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Specific Mentions of: @☆Luna☆ @Ehb and @Izurich

At least Agatha seemed to relax some after hearing Sonya's concerns. Was it a test? As if Sonya was about to leap across the room and kill their employer for not even a really direct dig at her. Sonya could take insults with the best of them, came with the territory. Still... that was kind of pointless, as it didn't really prove anything to anyone except that Sonya knew that her boss was watching her. There were ways to sneak out information that didn't need to be direct. That was if Sonya even cared to do them, though.

This was still risky and unbelievably reliant upon a warlord empress not deciding to blast them all away. And that in itself was a gamble. The Empire did enjoy their slaves though...

At least they considered a disguise of guards with team one. Looked like her group would be engineers and servants in the ship, which was easy enough to do. Of course... her team had Yumi and Seven in it. Yumi hung around the mystery man and seemed to be a scout like herself. But those eyes were Moon Elf and the ears were Youkai. Sonya tended to avoid the duo if only because she liked not worrying about a knife in her back. Then again, that could come from anywhere on this ship.

Yumi was nice enough but Sonya just had no reason to reach out on her own. Those eyes could cut as well as be kind, and Sonya had enough betrayal for a lifetime. If Yumi made the first decisive move, Sonya could reciprocate, but for now it was a stalemate.

Yumi commented on her child-like looks but the blood devil noble Sorina seemed to solve that along with everyone else. Have more confidence, kid. People underestimate kids, that's why people tend to forgo childhood for money.

Sonya rolled her eyes and noted the agitation from the red guy, Seven. Yeah this mission was risky, and even Sonya didn't feel right going into the ship in disguise. Her own presence made things riskier, but this wasn't in the city proper either so...

But what he running from?

At least the guy who spoke next had the same reservations. "So we're just doing a risky gamble that is better than sitting around doing nothing? I mean, that's fair, but we do this and we probably just become a target. Besides, we also should look into our princess, else she has some magic or device that she keeps in reserve in order to prevent this from happening."

Sonya let the reservation show through on her face. "If this goes right, we have a chance we won't spark the war we are trying to prevent. If it goes wrong, we all get executed. I'll do what you want me to do, but the reality of it is that this mission isn't ideal. It'd be more feasible if we just took money or something and make that embargo have more weight behind it."

But even then that lovely Empress could still act with whatever war machines she had on hand without money.

Yumi protested the implication of moving teams. Sonya was glad, Yumi had actual experience as a scout. Sonya could fake it for a while but sooner or later they'd figure out that she was casing places, assessing monetary value not strategic value.

"But I guess we should just leap in for the moment, seems like this has too many moving pieces for us to nitpick too much. If this is the plan that we have to go with, I say I'm in. I'll play a thrall for team two, I doubt they'll just accept a Drow Engineer. Never kidnapped a princess before, maybe I can start using it as a brag in bars."
After listening to the mouthful from Sorina and finally processing everything she said John continued to listen to everyone until Sonya opened up her mouth again. Everyone had reasonable doubts, even Sonya, there was nothing irrational about what she said, but saying that, with his experience, just seemed funny. She doubted every piece of the plan and suggested an entire other route to go down, reminded him of himself.

He laughed and looked to her, "I suggest you hold your tongue and complain when we're out there. The difficulty may have gone up, but this crew hasn't changed, we'll tough out whatever's thrown at us. Overcome and adapt as they say." John leaned back even further, crossing his legs, and locking his hands behind his head. "Hell, it may surprise you what we can actually accomplish, sweating the details will just give ya' wrinkles. That's what I've learned around these two." He pointed to Shinobu and Agatha. "Making good of a bad situation's there specialty."

"But, carry on. We are here to discuss any issues after all."
John said as he locked his hands again.


Charlotte was, for all intents and purposes, quite bored. After all the hubbub with defeating the pirate captain, there really wasn't all that much exciting to do. Of course, she had a fairly enjoyable time raiding Yellowbeard's liquor cabinet, the contents of which she still held as spoils, but the golden-haired vampire preferred to be out and about. When they went in to port, she had spent most of her time fooling around and paying visits to specialty stores, only returning at night or in the morning to spend time aboard the ship. It was in the air when the vampire girl felt the most restrained, a very unusual thought for the average person.

On the call of her name over the ship's broadcasting system, she was more than welcome to attend. Whenever she heard such messages over the system, the vampire couldn't help but to imagine there was a better method than speaking out a long list of names to summoned, though. Donning some light clothes, Charlotte arrived on the mark a little under three hours later, curious to see what new grand mission the ship's eager brown-haired captain had cooked up.

The briefing she received was interesting, to say the least. Of course, the matter did concern her quite a bit since her residence was, in fact, within the Empire. In fact, it could be said that she had a personal stake on the occurrence of a war or not, but even so, she had always been fairly relaxed about the entire matter. With that in mind, she was quite eager herself about the whole thing; meddling in affairs had always been her favorite pastime, and what better to fuel that addiction than by getting into a mess of abducting her country's princess? If anything, perhaps she wouldn't be able to top that high in a very long time. As for playing her part in attending the Grand Ball, Charlotte was a born natural.

As the meeting continued, she sat there ruminating on the details. As Aster began to list off names again, she wondered why some good old letters weren't in use here.

Charlotte sighed at Sorina's request. "I guess it really is an open secret now, huh?" she shrugged, throwing her hands up. "It's yours if you can learn it~"

It seemed that Agatha knew her well enough despite her short time here. She lowered her voice a bit, just so Sorina and Agatha could hear. "Well, I could probably show up in my normal capacity as the holder of my own estate… But if the play goes bottom up, it's me and my cute servants on the line. I'll be doing more than the usual fancy party tricks, hmm?"

She nodded and smiled at the lavender haired vampire.
After the defeat of Yellow Beard, Taka spent a good portion of his time cloistered away in his room, only coming out to eat, and that was only when he couldn't have his food brought to him. Occasionally there'd be purple smoke slipping through the top of the door, and on the even rarer occasions a small boom would shake the walls and door followed by a long line of swearing. Taka was once more performing those experiments of his with his renewed supply of erchius crystals. But at the apparent rate he was burning through them, he'd have to restock sooner rather then later. And on top of his finite supply of erchius crystals, there was now a Drow on the ship. Just thinking about it ruffled his feathers. Damnable Drow, they were the ones that took his wing from him. When he'd eventually find them, which he would, they'd be lucky just to get off with losing a hand, the proper punishment for thieves if you asked him. But this Drow wasn't one of the ones that did the deed, he could tell that much.

His experimenting and absent minded thinking was interrupted with a call to go to the briefing room. "I wonder what they want from me now." he muttered as he waved Buras onto his shoulder before brushing stray erchius powder off, so as to be presentable, and made his way to the briefing room where he was met by many other people. He was the last there, so he closed the door and listened to what the plan was. He was a bit surprised to hear that he was going to go with the second team and not the first, but after thinking about it he saw the reasoning behind it. He doubted that they'd appreciate having a deformed Youkai as a guest. And he did know a thing or two about bomb placement, or at least where they should go so as to cause a failure in the massive and rather tough engines. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that he was in the same team as that Drow. Just the thought of it drew a sneer to his lips. He'd rather work with worms then with a Drow. But what was he going to do about it? He wasn't the captain. He couldn't just set off the bombs early and kill the Drow, no not he.

Just like the first time. Agatha gave an Order which Laura was simply meant to follow. Sure, much like the others, the Divine Knight had her doubts. This mission sounded rather suicidal. What stopped them from declaring a war regardless? Could those sources be trusted? And so on. Questions upon questions popped into Laura's mind for just a second before her conviction made short work of it.

Israfil commanded her on board of this vessel. Agatha was the commander. Laura simply had to follow. Doubting the Airship Captain's words was akin to heresy. If Laura was supposed to die here then it simply meant to be.

Still, even despite that. Even as Laura stood there in silence, there was one point which she simply couldn't wrap her mind around. The silver-haired woman was once again given the role of a Commander. Why? Just why? Even before she joined those Mercenarie's her rank had been nowhere close to take on Leadership

Of course, despite her blind faith, the red-eye was capable of thinking of her own and making sound decisions when it was needed. But ultimately, she was a Warrior.

Regardless, even if Laura doubted herself, and thus Agatha's decision, strong enough to actually bring it to word she knew better than to do it right now. Questioning such a core-decision of her superior in front of her fellow mercenaries was simply not something one was supposed to do.

Thus, Laura simply remained silent for now.

Turning her head with a bit of a snicker to stare at Charlotte, letting her own thoughts on the latter's remark. Sorina could not help but to smile slightly at the notion that Charlotte still considered her ploy effective.

