Pokemon becoming The Champion

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Beali nodded and let Cyndaquil down. "We are so ready for this! Right Cyndaquil?" He started up the fire on his back and took a little stance.
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"Let's do this, Axew!" Kokierra said and his partner took a fighting stance next to Cyndaquil
The sky was blue and the grass was green, all of which was something normal to see from an ordinary person - but not to this young lady.

Skipping through the grass was a pale-skinned teen, her face bright with so much happiness from what she was seeing. The world was beautiful, so beautiful that she was beyond thankful to have her eyes operated on. This was paradise to her and though it may seem to be good to see a young person so delighted with the simple things that she see, it was somehow proving to be a big distraction to her as she was already very late for the pokemon trainer registration event.

"Deino, deino!" The dragon pokemon trotted along, happily jumping and skipping around her as the pale-skinned teen went from one spot to another at the entrance to the lab. As soon as she left her village from Crystalgate with her brother and have her stay with him in his temporary home in Atlas, she was able to see a lot of things that sparked her interest. From a beautiful flower to a park bench, Elizabeth would take a closer look to inspect them all. Unfortunately, now that her brother is not with her right now, Elizabeth had all the time to get herself distracted as she made her way to the lab.

The silly girl could now be seen inspecting what seemed for her to be a beautiful piece of machinery inside the laboratory. She did not know what it was or what it did, but it delighted her seeing how the buttons glow and change from one color to another. "What a beautiful color this is.. And the texture.. Mmm.." Placing a palm on the smooth metal frame, she closed her eyes and placed the side of her face on it to listen to the whirring of the engine. "Color blue.. Blue feels so cold, so.. Soothing.. And you, my dear Deino.." She picked up her family's pet and gave him a hug. "Your blue fur feels so warm.. Breathtaking.. The blues I see are different with each other when touched.. It's so lovely, such a beautiful world this is!" Spinning on her heel with Deino in her arms, Elizabeth giggled happily, obviously forgetting why she was at the pokemon lab in the first place.
Kokierra and Beali

"Yea I'm ready Go abra" The kid excitedly said

The female shook her head "I'll just have to save you once again you know. Go Farfetch'd" She looked up to her opponents "Hope your ready kids"


Wayne was walking through and noticed a young lady admiring one of the machines. He smiled and walked up to her. "Hey up chic hope all is well Name's Wayne I'm Professor's Nick top assistant". He grinned widely knowing that he wasn't, maybe favorite but not top.

He was guessing she was to be a trainer but having a pokemon with her threw him off. He remember the words Professor Nick told him about other people having there own pokemon to start with. He thought to play it safe "I haven't seen you here before, you becoming a trainer or just visiting from another continent miss" he asked
Beali took out her pokedex for those two pokemon. "They're so cool! Get ready Cyndaquil." There were two opponents now so sending him in without thinking could only end badly and she didn't want Cyndaquil to be hurt so badly anymore.
"Oh!" The light-skinned teen stopped on her tracks at the sound of Wayne's voice. Seeing his rather sophisticated outfit, she immediately smiled and approached him with excitement, still with Deino in her arms. When he introduced himself, her face beamed with interest and awe. "Wow! You must really be skilled and knowledgable about pokemon to be Professor Nick's top assistant!" Placing Deino on the ground, she clasped her hands and gazed in awe at the man before her. Deep down she wished to become like him somehow.

"I am quite a bit of both, Mr. Wayne. My name is Elizabeth Granger. I came from Crystalgate but now I am temporarily staying here with my brother until I start my own journey." Looking at Deino, she smiled at her pet for a while before gazing back at Wayne again.

"This over here is our family pet, Deino. My brother caught him originally a few years back, but then he decided to have me keep him as he had been my seeing-eye pokemon for years while I was still blind." Smiling happily, she picked up the blue and black pokemon and gave him a tight hug. Deino only squealed with glee, his stumpy legs waving on his sides. The young teen then moved closer to Wayne, maybe too close, but her excitement got the better of her.

"Please, oh please Mr. Wayne! I would like to become an official pokemon trainer and evolve my Deino! That is my greatest dream - to give him beautiful eyes my brother failed to give him.." Pouting now, her eyes now half-filled with tears.
Kokierra thought out a plan of action. "Axew, go after the farfetch'd first! Scratch!" Hecalled to his pokemon

Wayne blushed and ruffled his hair "Well I am, I help professor Nick a lot around the lab" He crouches down and strokes Deino as Elizabeth talks. When Elizabeth pick her Deino up and walked right up close to Wayne and pleaded with him to become a trainer he smiled and ruffles her hair "Now now no need for the tears, I'm sure Professor Nick will be happy to give you a licence"Wayne stepped back slightly and took her hand "Come on Lizzy let's go see him".

Wayne guided them both to the waiting room where Nick was "Professor Nick we have another trainer who wants a licence."

Nick glanced up and pushed his glasses to his face and smiled at Elizabeth "Well hello there" he notices the Deino with her "and hello to you too"

Wayne turned to go out the room "I'll just go and get another starter kit for this young lass. Her name Elizabeth Granger". He turned to face Elizabeth "Won't be long Lizzy, Professor Nick will sort you out". with that he left the room.

