were in a ballroom about to celebrate the Empress' birthday, security was tight and the guards were watching.

"You obtain such threads from a worm?" A mixed look of disbelief and slight disgust came from one of the nobles, "What manner of 'worm' can produce such lovely material? We must know!" Thus, the questions kept coming and the Dragon was more than happy to oblige them all.

Moments later, the crowd dispersed and Saki went for a drink, answering all those silly questions with ambiguous answers took its toll on her throat. "Ahem, My Dragon Lady." She'd hear a baritone voice calling from behind her. It was the gray-haired noble with the monocle, "I didn't get the chance to introduce myself. I am Pompei Aurelius, Imperial noble and purveyor of fine artifacts. The rarest and most valuable ones come from Harukayama of course. Now..." He clasped his hands together in front of him politely, the gesture of someone about to make an offer, "Perhaps you are interested in a little trade? You see, I wish to receive one of your fine scales... for a fee of course. Name your price."

"Not the most impressive of artifacts, I can assure you," Saki replies coyly. "Also not the easiest to acquire." She wouldn't bear the indignity or pain of such a thing, particularly in public. "However, I may be able to oblige."

The man would certainly be getting the better end of the deal, given her request. "I am most interested in the various luminaries in attendance today. I know very little of your nation, and feel a bit...out of place, to say the least. The empress and her sister are, of course, the ones i want to hear most about, but anything you're willing to tell, I'd be willing to hear."

She smiled again as she reached into her sleeves, this time to fetch her purse. A lady never travels without being prepared, and Saki knew by now not to just toss shed scales away. Most dragons wouldn't anyway, as they had their uses. She fished on such scale out and showed it to the man, being sure to keep it firmly in her own claws for the moment. "I hope you weren't expecting me to simply pull one off, my Lord Aurelius. It is...a little less pleasant than pulling out one's hair, to say the least."

"Oh no, of course not." Pompei chuckled, was he really expecting her to pull out her own scale? Maybe, considering even collectors actually didn't know much about Youkais. Nevertheless, it didn't matter now as Saki had one in store. "My gratitude." He received it with both hands then stored it carefully in his pockets.

"Now then, your request..." He felt rather iffy about himself if he accepted the deal just like that. The dragon lady might just be trying to be modest or didn't see the value of her own scales, which were understandable. However, as a gentleman, he should properly compensate her, but first, "Her Majesty Kyrie will attend, of course, this is her birthday after all. Ah, I am surprised you knew about Princess Olivia, she isn't known much outside Imperial nobility. Yes, she will be participating in her older sister's birthday. Also, Her Honor Emilia, Imperial Judge Magister, will be accompanying the Empress I heard. They should make an appearance soon, be prepared for a speech."

Pondering for a moment, Pompeii raised an index finger, "Oh yes, knowing Princess Olivia's scholarly pursuits, she might be interested in conversing with you. It isn't often that we get a noble from Harukayama as a guest. If you do manage to personally talk with her, it should serve as a fine tale to share with your acquaintances back home." With that, he reached into his pockets and fished a golden pocket watch encrusted with rubies, "and please, take this, as a gift. Made in Armerium, Armer craftmanship." He put it on Saki's claw, "A watch for a scale, I hope it suffices. Perhaps we see each other in the future, Milady." Then he took his leave and Saki was free to enjoy the various beverages and snacks provided. The main buffet was still being prepared, likely served after the Empress made her speech.

For Charlotte, the disguised vampire girl that already lived among the Imperials, there was little preparation that she needed to do compared to her red-eyed counterpart, Sorina. Naturally, she had to have a new dress made for the occasion. Red in nature with a black skirt and accents, the crimson garb was wrapped around with a small half-height dark cloak. This, along with her dress sword and red-rosed choker was her appearance at the Grand Ball that night. In addition to the formal yet unrestrictive dress, she expertly employed the tricks that she had taught Sorina. With brilliant green eyes, rounded human ears, and a signature that came off as human to all but the most experienced of sages and vampire hunters, she was every part the noble guest of Her Majesty's Grand Ball.

The golden-haired vampire had been to the grand floating fortress once before, but that was a story for another time. Even so, the scale and elaborate nature of the Imperial airship still gave Charlotte a pause in awe of its glory. Smiling to herself as she stepped onto the central platform with her peers, she wondered how much of the empire's coffers had been emptied to build and maintain such a behemoth. Indeed, if it were to go down, it would be a devastating loss.

"It's a warship in being," shrugged Charlotte, idly answering the purple-haired girl. "The mere existence of it is supposed to make all the other nations quake in their boots, or that's how the doctrine is supposed to go. Makes you wonder if it has a vulnerability in an exhaust port, hmm?" Flicking her hair into the wind, she took in the refreshing night wind, looking briefly out into the stars in anticipation of the night's shenanigans to come.

While she had her own suitable rank and standing within the empire, it had become an obvious necessity to use an alternate title. One of many that she'd used in the past, on this evening she was a representative of the high standing Mauritania family, a bloodline whose shipping network and influence reached the farthest corners of Bumi's maps. To this end, she had an authentic family crest clasped to the upper hem of her dress identifying her as such, a piece no doubt acquired through some more subtle means.

Entering the ballroom with the group, Charlotte stepped with natural grace, gradually pulling ahead of the rest of her fellow allies. Immediately finding a glass of wine and a younger couple at the edge of the ball, she began to chat with them before quickly blending into the crowd, casually alert for her target.
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And others;
Mingling in with the crowd, Sorina really, really, really hated this charade. Kidnapping and bombing a flying fortress was pretty much as low as the company could get, in hindsight pretending to be some noble and humoring others was a simple affair. Ingratiating herself with a few of the noble ladies as Cecilia. "Oh, so the Princess herself will be attending, I'm a bit curious where she spends her time when not here.."

Gazing around the room most of them seemed up to their own activities, minus Silva who was now being approached by a rather strange looking older noble. Drayton on the other hand was off talking with a blackhead pale skinned maid, who in terms of chest size could rival Silvania. While that did tick her off slightly considering she was still growing, or so she hoped, there was one problem with the woman. It wasn't the bangs, nor the evil look to her eyes, but a collar. A slaves collar.

"Ah, Pardon me, I need to go take care of one small issue, maybe another glass of wine." Holding the nearly empty glass up with a sheepish smile, followed with a curtsy bow, the Blood Devil immediately makes her way for him at speed, keeping her posture up she smiles briefly, recalling the cover name he was using this night.

"Ah William, there you are. I am in need of your assistance if you don't mind." Letting her glance drift on the maid for a bit as the woman takes the que to leave, Sorina shifts her attention back to Drayton.

"I do hope you know how much trouble she can get into for just talking to you.."



Wandering the halls partly on his own the fake guardsman John soon found a figure approaching him, clad in red armor, helmet under his left arm and a long silver handled Katana at his side. Taking slow careful steps as a kama, or half skirt bellows in the air behind him. Seemingly at peace, the figure does keep his hand upon his blade, with steely black eyes, black arched hair and yellow toned skin common to the east, there was a slight sign of stubble to his chin. With a cape on his right shoulder the figure continues it's approach, giving a bit of a head bob, right hand resting casually on the Katana handle

"Ah Greetings fellow guardsman. I haven't seen you before.." Pausing to study John the swordsman makes a bit of a grunt, letting his eyes meet his opposite seeing the look of confusion upon his face. Nodding his head as if knowingly Guardsman smiles thinly. "It's a shame those communicators aren't in number for us all. She's a big Fortress, for weeks I got lost in these halls. Are you perhaps lost, Guardsman...?"

Letting his speech trail off it was a double question, asking if he needed assistance and for his name.



While drawing quite a few stares, be they out of jealousy or yearning from those around her Silvania is approached but a somewhat older looking man, with a monocle and rather large front teeth a large nose, a bushy mustache and thick if not well groomed brown hair, he seemed largely older than the younger nobles or staff in the room, though not the oldest judging by a few others, like the rather stern looking butler who could be seen time to time making his rounds. Bowing to her in a gentlemanly fashion, the man's laughter sounds like a cross between amusement and the stuff of nightmares, as his nasal passages interfere with the laugh. Causing something that sounded like laughter mixed with someone saying hon repeatedly in perpetual madness.

"Why I must say you look simply smashing! I am Lord Conrad Limington, at your service Madam." Doing his horrid laugh again he leans in close to whisper.

"I must say you are a sight I have not seen here before, oh don't worry I'm much too old for that game now, just if someone doesn't bother you the youngsters will, call it an aging mans Chivalry." Speaking loudly as before, he grabs a glass of wine from a passing tray after singling the servant.

"Ah yes, you see I was an old soldier and great hunter, ah yes simply marvelous those good old days! So tell me my Lady what brings you here, the Empress's Nameday? Simply a smashing party isn't it?!" While his laugh was annoying if not his nature, the well suited man had rows or ribbons and military medals on his chest, and a few odd trinkets on his sleeve likely from one sort of hunt or another, and he seemed to mean well, it could be a useful source of information, provided Silvania could put up with the noble Lord.