"You ran down the ships hall, behind me, with red eyes and a weapon that looked like my own, plus the wings. While the rest of the ship may not know I'm fairly sure at least half the people in this room do. And worry not, I find it distasteful to use, if I had some other way I would take it... Deception like this grates me, but it's better than me having to do the kidnapping or planting bombs."

At the whispered remark she decides to add her own in as quiet of a tone. "Don't feel so bad I assume I'll be with you, I also would not go as yourself, if things get out of hand you know what that will mean.. Plus people from outside our group could be a problem with security."

Stretching slight with a yawn, Sorina decides to make herself scarce from the meeting, barring the Captain stopping her of course.

"Well Captain Agatha, I'll be going to rest before the mission starts, I trust you have some way in mind to smuggle some weapons in for the rest with ourselves, unless serious resistance isn't expected. Plus I have to see what dress I need to be fitted for, I'll meet up with you later for that trick as well." Saying the last bit towards Charlotte, Sorina turns on her heels and makes way to leave the meeting and her part in it.

After The Meeting

Yumi spent a lot of time training on deck in the designated practice area. She made somewhat of a name for herself by posting a challenge since she joined the crew. "Accepting all challengers." At first the challenge could hardly be taken seriously, as Yumi looked like a child, and nobody had any reason to assume she was capable of anything. Her first challenger just wanted to put her in her place. But they were easily defeated and forced to bite their tongue and swallow their pride as they disappeared into the crowd.

This man came out of the arena cursing, kicking, and stomping, catching John's eye as he jogged by. He looked to the man and then to where he had come from with an inquisitive look. John entered the training room, wiping the slight sweat that had formed on his brow with the towel wrapped around his neck. He stood on his tiptoes trying to understand what was going on before talking to a man beside him.

"What's goin' on?" John asked the stranger.

"Yumi is offering to fight anyone who asks. She's undefeated at the moment." The stranger replied.

"Thanks." John said taking the towel off his neck and placing it in the stranger's hands.

This piqued John's interest quite a bit and he patted the man's shoulder as he walked through the crowd, stepping onto the arena floor and raising his finger to his lip to shush the crowd. Some quieted down, but others he knew it'd take his voice to shut them up and he reached deep down in his stomach to overpower them, softening his voice as he went.

"Alright, alright, settle down. I'll be fightin' the girl today." John said, as he took a bow, drawing his sword as he came to a stand, and pointing it toward Yumi.

Yumi smiles as her ears perk up. She declares cheerfully, but somewhat quietly as she bows in respect, "It would be an honor to duel you. After hearing about your performance on the Midas, I've been hoping for a chance like this. Thank you for making time to face me." Her eyes lock onto John's at the moment her bow ends. Contrasting with her usual, docile expression, Yumi's eyes seem like they are bearing down into John's very soul. Although they don't seem particularly hostile, she holds her weapon at the ready. She waits three seconds to feel out the sort of fight John wants to have.

"Hope I don't disappoint then." John replied with a devilish smile. "Now, if you're done checking me out… count it down guys!"

The people in the crowd looked around at each other before they counted down from three. The fight began with quite the exciting start, as John closed the distance between him and Yumi, she dashed forward, attempting to get behind him, but the man shot in front of her throwing a kick that she dodged by jumping back. But, John had become too immersed in the battle and he tried to bring his sword down on top of her, retreating into a defensive stance the minute he recognized the error of his ways. The battle continued in this manner until John was able to pin Yumi against the crowd and threaten to slice her head in half, scoring him a point.

The next fight began abruptly, there was no countdown as John used language and banter to determine if Yumi was ready to fight. When he was sure he charged at her trying to use a series of blunt force attacks, being wary of his blade. Yumi decided to face these attacks head on, dodging and weaving through them, before leaping past his final shoulder charge, leaving John to suddenly stop himself before hitting the crowd. She stood fully able before John, who was taking unusually long to time to recover from a simple stumble, had planted both feet back down on the mat, but before she could take advantage of his vulnerable state John sheathed his blade and walked off.

"You win," John said. "I'm not really in the mood to deal with this at the moment. I got a lot on my mind."

John stuffed his hands in his pockets and the crowd gave way so that he could leave, almost like the sea parting. Yumi chased after him once he got outside, calling to him causing John to turn and face her. He didn't have the slightest look of hostility about him, but he appeared as if he were looking for something, scanning the area for it occasionally. Almost as if Yumi was not the reason he turned around.

"Did I do something to offend you?" Yumi asked John, she seemed worried, that through their fight just now she had actually managed to hurt him in some way, but John answered her question with a friendly smile.

"Nah, you couldn't have... Yumi, right? Hey! Who gots my towel!" John called out, patting Yumi on her shoulder as he went back into the crowd to find his towel.


John, after going through his daily routine, found Yumi's room and knocked on the door awaiting a response. He finds Yumi in her night clothes. They aren't anything fancy, just a black shirt that extended down to almost her mid-thighs. Answering the door, she timidly sticks her head out, seeing who might be around at this time. Recognizing the face, Yumi opens the door immediately, bowing to John enough to entertain someone's curiosity. "Oh, John. I, uh, didn't expect any visitors. Did you need me?"

"Follow me." John said, as he just started walking. Too used to people just following along he didn't even think that she might be against it. "Wanted to show you something."

Yumi gives pause to walking around deck like this, but John seemed pretty dead-set on whatever it was that he wanted to lead her to. He didn't even give a moment's hesitation to make sure Yumi actually followed, leading to the impression that it was important. Yumi takes off, walking quickly at first to catch up with John. She makes a concerted effort to keep her tail down as to preserve her modesty.

The two hadn't walked far, merely onto the main deck where the moon was a giant bulb in the sky and the dark water beneath seemed to blend in with the landscapes around it. It was quiet and the breeze was cold, but light.

John starts to laugh a bit to himself, but not full blown hardy laughs, but rather a delicate giggle to catch the female's attention. "I kinda forget the girls on this ship are still girls even though they can fight, well at least some. You suck at fighting, but anyway here it is, what I wanted to show you." John extended his arm to the pretty scene before her before turning to Yumi. "I don't think swinging my blade at a woman was the best way to introduce myself, so I invited you out here, to try again. Name's John Herald, I'm from Swiss, what's your name?"

Yumi shivers a bit, as her outfit clearly wasn't designed for going out for a cold night on the deck, and the longer she spends with John, the more she realizes that this was likely the reason she was called out. Yumi sighed with relief, happy that the occasion wasn't as urgent as she was made to believe. "I don't really get what you mean, but maybe I'm just tired. I train every day, but I never seem to get any stronger. I'm sorry that I couldn't at least present a challenge... My name is Yumi, and I'm not really sure where I'm from."

"Cold?" John pulled his tunic off and then proceeded to take his sweater off leaving him barechested. He then put his tunic back on to cover himself and handed her the sweater. "That's right, I forgot. Don't sweat what I said, I've spent the majority of my life under instructors. Though, why wouldn't you use that blade of yours?"

Yumi immediately reacts as John tries to cover her, "Oh no, it's fine really. I'm a little cold, but it feels wrong taking the shirt off your back like..." Yumi freezes as John pops the question, John waves his hand a little bit to make sure she was okay, before dropping the sweater on her head. Taking a moment to process the question, Yumi's face transitions from an expression of shock to a more nostalgic and reclusive expression. Yumi didn't use her actual blade except in actual combat, and even then she'd never even once think about using it for anything other than landing a killing blow. John caught onto that, even in a fight where she didn't have it equipped. "It is irreplaceable." Yumi holds her hand to her chest like her heart might leap out, "I can't imagine what I'd do if I lost it."

"I see. That makes sense." John let out a yawn as he leaned over the railing of the ship. "Be careful though. I almost killed you," John then turned around sticking up two fingers. "Twice!" John then leaned back against the railing nonchalantly and motioned to her. "So, who gave it to you? A loved one?"

Yumi took a pause. She had a hard time deciding if John was perceptive or just always stumbling upon the right answers. Either way, the die had been cast. Yumi couldn't help but get caught up in the emotion. She wasn't ready to share a detail so closely held to her heart, but she wasn't ready to deny John's request either. Compromising herself before others, Yumi begins to share indecisively and indirectly as if to find a way that wouldn't hurt, "It's a memento. If you've heard of the Milxhouse family, this blade is their family treasure, passed down to me by Lyra Milxhouse." Yumi wanted to hide at this point, feeling vulnerable in more than one way.

