~Sacred Heart Academy~

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Aldin stayed quiet as Jace told him about it his past. It was all very interesting; his father being a spiritual, yet, non-religious man and his mother a succubus. It was kind of odd, but Aldin was not one to be judgmental.
He continued to walk along with Jace, his eyes glued to the floor as to not be distracted from the boy's story. Jace had a very abnormal birth, very similar to Aldin in the sense of not crying. But, Aldin was practically dead..
His legs stiffened at the thought but he pushed himself forward as to not weird out Jace. "Wow, thank goodness you escaped.." he said as they neared the room, it really surprised him of how much this blindfolded boy had gone through.
The boy had been here about three years now, and yet Aldin had not truly acknowledged his existence, it was something that he now regretted. How could he have simply overlooked someone like Jace?
Either Aldin was the blinded one or Jace was really good at concealing himself.

As they reached the dorm room, Aldin smiled as the boy turned to him and answered one of the biggest thoughts on his mind at the moment. "Haha, I see. Well then I suppose I could just tell you then.."
His words were distant, his mind wandering off into the depths of his own subconscious, he and Jace had a few things in common but his story was one that needed to be.. digested.. so to speak.
As the boy unlocked the door and pushed it open, Aldin made his way into the room. Immediately, a stench hit him. No, it was more like a stab than a 'hit'.
He reeled back, quickly covering his face with his hands as he scrambled from the room. "What the hell!? It reeks in there!" he spoke frantically as he gasped for air. He probably should not have took such a deep breath when he entered.
He glanced at the room number, it read '409'. He knew this room. It previously belonged to the shark boy, Chris, and that one necromancer. That explained a lot.

Aldin laughed awkwardly and took a step back, "O-On second thought, m-maybe we could just.. t-talk out here or something?" he asked, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face.
"Either that or we could head to my dorm too, haha!" he took another step away from the room. He still had not been to his new dorm yet, but he understood if Jace was not comfortable with going with him.
Sasha had cleared the forest and she couldn't see many people around I'm sure they are all by the water still she said inside the wolfs head knowing full well that there was no way it would take her that way, turning to go back to the forest she let out a howl as to warn others that she was near by.

I really should go back to the dorm and see if Raven is ok nah she was with that guy she will be just fine and I'm sure she has someone looking out for her she continued to think as she got closer to the edge of the forest. The smells hit her of moss water and dirt, and she could hear the birds in the trees as well as the life under ground with a small sigh she moved in and took a big sniff to make sure no one was around who could get in her way. Not sensing anyone she flew off on her front legs and ran deeper into the forest, watching the animals moving out of her way as she passed them she couldn't help but giggle to herself she didn't mean to scare them but she was after all a predator of all of them. After awhile the trees became thicker and the ground more uneven so she had to slow her pace normally she wouldn't but she didn't know the place as well as she would of liked but it will come she thought as she paced down and found a clearing with a stream running through.

Moving slowly up to the stream she looked in it was always a shock when she saw her own reflection like this Sasha just stared at herself deep in thought about everything that had bought her to this point in her life.
Jace himself reeled back as the stench flooded outward, drawing a tear to his hidden eye. "Hnnng, yeahp, that clears the sinuses." he joked, and ducked in, grabbing his schedule from the floor and swiftly shutting he door to the horrid odor infamous of 409. Now that his senses were not being entirely overridden, he could pick up traces of saltwater and decaying rabbit flesh. How he knew it was rabbit flesh is a question best not asked.

"Yeah, perhaps we should go to your dorm. I think I'm bunking with Chris this year, taking the place of last years' necromancer. I'll let him air the place out." he joked a little more and shook the rest of the rancid aroma from his nose. "Lead the way, Aldin."
Aldin laughed as Jace raced into the room and dived for his schedule that rested on the floor.
"Haha, yeah, let Chris deal with that. We can chill at my dorm." He said, turning away from Jace and beginning to stroll again.
"This way~" he sighed as he motioned for the boy to follow him, "Its room 435."

