[Samuel x Roman]

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After the initial excitement wore off, Roman drove the car around to the front of the house and parked it on the curb behind Brooklyn's vehicle. He could not have been happier with the present from his mother and father and he couldn't stop thanking them for the next twenty minutes. It was the best gift he had received -- from them, at least. The absolute best gift that year was definitely Samuel's amazing and beautiful poem.

Samuel, who had to go now.

"I wish you could stay, too, but, I mean, this is your last Christmas before you move away so you really should be spending it with your mother," Roman admitted with a sigh. He didn't want to keep the two Ortegas away from each other, especially not on Christmas, a day that should be spent with family.

"I'll tell you what, though, I'll drive you to your house," Roman suggested, before leaning back inside to inform his parents that he'd be back as soon as possible. They nodded and soon Roman was sitting back in the driver's seat of his wonderful new vehicle.

"I love this," he said as he connected his phone to the aux cord -- the car was new enough to have one of those spiffy interactive screens -- and played Chocolate by The 1975. "We're totally getting purple seat coverings. And a vanilla scented air freshener."
It really wasn't a long drive at all between their houses and Samuel would have had no trouble walking at all, but he had no objections to spending that small amount of extra time with his boyfriend. And he also liked the idea of him driving him around.

So he excitedly followed along and sat down in the passenger seat and let Roman decide on the music, because it was his car and he usually let him decide.

"Are you gonna become one of those people that are way to obsessed with their own cars now?" Samuel chuckled, "Are you, like, going to give it a name and love it more than me?"

He liked the way Roman said we though, every reminder that they were going to be living with each other and spend their lives together made Samuel more happy than anything.
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Roman smirked as he started up the car and sighed in joy at the purr of the engine, only because it was his, and his only. "I'm definitely going to give this baby a name, but I'm not sure I'm capable of loving anything more than I love you," Roman said softly, taking Samuel's hand over the centre console and driving one-handed.

Roman wasn't a car person but he was practically on the brink of tears as he smoothly steered his wonderful new car through the streets of his hometown. He realised that in a few short weeks he wouldn't be living here anymore. That fact would have saddened him if he wasn't so excited to get out of this place -- he wanted to live in the city, to expand his horizons, to build his new life with Samuel.

He pulled up in front of the Ortega household and brought Samuel's hand up to his lips, before looking at the ring he had placed on his boyfriend's finger. "I take it you liked your presents?"
The car ride was over all too fast, but he still lingered in the car as his boyfriend continued speaking. Just a little more time spent with him. Time spent in privacy with him, where he really could express himself better.

"Of course," Samuel said letting his eyes flicker up to Roman and then back to his hand, "I loved them"

He truly did. The Roman was good at giving gifts, or maybe he just knew him well enough. The ring was not coming off anytime soon, Lady was getting her new adorable collar as soon as he got to her and he kept the locket hidden under his shirt for now, close to his heart, the unfamiliar feeling metal on his chest acted as a reminder of how amazing his boyfriend was.

"I'm gonna wear this all the time so everyone knows I'm all yours," Samuel said, referencing the ring they were both looking at. They were going to move away and meet all new people and he wasn't going to hide his relationship with Roman, like he had in the beginning, he was going to wear the ring with their initials on them, and if people asked he was going to tell him about his boyfriend.

"Did you like yours" he then asked carefully, yeah he had acted like he liked them and Samuel doubted he would say the opposite, "I'm kind of shit at giving gifts, I kind of had to have London help me with the shopping"

He confessed it with a shrug, he had still gotten the things he wanted to get him, but with her guidance. He didn't at all think Roman minded, even with help it meant he had put down a lot of effort and thoughts on getting him the gift. In all honesty, he was just still a little flustered about the whole poetry thing so that was his main concern.
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Roman didn't care at all that Samuel had needed help with the gifts, because they still came from him. He had still put thought into them, and there was still that emotional depth Roman cherished. He was overwhelmingly happy.

"I love them," Roman assured his significant other, leaning in for a soft but passionate kiss to the lips. "That poem was the single most beautiful thing I've ever read in my life, Samuel, and I'm not exaggerating. I love it to the moon and back because it came from you."

Roman kissed him again, then kissed him on the cheek and the collarbone and the neck before the lips again because he couldn't get enough. Though, he did pull back and sigh.

