[Samuel x Roman]

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"That sounds super okay to me," Samuel grinned, and helped Harper get Roman to join them by pulling at his other arm. He knew this was a big step for Roman so soon after having a bleeding from a similar activity, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, because it didn't have to be.

"You know what we should do?" Samuel suggested as he and Harper led Roman out on the grass, "Try to shoot goals! Daddy can be the goalie and I can help show you how to kick the ball!"

IT was probably the best way to include Roman in the activity, Roman could probably run around with them a little without getting hurt, even if he did fall it wouldn't be when running at a high speed and it would be on the soft grass, it was possible that he'd bruise, but it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen. But by putting Roman in the goal all he'd have to do was to stop some of Harper's very slow and soft balls. And not stop some of them purposefully, of course.

He crouched down and grabbed Harper's sides to give him a little tickle and then happily asked, "How does that sound? Do you wanna do that, Harper?"
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Harper gurgled with delight and nodded happily, and that was enough for Roman. He took up his place in front of the goal and crouched down so he was close to the ground, and therefore would be able to intercept the ball easier. Though, he loved his husband and son, so he would certainly let them score a few points without complaint.

Harper picked up the ball, toddled over to stand beside Samuel, set it down in front of him, and fixed it with a steely little gaze before he kicked it in the direction of the goal. It rolled towards Roman, who pretended to reach for it, but easily let it pass him by and travel into the goal.

Harper squealed with happiness, jumped up and down and tugged on the leg of Samuel's pants. "Papa, Papa, goal, goal!" he gurgled, clearly delighted that he had scored, and happy to be sharing this information with his Papa, whom he clearly looked up to in this aspect.
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Harper being excited about scoring a goal made Samuel so incredibly happy it was unreal. It was so sweet, he didn't even realise that his dad had just let him score and was simply proud of himself for accomplishing it. Samuel was very proud of him too, and very excited he seemed to like soccer. He was still young, so his interests might change, but Samuel really thought it was nice to see something of himself reflected in his little son, just like he thought it was nice to see things he clearly had inherited from Roman. It reminded him that it didn't matter if Harper was adopted, they were still his dads and always would be.

Samuel grabbed Harper under his arms, hauled him up in the air, and spun around, "YEAH! GOAL BY HARPER ALEXIS HEMLOCK-ORTEGA! FANTASTIC!"

He kissed the little boy's cheek and then let him back down on the ground, and crouched down with him, "Alright, but now there's the next challenge," He turned to his husband, "Roman, do you think you could pass the ball back to Harper or are your skills not enough?"
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Harper shrieked with glee when he was spun up in the air and Roman couldn't keep the smile off his face. God, he adored that child, and as much as he liked to joke about Harper not being allowed to play soccer, if the boy was truly passionate about it, Roman would not only stay out of his way but attend every game. He just wanted his son to be happy.

"Of course I can pass the ball back, god, I'm offended that you think I can't," Roman joked, getting to his feet and moving the ball so it sat in front of him. He stared at it intensely, did a dramatic-run up that caused Harper to laugh, and bumped the ball with his foot, using just enough force to send it sailing towards Harper and Samuel. Harper sprang forward and intercepted the ball before it could go any further, wrapping his little arms around it and lifting it up with a big smile on his adorable face.

He then toddled over to Samuel and held the ball out to him. "Papa," he said sweetly.
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"Aww, thank you, sweetie, is it my turn?" Samuel said to his adorable little son and gave him a small little hug after receiving the ball. He was so sweet and kind, that child, that was another reason Samuel was proud of him, he was really shaping into a genuinely good person. Samuel loved that.

"Okay, stand back, I'm now gonna show you two how the pros do it," Samuel joked. He was far from a pro, but to Harper who was a little child and didn't know better he might just as well be the best player in the world.

He placed the ball on the ground in front of him, took a step back and then kicked the ball, it was clear that he was talented even with just one simple kick like that. Had he put his mind to it he would have maybe had a career in soccer, on a smaller scale that is. Samuel thought about sometimes, but not in a way like he regretted it. He like being a teacher, it was the right choice for him.

The ball shot forward, straight, and a lot harder than Harper's kick could have ever done it. But it didn't take off from the ground so there was little chance of it hitting Roman and hurting him, and it would be fairly easy for him to catch, which Samuel had intended, because he didn't want to accidentally hurt his husband because he wanted to show off.
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Harper watched with nothing but adoration as his papa lined up to take the shot, and when he did, he let out a little gasp as the ball sailed towards the goal with such power and ease that he had probably never seen in his life. Roman easily intercepted the ball with his foot, which he knew Samuel had intended, but Harper didn't seem to care, because he was staring up at his father with a look of wondrous adoration in his lovely grey eyes.

