Pokemon becoming The Champion

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"Bye, thank you!!" Kokierra called to the clerk. "Time to head back to the north." He said. Axew made a sound of happy agreement.
"Keep that focus energy going Timburr you can do it." The Judo Man was still confident as he spoke

Cyndiquil leer pieced Timburr lowering his defence
Timburr kept his focus up and his critical hit ratio increased highly (Sorry should of said Critical increase on last one so I improvised)
As Kokierra headed back north he notices something. It was a Pure Incense. If attached to a female Chimecho and put in the breeding centre with a compatible father the baby will hatch into a chingling.
"Alright..." Beali said under her breath. "Whatever he's coming up with is gonna hit hard. Brace yourself Cyndaquil! Be ready to dodge at any moment." Cyndaquil replied affirmatively and took an offensive stance.
Judo man started to laugh loudly "That's it Timbur keep rising that Focus Energy"
I can't really sit here and wait for him to his cyndaquil... "Grr! I don't want you to get hurt so let's take a shot while we still have room to- tackle Cyndaquil!"
"Oh, cool!" Kokierra exclaimed. He picked up the item and placed it in his pouch. "On to route 30!!" (that is the route to the north, right?) He said axew making a happy sound as they walked.
Cyndaquil manged to hit Timburr making him lose 10hp and has 6 hp reamining

Timber increased his critical hit ratio.

"Now Timber Use your Pound before it's to late" Timbur was breathing heavy after the hit but was still going strong.
(Route 30 dude)

A Wild Pokemon jumped out the grass ready to battle. It was a Meditite

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"Brace yourself Cyndaquil! Flame side up!" Beali commanded, her voice a little shaky from the fear of Cyndaquil getting hurt.
(fixed, sorry. on my phone and it wont open the map.)

"Axew!" Kokierra called. The pokemon jumped off of his head and readied a fighting stance. "Scratch!!" Kokierra told his pokemon.

Timburr attacked but not as hard as he would of and made Cyndaquill bounce Cyndaquil lost 17hp. 1 hp remaining.

Timburr managed not to get burnt.

"Come on girly don't go all squashy on me... Ha"


Axew went for the scratch as Meditite started to meditate.

Meditite increased its strenth before Axew made the scratch.

Meditite increased its attack

Axew scratch made Meditite lose 10 hp. 11 hp remaning
"Scratch him again, buddy!" Kokierra shouted to his partner.
Meditite started using bide and ready to brace itself.

Axew Scratched right over the face and it didn't move a muscle but still lost 10 hp..... 1hp remaining
Beali gasped when Cyndaquil bounced from the attack's impact. "Oh no! Cyndaquil..." The little fire pokemon was very weak now. His little chest heaved. "I...What can I do now? Should I risk one more attack?" Cyndaquil looked back at her and the lames on its back burned as high as he could make them go. Beali was sure she saw him nod his round little head. "There's no turning back now, huh?" She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Alright, if that's what you want. Let's give 'em a good one. Tackle Cyndaquil!"
"One more time! Axew, Scratch!!" Kokierra called to his pokemon.

The Judo man was shocked the little Cyndaquil was still standing "Timburr he still standing quick one more pound"
Cyndaquil was quicker than Timburr and tackled Timburr before he connected with his pound. Timburr lost 10hp knocking him out.
The Judo man screamed "Nooo Timburr" He paused in defeat "Return" as held out the pokeball. He looked at his pokeball "You did well". With that he walked over to Beali "You got a tough little pokemon there good battle". He passed over his gold.

Cyndaquil gained 6 exp
Beali gained 70 gold


Axew charged and scratched Meditite while he was still using bide.
Meditite knew he lost and ran off in a random direction

Axew won the battle and gained 7 exp
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Beali ran to the little fire pokemon and picked him up. "That was great Cyndaquil." She looked up when the Judo man approached her. "Timburr was really great too." She accepted the gold and gave a short bow. "Thank you for that battle." Cyndaquil was pretty beat up and had no energy to even speak to his opponent. Beali returned him to his pokeball and put it back into her bag. With one final acknowledgement to the Judo man she continued along the route. "I've never been out here before but I hope the next town isn't too far..." Beali was very alert as she walked, not wanting to run into any other trainers with her only pokemon being hurt so badly.
Unfortunately for Beali a wild pokemon wanted to battle and stepped in front of her. It looked familiar as it was another Timburr but at least this one was wild.

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"Ah! Another Timburr! There's no way I can fight him..." She stood completely still, eyeing the pokemon carefully. If I run...but what if it chases me?! Maybe I can talk to it. Ohh~ This is a pokemon without a trainer, who am I kidding... Beali slowly took a step back just to see what it would do. She had just gotten out there and now she was going back to town already. She had no choice in this case though...