"You'd better go. I'll see you later. I love you."
Roman had confirmed loved the poem and that made Samuel very happy and a little less self-conscious about it. He always wanted to make sure his boyfriend felt loved, and if he had managed to do that it was a good gift.

"Yeah, love you too," he said with a small sigh, wanting eve more kisses and attention now that Roman had started but needing to leave. He stepped out of the car and before closing the door he said a happy "Merry Christmas, see you later".

The next couple of weeks were spent getting everything ready for moving out. Planning everything, packing things up and spending time with the people they wouldn't get to see as often.

Samuel was so excited he thought he was going to burst. He was also just as scared. Moving out was a big step, a step he was glad he would be doing with his boyfriend and friends rather than alone.

He had realized he didn't have all too many things he needed to bring with him so he and his mum, and Lady of course, had just taken his boxes of books, clothes and some electronics in the car and driven over to the Hemlock residence where the moving truck rented by Elliot's parents was waiting, the last stop before it would be driving over to the house where they were all going to live for the next couple of years.

It was still pretty early in the day as they had gotten started in the morning, but it wasn't early enough for it not to be hot out so carrying things had everyone a little more tired than it should have.

Evan who was hanging around the Hemlock's anyways helped with carrying the heavier things out to the truck along with everyone else who was strong enough to do it. The biggest struggle being Roman's bed, but after taking it apart and with everyone helping they managed to get it down the stairs and into the truck without anyone hurting themselves.

There weren't too many things in terms of furniture, mostly whatever their parents could part with to spare them the trouble and money of having to get it themselves, the rest they would have to. Roman probably wouldn't mind getting a chance to decorate though, and everyone save for Samuel were pretty artsy as well so he assumed they felt about the same.
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The day had come.

It was the day Roman was moving out of home, and he was excited, but he was also feeling a little nostalgic. He had lived his entire life in this house, and now he was leaving, and he wouldn't be coming back for at least a month. It was currently mid-January and classes started at the end of the month, so there would be some time before Roman got to see his parents and sister and niece again.

But, he was still excited, excited to be starting the next chapter of their lives.

Roman's contribution to the furniture consisted of his bed, one of the couches from the party shed and the upright piano, which would be going in his and Samuel's bedroom. He already missed his black walls and galaxy ceiling but he would be decorating the new house when they got there. He was also bringing his drawers from his room, all of his clothes, makeup and accessories and his art supplies, of course, as well as his horror movie collection. And, Percy. He couldn't part with Percy.

The big things went in the moving truck which was soon on its way, and the smaller boxes of things like makeup and electronics and clothes went in the trunk of Roman's car, along with some of Samuel's things. Percy and Lady sat in their carriers in the back seat with plenty of water for the three-hour car ride, and Roman had packed plenty of snacks for the journey, though, he would probably eat most of them.

Finally, with everything packed and Roman's bedroom mostly bare, it was time to say goodbye.

Ingrid was in tears, as she had been when Brooklyn had left home, so Roman hugged her first. She wished him luck and told him to stay out of trouble and said 'I love you' about forty times before finally releasing her younger son. Roman then went to Stellan, who clapped him on the back and said to take care of himself, and also reminded him that he'd been transferred to a new blood doctor in the city. Roman thanked his parents for everything they had done.

Finally, he turned to London. Surprisingly, London wasn't crying, but he could tell that she was trying to keep it together. She was holding baby Allison against her chest so Roman made sure to be careful when he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, before wrapping her in a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much," London choked, hugging her beloved twin tightly as if she wasn't willing to let him go.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmured, rubbing her back softly. "We'll talk every day. Look after yourself, okay? I love you." He pulled back to plant a soft kiss to Allison's head. "And I love you, too, princess, look after your mummy."

After saying his goodbyes to Evan and Mrs Ortega, Roman went to the car to wait for his boyfriend to finish up his own goodbyes before they began the next chapter of their lives together.
When done getting everything into the car it was time for goodbyes. Samuel knew this would be the worst part of the day and he almost wanted to go back to carrying boxes just to be able to stay a little longer.

When he hugged his mother goodbye Samuel couldn't really stop the sniffles, he was going to miss his mother a lot. Which, she reminded him even more of when she gently stroke his hair and mumbled: "Oh Sammy". As much as Samuel was going to miss his mother, though, he was happier than anything to be able to leave the house he grew up in, it was sad but he knew it was a sign of better times.