"Wow," he said, his voice coming out as a long and hushed sigh. Roman smiled as he picked up the ball. He loved that their son looked up to Samuel and thought he was amazing. It showed how close they were as a family, and it made Roman immensely happy.

"Papa's very good at soccer, isn't he, baby?" Harper nodded with fervent agreement. "Do you wanna be like Papa when you grow up?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Harper exclaimed. He bounced on the edges of his toes and clapped his hands together to accentuate how happy he was at the idea of growing up to be like his Papa. Roman's heart just about exploded with joy.
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Hearing Harper so excitedly express that he wanted to be like him made Samuel so happy he barely knew how to react. It was the kind of thing you wanted to hear as a parent, even when it was about soccer.

Samuel crouched down again and pulled Harper into a little hug, in which he playfully wagged them from side to side a little, he then let him go, but kept his hands on the toddler's little upper arms, a huge smile on his face.

"You know what I think, Harper?" He said, "I think that if you really love soccer you're going to a million times better than me when you grow up, "

Samuel didn't know this of course, but it didn't hurt to make his little one year old happy. And besides, it might as well be true, if the little boy would continue to love soccer when he was older he could get into soccer early and Samuel would teach him everything he needed to know, and he'd have Roman to support him as well, he might as well become a million times better than Samuel was.

He kissed his sons cheek sweetly and then continued, "And you'll totally prove that by scoring another goal, yeah?" Samuel turned to Roman, "So Daddy better pass us that ball right in this second so you can prove it,"
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"I am more than happy to oblige."

The little family continued to play soccer for a while, kicking the ball back and forth and taking turns guarding the goal. Harper managed to save a few goals as well, or, at least, Roman and Samuel pretended that he saved them just to make him happy. He certainly was.

After soccer, they went inside and cleaned up, Harper donning his favourite dinosaur onesie, and gathered together in the living room to watch a Disney movie together like they did so often. Roman felt so happy. He couldn't wait until the twins arrived, when they had two more gorgeous little children to spend their time with and play with and love with all of their hearts.

Everything was amazing, and things could only improve from here.
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Life continued on to be really nice for the Hemlock-Ortegas, it was now December and Samuel had plenty of time off since it was a school holiday. Which meant he could spend a whole lot of time with Harper, and spend all of Roman's off days with him as well. He and Roman also took some time to meet up with Emina and Kaleb, both to just chat and catch up and make sure they were okay and for an ultrasound. The twins were so big now and with every passing day, it felt more real that they'd join their family in just a few short months.

That was also why they needed to make sure they had everything perfect and done for the babies' arrival. Which included the nursery. And what better time to decorate the nursery than during the holidays when they had some extra time on their hands?

Samuel had decided to help best he could, and Harper too apparently, as he had joined them in the room. Currently, all the floors were covered in newspaper and the lists with tape as they were painting the walls, Disney songs playing softly in the background. Roman would be doing the actual decorating on the walls later, but the least Samuel could the was to lay down the blue base colour. They had settled on having the ocean as a theme, with some cute marine creatures lining the walls. Samuel had sat next to Roman with Harper in his lap as Roman had sketched and they had both gotten to suggest their favourite sea life to be put on the walls of the twin's room. Samuel loved the sketch a lot and couldn't wait to see it all finished.

"I feel like I'm putting too much paint un the brush," Samuel said as another couple of drops of blue paint fell onto his face and into his hair, they had only just started to paint, so Samuel wasn't entirely sure what he was doing at this point, "Am I using too much?"
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"A little bit, but it's not the end of the world, just spread it out."

They were decorating the nursery and Roman was most definitely in what Elliot and Bella had always called The Art Zone. It was a state of mind in which Roman was so intensely focused on his work it was almost scary. He slipped into the Zone when he was tattooing, most of the time, or when he was working on a major artpiece. Indeed, he hardly snapped out of it at all to look over at Samuel and answer his question as he meticulously covered the four walls of the twins' nursery in the lovely shade of sea blue they had picked out with one of those long rolling paintbrushes on a stick.

One thing he liked about his height was how easy it made it for him to reach the high places of the room. It meant he hardly needed the long brush, and in order to paint the ceilings, he only needed a small platform to reach it with a fine detail brush. It was one of the few advantages of being almost seven feet tall.

"Daddy?" Harper asked from the floor.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I help?" Roman turned to see Harper standing at his feet, holding his arms up in a request to be picked up. He wore a cute and adorable little smile, and how could Roman resist that face? He picked up Harper, making sure not to smudge the paint on the little boy, sat him on his shoulder and then handed him the brush. The boy smiled and began to very sloppily paint the walls with the long brush, but it was okay, Roman could fix it later.