Taka kept the map that he was given, knowing that he could pass it off as a schematic or otherwise necessary to not blowing up the ship. Which ironically it wasn't being used for. And he was also appreciating how the drow was being set out as a thrall. A petty thing, sure, but he enjoyed it none the less. Other then that, he followed the leader. When they encountered the two Officers, Taka did his best to look the part of an engineer. When the tall lanky one shouted at Venrid to halt, he felt his heart stop instead. But it was nothing severe, just a warning to not step on a stray pipe most likely left behind after construction was complete. "Please be careful with that," he said, trying to enhance his appearance as a concerned engineer. Well, he was concerned, so that wasn't a problem.

Shortly after that, he and the rest of the group made their way deeper into the Sovereign. He did not stop at the bathroom to wait for Venrid like some of the others. Instead, he kept walking with the crate of explosives. "I know where I am going. Feel free to accompany me." With that said, he turned a corner and began heading to one of the many engines. And lucky for him, the engines were all relatively close together and in a straight line. All he had to do was go from room to room, placing explosives as he went.

When he entered the engine room, he didn't have to try to hard to find the engine. The engineering monstrosity took up almost the entirety of the room. Something that size could produce enough power to power the Lughanta several times over. But this wasn't the size of the Lughanta. On the other hand, it provided a lot of places to hide the explosives. So, taking one of the explosives, he primes it and quickly puts under a section of the massive engine. But it would take more then one explosive to cause just one engine to shut down, it would take three or four more just for this one. So he continued his job of placing hidden explosives on the engine, an ear straining over the din of the engine to hear anyone coming.
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Specific Mentions of: @Ehb
The maps were shown quickly, but Sonya got all the major points down. This Venrid guy seemed like an old hand at this sort of thing, and while that may work for Sonya, it probably wouldn't for the rest of the team. As they entered, Sonya tried her best to look as broken down as possible and like she was just some generic Drow Thrall. If she looked pitiful, then they probably just ignore her, or even allow her to be brought along into places that she could blend in seamlessly. To that end, the munitions would be the most dangerous and necessary place to make sure that the bombs were effective.

Putting it in the munitions would also yield the most explosive power, as who knows what else they mixed into their weapons. Having those taken out as soon as possible would work best. Her first choice was Laura, but that would only lead to having Sonya interact with the Inquisitor and no thank you. John was the next choice, but John ran off the second that Venrid stopped for a restroom break.

That left... Seven. The man could act, seemed like he had seen action before, and honestly Sonya didn't trust him at all. There was no reason to, for her. Twitchy man on a ship, and with a name like Seven, Sonya would sooner throw him back into the kitchen than deal with him alone on the ship.

"What do you say we hit munitions, Seven? If you can distract them, I think we can manage to get it taken care of quick. I just need a minute to get things set up for the party we'll set off later, but I think a Drow Thrall as pretty as me couldn't get things done without getting noticed. So I'll need an assistant for this magic trick, and while I'm not Marumei, I'll have to say that the results will still be impressive."

Damage control and if things got bad she could isolate the possible cause of it. Munitions wasn't critical, but it sure would make sure that the people with guns wouldn't get those guns unless they had them. Nobles tended to not like their guards with large guns and those unsightly explosives.

"Come on, it'll be fun! I bet we'll get done the fastest, too."
Since the meeting aboard the ship, Yumi renewed her tradition of watching people from a safe distance. With the exception of John and Seven, she didn't talk to much of anyone. Despite Agatha's recent advice, Yumi learned it works better in theory than it does in practice. While Agatha might see everyone as comrades, it hardly seemed like anyone else shared her sentiment. From her time on the ship leading up to the mission, she began to understand exactly how individualistic the band of mercenaries were. Teamwork wasn't valued, and it showed from the smallest details like how people train to the largest details like who is selected for missions. If there was anything that was shared as a communal event, it was the pub, something Yumi abstained from.

Eventually she had to get ready for the kidnapping plan. Yumi couldn't help but note how fitting she was as a thall. Her stature and build were already so small, and she tended to carry that air of submissiveness about her anyway. All she needed to do was add a hint of fear, and you could hardly tell she wasn't being worked into the ground doing slave labor. Besides, it wasn't too hard to seem intimidated considering they were currently aboard a large, heavily armed, heavily guarded airship with the intent to kidnap a princess after conducting terrorism. Yumi was mostly surprised that nobody even seemed to register the madness of the situation.

But, Yumi's earlier observations once again come into the light as her team begins to splinter right before her eyes. Perhaps the pressure was getting to people more than she expected, but Yumi knew better than to try to follow Venrid. Agatha would be livid with the idea of another Helen type incident. Plus, Shinobu seemed even more daring about executing a plan of her own. Yumi could do much more than pray that somehow they didn't bump into each other despite the utter lack of coordination. Looking to her map, she tries to guess at the plans if the others, then reassures Laura and Marumei, "I'll stay with you. Keep us safe Laura."
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As the group dispersed, the days passed, the teams organized and finally they departed. Drayton accompanied the gussied group of ladies attending the ball donning Imperial plate mail typical of the faceless masses commanded by the Empire. Rolling his shoulders as he proceeded forward, simply playing the part of dress-up was extremely troublesome. The twin swordsman tended to avoid heavy armor, or armor in general, as all it did in his eyes was slow you down or give a false sense of security. Due to chinks and weak-points, there wasn't even a guarantee it would block an attack. Grumbling, lugging around all this metal would be a giant pain if shit hit the fan. It wasn't all bad. The ladies of the company seemed to clean up well, and the women within the ballroom...

As their Captain dispersed them, Drayton nodded. "Gotcha, I'll go... do what drones do I guess." Mumbling that, he walked off. As a supposed guard, he couldn't exactly go start up conversations and question people, but while no one tended to speak to him, it also meant that no one questioned him. A simple lackey keeping the peace. No one cared if he was around them while they spoke or not. Unfortunately, he didn't manage to eavesdrop much. Supposedly their royal targets would attend sometime later—supposedly. All that was left for him to do was look around and wait, maybe amuse himself. With what? Well, while all the women of the ball were rather attractive, it would be ill-befitting of a guard to speak with them. That, and blue-bloods were insufferable most of the time. The servants however were just as nice.

As time passed, the thief found himself conversing with a raven-haired beauty. It certainly was no coincidence that that the woman's chest could compare to the crew's own Silvania. However, he noted her being chewed out by some noble and saw an ample opportunity to make a friend, maybe get some information—and to swipe the brat's pouch. He had it coming, scolding some girl over eye-contact or some such nonsense. Unfortunately, mid-conversation, Drayton was dragged away by the damn Blood Devil.

Turning his head at his phony name being called, Drayton adopted a look of surprise for the moment. "...Of course, Lady Cecilia," He replied with a bow of his head. As they moved away, his manner of speaking lightened. "Well, well. I didn't pay much attention before, but you really look nice." While his words painted a compliment, his surprise could be as well taken as an insult.

Hearing her out, Drayton glanced back to the servant girl who smiled and waved back. "Oi, the Captain wanted us to get info. I'm doing that the best I can... If the prick comes back, I'll deal with it." While certainly the concept of honor was hard to see on a thief, but it seemed as though he wouldn't let someone else take heat from his actions. "...Honestly though, I'm startin' to regret switching... I've wanted to punch at least ten of the spoiled brats..."
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With the help of Sonya, Silva chose a beautiful dress to wear for the Grand Ball. With her attractive figure, it should be pretty easy for her to mingle with the crowds. It certainly also helps that the store certainly have quite a nice stock of elegant dress for Silva to choose. She looked over to the dress that she chose once again before wearing it.


With the ship approaching Sovereign, Silva couldn't help but to look in awe at how big the ship actually is. She's been looking at the prized fortress ship as the Empire's enemy in the past. And now, she's being real close to it and even step foot inside the ship as a guest for a party. It's pretty unbelieveable situation for Silva to be in right now.

In the ballroom, Silva remained pretty close with Agatha. Undertaking the role of Agatha's advisor. She could certainly feel some glances towards her, whether it was for her figure or her dress she wouldn't know for sure. She was then approached by an older looking man. He bowed to her in a gentlemanly fashion, which Silva replied with a proper ladylike bow. Then she was startled by the man's... laugh...? It is certainly weird for Silva to hear such laugh coming from that man.

"Why I must say you look simply smashing! I am Lord Conrad Limington, at your service Madam." He introduced himself, he leaned in closer before Silva could reply.

"I must say you are a sight I have not seen here before, oh don't worry I'm much too old for that game now, just if someone doesn't bother you the youngsters will, call it an aging mans Chivalry." He whispered quite loudly, but hearing that Silva was relieved. Horrible annoying laugh and eccentricity aside, he is a fine man that seems to be not so horrible than she thought.

"Ah yes, you see I was an old soldier and great hunter, ah yes simply marvelous those good old days! So tell me my Lady what brings you here, the Empress's Nameday? Simply a smashing party isn't it?!" Silva noticed the ribbons and medals on the man's chest along with some odd trinkets on his sleeve. Fitting to what he claimed. An old experienced soldier who now have some sort of hunting expeditions here and there.

