Of Magic and Mayhem

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Once in the clearing of the neutral territory he smelt the familiar smells that came deep within the forest. On the far side of the clearing were the pure anthros lived inside the smells began to get stronger, ears twitching for any sound. Deciding it was just his imagination his nose finally being able clear from the smells from the city, nodding to himself he agreed that was it is was just his nose making the smells stronger. He began walking around taking off his hat giving a jaw cracking yawn. Sitting down he became deep in thought figuring out what it was he wanted to eat, he wasn't all that hungry but it did sound good that and a good splash in the river sounded goods to.
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The savage skoll was swipping men from the ground and ripping them in half, he grabbed a man and threw him back into his own crowd letting out an earth shattering roar. Lifting his hand up he spoke acient words and a fireball formed which he brought down on a few men taking them out instantly. He proceeded forward clawing them out of his way. Shouting " I'VE NEVER BEEN SO AWAKE " he said picking up a man and putting him in his mouth chewing on him like a toy bathing his teeth in blood. And spitting him onto his friends, he slammed his hand into the ground and ran it along the floor ramming men out of the way. One man sliced skolls hand and skoll clawed him to pieces. They shot a crossbolt at him and he put his hand up grabbing it and slamming it down into the floor, and punching it causing it to shatter outwards at the humans causing it to penetrate them. He was beginning to feel the inner bloodlust he despised
Wane flicked his tail as he gazed at the girl "You wouldn't happen to be Anne, would you?" he said, dodging an arrow that flew past his head. Anne froze at the mention of her name, "Y-yes, and how do you-" Wane broke in, "Crimsonpaw, he's a friend of mine." Anne stared blankly at him. She opened her mouth to speak but Wane smirked, "Yes, the fox. He told me. Another friend of mine has some wicked resurrection powers, not as cool as mine though" he watched with a prideful grin as she stared at him in shock, realizing he'd just read her mind.

Anne yelped as she felt a fury of flames close beside her, feeling the heat as it nearly singed her. She looked back at Wane, "Listen, we have to discuss something. Let's get out of here before one of us-" Wane rolled his eyes "I don't die, I kill", he grinned again, Anne may not be an enemy, but he definitely was going to have fun messing with her head as a secret form of revenge, he couldn't help still feeling residual hate against the humans.

Wane and Anne stepped out of the battle, running far off until the clatter of swords and cries of victory and agony could only be heard in a distance. Wane sighed, "Well, what is it? How do you intend on stopping a bunch of bloodthirsty humans and anthros, it's a useless attempt. Many are already dead." Anne was about to speak, but to her irritation was cut off again, "Hold on, what's that smell?" he said, detecting an unusual aroma and then sprinting away. Anne couldn't smell the faint scent and was confused by his behavior, she had a hard time keeping up, she had become to get aggravated at the attention span of this particular anthro. Wane stopped immediately before the elderly being who sat squatted at a pot, thinking he had snuck up on him though it was more likely that the old timer had spotted him first.

Anne stopped behind him, she glanced at the old man, wondering what he was doing. Wane glanced back at her and whispered "Man? That's an elderly cat anthro, can't you smell...nevermind".
Maulnar did not look up at the two, but closed his book and put it aside, then got up before speaking to them. "Greetings friends. I see your intentions are pure and that your minds do not care for petty age-old feuds of which nobody remembers the cause. While it is saddening to say that this is remarkable, there is hope to spread your friendship and bring peace to both kinfolk." He turned towards his cauldron, then continued. "But first let's end this pointless battle, shall we?" Maulnar said, looking inside the cauldron to find his mixture being nearly done, only the last ingredient was missing. From his heap of many items, the old man retrieved a jar with Necrophage inside. The fruit had obviously been in there for a long time, it was ripe and oozing the acid for which it is so well-known.
"Make way, cover your ears and avert your eyes, this'll be quite the spectacle." The old man said, opening the jar. From it came a sizzling sound and the smell stung in the nose. Then he turned the jar around, dropping the acid fruit in the cauldron with a plop, then it sizzled again. Inside, the fruit was heatin up immensely as it was eating through the thick skin that had formed inside, in a few moments it'll reach the pressured mixture that hadn't frozen to a solid yet.

"Fire!" Maulnar yelled, laughing a little as he kicked the cauldron, causing it to topple over. The old man jumped to the ground and covered his head with his arms. The acid had reached the bottom of the cauldron, and exploded upon touch with a loud bang. The glowing-hot fruit shot out of the cauldron like a cannonball, followed by a trail of thick red smoke. It had grown thrice in size and was glowing hot, temporarily blinding anyone that looked directly at it. The ball of light flew over the heads of the soldier and like a falling star, it lit up the battlefield brighter than the sun ever could.
Then it exploded again, not nearly as loud as the first explosion, more like a squashed watermelon, covering the entire battlefield in a thick, red smoke, reaching all the way back from the forest to the king. It was so thick that one couldn't see their own hand in front of their face, and it came with such speed that everyone could feel a force, as if a person actually pushed them back. On the plus side, the tea leaves gave the smog a sweet tea scent, but it impaired breathing for there was little air left to inhale.