"See, Samuel, this is proof he's going to be artistic," Roman said with a grin, sticking his tongue out at his husband.
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Samuel decided to take a small little pause from the painting to look over at his husband and child. It seemed like one of the few things that could get Roman out of the zone when he was doing art was Harper. And Harper painting was absolutely adorable. Samuel just smiled softly.

"Well honestly, he's doing a better job than I am so maybe it is," Samuel chuckled, "maybe he'll be the worlds most famous soccer playing artist, he'll play soccer by day and paint by night,"

Samuel turned to continue with the painting, because as adorable the little boy was they still needed to get the painting done eventually, and while Harper was precious and adorable he wasn't actually much help.

"Now you'll be able to tell the twins that you helped them with their room," Samuel made some casual conversation with his son. Harper might still have a good bit to go with his speaking but that was no reason to exclude him, "are you excited about that, Harper? It's not all that much time left until they'll be here now,"
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"Uh-huh!" Harper affirmed with a nod of his little head. He continued to paint without a care in the world for a few more moments, before he asked, "Twins boy or girl?"

It could not have been more clear what Harper was asking. He wanted to know whether the twins were going to be boys, girls, or perhaps a mix of both. Roman looked up at Samuel and made eye contact with him for a moment, and once he had gained approval, he told his little son, "There is going to be one boy and one girl. You're going to have one brother and one sister."

Roman and Samuel had found this out for themselves a little while ago but hadn't told anyone yet, Roman wasn't sure why, but he kind of liked the idea of keeping it a secret until they were born. London was pestering him for information every day but he made sure to withhold it, just to tease her if for lack of a better reason.

Harper's face lit up with the brightest smile in the universe and he let out the most adorable little gasp upon hearing this news. "What names?" he demanded excitedly, and Roman looked over to Samuel so he could answer the question.
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Samuel nodded once as Roman requested him to tell the names. After seeing how happy Harper was to know the genders of his siblings Samuel really wanted to bring him some more of that happiness through telling the names. And even if they kept it a little hushed to everyone else, Harper deserved to know, it was his closest family after all.

"The boy is going to be named Eden, and his middle name like how your middle name is Alexis is going to be Daniel," Samuel explained, "and the girl is going to be named Stella, and her middle name will be Susanna,"

They had kept their name ideas from when figuring out what to name Harper, it was a little funny to think that if Harper had been a girl he could have been the one called Stella. But it was still a pretty name and she would be named after Stellan and Susan. And Samuel was really happy with what they had decided for Eden as well. Both names were pretty different from

"So your little sibling are Eden and Stella," Samuel did with the brightest of smiles, "do you like those names, sweetie?"
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"Edie and Stewwa," Harper repeated, obviously unable to say the names correctly with his infant tongue, but Roman didn't mind at all because it was so damn cute. Harper smiled with a nod of his adorable head. "Yes, I wuv it."

Roman beamed and pressed a kiss to his son's cheek. He was glad that Harper was excited about his future siblings, both their genders and their names. It just made Roman himself even more excited to welcome the twins to the world. They had yet to tell anyone else about the names of the twins, and they probably wouldn't tell too many people until they were born, but Roman was still giddy with joy at the thought of introducing his son and daughter to his family and friends.

Harper continued to paint the wall until his arms got tired and Roman finished up the job. He then sat down on the floor with his husband beside him and his son betweeen the two of them, and, having already painted a quick sandy sea shore before they had done the blue, proceeded to begin the paintings of the details on the walls. He started out by adding a few pieces of peachy coral to the area before him, his tongue between his teeth as he concentrated.

Harper cling to him like a spider monkey and refused to move while Roman moved. "Daddy ignowwing me," he said to his papa cutely.
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Soon Samuel was sitting, watching Roman start doing the actual creative painting, the thing that actually took proper skill and needed focus. But Harper was still adorably trying to get his dad's attention. Samuel's heart practically melted at the sight.

"Aww, baby there's no use, your Daddy is in the zone," Samuel said in a light and happy tone, doing a silly little hand motion with the word zone, "Look he'll ignore me too,"

Samuel poked Roman and continue, "Roman, Romaannn, I miss you," As he got no response he turned back to Harper, "See, he's lame come to Papa instead,"

He leaned over and pulled his son into his lap and gave him a little kiss on the top of his head, "Let's be cute so Daddy can't ignore us," Samuel suggests, and reached out to poke Roman again. He knew he was disturbing his arting, but it wasn't like he and Harper could do much more to help now that the base colour was laid down, so what were they going but to try to get Roman's attention, "Romannn," Samuel said again, in an annoying but slightly cute voice.
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Roman didn't respond when Samuel took it upon himself to be adorably annoying. It was mostly to annoy him back, but also slightly because he truly wanted to get this damn coral right. So, he stared at the artwork he was painting on the wall, his fingers expertly cradling the brush as he stroked on the paint. It was coming out nicely.