He wiped his tears away as he went over to say goodbye to Evan. His friend went in to give him some dumb as fuck bro hug with a pat on the back, which Samuel decided was fucking ridiculous so he pulled him in for a real one instead. They had been friends too long to not be able to give each other a proper goodbye.

"I'll miss you, like who the fuck am I going to watch soccer with?" Samuel asked jokingly as he let his friend go and Evan chuckled.

"You'll just have to force your boyfriend until you can come back to visit" Evan responded and, "Have fun studying, you nerd"

"have fun being a dad, dumbass"

They said goodbye, and Samuel gave London a quick hug and goodbye too, because she was his friend and he was going to miss her a lot too, before sitting down in the car, closing the door and securing his seatbelt.

"So…" He said, quieting down in hesitation and sat quietly for a moment as he let it all sink in. This was real and this was happening. They were leaving their hometown, the place where they had grown up, for something completely new. And they were going to live together and they were going to be surrounded by friends who were good people, "Let's go, I guess?"
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This was real. This was all incredibly real and Roman couldn't help himself from taking a long, hard look at the house that had always been his home, that he had grown up in, that he would miss terribly. At the parents and sister he had spent his entire life with. At everything he had ever known, but everything he was leaving.

"Yeah." This was the start of a new adventure. This was good. And Roman wasn't sad when he said, "Let's go."

He waved to the small group of people as he pulled out of the driveway, turned the car onto the road and followed Bella's car -- Bella and Blake had been waiting for them -- out of the borders of their hometown and onto the road to Melbourne, where they would be living now. Roman was excited. He was happy.

He reached over to squeeze Samuel's hand and then to fiddle with the controls on the stereo until soft music was playing through the car -- The 1975, which he was slowly falling in love with. He decided that he didn't want this trip to be filled with mopey emo whining so he moved the topic of conversation to a pleasant one.

"So obviously we won't be decorating much today but tomorrow, we are totally finding the closest Kmart and you can come with me to pick stuff out for our room."
As the car started driving Samuel felt his heart beating a little faster, they were leaving and they wouldn't come back for a while. He closed his eyes for a moment to calm his weird mixture of fear and excitement, listening to Roman's choice of music, until ot long after Roman started talking about what was next to come in their lives.

Samuel was happy to talk about something that would distract him from the people he would miss at home. At what used to be home. To talk about what he was the most excited about with all of this. The two of them spending time together, about the fact that the place that Samuel would call home would be the same place that Roman called home.

"Wow, you're allowing me to come with you? Thanks" Samuel joked and gave his boyfriend an amused look at the way he had worded it as if Samuel wouldn't have tagged along to annoy him with his bad sense of style anyways and continued in the same tone "How much of a say will have in what we get?"

Samuel truly didn't care all that much if Roman decided most things about how their room would look like, he had a way better eye for what things went together. But it was going to be their shared living space so it felt kind of right to try to find things they'd both like.
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"You will have absolutely no say in what we get. Your only purpose for being there is to make sure that I don't spend a ridiculous amount of money on cushions and soap dispensers."

Roman was joking, of course. It was Samuel's room as well as his own, so he would make sure Samuel had some input in the design and layout of the space. He was mostly joking whenever he said he hated bright colours -- well, no, he did hate them, but he was already figuring out ways in which the shades could be incorporated into their bedroom without upsetting him too much.

"You know we get our own bathroom, right? There's a small bathroom in the basement, then one on the bottom floor and one on the top floor. So we get to pick our own soap dishes and hand towels and it's going to be so fucking cute."

Percy meowed and Roman glanced at the two animals in the back seat. "And you two are going to behave yourselves, right?" he said in a parental way to their pets.
Samuel turned towards the animals in the back as if waiting for them to actually answer, the attention did make the still growing puppy yipp happily. Percy didn't make a sound, simply because cats were more quiet animals, or maybe because he was sleeping.

Samuel chuckled slightly and turned back around. With how much they loved their pets they were kind of like a tiny little family. Samuel was very excited about cuddling up in bed with Roman and their two furry little friends in their bed whenever they would get the chance.

