[Samuel x Roman]

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"I think she seems like just the kind of puppy we are looking for, yes," Samuel smiled and reached out to give her another little pet, her fur felt really different from the way Lady's had, but that didn't matter. They weren't looking for a replacement for Lady, just something to fill the dog-shaped hole in their hearts, and this little puppy seemed absolutely perfect, happy and active, but also sweet and loving, which was just what they needed in a family with a lot of children.

And so, they got to work on adopting the little puppy, there were some papers to fill out but Samuel couldn't help but chuckle a little at how easy it was to adopt a pet compared to a child. For obvious reasons, but still. It was a little funny to him how they had just walked in there and adopted the first dog they saw and just like that it was theirs. The people working there also seemed a little confused. Samuel was sure they were used to pretty impulsive decisions, since people tended to see how cute the pets were and then just get them without thinking it through. Just maybe not from two grown men.

But they didn't say anything and soon they were out the door, finally giving the poor teen girl a moment to relax and probably text her friends about the hot giant with the cute baby and husband she just saw. Samuel was carrying the puppy, she was so sweet and kept licking his face, while Roman pushed Harper's stroller. They had also purchased a collar for her, it was green since they had let Harper picked it out, but they hadn't bought any new food bowls and things like that since they already had those.

It felt a little weird to just use Lady's old stuff, but it was either using it or throwing them out because they couldn't just hoard old food bowls, and Samuel wasn't ready to throw them out just yet. Besides, Lady had been such a nice dog, he was sure she would have loved sharing her stuff what a new little puppy.

They arrived home and all got settled on the floor of the living room. Samuel gently put the puppy down so she could explore, "The puppy might be a little nervous and scared because she doesn't know she lives here yet," Samuel explained to Harper, "So we need to be sweet to her, okay?" The puppy however just seemed happy and curious and made her way to go sniff Harper, she had probably only been handled by adults before, so it was no wonder the little toddler interested her.

Samuel smiled softly and then turned his gaze to his husband, "What should we call her?" Samuel asked, Roman was the creative one out of the two of them and Samuel was never really that good with coming up with names, "Oh, or should we let Harper decide? I think that would be sweet?"
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Just like that, the beagle puppy was theirs. They hadn't looked at any other dogs but Roman felt that even if they had, they would have chosen this little delight, because she seemed like a perfect fit for them. She was energetic, meaning she would love to play with Harper and go for walkies with Samuel, but a small dog who wouldn't grow too big, which was important to Roman. Also, even if she had jumped on him, she was small enough not to hurt him by accident. All in all, she was perfect and Roman was glad she had made herself known to them.

"I think we should let Harper name her," Roman agreed as he folded up the stroller and put it away in the hallway cupboard. Harper was sitting on the floor in the living room, with the small dog rolling around beside him and occasionally giving his hand a playful little bite. Harper did not seem to mind at all.

Roman sat down beside his son and reached over to pet the dog's soft, exposed belly. "Harper, baby, what do you think we should name her?" Roman inquired of his gorgeous little son.

"Puppy," Harper said immediately with an adorable smile on his face. His grey eyes were fixed on the dog as he carefully pet her chest.

"We can't call her 'Puppy', sweetie, that would be silly," Roman said with a small chuckle. "What about ... Poppy? Do you like Poppy?"

"Poppy!" Harper exclaimed cheerfully, clapping his hands to show that he approved of the name.

Roman smiled and looked up at Samuel. "Do you like Poppy, my love?"
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"It sounds absolutely perfect," Samuel smiled. It was perfect because it was a collaborative effort between his husband and son and it was adorable. Plus he liked poppies, as evident by the pair of them that decorated his upper arm.

"But you know who we also gotta ask? Her," Samuel smiled, he reached out and gave her a couple of pets to get her attention and then said and an excited voice, "So, what do you say, does Poppy sound good?"