"It is..." Silva nods confirming the party being smashing as the man claims. "Ah yes, how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Sylviana Lockwood of F-- Venesia, Lady Nightingale's Advisor." Silva introduced herself to the man, under her disguised name. "I must say, the Sovereign is certainly quite amazing. I've only heard of this wonder of a ship and this is my first time stepping foot inside." Silva continued with a praise to the ship where the ball is currently held. "Do you... mind enlighten me about this ship?" Silva asked, hoping to strike a conversation and information about the Sovereign from this man.

Everything went well so far, the guests were gathered, entertainment played, beverages served, all nicely organized for the Her Imperial Highness' arrival. She was pleased, expected, but pleased. As Judge Magister, it wouldn't do at all if the event reserved for the Empress was in disarray. if she couldn't keep order in an event, how could she maintain the Empire's laws throughout its lands? The golden-eyed woman took a sip of her wine, smiling in pride as she observed the ballroom from one of the many balconies on the second floor.

"Hmm? Yes, this is Emilia." A transmission came from the magitek ear piece in her right ear, "I see, understood." She nodded, put down her wine glass on a nearby table, and made her way towards the main lobby. The brunette might not possess the signature fiery locks so common among Imperials but her elegant red dress with a flowing cape draping until the small of her back certainly made up for it. A few eyes turned towards her and guards gave a salute as she passed. However, it wasn't until she took the stage that the Judge Magister truly dominated everyone's attention.

The music stopped as she took one of the available baton-shaped voice transmitter devices, allowing her to speak through the boosters set up all around the ballroom. "Ladies and Gentlemen," The firm voice of the high-ranked official rang in the lobby, "I implore all of you to clear the central path and occupy one of the provided seats please." She gestured to the many tables prepped up facing raised platform with various thrones on them. They were reserved for the nobles of course while the guards and servants had a more modest spot farther away from the stage. "The Imperial Entourage will be arriving in half an hour. That is all, thank you."

In an orderly manner, the nobles began reserving seats, this included Agatha's group. The twintailed brunette took a look around, hoping none of her parties caused any ruckus. Thankfully, no one did. The moment approached, she hoped the second team didn't blow this operation entirely.


True enough, about thirty chimes later, those in the ballroom could hear footsteps, heavy footsteps belonging to feet clad in armored boots echoing from just outside. The mansion's main entrances were opened wide as the long-awaited Imperial entourage arrived.

First, men and women wearing crimson ceremonial armor entered, the light of the ballroom glanced off the bold crimson sheen of their plates. Wielding an ornate spear with a banner depicting the Empire's crest attached on the neck, they marched into the ballroom. Their steps confident as they lined up on each side of the long red carpet leading towards the throne, then turned to the side to face their comrades positioned across from them. With a clink of their armor, each pair of knights formed an overhead triangle with the spears, forming a row of 'gates'. At the same time, an official stood by beside the throne, he cleared his throat, stood with his back straight, chin raised, "Announcing the arrival of the Empress Regnant of the Brendorn Empire, Her Imperial Highness Kyrie Regina Brendorn!"


The musicians and choir immediately followed the cue as the woman of the hour finally made her appearance. Blazing red hair and fiery crimson eyes framing sharp features of the Empire's monarch. Her dress was nothing short of a masterpiece, the best wealth could provide. Red-themed with accents of gold shaped into the patterns of flames, what appeared to be magitek-induced tongues of fire served as the hems of her dress. She truly dressed as (one of) her unofficial titles pictured, 'The Flame Empress'. Of course, The Empress of Brendorn wouldn't be complete without her trusty blade by her side proven by the infamous 'Ignis' visibly sheathed on her waist.

The Empress walked under her knights' crossed spears, flanked by her handmaidens, calmly approaching the throne. Kyrie stepped up towards the throne then turned to face the crowd. She didn't sit yet and the Knights still kept their spears raised.

With a nod from one of the officials, the official cleared his throat once more, "Announcing the arrival of Her Imperial Highness, Princess Olivia Amaryllis Brendorn!"


Following after her older sister's footsteps, the second most important figure of the ball made her appearance. The golden-haired, blue-eyed, Princess of the Empire, Olivia. She was clad in a simpler, yet still very much royally elegant, amber gown. Her hands were clasped at her front near her belly as she made her way towards the pair of thrones reserved for her sister and herself. Also escorted by her own set of personal servants, she neared the raised stage. It was then she saw a gloved arm was outstretched towards her. "Thank you." Accepting Kyrie's help, she ascended then turned to face the crowd, standing beside her older sister. As she did, the Knights retracted their spears then stood at attention, still in the same formation.


With another cue set by Emilia, the musicians concluded their performance for the moment as a servant respectfully approached the Empress, bowing on one knee as she offered her a voice transmitter for the Empress to make her speech. The ballroom went silent as all attention was directed to the flame-haired sovereign. "Good citizens of the Empire and esteemed guests! I, Kyrie Regina Brendorn, hereby welcome you to the Sovereign!" Her voice boomed, delivered clearly without any shred of hesitation or stutter, being an Empress, making speeches already came naturally for her. "I offer my gratitude for honoring us with your attendance. Some of you may have traveled far and wide but I say, stepping foot on the Sovereign alone is worth the trip." She blinked once, observing the crowd before her, "We are here to celebrate my birth, that is true, but! This anniversary also marks yet another strong year for the Empire! We are here, standing today, because of our unyielding strength! No matter who or what opposes us, the Empire will keep their rightful throne as Bumi's mightiest... or die trying."

The crowd was riled up now, one by one, the Imperial nobles stood up, glass in hand, shouting, "Yes!" "For the Empress!" and various other forms of acknowledgment. Kyrie herself took a wine glass from a silver tray carried by a servant. Everyone, the Imperials at least, all received the cue as they shouted in unison along with their Empress, "Strength guides us! Honor teaches us! Courage drives us!" A small pause, "Glory to the Empire!!"

With the toast, the Ball officially began. The plated knights marched out of the ballroom, the main buffets were served, and the musicians performed their symphonies. The nobles were free to take their meal or just asked one of the servants of course. Kyrie herself sat on her throne, watching the many figures attending the ball. The presence of foreign visitors and dignitaries weren't anything surprising considering who she was. Fortunately, this worked in favor for a certain Venesian group.

Moments later, as expected, both Kyrie and Olivia left their thrones, mingling with the nobles, conversing with them. They went their separate ways with the Empress on one side of the hall, and Olivia on the other. This looked to be a prime chance... but the problem was, both of them were constantly watched by the many guards stationed in the ballroom. Some of them were even the famed Imperial Crimson Knights. Agatha was sure that even one of them would be able to take on ten of the Golden Midas' pirates without breaking a sweat, if not more. Well, this was why they needed the second team.

Agatha made eye contact with each of her group members if they were available, then she nodded. The nobles should try getting Olivia's attention, converse with her if necessary, keep her occupied and within close proximity as long as possible. The guards and servants should be on the lookout for potential troubles. If this all went smooth, their contacts should provide them cover and additional distractions along with getaway vehicles after they snatched Olivia. From there, they'd leg it to the Lughanta and disappeared in the dead of night. With how crowded the airspace was around the Sovereign combined with the fact that the panicked nobles would be departing in their own ships, it made the seemingly suicidal mission into the realm of possibility.
Stranger(s) Danger
[ collab with @RedArmyShogun ]​

After determining he was lost John continued on looking for anyone of the sites on the map. The only problem? He could only remember the labels on the map and what they looked like on the paper. Sometimes he'd stop and look at his hand, pretending it was paper, and try to imagine the labels on it. He'd then press forward uncovering the map like a fossil, but this method was getting him nowhere, he just couldn't remember it. Frustrated, he stopped, and leaned against a wall. He sat there and tried to think about where he was.

He then decided he deal with this like everything: wing it. He pushed off the wall and just roamed the halls, which he found to be quite relaxing. He was surprised to see he passed no one, otherwise he would have just asked, but he just kept on going, not really fretting over it. He had to hit somewhere important eventually, at least that was his thought process on the matter. But, he didn't, storage rooms, bathrooms, and other random areas that seemed to only serve as quarters for the guards. It then struck him that he must've wandered so far that he managed to circle around the guards and was approaching their bedrooms.

He stopped. He thought it'd be stupid to go any further. He turned around and started to walk around again, continuing his wandering. The halls were silent, the party could be faintly heard, so he must've been close to it given the Sovereign's size, and he could see nothing but the sky out the windows that occasionally appeared. And here was about to kidnap a princess, he scoffed at himself, but kept going. He then heard steps and stopped, looking into the darkness of the hall, a warrior was stepping out. John could feel it and soon saw it.

He stepped forward, throwing caution to the wind, and held his hand on his sword handle as well. He noticed this man did the same and had armor that the guards were not so lucky to have as well as a stylish cape. This man was obviously above him, John was quick to let his hand off his sword, to leave it there in front of a superior was challenging their authority, and as much as he'd enjoy the fight it probably wouldn't be smart to engage. He looked forward and resumed his leisurely stroll, looking for where he needed to go.

John assumed he'd pass, paying no mind to a simple guard, but he surprised John. The man walked straight over to John and almost read his mind, which wasn't very hard, given John was looking around, obviously lost. John gave an honest smile and weak wave to greet the man. He thought it be important to play the role as himself, it was much easier than assuming a persona and getting caught.

