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[fieldbox=It is nearing, lightsalmon]
Satoshi Jun,

Jounin | Kumogakure Team 3 |Wolf country, near the coast | Commander of the host, at the camp.

Satoshi slowly chewed on the bite of bread. Watching how soldiers trained in formations and marching, the commander was wondering what the next move would be. The suggestion of the young Imperial commander had been accepted. Which saw a part of Satoshi's forces work together with the Akenians to defend and prepare the three nearby crossings. Work in terms of digging ditches and setting defences were nearly done.

But still, Satoshi didn't feel content. Sitting and waiting for the enemy to be done with licking their wounds was something that could spell a dreadful retribution. And seeing that the enemy army on the other side of the river had more than double in numbers than the allied force, Satoshi couldn't pulse the nagging worries away.
But what could he do? He had barely twenty thousand troops. Alone, he would have no chance to drive the enemy army away. Satoshi's gaze would move from the improvised fields to the direction where the Imperial and Republican camps were sited.

A thought then passed Satoshi's mind.

Getting up from his spot, he would head back to his tent and start to work out his plan. The few sketches that detailed the area would come in use now. Using the sketches, Satoshi wondered if there wasn't a chance to diminish the enemy numbers or prevent an enemy surprise attack on their own patrols and defences.

For that goal, he would send out a small force under the leadership of Yumeji Hojo and another under the leadership of Genji Hojo. They would move out to the north in two groups. Their main objective to scout for possible routes that troops could cross, such as shallow parts of the river or other natural crossings.
Sending the messengers to alert the assigned captains, Satoshi would lean once more over the small desks where the sketched maps were laid out.

Hopefully, they could turn the tide soon.

Yumeji's group:

Sergeant Miu Sanosuke and her troops (a force of forty soldiers, and Toshi Harada)
Move north directly from the camp. Crossing the few hills and perform at first a patrol round. Then move further north and scout the river for any natural crossings. At one point, try to cross the river and scout for enemy activity on the other side. Don't engage with enemies or any hostile contacts. Sufficient supplies will be given for two days.

Genji's group:
A force of forty soldiers, Mizuchi Hojo, Niji Yakei and Kaya Irozaki.
Move north directly from the camp. Crossing the few hills and perform at first a patrol round. Then move further north and scout the river for any natural crossings. At one point, try to cross the river and scout for enemy activity on the other side. Don't engage with enemies or any hostile contacts. Sufficient supplies will be given for two days.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Girls just want to have fun~, lightgreen]
The main hall in the Riojin Clan compound.

A collab between Inzane and Oetje.

Etsu and Kitana talk a bit during the feast before parting ways. It is a relatively short collab as mentor and student just have a talk.

As the ceremony was done, Etsu waited patiently. Her gaze was locked on her students but as the jounin lost sight of the genin and chuunin, she remained patient. Spotting Rini first, she was walking together with a man. Probably somebody who she knew. Which meant that Etsu would later try to approach the genin. Trying to get a glance of Kitana, it didn't take more than a second for Etsu. Spotting the teen Etsu would approach the chuunin. It was a bit annoying with the crowd but nothing impossible.

"There you are!"
Managing to pass a few people, Etsu would flash a smile towards Kitana as she approached.
"That was a great ceremony. How do you feel?"

With the ceremony over and everyone now talking as normal, she was pulled off the stage to shockingly be praised by Mitsunari. Their talk wasn't long, as Mitsunari had other business to conduct, yet made some time to congratulate his little sister. As he left she would walk around with some small chitchat and getting some congratulations from a few people. Walking around a bit more she could see her sensei approaching her which made her a bit nervous, yet smiled and waved at her.

She was asked how she felt about the ceremony to which she rubbed the back of her head with a small giggle.
"I have to say it was a bit overwhelming. Getting her majesty to award us was something I didn't see coming. Yet seeing her face to face was probably the most terrifying thing I've done in my life. Hate to be an enemy of her." Kitana shuddred as she pointed at the medal wrapped around her neck.
"What do you think? I thiink it matches pretty well with the scar. Shows not to mess with me right?" she said smirking a bit.

Subtly eyeing her student, Etsu wagered that it had been somewhat overwhelming. Nobody had been prepared for it, from what she had seen. Not to mention to meet the Empress of the Akinian Empire so suddenly. Etsu had heard stories about the young woman but could help but snicker when Kitana stated she had been intimidated.
"It quite does. Perhaps it will impress some tough boys as well. Speaking of which," the woman smirked as she winked towards Kitana, "Did you happen to see any that attracted your attention? I know it is a feast and that your brother organised as hosts it but hey! Girls just want to have fun, right?"

Giving quite the proud face, ti would soon become a bit flustered at hearing her sensei ask if any had attracted her attention which was followed by girls just want to have fun. She tapped her chin and gave a shrug. "Hmmm not really. Then again the only one seemed too serious for my liking." Kitana said before eyeing Etsu and giving a smirk and tapping her side with her elbow. "What about you? Any men that caught your attention?"

color=lightgreen]"That is a pity!"[/color] Etus replied, clearly being amused. When the question was returned by her student, Etsu shook her head lightly.
"I am afraid not, haha," letting out a soft and short laughter, Etsu feigned a bored look around.
"I don't really think that many of these established and noblemen would like to be seen with a mere commoner as me. I doubt that I would either like to have to change my surname or learn all kind of new traditions. Sounds rather tedious."

The jounin glanced once more to the chuunin. The smirk of before flowed back on Etsu's lips.
"Besides, how can I compete against you now? I don't get the honor of receiving such a ceremony from the Empress herself."

Seeing her bored look as she explained that none of the noblemen here would be seen with a commoner as her, caused her to fold her arms and raise an eyebrow. Although she was curious about changing her surname and learning new traditions. It caused her to think a bit as Etsu mentioned on how could she compete with Kitana after recieving a ceremony from the Empress.
"Well it sure was an honor to recieve it, but dont sell yourself short. I know my brother trusts you, and you are a jounin to boot! I'd say its an honor just having those alone. Yet learning new traditions hm?" Kitana said as she scanned the crowd a bit.
"I know we got a few of the Chonobi culture around. Did one of them catch your eye? Maybe one of those Sworn Swords her majesty has with her?" Kitana said winking herself.

Learning that Mitsunari himself trusted her, made Etsu smile a bit. She wasn't sure how to take that. If anything, she was far apart from a patriot for the Rain and its province. It had been her home and origin but didn't mean she had to love it to the death. Yet, it was quite nice to learn that the jounin commander trusted her.

"We do. I even saw one that made me quite wary." Etsu replied, becoming serious for a moment. When Kitana brought up the royal guard, Etsu couldn't help but softly laugh again.
"I don't know. Those boys seemed quite tough. But I don't think that I will be able to get any of them to have a conversation without still looking out over her Majesty. What about that guy? The Omari guy. Chu, yes. He was also on stage."

One of them made her wary? Wow they must be quite the person to make someone such as Etsu wary of them. Yet as Etsu said they were too busy looking over her Majesty to talk to, she would bring up Chu Omari. For a moment she was a bit confused having to think back as to who she was talking about. Then when it clicked she snorted a bit.
"I mean this in the nicest way I can, but with how silent he is. I almost forgot his exsistence. That and....." Kitana said tapping her index finger on her chin like she was debating how to make what she wanted to say nice. "Well he seems more like a woman than us if I'm being honest."

If any image that Etsu had held over Kitana, being a brought up sibling of a clan leader and thus adhering to a modest and forever polite girl, was shattered by her reply. It was accompanied by a chuckle escaping Etsu. Shaking her head, she would place her hands on her hips.
"So, not silent. I would say that Uchiha. But he seemed a tad young to be considered somebody you could approach, to have some fun. Then there was that first guy. Sarutobi, I believe?"

She had to stop herself from laughing at the thought of the Uchiha and her. He had such a young face, it reminded her of Sintra when he was younger. Made her wonder slightly if they acted the same way. Then she mentioned the Sarutobi which brought about a shrug. "That would be the serious guy I was talking about before. I mean if we are talking about fun only then.... " Kitana said cutting herself off as she cleared her throat. As she tried thinking of someone else. "Huh you may be right. A lot of the interesting people seem too bland really. Although now Im too busy wondering if it could be possible to distract one of them Sworn Swords with our lovely womanly charms." Kitana said giggling a bit.

"Ah! I see! "
When Kitana stated she was wondering if they could distract one of those Sworn Swords, Etsu shook her head and patted Kitana's shoulder.
"Believe me, I am all in for some risks but there is a difference in risks and suicide. Besides, you got to watch out that your brother and lord won't be disappointed with your behaviour. Actually, now I think of it, don't you need to hold yourself to an arranged marriage?"

She snickered at the thought of a Sworn Sword stabbing them for flirting with them. Her smile faded a bit when Etsu mentioned the whole arranged marriage thing. "In a way I do. It would help our clan if I married another noble from another clan. Yet like you you said earlier about not wanting to change you surname and learning new traditions. I more so don't want to change it to be this random strangers. I'd feel too much like a black sheep. So my brother gave me a choice. I can find someone but risk the rumors that could follow like our clan settles for anyone. Or go with an arranged marriage. What would you do in that kind of situation?"

Etsu wondered for a moment how hard it could be. The idea that you would have to sacrifice the idea of marrying for love to marry for stability and prosperity. Knowing various people of her own social standing that were far from keen on nobility, Etsu never had a large disdain for nobles and the way how they did things. It was the way the world worked.
"I can't say that I envy you for that. I grew up in a pretty ordinary household if I say so myself. Never had that kind of issue, really. Do you know that if you ever want to talk about then that you just have to say the word?
I know some great places where you can have the best drinks and meals, for a great price!

She kind of figured Etsu wouldn't have an idea in that kind of scenario. Made her wonder how Kouta was doing now, free from the responsibility of having an arranged marriage. She would have to visit him when she wasn't busy. "Well I will surely consdier that. We can make it a girls night. You, Rini and me! Hmm although we may have to skip talkign about guys in that case. Think little Rini is still to young for men."

"Hahaha, that sounds like a great plan. With indeed that Rini might be a bit too young." Talking about Rini, Etsu hadn't fully forgot about the genin. Perhaps she should check on how Rini was doing? Etsu wondered if the brave genin had fully recovered from her psychical wounds. Not to mention the mental trauma she could have suffered from the last operation.
"I am going to check upon Rini. I suppose I will see you later, Kitana." Etsu said, flashing a smile, "Do try to stay out of trouble until I will rejoin you again, okay?"

"Sounds good sensei. Make sure you mention that girls night to her. Might do us some good to just go out and have fun." Kitana said as she avoided eye contact as she was told to stay out of trouble. "Me? Trouble? I'm simply a girl trying to have fun is all." Kitana said smiling and giving a wink as she and Etsu would part ways.
[fieldbox=A gift and acquaintance, violet]
The Feast in the Riojin main hall - Riojin Clan's compound.

A collab between Nim, Zane and Lesli.

Aiko, Kazumo and Kuni have a talk going on. It is a relative average collab in which the three just interact but nothing spectacular happens.

With Satia taking her leave, Aiko just nodded to the younger Cho. She doubted that Satia would do something to get into trouble. Unless the previous exchanges with the young woman had given a wrong idea but Aiko wouldn't worry too much about it right now. Turning slightly to grace Kuni with a look, Aiko eyed the chuunin. "Been some time since I have seen you. Didn't grow much, have you?" Aiko said, a smile dawning on her lips. Placing her hands on her hips she nodded, in a subtle but approving fashion. "Good to see you again, Kuni." For a moment, Aiko did throw a look around. She wasn't entirely certain where her entire group had went. Hopefully, none of them would gather too much attention on themselves during this festive event.

Having had a rather pleasant chat with his niece Kiyomi, who had gifted him his sword Metnaður he couldnt help but feel a bit excited to go and show Aiko. As well as talk with her, wasn't many here he knew so she was a rather welcome sight anytime. People were a bit suspicous of the fact he had a sword on him, yet seeing as how the empress herself gifted it to him. Well not much could be said or done. Walking up to Aiko and the other girl with her, his face was already beaming as he looked at Aiko. "Sensei! Guess what Kiyomi did?" Kazumo spoke originally in Chonobi as he motioned witht he sword a bit. He then relaized that she was talking with someone else and looked to both of them before resting her gaze on Aiko. "Oh. Sorry am I interrupting sensei?" Kazumo would say now back in Taika.