Maulnar got up after his projectile shot out of the cauldron and watched the show. Wane and Anne, had they ignored and looked at the projectile anyway, would see a red cloud spread over the battlefield and hopefully, soldiers retreating from it. The cauldron was spewing some more of the red smog. It remained on the ground and spread evenly over the floor, covering nothing but their feet.
"Explosions. So much potential, both good and bad. One could take down entire armies, or assist in mines, clear lands and maybe even use for boats. I don't think it'll work for carriages, sadly, but we'll see what the future brings." He began to ramble, staring at the red cloud where the battle had been. "Ah, yes. You two. Would you be so kind as to help an old cat gather his belongings?" Raising his arm in their direction, he addressed them. Without waiting for a response, he knelt down and picked up his smaller cauldron and the bag of money. He lowered the cauldron in the bigger cauldron first, then threw the bag of coins inside, creating the metallic jingle of coins.
" RAAAAAHG! " a booming roar came from inside the blinding red smoke as Skoll began swinging wildly until he gusted his wings and pushing him out of the thick red smoke into the air allowing him to hover his breathing was heavy, looking around for were the bomb came from. it came from the anthro side which made him wonder why that happened, he took off flying towards the trail soaring through the sky looking down on the battlefield were people were retreating and coughing, some choking almost to death from the lack of air. He came down slowly landing right in front of Maulnar and the two who had found him in the woods, his breathing heavy and his eyes red. " You....was it you " he said kneeling down on the floor to look at them. tucking his wings away and ruffling his fur, his eyes still in pain from the brightness and his ears seeming to still ring a bit from the closeness of the explosion.
*bang* The loud pop had made even battle-mad Bjomolf freeze in place. As the thick red fog began to roll in, the mighty warrior found that he could no longer see his hated enemy, though his lack of breath soon began a more pressing matter. This demon cloud smothered his ears and eyes, slowly stealing into his lungs.
Adric coughed, hearing a voice from the smoky red glare "Retreat!" It was that of the king's adviser. Quite an obvious goal really, already soldiers were scrambling in the direction of their homeland to escape the fog, anthros began to run back to the cover of the woods. Adric grimaced as he stumbled out of the redness, walking over the bodies of several fallen; both anthro and human.

Wane watched with wide eyes as the smoky glare overtook the grasslands, Anne snapped at him "Wane, he said not to look!" Wane grumbled "Fine! Whatever" Pulling his eyes away from the scene, they were both shocked at what the old man had conjured up, trying to piece together with his cryptic words that his reasoning behind it was some sort of motif against the war. The elderly alchemist asked for assistance, Wane glanced at Anne "Told you he was a cat" he whispered. Anne groaned "He asked for help! Not your smart comments!". She went over to the old man's stuff, helping him carry a few things.

Just then the fearsome dragon wolf landed, raging and angry and likely filled with adrenaline from the battle, Wane blurted out "It was him! Not my fault!"
Maulnar picked up the book he had been writing in, then put it away underneath his cloak, nobody had to read what he had been writing down in there. Perhaps they'd figure out that he threw that bottle, not that it mattered much, but it might make them turn away from him. There was more information in the book than just the notes he'd been making of the war, more dark secrets of his past that nobody should know about him. There can be no genius without a little madness.

The arrival of the dragon-wolf Anthro did not matter much to Maulnar, and he did not speak to him just yet, but he knew that it was that one. "What I am does not matter, and what I ask of you is not a necessary task, you are free to leave me be, but young lady, I thank you dearly for your assistance. You can put the things in the cauldron, it doubles as a backpack." He said and began to pick up and put away the rest of the items he had. When the cauldron was filled, he went to stand next to the cauldron, pulled on the ropes, and the cauldron was on his back once more.
"For one who just charged into battle, you're not very brave." Maulnar told Wane, then turned to face the dragon-wolf beast that had appeared in front of him, gazing at it from underneath his hood. "You'll have to be a bit more specific. Was it me that created the smokescreen? Yes. I doubt these youngsters have the knowledge to create a smokebomb quite like that one, but no need to be angry, it fulfilled its purpose, look! Anthrokind and mankind are retreating, putting off their petty battle for a while longer. It might just give us enough time to prevent the next battle from happening at all."