"Name's John, sir. Forgive me, but I don't know your name. Much like I don't know where I am going." John said with a laugh. "But, yeah, I'm a bit lost. Don't think a communicator would've helped either, I am much too proud to admit such a thing on an open channel like that. Mind helping me? I'm looking for..." John paused thinking of where he wanted to go, he then realized he was just by the barracks. He sunk his head and rubbed his brow. "My, my. I am such a fool." He then had a epiphany and shot his index finger in the air. "Right! I was to watch by administration."


Arching an eyebrow the swordsman found this all rather..interesting. Though not a pompous or arrogant sort, few in the Empire didn't know who he was, his name was also unusual for an Imperial. "Hmm.. You must be from the reaches or the colony I take it?" Or was he just an idiot.. Operating on a principle of honesty the swordsman knew not all followed his ways but was willing to give them the benefit of a doubt in his dealings.

With hand still resting on blade this man seemed to be rather prideful.. He just came from the Barracks region, was he really so ashamed to ask for help from his fellow comrades. "I Guess man should depend on himself before others, Aye. I am Janus. Though Soldier you should be mindful about your duties, the administration office handles much in regards to paperwork and while not a prestigious posting pays and cares for Imperial Soldiers and Sailors and the common citizenry here aboard the Island. Tell me John, what is your resolve, dereliction of Duty is a serious offense even for a new recruit as you seem to be."

Waiting for the man's answer the Katana equipped guardsman seemed to be studying him with his gaze, as if to be a school teacher studying a student.


"Janus, sir, uh, I did come from the colonies. Actually my story is a humble one, this blade at my side? It is the only reason you see me here at this moment, my skill has got me this far, your words confuse me. Please forgive me if I offended ya'." John said before sighing and rubbing his neck, he knew that wouldn't serve to convince the man. "The reason I'm here? That's what you meant by resolve right? I don't wish to see death or pain befall anyone and it is my duty to stop it."

John pressed his thumb against his chest, getting very passionate when answering the question, but soon realized what he was doing and composed himself, clearing his throat.

"If that's what you meant that is…" John said, trailing off.


"A sword that protects is it? An Honorable ideal, but one that is hard to obtain in practice." Gripping his own blade the swordsman narrows his eyes. "What ultimately is good for all of the people and what of those we slay? Life and death are intertwined, the endless lovers. We may only justify with our own resolve and our own goals."

"Resolve is like steel, in practice a blade or chest plate shall be struck three times to test it's durability, the metal if you will.. So shall I test you with three strikes, you may do as you like with this-" Before he can finish a soft if somewhat arrogant voice a bit like Sorina's chuckles from behind the young swordsman as the Katana users face grimaces. Oddly the figure made little in the way of sound as they approached. "Oh just leave the poor boy alone, eheh.. Death is best given with no warning or your outdated notions of Honor, Janus.. Plus I do need your help finding some little Rats that went missing."

Making a grunting sound, the Katana user doesn't seem to much approve of her appearance but sighs slightly in response taking a battle stance. "It's not something I would expect one with an origin like yours to understand, but I will carry out a clash of blades with him.. Prepare yourself Guardsman." In a lightning fast deft motion, the Katana user wields his blade with one hand, carrying his helmet in his left still, in what has to be one of the swiftest drawing motions yet to be seen heading for John's chest plate. At the very least he wasn't trying to kill him..


John watches as the man grips his blade, he couldn't read him at the moment, he still seemed docile, but John had a feeling that could change at any second. He had just done what he tried to avoid at the start and it brought a smile to his face. Accepting the challenge, John gripped his blade, and continued to listen. Then a voice cut in, John couldn't help, but imagine the bodies Sorina left in her wake as it spoke, it sent shivers down his spine. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes widened, a woman stood behind him.

There's no way… I didn't hear her.

Janus seemed to know her which put John at ease, he knew he wouldn't fall to her blade at least, but as Janus continued to speak and seemed to be on equal terms with the woman, John didn't know if he'd survive Janus'. When he was warned of Janus' attack John readied his blade, drawing it and holding it before him, pointed at Janus who was already in motion.

That's a katana, I'm not testing his draw!

John thought as he rolled underneath the strike and slid behind Janus, resuming his stance.

Well, two more to go. Let's not die John.


"Only with the meeting of steel-" Turning in his strike to follow the dodging John, Janus swiftly tucks his blade upwards delivering a follow a follow up vertical slash aiming downwards as he speaks. "-can a man's true feelings be known!" On this strike the man lets go of his helmet following up with a traditional blade stance, as the helmet falls however, the smiling tan skinned girl with white hair swoops in staching the helmet as it nears the ground laughing hysterically as she does.

"Oh!? Two hands already?! Ahahaha, you must be really amused!" Watching the swordplay it seemed she was content with just watching, though the double ended sword at her side seemed to betray her smiling bandaged face. Though it didn't seem Janus was so much enjoying this as being slightly angry with John's evasive roll.


John only had to listen to the words "meeting of steel" to tell that the man was pissed. He should've known, all that talk about honor his friend was talking about was only a massive hint. He was an old warrior. He relied on methods of fighting that revealed who was better fighter by going all out. So, John took his blade and held it up at an angle, letting the man's strike slide off so that John could come to a stand.

"Alright, I here ya'. Kiya!" John shouted as he dashed forward.

He rose his sword behind him and tried to slash horizontally at the man, not expecting to land John caught it with his other hand to swing back with a strong two handed swing, making for a quick double slash.


"Ah, interesting."Janus says intercepting the first blow and twisting the blade in his hand to meet the second blow, the smaller bandaged tan girl rushes in, drawing her double sword, ducking in low and weaving in between Janus's frame and blade, her own double ended blade prys up between the two combatants, it seemed she was rather used to working with him to some extent, or lacked fear of injury to herself, regardless of the case, she chuckles briefly before speaking.

"Uh-uh-uhh, Three strikes, not four. Now, you come and help me Janus, you can play with him later." Disengaging herself the Katana user takes his helmet back from her outstretched left hand placing it upon his head. "Hmm, you fought well enough, though I sense some unease in your blade.. I do believe you have faith in your personal convictions at the least Young John…" Putting his blade away with his right hand in a swift motion born of practice, the swordsman points ahead of himself, back behind John.

"Pay close attention to the halls, follow tunnel A12 to connection B7, then take the third stair set on your right upwards. The Chief Administrative building for this sector is there about one block away on the surface deck, stylized like an old barracks with a Green roof, security fence, can't miss it. I have a feeling I'll be able to test you again soon as my smaller compatriot has said. The shifts change soon for that sector do not tarry in your duties."

Giving an Eastern bow the man turns and starts off the way he came, as the Tan bandaged girl, flips her blade at the mercenary. "Dereliction of Duty is punished by death…" Glaring at him she suddenly breaks into a wild grin, turning to run after the swordsman, sticking her tongue out at John in her parting. "Just K-i-d-d-i-n-g. Ahahaha!"


I see why I felt Sorina's presence now.

John thought to himself as he sheathed his weapon and watched the pair walk away. He then thought of the odds of any of the team actually beating the swordsman. Perhaps not in a one on one duel, but an ambush would take care of him. John smiled at the idea. As opposed to the swordsman John didn't grow up on the meaning of honor when it came to a blade it came down to technique and allies. That is how you worked in the Swiss army: together. It then struck him that he had ventured out alone.

Only proves the master right I suppose. Had I stayed with them I might've not gotten lost, but…

John looked down where the two had left for just a few more moments before turning and going about his way. He followed the instructions given to him by Janus and arrived at administration he then stood there, confused yet again, but not about where he was or what he was doing, he didn't know how to do it. He shook his head and just stood there like a guard, guarding the administration office until someone decided to tell him what to do. Those communication pieces they hand out sure look like jewelry to him at this point.

Infiltration is fun. Disguises are fun. Standing and waiting… all very fun!

