~Sacred Heart Academy~

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"I have to wear them most of the time because of my songs. I have the habit of singing out loud, I guess it's in my siren nature. To keep my mind occupied and stress free I listen to music. If I get stressed i'll want to scream or sing, since my brother has more control he doesn't need it." Raven looked at her headphones, she never realized how big they were. She must look strange with them on all the time. "And no, I didn't know your power. You just told me." Raven couldn't help but giggle. It was nice to get her talking.
Jaymi listened closely to Raven's predicament. Well at least she has an excuse to use electronics in class...She thought, smiling at the way Raven glanced down at her headphones, doubting herself. That's how shy girls are. Overly-critical of themselves...or was that just Jaymi?
Raven then mentioned how she'd pulled information out of Jaymi's mouth. Jaymi visibly flinched. Was she really that easy to manipulate? That this white-haired siren could get her to say anything with a simple trick?
I've really got to be more careful. Jaymi pursed her lips, keeping herself from blurting out any more about herself. Keep the conversation on Raven. And even if she could hurt me, she probably didn't mean to offend me. So I'll keep her at arms-length.
The girls reached the doorway to the female dormitory and Jaymi was glad for the opportunity to change the subject again. "What room are you in?"
"122." She said quietly. Raven hoped she didn't offend or Jaymi in anyway, that was more of her brother's job. Hopefully being at this school would help her with controlling her powers, and help her brother be nicer. "How about you? You're roommate seems... nice also." In fact her roommate was rather loud, she did look like a nice girl but she preferred people who were more quiet. Which is why she was starting to like Jaymi.
"I'm in 401. You're lucky to be on the first floor." Jaymi led the way to Raven's room for lack of anything else to do. "And Kishi...well she's extremely social. I'm assuming since I just met her...but I think she means well." Jaymi was suddenly in the mood to write in her journal. So she probably wouldn't stick around with Raven for too long.
Raven prepared to part ways with Jaymi, but before walking away she said her goodbye. "It was nice meeting you... I know how hard it can be with your powers so if you ever want to practice or anything let me know..." She smiled once more and walked up stairs to the first floor to find her room once again. Her brother had left her school supplies at her door for her, which was good because she had totally forgotten. After taking them inside she set her bag of cloths down and looked around for a moment. Sasha hadn't come back. Oh well, all Raven could do was hope she was okay.
"Yeah...Thanks. See you later then." Jaymi answered and began the trek to room 401. Once there, Jaymi watched the artificial sun begin to set outside the window and sighed. Well Sacred Heart Academy wasn't exactly what she expected, and that turned out to be...a good thing?
Jaymi returned to her Journal and smiled. Flipping through her old entries, she stopped at a blank page and grabbed a pen.
Jo entered the lair, liquid fear pumping through her blood and the hairs on the back of her neck sticking straight out. Any other day, this would be forbidden, dangerous and just plain stupid. But she had to know. Her best friend was in there. You can't abandon best friends. Jo wandered deeper into the cave and began to smell the rusty scent of blood in the all-consuming darkness. Then she saw light. Up ahead, Jo could just barely make out a small pinhole of white sunlight peeking through the ceiling. She stumbled toward it, snapping rotting bones beneath her feet and when she finally reached it, not only had she found a small cavern, but she had also found her friend. "KEVAN!" she screamed, unable to hold it back. The blonde boy was mangled beyond repair, organs ripped clean out of his abdomen, entrails spilling onto the crimson-stained stones below him, and his eyes...his emerald green green eyes stared helplessly up at Jo, frozen in permanent horror agony. She collapsed onto her hands and knees, choking on her own tears, wishing it had been her instead. And all he ever wanted to do was protect her.... Jocelyn's tears mixed with the blood staining her hands. Kevan's blood.
Jo then felt a pair of eyes staring her down. IT was behind her. This time, her scream of terror was for herself, tearing through the air as she was ripped to shreds by the sharpest of teeth fangs.
The last thing she saw? Kevan's green green eyes.
Had they never decided to be friends, none of them would have lost their lives...
So they lived died happily NEVER after. The End.
Not one of her goriest pieces she'd admit, but at least there was a lesson to it. She didn't always have this kind of writing style. In fact, the first entry in Jaymi's Journal is a page full of song lyrics. And of all things she could have written that song about, she wrote about love. True Love. That romance stuff wasn't something she believed in anymore. She never sings anymore either. That stuff was part of the old Jaymi. It only ever caused her pain.​
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Aldin laughed at the boy's comment and followed him into the room.
It seemed that he did have one of the better dorms, either that or it was just cleaner than the others.
"Haha, what are the odds that you ended up with 409?" he chuckled, spotting a piece of parchment on the floor.
Confused, he bent over and picked it up before scanning it quickly, "Oh, its my schedule.. neat."