Leading the way there, Aldin's mind began to trail off again, soaking in all of the information about Jace and formulating the best way to tell Jace about his past.
"So, what do you think about the others?" he asked, relating to people they were with a bit earlier.
Sabah glances at the three girls he was now stuck with. He hadn't noticed Robin but now that he was surrounded by girls he had hoped that he would stay. So long to that. He glances at Raven then Jay and last his sister. He nodded, "Raven won." He told them short and sweet how he usually liked it.

Kishi smiles and starts to pull off her cute sundress. "That's great! Good job Raven! Jay! Let's swim!" She said right before diving into the waters of the pull. The water felt nice and cool on her skin. She was glad her brother had took an interest in someone for a change, and was actually talking to said person(people). It was an odd sight to see if talking or hear for that matter.
The boy shrugged and followed Aldin to his dorm. "They're... alright. Seems to be a friendly enough bunch. I find myself particularly interested in Sasha, the shape-shifter. I've encountered her kind before, but she's... different. Whereas the majority of shape-shifters have the same mindset no matter the phase, each of her forms- the girl, the snake, and the wolf- all have different mental readings. Like split personalities that change her body as they take control." he paused a moment. "I find you equally interesting. I find it odd that we have been here as long as the other and never once acknowledged the other's existence. Not to boast, but I am easily one of the most powerful student telepaths here, and you take quite the interesting shape when in water." he mused.

The whole while, Jace had been running his fingers along the wall, silently counting each door he passed on his way to Aldin's room, to find his way alone when necessary. "And you? What are your thoughts?" he asked curiously.
Jaymi realized that Sabah noticed the lack of males around and she smiled a bit at his expression. Since Raven and Sabah had finished their race on the deep end of the pool, there was no way Jaymi was going to agree to Kishi's request. Of course, she also didn't want to admit that she couldn't swim so she swiftly sat by the edge of the pool and bravely stuck her legs up to her knees in the water that threatened to suck her in. "That's as far as I go." Jaymi flashed an insincere smile.
Raven didn't feel comfortable around these other girls. They were probably nice, but she had reached get limit of friend making for the day. "I think I'm going to go.." she wanted to invite Sabah, but she felt awkward with his sister around. After climbing out of the pool and changing she stood outside of the changing rooms looking a little lonely and lost. She hadn't wandered the campus alone yet, and her brother was no where to be found.
This was her chance! Kishi could spend time with her brother and Jaymi could finally get some time alone. Away from the beautifully dangerous pool and any form of social interaction at all. "Raven! Do you want me to walk you to the dorms? I'm a bit tired. It's been kind of a long day." Jaymi suggested. Jumping up and joining Raven on the other side of the pool, knowing full well the girl probably wouldn't say no.
Aldin smiled and listened to Jace's response, he had expected such a reply from the boy.
"Yeah.. they do seem really friendly, don't they?" he asked as they traveled down the hall. "And about Sasha, I understand what you mean. It did seem like something was different about her now that you mention it."
Aldin combed a few strands of hair from his face and stared off into the distance. Listening to the boy talk again before responding,
"I'm actually kind of glad that you all were accepting of my true form, many people get weirded out.." he paused, sighing slightly. "You are, by far, the most interesting person I've met since attending here though, honestly." he said as he rubbed his head awkwardly, hoping that he did not sound too weird.
"And you are the strongest telepath here, I'm sure of it." he laughed as they neared the room, of all of the telepaths at this school Jace was the only one that practically radiated powerful energy.