Seeing Aiko's smile as the Cho spoke to her, Kuni's own smile grew a bit more. She didn't mind the remark about her lack of growth, she knew for her age she was still relatively small. Before she could speak up, another guy came and talked to Aiko, though in a different language. It sounded a bit familiar, but she couldn't place where she heard it before immediately. When the guy switched to Taika, Kuni shrugged "I don't think you really interrupted. Aiko only greeted me. Speaking of which," The Jinchuuriki would bring her hand up towards Kazumo, offering a handshake "I'm Yoshikuni Sadako, Chuunin from Amegakure, but you can call me Kuni." She introduced herself "Anyone who is a student of Aiko is someone I would like to meet!" She added with some excitement in her voice.

Spotting Kazumo, Aiko wanted to say something. But was she quick to notice the facial expression and the addition of a sheathed sword. The details on the scabbard and the visible pommel as the guard said enough, about the origin and style of the blade. "I have a very good hunch, I believe," Aiko replied to Kazumo, in both Chonobi and clearly sounding amused. "And no, you aren't." She further continued as she gestured subtly towards Kuni. "She was once a guest of my home." The jounin finished, deciding to swap to Taika.

"Not just a student, though," Aiko said as her amusement became more evident. Crossing her arms, she nodded towards Kazumo. "Kazumo Sarutobi. Tracing by the imperial bloodline, the uncle of her Majesty. But, do amuse me, Kazumo. What has her Majesty done for you?"

When the girl known as Yoshikuni introduced herself and offered out her hand for a handshake, he had no real reason to not shake her hand. So bringing his hand up and shaking hers he would nod. "Kazumo Sarutobi. As of today, also a chuunin." Kazumo said short and sweet before the girl started getting more excited about meeting a student of Aiko's. Not quite sure why that would be exciting. He would grin at Aiko and hold the sword up. "Her Majesty gifted me this! I call her Metnaður. We also had a conversation about some other things for the future. Said that this sword could help me out."

A Sarutobi. First one she met, and he seemed pretty cool. And one that was apparently Kiyomi's uncle, so related to the imperial line. As she watched him hold up a sword and spoke to Aiko about the held sword, which was apparently a gift from Kiyomi, Kuni wondered if the sword had any special traits to it, but she wasn't sure if it would be out of place for her to ask it "Congratulations on the promotion, and thanks for helping protect my village." She decided to say first before fixing her gaze on the sword "Sure looks like an honorable gift to receive, especially when its from her majesty." She added, wishing she could ask him to take out the sword, but this was not the place or the time for that.

The name was something that made Aiko tilt her head slightly to the right. "Metnaður," the woman repeated the name slow as if she wanted to try out how it sounded. "Fitting," Aiko said in Chonobi briefly. She did wonder what Kazumo implied with 'other things for the future'. But that was up for Kazumo to share or keep for himself. "Seems to be quite the gift. A straight blade and with those ornaments? I can't say that I am not feeling a bit envious right now," winking towards Kazumo, Aiko would decide to ask something. "Have you seen where Neji, Tomiko or Satia went? I haven't seen any of them after the ceremony."

Being thanked for protecting a village was a bit odd, really they just went to the areas where the zealots and those things were. If anything he didn't stop the actual, "I didn't really stop any attacks, yet you are welcome I suppose." he said although he did beam a bit proudly when she said it was quite the honorable gift to recieve from Kiyomi. He smiled even more when Aiko approved of the name. "Right? When Kiyomi asked why I picked that name, she got really serious when I told her the reason." Kazumo said in Chonobi before Aiko asked about where the others were. His face shrunk into a frown and he shrugged. "Haven't seen Satia since the start of the ceremony. As for the other two, well I really don't care where they went. Think Tomiko is sulking somewhere again." he said a bit bluntly in Taika not exactly having a good opinion on those two at the moment.

Hearing the bits and pieces of the language some more finally made Kuni know where she heard the language before. She opened her mouth to start getting excited over it, but stopped herself short of shouting outloud and attracting unneeded attention, something Aiko would most likely disapprove of. Instead, she let out a brief cough "Uhm, just to be sure, you two were also speaking in Chonobi, right? Only heard it a bit before and that was when I visited Magnhild." She asked, being curious about it "If there is anything you two would rather discuss on your own, I can go. There is another person here I'm sure would not let me hear the end of it if I don't find her." Kuni explained with a smile, understanding if they did wish to talk more privately.

Ah, so Kazumo did tell Kiyomi of his ambition? It was, at least, quite generous of Kiyomi to gift Kazumo such a sword. When her student answered her question, Aiko played with the idea of creating a shadow clone. Just to be on the safe side and watch over the other. Certainly Tomiko, who had been anything but socially desireable of late. "Very well. Let us not worry about them. If trouble arise, not going to burden it on you." The jounin said, a grin appearing on the woman's face. "Though as a chuunin, I should perhaps reconsider that." Turning her attention to Kuni, the woman nodded. "Yes, correct. So far I have nothing to discuss in private with Kazumo," Aiko stated, "But if you desire to seek that other person, feel free."

As Aiko herself said, he would nod in agreement that they were indeed speaking some Chonobi to each other. "Don't feel like Im forcing you to leave. I just came to tell sensei about the good news was all, although." Kazumo started in Taika before switching to Chonobi for a moment. "I was promised by a clone bearing your face sensei that I would get lessons on the Void." Kazumo said beaming that curious look of his. "However I can learn about that later." Kazumo said in Chonobi before looking at Kuni. "You visited Magnhild though? How was it?"

Nothing to discuss in private, yet you keep using Chonobi. Maybe they just prefer it over Taika. She thought to herself briefly before hearing Kazumo's question. She gave a slight shrug "Well, I didn't get freedom to explore it, seeing how I was there to meet a certain person and was escorted by another. What I did get to see, however, looked very impressive. Got to drink a bit of tea with my escort before getting to see the person I can to see and then being escorted out, which was nice. But I think the best part of it was probably meeting Lilia." She answered before realizing her mistake "Sorry, I mean her majesty. Though back then she was still known as Lilia." She quickly offered an explanation.

"We will speak later of that 'subject'." Was Aiko's response towards Kazumo, using the same language. She was still unsure what had happened in the Void as the information nor chakra of her shadow clone could be returned when she, the original, wasn't in the Void as well. But if anything, Kazumo had survived whatever scuffle had occured in there. Which was the most important about it. "Impressive is one way to put it," Aiko said, slight amused by the answer.

Ahh so a meeting basically, although he was a bit confused at her calling Kiyomi, Lilia. This prompted Kazumo to look at Aiko a bit confusingly, before looking back at Kuni. "Well I myself have never visited Magnhild, yet my father said its one of the most breath taking sights he has ever laid eyes on. Although.... I'm a bit curious on what you meant. Her majesty was known as Lilia before?"

"Thats the name she gave me when I met her back then. I don't know if that was always her name, but I never delved deeper than her name, and the mutual people we knew at the time. Well, there was also the matter of the person I met there, but that is a more private matter." Kuni answered with a slight shrug and a smile "How long have you been a student of Aiko?" She asked in return, briefly glancing at Aiko as well. Although they had a very brief time prior to the occupation, Kuni could recall a training session with Aiko.

"It is a long story, I will explain it later." Aiko said in a softer tone to Kazumo, once more in Chonobi. The origin and reason of Kiyomi adopting her present day name wasn't really fit for a festive event. With the question asked on how long Kazumo had been her student, Aiko threw a sideways look at the Sarutobi. "Kazumo has been for some time in my team. I don't know the exact date nor time but I reckon it is now already a few months. Quite the archer, if I say so."

He was only growing more confused but Aiko stated she would tell him later, which kind of made him feel like he was intruding into Kiyomi's personal business. Yet he offered a nod and gave a smile at Aiko's answer. "That is about right. My dreams back then were different too." he said with a little laugh, when in fact a lot of what he told Aiko he wanted to become has changed. It all changed once he had some answers and meet some people. Yet he was glad things happened the way they did. "Got to thank my dad for teaching while I was young about archery. Although everything else I learned I have to thank mostly you for sensei."

She nodded as both Aiko and Kazumo answered, and upon hearing about the archery, Kuni's eyebrows would rise a bit "Is that so? Doesnt archery require quite the strength? To be able to pull the string in a steady manner." She asked as she moved her gaze between both Aiko and Kazumo "But I have to admit, I didn't know any archers personally until now. To have that, and to have the new sword to use too, makes it seem like you are well covered." She said with a smile "Not that it means you should concentrate on those two solely, of course." Was quickly added with a glance to Aiko.

The question on if archery didn't require quite some strength wouldn't be answered by Aiko. She shot a sideways glance at Kazumo but figured that he wouldn't seek any slight behind it. Throwing a glance briefly at the right, Aiko wondered for a moment again what the other students were up to. When Kuni continued, the jounin found it slightly amusing on how the Amegakure chuunin spoke. "Or is it?" She asked, not masking her amusement, "Specialising in something you excell in other than to distribute attention to everything can work out quite well."

When she brought up his archery and if it required a good bit of strength he would nod. "Well it does with the right bow, however every bow is different. How it was made and all that explanation that would probably bore you. Basically the tighter you bind it, the more power you would need. Bind it too much and you basically have a club than a bow. Yet you dont want it too flimsy either. I'd show you my bow as a good example but that is back at the barracks. Oh yeah, the type of wood you use does play an effect as well. Like a moore sturdy type of wood would hold up rather well and...." Kazumo stopped as soon as he realized he was starting to answer a question with a lesson. Folding his arms he would look away at Aiko who answer Kuni's second question. He gave an amused look, as he was sure hes only seen very little of what she could do, yet the little she did was plentiful to him.

Nodding with a smile as she listened to both answers, Kuni realized she probably put things in a wrong manner after hearing Aiko "Well, yeah, specializing in something you excel in is good. I didn't mean he shouldn't specialize at all, I was trying to say he shouldn't just stick to the first thing or two he finds talent at, as he could end up finding something else that comes to him even more naturally. He should specialize, but also not stop looking entirely. Did that make sense?" She ended up asking the two, hoping she didn't start confusing them.

Upon hearing that Kazumo started to rant, Aiko would remain silent. The young man realised that he had almost had started to give Kuni a crash course about bows, which made the jounin snicker back a laughter. "Don't fret Kuni," Aiko started, "Everybody make their own decisions. Though I will have to see who I could enlist to help you learn how to wield a sword. My knowledge and expertise on the matter are rather limiting," she thought out loud. "Ah well, a concern for later. Anyways, how was your stay in Konohagakure? I believe you had quite the comfort at your disposal, no?"

"Her Majesty said the same thing, although I feel like coming from both her and you that I'm going to be sore in the upcoming months." Kazumo stated before shrugging. "Well I could stand to learn some new tricks. Yet I can do that later on in life. When I have the time that is."

"Well, good luck with your future swordmanship and archery training." She said briefly before turning her attention to Aiko's question. Hearing it wasn't painful in any way, but it did cause the smile on her face to become smaller "It served the purpose it was meant to serve. Can't exactly describe it in any other way." Kuni responded, appearing less than eager to speak of her most recent visit.

The fact that Kiyomi had said that didn't surprise Aiko. She had of no mind that Kiyomi could provide quite the aid for Kazumo to learn how to use his new gift and weapon. Turning her attention to Kuni, Aiko nodded subtly. She was aware on the reason why Kuni had been send to Konohagakure. The fact she was back meant that the Zealots were truly driven back. "Ah, well, now you're back in your own city. Which should be more peaceful than how it had been these last few weeks," Aiko replied, "At least, here is to good hoping it stays this way."

He gave a polite smile at her wishing him luck with his future swordmanship training. He was going to need it if he knew Kiyomi and Aiko well enough. It was just thinking of who they would bring in to teach him, was the biggest question. Well no matter what, it was going to be hell that's for sure. He had to resist making a comment that hopefully it stayed how it was meant to be, cause so far he has seen it more on fire than raining.

Smiling at Aiko's response, Kuni nodded. Here was to hoping indeed. As she turned to look at Kazumo, her eyes slightly widened "Oh god, I just remembered about my other friend. I'm sorry, but I really should go find her before she starts yelling my name and running around. Her Majesty asked me to not be the cause of problems." She quickly explained.

Kuni gave Kazumo a thumb up and a wink before moving closer to Aiko, hugging her quickly and then beginning to head away "Been a pleasure meeting you Kazumo! And hope to see you both again as soon as possible!" She called out to them as she turned away from looking at them, hoping to find Ryu before any trouble or crying would begin.