"Never heard of 'em, but they sound pretty important to you, to be honest, I can't believe you answered that." John said sincerely surprised, as he looked her over it was quite obvious from her body language that she was tired, cold, and embarrassed. "Sorry, to bring you out here and ask you about your personal life. I only meant to have a friendlier interaction. I have no secrets of my own to share, but feel free to ask me anything."

Yumi shakes her head, "I just, really don't get you." Laughing nervously, "I wouldn't even know where to start." Yumi takes pause, and calms herself. She hadn't gotten riled up in a long time. Seeming noticeably better, "You are just, so honest and straightforward, like the way you fight. Though maybe, pressing is the better word." Yumi leans against John, "It's a nice change of pace."

"I guess I can take that compliment. A strange and mysterious figure. Yeah, I can get that." John then looks down at the girl suddenly leaning on him. "Want to talk about straightforward?" John said raising a brow. He doesn't move to get her off himself, leaving that up to her, besides she was like a warm pillow and she was female. It took a minute for him to get his mind off the fact that she was leaning on him, but he soon moved on. "Well, me... I grew up inside a mountain you know. A whole great big city within this giant mountain."

Yumi smiles, "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know I could get away with it you know. You're just as cold as me." Yumi continues to listen to John talk about his hometown. It doesn't take long to draw the connection that he'd prefer the cold if he lived up in a mountain. She could scarcely imagine what it might be like to build a city up in such rocky terrain. Though, it seemed unlikely John knew either. Nonchalantly, "Probably a good place to learn something about swordsmanship?"

"Ah, so you're a sneak outside battle too?" John said with a smile before giving a laugh. "Yeah, I guess, but any place is a good place really. As long as there's someone knowledgeable around." John said, his voice trailed off and he seemed to gaze up at the stars as he finished, soon turning to face the moon. "Say, what do you think about this mission?"

Yumi responds quickly, "Even though I'll carry it through without hesitation, I think it is either a desperate play or we aren't being given the whole story. We are taking a large risk for the chance of buying time." Yumi lowered her head, "And, my sympathies lie with the princess. I can only imagine how hard it is for her right now, taking responsibility for her nation. We are about to make life even harder for her. The one time she goes out, it is going to wreck her world, and I'm going to be responsible for how that changes her as a person, if she even lives long enough to tell the tale."

"Hm. Well, hopefully it doesn't all go to crap. We should get some rest. Come on, I'll drop you off at your room." John said as he came to a stand and stuck one hand in his pocket.

Yumi latches off of John, choosing to walk on her own. "It is pretty late isn't it. And we both have a full day tomorrow..." Yumi gives John a smile, "But this was nice. Thanks for spending time with me."

"Anytime, Miss Yumi." John said snatching his shirt off her and throwing it over his shoulder.

Saki didn't have much to add to the discussion. She wasn't the sort to worry about brilliant tactics, anyway, and could already hardly contain her excitement at kidnapping a princess. Though she tried. "So, we're kidnapping a princess," she confirmed, totally casually. "I'll be sure to take very good care of her." She couldn't stop smiling, though. It's like she enjoyed playing up the stereotypes.

"But...um, isn't there a fair catch that our actions will spark another war even if we succeed? Talk about giving them an excuse. Also, you know, if this princess is as important as you say, she won't be some easy target or hostage." There was the extent of her thoughts on the matter. But at least she had some. It wasn't long before any worries about politics were brushed aside, because they never did concern her much, anyway.

"Hm...well, if I'm actually attending, I guess I'll have to brush up on my punching and kicking...And I'll have to figure out what to wear..." She glanced around at some of the men. "I bet you're all gonna get upset if I don't play up the whole 'exotic Harukayama beauty' angle." She'd probably also better actually get Shiro out for this. See if anyone objects to taking him along, at least. "Yeah," she sighed, "I'm probably gonna have to do some shopping for this."

In the moment of peace after Yellowbeard's demise, Silva found herself tinkering with firearms most of the time. Not her rifle, the Widowmaker though. The only time Silva would mess with the Widowmaker is only when it needs maintenance. She had a small collection of basic firearms to mess with, she used those to practice her speed on assembling and disassembling the guns. Of course, she would come out to do some ship chores when it comes to her turn to do so.

A month later, Silva found herself being called to the War Room by the ship's captain along with several others. She arrived to the war room without any armaments and take a spot to hear what's the next mission is all about...

. . .

What she heard is not one simple task of just attacking a notorious pirate or a treasure hunt or something. But to go mess with the Empire? That is one crazy task, but Silva kept her mouth shut and continues to listen. The mission itself is crazy enough, to kidnap the Empire's Princess Olivia. During the Empress' birthday party on the Empire's Gunship. Silva is on the team to attend the party and wait for the cue from the other team that will sabotage the ship to cause chaos and confusion for Silva's team to snatch the Princess.

Silva had no objection on being on the team that attend the party, question is... What sort of appearance would she go for on the party? She couldn't be a noble or something, as she was not trained in noble ethics. While she was thinking on what sorts of guise she would wear to the party, she heard comments of others in regards of who should be what. There were suggestions of Silva being a Guard or Advisor or something.

There weren't anything that Silva could probably add to the discussion, but there is one thing that Silva needs help in. And Silva was going to say it, she stood up.

"Well, thanks for the suggestions on under what guise should I go to the party as." Silva thanked first. "But, I think I need help on what sort of dress or outfit should I wear to the party. I mean, me looking like this should probably look out of place for a guest of honor or something." She needed the help, considering her usual outfit, she would look out of place there. Especially with the outfit color, it looked too obvious that she's from Fraulia.

Specific Mentions of: @ShiroKiyoshi and @LowDefinition

Stop complaining? About this suicidal plan? Yeah, right. But she had complained her piece and was done, she was mostly waiting on others now. Mostly... she didn't really wanna be part of this plan in the least. Her plan had been to lay low, and now she was going to end up in some kind of international incident.

"Like you wouldn't complain about this mission, pretty boy. And don't worry about my wrinkles, I'm more worried about staying in one piece and not getting executed than a few of those appearing on my face."

Still, she needed to remember this was still a militaristic outfit that questioning stupid things usually ended up frowned upon. Sonya turned to leave with the others when the one girl -Silva, Sonya thinks- mentioned that she had no idea on what to wear. Also that her regular clothes showed it on top of that, and Sonya had to agree.

Well, Sonya didn't have anything better to do anyway, and besides it gave her an excuse to check out the costume department on this little farce of a ship and its crew. Sonya had no other way to describe the incredibly dangerous and stupid thing they were about to do beyond that this was all a terrible play, and with luck it wouldn't be a tragedy where they all died, too. Sonya had plans to at least take one more painting before she died.

Sonya walked over to the sniper and smiled. "I can help with that, if you want. I know fancy, if only as an outsider. Besides that, I want to see what this ship has in store for us to use. I'm Sonya Faero, by the way. I'm on team two, but that doesn't mean I can't help you pick nice dresses."

In the end, it seemed like the general consensus was that there were those out there who had reservations about the plan, but were going to go forward with it regardless. It was interesting hearing that Charlotte seemed to have some sort of personal stake in what happened... if things went wrong. So she had holding in Brendorn then. What could she has possibly been doing here? Strange.

Finally, everyone was dismissed. Seven returned to his duties at the galley.

From a higher vantage point, Seven was taking a break from pushing the deck brush around. Actually, it was more accurate to say that he was engaged in respite after finishing. He watched as Yumi faced off against opponent for 'sparring'. But, by the people gathered around, it seemed more like a spectacle. Regardless, he watched with curiosity.

It was true that she gained a bit of experience from the battle on Bannana-beard's ship. Her movements had improved a bit. At this point, he felt a little silly for still watching all of this. By now it was apparent that she didn't need anyone coming in to jump in out of nowhere to stop a grievous injury.

Of course, that thought was immediately dashed when a new 'sparring partner' came forward. Seven remembered him as being one of those picked for the boarding crew - John wasn't it? Unlike himself or Yumi, he wasn't someone just pulled out of the ship's kitchen.

Seven leaned in on the railings, and watched it all unfold.


The fight ended. A draw, technically.

From Seven's judgement it looked like John had the upper hand most of the time. It was clear why he was a part of the boarding team, previously. Seven pushed off against the rails as the crowd dispersed to return to duty. Looks like he was worried for nothing again.

Arms crossed uncomfortably, Seven kept his arms firmly crossed and himself dead silent. Again he was out on the deck, in the dead of night. Unexpectedly eavesdropping.

"But this was nice. Thanks for spending time with me."
"Anytime, Miss Yumi."

What kind of scenario did he end up unwittingly eavesdrop on? Seven shook his head a little at himself. This was really quite shameful, even if it wasn't his fault. He didn't want to have Yumi try to backwardly explain things to him tomorrow morning. She'd probably try to do that if she knew he had been here the whole time.