He then folded the paper and slid it into his back pocket and turned to Jace. "I suppose just go ahead and make yourself at home." He laughed slightly. "Appears that I'm by myself this year, oddly enough."
Kishi and Sabah decided that it was time to go back to their rooms. Sabah heads towards the boys dorm. He gets to his room opening the door with a calm air about him. He blinked looking at Robin, "Hey." He says softly heading to his bed noticing the schedule on it. He read over it not bothering with caring whether or not he shared any classes with Robin.

Kishi reaches her room opening the door slowly and quietly not sure if Jay was still awake or not. She enters the room relatively quiet and goes to her side of the bed room sitting on the bed with a soft sigh.
Jaymi closed her Journal as soon as she heard Kishi's key in the doorway. She had become a little lost in thought after finishing her latest little story snippet. She wasn't sure what to do now except finally get to bed. Normally she would take showers at night, but she had taken one this morning before the trip to Sacred Heart. It had been quite a long day for Jaymi. "Hey Blondie. Had fun?" Jaymi grabbed her sports bra and sofie shorts (as well as a new pair of undies) and headed toward the bathroom. "I'm gonna get changed and get ready for bed." She informed Kishi.
Jace accepted the invitation gladly and plopped down into a swiveling chair by a desk. "So, what all classes do you have?" he asked. "We might have a few classes together."
Kishi smiles at Jay, "Alright! I'll get ready as well!" She says watching her go to the bathroom before starting to find her pjs and changing into it. She smiles looking about the room thinking of what tomorrow would be like as well as if she shared any classes with her brother or not. She sits on her bed calmly smiling softly.
Jaymi went through her nightly ritual and tried not to look at the scars on her stomach in the mirror: the only thing she couldn't hide from while invisible.
She slipped into her sports bra and sofie shorts (her usual pj's), but then she remembered...She wasn't home. She wasn't invisible... and now the only thing preventing her roommate from catching a glimpse of her scarred torso was a mad dash to the drawers.
Oh no...
She hadn't even thought about it! And she even told herself to be more careful too! Jaymi's reflection in the mirror looked horrified. But something had to be done.
She wiped her face clean of emotion, opened the door, and raced toward her new dresser, fumbling with the drawer. She yanked a loose t-shirt out from beneath a pile of not-so-neatly-folded clothes and pulled it on as quickly as she could.
After that, she decided not to watch for Kishi's reaction and calmly walked toward her desk, lifting one of her favorite books and carrying it back to her bed.
Raven stayed in her clothes that she came with, she might as well use them as pajamas now. After laying on her bed and putting on her large headphones she began to text her brother as she played music. After a few messages she learned they both had the same class schedule. Oh sweet joy, spending the entire morning with her dear brother. Yeah right...

Robin looked up as Sabah walked in, "Yo." Was all he said. Robin was somewhat thrilled and yet somewhat torn about having classes with his sister. He could always keep an eye on her, but she would probably get tired of him. He looked over at Sabah, and wondered if they would have the same classes. He didn't bother asking, he would find out tomorrow anyway.
Sasha awoke with a start what the hell??? she thought as she shook her head I'm still in wolf form Sasha smiled and laughed. Looking around she could see no one or hear anyone near by think I better get myself back to my dorm she thought as she stood up on all four paws. Wanting to take some time to get use to her new home Sasha didn't run she took her time and imprinted the smells all around her to her mind, the feel of the uneven ground under foot and the way the tress grow she also took note of the animals that were making there homes around her.

Once Sasha was sure she would know her way around the forest with her eyes closed she made her way to the first line of the trees and was just about to walk out when she remembered she was still in her wolf form with a shake of her head she returned to the bush where she had left her clothes and began the painful but refreshing change back to her human form. The first bones to break and stretch where always the worst and she bit down on her gum in hopes of not to call out.

After a short while Sasha laid on the ground shaking while the sweat fell from her face and concentrated on calming her breathing, clearing her throat slightly she stood up on to shaky feet and got dressed. Walking out Sasha could see that she had been in her wolf form for quite awhile "Damn it" she said in a rather rough voice, luckily she still had a good feel for the place and made her way to the female dorms in no time at all she knew she would have to apologise to some people for just running off the way she did but she really wasn't use to be around so many at the same time.

