Pokemon becoming The Champion

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There was something shining in the grass, Aurora found choice specs

An item to be held by a Pokémon. These distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk but allow the use of only one of its moves.
"Wow, awesome! I'll be sure to use these in the future." She continues looking for more Pokemon, high in spirits after finding both a great new Pokemon and a fancy item.
Then she stumbles over a TM, a TM 34

TM34 Sludge Wave
95 Sp att​
100 Acc​
10 pp​
It attacks those near it with a wave of sludge. It will sometimes cause poisoning.
Pleased to see her streak of luck continued, she walked around route 31 a little while longer. She was hoping to meet a psychic type pokemon said to live around here.
"Thank you!" Lizzy gave the nurse a thankful smile. Soon, Deino would be perfectly healed again and they could take more pokemon battles. Despite of her still being in the Pokemon Center, her heart raced as she had been excited the moment she woke up today. This was something that she wanted to do four years ago and her brother did not approve of it, but whether he likes it or not, she is now a pokemon trainer with her trusty Deino by her side. Resting her elbows at the counter, she placed her hands on her chin, the weight of her head held still by her lower arms.

Just then, she felt something tap on her knee. Peeking down, she saw a little girl staring right back at her. Lizzy smiled and bent over.

"Oh, hello! You're such a cutie!" She said to the little girl. As she was asked if she were a pokemon trainer, Lizzy almost giggled. "Why , yes! I have just received a pokemon trainer license this morning!" Watching the little girl for a while, she was surprised when she was given a bottle of some sort. It took her a while to realize what it was until the girl told her. Lizzy smiled and patted the girl's head.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it.." She said softly as she took the bottle and stowed it away in her kit. It was then the nurse came back with the pokeball did she stood up straight to get it, all the while thanking the nurse for her service. She turned to the girl again. "You will become one, someday.. Don't worry about it. Promise me you'll take care of your pokemon in the future, okay? They are such amazingly loyal and friendly creatures." Smiling at her once more, Lizzy made her way out.

As she went her way out and was soon welcomed by an open field of tall grass, she thought to herself where to go to first. From where she last looked at the sign posts, it seems like she was heading for Route 32.
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Kokierra walked silently next to Baeli. When the ride came into view, Kokierra almost jumped for joy. "Yes! Now we can heal our Pokemon!" He said excotedy as they were just outside the city.
Boris "Okay. Use tail whip now Eevee."

Eevee did as it was told and turned around, it's back to ziggy, but then looked back turning it's head to Ziggy's direction slightly, and started whipping it's tail.
Beali kept her gaze to the ground as they walked. She missed the warmth of Cyndaquil in her arms, singing his little happy song. And it's all my fault... She looked up when Kokeirra exclaimed. They had finally reached the next town. She could heal Cyndaquil and their new companion as well. Beali broke into a ful on sprint towards that pokemon center, tears streaming down her face freely. She had no idea where it was so she had to run in circles for a moment before seeing the glowing sign of the pokemon center. Beali pushed the doors open with all her might and ran up to the counter. "Nurse Joy! Nurse Joy... My pokemon. They're hurt badly." She fell to her knees as Nurse Joy came from behind the counter to console her. Beali explained everything as Cyndaquil and Riolu were taken to the back for treatment.

"They'll be just fine now, don't you worry," the pink haired woman said confidently. "Now, you come have a seat and I'll take care of you for a moment." Beali sat down and put her head in her hands. She couldn't cry anymore. She didn't feel better either. Nurse Joy returned with a small sandwich and some water for her. "Pokemon need their trainers to protect them just like the trainer depends on the pokemon, right?" Beali looked up at the nurse with big, hopeful eyes.

Nurse Joy nodded. "That's right, Beali. We have to take care of them. You said you're a new trainer but you used to live around pokemon a lot. It must be hard for you to see them like this. You have to get stronger just like they do. I know you understand the importance of taking care of pokemon since your father ran a daycare, but now it's a little different. It's not just them depending on you, it's you depending on them. It will take both of you getting stronger in order to become a great pokemon trainer. You are a very sweet girl. I know you'll do whatever it takes if it's for your pokemon. Don't forget to do it for yourself as well." Nurse Joy patted her shoulder as she walked back towards the desk as another person came in holding an injured Raltz. Beali thought on what Nurse Joy had said in silence as she ate. It isn't all about them, I have to get stronger too...
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Kokierra stood there in shock as Baeli took off. He then went himself. He looked around the town as he walked to the Pokemon Center. He saw the roller coasters and everyone having fun. He found the PC after abot ten minutes of searching. He entered and went staright to Nurse Joy, not noticing the silent Baeli sitting down. He handed over his Pokenon and waited by the counter for them to return.
Beali watched Kokierra come in a little bit later. She didn't bother saying anything to him since she did kind of run off and leave him. In that case she should at least say sorry. Beali got up from the chair and walked over to the counter to stand beside him. She stared at the counter in thought. "I, um... I'm sorry for running off like that. I was kind of...emotional." It felt so stupid now. She had said a lot of stupid things. Beali glanced sideways at him, not really ready to look him in the eyes yet. She realized now she had been acting kind of like a brat.