Aiko nodded as she would step aside already to give Kuni more than enough space to mind her own business. When the chuunin gave a quick hug before parting, Aiko shot a glance at the teen. She wondered for a moment on what Kazumo thought but decided to not wait for it.

"So, that was Kuni. I bet you feel quite thrilled! Promoted and gained a most impressive sword. I wish that my promotions had been like that." The woman half-joked as she flashed a warm smile. "I guess that we can really take it easy though, this evening. Which feels a tad odd compared to how our time in Amegakure has been."

As soon as he had meet this Kuni, she would take off just like that. It certainly was a…. Interesting way to meet someone he supposed. Although he did wonder why she gave him a thumbs up and wink. Something he wouldn't know as she would leave to go find this friend of hers.

He then her Aiko speak and as she said that, that was Kuni and that he must be thrilled. He almost said not really before she mentioned the Promotion and acquiring a sword. Well that made more sense, to which he would nod. Yeah it was nice, although its gonna make any other promotion feel pretty bland.I can carry enough excitement though. Not everyday you get a gift from her Majesty afterall.

Hearing they could take it easy this evening felt a bit odd. He never really considered to take it easy. He had a lot to learn and do after all, although he supposed one should take it easy every now and then. "Well as long as it doesn't burst into flames again, I think anything will be considered easy."

"That is true. But I am certain that you'll find some joy out of future promotions." Aiko replied, at first, "And I do indeed sincerely doubt that many can consider them lucky enough to be gifted something from her Majesty. A genuine gift, that is." When Kazumo mentioned the habit that the city had during their stay, the jounin snorted - in an amused fashion. "True but for now? I believe we can take it easy. If anything, the Sworn Swords know what they are doing. So I suggest you go out and have some drinks. Not too many!" Adding the last sentence in a quick fashion, the amused expression stayed on Aiko's face.

"I will see what the others are up to and probably take an early leave. As nice as this feast might be, I am really eager for some peace and quiet."

"True the Sworn Swords are here and considering I had a spar with just one. I think we will be perfectly safe." Kazumo mentioned rubbing the back of his head, still remembering the pain of the pommel smacking it full force. Those guys sure didn't mess around, even in a spar. Although he would probably skip on the drinks.

"I might do the same honestly. Want to study some more, that and a man walking around with a sword might make some people a bit unsettled."

The mentioning of Kazumo having some experience with the Sworn Swords caused Aiko to chuckle. She could imagine that the Sworn Swords indeed lived up to their reputation. When Kazumo stated that he wanted to study more, she wanted to tell him that he would be young only once. But he was right that a man with a sword could make some wary or nervous. Probably more so if they knew about his heritage and culture.
"Fair enough. I do want to move out very soon. Despite Amegakure being safe and sound, I don't intend to stick around longer than we will need to. So if you are going back as well then I would suggest to start packing and preparing for a long trek."

"A long trek and you want me to start drinking tonight. That's how bad decisions happen sensei." Kazumo said smirking before stretching his arms out. "Will do though. Get my gear packed, do some reading and turn in for the night…. Wow I sound like an old man.." Kazumo said chuckling before giving his sensei a bow. "Well I'll be going then. See you in the morning sensei." Kazumo would state before he would exit the ceremony.
[fieldbox=Another Uchiha?, red]

[ Riojin Main Hall ]

{ A collab between Tim and Jason. }

At the Feast being held in the Riojin compound, Neji Uchiha seeks out the Uchiha living in Amegakure, Ryu. The two talk for a bit and Ryu learns something more about a legend among the Uchiha, while Neji develops a suspicion about Ryu.

Neji after finishing his conversation with Kiyomi walked around the large banquet hall taking in all the people. Neji didn't know most of them as they were mostly higher ups and elites from the hidden rain village. There was one person Neji was looking for though, Ryu Uchiha. She shared the same last name as him, yet he had never met her before. He didn't even know she existed until the ceremony today. He spotted her on the other side of the room and Neji made his way over to her.

Not exactly sure what he was going to say, he just figured he would walk up to her and say hello. Neji was interested in the Uchiha who lived in Amegakure, and since she was about his age he figured he would give it a shot. Neji walked up to her and smiled "Hello you're Ryu Uchiha right?"

The girl spun quickly at the sound of somebody calling her name. Somebody she didn't recognize. Staring at the boy for a few moments, it slowly dawned on her he had been one of them up on stage. "Uh… yeah! You're…" She said, trailing off as she slowly realized she had no idea what this boy's name was. Other than one key fact, his surname. Uchiha. "Oh, uhm. Uchiha-san. Sorry it's been an… interesting night so far." She said with a nervous laugh. Looking down at the shorter boy she wondered why he had decided to approach her.

Neji smirked as he could tell right away that she didn't know his name, which was fine. They had never met before no reason for her to have remembered his name. She did though remember that his last name was the same as hers Uchiha. " Neji, my name is Neji Uchiha." The young Uchiha smiled and bowed to her as a sign of respect. Neji was fascinated with the Uchiha living in Amekagure. Most of the Uchiha all lived in Konohagakure, so it was interesting for him to see an Uchiha who was not living there. " Also there is no need to apologize, I agree tonight has been an interesting night for sure. Congratulations on being promoted to Chunin." Neji would form a smile as the two talked.

Ryu giggled slightly as Neji introduced himself. "I knew you are an Uchiha, dummy." She said playfully, then smiled and nodded at his second statement. "Thank you. Though I have to say I could've done without all the… extra going on here. Congratulations to you as well." She said before falling silent for a few moments. "So, Neji, would you mind telling me what they're like? The uh… Uchiha that is. Kind of never got to meet them and my upbringing was a bit… different." She said quickly, curious what her clan was really like.

Neji chuckled as Ryu made her playful comment. Neji nodded and smiled a little bit. " Not used to a fancy gathering hmm?" Neji at this point in his life was kinf of used to them. Being apart of the nobility of the Uchiha clan, Neji was used to going to ceremonies like this one. " Thank you, I had no idea that I would be getting promoted and I didn't need it to be done in a ceremony like this, but regardless I am very excited." Neji would then hear Ryu's question and think for a moment. What were the Uchiha like? She stated that since she lived in Amekagure she never got to meet anyone from the clan, which Neji found odd. " Well the Uchiha clan are a great and prosperous clan. We are one of the strongest and most influential clan in the entire empire. I am actually apart of the nobility of the clan and as far as I can say, most of the members of the clan are very compassionate people. Our clan is very proud of our heritage and of the heritage of the hidden leaf village and the empire that we have had so much influence in building. Though get on the bad side of the Uchiha and we will not back down to anyone. Our clan is a strong one for sure." Neji chuckled as he found it a little funny to be explaining the Uchiha to another Uchiha, but he understood why Ryu was a little unaware of the Uchiha. " So have you always lived in Amekagure? Did your parents use to live in Konohagkaure? If you don't mind me asking of course." Neji would smiled at her as he was genuinely interested.

Ryu shook her head in response to him mentioning her not being used to formal events like this. Then Neji explained about their clan, a bit interesting but not what she was wanting to hear. Just as she was about to ask for clarification he asked his own questions, and a frown crossed her features. "We moved when I was too young to remember." Was all she said on the subject, immediately switching topics to stray from the uncomfortable. "Well. About our clan. What are the people like? What do we do everyday? That sort of thing." Ryu asked quickly.

Neji listened to Ryu's short answer about her living in Amekagure. Neji could sense she seemed uncomfortable with the question so he decided to move on from it and not pry anymore. She then reasked her question but clarified a little more. Neji thought for a moment " Hmm well we do what most clans do. We have members who are shinobi and in the millitary and they do their jobs, we have members who are not shinobi or in the millitary and they run their own businesses or work for someone else's business or whatever else they do maybe working for the empire in some way not related to being a shinobi or being in the millitary. Um we have clan festivals and meetings about the clan. The nobles of the clan have parties and such, and well our people our prideful. Prideful of our clan and of our village. We very much believe in our great ancestors and believe that they watch over our clan and the village at all times. We have festivals celebrating them. We are like a lot of other people in that we go about out daily lives as citizens of the empire, but we always watch out for our clan and the village." It was strange, Neji had never been asked that question before, he hoped that he answered it to her liking. " I hope that was a better answer, sorry I have never been asked such a question before." Neji slightly chuckled as he looked back upon her.

Still not quite the answer she wanted, but Ryu figured that was the best she was going to get from the boy. Putting on a smile, she nodded. "Yeah, thanks. So… why are you here anyways? I only knew of Mrs. Cho-Hon from Konoha being here. Wait, there was a mission right? You trained under her?" The Uchiha girl asked suddenly, trying to deduce why another Uchiha was here. Alongside a Hyuuga and Sarutobi. It was strange to her to see these other clans represented in her home, where she usually never saw them.

Neji rubbed the back of his head as he wasn't sure exactly how much he was allowed to say. " Well yes I am apart of Aiko sensei's squad and yeah we were sent here on some missions, but I believe we are heading out soon, probably back to konohagkaure if I had to guess but i'm not exactly sure." Neji turned his head slightly as he could see a window looking outside in the distance he could see that ever present rain still coming down onto the city. " This was actually my first time in Amekagure, it is a very interesting place that's for sure. I guess you're used to the rain huh?" Neji smiled putting on a friendly demeanor.

Ryu nodded, not sure how to respond to the first part despite having started the topic herself. "I think the rain is kinda charming. Dunno, guess I just grew used to it after so long. Still, its part of my home and I wouldn't trade it for the world." She said, a smile gracing her lips as she thought about what she loved about this place. "Unlike what I've heard about Konohagakure, we've got the rain to claim as a charm. Though I doubt that many of you seem to think that its particularly charming." Ryu said in a joking manner, before a different thought occurred in her mind. "Hey. Back home among the Uchiha, have you guys ever heard of a Sharingan… I dunno, changing? Like from our normal three tomoe and such?" The chuunin suddenly asked, remembering what Eiji had previously mentioned to her.

Neji smirked as the girl went on about how charming the rain was, though she doubted that the people from Konohagkaure saw it in that light. " Well you would be right about that, I can't imagine living in a place where it rained all the time." Neji playfully chuckled as he then heard her question. Neji stopped chuckling as he stared at the girl. He was surprised that she had heard of the legend being out in Amekagure and not living with other Uchiha. " Hmm well yes I have heard of that. Its called the Mangekyou sharingan, it is supposed to grant the person who has it incredible power. It is a dojutsu that is pretty much unrivaled by any other. Though it is just a legend as far as we know. No one in our clan has possessed that sort of power in a long time, if ever. I'm surprised you have heard of the legend living out here."

Ryu watched the boy silently for a few moments, before softly repeating a single word. "Mangekyo." As if it were completely foreign to her. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever heard of that before. How does it grant incredible power? Like… unlimited jutsu, or like being able to fight tailed beasts?" She asked suddenly, wondering if it were possible somebody as unimportant as her possessed something so incredible. Then wondering if she was now able to go fight off the monsters that they forced into poor people like Kuni…

Neji continued to look at the girl as she said the word mangekyo, for what reason was she so interested in the mangekyo sharingan. As far as anyone knew it was just a legend in the Uchiha clan, handed down from generation to generation. A story parents told thier chlldren about how powerful an Uchiha could be. Neji heard the legend from his own parents when he was younger. He honestly wanted the mangekyo for himself, but he wasn't even sure if it was possible or not. " I've heard that it grants the user incredible genjutsu and that no one can escape the view of the mangekyo, I'm not exactly sure what all these powers are, No Uchiha has the mangekyo so no one in our clan really knows too much about it. We just know that it grants the user incredible power, power that only few can match." Neji stopped talking as he continued to wonder why this girl, who was an Uchiha, but wasn't really apart of the clan, why she was so interetsed in the Uchiha legend. " So Ryu why are you so interested in the mangekyo?'

Somehow, Neji's question seemed to catch the girl off guard as she thought about what he told her it could do. "Uh… well you just told me it existed so of course I'm curious!" She said quickly, laughing as if to play off her wonders if her eye had really become something like that. Though the Chuunin quickly dismissed any thoughts of that, it had all probably been a confusion in the heat of battle. She wasn't special enough for some legend, she was just Ryu. "Why do you know so much about it?" She shot back, hoping to catch the boy off guard.