The little puppy yipped happily, she had no idea he had just asked her about her name, instead barking at his tone of voice but still, Samuel considered that approval enough and let her go back to playing with Harper, "I'd say she likes it, so Poppy it is,"

Samuel smiled, Poppy was such an adorable little dog and hopefully, she'd fit right in with the family and the other pets. He was still sad about Lady, they all were, but having this little cutie around would definitely help them heal, just like Lady had been what had helped Samuel heal after Daisy's death all those years ago. And he couldn't wait to bring her out for her first walk, and fill up the food bowls with dog food again, and have a happy dog run up to the door and bark every time they came home. He would always miss Lady, but finally, their little family could feel complete again.
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Not too long after they had adopted Poppy, Roman was spending an afternoon playing with his son in the living room while Samuel graded papers in the kitchen. The little dog was running around their feet as Roman used his pretend Harry Potter wand to fire imaginary spells at Harper. Poppy had integrated well into their household and Roman loved her a lot, as did everyone else. He felt so lucky that they had been able to find such a perfect fit to fill the hole Lady had left with her passing.

Roman was sitting on the floor while Harper toddled around in an attempt to evade Roman's line of fire. It was insane that he was walking, it seemed like only yesterday that he was a small infant who needed help rolling onto his back. But he was growing up so fast, and sometimes Roman felt a little emotional about it, but ultimately he was happy that Harper was turning out to be such an active and playful little child.


"PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Harper shouted with glee as Roman grabbed him around the middle and held him in a close hug, poking him gently with his wand. "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE MEEEEEEEEE!"
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There were few things Samuel loved more than hearing his family play happily with each other, the only thing that could make things better was if he could join him. But on this nice afternoon, he was cursed to grade papers, which was his job so he didn't mind. It was just really hard to resist joining in on playtime.

He did manage though, that is, until Harper let out a shout for him, it was clearly a happy one, but Samuel couldn't just ignore him. Besides, maybe he had earned himself a short break. So, he stood and headed out to the living room to see that Roman had captured their son.

"No son of mine shall be disarmed! Don't worry I'll save you, Harper," Samuel exclaimed happily, sliding forward on the hardwood floor which worked very well in his nice pastel blue cloud socks. The colour or pattern didn't make a difference, Samuel just liked them a lot. Poppy happily headed over to him to yip a greeting and then continued to excitedly tumble around them in general.

Samuel held out the pen he had been using to correct the papers and held it out towards his husband and son as a pretend wand, "Unhand him this instant, or I'll have to use force and magic, magical force, yes! And I'm like, super powerful, so you better let him go!"
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"HA! Your measly writing utensil cannot compare to my weapon of refined magic," Roman declared, pointing his wand at his husband with a big smile on his face. Harper was giggling as his dads played along with their fun game. Everyone was happy, and it was great.

"Daddy, let me go!" Harper insisted, wriggling in his dad's arms. Roman, playing along with the game, did not do that, and instead directed his wand to the little boy.

"Quiet, child, or I will have to quiet you myself! Muff --"

Harper let out a shriek of happiness and began to thrash in Roman's arms to escape the spell. However, he wasn't being very careful -- none of them were -- so his little fist smashed into Roman's nose in his attempt to escape. And suddenly, the game was all over.

The blood came so quickly at the start that Roman didn't have time to move before he bled on Harper. The boy's shirt was stained and so was his cheek, arm and hand. Roman's chest was quickly bloodied as well. As fast as he could, Roman set the child down and got to his feet, walking somewhat dizzily to the bathroom where the epi-pens were held, and found one and jabbed it into his leg. The bleeding promptly stopped.

Harper's loud, scared crying could be heard from the living room and Poppy had scrambled out of the room to hide under the bed in Roman and Samuel's room. The blood loss had been both sudden and intense due to the fact that it had been his nose that was hit, so Roman was still very woozy. Unable to do anything else, he sat on the edge of the bath, and then eventually in the bathtub itself, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes.
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"Shit," Samuel didn't have the filter to stop himself when Roman's nose suddenly was pouring out blood over both him and Harper, but he was fairly quick to stand up and head to the bathroom by himself so there was no need for him to rush. Which left him there with his crying baby covered in blood.

It was a kind of terrifying sight to see his son covered in blood like that, knowing it wasn't his didn't help much since it was his husband's and the little boy's father's. For a while Samuel genuinely didn't know what to do, was he supposed to tend to Harper's crying, or go and see if Roman had gotten his Epi-Pen alright.

After a moment it so he realized there was no point in just standing there though, so he picked Harper up from the floor and held him close, rubbing his back while hushing him gently. Then he carefully made his way to the bathroom. He kept a hand on Harper's head so he couldn't turn it, which he felt was a good deduction because Roman looking miserable and bloody in the bathtub. He felt like it was up to Roman if he wanted Harper to see him like that. Samuel wasn't sure if it would be scarring for Harper to see it, but they couldn't avoid it forever either. He was starting to realize that now and seeing Roman all bloody as well was bringing tears to his eyes.