A cloaked arm raised to the air, pointing village-wise. "Let's return to the village, tend to the wounded, and think things over. How will we convince them that this war is stupid, and that peace will benefit all?" The old man said, then began to walk towards the village. "If we destroy the siege weapons, the humans will be less likely to attempt another assault. Maybe we could kidnap the king or his son, then force him to sign a peace treaty, I don't know. I always assumed peace should be considered a normal thing, not something to strive for, so I don't know how to go about it."
As both his brethren and his enemies fled the field ( For even the thick fog could not mask the sounds of an army in full retreat) Bjomolf bellowed in anger, pacing back and forth in the red mist with his tail whipping in frustration. With a final snarl, he turned and followed his people as they fled towards the forest. He was not the type of wolf to start a battle without finishing it, and leaving left him in a bitter, irritated mood.
Anne helped put the old alchemists things away, then nodding down at him "Well, I see you are helping our cause. Thank you sir, perhaps we should keep in contact somehow." She looks up at Wane "You too, I believe, since you are on the anthros side it'll be important to stay unified." Wane shrugged "Whatever works for you, to be honest the whole peace thing is near impossible, the minds of anthro and man are stubborn. But hey, if you want to try, fine by me" he grinned "Oh, and by the way, you're not so bad looking for a human" he added out of the blue.

Anne blinked, "Um...thanks?" she said confused. She looked back at the old alchemist, "It was nice meeting you" she bowed "I better go, my father will be furious since the battle had been interrupted" With that she waved and left, running towards the retreating army of her kind. She caught up with Adric, "How are the war machines, did they not work as planned". Adric just nodded, taking his time before he said "You know I'm only doing this because I trust you" Anne furrowed her brow "What? But you don't know me that well". Adric nodded "I know people"

Adric was amused by the face that Anne made, what he said was true enough though. He felt he could trust her from the moment he'd first met her. Politics weren't his thing, and the only reason he was a part of Mayhem was because he loved to build.

When the army had returned, they went to shacks and hospitals, nursing wounds and winding down from a harrowing battle that never finished. Anne cast a glance up at the castle towers, somewhere from above her father the king would be sitting in his throne furious and ordering an answer to what happened in the field regarding the mist.

He'd also be angrier at the anthros than ever.

Meanwhile, Wane skulked back to the forest, behind the others of his kind who were fleeing. He reached the edge of the forest and watched the other side.
"Typical humans," Bjomolf growled from behind the wolf welp, "Cowards and pompous fools. The won't last long against us before they crawl back to their polluted city to think of ways to cut us down while we sleep." A new bandage covered his leg, gleaming white with a few flecks of dark red. The anthros, too, were taking time to heal and regroup.
Coming down from the sky he landed in the anthro camp after scanning the humans civilization, he looked around at the injured and the rowdy anthros and let out a laugh before he took seating putting his back agaisnt a tree, causing it to lean a bit. He noticed Bjomolf one of the possible strongest here and laughed as he let out his rant on the humans.
Maulnar lingered at the back, worriedly making his way towards the village. On the battlefield hung a scent of tea to mask his human smell, but with all the Anthros packed together, there will probably be one to discover his real identity. It's been a while since he last gave his cloak the old treatment, the cat scent is growing fainter with every passing minute. Maulnar can only hope the worry over fallen and injured friends and family, as well as the smell of blood, will be enough to divert their attention.

A little ways away from the village, Maulnar noticed Wane at the side of the forest. He was at least comfortable around humans, even if he figured out what Maulnar really was, the old man wouldn't have to fear instant-death, so he went to talk to the Cat-Anthro. "Flirting with human girls, are we now, Wane? As cute as that may be, we have more important things to worry about right now. We need to think and act quickly, I doubt I can pull off another trick like that. They've got an entire school of alchemists to ward off any other smokescreens from here on out, so we'll need peace before the next battle. Any ideas?"
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(Wane's a cat)

Wane scrunched his nose at the scent of human, baring his fangs in a sheepish smirk "Can't blame me from trying, can you old coot". He immediately noticed that this old man wasn't an anthro after all, blinking in surprise. He could read in his mind that he was clearly the only anthro he could come up to, which was true enough, any other anthro would likely skin the old man, "...well yeah you got a point there. We need to set up a unity group, with members from both sides. Obviously Anne and I will be representatives of each side, then there's you, and whatever other human or anthro who wants to join" he beamed with pride "Then we can plan together"

He flicked his tail, looking back at the human-smelling creature, which still weirded him out because his first impression of him was a cat anthro "Sound good, human?" he flicked his tail
( Whoops. I knew that, but I still put wolf welp for some reason....)