The question Neji asked seemed to catch Ryu off guard. " Hmm I see." There was something off here, Neji carefully watched her as Ryu seemed to be getting a little nervous and excited? Neji thought about it for a moment before something came to his mind. No way, he thought to himself, there was no way this girl had what he was thinking she possibly had. Neji snapped back into focus as Ryu asked another question. " It's a legend passed down from Uchiha to Uchiha my parents told me the story when I was young, a lot of Uchiha know about the legend, but it's most likly just that a legend. The strongest sharingan I have ever seen is a three tomoe sharingan."

"The story must be really important our clan if they keep passing it down like that. I wonder if…" She said, trailing off before finishing the thought that maybe her father had been after that myth. But he'd never mentioned it. "Ah well! Doesn't matter right? Just silly stories and all that." She said with a slight smile before looking around with a sigh. She truly hoped that she hadn't seemed weird to this boy, suddenly so interested in something. Ryu was sure it was nothing, but the story and topic had certainly stolen her interest. She'd research it later. "So, Neji, tell me a little bit about yourself?" She asked with a light smile and a friendly nod towards the boy. Hoping to steer the conversation away from the previous topic.

" Yeah I suppose you could say that, I think that the clan is hoping one day for someone to obtain those eyes." Neji was suspicous at this point. He didn't exactly have any proof, but there was something strange about this girl and the fact that she was interested in these "stories" Neji decided to move the conversation on, but would definitely keep this suspicion handy. " Hmm well what to say about me, I come from one of the noble families in the Uchiha clan, I have two sibilings, my older sister who is also a chunin and then my older brother." Neji would pause for a second as some emotions would try to come to the surface, Neji at this point had gotten good at surpressing them and that is what he did. " My brother Nadaki was apart of the Anbu special forces, where he died in battle." Neji shifted his mind off his brother and back onto the question. " I do have the sharingan, I like to train, but at other times I like to relax and joke around with friends back home. I strive to be the best shinobi I can be, and wish to be someone the clan and empire relies on." Neji slightly blushed as he was telling this random girl he had just met about his goals and ambitions.

Ryu looked at the boy in silence for a few moments before she spoke once more. "I'm sorry about your brother. I know how much it can hurt. I lost my twin sister not terribly long ago." She said in a soft tone, wondering if perhaps she had asked a bit much out of the boy. She certainly would've usually avoided telling most strangers about Suguha's death.

Neji put on a soft smile. " Thank you, I miss him everyday, but I plan on making him porud and surpassing him one day." Neji then bowed his head as a sign of respect. [colro=red]" I am sorry to hear about your sister."[/color] Neji raised his head as he looked upon the girl " So since I told you about myself, what about you?"

Ryu simply nodded with what Neji said. "I'm nothing special. Just an Uchiha girl who's learning medical ninjutsu and all that. No siblings, no family really. Though I live with my sensei, and I think he's more like a father-figure to me than anything else." Ryu said, keeping it simple. After a few more moments she sighed, not wanting to open herself to any more personal questions. Fearing her past might get dragged to light in all of this. "Well, Neji. I think my friend might be a bit worried if I don't go check on her. So I think this is where we part ways." She lied, thinking it nothing too major. "It was really nice to meet you, Uchiha-san." Ryu said softly to the boy before her, giving him a quick hug whether he was willing or not.

Neji nodded his head as the girl spoke about herself saying that she was just an ordinary girl, nothing special. Neji wasn't exactly sure why, but he didn't buy that. He believed there was more to her than she was letting on. He decided to not to push it though. Next thing Neji knew he was being hugged by Ryu as she was saying her goodbye. Neji not exaclty ready for the hug, but hugged back " It was nice to meet you as well Ryu, I'm sure we will see each other again." Neji smiled at her as he turned and headed off in the opposite direction. She was a nice girl, but Neji couldn't shake his suspicion that she was hiding something, something that the higher ups of the Uchiha clan would want to know.[/spoili][/fieldbox]

[fieldbox=A Quest for Snacks!, skyblue]

[ Riojin Main Hall ]

{ A collab between Nim and Jason. }

At the Feast being held in the Riojin compound, Kuni goes in search of Ryu fearing that her friend might start rather noisely searching for her. The two talk then search for various servants carrying platters of food in a quest for snacks.

"It was really nice to meet you, Uchiha-san." Ryu said softly to the boy before her, giving him a quick hug whether he was willing or not. Moments after he had left, Ryu looked around the hall in hopes of finding her next victim for conversation. She was still looking a bit stunned from what she had heard from the Uchiha, but there wasn't much she could do at the moment to fix that. She could, however, see about getting something to fix her growling stomach. Thus, her goal switched from a victim for conversation to finding something to snack on.

Moving with quick movements between the different people walking, Kuni kept trying to spot Ryu among the crowd, which was not an easy task for someone of her height. After a minute of so of looking around, she finally managed to spot her former teammate, and quickly approached her "Hey Ryu! I'm happy I managed to find you. I thought for a bit you might try to start shouting my name if I didn't get to you." She said with a smile "Congratulations on the promotion, Chuunin Ryu Uchiha."

Whirling quickly around to face Kuni, Ryu immediately hugged her friend. "Kuni!" She said happily before releasing the hug and taking a step back. "I wouldn't have shouted your name, just asked people where the shortest person in the room is!" She teased before Kuni said the second part. "Thank you. I don't feel like I did anything special. I just was helping those who were hurt, like anybody should." Ryu said with a small shrug before her stomach growled lightly. Her face immediately turned a bright red in response. "Do you know if they've got any snacks around here?" Ryu said quietly, ever on the hunt for more food.

Accepting the hug happily, Kuni listened and ignored the tease at her height "Well, you still earned your rank more than I did." She said before hearing the growling stomach of Ryu "I saw some servants walking around with food prior to the beginning of the ceremony, so I imagine there would be some wandering around now. Just need to find one and ask probably." She said and begun looking around a bit, trying to find one of the penguins that held some kind of plate or a platter.

The girl joined Kuni in searching around for a servant. Almost immediately Ryu found one such servant carrying a platter and grabbed Kuni's wrist to pull her along as she made her way through the crowd. Moments later Ryu has happily snacking away. "I remember you became a Chuunin back when I first joined the team! When I was still pretending to be a boy and all that." Ryu said with a light smile. "I don't know the details of your match but I'm sure you were pretty awesome and earned it if you're a Chuunin now!" The girl added, raising an eyebrow towards Kuni.

After being dragged over by Ryu and laughing lightly as how awkward the servant looked while staring at Ryu who took such much off his platter, the Uchiha turned the topic to Kuni's exam, but the way she described it seemed anything but fitting from what she knew happened "I wouldn't call it awesome or well earned." She whispered under her breath with the smile slowly going away. Quickly enough, however, she showed her smile once more "Well, helping people in their time of need is a much better way of earning any rank. Just shows how devoted you really are to the people than through some silly exam, and how far you are willing to go." She said.

Ryu shook her head in response to Kuni. "I think it should just be expected of people to help out. No needs for rewards like this." The Uchiha said softly, shrugging. "Hey. Kuni. Can I tell you something?" She said abruptly, wanting to get the crazy theory off her chest after having just formulating it.

"Sure, you can tell me anything. No need to ever ask again" The response came with a smile. She was curious about what her former teammate wanted to tell her that required asking permission first.

Once again, she grabbed Kuni and dragged her away. This time out of the crowds. Keeping her voice low she spoke to Kuni. "I think… well I talked to an Uchiha boy earlier from Konoha. I asked him if he'd ever heard of our Sharingan changing before. Like, it's appearance. He said that the Uchiha have a story… er, legend about the Sharingan doing this and becoming really powerful. I think… it's silly but I think I might have that. Eiji-sensei said my Sharingan had changed while we were in the hospital. Well he told me in the hospital, but said it had looked different during the battle when he saw it. I don't know, it's weird but… what do you think I should do about it?" She asked after having given a long winded explanation about it. "I trust you. So I wanted to ask your opinion."

Listening to the story, Kuni became a bit confused. She knew Ryu had her Sharingan and that it could change, but she didn't fully understand what Ryu meant by changing its appearance. A further change? She wasn't sure "Well, while I appreciate the show of trust by telling me this" She begun whispering to Ryu "I have no idea what to advice you. Some stories and legends are actually just tales that just grew out of proportions as time passed and it kept going between people. I can understand how there would be legends about the sharingan, but considering how you already know of it and use it, I'm not certain what kind of opinion you are asking for me here." Came the response.

"As far as I know, it only evolves to three tomoe. What I already have. But apparently, it can evolve further into something called Mangekyo. With powerful abilities and such. I don't know, it's weird. I'm asking if you think I should look into it more, in case it's real or just forget about it as some story." She said, hoping that Kuni would be willing to give her opinion on the subject.

"Ah. Well, one thing I know for sure is that you should always make sure you understand as much as you can behind any sort of technique or such. I think you should take a similar approach with this. Learn as much as you can before choosing yourself if you believe in it or if you think it is a waste of time, because I'm not gonna be the one telling you to not look at something." Kuni said, now understanding more what Ryu had meant. "I can't really offer much more advice past that." She finished with a more apologetic smile now.

Ryu smiled towards towards Kuni then hugged her tightly again. "Thanks girl, you're the best. Though I wonder if I'll be able to find much, or need to find some way to contact my clan to learn more. You should've kidnapped an Uchiha for me!" Ryu said, planting her hands on her hips before giggling. "But that's for later. For now I'll have to help out with the hospital and rebuilding the Housha compound… and ignoring John." Ryu said, then shrugged as she awaited Kuni's response.

Hugging Ryu back, She nodded briefly before shrugging "No way I could've done it." She remarked briefly before smiling at being told what her next plans were "Keep at it. I should try and see if I could potentially help out with the rebuilding too." Kuni said, although she knew she would probably be told to stay within the village premises.

Ryu nodded after Kuni's second statement. "You totally should! I know they would love you forever if you did. Also you can help me ward off John if he tries to talk to me!" She joked, content with the way things were at the moment. "Either way, you get to stay with us now, right? You don't have to go back? I missed my bestie…" Ryu said quietly, giving a sort of sad smile.

Seeing Ryu's sad smile, Kuni gave her a wink "I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best to stay around as much as possible. Although it is possible I'd be asked to go away again or go to a mission. Jinchuuriki and shinobi life." She said "But you can count that whenever I am around, I will be here for you." She finished speaking in a more confident tone than before.

"I don't like you being a Jinchuriki. People treat you different and you have to get dragged away. Then I worry some asshole is going to hurt you for something that's not your fault and it's stupid." Ryu said, looking a bit hurt over that. "You better keep coming back! Or I'll drag you back myself!" Ryu declared immediately, then after a moments let out a sigh. "Either way, more pleasant topics! I'm happy to see that everything has seemed to calm down around here!"

Kuni just shrugged at what Ryu said first. While people did treat her differently, she had grown a bit more accustomed to it by now. Upon hearing the switch in topic, she nodded with a smile "It is always nice when a storm passes and a there is only a soft dripping, if not see some rays of sun sneak between the clouds." She said with a gentle smile.

"I like the rainbows. They're really pretty." Ryu said contently, happy to be just talking with Kuni. "So…. I'm kinda hungry again… wanna raid more snacks?" Ryu said quickly, sticking her tongue out playfully before turning to find more prey. Er… servers. Same thing.

Hearing the question, Kuni couldn't help but laugh as she grabbed a hold of Ryu's hand "Come on, Void for a stomach, lets go find you some more food." She said before beginning to drag Ryu around in search for another servant.

"Hey! I do not have a void for a stomach! Sometimes!" Ryu complained as she laughed and followed along with wherever Kuni was going. "Over there!" Ryu said as she pointed towards a servant with a rather full looking platter.

Turning to where Ryu pointed, Kuni would politely push through a few people, making sure to keep her grasp on the Uchiha's hand until they made it to the servant. She would let go of Ryu once they were next to him, with Kuni doing a hand gesture to Ryu that basically meant 'Enjoy yourself'.

Ryu went ahead and snagged a few of the snacks off the man's platter. Thanking him, then turning back towards Kuni. She offered the girl one of the snacks she had snagged. "They're really good!" She said happily.

"I'm pretty sure those are sweet. You can go ahead and just have em, I'll be fine. Thanks though." Kuni responded with a polite smile. Her dislike to sweet things didn't grow, but that did not mean she was willing to just jump at them.

Ryu pouted for only a moment before finishing off her snacks. "Ya know, Kuni. I usually don't share food! Take advantage while you can!" Ryu replied quickly while happily munching on the sweet treat. Unlike Kuni, Ryu had quite the sweet tooth.