"Roman, love," he said gently and sat down on the edge of the tub, "are you okay?" The answer was of course no, had it been a normal person, but when asking Roman it was more a question about whether or not he was struggling to stay conscious or if he needed to go to the hospital, "or can I go clean up Harper?" He was a baby he couldn't do it himself so in this case Roman would have to wait.
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Roman felt like absolute shit, both physically and mentally. He felt dizzy and woozy and like he was going to vomit, and also horrible, because he had just been injured during playtime with his son and of course, that made him question everything. Was he fit to be a father if he couldn't even handle a light knock to the nose? If this was how he was with only one child, what would happen when the twins came along and they had three? What would happen if something like this occurred while Samuel wasn't there? Roman's mind was swimming with questions and self-doubt, and also the beginnings of a pounding headache.

Roman's eyes opened when the door did and his heart broke when he saw his husband, looking so dejected, carrying their infant who was covered in his blood. He felt terrible that he had put his family through that kind of stress, even if it wasn't his fault.

"I'm fine,"
Roman said, even though he really wasn't. He didn't need to go to the hospital but he definitely needed to lie down. He tried to get up, but almost slipped and had to grab onto the bathroom counter for dear life. He managed to get out of the bath, still holding onto the counter.

"Wash Harper, I'll have a shower afterwards,"
he insisted. He began to stumble out of the bathroom and down the hall, stopping in Harper's room to pick up the package of baby wipes on the change table, and then going into his and Samuel's room. He shed his clothes, put on a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt and laid down on his side of the bed, wiping his face with the baby wipes and getting as much blood off as he could without actually looking.

Hopefully, in here, with his family in another room, he wouldn't fuck everything up like he always did.
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Samuel stood and helplessly watched as Roman stumbled out. He really wanted to do something, but he was holding Harper, who was bloody and needed to be tended to. He just really wanted to wrap Roman in a big hug and wash him off and then get him in bed, but with the added responsibility they had as fathers, they just couldn't do that.

So, Samuel carefully undressed his little baby and cleaned all the blood of him, it didn't take too long, because he was small and he complied, and he hadn't gotten that much blood on him, it mostly just looked like it had been a lot. Then he brought him back to his room and got him into some cosy clothes. For a moment he debated putting him in his crib, but he didn't want to leave him there. Instead, he grabbed some of Harper's favourite plushies and his blanket and headed into his and Roman's room.

Samuel felt himself tear up again almost automatically upon seeing his husband like that, so sad and weak. But at least he wasn't completely covered in blood anymore, so he felt like Harper could see him. He propped some pillows up so Harper could sit in the bed and placed him there with his plushies and hs blanket, "Here's one clean little guy," He said, in an attempt to a happy voice, to comfort Harper, but it kind of failed.

He sighed, and quietly grabbed his laptop, which he placed in front of Harper and got quickly navigated to get Moana to show up on screen, "But Daddy still needs a shower, can you be a big boy for me and sit here calmly and watch a movie with Poppy while I help him?" he glanced over at Roman, he had clearly barely made it out of the bathroom, and now that he could Samuel wanted to help him, besides he looked so sad, much sadder than he usually did after a bleeding and Samuel needed to know why.
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Roman stared at the nighttime ceiling and allowed himself to drown in his own thoughts until Samuel came in with Harper. He tore his eyes away to gaze at his little son, who looked a little unhappy still, but definitely a lot better than before. He was clean and was sucking on his thumb as he was placed in the middle of the bed, watching Roman and clinging to his giraffe plushie as he silently waited for confirmation that his dad was okay.

"I'm fine, baby," Roman said with a fake smile, reaching over to gently caress his son's smooth cheek with the back of his hand. Harper seemed convinced even if he was as transparent as a pane of glass. "Now, can you please do as Papa asked?"

Harper nodded, his thumb still in his mouth, and turned his eyes back to the laptop screen. Roman called Poppy, who bounced onto the bed and curled up beside Harper. Roman gave them both an unreadable look before he stood up, and let Samuel help him to the bathroom, though he didn't meet his husband's gaze. He couldn't, because he was ashamed and miserable and ... broken.