"I love how excited you are about soap dishes and hand towels" Samuel was mostly just happy they wouldn't be five people sharing one bathroom, that would have definitely been a disaster, "like the best part about getting our own bathroom isn't the hot and steamy shared showers"

Samuel gave Roman a joking wiggle of his eyebrows to accompany his half-joke even if his boyfriend was busy driving and thus were supposed to keep his eyes on the road.
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"Wow, Samuel, way to ruin the totally innocent excitement I had over our bathroom," Roman joked as he drove. He had no issues with driving and talking at the same time because he had always been good at multitasking, and this was no exception. Besides, he was a good driver.

"I don't think you're considering the fact that it would be practically impossible for us to share a shower," he said, poking fun at his boyfriend as he followed Bella's car around a corner. "All the water would either be on me or you and one of us would be stupidly cold."

Roman shook his head. "So, sorry, the most exciting thing about our own bathroom is the hand towels. Hey, can you please open a Coke for me? They're in the portable cooler thing in the back."
"Sure," Samuel said and twisted around to reach for a coke for his boyfriend without even thinking twice about it. While he was already leaning into the back seats he gave Lady a little bop on the nose because she was adorable, but let Percy sleep.

After leaning back into his seat and opening the can he took a sip and handed it over to Roman. He usually just stole small amounts of Roman's drinks instead of getting his own since he often found them too sugary to drink a whole can or bottle off and because he really like sharing things with his boyfriend.

"I am very disappointed," He continued on the topic of showers and bathrooms, "you are totally ruining all my shower related dreams and fantasies"

The part of him that wasn't joking totally wouldn't mind being a little cold, but he could give Roman those kinds of details at a more suitable point. Like when he was going to convince him to join him in the shower sometime in the future, despite all the skepticism.

"We'll just have to get some really amazing hand towels to compensate," He said matter of factly, as if that actually was logical in anyway, "otherwise sharing a bathroom will be completely useless."
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"I guarantee you, we will choose the best hand towels in the country and our bathroom will be the single most amazing location on the planet," Roman assured his boyfriend as he drove, taking one hand away from the steering wheel to sip his beverage.

The rest of the drive was pleasant, with mindless chatter between the two boys, plenty of proclamations of love and two stops, one to pee and one to have lunch with Bella and Blake at a KFC they passed. Soon, however, they arrived at their new home.

It was a vintage-looking, two-storey house in the middle of a small suburb of Melbourne called Lilydale, one that was close to the city but also close to the suburb of Clayton, in which both Samuel's and Roman's schools were held. The moving truck was already there by the time Roman and Samuel, who were the last to arrive, rocked up and Roman parked the car outside the house, to be put in the driveway later.

They got out, Roman taking Samuel's hand as Elliot's mother handed them both keys to the front door. Roman looked down at Samuel and beamed.

"We're home."
Samuel smiled brightly at Roman's comment. It was going to be fun and now that he was standing in front of the place he was looking forward to it more than ever.

First, of course, they had to unpack, but not before the whole gang got a chance to walk through the empty rooms of the house and check out where they would be living. The benefit of being so many people was of course that they could afford to live in a place that was more spacious, and while it certainly looked a lot bigger without furniture there certainly wouldn't be any problem sharing space.

Getting a look around his and Roman's room was the best part and he was really starting to look forward to seeing it furnished and finished and make it their own. Walking around in the room did remind Samuel to try to convince Roman to not to have everything black though, the room being the basement meant there would be way less natural light coming in and however cozy Roman's old room had been Samuel would prefer being able to do other things than just cuddling in the dark and watch movies in the room.

Getting things out of the truck had first priority seeing as it was a rental and needed to get back at the end of the day. It was probably a good thing to get all the heavy lifting done first thing while everyone still had some energy left and they had the extra help with carrying from Elliot's parents.

It was a struggle but after a while, everything was inside and Elliot got to say goodbye to his parent's while the others started to carry in their own things from the cars.

Hours after arriving Samuel finally dumped the last one of his boxes, a ridiculously heavy one containing all the books he hadn't been able to part with, in the middle of his and Roman's new room in the basement. Now no longer as empty as it contained a whole lot of boxes and Roman's bed, which still needed to have the legs reattached and be properly made.