Shrugging as a response, Kuni would just keep her friend company as she finished her snacks. She didn't feel the need to take from Ryu's snacks even if they were something she'd eat because of how many meals they already shared back at Eiji's place.

Once Ryu was done, the two would go seeking yet another platter holding servant. Even if she couldn't be sure of where she would be within a day or two, Kuni was glad to know she has a good friend like Ryu who will have her back.
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[fieldbox='Shikaroku Nara & Tentou Aburame | Konoha Team 9, #4B0082']
Daggers in the Dark

Following Hiron down the hall, Tentou focused on her breathing, an exercise she had learned to help steady her nerves. Slowly breathing in and out, the Chuunin glanced at her teammates. When the time came for them to take a life, she hoped they would not hesitate. Even a single moment of hesitation could mean the difference between success and failure. Or life and death...

As they reached the opening to the next room, Tentou recognized Hiron's hand signal and held her position. Shifting her grip on her kunai ever so slightly, she wanted to ensure she was prepared. The jounin moved into the room and Tentou listened carefully, remaining alert for any sign that Hiron wanted them to follow. After a moment, she heard several muffled noises, the only sign of the struggle that was occurring inside. Within a second, it appeared to be over. No further sounds came from the room until Hiron whistled softly, the signal for them to enter.

Moving inside swiftly, Tentou's eyes scanned the room, noticing the two enemies that Hiron had dispatched with ruthless efficiency. It appeared that they had not put up much of a struggle or, if they had, it had clearly been no match for the jounin's skill. Turning her attention towards Hiron, she watched as he approached the next door, scanning it with his mirror.

Surveying the room as he followed in after Tentou, Shikaroku narrowed his eyes slightly. The bodies served as a chilling reminder of Hiron's capabilities and Shikaroku didn't know whether to be impressed or disturbed. While the sight of the bodies did not disturb him as much as they would have when he first became a shinobi, the Nara still felt a sense of dread knowing what would come next.

Hiron moved back to the group, marking the targets for them. Their enemies were asleep. While the thought should have given him the comfort that this would make their task easier, Shikaroku only felt a mix of uncertainty and disgust. If he were to take another life, he would rather it be in combat. At least then the act would not feel so... wrong.

Shaking the discomfort, Shikaroku forced himself to focus. If his mind strayed for too long, he might never work up the courage to do this. Gripping his kunai so tightly that his knuckles turned white, Shikaroku glanced from Tentou to Yiko. The chuunin appeared to be as calm as ever, something Shikaroku attributed to her experience. The Uchiha, on the other hand, was visibly uncomfortable. Hesitating for a moment, Shikaroku worried what would happen if Yiko could not complete his task. While he was certain Tentou could step in to take out the third enemy if it came down to it, Shikaroku would be the closest to Yiko. If something happened, it would be his responsibility first to assist the Uchiha.

Entering the room as quietly as possible, Shikaroku got his first look at the three enemies. He could feel the slight tremor in his hand as his mind began to stray, the familiar numbness creeping up his spine. Squeezing the kunai tightly, he fought back the wave of nausea that swept through him.

They are just targets. Nothing more...

The thought rang through his mind, bringing a small sense of clarity, but no comfort. He moved to the end of the room, towards his target. Glancing over his shoulders, Shikaroku watched as both Yiko and Tentou approached their targets and took their positions. Getting into position himself, the Nara raised his kunai, closing his eyes for a moment to steel his nerves.

Opening his eyes, Shikaroku moved in one swift motion. Bringing one hand up, he clamped it over the target's mouth and nose. With the other hand, he plunged the kunai towards the target's throat.

Before the knife could make contact, however, the man shifted in his grasp. His eyes opening, filled with confusion and panic, the man twisted, attempting to pull away. Instead of plunging the knife into the man's throat, Shikaroku's kunai stabbed into the side of the man's neck.

The kunai sliced through the skin with ease but struck bone, sending painful vibrations up Shikaroku's arm. Holding his hand over the man's mouth with as much strength as he could muster, the Nara winced as he heard the muffled screams of pain. Pulling the blade back quickly, attempting to finish his target off, Shikaroku nicked the man's jugular, causing blood to spurt from the vein, striking him and covering the kunai.

Feeling his grip on the weapon loosening, Shikaroku quickly readjusted and plunged the knife through the man's throat, silencing his muffled screams and causing the man to spasm violently before falling motionless. Shikaroku waited for several seconds before pulling the kunai away.

It was messy. The whole thing... it was...

His hands trembled with a mixture of fear, adrenaline and disgust. Shikaroku wiped the blade off on his jacket, trying to distract himself and give his body and mind a chance to settle. Taking a step away from the fresh corpse, Shikaroku realized for the first time that he was now covered in the man's blood. His whole body felt cold. Keeping the kunai held tightly in one hand, the Nara reached into his pocket with the other, feeling the comfortable form of the lighter. Closing his eyes, he steadied his breathing before turning to face his teammates.

Tentou glanced over at him, a look of shock crossing her features for a split second before she quickly regained her composure. Her kill had been quiet, clean and efficient. Not that Shikaroku had expected anything less. Glancing over to Yiko, it appeared that even the Uchiha had managed to take his target's life without much issue. Cursing himself internally, Shikaroku's expression remained blank as he made his way from the room. Tentou followed close behind and nodded to Hiron to signal everything was complete.

Shikaroku couldn't tell what was worse, the shame he felt in how unclean his kill had been, or his disgust in what he'd done. Thankfully, his body was growing numb from the shock and the tremors had subsided. The Nara only hoped the rest of the mission would go smoother from here.

After all, it couldn't get much worse...

[fieldbox=End of a Feast, #33cccc]

Kiyomi Homura I,
Akinian Empress | Amegakure, Amekage Office - the Office.

Sitting in the chair, Kiyomi rested her elbows on the desk. Her hands were folded and supported her chin. The feast had been relatively nice. There were various moments when she had truly enjoyed it and moments where she had hoped that it would just end. Or coming with ideas on how to escape it. But the feast was and some more peace returned to Amegakure. Yet, it wouldn't last forever if she wouldn't appoint a new Amekage.

Already had Kiyomi went through the various picks. Once more she found it painful that Eiji Emiya couldn't take up the position. If it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't lost his arm, things would have been perfect. Now with candidates that Kiyomi considered less ideal, she found herself in a foul mood. The constant rain pour and summary of what had lately happened in Amegakure didn't do much to improve the Empress spirit.

With various interviews planned, Kiyomi started to think of other plans. Once she had appointed a new Amekage, she could make way for another destination. There was the imminent clan meeting at Magnhild, after all. Which was going to be a long travel from Amekagure. Unless she would decide to use the Void Rose. But it was highly unlikely that Zakito would condone the usage of the technique. Even if it was her and some of her Sworn Swords.
Then again, the idea of travelling by horseback wasn't that bad. It was, at least, something else than to travel by foot or carriage. Or to be stuck in a royal palace for months.

As the door would be opened by one of her Sworn Swords, Kiyomi's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
"And time to start, I guess."
[fieldbox=To the East, violet]
Aiko Cho
The leader of Team 8 | Cho Clan Leader| Brigade General of the 11tth Brigade | Amegakure, moving out.

It was early in the morning. While they had enjoyed the feast, Aiko didn't want to waste any time with moving out. She had nothing against Amegakure but if anything, the jounin was really eager to head out. The idea of leaving Amegakure behind her and travel to a region less troubled was most welcome. There were other reasons that made their next destination way more preferable in Aiko's opinion. Rallying the team at an early hour, the jounin discarded the possibility that any of them would have stayed up till late or at the feast till the end. They had their chance of enjoying themselves back then. Now, it was the time to be back at work again.

Once the entire team had been rallied, Aiko wondered for a moment how Tomiko would handle herself. The thing was that the Hyuuga hadn't been an official member of the team. And Hiraku's corpse had to be brought back to Konohagakure, for a proper burial. Only sensible that Tomiko would accompany and be there, in Aiko's opinion. Even though she could remember some odd hostility that had been there some time ago, when she had travelled from Konohagakure, to Amegakure. With a larger group than she had now.

But even if Aiko pitied the Hyuuga, a bit, she wouldn't worry herself about it. Perhaps it was cold but it wasn't her problem. And the Cho leader wasn't going to make it her problem.

Now that the entire team was rallied and geared for travel, Aiko gave them a brief moment to collect themselves. Then without much of a briefing, she would instruct them to follow her. The first part of the journey would be done on foot. Travel by carriage, caravan or horseback would have been much more preferable without any doubt. But it would cost time and effort to arrange all of that. Something that could take as long as just travel on foot towards a fort where she could possibly arrange them some mounts.

The trek on foot was anything but a joy. The constant rain pour wasn't delightful. It seemed that it pour harder and harder with each moment. Or so it, at least, seemed to Aiko. While she considered herself to be accustomed to a lot of hardships, the dreadful weather of the Rain province was far from a source of joy in her opinion. The coats that they wore as protection against the rain did their work but could only do so much to hold back the cold of the wind.

Only a few breaks of a short span were enlisted. But it was clear that Aiko did want to keep a high pace going. As the sky started to darken, Aiko would enlist another break. Sending a shadow clone ahead, the team would hold a break for almost twenty minutes until Aiko stated that they would continue to travel for the last time - for that day. Moving off the road, Aiko would lead the team towards what seemed a ruin. Possibly once being a farm but the appearance of desolation and past destruction marked it clear that nobody lived in the large house.

On the instruction of Aiko, did the team near the place with caution. Opening the front door, Aiko would already pull out a kunai. The old wood of the door cracked, in an almost rebellious tone, as the jounin would shed a glance inside. Her shadow clone had already searched the place. Aside from a few places, the old farm would provide a place to weather the rain and cold, for the coming night.

"We make camp here. Neji, start a fire over there," Aiko instructed as she pointed at where a large table was standing. "Use the wood of that table." The jounin added as she would drop her bag on the ground. "Rest of you, take it easy. Check if your gear isn't soaked. Paper bombs, for example, are pretty damn useless when they are too soaked." For a moment, Aiko threw a glance at Kazumo.

"Kazumo, place some traps at the various entrances. There is an entrance to the back and there was one to the right side of the building. Satia," the jounin shifted her gaze to the genin of the team, "I want you to check the second floor. There are various holes and damaged parts to the roof. Try to see if you can lay down a few snares or traps there. We will have to deploy a night watch and cycle but best to be fully prepared, for anything."
[fieldbox="So long, #9a32cd, solid"]

Kazumo Sarutobi
Chuunin of team 8

Waking up early wasn't that much of an issues considering he had left the feast at an early time. It gave him time to do as sensei suggested and pack his gear for the morning when they would head out. So when she did rally them early in the morning he was already prepared. It gave him a bit of time to get something in his stomach quickly enough before meeting up with the others. Where sensei wasted no time in heading out, he couldn't say he disliked this place but it sure as hell wasn't that appealing either. Although he did enjoy that one ice cream establishment. So with everything ready they would head on out on foot which was fine by him, he could maybe do some hunting along the way.

It soon became clear though as they continued traveling, that the rain was getting worse and worse. He had always enjoyed the rain, yet not to the extent that it was currently at. Well more so he would have enjoyed watching it from inside a building, being underneath it as it pelted him was another story. He had to check several times that his sword was still attached tightly to his waist.

They would have a break every now and then, with the last one for the day lasting about twenty minutes as the sky began to darken. Kazumo was already looking around wondering what might be best for shelter against this rain. Possibly a heavily forested spot to stave off most of the rain, save for some raindrop that got through. A cave could work as well, although that was most likely the home of some animal they didn't want to mess with.

Yet they would push off again this time off road, making him wonder if sensei had the same idea as him, although after a bit of travel it seemed she was able to one up him. So that's what her clone was searching for. Well a building would certainly keep them dry, and it didn't look like it would be a problem with the poor care it was in. Following behind her he would enter the building, his hand rested firmly on the hilt of his sword as he pulled the hood down and gazed around the seemingly empty building.

Then the call to make camp was given, as she gave Neji the order to make a fire and for the rest to check their gear. As Paper Bombs would be rather useless if they had gotten soaked. Thankfully for him most of his gear would be fine if they had gotten wet. He had no paper bombs after that fight in the Void, so the few things he checked was his numbing agent and books. The numbing agent held the same color so he was sure its properties weren't useless. His books had some slight water damage which irked him a bit, thankfully they weren't rare books so if he needed to find new copies he could.