Nick nodded to Wayne as he left "Well Elizabeth it's a pleasure to meet you and I'm betting you want Deino here to be your starting pokemon don't you, he's a cute little fellow"

Kokierra and Beali

"Yea lets get battling Abra Teleport" the kid was happy asking his Abra to do a move

The female took a deep breath "Sand attack on Cyndaquill Fetchy"
She clenched her fist. "Cyndaquil! Try to keep your head down and use tackle on that Farfetched."
Abra Teleported but stayed exactly where he was. The boy jumped up and down in excitement

Farfetchd managed to spray Cyndaquil with the sand attack. Cyndaquil accuracy dropped

Axew and Cyndaquill ran together. As Cyndaquil tackled hard on to Farfetchd he went into the air followed up by Axew Scratch.(10hp from Axew and 8 hp from Cyndaquil). Farfetchd was hurt badly but still standing leaving 2hp.

"Hold in there Fetchy". The woman curled her hair as she thought
"One nore scratch on thst bird, Axew!!"Kokierra called to his Pokemon.
"Are you alright Cyndaquil? Alright, let's not leave that Abra out of the fun." Beali looked at the boy's pokemon. "Give him a good tackle."
Boris Harmonia travels from where he calls his hometown, Maplekeep City, to Professor Nick's pokemon lab. He is accompanied by a pokemon named Eevee, whom is a very good friend that Boris has had by his side and taken care of sense he was 8 years old. He arrives at the professor's lab a couple of hours later. Boris kneels down and pets Eevee smiling and then he stands back up and knocks on the door and then enters into the lab with Eevee. He doesn't see anyone when he enters so he looks around the room he's in while he waits, his Eevee also looking around while sitting beside him.
Kokierra and Beali

The female was glad that her Farfetchd was still standing "Good job fetchy Hit that axew with your poison jab, you can do it". She was hoping that would knock Axew out, it's the only chance she had.

"Teleport teleport teleport". The boy started to make a tune out of his only move.

Farfetchd got his poison jab in quicker than axew's scratch (Axew lost 16hp.....3hp remaning)

Axew was jolted back but still standing and followed up with a scratch and knocking Farfetchd out.

Abra was happy teleporting when Cyndaquil came in with a tackle knocking abra out as well.

After the battle Axew fell to his knees, it seems Axew is now poisoned.

Cyndaquil and Axew both gained a tatal of 11exp.

Axew leveled up level 6.

Hp 21, Att 16, Def 13, Sp att 9, Sp def, 10, spd 12

Kokierra and Beali gained 100 gold.

"Awww sis we lost it's not fair" the little boy moaned

The woman snapped at the kid "well that's the break since I had to battle all the way," she held her pokeball out "good job Fetch return". She glances at the kid

The kid shuffled around and look up at his sister and noticed the glare "Oh yea Abra return, you did well".

"You stay here" The woman commanded to the kid. The woman walked over to the two trainers and passed their winnings "well done you two, I need to go and take care of our pokemon, you have a safe journey," he yelled over at her little brother "Adam come on"

"Coming sis" he held his head down and ran after his sister.


Wayne was just coming out of the locked storage unit and saw a little kid with an eevee waiting by the door, he thought it had to be another one for a licence and picked up another suitcase for him just in case before locking the unit up.

Wayne walked up to the kid and placed the suitcases down, "Welcome to Professor Nick's lab I am Wayne his brilliant and awesome assistant". Wayne started to get cocky with his boasting but he was enjoying himself. "How are you little man, you here to become a trainer and you would like a licence?".

Wayne dropped to his knees and cuddled the little eevee "Isn't this eevee gorgeous, I love eevee's with so many evolutions, it's fascinating"
Boris nods and says to Wayne "Thank you. And it's nice to meet you. My name is Boris Harmonia. And I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. And yes. I'd like a license to be a pokemon trainer." He then looked at Wayne kneeling down and cuddling his Eevee and says "Yeah. I had Eevee for about two years now. It's one of my dearest friends."

Eevee nuzzled it's head against Wayne's hand.
Beali gladly took the reward and smiled at the girl. "You were both good." She picked up Cyndaquil after putting the money in her bag. "Cyndaquil that was a lot of fun, huh?" She hugged him tightly. Beali turned toward Kokiera and Axew. "Is he okay? That last attack..."
"Thanks, you rwo were great also." Kokierra said to the other trainers as he pulled out a potion and used it on his Axew. "Im sure he'll be okay, but we should hurry to the next town." He said to Baeli. He put Axew in his Pokeball. "Just until you get healed up." He said to the Pokeball. "Ready?" He asked Baeli.
"Right. I'm good to go. I can't wait to see what's in the next town," she sighed. Cyndaquil chimed in excitedly. "I'm a little hungry after that battle." Cyndaquil agreed with a nod and Beali giggled happily. They had been able to get out of that battle fairly well. It was a good thing they had run into Kokierra.
Kokierra nodded and the two began walking down the route.
Beali hummed as they walked the route. The day had gone quite well so far, minus that one scare with the Timburr. It was decidedly much easier to travel with another trainer. Kokierra seemed like a nice guy too. His Axew was very happy with him as well. So far, she had no reason not to trust him. Cyndaquil looked comfortable around him too, and that really made her trust him.