As she reached hers and Ravens door she opened it quietly and poked her head in "Hey any one here?" she asked before just walking straight in she didn't want to interrupt anything. After she didn't get a reply Sasha just walked in and saw Raven was on her bed with her head phones on not wanting to make her jump to much she spoke a bit louder "Hey Raven sorry about earlier" she said with a slight blush.
Kishi blinks looking at her roommate rush past. She wanted to ask about the scars but even she knew some questions are better left unasked. Kishi smiles at Jay, "Tomorrow is going to be so fun!" She squeals plopping down on her bed. She was excited about going to school tomorrow.

Sabah nods to Robin, "Yo. So. Your sister is really nice," he says sitting on the edge of his bed. He had a great day with the two siblings, it was great. Now he was wondering if he would share any classes with either of the siblings.
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"Well I guess we'll find out tomorrow..." Jaymi mumbled, cracking open 'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West'. Back before Mrs. Robinson became detached, which was in Jaymi's elementary years, she used to say to read before you sleep. It always stuck with Jaymi, even though she hardly ever agreed with her mother after 6th grade.
Unlike her roommate, Jaymi wasn't very excited about the first day of school. Those days barely ever went well for her.
Raven adjusted her headphones to rest around her neck when she noticed Sasha come in. "No worries, glad to see you're alright though. You didn't miss much." She blushed a little thinking of the eventful day she had, and the new people she met. "Have you seen your schedule yet? I finally got a look at mine. I share classes with my brother..." Her voice trailed off then followed with a sigh.

Robin smiled a little, "Oh yeah? Glad to see her actually talking. Such a chatterbox today." He laughed to himself a little, he had never heard his sister talk so much today. Hopefully it would be long lasting and not just a one day thing.
Kishi smiles as she nods her head in agreement. She laid in her bed pulling the covers around her before yawning, "I think I'm going to go to sleep. Sleep well, Jay," she says a clock of darkness forming around her as she closes her eyes. She didn't want to mess up Jay's reading so she made her own shadow.

Sabah nods, "So do you think I can get her number?" He asked a bit shyly but with a laugh. Raven had told him to ask but Robin told him to stay away when they first met. He made a bear in a tutu, making it dance the chacha by itself.
Jay glanced over at Kishi's shadow. It was the first time she had seen her use her power and it was pretty impressive. Jaymi yawned, read through one more chapter, and put the book on her nightstand. She turned toward the wall and closed her eyes. Normally it would take awhile before her body actually decided to send her to sleep, but today, in this new place, new room, new everything, Jaymi fell into dreamland fairly quickly. Only to sink deeper than dreamland and into nightmares.
Jaymi had already changed into her pj's and brushed her teeth. She was ready for bed. Now the only thing left was to grab her book report from the printer by the kitchen. She noticed her father sitting at the wooden table. Just sitting....staring at nothing. His eyes were bloodshot and his hand gripped a nearly empty bottle of whiskey. She tried to tiptoe past him quietly since he couldn't see her, but somehow he heard her.
"Jaymi!" he roared. Maybe he hadn't even noticed her, she thought, maybe he was just calling for her from down here, wanting her to come downstairs for something. But whatever the reason, she popped out of transparency, right into Mr.Robinson's line of vision.
"Whatre youu doin' down here, missy?" He slurred. She had never seen her father this drunk before. Maybe it was because her mom was on a business trip?
"Just getting my assignment from the printer.." Jaymi mumbled. This is the most she'd spoken to her father all week.
"Who said you could print stuff? Huh?" With this he stood and she took a step back. What was he up to?
"I just...I mean you guys are always printing stuff for work and I--" He interrupted her with a backhand to the cheek and Jaymi fell to the tiles, staring up at her father in shock. Her cheek stung as her eyes watered. What the hell? Her father had always been more indifferent than resentful towards her...and he had never hit her..until now.
"That's what you get you little mutant." In her shock, Jaymi didn't move, she only stared up at him in horror until his boot came smashing against her ribs over and over again. She cried out, but she knew no one would hear her. "You were always a mistake you stupid thing!" He yelled, grabbing a knife from the kitchen counter.
Jaymi's eyes snapped open as her body flew into a sitting position and she screamed. Tears fell like twin rivers down her cheeks as she pulled her legs up to her chest and sobbed into her knees. She hated when her memories became nightmares. That was the one and only time she was assaulted by her father. It was never mentioned again. Whether he didn't remember or he simply ignored her, he never brought it up. She HATED him.​
Kishi had been sleeping quietly until she heard the scream she didn't sit up remembering that Jay had told her to just ignore it. But she couldn't. Instead she sent a shadow blanket over to Jay that wrapped around her calmly. Soon after a shadow puppet show started on the wall trying to make Jay smile or laugh.
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