Aldin unlocked the door and slid it open, revealing a clean, bright, and above all else, odorless dorm room.
He turned to Jace and smiled softly, "Well, here we are~" he said as he motioned for him to enter.
Raven blushed for a moment but remained silent. After looking at Sabah then Jaymi she nodded. "Sure thing." After the mysterious girl stood at her side she looked back at Sabah. "Get my number from my brother will you? You can text me anytime." To prevent him from seeing her blushing face she walked away with Jaymi.
Jaymi almost giggled at the shy, little Raven basically demanding that Sabah get her number. It was hilarious and she couldn't keep her mouth from running as she walked beside Raven out the doors and toward the dorms. "Wow. Talked to him for a day and you're already smitten?"
WAIT...Did I say that out loud?.... Stupid broken filter! Jaymi thought. I wish I could go invisible on purpose.
Sabah cheeks heated up a bit but not enough to cause him to blush. He looks over at his sister who was just laughing at him. She was in slight shock to that the two had hit is off so well. Kishi and him hung out at the pool for a while just swimming around and relaxing, talking a bit about Raven and Robin.
Jace nodded and entered the room, taking note of the smell, or rather, lack thereof. It was a lot better than his dorm. "Y'know," he said, laughing, "409 was the one dorm I was hoping not to get stuck in." He sent out a wave of mental energy, mapping the room. It seemed a cozy little living space. "Nice place you got here. Lucky bastard." he joked.
Raven sighed and wanted to just curl up and die when Jayimi spoke. Instead she decided to talk, which was something she was doing more and more of as of today. "I've never had friends, and never had anyone talk to me before... So... I'm not sure how to make friends. Everyone may think it's funny for me to demand his number, but it's all I know from watching my brother meet people..." She was right though. She never knew how to make friends on her own, she just watched her brother who was demanding at times. What was the story with this Jaymi girl? Raven looked back at her curiously to observe her. She didn't seem like the type to hang out with Sabah's sister, she didn't seem like the friendly type regardless.
Jaymi watched Raven hang her head after answering the unintentionally asked question. "Hey. Sorry, Raven. I wasn't making fun of you at all. I actually think that was a pretty brave move." Jaymi smiled nervously and moved her head so her long, dark hair would cover her face. Raven had the personality of the old Jaymi. The Jaymi before Sacred Heart.
Raven gave a very soft smile, "Thanks. My brother probably thought it was silly. So, what's your story? Don't be afraid, I won't judge you." She kept her warm smile at Jaymi to try to make her feel comfortable. They both seemed to like being alone, but Raven could feel that Jaymi had more pain in her voice than anything else.
Jaymi's eyes widened behind her curtain of hair. She briefly glanced at Raven's eyes. They were an icy color, unlike Jaymi's own baby blue. But despite the shade, Raven's eyes were warm and inviting, tempting her. Jaymi found herself suddenly wanting to open up. No one but Lily knows and it would be nice to have someone else who understands for a change...
But then the mask slips back into place and Jaymi bites the inside of her lip, reminding herself what happens when she trusts people. Looks can be deceiving. Don't fall for it this time.
Now she definitely wished she could go invisible on command. If she was looking forward to anything while she was here, it was maybe learning more about her mutation.
"Um. I'd rather not say. You don't even know my whole name yet.." Jaymi blurted. THAT's the only subject change I could think of?! Really?!
"You can't control your abilities to? I thought I was the only one..." Raven always kept her soft tone, even when she wanted to scream she always managed to keep quiet. "I can't speak louder than this volume, or else I put everyone around me in a trance. It's hard to control it, so I understand your struggle." Raven kept her eyes on the ground while walking slowly with Jaymi. She felt bad for Jaymi, but if she said more she was afraid she would scare her away like she did with everyone else.
Jaymi cocked her head. This girl is extremely observant. I guess it makes sense. Shy girls are always people-watchers.
"So that's why you always wear those massive headphones. I used to wear my earbuds wherever I went, too. I love music...but, anyway, is it really that obvious that I can't go invisible on command? Or did Kishi tell everyone how we initially met?" Jaymi smiled a little, remembering how her roommate had jumped a foot in the air. The she hugged her...which was weird.
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