"Is there anything left in the car?" Samuel asked to confirm with his boyfriend, who was coming down after him, as he stretched his arms above his head, back cracking slightly after a day's worth of ergonomically bad lifting, and continued with a hopeful "Or are we done?"
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Roman wasn't allowed to do any heavy lifting -- it could end badly due to his haemophilia and there were so many things that could go wrong with him. So, while his friends and boyfriend brought all the heavy things inside, he did the smaller boxes, such as the pots and pans for the kitchen and the games consoles for the living room.

Finally, after what seemed like a hundred thousand years, they were done. The moving van left, as did Elliot's mother and father, and Roman carried the two pet carriers into his and Samuel's basement bedroom. The room was pretty spacious, easily the size of the living room at least, with more than enough room for Roman's large bed, their TV and Roman's piano, as well as a desk or two.

"That's it," he said as he placed the two carriers on the floor and let the animals out. Lady immediately began to investigate everything with excitement and Percy followed her lead, though he was considerably less hyperactive about it. Roman turned to Samuel and kissed him on the top of the head.

"We just need to make the bed and then we can sleep because I'm far too fucking tired to do anything else."
Samuel placed a lazy kiss on where it required the least effort due to Roman's height, on his neck, as a response. Then he leaned against him and closed his eyes for a moment, listening to their pets exploring the weird new place filled with boxes and new scents. A day of moving really had gotten him tired and the promise of sleep being so close made the exhaustion hit.

"Can't we just not make the bed and sleep on the floor, I'm tired" Samuel whined into his boyfriend's chest but still pulled away to go look for any of the boxes containing bed sheets. He found some of his own old pillowcases in a box of clothes and threw them to Roman so he could get started while Samuel looked for the rest, finding Roman's neatly folded in ones in one and the same box because he seemed to have packed a lot smarter than Samuel had.

After the bed was covered in Roman's black linens and Samuel's green, a combination that even Samuel had to admit didn't really look all that good together he kicked off his shoes and shorts and practically fell into bed. He stared up at the ceiling, which wasn't the one he had grown up looking at nor the beautiful galaxy he had grown used to over the past year. It was new and it was different, and he got to share that with his boyfriend and that was amazing.

And since it was a moment they were supposed to share Samuel looked over to Roman and urged him to join him by holding his arms out and yawning a tired "C'mere".
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Once the bed was assembled and made, Roman flopped down on it beside Samuel and let out a huge groan as his sore muscles finally had a chance to relax. God, he was so fucking tired. He couldn't imagine how Samuel, who had actually been doing heavy lifting, felt. Roman kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, finally glad to be able to rest, and snuggled close to him.

"It's been a long as fuck day but I'm glad that we're finally here," he said, his voice soft. They were home. This was their home now and Roman was happy.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted his mother and sister to let them all know that they had made it to Lilydale alive, and also posted a Snapchat with Samuel's sleepy face as the subject, topped with lots of kissy emojis. Then he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and closed his eyes for a moment.

His rest was short lived because in a matter of moments, Elliot came down the stairs.

"Yo, lovebirds, what do you want for dinner?"

"Sleeping pills," Roman replied.

"You have to eat."

"Do I have to cook?"


"Then I don't care."

"Bullshit, you're the fussiest eater in the planet."

Roman groaned and opened his eyes, sat up, grabbed a notebook out of a nearby box and scrawled his usual KFC order onto a piece of paper. "There. Now fuck off and let me sleep."
Samuel had almost managed to drift off in the time Roman was busy playing around with his phone, but that was slightly disturbed as Elliot came down the stairs to ask about dinner.

Samuel still kept his eyes closed as Roman and Elliot talked, he wasn't about to let the eventual need for nutrition ruin his current need for rest. The corners of his mouth still turned up slightly in amusement as the two friends talked to each other.

When Elliot was out the door and Roman was laying next to him again Samuel carefully opened his eyes a little so he could look at his boyfriend's sleepy face, silently admiring his gorgeous features before speaking in a quiet voice.

"You know, I have no doubts about this at all" no doubts about moving in together, no doubts about spending his life with Roman and no doubts about leaving high school and the people there behind him, "I feel like there's usually a small part of me that thinks things can't be as good as I want them, but this time I don't have that, it's nice"

It wasn't that Samuel thought everything from there on out would be a smooth ride without anything bad ever happening, both he and Roman had a lot of baggage from their pasts and Samuel knew that, but he also knew they could work through those kinds of things and help each other.