In the bathroom, he sat down in the shower with all of his clothes on because he was simply too tired to take them off, and leaned against the wall with his arms around his knees, staring at the wall beside him as the water soaked him through. "...Did you get him clean okay?" Roman asked with a voice that exposed all the feelings of misery and uselessness he was feeling, but that he didn't try to mask. "Harper, I mean."
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"Yeah, He honestly didn't get all that much on him," Samuel said, now seated next to Roman, outside the tub, but reaching in to help him rub away any blood the water wasn't getting to, "I think he was crying more because he didn't understand what was happening to you than anything,"

Clearly all Harper had needed was for things to calm down a little and know his daddy was alright. Since he now was sitting calmly in the bed watching movies with the dog.

"Here, let me help you," Samuel added, and then carefully helped Roman peel of his now soaking wet shirt, revealing his very pale chest. Roman was always pale, and Samuel thought it suited him and that he was beautiful, but it was different right after a bleed like this, because then he looked so white and sickly and it always had Samuel feeling really sad,

"But he seems okay, so don't worry about it, he'll recover, and something like this was bound to happen sooner or later, I don't think we should get too hung up on it," Samuel said earnestly, it was a part of their life, they couldn't do anything about it, all they could do was deal with every situation the best they could. But he could tell Roman didn't feel that way though, "But I can tell you're not okay," now his voice was failing him a little, vocalizing that Roman clearly felt terrible got him really emotional, and tears were starting to form "so can you please tell me what you're feeling?"
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Samuel didn't need to be a master on body language to know that Roman was miserable. Roman opened his mouth to let out a deep sigh. He wished he could just move on from this without letting it affect either him or Samuel, but he knew he needed to talk to his husband about it. It always helped to disclose one's emotions to someone who one knows truly cares about them.

"I just ... I feel like ... it makes me worry that I'm not a good father, or that I can't be as good of a father as I'd like to be,"
Roman said. His voice was bleak and dreary, and he still couldn't meet Samuel's eyes. "I mean, this happened because Harper and I were playing. I was just trying to play with him but I end up half-dead and now we need to teach him he can't play rough with me, and I don't want that, because I don't want him to constantly be worried about hurting me."

Roman had begun to cry at this point, but only softly, with just small trickles of tears running down his cheeks, adjacent to the streams of water coming from the shower. "And if this is what it's like with one kid, how is it going to be when the twins come?" Roman continued. "When we have three little babies who don't know any better and don't know that I'm different, that I'm fucking weak and that I can't play with them like a normal parent? I shouldn't have to worry about this, and it's not fair on you, either, because it's something you're constantly having to worry about and deal with when we both should be focused on our kids."

Roman let out a shaky sigh and reached up to turn the water off, since he was clean now, but he made no motion to move otherwise. "I just wish I could be normal for once," Roman whispered.
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Hearing Roman say all these things just broke Samuel's heart and soon he was crying along with his husband. He didn't want Roman to feel this way. He wished he could be okay and completely healthy, so he always could be happy. But that just wasn't the reality of their situation, it wouldn't ever happen and that was what made Roman saying he wished he was normal so horrible.

"please look at me," Samuel said and gently reached out to angle Roman's face towards himself. He looked straight into Roman's beautiful eyes, they were glossy with tear but still looked kind of dull due to the sadness, "You're so strong, Roman, maybe not physically, but I'm sure a lot of people in your position would have just given up ages ago, but you're here and you're living a normal life and that's amazing,"

It truly was, Samuel believed that with all his heart. For Roman life was always a struggle, but he was doing it, and Samuel was so very proud of him.

"And I know it's shitty that you have to go through this, and I wish you didn't so bad, and all I want is for someone to develop a cure or at least better medicine that could prevent these major bleedings, just so you wouldn't have to worry about it" Samuel was talking between sniffles and sobs at this point, but he was stubbornly doing it, no tears could stop him from comforting his husband, "But I don't mind worrying about you, I can worry about both you hand Harper and the twins at once, you're all always on my mind anyways, even if you hadn't had your illness I would worry about always needing to make sure you're okay, because I just always want you to be happy, Besides, I have to worry about you, I need to know you're okay so you can help me with Harper, because it'd be so fucking hard to be a parent without you, because you're probably the best dad in the world and Harper loves you no matter what, I know that."

Harper's worry just moments earlier was proof of that. The little boy hadn't been upset playtime was over, he was upset because he hadn't known what was going on or why his Daddy was hurt. Samuel took a small pause, to collect himself and take a deep breath, he also moved his hands from Roman's face and gently let them slide down to his shoulders instead. Then he kissed his forehead softly.