Harper took it upon himself to reach out and touch his daddy's arm with his tiny little hand, and Roman didn't look, but he could tell the little boy was smiling. "Daaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyy," he whined in the cutest possible way. "DAAAAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

Roman let out a big sigh, whirled around and swiped a bit of paint onto his son's arm with the brush. He let out a shriek of glee and Roman then looked up at Samuel, stared him dead in the eye, and swiped the brush across his cheeks, over his nose and all the way up to his ear.

"How can I be of assistance?" he asked in a completely dead tone.
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Harper was doing a really good job being adorable, so they'd be able to get Roman's attention. Samuel was very sure Roman wouldn't be able to resist that. And he was right, because he did turn. But it also earned Harper some paint on the hand and—

Samuel didn't have a chance to even lean away from the paint brush to the face. Roman in the art-zone was hardcore. And with the added blunt question Samuel realised he didn't even really have a proper objective for being annoying, just to help his little boy.

He moved his hand up to his face to assess the damage while he thought of what to say, just to find that there had indeed been a hefty amount of paint on the brush. He wiped the paint off on Roman's arm.

"Can we have some kisses please?"
Samuel suggested sweetly and smiled innocently at his husband, despite so rudely having been painted on, "Harper, we want some kisses, right?"
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"Right," Harper affirmed with a nod of his head, the R sound coming out as a W due to his adorable baby voice.

"And why should I kiss either of you?" Roman demanded in a snooty tone. After all, they had both been incredibly rude in interrupting his artistic endeavours.

Harper climbed into Roman's lap, clasped his hands together and gazed up at his dad with the sweetest, most precious expression on his darling little face. "Because we wuv you, Daddy," he said in a tone that matched his expression to a T.

And of course, Roman melted. "Oh, okay," he conceded, leaning down to press a series of quick and cute kisses to his son's cheek and forehead. The baby giggled in delight.

Roman then looked up at his husband, smirked at the paint on his face, and leaned in to press a sweet, loving kiss on the other man's lips. Because even if Samuel was being totally annoying, there was no way that Roman could stay mad at him for too long.
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The nursery was completely painted and mostly finished decorated just a couple of days later. Samuel and Harper had let Roman paint on his own without disturbing him and that way Roman had been able to finish in peace. They had however, brought him a can of Coke every once in a while, to thank him for his work and to see the progress.

Currently it was a sunny December Monday, not too long before Christmas. Samuel wasn't working since the schools were close and so he was spending his days at home with Harper. Roman was working that day though, and that morning Harper and Samuel had decided they missed him and had gone to eat lunch with him at the parlour, they had bought him KFC and everything and had a really nice little family lunch together.

"Do you have anyone booked in now?" Samuel asked, he was now sitting with Harper in his lap on a chair in Roman's studio, watching him prepare for what could be a known client or a drop in. The kfc was long since eaten, "will they let us stay? Then Harper will get to see you work for a little bit, would you like that Harper?"
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"Nah, I'm just handling drop ins, but I'm sure they'll let you stay,"
Roman said. He was in a very good mood that day, because the nursery was painted and he had completed a very good tattoo only a few hours ago. Plus, he had his gorgeous husband and beautiful son at work to accompany him, which was something he would never protest.

Harper was nodding along to his Papa's question, affirming he'd like to stay, and so Roman gave him a soft kiss to the head. "I'm sure that whoever drops in will love to have you stay."

After only about ten minutes, Lainey, a short and pretty young woman who Roman worked with, stuck her head in to talk to him. "Hey, I've got a drop in for you, are you free?"

"Yeah, sure, send them in," Roman affirmed with a smile.

Lainey left and after a few more moments, the client walked in. He was a man of average height and average build, with a mane of wildly curly, dark brown hair and hazel eyes that were ringed with dark kohl eyeliner. He wore black skinny jeans, a simple white T-shirt and a black denim jacket, with high top grey sneakers. He was smirking at Roman, and then Roman looked up at him, and his bright green eyes widened with realisation.

"Oh my God."

"Well, hello to you, sunshine," said the guy, speaking in a deep and sultry British accent, a voice like velvet. His face broke into a grin, and Roman let out a small laugh out of sheer surprise. He stood up and the guy came around to give him a friendly hug, with a clap on the back and a smile

"You got taller," said the guy.

"I am aware," Roman laughed he stepped away and turned to his family. He realised that once Roman disclosed who this person was, Samuel wouldn't like it, but he wasn't going to lie.

"Cameron, this is my husband Samuel and my son Harper," he said. "Samuel, Harper, this Cameron Healy, he's ... he's my ex-boyfriend, we dated for a while back in high school."