Swiss, huh? Their practical handicrafts are quite excellent.

Seven couldn't deny that he learned a couple of interesting things from his time glued wedged within the this crevice in the exhaust tower. But, with the two's departure, the deck became empty again. Glancing around, making sure there were no other prying eyes aside from himself, Seven opened his arms, carefully.

Coo... Coo..!

The Strahtosparrow in his arms cooed in silent displeasure.

"Sorry about that... Napoleon. But we couldn't have anyone seeing you fly off." Seven said, as he let it hop onto his arm. With his other free hand, he opened the small carry box it's back and slipped his message into it. "'I'm counting on you."


The bird took flight. Or rather, took a dive straight off of the side of the ship. It was less conspicuous that way.

With this, he'd done about all he could. Now, everything else depended on how they'd respond to that message. Or whether it'd made it in time or not. There was no use fretting over it now though. All else was out of his power to do. Finally, after a day of stress and hard thinking - with all that could be done for now done, Seven felt relief as he let himself relax.

Up here, the view of the evening was quite otherworldly. A sea of clouds below, and the brilliant stars and moon hanging and illuminating the sky with their light.

It was just like back then. One night a long time ago...

Your Highness, please forgive me

I just really wanted to show you this view is all.

Seven closed his eyes.
He really thought that such a reckless maneuver would work that time.
Well, it actually sort of did.

What a stupid kid
. he mused.

He smiled at his misfortune. Maybe, if this had happened earlier, at another time...
No, it was just wishful thinking.

That stupid boy wasn't him anymore.
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"Give me a second. Oh, and I'm going to need a crutch for that..." Wukong moans, taking a crutch from the side before floating away on her cloud-like object, coins and gems decorating her trail. It took a few minutes before she returned, crutch in hand as she limped towards the medical bay once again."

Wukong took no offense to the subtle insult of her intellect.

The doctor wondered how Wukong got those fractures.

"I guess you aren't far from the answer. That Yellowbeard's magic was quite literally the bomb. Shot me through the ceiling and back down. Fortunately I still had the snuff to deal with that big guy! He was persistent, but I'm persistent-er!"

Wukong made a word up while laughing.

"Don't worry doc, nothing I can do like this!" Heehee~"

As Wukong tried to get up for a bit, she felt a slight crack.

"... nothing at all."

Wukong then turns to the lady on her side - Sorina.

"Second instinct, actually," Wukong responds, "my first... well, that's a secret."

A month later, Wukong was better, as if nothing had happened to begin with.

Wukong sat about her room, counting her coins.

"Maybe I can't let go of my greed altogether... can't say my Master is going to be too proud," Wukong ponders, gazing at the loot. "Let us give my greed to someone... an orphanage, I guess. Except I can't recall any orphanages..."

Wukong, while pondering to herself, was interrupted - a little reminder to head over to the War Room.

Wukong was pretty astonished by the Captain's words. It was quite a surprise to her.

She expected any job, but a job of this nature came too soon.

It wasn't exactly the most moral thing, but what would occur if it wasn't executed was downright chaotic.

"I kind of wish the shock value was saved for ten missions later," Wukong comments, "but I'm gonna guess that these guys won't wait for ten missions."

With nothing else to ask or say, since all else that needed to be said or asked, Wukong decides to be silent. She had her usual grin, but it was hard to tell if it was genuine or fake. One might argue that it was a mix of both.

Wukong was good at sabotage, so she had no objections to the placement of her job.

One might argue that Wukong doesn't have the stealth, but that won't matter when everything ka-puts into oblivion.
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As it turned out, Ádalé's injuries were more serious than she had believed. She may have gotten away with recieving them, but her swing with her hammer when she was already injured was more than enough to make them do a few nasty things that could have made her life difficult if it were not for Doctor Kamov's medical knowledge. Obviously, she was not as bad off as Laura, but she had to keep her workload light for a couple of days until her injuries healed lest the wound heal wrong. Her fortune was the fact that nothing vital of hers had been hit by the volley, but it was more than enough for her to take her lessons in cover more seriously. The armour which she could count on for stopping blows of weapons was not nearly good enough against the magitech rifles, something which her instructors have warned her about. She had not quite believed it until now.

Lesson learned, the young knight did her best to obey the doctor's orders and avoided heavy work until her injuries healed. Much to the crew's disappointment, she could not help out with the heavy lifting, nor the sparring for the next couple of days. Rather, she spent her time reflecting on her actions aboard the Golden Midas, staring into the distance on the ship's top deck. Had she really done the right thing by killing all those pirates? The expression of the first one as his ribcage shattered into a piece of indistinct meant was all but burned into her mind along with the rest of the dead she left behind herself. Face after face popped up in her mind as she went over her actions time and again, each successive repetition making her situation worse. Prayers did not help either; the only thing she recieved in return was empty silence.

Thus, Ádalé's mood in general had deteriorated. The nagging feeling at the back of her mind that she was infringing on the Divine One's domain and that she was not doing the right thing simply did not go away. And while she rejoined her daily training exercises, she was not quite as spirited as before. Her movements had also become a touch more reluctant. Not enough to notice as she fought during the practice sessions, but enough that it could cost her dearly in real combat. Most of the crew would probably just dismiss it as their imagination acting up. Those with more experience or those who saw her fight, however, could definitely point out the small inconsistencies when compared to her performance aboard the Golden Midas.

Especially during that sparring match with Laura.

Regardless, life went on and Ádalé was called on once more by her captain. All too eager to take her mind off her emotions and uncertainty, she almost jumped at the chance to be involved with another mission. Hopefully, this would not involve so much blood.

The captain's announcement was not what Ádalé had been expecting and for the longest of times, she was rendered speechless as she tried to keep up with the briefing while taking her notes. Divine One, what were they doing trying to kidnap the Empress' little sister? In the middle of a public ball, no less! Just the thought of that made the young knight freeze in her boots. She may have been looking for ways to prove herself to her order so she could become a free spirit, but this was way above her paygrade as well as the risk-reward ratio she was willing to go for. As if to add insult to injury, she was even chosen to present herself as one of the nobles during the event which was... well... She had sworn that she would never wear that dress again. At the moment, however, she was far too stunned by the sheer scale of her new mission to raise her voice.

This was not something that she could take lightly. As many others have pointed out, this was something that was as likely to plunge Bumi into war as it was to prevent said war from occuring. What was the right decision in a situation like this? The outcome was as uncertain as it could be, with the entire plan boiling down to a dangerous gamble. A coin flip, if one was charitable. If it landed on heads? The Empire would be delayed. Tails? The Empress would not care about her little sister and press on regardless of what the other powers did to her. Come to think of it, was there even a right decision for this plan? Unable to articulate her doubts, Ádalé remained silent for the longest of times until she finally managed to center herself.

"If I may be rude, captain, this is the riskiest plan I've ever heard." She started with a summary of her feelings on the matter. It was nice to get them off her chest so she could make way for the thoughts in her head. "I don't know if it's the right thing to do either. It's... I'll try my best to make it a success. But I don't think I would be suitable to play the role of nobility, captain." Uncertainty along with discomfort with the idea oozed from Ádalé's voice as she spoke. Not even when she had been pondering the demise of pirates at her hand had she felt so uneasy, so unbalanced. Almost as if there was a lead anchor in her stomach that was connected to a lump in her throat that made it difficult to breathe. [/hr]
Once again, Cera got her name summoned by the Captain. Her wounds from the previous battle against the pirates were mostly recuperated. The halfbreed was glad that she no longer has to deal with the dreaded Celestial healer anymore.


"What I am about to say must not leave this room. I've chosen you all based on my personal judgment, however, if I find a rat among us... I'd not hesitate to make your life a living hell."

Cera simply crossed her arms, and listened on. However, her expression turned into disbelief when Agatha proposed to capture Princess Olivia as a hostage. If the Lughanta is to be involved in some kind of war-preventing act orchestrated by the Doge of Venesia or just to keep their merchant monopoly in full force, why would not they seek out the existence of the rumored new power source the Empire was researching and perhaps sabotage or destroy it? Why the Lughanta has to kidnap Princess Olivia just to... slow them down when the kidnapping act itself is a declaration of War? The fact that Agatha mentioned the Yellowbeard fight was a child's play ticked her off even more.

She turned around, seeing numerous people in the room were in discomfort with the plan. The halfbreed exhaled a breath through her nose, creating an audible hissing sound as Seven ran his hand on his face.

It certainly reminded her of that unfortunate event years ago.