As he was checking them out, Aiko gave him the order to place traps at the entrances which was easy enough he supposed. Although he had to wonder if she wanted these traps to wound or kill. Well either way the sound would alert them so he supposed it didn't matter much. Checking to see how many senbons and other tools he had, he would drop his bag and walk to the back entrance digging small holes to conceal them in then covering them up with some of the hay lying around the place. Then near the door way since it opened to the outside. He placed a string at foot level to trip anyone coming in which would have them land face first on the concealed senbon.

Walking over to where Neji would be making the fire. He would examine the broken table and pick up a small piece and bend it a bit with his hands. "I'm going to borrow this." Kazumo stated as he walked towards the entrance to the right side. Where the trap was much simpler. He dug a hole deep enough to break someones leg if they fell in without expecting it. Then near the top of the hole he placed the flimsy piece of wood, then started molding the dirt to fit on top of the wood to cover it and prevent the dirt from just falling in. Placing his foot on it, he saw the ground push in a bit, as he raised his foot up, he would walk towards the front. The right side was simpler, but would work the same mostly since it was right in front of the entrance.

The front entrance had a wire trap rigged to the front. Like the back one except this time when someone's foot hit the wire. Kunai that the wire was attached to would drop head first on them. Not the best traps he could do, but ones that should give some comfort in the night.[/fieldbox]
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Neji Uchiha
Konohagakure Chunin
Team 8
They were finally on the move. Neji had awoken early that morning so he had enough time to pack his gear and get some breakfast in him before they left Amekagure. Neji left relatively early from the feast the night before he knew that today could be a long day so he wanted to get a good night of sleep. Neji arrived at their meeting spot and they quickly moved out. As the squad left the rain only seemed to intensify. Even as they were leaving the city, they couldn't seem to escape the ever present rain that this region of the world had.

Eventually they would head off the road and head into the woods looking for a place to rest for the night. Soon enough they came upon a empty old house. Looks like Aiko sensei had sent her shadow clone out ahead to scout and the clone had found this house. They entered the house, Neji getting a grip on one of his kunai blades incase they would need it. Soon enough though it was clear that this house was empty and they would be safe using this place as a shelter for the evening. Aiko sensei ordered Neji to make a fire as the rest of his squad would set up traps at the entrances. Neji nodded his head as he walked over to the beat up table in the room and started to take it apart to set up a fire for them. Neji had made a makeshift fire pit as he started putting the pieces of wood into along with a few random pieces of scrap paper that were in the room. Kazoo had come over and said he was taking a small piece of wood from the table. Neji looked over at him "Yeah of course." Neji went back to what he was doing, and when he thought that the fire pit was safe and ready to go he made some hand signs. He put a very little amount of chakra into it as he shot off a small fireball at the wood. The wood lite aflame as the light from the fire lit up the room. The heat it was giving off was something Neji was happy about as their trip had been a cold and wet one. Neji then walked over to where he put his bag and checked his gear. Most of his gear was safe, though about three of his paper bombs had gotten wet and were useless now. He made sure that they were completely disabled before he discarded them. He then grabbed his gear and sat by the fire as he tried to warm up.
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[fieldbox=Whip it up, orange]
Nishi Hirashima,
Leader of Team 11 | Ex- ANBU member,
Kirigakure, east of the city in the rural area at a hamlet.

Nishi's eyes narrowed. The leader of the small gang was laying on the ground, blood dripping from the wound at his head. The second victim of the jounin laid on the ground, clearly in pain as well. The club that had hit the leader against his head, wielded by the second victim, laid on the ground. Content with the result, the jounin quickly shifted her attention to her team - as her own fight had lasted for a few seconds.

Nishi first glanced at how Claire was doing. The genin was swept off her feet and clearly seemed to be in need of help. But as Claire's opponent wanted to move in with an attack, the genin managed to evade and create a small bit of space. Throwing a quick glance at how Yukimi was doing, Nishi turned her attention back to Claire.
The reason why the jounin didn't move in to help her genin was to observe as to see how the genin would do. Many situations in the future would demand the genin to be able to assess and react to situations on her own, without any immediate help.

Thus when a shard of ice slammed the attacker of Claire to the ground, Nishi's eyebrows perked up slightly.
"Huh, okay."
Throwing a look at how Yukimi was doing, Nishi decided to end the skirmish. Bringing her hands together, the jounin breathed in before she started to weave handsignals.

The first attacker of Yukimi, who was about to move in for an attack, would be pulled back by his throat. A controlled and slim torrent of water had wrapped around his neck and throat. Another whip of water would wrap around the neck and throat of Claire's opponent.

"You all are under arrest. Halt your actions or else we will use lethal force." The simple instruction seemed to bring more tension as the tone of Nishi seemed colder than Yukimi's ice. For a moment, it seemed that the conflict would continue but then the five men would start to state that they yielded - almost as one at the same time.
Sighing out, Nishi threw a look at her team.
"Use wire to bind their hands. We will walk them to Kirigakure." The jounin instructed. She kept the Water Whip jutsu in each hand active while being vigilant of any of the highwaymen trying to pick up another fight.
[fieldbox="Under Arrest and Success, Purple, solid"]

Claire Rose,
Genin of Team 11,

Kirigakure, east of the city near a rural hamlet.
Blinking as the guy was sent to the ground Claire looked over at Yukimi. The ice shard she sent was strong enough to do that and it was just one simple move. She was about to thank the other when she noticed Yukimi began to have trouble now because of her. Though as she was about to get up to help Nishi took things under control and wrapped water around the man's neck. Looking over the bandit she was fighting also had water around his neck while he raised his club to strike her but stopped once the jutsu was around him.

She should have paid more attention and if it weren't for Yukimi or Nishi, Claire may have been injured pretty badly. When their leader told them to bind the men's hands with wire the blonde nodded as she moved behind her attacker. Using wire she bound his hands behind his back and gave him a light slap to the back of the head. "Fool." She mumbled under her breath as she moved to tie up one of the men Nishi had knocked to the ground. Glancing over at Yukimi the genin walked over. "Thank you Yukimi. Uh.. I am sorry you got hurt because of me."

Hanging her head down she held her arm and looked back up. "I promise I won't be a hindrance." Moving to the two men she tied up she watched them carefully and once all the men were tied up Claire awaited for her orders. She assumed this would now just be a walk back to Kirigakure so they could bring the bandits in but she felt uneasy still. She was unsure if it was because of her mistake or if the air just held that off putting atmosphere. The men had given up but she wondered if this was all of them or not. Surely a bandit group to get the attention of the village would be larger.

Shaking the feeling away she looked at Nishi. "Sensei it looks like all the men are ready to be taken in. I am ready to go and waiting for your orders." She smiled as she looked at the woman. 'Just play it cool. No need to bring up anything. It probably is just all in my head.' Claire thought to herself as she looked to one of the men who was staring at her. She shivered as she looked at him, he looked like he was eyeing her up and down. 'Pervert!' Looking away she just tried to not pay him any attention.
[fieldbox=A new start, lightgreen]
Etsu Yabut.

Jounin-squad leader of Team 22
South of Amegakure - Capital of the Rain Province, in the Empire of Akino.
The leader of the Tough Rats.

It had become calmer. Which was a nice exchange from the past few weeks when tension had weighed heavy in most parts of town. Though Etsu wondered how long this tranquillity would endure, there was no point in just waiting till a problem would pop its ugly head up. Because while most of the insurgents and zealots had been taken down, there were still some on the run. Then the moles that were present in the police corps. Problems were still everywhere to be found. You just had to know where to look.
And that was perhaps what most people refused to do, Etsu mused as she looked at the bypassing citizens. She couldn't blame them though. Who was crazy enough to constantly be looking out for problems? To be seeking danger and corruption? To constantly try to confront hardships?

A smile crossed Etsu's lips as she shook her head. Sitting on a bench in a long winding street, she was wondering why she was actually attracted to confront problems all the time. A sense of love and patriotism towards the Rain? Not at all. She considered herself an Imperialist, or in any regards an operative from the Fire province. So duty? Somewhat.
Sinking in thought, it took a minute or two for Etsu to remember who she was waiting for. Her team should have received the note to rally together with her. The rally point quite clear, with the address of Misses Takayama's Toyshop, addressed on the note.

While Etsu wanted to go after the discovered corruption in the Police Corps, she was forced to do something else. Where the jounin had gained enough trust in the skill and loyalty of Rini and Kitana, there was a new person assigned to her care. Also causing Etsu to study the profiles of her team again.

Yoshikuni Sadako, was the name of the most recent addition. Though if the profile was up to date then the girl would prefer to be called by Kuni. Not that Etsu would do that right from the start. Formality shouldn't just be dropped, after all. Not to mention the girl was a chuunin but also had an established reputation of a troublemaker. Somebody who Etsu couldn't trust with covert strikes against sources of corruption or subterfuge missions. Where Rini's profile had marked her clear as a cunning operator and Kitana as a combat capable operative, Etsu also had some inkling of trust. Which was quite important when working together.
And vital when it came down to dealing with jinchuriki that didn't have any control over their bijuu. Something that worried Etsu the most. As a woman who liked to have control of the situation, such a factor was anything but a pleasure.

Pushing her worries aside, the jounin would throw a look to the right. From the cover of her the hooded raincoat, the woman would just wait for her students to arrive.
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[fieldbox=Execute both the plan and them, maroon]
Hiron Hon
Jounin of Team 9 | Major General of the Third Division | Empire of Akino, countryside- Border between the Fire and Grass Province, Uchiha-Hanta clan-lands.

The jounin would have normally watched over the process. Killing was said to be one of the hardest thing to do. In Hiron's experience and opinion, there were harder things to pull off. But most of the younglings that were assigned to his team didn't always share his beliefs or viewpoint. Meaning that killing was one of those things that they considered a taboo. Something that should weigh heavy upon their soul and what not.


Killing your foes was vital. Vital to the survival of your realm. And more importantly: that of yourself. Clan name or whatever didn't matter. Your life did. Without it, you were worth nothing to anybody or anything.

But this wasn't the time to engage with his students on the essence and importance of killing your foes. Staying on guard, Hiron was to be ready in case a Zealot would walk into the room. He had just to rely on the fact that the two genin and Tentou were able to pull through. There was some concern about Shikaroku but Hiron wouldn't dwell on it.
The first to report he was done was Yiko Uchiha. Hiron glanced a second at the genin, nodding. There wasn't much that he had to say. Congratulate him on his kill? Hiron doubted that the lad would take it in good spirits.
Tentou and Shiraku soon joined in. Nodding back to the chuunin, Hiron didn't throw any look at the Nara. If they all were here without any chaotic sounds erupting from their targets, it meant that the killing was over. For that brief moment.

Moving to the door at the right of the room, Hiron would slowly open it. Peeking, he saw a hallway. That lead led to a wider room. Where sounds were coming from. If he had studied the layout of the bunker before they had embarked on the mission, then that meant that in the next room was where they could open the main entrance of the bunker. Or more specifically, hold it open for the Crimson Blades to move in and start laying the zealots down.

"In the next room, there will be enemies that will be up and awake. Perhaps not expecting a fight but they will likely fight back the moment they realise they are under attack," Hiron started to explain with a soft voice. "Each of you will need to help me in taking them down. Then we hold the room for as long as we can until the Crimson Blades move in. Sounds tougher than it will be. Just don't be a hero, none of you. Not the place or the time to display any heroism." Sending each of them a stern look, Hiron would pull the door further open. Once more the jounin drew out his tanto.

Moving through the hallway, Hiron heard various voices. Masculine and he could count up to four. Stopping at the end, Hiron debated on the use of his small mirror. But if an enemy would spot that then the element of surprise would weigh less. And they could use any advantage that they could get.
Taking a second to glance at his team, Hiron moved in first. The room was indeed wider and there were five zealots. The one nearby was Hiron's first target. He was leaning off against a wall and judging by his expression, Hiron coloured the man as surprised. Before the Zealot could push off the wall and do something, Hiron firmly planted his tanto into the man's stomach. Using his momentum of moving forwards, Hiron allowed the sharp steel to slice and shred a big gash into the man's abdomen.

The other four would grab their weapons before trying to make their stand. One of them engaged Hiron with a blade of short design. Hiron managed to parry a strike but his quick riposte was deflected.
[fieldbox="Yoshikuni Sadako, #1589FF"]
Amegakure Team 22 Chuunin | Akinian Empire | South of Amegakure

Walking towards the toyshop, Kuni was humming a rather quiet tune to herself. It had been what seemed like forever since she was last on any kind of team activity. Felt like it could've easily been months ago, with Eiji being busy before, then being in prison and not long after being released, being sent away to the Imperial Palace for over a month, when including the travelling time in both directions.