While on her quest to find a psychic pokemon This silly guy appeared he has narrow green eyes that are like two clumps of moss. His fine, straight, red hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a pennant blowing in the wind. He is very tall and has a feminine build. His skin is white. He has a domed forehead and prominent cheekbones. His wardrobe is unusual, and is mostly blue and black.. (Thanks Seventh Sanctum http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=generalperson)

He was jumping up and down and wiggling around , it looked like he couldn't stop moving.

"Well Helllllooooo there" ha said dragging the hello out way to much "I'm in the mood to battle, what cha' say hey, hey".


While Lizzy made her way onto Route 32 a white herb was ready for the picking by the side of the dirt road.
At the end of using a move, the holder's stats have been lowered, the White Herb restores the stat to normal. The White Herb disappears after use.


Wayne quickly shouted over "You too Ziggy Tail whip". Ziggy caught on fast and tail whipped quicker than eevee could, but in ziggy's haste of lowering eevee defense. Eevee hit him harder afterwards with his tail whip causing a critical. Ziggy lost defense dramatically

Kokierra and Beali

Nurse Joy was in a very giving mood after healing the two people's pokemon. When she came back to the counter she saw kokierra standing patiently waiting. "Hello your pokemon are fighting fit, here are you pokemon. Also I wish you to have this". Nurse Joy handed Kokierra his pokemon and an item, the spell tag
When this item is held, any Ghost-type move used by the holder has its power increased by 20%

After Nurse Joy sorted Kokierra out she turned to Beali and passed her, her pokemon and an item "Hello miss your pokemon are fighting fit, also I have something you could use, I've been holding onto it for months waiting for the trainer to come and find it. I think you should have it."She chuckled and passed Beali her pokemon and the item with a wink.

Beali has aquired the item Focus Band

When this item is held by a Pokémon, if the Pokémon has full HP but is hit by an attack that would knock it out, this item prevents the holder from fainting and keeps it at 1HP. The Focus Sash disappears after use.
Aurora looked at the man with a slightly uncomfortable expression.

"Right, if you say so..."

They distanced each other, and Aurora readied her stance.

"Alright, Frilly! It's showtime!"
Beali smiled nervously as she accepted her pokemon and the item. "Thank you Nurse Joy, for everything." She put her pokeballs away. For some reason, she decided to wait for Kokierra before going. She wanted to look around the town for a while before leaving; maybe even stay the night. Bonding time felt crucial after the events of that day.
Jumping for joy the silly man exited saig "Brilliant absolutely brilliant winner takes 50 gold". He took out his pokeball and gave a swirl around and let go of his pokeball "GO Tropius," Tropius came out with sparkles and roared into the sky. "Use your leer, but don't drop a tear" he said in a tone.

Tropius spd 10
Frilly spd 9
Aurora took out her Pokedex and scanned the Tropius.

"Darnit, Frillish's moves aren't very effective against a grass/flying type..." It obviously had an advantage, too, what with the defense drop. If it was low-leveled enough, however, it should only know gust, which meant it didn't have anything super effective against Frillish. Also, considering gust being a special attack, he practically wasted that move by using leer.

"Alright, Frilly, use bubble and do your best!"
Kokierra accepted his Pokemon back and the Spell Tag with a smile and a thank you. He turned back to Baeli. "Dont wirry about it." He said. "No biggie." He said with a smile.
Beali nodded then looked at the floor. Now what? They really would go their separate ways now. They had just happened to be going the same way and she did ask him to help her get to the next town. All of that was done now. "So... What are you gonna do now?" She laced her fingers behind her back and walked a short distance away from him.
Kokierra shrugged. "I guess im gonna train some more and challenge the gym leadet." He said. "What about you?"
"I'm going to train too! Well, after a little break. I've been acting really weird and I think I need to slow down a bit. Maybe I'll gain a few more friends along the way too." She turned to look at him and smiled. "Good luck facing the gym leader. I'm sure you'll win. Take care, Kokeirra." She bowed then walked outside the Pokemon Center and stood there, taking in the unfamiliar air. Surely they would meet again since they were on the same path. At least there was one pokemon trainer she knew out there in the big world.
Boris "Okay Eevee. Now quickly. Use tackle again."

Eevee did as Boris commanded of it and quickly charged Zigzagoon again to tackle it.