The unfortunate event that spelled the demise of a reputable mercenary group.

Then comes the details and plans on the kidnapping mission. One group will enter the Grand Ball as legitimate guests, another group will be sabotaging the airship staging the Ball. Once the sabotage is successful, the first group will capture Princess Olivia in the midst of confusion caused by the sabotaging act.

"Rest assured, rewards will be aplenty, your main concern should be that if we fail this mission... we might very well doom Bumi into another war."

Cera covered her mouth as she subtly lets out a chuckle.

("You got to be kidding me... Our days are numbered once we execute this mission. Rewards would mean nothing by then.")

Being in the first team sounds kind of nice, as Cera can have a look around at those high-ranking citizens jutting around doing high class stuff. Then again, the first team were also tasked to capture Princess Olivia, which is the main objective.

And that means her group probably has the highest chance of fouling up. Who knows, people may get left behind perhaps?

The Drow, Sonya was the first one to speak up, echoing Cera's sentiments about the mission. The halfbreed was mostly silent throughout the session, until John spoke up.

"This one actually seems pretty straightforward. Make a fuss and get the girl."

Cera chuckled, though apparently no one noticed her act. The Captain surely has the knack of making that kidnapping mission, which was disastrous to begin with, can be deceptively simple?

("If it was that straightforward, all conflicts should have ended by now, hmm?")

Then Agatha replied the questions.

"It might not hold them back forever, but at least it will give us time to prepare. Us as in Venesia, Fraulia, and pretty much everyone else."

Cera pinched her forehead when she heard the following sentence. Oh well, a War is going to happen one way or another, huh?

Then, the halfbreed remained mostly quiet, though her need to express her thoughts were mounting every passing moment. There were some sparks too between John and Sonya. Then, silence happened until...

"If I may be rude, captain, this is the riskiest plan I've ever heard."

Cera opened her eyes, focusing on Ádalé as she continued to speak.

"I don't know if it's the right thing to do either. It's... I'll try my best to make it a success. But I don't think I would be suitable to play the role of nobility, captain."

The halfbreed then closed her eyes once more, and gently shook her head. She noticed that the Hammer Knight has a hard time speaking out her thoughts.

("It is not right. I know you want to say that.")

Once Ádalé was done, Cera exhaled, before turning to Agatha.

"Since the first group has to wear a disguise and get into the Grand Ball, plus there's that nobility thing, are we free to disguise as whoever we want to?"


Once the meeting is adjourned, Cera stared at the Captain for a moment before leaving the briefing room.

("I hope this will not be the repeat of the Crimson Dragons.")

Nobody knew what happened to the Crimson Dragons, a reputable mercenary group in Venesia. Words on streets merely said that they got disbanded due mutual misunderstanding

The actual truth however, Cera knows about it.

And the half-Infernal vowed not to let it happen again.

@Karyra @ShiroKiyoshi

Arguments sparked between the Rothmer and the Guardian but it wasn't anything that could surprise the Captain. This was a risky mission, suicidal even, Agatha would be confused if no arguments took place. "I believe I have made my points clear." She interjected, "This is a gamble, I admit, but the stakes are worth it. If we are going to war regardless, it is better to have an ace which is the princess." She exhaled, "John is correct. We are the Lughanta, improvisation is our forte." If there was one thing Venesians were good at, it was adapting to the flow.

@Click This

The laid-back attitude of the ship's only Nosferatu was welcomed in the tense air of the war room really. Agatha allowed herself a small chuckle as the golden-haired girl heaved her mock disappointment. "Heh, at least you can masquerade in the Grand Ball, Charlotte." The captain crossed her arms, pondering, "I think it is better you take on an alternate identity, just in case." Sure, the Doge already arranged with his contacts in the Empire to cover their tracks but rather be safe than sorry. "Only I need to show up as myself out of necessity."


As an experienced leader who worked with all kinds of people, Agatha discerned the hesitation plaguing the white-haired Holy Knight. She had questions to ask, inquiries to speak, but the fact she didn't was a sign that whatever doubts in her mind weren't something to be shared openly. The Captain would make sure to spare her time to talk with Laura privately. It would be fatal if her designated squad leader made blunders because her heart wasn't in the right place.

@Everyone @RedArmyShogun @Lstorm

Of course, Sorina just had to rub Charlotte in regarding her eccentric hobby of posing as a green-eyed human. With all of the information received, arguments raised, questions asked, and answers were given, anyone was free to take their leave now. "Of course, it's still two weeks from now, no excuses to not be ready when the time comes." She gave the blood devil a knowing smile, "That's obvious, mostly for the second team. For the first team, we are allowed to bring weapons into the grand ball within limits. The Empire favors warriors after all and the nobles want to show it off. Now, a sword is fine for example but... unfortunately, your giant hammer is no go, Adale. Simply put, don't dress as if you're going into battle, the weapons will be part of your attire, like an accessory."

@R-9 Pilot @Karyra

By the Divine One, Agatha couldn't believe she didn't realize how incredibly stereotypical this mission would be for Saki. A dragon kidnapping a princess, the cliche was just oozing from her. "Pffft..." A quick snort was the best Agatha could do in stifling her amusement. From the looks of things, the Dragon perfectly realized the implications and to make matters even better, she was loving it. "Like I said if we're going to war regardless, better to have a crutch. We'd have help from our contacts and sympathizers, I am not that suicidal."

Good point, Harukayama was a 'mystical' land often the topic of 'exotic' stories and tales, Saki being there would definitely serve as a fine distraction for the crowd, paving an easier way to the princess. "Isn't that what you have in mind in the first place?" Agatha smirked, "You're our only 'Harukayaman Beauty' after all." Taka and Shinobu didn't count, the former because of his sex, the latter because of her race.

The Rothmer was going to help Saki pick clothes? Wonderful then as the dragon likely needed major modifications to her dress due to her draconic appendages. "Go right ahead to the ship's quartermaster, I have prepared selections of clothes for us to choose, there are several backless gowns for Saki."


Agatha couldn't explicitly mention the one potent thing that'd serve Silvania well in this mission out of respect. However, she was confident the silver-haired woman knew she possessed curves many women would envy. "I am thinking either a noble or my adviser. I leaning on the latter." The brunette answered, "Wear something fancy. I should tell you that your looks will turn many heads and that's exactly what we need to make this work, Silva." The captain's tone was completely serious, she might not like it but it had to be done. "Certainly, you can go with Sonya and Saki or you can ask one of the female crew members to help you."


"Well, Wukong, if we don't do this, there'd be no ten missions, just a world ravaged by the flames of war." Agatha shrugged, echoing the Infernal's point. "Just contain your excitement, listen to Laura, do exactly as she says, understood?"


"Yes, Adale?" Captain Nightingale turned her attention towards the heterochromatic knight of the Truthful Voices. "It is indeed, I fully acknowledge that." This certainly topped anything they had done in the past. "We all do. Let's make this work." She gave the knight a reassuring smile, "Ah, I'm sure you'll do fine. You have a certain etiquette and decorum about you. Being a minor noble should give you little trouble. I know you're nervous, I am too, most of us do, but we'll get through this."


The red-eyed half-infernal finally spoke up at last, Agatha was wondering if she'd be silent the whole briefing. "Hmmm... well, yes and no." Agatha crossed her arms, pondering how to best explain the peculiar circumstances, "You can suggest who do you want to be but I get the final say. In practice, I am sure you won't suggest something crazy..." She gave a short look at Wukong, "Most of you anyway. In my opinion, you'd look best as a guard."



@Beowulf @Skyswimsky

The blue-haired male noticed the not-so-subtle hateful looks the Owl Youkai gave to their resident Drow. While Drows were hated in general, Taka seemed to have a personal grievance with them. However, he knew better than to question his captain's decision in the middle of a meeting, he was confident Agatha had her reasons, most likely as these two would waste their talents in the first team. Still, he had to tell Laura later to watch out for any internal fightings. They would be going against the Empire, they were delving into enough risks as it was.


Strength guides us,
Honor teaches us,
Courage drives us,
Glory to the Empire.


Time passed and soon enough, Sol relinquished his reign to Luna for the fourteenth time since the briefing. The Crimson Phoenix had entered Imperial territory, heading towards Regnum, or specifically, the skies above it. "Captain," A crew in the bridge reported to Agatha, "You might want to take a look at the horizon." The prompt resulted in everyone peering towards the main window facing the ship's bow. Immediately, murmurs and whispers wisped between the crew while Agatha narrowed her eyes. There she was, the dreaded leviathan, a flying titan, a cruel manifestation of the Empire's red iron fist, the Sovereign.