It felt good to be able to go back to what she first signed up for, instead of being flung around like a puppet between places. As it was expected, she was placed in a new team since Eiji could not serve as a shinobi anymore, but she had no idea who her teammates. She did know her new team leader was called Etsu Yabut, but she didn't know how she looked like.

Eiji had asked her to try and approach the new team leader in a respectful manner, unlike how they met. While she did want to argue back, she had come to realize she needed to go past the point of approaching people the way she did. She had called Kiyomi by the appropriate title when talking about her with others, and that was something she had troubles with at the beginning, then why couldn't she do the same with others? That was something she was sure Eiji himself would tell her. It didn't mean she had to stop being herself entirely, it just meant she would know better how to talk to new people.

She stopped humming when she spotted the toyshop in the distance. Kuni kept walking towards it, ignoring some gazes from people who had recognized her and showed signs of fear or anger towards her. After a couple of minutes she stopped a few steps away from the entrance of Misses Takamaya's Toyshop. She gave it a brief glance before looking around.

As she was unsure of how her new team leader looked like, but didn't want to attract any more attention to herself, Kuni decided to just go to the nearest bench to the store, where a hooded person was sitting. Taking a seat besides the person, only offering a brief nod as she kept looking around for signs of a shinobi called Etsu.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=An argument between brothers?, wheat]
Eastern Continent, Wolf Country.
13th Brigade, Torrad's company.
Camp in unknown territory.

A collab between Sketching and Gerontis

Katsu is waken up by Koike, who tries to train and instill some discipline of the sword into his companion and brother in arms. However, this doesn't go as planned as a small argument breaks out between the two. Send to find Torrad, Katsu gains a bit of archery lesson.

The morning came and already a lot of Torrad's men were up and busy with their work. A rude awakening would be in store for Katsu Uchiha as something landed right next to him. It was a blunt practice blade. "Get up, we are going to start." Koike informed his friend. Already in his gear, Koike rested a practice blade against his shoulder as he would turn half around. The men kept the camp in an orderly fashion while occupying themselves with their tasks. Those who had some free time either spent it with training and honing their skills or by sitting by their tents. Dark grey clouds at the sky created a rather gloomy atmosphere in the hidden camp.

Katsu jolted up with a knife in hand as the wooden sword fell next to him, glaring at the invader. He seemed to almost throw it before hesitating. Letting out a heavy sigh, the young nin nodded and gestured Koike to leave sleepily. "Right. I'll get my stuff."

After a minute, he emerged from the tent with his usual gear with the exception of his swords. He held the practice sword tightly as he tried to get used to its balance. "How do you avoid getting stabbed dragging around something like this?" he said frustratedly before turning to Koike.

"With skill. Something that I hope to teach you today." Koike replied. Which was basically the only warning as he lashed out. The wooden edge moving in a fast pace towards the right arm of Katsu without Koike holding back any of his strength in the blow.

Katsu's eyes flew wide open as his left foot haphazardly reached back while his back bent with a yelp. As the wooden sword brushed past his chest, he flipped back over his hands and landed his feet with a poor, underprepared stance.

Waiting for a moment, Koike would lower his own practice blade. "Sloppy." He simply said. "Let us try it again," the young man further mumbled. With a simple pace, he started to walk towards Katsu. Raising the wooden blade, Koike would lash out in fast and precise strikes. Not aimed to only just hurt or put Katsu in the defense but aimed to force him to pay attention to his defense.

In the brief moment of peace, Katsu spread his stance wider and lowered his body. He twirled his wrist to get more used to the blade. With Koike's first strike, Katsu moved his body with a pivot while swinging the sword to parry, perhaps a bit too wildly. He avoided the second strike only by a hair, being forced to keep an incoherent defense against his assailant. He made a move to back away as he dropped one hand from the hilt.

As Katsu made a move backwards, Koike moved forwards with another attack. But instead of pressing on the attack, it turned out to be a feint. Distracting Katsu with the feint, Koike would instead aim for a low kick at Katsu's leg - intending to deliver a low blow with his shin against his friend's leg.

Katsu made a quick move forward to attempt a counter attack as Koike pursued him. Noticing the feint too late to react with the sword, Katsu tried to back off but instead got swept off his feet when he spun on his ankle. "Oof! Ow..." He sat up, grumbling.

"Don't just only watch the weapon," Was all that Koike instructed. Gesturing Katsu to stand up again, Koike would allow Katsu some space by taking a few steps back. "Again." Without anymore that could count as a warning, Koike would start to calmly step foward. Holding his practice blade with only his right hand, the tip constantly aimed at Katsu's chest.

"It's not like I'll ever use something like this," the young nin muttered as he got up to his feet. He held his sword up with one hand while keeping his other hand behind his back. He closed his eyes until he heard Koike's voice. He parried the first few quick blows before barely avoiding one of the jabs. His feet shuffled left as his body dropped below one of the attacks.

Not replying to the first comment, Koike just focused on the spar. Noticing the different in how Katsu moved, Koike would react in a most simple manner to it. With Katsu lowering himself, Koike would move in with a knee forward while halting his own blade.

Katsu moved to avoid a blow to the head and dropped the sword. Instead, he welcomed the kick, tackling it while moving opposite to Koike's sword hand.

When Katsu made his move, Koike's eyes narrowed. Being grappled wasn't a new experienced. Attempting to hold his ground was tough as Katsu wasn't the weakest around. While the Uchiha attempted his grapple and push Koike out of balance, the later would raise his left elbow before letting it crash against his friend - aiming the strike at Katsu's head.

The grip loosened for a split second as Katsu's eyes widened before it tightened wildly like the bite of a rabid wolf. With a cry, he thrust one leg in the gap between Koike's stance and pulled it back a sweep towards his friend's ankle.

Grumbling softly as Katsu held on, Koike was about to slam his elbow once more against Katsu's head. But this time, the older combatant felt how the Uchiha locked on. Even while spotting the movement, Koike wasn't fast enough to properly react. The sweep would rid Koike of his balance. But instead of just going down, Koike would grab Katsu and drag him with the use of the momentum and weight down towards the ground for a hards smack.

Even as they both hit the ground, Katsu seemed to try to keep his grasp tight. His grasp loosened after a moment as he gasped for air, having difficulty taking a clean breath with his face half in the mud and snow.

The moment that Katsu's grasp loosened Koike didn't waste any time. The young man would quickly mount the fact that Katsu was down in the snow. Rolling on the Uchiha, Koike used his weight to keep Katsu pinned down. A firm grip would tightened around Katsu's left wrist as the tip of the wooden blade would pierce deep, right next to Katsu's face. Panting lightly, Koike would keep his friend pinned on the ground. "Again," was the only word that Koike said, in a most blunt and harsh manner. Getting off Katsu, Koike would offer a hand as support for Katsu to get up. "Pick up your blade."

Katsu glared up at his friend as his wrist twisted and his face pressed down in the snow. As Koike got off, he picked himself up sptting out a bit of the snow stuffed into his lips. He didn't seem to see the hand as he got on one knee, reaching for his sword. Upon getting up on his feet, he took his usual stance. With a sharp yet brief movement, he prepared to swing from the side but instead dove the blade into the muddied snow flung it up toward's Koike's head as he moved to dive forward.

Waiting for his brother in arms to get up, Koike would just pull his own practice weapon out of the snow. As Katsu took the usual stance, Koike also moved into a combat stance. Following the attack, Koike would ready himself to parry. Which only made him surprised when Katsu went for something else than a direct attack. Forced to lower his sword and try to hold back some of the snow with his left hand, a curse would be growled by the Hon.

Seeing Koike's sword move to block the snow, Katsu dove low under the vague cover of the scattering specks of powder with his sword up overhead defensively before aiming a swipe at the Hon's side.

Another growl escaped the annoyed Hon, which managed to recover by a bit. Spotting the movement, Koike would quickly step to the right side to avoid Katsu's attack. While moving his sword in a defensive stance, Koike would apply the same tactic as Katsu. Kicking up some snow towards the Uchiha.

Katsu moved to follow up before recoiling by reflex at the incoming snow, letting a small distance appear between the two. After taking a deep breath, he took a defensive stance himself, staring at Koike's face anticipatingly.

Locking his eyes on Katsu, Koike would freeze for a moment. A heartbeat would pass before the young man would move forward. It was nothing but a casual walking pace but the tip of Koike's sword was constantly aimed at Katsu's chest. Once close enough Koike started to launch the first attack, short and fast, aimed at Katsu's right arm.

As Katsu moved to parry it, his eyes flashed red for a split second, staring into Koike's. Seizing the opportunity, Katsu threw a wild parry with the hope of disorienting his friend as he quickly moved for a jab.

Seeing the eyes of Katsu flashing red, Koike's eyes would narrow slightly. As Katsu attempted to parry, Koike would step aside. Manouvring his own weapon to deflect the incoming jab, the Hon would lash out with a kick aimed at the Uchiha's left shin.

Seeing the kick, Katsu brought his sword down sideways with a rapid strike to hook the foot to unbalance his opponent. As the sword moved down, he dove forward for a shoulder bash to capitalize on the single foot Koike was standing on.

The hint of a smile dawned on Koike's lips. Reacting to the movement of Katsu's weapon, Koike would move the wooden blade towards the Uchiha's wrist to deliver a hard smack. Though unbalanced, Koike wouldn't do much against the shoulder bash. Using the momentum, the young man would allow himself to drop on his back and roll, sideways, to create once more a bit of distance.

A stifled cry snuck out of Katsu's lips with the blow on his wrist. As the sword now rested in only one hand, his breathing got heavier and faster. He brought his free hand to his back before whipping a knife past his wooden blade's middle with a sharp movement, chopping the large practice sword in two. He grasped the farther half with his knife-holding hand, grasping it upside down. He took his stance after stowing the knife away once again and dove forward at his friend.

Getting up in a swift fashion from the roll, Koike would eye how Katsu was doing. Spotting the knife, Koike frowned. "And halt," he simply ordered, letting the wooden and heavy blade rest on his right shoulder. "Why would you do that? We are going to train in this manner and not any other way."

Katsu skidded on the snow to a halt as Koike rested his blade on his shoulder. "I'm not going to use a sword nearly my height in combat," he said annoyedly. "This isn't just regular training! If I'm going to be in situations where I'll have to fight just to get a chance to live for a few more minutes, then I need to build up my skills. I'm not used to heaving something like this around in a fight, and if I don't get better at what I can do, I might not live to be strong enough to use something like this!" He dropped the two halves of the sword on the ground. "If you would bother to explain why I can't train in my own fighting style instead of learning something new from scratch, it might at least help!"

Lowering his own practice blade, Koike would give Katsu the room to air his opinion on the training. Once his brother was done, Koike would respond back. "Allow me to be frank, Katsu. We are part of a larger unit now. This means that fighting with knives or out of formation, like we are used to will be hinderance. Knives, wire and such are something we can't use. I want you to get used to other weapons and handle some basics. That is why I wanted you to train and get used to wielding a weapon that is heavier than your usual gear. I want you to become familiar with what I know. I want to pass on some skills that I have so that the next time you and I get lost as seperated, I won't have to panic as much as I did before. That a good enough reason?" Displeased, Koike would aim at the damaged wooden sword. "That was also supposed to help you become stronger. If we just train with light weighted gear, you won't gain more strength. But fine. Do you want to keep training in the usual way? You decide then, go on."

"I get your point, but right now, I just don't have the build for it," Katsu retorted. "There are other ways to improve physical strength, but with a sword like this, I wouldn't be able to hold my own for very long, let alone sustain myself in a large scale battle. Knowing how to wield a longsword wasn't going to help me during that raid, either. I was never going to become physically built enough at this point in my life to take full strength attacks from hammer wielding adults. I know that is a weakness I have right now, that's why I focus on the style I do. I'm worth less than the weakest in the 13th if I have to go in a battle of strength, but aren't there other ways I can fight?" He took a deep breath before continuing. "I can learn new things, I'm open to it! Stuff a bow and arrow in my hand and teach me; fine! Tell me I need to learn how to fight supportively, great! But I'm not going to be useful if I have to do something I'm physically incapable of."