"I wish you didn't have to take it easy when playing with Harper, I really do, but only for your sake, because I don't want you to suffer like you have to do every fucking day. But I don't think Harper, and the twins, being a little gentler with you has to be something huge, they'll learn where your limits are. And your limits are nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has them, I do too… so please don't forget that your haemophilia isn't all that you are, you're the best dad in the world, the best husband, the best friend, you having something that limits you doesn't make anyone love you any less. I love you so much, Roman."
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Roman knew everything that Samuel was saying was coming from the heart. His husband truly believed all of this, and it was amazing to know that, because during his bouts of self-doubt and self-hatred, Roman needed this kind of unwavering love and support more than he did at any other time. If he didn't have Samuel, Roman would be lost. Quite often, the two found themselves in a situation where Roman was carrying the brunt of both of their emotions, acting as the life support when Samuel was down. But that aspect of their relationship worked both ways, and even if Samuel's words hadn't just simply eliminated all of the negative emotions Roman was feeling, he certainly felt a lot better.

"I love you too," Roman said, quietly, but with a small, genuine smile on his face. He leaned forward and kissed Samuel on the cheek, which was all he could reach without straightening up, then pushed a hand through his wet hair. He would reflect on everything Samuel had just said, about his limits and his strengths, but right now, he just wanted to get into some comfy clothes and go watch Moana with his son and husband.

So he did just that, letting Samuel help him into their walk-in wardrobe, where he changed into some pyjama bottoms with nice clouds on them that matched Samuel's socks, and a simple black T-shirt. He then went over to the bed and got into his side, snuggling under the blankets with Harper watching him carefully. The little boy was calm now, but still seemed to realise that Roman was still not totally okay.

"Daddy?" he said softly, pressing, without the right words, to know what was going on.

"Daddy's fine, baby," Roman promised. He reached over to pause the movie and close the laptop for a moment, and then looked up at his son intently. "Harper, you need to be careful when playing with Daddy, alright? Daddy can get hurt very easily, which is what happened today. So, when we play we need to be gentle. Okay?"

Harper frowned, turning to Samuel. "Hurt?" he asked worriedly.
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"Mhm, like when you fall and your knees hurt," Samuel said gently and ran a hand over Harper's soft brown hair, he didn't like the worry on his little face, but he also loved the fact that he was so caring and empathic, other one-year-olds might have just gotten mad the movie was over, but not Harper, he could tell his daddy wasn't okay, and he wanted to understand why, "You see, if that happens to daddy, he would get a lot more hurt than you and me, cus…"

Samuel had to stop himself because he wasn't sure how to explain an illness like Roman's to his child just like that and for a moment he just considered not doing it, that'd be easier, emotionally easier for Roman at least. And just as much as he wanted his son to understand he wanted Roman to be happy. But if he thought about it it'd probably be better in the long run if they just explained as well as possible right now.

"Because daddy is sick, not like a cold that you can see, it makes it so he gets hurt really easily and so that we have to be just a little more careful with him," Samuel reached out to rub Roman's arm a little, but not too gently, like he normally would after a bleeding, just to show Harper that they still could act somewhat normally around him, "But you can still play with him and have fun with him, like you always have, but because you're growing up to be a big boy soon you have to be a little careful sometimes,"
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Roman didn't mind Samuel telling Harper that he was sick, because it was true, in a way, and it was better for them to tell the little boy things like this now, while he was young, so he was at least somewhat prepared for when they told him the full truth when he was older. Roman caught Samuel's hand and squeezed it, then dropped a small kiss to the top of Harper's head, to cheer him up and hopefully let him know that he was at least somewhat okay.

Harper turned around and looked at Roman. "Cawe-ful?"

Roman nodded. "Yes, baby, you have to be careful."

Harper hesitated, but then slowly reached over and put his little arms around as much of Roman's torso as he could reach. His touch was as light as a feather, so light that Roman could hardly feel it, but he was doing as he had been told and Roman almost teared up because his son was just so gorgeous and sweet, he couldn't believe it. Roman reciprocated by rubbing Harper's little back, then looked up at Samuel and held out his other arm, silently requesting to hold him too.
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Samuel, of course, accepted Roman's request for affection and cuddled up closer and put his arm around both Roman and Harper so they were all together, their little family. All of them were equally important, it didn't matter if Roman's illness was cause for worry sometimes things wouldn't be the same without him. Besides, the worry was honestly just a sign that they loved him.