The massive airship, nay, the flying fortress was no doubt awe-inspiring. Its sheer size dwarfed even the Draconus and Golden Midas, wide and long enough to support crews numbering to the equivalent of a city, it was a marvel of Imperial engineering... or abomination depending on one's perspective. Escorted by numerous battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, the display would snuff any reckless bravado from even the most courageous of warriors. Only suicidal madmen would even think of taking such monstrosity head-on. As if to announce itself proudly to the skies, the Sovereign's base sparked purple Erchius lightning as it hovered in the air.

"Everyone, we are approaching the Sovereign, landing soon. Guests, finish dressing up, we are attending the Ball." Agatha spoke to the voice transmitters around the airship. As they closed the distance with the massive fortress, the Lughanta looked even tinier than an airboat by comparison. An incoming call was soon received by the Lughanta.

"You are approaching the Sovereign, a territory of the Empire, Identify yourself. Over." A stern voice rang from the speakers in the bridge even as airboats began gathering around the Lughanta, maintaining a comfortable distance but it wouldn't take a genius to figure out why they were there.

"Affirmative. This is the airship Lughanta of Venesia, Sovereign, carrying guests of the Grand Ball. Requesting to land, Over." Replied one of the bridge crew. A pause, likely they were checking the guest list. This part should be smooth sailing.

"This is Sovereign. You are confirmed, permission to land granted on Deck 3. Welcome to the Grand Ball, Glory to the Her Majesty Kyrie and The Empire, Over." See? Just like clockwork.

"Glory to the Empire indeed..." Agatha huffed as she patted Aster shoulder, "Take care of her while I'm away, remember the plan."

"Roger, Captain." Aster saluted, "Stay safe and good luck."


@Team 1 (Agatha, Adale, Helen, Cera, Silvania, Saki, Charlotte, Herman, Sorina, Drayton)

After the airship landed on one of the fortress' many landing areas, Agatha disembarked together with the group. The brunette was already clad in her Ball outfit, favoring elegance compared to her usual adventurer attire. She also let down her hair, gaining her a rather mature look compared to her twintails. "Stand straight and smile, Agatha, straight and smile." She whispered mentally as she grabbed her quarterstaff, holding it elegantly in her left hand. Time to remember every Ball held by her father in the Nightingale's Patrician Manor in which she was forced to attend.


The entourage was welcomed by servants, clad in fancy clothing befitting an event celebrating the Empress' birthday. A butler, a man nearing his senior years with graying hair, personally welcomed them. "Welcome to the Sovereign, Lady Nightingale and Company of Venesia, we are honored to have you here." He bowed with as much decorum as a man of his position would entail. He stood straight, "Please follow me." turned on his heels, then guided the group into a small airboat. The Sovereign was so humongous, walking to the building where the ball took place would take ages.

Moments later, the airboat parked in front of a mansion and judging from the rather crowded area, this was their destination. Moving carefully into the porch, the ladies were helped down first by the servants then the gentlemen. Long crimson carpet paved the way towards the entrance as the party would be graced by the sight of a massive ballroom. Serene music was already being performed by the band on the red-curtained stage.


The dominant colors were all shades of red, crimson, ruby, amber, strong and passionate just like the Empire itself. Among the noble guests were servants frolicking around and some of these servants wore a padlocked leather collar around their necks. For those unfamiliar with the concept of thralls, the Empire allowed citizens to own other sentient races as indentured servants. In practice, only the wealthy could afford to own one. Most - if not all - of the attendants and servants were humans while the thralls were of various other races.

"Please enjoy yourselves." The butler bowed once more before he went on with his duties, leaving the group to join in with the guests. The Empress and her little sister were nowhere to be seen, it seemed they hadn't made an appearance yet. Good, the party could survey the room, communicate with each other on the best course of action when things went to hell. "Alright, everyone, you know what to do. Blend in and observe." They all had their roles, whether nobles, guards, or servants, they all shared the same clandestine goal.


@Team 2 (Laura, Taka, John, Shinobu, Wukong, Seven, Marumei, Yumi, Saone, Sonya, Venrid)

Meanwhile, a few hours ago...

Unlike the first team, Laura and her group wouldn't be making a public appearance. Instead, the Lughanta made a short stop on their way to the Sovereign as an Imperial airboat landed, piloted by none other than Vendrid Grossel, a crewmate who already went undercover as a guard in the flying fortress since two weeks ago. They embarked on the airboat with their assigned disguises and equipment, including the remote-controlled magitek explosives. By default, Laura, John, Shinobu, Wukong, and Venrid would masquerade as Imperial Guards. Taka and Saone as engineers. Seven and Marumei as servants. Yumi and Sonya as thralls. Of course, improvisations could be made, Agatha gave her trust to Laura to direct the crew as she saw fit.

The airboat arrived not too long after the Lughanta landed, entering one of the side landing bays of the Sovereign, all made smooth by the spies and contacts already working in the flying fortress. Subtly, one of the 'crew' entered the airboat and gave them all parchments containing the floor maps. Conveniently, they were already marked with the shortest way towards Erchius Reactor #2 and spots where the bombs should be placed along the way were also highlighted. It was clear that the Doge wasn't jesting around when he said that not everyone in the Empire were megalomaniac warmongers. With a silent nod, the insider left the airboat, now was the time, the fate of the world hung in the balance of the Lughanta Company.
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Adjusting his tie, Seven could only marvel at the size of the airship. It was quite large indeed, which really drove home the fact at how suicidal this entire plan was. Regardless, despite his dispositions towards thing going bottoms up, he was confident in his ability to blend in and be persuasive enough to disassociate with these people if the need arise. Indeed, as a native from the Empire, it was within reason. Therefore, he again kept to the sidelines as everyone did as they had to.

Additionally, as a part of disguise, he tidied up his hair a bit. A simple comb back was sufficient. It seemed to change his demeanor drastically just on appearance alone.

The message he got back continued to run through his mind. Use your good judgement they said. Standing behind Yumi, who inturn was behind most of the others, the uncomfortable image of running a sword through her passed his mind. Someday... such an eventuality could possibly happen, but Seven wasn't intending to have it happen so soon.

Just going to have to see how it unfolds before making that judgement.

Again, Seven readjusted his tie. This was probably like the eighth time he'd done so since they'd arrived.

He followed the motions of the group as a whole as they proceeded at Laura's lead.

Having finished her antics over the following course of time they had to wait, partly learning Charlotte's magic trick over the course of time. Not caring much for subversion she did manage to learn blending blue pigmentation in with her eyes taking on a sort of purple appearance. Picking out a maroon coat, red cravet, whit blouse coupled with a black vest, a matching long maroon dress topped with a double ruffled white skirt completed the look with ruffled sleeves. Looking at a mirror she recalls the technique that the Vampire had taught her, as her eyes slowly take a blue hue it intermingles with the red, creating a vibrant purple. Making sure her hair kept her pointed ears hidden this was good enough.

In her noble livery Sorina takes a step out onto the deck catching a glimpse of the flying fortress, even to one as herself it was an awe inspiring sight. Though she still didn't think it was wise to build such a thing. "Hmm a Flying Castle is such a sight but is it really all that practical in a battle.. More so if the engines were to all go down.." Next came their notice of preparing to board, to her it was a very unwise idea to go there in the official airship with its name plastered on the side, by doing this was their any point at all in this farce?

As the various approvals are given and they land on a central platform Sorina follows behind Agatha, whom even we dressed up still looked tomboyish, smirking in amusement the others were in various clothing, with Silva sticking out the most unsurprisingly, well there was the lizard as well.. Listening in to the conversation it seemed she was here as her merchant persona, as a middle aged butler greets them Sorina tips her head lightly, lifting the sides of her dress slightly. "I am here on behalf of the Gonzatti Family's Trade Group, to wish her Majesty well on her name day, accompanying those of Venesia."

Following the man in kind aboard an air-taxi it is not long till they arrive at a rather well kept mansion. Red Carpet covered the walkway and banners flew from it's windows and ledges, the interior shared much of the décor, though the music while lovely was just a little too upbeat for her tastes.

As the butler parts ways with them Sorina let's out a small whistle. "Say what you will about the Imperials, they certainly do have taste for humans." Pondering what to do herself she looks towards the rest as Agatha gives her orders, speaking up with a polite cough. "One of you may feel free to accompany me, I can arrange for a reasonable excuse to give you free reign, I myself may find some amusement with playing this game or means of distraction.." Smiling lightly she grabs a glass of wine from a passing steward, putting the glass to her lips with narrowed eyes.


Returning to his post the young butler is approached in the halls by a man who seemed many years his senior and all the more impressive, much more fit and tall.