John made an audible grunt as he stood there waiting.
~~~Team one breakdown responses.~~~



Glaring at Drayton his comment towards her was a rather odd one, he had seen her before after all. Was he just trying to sweet talk her into being calm, being an insufferable bastard or somewhere in-between. What she knew of him she was sure it was the later. Sighing a bit she watches the woman leave as Drayton went on his tirade about the woman and wanting to punch some of the nobles here. She had noticed that in the first meeting they had, he had something against nobles in general, that she herself didn't believe was purely because of his lowly birth

"While I'm sure information was part of it-" The part bit of her words had a bit of an acidly bite to it of note. "-she has to go back to him or another master and you cannot stay here. Unless you mean to take her with us, you only insure more of a terrible punishment for her. Only someone from here and constantly around could keep her safe from that. That strong looking Butler was watching the pair of you, though old maybe he'll act on her behalf."

Pointing at the white haired man with the strong looking jaw and beard, he suddenly vanishes into the crowd. "..Interesting.. Regardless William I highly doubt the sorts you want to punch would be out there guarding the various locations, the nobles you so hate are likely here in uniform or suit. It would sully one's standing in a court to shun your leader's party.." Explaining this as if talking to a small child the sudden announcement of the Royals arriving was a mood ruiner, even if a noble herself sitting around and waiting did not suit her.

"Damnable Humans and your waste of time over functionality... Well shall we?" Being careful to find the correct table that was reserved for the crew the Blood Devil had to admit she wasn't all that happy it had the company name. Though those thoughts soon were shoved aside with the decorum of the early ceremonial introduction. Not having time to see where William went off, he was likely talking to that Raven haired girl again.

"Oh not as impressive as I figured she would be." Sorina says softly upon the introduction of the Empress, she was basically like her photograph suggested. And the Princess seemed very uninterested in the whole affair, well small matter, Sorina could have her own fun with this party soon enough, eventually maybe even a bit of battle in these halls if her allies jumped the gun trying to snatch her here.

Walking away from her position Cecilia as she went by here, made her way towards the Piano. Grabbing the sides of her dress in a lady like bow, she addresses the gathered musicians who were preparing for a new piece while the party proper began. It would be extremely out of place is she didn't go for the fresh meals being brought in, so this provided a nice form of justification."Ah would you mind if I took over to play a piece for her Majesty and the others? I'm sure your men can follow along simple enough, plus should I fail then it is I who will be judged rather than you." Exchanging glances with his fellows they were slightly worried about it, but knew better than to say no to a noble...

Taking a seat at the piano the looks of anxiety quickly become relief, it seemed she knew her way around a piano, playing an Ancient Nobility piece from the days of when the Empire was a single city and Demon Armies roamed the land giving battle to angels.



"It is... Ah yes, how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Sylviana Lockwood of F-- Venesia, Lady Nightingale's Advisor. I must say, the Sovereign is certainly quite amazing. I've only heard of this wonder of a ship and this is my first time stepping foot inside. Do you... mind enlighten me about this ship?"

Noting the others slight hesitation and slip of tongue the man let's out a polite laugh, well what passed for a laugh on his end at least. Though she did find an unexpected opening with Lord Limington. "Ahaha, it is fine, some of us come from all around, my..wife was from outside the Empire, a truly wonderful woman, though I will not press the issue my lady. And ah she is magnificent isn't she? I'm the ships Chief Gunnery Officer, though of the Imperial Army and aided in her construction and design team. I am grateful I haven't had to use the main batteries." He says a bit prideful banishing a brief bit of sadness that seemed to show up on his face with his pause.

"Though the mess of a super structure was more the work of the nobles, the Navy isn't happy with it anymore than I am." Letting another one of his strange laughs as he continues. "Oh with the Lady Nightingale's party? The Empire appreciates her trade, well those who are less isolationist among us..." With the announcement of the Empresses arrival the man resorts to his trademark SMASHING comment before turning his attention back to Sylviana. "Ah Lady Lockwood you should get back to your Lady. I'll seek you out after I greet her Majesty to continue our conversation, Yes indeed!" Wandering off from her, it seemed true to word he occupied one of the closest and by that Senior tables.

Once all was said and done with his greeting of the Empress and a kiss placed upon the ring marking her as Empress the man keeps his word seeking Silvania out in the party. "Ah Lady Sylviana, I must say I'm surprised the Princess is here, Perhaps you and your Lady would like an introduction with Her Majesty the Empress? Of course I can also share more stories about my third pride and joy." Laughing once more it begged the question of what the first two were.

~~~Team two breakdown responses~~~
John for his part arrives to the location the Guardsman had given without much issue being while convoluted a rather straightforward path. Gazing at the grounds and building it seemed to be running a rather skeleton level crew. Likely because of the Empress's Birthday. One of the guards notices John immediately.

"About fucking time, you sod.. I should have been out of here twenty minutes ago." Grumbling it did pose one very important question, where in the hell was the actual guard.. Giving a Salute with his Magitek rifle the Soldier marches off in a semi goosestep fashion, wearing only a chest plate, boots, fatigues and his helmet. John couldn't do much on his own right now, or without the explosives, but can observe the Patrols. In the inner courtyard three sets of two guards patrolled the interior at five minute intervals, on the inside he could see four to six guards patrolling at random intervals and there was a single guard at the door way, various amounts of Civilian workers turned up time to time carrying out their jobs.

Suddenly without warning a rather Awkward situation unfolds, the actual guard turns up. "Ah! Hello...OHHH! I Need to go to the bathroom, p-please hold the gate a bit longe-- Oh! Not again!!!" Running off through the gate and into the building an unfortunate case of bowl sickness had just bought John a bit more time..



Wandering off his own out of the idea of saving time to hit multiple targets had some logic to it, but it lacked one thing, tactical sense. While he laid the first charges with little to no issues given the mysterious disappearance of the supposedly always on duty engine crew the reasoning to this soon becomes apparent as Taka is caught in plain view of one of the central catwalks on both ends.

Walking through bulkheads on both ends three men from the front, two from the rear, carrying bottles of wine and plates of food the others couldn't be too far away, even for a secondary nature of this engine room it was still crucial to providing maneuvering power and electrical energy to this section of the ship, the fact they were taking it so easy to allow the normal compliment of twenty to fifty men to wander about showed the lax nature of this holiday. Heads would roll had this became known.

"Oi who da fuck are you!? Think yer a bit lost yah fuck'n Army Boy, this is Navy Turf, get los-" Says the oldest of the Engineers, holding an iron wrench with aviator goggles on his forehead, he catches site of what would amount to Taka with his pants down. A crystal with a mechanical device and turn dial timer attached, while he was an airship engineer, it didn't exactly take one to figure what was in his hands. "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN TO MAH BABY?! MAH BABY!!! GET EM BOYS!" Charging forward with a variety of tools in their hands, the crewmen seemed to planned beating him into unconsciousness rather than asking questions or for explanations. Though the third man in the front group seems to have the presence of mind to immediately reach his hand for the Emergency Alarm, sabotage wasn't a matter to go around beating people with Wrenches with.

Depending on how this was dealt with the attempts to save time could give the team less time.. If not worse.


@Ehb @Karyra

As the two depart and reach the Munitions depot a massive slanted concert structure with a pair of massive iron doors surrounded by a chain-link fence. A few ventilation slits and Iron hatches were located along the top and roofs. With a few side doors that were opened with the massive dual doors that serviced a magitek rail cart operating from the port, security and general activity was unexpectedly high. Firstly in the loading zone a platoon of thirty-six soldiers was marching as a Magitek music player put out a marching tune. A soldier, a Sargent judging by his positioning and inclusion of a cape in his garb booms out orders.

"LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT. RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS, PRESENT ARMS. ALL HAIL HER MAJESTY!" Marching in lockstep the soldiers turn their head to the right, shouldering their rifles and giving a mock salute. "COME ON YOU LOT WE CAN'T STAY HERE ALL DAY, MOVE YOUR ASSES LADIES!" Yes Sergeant Major they yell in unison.

Shouldering rifles the Imperials seemed to be magitek riflemen, preparing for some form of parade, perhaps even after party show. Judging by the unit patches they were part of Munition Depots guard, if that was the case then this Platoon was to join the various Regiments in a Military Parade. Moving on from that spectacle two men guarded the gate, leaning on lances they seemed fairly bored as loan patrolmen carry out laps on the outside of the fence. On the Interior numerous men amounting to a dozen or so men in fatigues pushing cart loads of boxes containing crystals, or wagon loads of massive shells for the Fortress Cannon Batteries on this level. From what they could see on the interior a number of officers and engineers were walking the lower levels, sheets in hand taking inventory. The upper gangways seemed fairly empty of activity soldiers taking breaks up there to smoke or to shirk duties before being yelled at.

In spite of, or perhaps because of the Ceremony the soldiers assigned to this depot were carrying out a beehive of maintenance activity, though security in some regards seemed fairly light. While a stealthy infiltration could be possible a wrong slipup would mean the Platoon currently practicing it's march would be on full alert to aid in the defense of the site. Straight up charging the facility was a suicide mission. One small comfort is the soldiers were highly unlikely to fire into the munitions depot.


@everyone else that did not leave the bathroom and it's halls.

Approaching the group gathered outside was an Imperial Soldier, wearing a simple uniform with an eagle like badge on his cap, he seemed not the least concerned with those gathered in the halls. "Evening Troopers.. Excuse me, I need to take a piss."

Not waiting to hear from them or to be stopped the soldier pushes in past Yumi, gently moving her aside with a smile to his face. Entering the Bathroom he says a couple of lines that Immediately Venrid takes notice of.

"In the Kingdom it is raining, in the Empire it Is Sunny, the Doge counts his money." Unzipping his pants the man takes a piss in a stall, before washing his hands off and giving Venrid a handshake. Beckoning the man to follow him outside. Eyeing the group up the man's face takes a sour expression.

"I can't take long, one hell of a scary Imperial Guard Bitch is hunting me down after I gave that security team that bullshit story.. And while paid off I doubt the others will stay silent for long under her tender mercies." Not really bothering to explain the spy shudders. Noticing a crate is missing and others rummaged in. Getting a bad feeling about this he swears silently. "I take it they are new to this Business ehh? Bloody Doge... I'm not staying long, My head will end up on a pike, but I may need to find your friends or get the network moving.."