Bjomolf went back among the camp, giving encouraging growls to the wounded and gruff advice to a few warriors. The morale of the army wavered between good and bad. Perhaps it was time to get a team together and do something about those humans. Though he was a warrior at heart, the giant anthro was not opposed to the idea of sabotage or ambush. This was war, after all, not a gentlemans' sparring match. There were no rules. With a decisive huff, Bjomolf began to make his way to the commanders of the anthros, his large paws leaving wide tracks.
Maulnar chuckled at Wane's somewhat surprised reaction. "Telepathy Magic, interesting." He paused to scratch his beard and ponder the wonders of that kind of magic, but snapped back to reality after a second or two. "Oh, and don't even act like you didn't know. Why would I practice alchemy if I had magic at my disposal? Young lad, I only study alchemy because it is human magic, not actually magic, but it manages to perform some impressive feats nonetheless." The old man said, raising an arm and only for a brief moment his hand was visible, but otherwise kept hidden underneath his tattered cloak.
He looked down at one of the sleeves, then moved it towards his nose and smelled it. Even with his limited sense of smell, he realized the effect of cat-scent was gone. "Hmm, she needs another bath. Either way, I can be on both sides, hidden underneath my cloak in Anthroland, or revealed as a skilled Alchemist in Humanland."
Wane shrugged "I thought it was weird, but I didn't distrust my sense of smell." he flicked his tail at the thought, in hindsight, he should have figured he was a human. He nodded at the old mans trick "Pretty sneaky, able to blend in anywhere, seems like a valuable ability" he said, gazing at the other side for a little bit. "I better go, the anthros in the forest will be on edge after the conflict ended in neutrality" he skulks into the forest, looking up at one of the trees and quickly scaling up to the lowest branch and standing in a crouch, is eyes surveying everything below.
(Re-entry post! Huzzah!)

Carson returned just in time to see the war had started. Having raised so many warriors for so long, he felt himself quickly growing older. At this rate, he had maybe another decade, maybe more if he was lucky.

He found Wane talking to an old druidic looking fellow. "Maulnar?" he called out, his pace quickening. "Maulnar, is that you? By the gods, I haven't seen you since I was but a pup!" he exclaimed, spreading his arms out wide.


"Oh, on the mountainside
She'll be there, she'll be there,
Singing her songs with glee,
Up on the mountainside
she'll be there, she'll be there,
My darling waits for me."

The song echoed through the tunnels of the dungeon as Marlon enjoyed the absence of his guards. And then a thought hit him.

"Wait... If reality is simply a perception of occurrences by the mind, a mind which can be influenced, then reality is simply an illusion manipulatable by an altering of said perception."

No sooner had he looked over at the lock of his cell door had it come undone, silent and still as though it was never locked in the first place.

"And they call me crazy..." he said and he removed the lock and pushed the door open.
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"Maulnar" he heard behind him. Someone knew his name, someone knew him, and that was concerning, although the voice didn't sound very hostile. It didn't quite sound like in his memories, but he had a good idea about who it could've been.
When the old man turned around to look at whomever had addressed him, he was greeted by a warm, and furry, embrace. Maulnar accepted the heartfelt embrace and returned it wholeheartedly. It's been too long since he saw a specific Anthro after so many years, they usually don't stay too long in the same place.

"It's good to see you again, pup." Maulnar said, unable to recollect the exact name of the Anthro he embraced, but he didn't care. Maulnar wasn't good with names, and in all his time, he's heard too many to remember anyway. Yet images remained vividly in his mind. Especially this one.
Maulnar took a few steps backwards, to get a complete look at Carson. "You've aged more than I have. I've been trying to find something to remove that nasty side-effect of yours, but I can't quite figure out where your magical essence comes from, if there is any at all. All this knowledge is pointless if I can't understand the basics, if I can't find the source." He sighed and turned to face the human city again. "I was on my way there, but I wouldn't mind some of that necrophage desert. Mine sort of turned into a bomb." He chuckled slightly and noiselessly said "kaboom".
The old wolf anthro looked down at himself at the mention of his age. "Yes, well, giving life to the dead has taken quite a toll on me. I'm afraid I've got not too much more than a decade and three, give or take a few years. I think my magic ability is drawn from the spirit world, where the dead reside, but I'm not quite sure. I suppose I'll find out soon enough, though." he joked, trying to take the edge off the grim subject underlying the conversation. "Um, I think I may have some left over, stored in that cooling contraption you gave me before you left all those years ago. What was it you called it? A Frigid-ator? Something of the sort. Wane, I'd be more than happy if you'd join us." he said, regarding his feline friend.

As he began to walk to his graveside cottage, he turned back to his old friend. "And, Maulnar, when we get inside, please take off that ridiculous guise. I can smell you, so there's no point in hiding from me."


"Heloo?" Marlon called out down the corridor. "Hee hee, they are gone!" he observed gleefully as he tromped back into his cell to grab his walking stick. "Time to see what the world has made of itself in the absence of Marlon the Solver."
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