"A moment if you please." He calls out to the younger Butler who turns and bows giving an affirmation of being called. "That group just now.. Was that all they brought in? A few guards, even fewer servants and some nobles? Your list, now." Getting a nod of affirmation in return the butler seems unnerved by the older man's gaze as he looks through the list, pausing on a page briefly. "Hmm, you may return to your post." Handing the book back the older butler is soon approached by a younger man with a red cape and black armor with red highlights, having kept to the halls he had yet to join the party, with a clipped military manner the old man immediately slaps his heels together raising his right hand to his breast.

The Black haired man with yellow eyes waves his hand for the senior to be at ease, judging by his appearance it was the so called Ashen Knight, Commander of the Royal Guard.

"Be at ease Manlius, We are meant to be in the background until her Majesty or the Citizens of the Empire need us.. That group just now caught your attention as well huh?"

"Yes sir. While the Empire respects martial power so many guards and so few maids or other servants mixed in among the Imperial hierarchy makes me take notice, it doesn't help more transports are coming and going tonight in order to supply the party."

Nodding in response the armored man nods. "Keep an eye on things, I'll check on the Empress and Patrol the halls. For now give them space to breathe.. We still have other Guests arriving, the guardsmen on hand only need stand out."

"But of course my Lord, though I'm starting to think you would rather not gather with the other Nobles." Exchanging smiles with the old man the pair part ways going about their job.
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Specific Mentions of: @Izurich (As Laura),
@R-9 Pilot @LowDefinition (Dress Antics) @Beowulf (Didn't Address Him Directly)
Two weeks. That was enough time to start a will, realize that Sonya was a wanted criminal and most of her stuff was stolen, and then crumple up the paper. It also gave her enough time to realize that Taka, the bird youkai she'd heard so much about -or rather noticed his door smoking with experiments with magical whatever- was not a fan of drow. The whole story was out of Sonya's reach, but the fact that they were on the same team put a pit in Sonya's stomach. This Taka could not be trusted not to put a knife in her back. The last one was still a bit of an irritating topic, and having it happen to her twice would be bad for business.

Still, the brief stint of Sonya, Saki, and Silva getting clothes proved that the hunch Sonya had about Agatha being rich was correct. The commander didn't flaunt it as much, and was putting herself in as much danger as her team. Agatha was fine, for now. Certainly, Sonya didn't forget that if anyone leaked the plans that she'd be the first suspect. Which made the fidgeting of Seven even more uncomfortable, and while it wasn't started at the spy comment, it still was something Sonya had to be careful of.

Plus... she had that religious woman in charge of the team, too. This was all going to result in Sonya's very early retirement and Sonya was honestly ready to bail on the plan the second she started taking out her earrings. Her desire to bolt was only confirmed the second the Sovereign appeared into view. This was insane. This was all insane. She wasn't in the business of stealing people, for the Divine One's sake! And that Seven was fidgeting again.

The maps were helpful, but there was no way to coordinate with the other team or for them to just totally move to the room without worry. Of course, the party hadn't started yet, either. This was tricky, but she wasn't the mastermind of this plan so...

"What's the call here, leader? How do we wanna tackle this? Who is gonna get split up?"
Sonya said, trying not to make it obvious that she was clearly on edge about the whole thing. This would be a miracle if everything went off perfectly.

W/JOLLY-CO @RedArmyShogun
Mentions: @Crow (Monkey) @Beowulf (Old Man) @Inkarnate (Gun Girl) @Karyra (Drow)​

Hours earlier...

"We're even." ... ... .."Yeah."

With this stern exchange of words the air boat of Side Bay 11 departed to rendezvous with the Lughanta while preparations were made for its return. Swift as they were subtle, the true gravity of their worth would only be felt much later. For now, they just left a bitter taste in the mouth of the air boat's pilot as he came to terms with his begrudging duty.

You owe me.

The words rang in his mind and could only be followed by the image of a smiling Agatha having made yet another of her half empty promises. Brow furrowed, Venrid would make sure to have a word with her regarding payment.


Off in the distance among the backdrop of blue skies and wispy white clouds a faint glimmer flickered at of the Lughanta's fore. As she approached the glint, a gilded air boat's chassis soon came into view. Followed by her sails and eventually her deck, the full beauty of the lavish but tiny aircraft was soon in plain sight as it came to land.


Its captain appeared for only a brief moment. Exiting the control room he mildly waved at the group standing by to come aboard before starting a head count.

Two, four, eight, ten... typical... An Inquisitor... give me a fucking break Agatha. ... least the Rothmer can be useful.

With an unamused expression that matched his inner thoughts, Venrid didn't bother with greetings and instead attended to adjusting the ship's sails. With a heave he turned the large dial directing them twenty degrees starboard before looking skyward to check his adjustments. Returning to the pilot's seat he fired up the crafts engines as they gave a high pitched whine before assisting in the rise to flight. Ascending to a safe distance above the Lughanta, it wasn't long before she quickly took to distancing herself from them. Looking on and while holding back, when the Lughanta was a mere figure on the horizon they began to follow in pursuit.



With a jostle the air boat once again came to a rest within Side Bay 11. Venrid having given orders that everyone remain inside for instruction, awaited the eventual knock that signaled preparations had finished and things were underway. Opening the door to an unassuming man, he slid in and produced from his sleeve several sheets of parchment detailing the labyrinth of corridors that was the Sovereign. With his negotiated work finished, and with a quick nod at Venrid, he soon left in a discreet hurry to return to his post.

As everyone soon went over the floor plans Venrid stood to the side and watched, paying attention to who was or wasn't.

"Those maps won't be leaving this room. So yall better look hard at them now while you can." he chimed. Waiting as they chose to acknowledge or ignore his words. When it seemed they had finished and wanted to begin discussing a course of action, he butted in before they could get started.

"We'll form two groups. One will hit the reactor the other start fires. Old man and gun girl you're with me."... "You too monkey." "The rest of you can go to the spots marked and then meet up with the others." "Any questions? Good. Don't do anything Fucking Stupid... Let's go."

He didn't wait to hear objections as he made for the door. He knew the operations in place better than all of them combined and sure as hell wasn't going to take orders from the one he figured to be put in charge. This wasn't a bloody holy crusade, it was an underhand political move to seize power over an adversary. What the hell would an Inquisitor brute know about the delicacies of that!? She'd likely have them all march straight to the reactor and to put faith in the "Divine One" to make it go without a hitch.

It didn't help that time was of the essence. The carefully laid out plans of the past eleven days were moving to fruition with or without them. Security would hopefully be routed elsewhere for the time being, and the chaos of the ball along with the sheer size of the Sovereign would allow them to mostly move freely. But that didn't mean they could waltz in and undercut the whole operation how they seen fit. Sure as hell not stand around and bicker among themselves on the best course of action.

While seemingly an in and out job at this point, the work done by those on the inside had not been painless. Venrid himself had spent several sleepless nights patrolling the corridors of the Sovereign, prepared for the moment he was seized if his cover had been blown. Though that was a small price to pay compared with those with families. If caught, the punishment for high treason was generally a fate worse than death.

Making his way off the air boat and further into Side Bay 11. Venrid shifted the detonator he'd nicked while everyone was distracted and looked to see that they'd be following.


As the mercenaries board the Flying Fortress guided by Venrid a somewhat stern looking man in standard army fatigues is followed by another who was short and stocky, versus his tall and thin. Looking over the crew he quickly approaches Venrid. "State your name and business, nature of cargo and unit affiliation." The skinny man says in a stern voice, the heavier set man accompanying him chuckles in a hearty voice, slapping his skinnier companion across the back.

"Eh calm down! It's the Empress Birthday haha!" Bringing a flask to his lips, the skinnier man was clearly annoyed by this but presses on with his question. "Answer now if you will, Guardsman." Eyeing up the others the mixed variety of outfits annoyed him, but a number of units were on hand today for the festivities and far more cargo ships were coming and going than he cared to inspect, but duty was duty.


"If I didn't know any better I'd say you sweat ethanol ya fat bastard. Man what I'd give for a drink right now." Shaking his head with genuine craving Venrid envied the man. During his two weeks stay he'd had to stay sober more than usual, half out of paranoia and the other caution of blowing his cover. To make matters worse he hadn't been able to sleep a wink the night before. "Right. Marcus from the 123rd, night watch. Bastards gave us a day shift, figured we didn't do anything anyway. Here to drop off some Erchius, oh and some tools. Couple engineers need to take to the reactors. She's gonna lead us, from the 62nd." Tilting his head toward Wukong momentarily he continued.