Turning his attention towards the rest, the officer reaches into his pocket pulling out a crudely drawn map. "First off a refresher, the targets of value to slow this massive monster down and provide the diversion are one these levels in section two. First is the Engines the Crew has for the most part stepped out thanks to a gift from the party, but that won't last long. Next is the Munitions Depot.. I would reconsider that one the commander is taking inventory, and the Guards Unit is practicing for the Parade, though they won't be there long.. While not a priority target the main administrative building of this area would be a good target, would hamper repair issues. For the love of the three beings don't hit the west wing of it, a daycare is ran there for the Imperial workers... though in these attacks Civilian deaths will be unavoidable regardless. I recommend a group of you head for that at once." Pausing to let that sink in, the man moves onwards down his list.

"Next up the 21st fighter wing is housed in this area, while the pilots are off duty or current in the air to join the parade, the destruction of it's fuel depot in Hangar Twelve would be a loss that will likely gut that whole hangar area.. Then finally while I won't give you orders I highly recommend your whole group hits Reactor Two.

It is the primary target, if she goes up the Imperials will be forced to put her into the sea or dry-dock for repairs. Everything else is of secondary importance... While they alone will slow the ship this is most important, during the chaos you are to return to your ship, the gunners in this section will be on leave as the battery will be in the process of maintenance care. Try and coordinated your assault on that location within an hour if you can and be out of here shortly thereafter. I shall warn you the Imperial guard is no slouch. I need not say this again in your current state of weapons and gear, but avoid direct combat with them if possible."

Finishing his rather long briefing the spy adjusts his cap and smiles thinly. "I hope the Empress likes the fireworks at least." Ripping the handmade map into shreds and throwing it into a trash bin, the man takes on his identity as an Imperial officer as a patrolling group nears.

"Get these boxes out of my sight and be on about your jobs, though I may be interested in purchasing that little slave of yours, she seems like she knows how to clean a toilet or two. And give me a bloody proper salute next time, before I have you on the grounds shoveling horse shit for the next year!" Shouting that at all of those in guards armor, the man spins on his heels marching off down the halls, leaving them to continue their mission as he gets the two guards patrolling to follow him.


Returning to the Empress's room Daedalus salutes smartly in the presence of the other guard and the Empress, giving a brief overview of the security status and guest list, Daedalus compliments the Empress on her appearance, before reaching into his blacken armor presenting the Empress a jeweled pendant in Imperial livery with an Eagle grasping bright gems in it's talons.

"I find this to be better than to just say Happy Birthday as I'm sure most of the nobles will. Heh... Men. ATTENTION. Prepare to escort the Empress and the Princess! Form Ranks!" YES MY LORD comes the booming reply as the Ashen Knight smiles thinly, now he had to deal with the insufferable fools.. Handmaidens gathered to the flanks of the Empress as always he would simply take up the position of a bodyguard slightly positioned to the rear.

Keeping to the left and behind the Empress the Guard Commander scans the crowd hand on his blade as the procession marches through the halls and into the ballroom, with expert precession the guards perform the welcoming salute as the herald announces their arrival, kneeling beside the throne the Knight moves ahead with the hand maiden and waits on his knees with head bowed as the pair ascend on the dais. The Empress even going as far to help the princess in her climb. Standing to his feet, and drawing his blade in salute, as the Empress gives her speech. As the Empress carries out her toast, he sweeps his blade aside leading a war cry that the soldiers answer in kind. "HAIL THE EMPRESS." HAIL THE EMPIRE! comes the clipped reply as the soldiers disperse. Chuckling bit Daedalus whispers next to the Empress. "Normally it's not a good idea to bring up Death at ones birth, an ill omen on the frontier."

Getting a small smirk in return he notices a few of the nobles staring daggers at his expense. Jealous fools... and humorless for the most part at that. Watching as the Gunnery Commander with the strange laugh gives the Empress a cordial greeting the elderly butler hurriedly approaches him, whispering something rather interesting in his ear, turning slightly pale the Commander whispers to him in turn. "They are missing.. And someone is trying to get my communicator frequency.. that claims to be that person? Get back to me immediately. Go!" Saying the last bit in not so much a whisper as a direct command, the Elderly man gives a bow heading off at speed, this was of concern.. The safety of the two women under his charge was of the upmost importance however, he could not leave just yet.

"Your Majesty I may have to leave your side for a bit, as a warning."
Whispering this to Kyrie he didn't want to get in the way of her party a bit wishing he had not teased her so with the speech, the Ashen Swordsman keeps to his duties, while he was little more than furniture in this capacity he had to wait on his older friend to return with the information he needed.

~~Meanwhile elsewhere~~

The spy from before wanders the halls whistling as he walks, having gotten the two traveling guards distracted with guarding a bay some minutes ago, the man was home free. Everything was fine, would be fine, or so he tells himself, as a figure approaches him tapping his right shoulder from behind, he has his hand on a small dagger, exhaling lightly upon seeing the face. "Oh it'-" Before he can finish a dagger is jabbed into his own throat, with a look of surprise and horror the spy grips his post, as he can hear a snicker of sorts and his life fades. "...y-you...b-it-ch...w-w-hy..."

Some time later the two Elite Guardsman would find his body as the girl is rather disappointed. "Aww! I wanted to question him!" She says as her Katana wielding partner grunts. "You mean you wanted to torture him to death.." Grinning as she searches the body, she finds a piece of parchment left on the corpse containing the most curious of notes, and for the Commander none the less. "Oh..what's this..who killed him wants to talk to him. Ahahahaha! That's funny!"
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Izurich


Seven simply nodded at the Drow.Accepting her request to accompany her.

In cover and out of sight Seven and his unlikely partner looked over the surrounding area. The whole area was buzzing with activity. There wasn't any room to mess up.

He looked over to the drow.

"It looks like this is just a power keg ready to go off. And it's pretty well loaded. You don't suppose that if we snuck an explosive into one of those ammunition carts, the blast radius would be enough to set off the whole store, right? If one of those carts coming up the tracks is loaded with the right ordinance the explosion that it causes can set the chain reaction that'll blast this entire place apart."

Reaching into his vest, he pulled out a single explosive and detonator.

"I don't know about you, but that's probably going to be the most efficient way to go about it."
Taka did a quick double take at the armed and angry engineers, having not heard them thanks to the noise of the engines. He acted quickly, and took off down the narrow corridors that ran between the engines. But then he remembered that he probably shouldn't let them call for back up. With a throwing motion, Buras appeared from Taka's outstretched hand and rocketed towards the poor man that decided to try and call for help. With claws outstretched and aimed for the face, Buras made quick work of the whistle blower, not quite blinding him but very close to it. And as the whistle blower grabbed at his face in pain, Buras flew off and was circling back around for another pass at anyone else that tried to raise the alarm. 'Stay safe' they mentally said to each other as Taka resumed his escape in between the engines.

If there was one good thing about this, was that they couldn't all rush him and had to come one by one or two by two, courtesy of the narrow passages. But the major draw back was that he didn't know where he was going. He could look at the map, but that would mean he'd have to slow down. And slowing down meant his pursuers would catch up with their wrenches. So he put his trust in luck, and kept running. Shame luck let him down, as the engineers, who knew this labyrinth much better then he, managed to get around him. So he had to improvise.

"WAIT!" He shouted above the din of the engines, holding the satchel charge he still had a hold of above his head. "I have just one bomb, don't you think it'd be smarter to find the others I placed? Or maybe capture me alive so I can defuse the things? I don't want to die here as much as you, but if I'm to die, then I'll be taking you and the Sovereign with me. Or, you can look at it in another way. I'll be providing you with a job to do, and I'm pointing out the weaknesses in your baby. Once these bombs detonate, you'll be able to fix them. You're all rational, thinking men, I'm sure you can see the truth in what I say."

Words were good and all, but he was still ready for a fight. The satchels weren't sensitive to contact, so he could use that as a weapon and brain a couple of them. And people often forgot about his wing, which he could use as a third arm to some extent and batter his opponents. Plus for some reason everyone thought he was older then what he really was, which he could use to his advantage.

As the minutes dwindled past, Venrid remained standing in front of his stall. The need to relieve himself having passed some time ago, he was now instead waiting for the staged plans to move forward. Not long after the sound of a familiar voice approached from the bathroom entrance, and he gave a nod to the gentleman who entered to signal that the stalls were empty. Watching as the spy took up a few stalls down from him, Venrid smirked at the olden phrase he muttered.

"In the Kingdom it is raining, in the Empire it Is Sunny, the Doge counts his money..."

"And the sultan is taking a piss."

With both men taking in shared laughs they finished their business and turned to the faucets. Once clean Venrid clasped the Spy's hand firmly.

"You look uglier than I last saw you." "Yeah? Way I recall it, Clara always said I was the looker." ... "She picked the better man." "Heh." "That thrall out there looks a bit like little Miyu. She's grown so much since ya held her. Looks just like her mother. Cute as-- " "... Don't start with yer damn family. Ain't the time." "All right all right hah, come on."

Following the man out Venrid takes a glance at the group outside and soon notices that they're two missing from their rank.

"What happened to the old man and mountain boy?"

Being told that the two left on their own accord and took a crate of explosives with them, hiss face can't help but display his vexation as its jaw clinch and brows furrow into their usual scowl. Not remarking on it however, Venrid simply lets things be and directs his attention to the Spy instead as he begins their briefing. Adding lip when the time strikes him.