"When something like this happens, we should always make sure to give daddy a lot of hugs and kisses and smiles so he knows that we love him," Samuel murmured, "Just like you did,"

Samuel was very proud of Harper because he was dealing with the situation in what he considered a very good way, he asked to get confirmation on the things he needed it for and then acted accordingly. He was so precious, and Samuel loved him.

"I love you, Roman," Samuel said softly, "And I love you too Harper, I love the both of you so much, no matter what,"
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"The anaesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where ... the apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in ... it's not so pleasant and it's not so conventional ... and it sure as hell ain't normal but we deal, we deal ..."

A week or so later, Roman was standing in the kitchen, singing Panic! At the Disco's Camisado at the top of his lungs while he unloaded a tray of freshly made honey joys onto a plate. It was almost December at this point, meaning that the weather was warm and sunny, but not too hot to do anything outside. Hence, Samuel was playing soccer with their son in the backyard, with Poppy running around and trying to nip at the ball, and Roman, being the good husband that he was, was making snacks and refreshments for them. Mostly so he didn't have to play himself.

"Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid ... sit back, relax, sit back, relapse again ... Samuel! Harper! I made you some snacks!" Roman called as he stepped out onto the back patio and set the plate of honey joys, and a jug of freshly made juice that had a combination of different berries inside of it.

Harper immediately dropped the soccer ball and scrambled up the steps to the patio, and took a honey joy off the plate while Roman poured them all a glass of juice. "Samuel, do you think I'd be a good 1950's housewife?" Roman asked his husband sweetly. "I'll, like, wear an apron and curl my hair and everything."
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About a week after Roman's bleeding he seemed to be doing better. At least in Samuel's opinion, and that sunny late November day all worries just seemed to be forgotten because Samuel was having the time of his life playing soccer with Harper. It was so much fun since Harper could actually walk and run around now, so it was more like actually playing with him than rolling a ball back and forth. Sadly Roman couldn't really join, and physical activity wasn't really his thing so he had opted to make snacks instead, it seemed, as he came out with a tray with them.

"I think you'd look lovely with your hair curled and wearing an apron," Samuel chuckled and stood on his toes to press a kiss to Roman's cheek, "And your food is really nice,"

He went to grab a honey joy, usually, he was an advocate for healthy snacks, but it wasn't like he was going to bitch about it when Roman had made them a nice snack and juice, it was so sweet of him and Samuel loved his husband. Plus, he and Harper had been running around having fun for ages now, the little boy would need some extra energy.

"But like, don't quit your job to become a 1950's housewife because then I can't keep my status as a trophy wife," Samuel joked. And went to help Harper up into one of the armchairs before sitting down in one next to him, allowing Poppy to jump up and settle in his lap.

"Anyways, Harper is like the most amazing soccer player ever!"
Samuel said, proudly, he was obviously over-exaggerating, no one-year-old was an amazing soccer player, but he was adorable when he was toddling around trying to catch the ball and he clearly enjoyed himself, "He totally got the ball from me like a dozen times, I have like, no chance of beating him!"
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"Really?" Roman asked his son happily, sitting on the arm of Harper's chair. The two armchairs were close enough that Roman could sit on one arm of each and therefore was comfortably perched between his two favourite people in the whole wide world. "Harper, that's great! But you seem to have forgotten that you hate soccer with a fiery passion and will definitely be undertaking more artistic hobbies when you're older."

Harper blinked a couple of times at all the confusing and fancy words, and Roman laughed. "Just kidding, baby," he said, running a hand over his baby's soft hair. "Good job, you'll be beating Papa in no time."

They continued to chat for a bit while they ate their honey joys and drank their juice. Once he was finished, Harper climbed down from his armchair and reached up for Roman's hand, and then began to pull it. "Daddy play!" he insisted. "Daddy play!"

Roman raised his eyebrows and looked up at the soccer net and the ball resting on the ground. In an ideal world, he'd be rolling around with his husband and son and having the time of his life out in the garden, but he was still a haemophiliac, as much as he wished that he wasn't. There was nothing he could do about it ... but maybe ...

"Okay, but we have to be careful," he said to Harper, and then turned to Samuel. "Do you think that'd be okay?"