"Few passengers as well, servants and thralls. Passed em on the way ova, something wrong with their airship. Guys from the 28th will escort em. Think that's it." Giving a loud and winded yawn Venrid batted back tears before adding. "Can't wait till this party is ova."


"Night Watch is it.. Wait there." Reaching into his belt pouch the skinny man carries out a conversation with those on the other end of the Magitek device, the fatter man grunts.

"Heh, You should have a break soon eheh." Not all that offended by being called fat, the guardsman looks at Venrid briefly before clucking his tongue putting the flask away. "I'd say you could use some sleep before a drink though, but both go together well aha!"

Turning his attention back to the group the skinnier man pauses to tap his right foot on the floor, studying each of the individuals in turn. Hitting his partner on the back he motions deftly towards the ship they came aboard. "Unless there is any Objection my friend here will help you unload, he could use a bit of work. I talked with the local air controller it seems there is some truth to your story.. I don't much trust allowing thralls to aid in moving sensitive equipment like this, but I'm too short handed right now to offer more Security Forces." Waiting for a reply from Marcus the shorter man was already whistling making way towards the ship's ramp, seemingly without a care in the world. "Hahaha, don't worry about that grumpy little bastard, I've ran into him the last few days while on patrol, Marcus is alright, Tiberius."


"Aye, a drunken stupor would do me well." Humoring the fat fellow who seemed to have a way with his more strict companion. Venrid waited and watched for the air controller to get back with him as was worked out in previous negotiations. "As long as he doesn't drop it and kills us all fine by me." At this the stocky man began to board so Venrid took to his side and showed him the way to the air boats cargo hold below the deck. "There's no alcohol, I already checked heh. And don't worry about that Drow, we've got plenty of eyes on her."

Leaving the others up top with the Tiberius, Venrid made sure to shoot his crew a look in passing that conveyed "Keep your mouths shut." before he entered the pilot's chambers. Behind the wheel and controls, some distance back against the wall. He pulled up on a trapdoor which revealed a set of stairs that seemed to lead only to darkness. Leading the plunge down them he flipped on a switch at their end, a floor down, and soon lights revealed a fairly empty hold aside from a few metal crates and tool boxes.

The crates themselves seemed to be made of rather durable steel and were covered in labels of several languages as was standard. Warning against the handling and storage of flammable and unstable Erchuis crystals they featured icons of fire and explosions in deep red or safety orange. Bending a knee before a toolbox Venrid quickly opened it up to reveal its contents to the stocky man as he began his inspection.

Hauling a crate up top and toward Tiberius, Venrid made to explain the shortage in shipment. "Most of the Erchuis been grabbed before we got there. We got what was left and those two engineers that missed the first airship."


Lifting a wrench the larger man gives a shrug, placing it back among the tools, grabbing one of the crates the guardsman in red fatigues laughs lightly, lifting the heavy load on his own. "Eh I'll take this one out for yah, think nothin of it. And aye I would watch her, race of thieves an'witches. Last thing we need is trouble breaking out." Making note of the hold, the stocky fellow awaits the others to grab things in kind before heading out. At the front of the ramp was the man addressed as Tiberius, keeping a stern eye on the group his attention remains fixed on Shinobu for a few moments before turning towards his shorter partner.

"Stop playing the farmhand, we've got places to be.." Turning to walk off, his gaze fixes it's self briefly on Venrid, stopping in his tracks the taller man points directly at him, in an authoritarian tone his voice barks out. "Stop right there!" Before anyone could react however, he motions at the floor, where a metal pipe was laying in the way. "Last thing we need is you slipping and a few of them getting loose. Carry on Soldier." Turning back to head out, his stocky friend whispers to the later. "Eh like that girl did'yah? Eh angry face just like yours Ahahaha!"

"Her? No, shut it you short fat drunk… Her face, I think I've seen it before.. Well we got more bays to inspect, I've sent her to talk with the traffic control team just to be sure.."

"Ahahaha! You worry too much yah tall bastard, what sort'o person causes problems at a party? Aye I don't like the thralls running about more than you, but plenty of eyes around the ship, yeah?" Pulling out his flask from before, the taller man grabs it in a deft motion, holding it up out of reach.

"Enough Drinking." Out loud as the duo leave the bay the shorter man can be heard yelling SON OF A BITCH GIVE THAT BACK!


"Stop right there!"

The shout struck a chord in Venrid as he brought his raised foot back to the ground. There was no reason for him worry, the crates had done their job as did those up and far away in the flying fortress. His and everyone's appearance was believable enough too and he'd been able to oversee the entire inspection from start to finish. Even if there had been something minor, like a hole or other fault in the boxes or even the fault of someone aboard. He knew he could weasel his way out of it some way or another and continue the mission.

No, it wasn't anything of reason that Venrid grew nervous over even if his mind did race over the possibilities and whether they'd have to fight their way out of the Bay. But perhaps it was just the familiar tone, the outcry which had followed Venrid more than once as a lad when he ran for his very skin that did it. Whatever the case may be, it sent a flutter through his heart and a breakout of goosebumps down to his legs. As his shoulders and arms stiffened, his body reflexively didn't allow for a flinch to betray its owners true thoughts.

With momentary fear daring him not to look at Tiberius, his experience and courage knew better. Looking over at the man across the way he wore the same stern look as always but with raised an eyebrow in question. Spotting his outstretched arm, he traced the tall man's hand to the floor underneath him, where his mind signaled a wave of relief to the rest of his body at the sight of the metal pipe.

"Last thing we need is you slipping and a few of them getting loose. Carry on Soldier."

"Thanks. I enjoy being alive." He joked, playing his near miss with a possible death to his credit. Letting out a sigh before re-affirming his grip on the crate Venrid raised it high enough to see below him, before kicking the metal pipe and flinging it a safe distance away. Carrying on as to not draw unneeded attention, he motioned for Wukong to pick up the other fuel crate and follow after him. "Grab it and let's go. Balls about to start and I need to piss."

Not waiting for the other sub-team to catch up, Venrid and his three man team continued on past the Side Bay and into the interior of the fortress. Being true to its name they walked for a good ten minutes before arriving outside the nearest latrine. Taking care to set the metal box gently on the floor, Venrid dipped into the men's room as they waited for the others to catch up.

With the urinals to himself, he relieved his swollen bladder with belated respite while replaying the events earlier inside his mind for the umpteenth time. Grateful that the pipe was their biggest issue, he couldn't help shake the attentive look from Tiberius on Shinobu.

It's probably nothing… … … We should hurry..
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John was speechless. As the Lughanta flew up to that thing he felt like he was walking up to a pit of fire, staring death in the face. He crossed his arms and a solemn look fell on his face as he thought about what he had said to the Drow. He began to see why one could possibly worry so much about this mission, but he didn't let fear get the best of him. He placed his foot on the handrails and smiled at the ship in attempt to challenge the inanimate object. That's when he noticed the small ship coming straight towards them followed by several others that wanted to kill them.

He quickly dropped his smile.

Agatha and other higher ups handled most of the things that grunts like John weren't meant for, one such thing being keeping the small fleet from firing on them, and they did a good job of it. The next thing John knew he was on a ship and heading for the behemoth ship The Sovereign. There he met an interesting character he'd be traveling with, a Mr. Vendrid, who was very assertive. He hardly let anyone speak, barked orders around, and looked like he could take a drink or two. He was the spitting image of an officer in the Swiss military. This made John feel at ease, it felt nice for him, having someone who seemed dependable, but it encouraged him to show no weakness and behave like the soldier he was. Which in the current situation was quite helpful.

Now, John didn't go shouting "yes, sir!" or standing at parade rest, but he did stand up straight and stand guard as if he cared what happened to the ship they were on. For most of what happened John remained this way, absolutely quiet and on high alert. He never appeared serious, but for one that knew him it was obvious he was focused.

John watched the interaction between Vendrid and the man inspecting their ship, but he was less worried. John had long caught onto what the man was shouting for, but that may have been because he didn't have a giant box blocking his view. Nonetheless the shout did little more than to grab his attention before being dismissed. With that the crew was clear and John followed Vendrid's team. John had no qualms being on the "fire-starter" team and figured it fit him best, but he imagined their job to be more interesting and was a bit disappointed, thinking about it as they walked, but the moment passed and he resumed to how he was, waiting outside the bathroom for the next order. Staring at walls and people. Crates and the floor.

Infiltration is always so much fun.

How much piss does he have in him? We gotta move.

"Tell him I left. I know the way." John said as he popped a crate open, pluck a few bombs from it, stuffed them in his bag, slung it around his shoulder, and walked off.

John got pretty far before he stopped.

"I'm lost."
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