"I can't take long, one hell of a scary Imperial Guard Bitch is hunting me down..."

""I take it they are new to this Business ehh? "Newborns at this point."

"Bloody Doge... I'm not staying long, My head will end up on a pike, but I may need to find your friends or get the network moving.." "Don't bother unless ye run into em. They're dead weight now. Lucky if they don't trip the damn alarms. Fucking idiots."


While not worth mentioning, it was cases like present which were the reason Venrid hated working with outsiders. Most if not all were subject to their ego and felt they could do a better job than the man on the inside. That or they lacked the patience for infiltration work and couldn't stay the fuck still or not jump the gun. It took types the opposite of those people to get the job done and someone experienced to be done right. Even than all it took was a single idiot to ruin a well laid plan and dash a month's effort away within a sole moment. The damnable fools usually ended up thinking they helped too.

If it had been anyone else, other than Agatha, then Venrid would not be within the Sovereign or have spent two weeks inside her jaws. If it had been anyone else, he would have flatly told them. No.


As the spy began to touch on the finer details of the map Venrid out of the corner of his eye noticed the Rothmer talking to the twitchy lad with red hair. The boy in particular had earned Venrid's scorn for how much he adjusted his infernal tie and darted his eyes about like he was in search of pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Not to mention the detail of not even bringing a damn weapon. What'd he think they were here for? A quick tour of the warship and then a fireworks display? He seemed more the type to be in team one, but with how he acted maybe that's why he wasn't there.

At the very least Venrid was glad his confidence in the Rothmer had proven correct, she was already aiming to hit the munitions depot while the rest lagged behind. When the spy eventually paused to let the rest of the group absorb what he had said or put forward questions, Venrid moved to the side and called out to the two before they could escape earshot.


He shouted down the empty hall. Seeing her cherry toned face turned toward him, he simply said

"The shadows are yer only ally." before returning to the rest of the group.

The words, while butchered, were a Rothmer proverb of sorts. Often told to the young, it needed no explanation when one understood the context. Venrid hoped the thief would adhere to his advice and be able to help later with the reactor. But for now, he had to insure the rest of the diversion succeeded without a miss.


Looking to the remaining crate of explosives he'd set down earlier, pondering on how best to divide it, Venrid notices the timers inside were in plain view through a crack left by the last sorry sod to open it. Cursing his terrible luck he saunters on over and takes a seat on the lid in order to press it close. Folding his arms, and looking around, he pointlessly searchs the halls for anyone who may have passed by and seen it.


As the rest of the group gives a mock salute to the spy and see's him off, Venrid's face hangs on a cold stare as some turn around to face him.

"Let me set things straight. We're not here for the fucking party. ... ... So wandering off on yer own is just asking for trouble. If ya evade death and capture yer still gonna trip the goddamn alarms. And in minutes these halls will be crawling with guards. ... Our measly arms won't stand a chance in hell of matching em and we can only run so far...

So just remember that and that in an hour the air boat and me will be leavin. ... ... And there won't be no spare moment for ya or anyone else who fucks off on their own. So if yer smart you'll do as I'm telling ya and we can all get off this flying prison. Ya hear?... Good. Now nough talk."

"Monkey and Gun Girl, we can make due without the old man. Head to the hangars." "White Knight, take the witch with ya and the kid too, head down to admin."

With his orders given, Venrid again showed no signs of wanting to entertain objections. He knew the larger the groups were the better, and that they had to have some sense about em. They couldn't very well have the thralls wandering about on their own unattended, or a guard roaming off duty. No, they had to have a reason for being where they were. For Venrid and company it could be delivering fuel and a mechanic. For the White Knight and party helping with the paperwork.

Heaving a sigh at lifting the crate and the thought of the journey ahead of him to hanger two. Venrid leaves the halls with his hopeful two companions, as they make their way through the rather dull and somewhat short trek to the hangar's entryway. There, being greeted by a large and rather cavernous opening in the warship, a handful of fighter air boats dot their field of view on both sides of the otherwise empty runway. Off to the side a group of fuel tanks can be seen just across the wayside while above them is a catwalk that stretches toward the colossal opening at the end which leads to a evening sky.
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"Ngrh..." Treading with his injuries through the hallways of his airship home base, the smith's thoughts pondered on the realization of being at war. This mission was pretty much a scuffle between mercenaries and pirates, in comparison to the actual bloodshed that transpired between the empire and the kingdom and its allies. A topic that Herman would typically brush away, but is impossible to be oblivious to. While he felt excitement through combat, the fact that death lurks and is a simple misstep away gave him a slight chill. There was never a good time to be inattentive in a full-blown fight. His grazed arm and aching body was definite proof of that.

"Y-yo, Marumei." Herman addressed the blonde Lilim who made her gesture. "Ahaha, that'd be great... thanks for yer concern." The flustered smith scratched his cheek and blindly set down the materials he gathered from the residue of the Midas onto the card platform she erected. "O-oi! Ye didn't have ta...! Ngh..." Before he knew it, Herman was aching way less now, courtesy of the Lilim's healing ability. "That helped out a bunch. Yeah, Doc Kamov will hav' less ta' worry 'bout. Thanks, really."

What followed was a scenario that he never would have expected; a kiss on the cheek by the blonde witch. "...!" The blacksmith became frozen from surprise, his cheeks tinted red and could not be more oblivious to the fact that his loot was stolen. "W-woah. Heheh..." He couldn't help but utter a smile of victory, for a reason or another.

One month and two weeks later, at the dark skies near Imperial territory...

"Holeeeee shiiiit...." A great deal of anxiety ran through the wide-eyed smith's being, now that they were facing the gargantuan flying fortress that made all other airships he'd witnessed look like literal and figurative ants, the Sovereign. "Hah... Hahah..." He had two weeks to compose himself, but obviously it wasn't enough to minimize his worries, not that it'd help in any way. This was, without a doubt, the greatest blunder Herman would give his undivided attention to avoid in his juvenile life span. The awe-inspired look on the others' faces were absolute despite not showing traces of fear and anxiety like he did, but a great deal of tension was felt as the Lughanta airship inched closer to their objective. "Get yer shit together... We can do this... Dangers be damned..."

Two weeks ago, at the Lughanta War Room

"?!" As if synchronizing with everyone's reaction in the war room, the blacksmith was astonished at the gravity of the mission they were about to partake. Definitely not cut out for this shit. As someone who always turned down issues of conflict between the Kingdom and the Empire, it was as if destiny knew where Herman lived his lazy ass off, and pulled him directly into the epicenter of a great war inbound. Would refusing to participate in this dangerous undertaking be justified cowardice? No. Regardless of his decision, now that he's a earshot witness to this covert ops, as Agatha clearly and grimly stated, even he wouldn't get out of this unscathed.

"Shit... Is this what I get fer wantin' adventure...?" Herman tried his best not to show his mixed feelings of fear, anxiety, and contemplating his commitment towards the Lughanta company. The mission with Yellowbeard was hella risky on its own, but this? Even the others in that war room ejaculated the absurdity of this gravely important mission. It's no mistake that the captain was telling the crew to "carry the weight of Bumi on their shoulders". Brendorn Imperium was no joke and thus, a topic he preferred to avoid. Perhaps it was fear, after all.

Herman spent the rest of the meeting in awkward silence, and for a glaringly conspicuous reason that was different from the Yellowbeard operation. He focused and listened in great detail as to the contents of this mission that would change his unconcerned view of the bigger picture for the world at hand. This is no time to be lazy Garfield. "Cap'n chose me fer this very reason... We'll succeed... Like we always have."

Having two weeks to prepare, the blacksmith set out and polished everything he could: from his physical combat ability, to socializing, to... being sophisticated. As he did so, Herman tried his hardest to remove that lingering disquietude that was interrupting his focus. Needless to say, the fourteen days where Sol and Luna interchange... were the busiest the smith exerted effort to in his lifetime.

"Mom... Dad... Just sit tight. I won't let anythin' happen to Venesia."

A bit later, at the Grand Ball...

Keeping a calm and proper composure that was definitely out of his character back at the airship, Herman followed suit behind Agatha as his bodyguard and beside Silva, who acted as her advisor. Conjoining them were the rest of Team 1 who were in their most elegant attires. His own trepidation made him forget, and just now realize how alluring the female mercs looked in their ball gowns, even the barbaric Sorina. "Hooo... They're definitely not playin' around." Herman pondered, prioritizing in surveying his surroundings, as a bodyguard should.

But none of that, for now. The fate of a determinant war that will shake the foundation of Bumi rests in their hands... If there was a time to erase any thought of fooling around, it would be now. However... playing the part of an active guest would surely diminish any form of suspicion within the Empire's doors. Herman separated from Agatha and Silva, but only within a considerable distance as the lively ball resumed and music and chatter were booming. In that regard...


"Sooooooooooooo, as I was sayin'! I beat that sonuvabitch up when I saw him oglin' mi'lady Agatha. Really, though! Can't be helped if the lady's real attractive, am I right?"

"Indeed! She isn't a Nightingale for nothing. Miss Agatha's quite elegant today."

"Woah there, buddy. Don't make me sink this fist on yer' teeth."

The sounds of laughter were present where Herman was, interacting with a small group of nobles as if he were more a host than a lowly bodyguard. If there was one visible trait that Herman retained in this mission, it would be his ability to mingle with the crowd like a social butterfly, drawing the guests to him like bees to honey. This was the sole image that made him feel like himself.

"So tell us, Mr. Blofeld! Where do you hail from?"

"Born n' raised in Venesia, madame. They say all the heartthrobs and studmuffins come from there."

"Well, they most certainly aren't wrong, dearie."

"Ahahaha! Cheers n' jeers! For the Empire!"

"Cheers! For the Empire!"

They shared a toast in unison, and continued further with their casual gossip. Despite his discernible tomfoolery, not once did he let his guard down, making glances towards Agatha and the rest from time-to-time. He stopped for a moment when Silva seemed to be in danger from the deviants in the ball, but his worry was for naught when he noticed a male figure stepping up for her. "Tsk..." Herman clicked his tongue, then went back to socializing with his fellow guests. For the time being, just play the part and keep it cool. Their "target" hasn't arrived yet.

After some time had passed however, the ball's overwhelming and colorful sounds slowly ground to a halt. Chattering ceased as the right-hand of the Empress, the Judge Magister, made her announcement for everyone to pave way for the arrival of the Imperial Empress. Preparations were made, and Herman left his acquaintances and convened with Agatha for the time being.

Everyone present stood silent and turned their attention towards the gargantuan wooden doors of the mansion, opening up and revealing none other than the birthday girl herself, Empress Kyrie Regina Brendorn. "...." Herman was awestruck and intimidated at the same time, his sight glued to the most elegant woman in that ball, without a doubt. The Empress was undaunted in her pacing towards her throne with her servants and soldiers making way for her.

Not too long after, the second most important person in the hierarchy of Brendorn and their primary target: Olivia Amaryllis Brendorn followed suit. Herman's orbs were once again glued towards a single direction, though this time he was more beguiled than frightened. "Whoa... She really is different from her sister...!" While the Empress was a fiery aggressive beauty, her younger sister was a pure and delicate, like a dandelion flower. The contradistinction was unmistakable as the two stand side-by-side.

At last, the woman of the hour commenced her formalities, and no voice other than hers were heard within the mansion. Herman stood tall and attentive beside Agatha, his head still as a rock facing Empress Kyrie and Princess Olivia. The nobles in full support of her campaign roared their full-fledged sentiment, giving Herman and the others the air of tension. He glanced around as their booming voices became louder. "... Damn."

The Grand Ball resumed, much livelier than ever now with the two grand figures of the Empire making their presence known and figuratively lighting the party on fire. They separate from each other, giving the team ample time to nab the princess. Unfortunately, the guards are on very high alert. Distractions were needed, along with Team 2's success in order to minimize conflict. With that said, Herman gestured to his "young mistress" and leaned closer, speaking calmly and softly.

"Leave the Judge Magister to me, mi'lady."

The tanned young man inched closer, but not to the point of gaining suspicion, to where the female-in-question stood and finally reached her. She seemed to be as vigilant as ever, as if to make sure everything was going smoothly. However, she was alone, for the most part.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

The golden-eyed beauty's presence was leaving a mark on him all of a sudden. "Y-you can do this... Youcandothisyoucandothisyoucandothis!" Taking small steps forward, Herman eventually approached the unaccompanied belle.

"You seem worn out, mi'lady."

Herman, making his own appearance known to the Judge Magister, gestured by lowering her head with closed eyes and an unruffled smile. He continued.

"As a bodyguard myself, I can sympathize with how taxing it must get to keep our mistresses safe. Why not take it easy fer a while?"

"Ah, my name is Hugo. Hugo Blofeld. Guardian to Lady Agatha Nightingale. My sincere apologies if I may end up pestering you."

Herman, at that moment, was mustering the extent of his capabilities to be as "sophisticated" as possible. If he screws up, it's all over for them. May the Divine One help Herman.

Izurich (Agatha, Emilia-tan)
LowDefinition (Silva)
RedArmyShogun (Sorina)
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~~~~~@Team Two A (Stros and Co)~~~

As the group ventures forth into the cavernous hold it seemed the earlier words of the spy hold true, most of the fighters seemed to be out with a few slotted here and there and only a handful of mechanics and patrollers on duty. Overall the Security was fairly light in the further expanses, with security being heaviest on the catwalks and the grounds around the fuel depot it's self. Consisting of largely a handful of men armed with lances and swords a few gunners were on the upper catwalk.

Overall things could be dealt with, even for Mercenaries for whom such work was unaccustomed. However the sudden urgency in regards to time becomes painfully if not horrifyingly apparent. With the death of the earlier unknowingly to team Two. Coupled with the deaths of some other members the sleeper cell springs into action, remotely triggering the timers. No one had questioned how the bombs would be detonated in a systematic manner with targets spread apart across this district of the massive warship.

With a faint buzz and a brief flash, the crystal made bombs gave a clear warning, they were active with the timed thirty minute fuse set, with thirty minutes already past, it made sense now why the mission brief said within an hour. Though they still had plenty of time, only a skilled craftsman with a toolset or a strong enough electrical shock could prevent the explosives fatal countdown from continuing. It would take a good set of ears or when they finally opened the crate back
~~~ @Beowulf ~~~

Cornering the old man, well youkai, as their other friend yelled and screamed at the bird, throwing the occasional wrench or bottle at the flying creature while screaming curses. As the other four look at one another, it seemed this guy was one of those islanders... The crew chief listening to the mans words takes a sour look to his face.

"Oi, the piss you been drink'n? Help us defuse them? And like bloody fuck that would take us down, heh this bloody engine room helps with maneuver'n... Why in the piss am I tell'n you all this. Now just give up old man or we're gonna crown you a few times.. Even if yah helped ain't nothing to keep yah from acting up on us, or me sending a run-- Heh then bring'n out that wing'o yours. Heh as if we're gonna fight some monster up close... PELT EM BOYS!"

In some bizarre if not absurd antics, the mechanics begin drawing various tools and hurling them at Taka, all the while the leader chuckles and laughs. Though Taka had superior senses his type wasn't exactly known for its physical prowess, in some ways it devolved into a game of dodgeball played with Wrenches and screwdrivers. With a few connecting and a few missing, the Leader hurls his own wrench impacting squarely with satchel causing the bomb to become visible. Turning deathly pale the Mechanics all turn wide eyed at what they seen next, with the leader dropping his wine bottle from his left, crashing to the floor and breaking.

"Infernal Hells!!! Are you Fook'n Insane you old coot!?" Suddenly the bomb satchel Taka was holding begins to glow and pulse emitting a faint buzz... the bomb had armed it's self... Turning to run at speed, the Mechanics momentarily forget about Taka, rushing for emergency fire suppression systems or the exit, with the damnable spirit owl not helping the situation. Not trained combat soldiers they weren't exactly used to having a stand off or bomb wielding infiltrators. When suddenly with little warning and Imperial Guardsman in bright red armor arrives on the scene.

"Back to your posts!" As the panicking Mechanics explain the situation, the man gives a solemn nod. "Good work, get to finding those bombs, when the glow and buzz starts to grow more rapid get out. But for now find them, throw them out the crash chute.. Unless you have some sort of electrical stunner, I'll call this in, take him into custody." Being lead down, the armored guard doesn't seem in the least bit concerned with the spirit owl, given his thick armor Taka's companion could do little more than annoy him. Reaching the landing Taka was backed into, the guard doesn't bother drawing his weapon, giving a firm eye to eye gaze, his right eye brinks briefly in a friendly wink.

"You there, don't resist, you are coming with me.. Put the Explosive down and walk forward with your hands up. Contain the bird as well." Getting Taka to follow him, the guard sighs heavily once they exit the room.

"I dunno if they'll find all of them, but that was pretty risky... I'm with.. let's just say friends of friends. I was asked to check out the area's the bombs are being activated early... We have a leak of some sort.. Already a few of us are being killed.. I can't stay here long, I might be next." Glancing back and forth down the hall the guardsman continues. "Look I'm turning you loose, somewhere you can get patched up, but find your friends.. Go back in there to finish the job at your own risk, or get out of here.. I can't stick around here." Hurriedly walking off he cuts Taka loose.

~~~ @Ehb @Karyra ~~~

While Seven is busy going about his idea with waiting on a train cart, or smuggling the bomb aboard one of the workers own carts, as luck, or perhaps misfortune. Coming to life in his hands, the bomb likely provided a bit of a scare to the pair. Prompting a sense of urgency, though a bit of luck smiles upon, one of the guardsmen stops briefly in his patrol. Following his head it could be anyone's guess, watching the birds or clouds, stopping to stretch, whatever the case the guardsman's halt had broken the predicted timing of the patrols leaving a slight window of opportunity. As a worker goes off with a stack of crates on a pushcart a momentarily dead zone appears in the Imperial lines. In another show of a mixed blessing a rail transport from the loading bays makes it's way up from the distance, though with benches on it, rather than crates, perhaps to transport the currently training rifle squad to the Parade grounds, or to pick up munitions to be shipped from the depot.

Either way while the bomb becoming active with the warning fresh in there minds in regards to the time limit of the mission, now being painfully apparent.