Koike kept his eyes locked on Katsu. The more the latter spoke, the more it became clear that the words were starting to bother Koike. The right corner of the Hon trembled together with his right eye. The grip on the handle of the wooden sword tightened but no verbal response came from Koike. Slowly did the lips of Koike part before he shut them almost a split second later. His eyes narrowed as it became clear that he was both angry and frustrated to a great extent. "See captain Torrad! I need to attend to some matters!" He almost spat out, turning on his heels and starting to walk away. Passing a rack where some weapons were hanging, Koike slammed the wooden sword against it before dropping it.

As the colonel left angrily, Katsu let out a frustrated grunt. He started to stomp off, but froze a few moments later. He went back and picked up the broken halves of the training sword. He walked into his tent to see Tanpo sniffing the air in his sleep. He sat down next to the direwolf, stroking his friend's gray mane. He slowly got calmer and calmer until Tanpo woke up, rubbing his head on Katsu's leg. As if shocked by lightning, Katsu jumped to his feet. "Ah, that's right," he mumbled to himself. He moved to walk towards the door, leaving Tanpo's head to fall back down with a whimper. "Sorry, Tanpo. I'll be back later!"

He made his way through the camp, taking a few unintended detours through unexplored areas before the captain's tent came into view. A faint melody flowed from up ahead, but he decided to ignore it. He stood in front of the tent's entrance and called out. "Captain Torrad?" As no answer came, he decided to see if the singer seemed to know anything. He went around the corner of the tent, and the song's sound magnified, unobstructed. "'Scuse m--" He froze for a brief moment with a surprised look on his face. "Captain?"

The Sarutobi halted his song, throwing a look into the direction of Katsu. A grin flowed on the captain's lips as he nodded slowly. "Yes? I am here." Next to the man laid two steel axes, together with some small gear. The Sarutobi held a longbow in hand, likely attending to the weapon before continuing at the others. "If you are looking for the colonel, I am certain you can find him. Just ask around and the men will point you in his direction." The captain said but seemed to consider something. "Unless you desire something from me." The captain added, a curious tone moving through his voice.

"Ah, no, I'm not looking for the --uh-- colonel," he said, seemingly distracted. He cleared his throat and walked up to the man, now a few meters away. "Actually, the colonel wanted me to find you." He paused for a moment, thinking back to Koike's words. "It seems... something came up during training, so he had to attend to some other matters, and told me to come see you."

"He told you to see me," Torrad repeated, as if he had to explain it to himself to make it clear. Placing the bow next to himself, Torrad gestured Katsu to sit down. "Very well. I suppose I can make time for the colonel's aide and swordbrother. Though I must warn you, I can only do so much. I fear that the likes of ninjutsu and," making a vague gesture with his hands as if he conjured some ninjutsu, "Has always been wasted on me, heh. Do you perhaps fancy a drink? I can get us some good Pinedale Ale. Always good to have, my old man used to say."

Katsu shook his head hesitantly. "Ah, no thanks. Maybe later," he said. He paused for a brief moment. "I actually wanted to see if I could learn something else. I'm not particularly the physically strongest, so I want to be able to help on the battlefield in a way I could be more useful and not get in other people's ways." He glanced at the man's weapons before quickly looking back at the man, biting his lower lip in anticipation.

Torrad eyed Katsu as a second of silence echoed Katsu's words. Placing his hands on his legs, Torrad would speak in return to Katsu. "You are indeed not fully grown. Doubt a longbow or a battle-axe will do you much good. Don't yet have that kind of strength to make use of those weapons to the same standards we put our recruits to." Torrad stated, in a slow and matter of fact manner. "However, I think I can be of aid." Getting up, the captain chuckled briefly. Dusting his pants, Torrad would gesture Katsu to follow him. "How good can you aim? I heard from some of my boys that you're quite nifty with knives, eh?"

Following the Sarutobi, Katsu thought for a moment on the question. "I suppose so," he said. "I've always been somewhat comfortable with knives and shuriken, but I've gotten much better with my accuracy this last year." He looked around the shifting camp as the two walked.

"Knives are quite nifty. Shuriken? I never got much into the tools that a shinobi uses. I prefer, other tools. That fit my trade a bit better." The captain responded. There was a small range where various men were notching and unleashing arrows on rather simple targets. "But good eyes and accuracy? Means that you might be able to prove your worth in one of the best weapons in the world, lad! The bow." Saying something in Chonobi, one of the nearby men would walk away. "I would say that the longbow is the best bow. Its range, power and uses are what makes it my favorite. However, you lack the strength to use one. That doesn't mean thought that you can not use another bow."

The man that had walked away came back with a short bow with a few arrows. Handing Torrad the weapons, the captain would turn to Katsu as he offered the weapons to the teen. "It takes quite some time to get used to wielding a bow. But better late than never, eh? Here, give it a try. Try to just aim at one of the target and get a feel for the weapon going."

Katsu took the weapons in hand and curiously analyzed the small crevices and curves as a detective would inspect a piece of evidence. He placed his index finger on the string with the others holding the arrows. He turned to the captain and nodded, carefully nocking the arrow on the string. He raised the bow, and brought his drawing arm back with the string, his elbow just below his shoulder. After a moment, he let the arrow loose, but it flew to the left edge of the target.

"They say that a Blackroot hunter can't miss a target at the range of 100 yards, even if he would be blind and deaf." Torrad said, his voice giving away his amusement. Hooking his thumbs behind his belt, he nodded towards the target that Katsu had attempted to go for. "But no archer ever managed to land a perfect shot on his ever first attempt. Give it another attempt lad. Breathe in when you pull the arrow back and release your breath when you release the arrow. That and don't think of any girls in the meanwhile." The captain instructed, earning a few chuckles from men that decided to watch the Uchiha shoot another arrow.

Just as Katsu had raised the bow, he heard the last line, which made him halt and give a bemused grin at the man. He lowered the bow again, taking a deep breath. Once he raised it with the nocked arrow, he took another long breath. He drew the string, taking care to keep his elbow higher than before and his arms steady. After a moment's deliberation, he let the arrow loose again, this time landing closer to the center, but still off to the left and up. After a moment's deliberation, he nocked the third arrow.

Some men chuckled when Katsu missed the target again. Torrad didn't do or say thing to make them stop. Taking a few steps to stand next to Katsu, Torrad spoke with a softer voice. "When you try to aim for the target, watch past the arrow head. Aim a tad higher, just a wee bit. Don't try to aim with the bow too high as the arrow will go into a small arc. That and, remember," the captain leaned a bit closer to Katsu, "Don't think of any pretty girl, lad." Leaning away, he patted Katsu on the shoulder while taking a few steps back.

Katsu stood still for a moment before raising the bow again and pulling the string. Waiting only a moment, he aimed by intuition after accounting for Torrad's advice, and let the arrow loose. The profound sound of metal piercing a dense pile of hay could be heard as the arrow went through one of the rings on the target.

It became silent, the chuckling and whispering dying away. Then suddenly laughter and clapping followed. Some of the men stepped forward to pat Katsu on the back or shoulder until Torrad started to 'drive' them away. After managing that, Torrad would place a hand on Katsu's shoulder. "Well placed shot, lad. But now you got to repeat that. For another ten thousand times. Just to get it going and mastering the basics. And that is even without being in combat where you have to listen to orders and watch your surroundings." The captain said. "Give it a few more tries, lad, go on."

"Only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety seven times left, then," Katsu said jokingly with a grin. He nodded to show that he understood, before nocking another arrow. He took a deep breath, pulled the string, and let the arrow loose.

The target was now riddled with many more dents and crevices. Every time Katsu ran out of his four arrows, he would walk up to the target, pluck them out and go back to his place. Even the arrows had grown weary of it, their edges blunting just enough to be visible upon inspection but not enough to stop it from piercing the target. As the day went on, and the time for training had ended where he and Koike were together, the young nin's drawing arm had begun to shiver. The skin on his fingers had seemingly caved in, making it difficult to even draw the arrow. After he missed the target completely for the first time in quite a few shots, Katsu sat down on the ground, panting.

Many of the men had left after a hour or so. Torrad, himself, had left after two hours of watching and giving Katsu tips and instructions on how to improve his aim. Most men that had been practicing their aim and shots also left after some time. Only one was there, watching Katsu sitting down. The person would speak up as he walked towards Katsu.

"Didn't know we had any toy bows with us," Koike said, throwing a look at the target that Katsu had been abusing for his own gains with his arrows. Staying silent for a second or two, Koike spoke up again. "I shouldn't have been so angry. I am sorry. You're right. My preference and style of fighting isn't that great for you. I was just," Koike's voice trailed off as he became silent for another second. "Just frustrated about a few things. Come," offering Katsu a hand, Koike nodded towards where their tents were. "Time to get some supper."

Katsu turned to Koike's voice with a lazy grin, almost as if he'd forgotten the earlier half of the day. The grin grew bittersweet as Koike went on. The young nin's eyes fluttered away for a moment but he still quickly grabbed Koike's hand to get back up to his feet. "I... um... I should drop these off," he said sheepishly. "Gimme a moment." He turned and walked over to the edge of the archery range and placed the bow on the wooden weapons bench. He walked back with a quick pace. "So... Do you know what's for supper?"

Koike nodded as he waited for Katsu to place the bow back. "Something with rabbit, I believe. One of the foraging parties came back but I am not entirely certain." Was Koike's reply. "So, what do you think of the bow as a weapon?" He asked Katsu, hooking his right thumb behind his weapon belt.

"It's... different, but I think I'll start getting the hang of it soon," he said. "I still have to get used to the motion, but so far, aiming at a standing target has been pretty intuitive." He wriggled his fingers and clenched them tightly into a fist. "I guess everything takes practice." He made the drawing gesture with an imaginary bow and arrow. "Hopefully I'll get the chance to observe others more closely soon." He gave his friend an apologetic smile. "I'm... I'm sorry I acted out earlier. I know you have a lot on your plate and... well, the last thing I want to be is another anchor."

Walking with Katsu, Koike listened to the answer on his question. Personally, Koike didn't like the bow that much. Weapons like knives or small axes to throw were one thing but he prefered to be certain that a foe would die by his hands. Nodding as Katsu mentioned that everything took practice, the Hon would throw a sideways glance as Katsu apologised. It remained silent for a second as they kept walking towards their tents. "It is okay. I wasn't thinking clearly either. It was far from justified to demand you being able to meet my sudden expectations like that. Let us forget about it. There are more pressing matters, after all."
[fieldbox="End of the Conflict?, #33cccc, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Yukimi Yuki | Team 11 Chuunin | Kirigakure

As she readied another spike of ice, a whip of water wrapped around her opponent's neck and yanked him back. The chuunin's eyebrow raised slightly before she spun around in anticipation of the other opponent trying something. However, Nishi's command soon rang out and the men began submitting. Even as Nishi gave to order to bind their opponents, Yukimi was already at work binding the hands of the enemy closest to her. She made sure to make the wire just tight enough to bite into his skin. A fair tradeoff, she believed, for hitting her earlier. "You stay exactly where you are until I tell you to move. Got it?" She hissed at him, before making her way to the man with a whip still around his neck. Yukimi wasted no time in ensuring this man was securely bound as well and keeping an eye on her first prisoner. Not long after both men were side-by-side and awaiting the order to get moving. Then the genin approached and spoke to Yukimi.

"Thank you Yukimi. Uh.. I am sorry you got hurt because of me." That irritating genin said, earning herself a cold glare from Yukimi. "Do not continue to be a hindrance. I will not tolerate such." She said harshly, waiting until the girl turned away before letting out a sigh. It was good to see the genin being alright, it would else look bad upon her if a teammate died. Not that this one was particularly useful or anything. She thought, pushing away slight hints of emotion that came with the thoughts. One of the prisoners seemed to start to whisper something, though caught himself mid-sentence as a cold tip touched the back of his neck. A simple message from Yukimi to the bandit, which spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Yukimi focused her chakra and the water from her cannister seemed to pool together, then return to its home. Closing the cap, she sincerely hoped that there wouldn't be any more fighting this day. She honestly doubted that father would be terribly happy to see her come home with any bruises. Afterall, that would damage family image, wouldn't it? With an irritated sigh at the thought of how he would, Yukimi looked at the prisoners. Wondering for a second if there could not be more than just this lot. Deciding not to voice her opinion but to remain vigilant she quickly scanned the surroundings for anything that stuck out. Hearing the genin report to Nishi, Yukimi turned and looked over as well. "All secure over here. Awaiting orders." She said, her face and voice betraying no emotion as Yukimi awaited the order to move out and bring these men back.[/hr][/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Rebuilding, #33cccc, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Ryu Uchiha | Amegakure Chuunin |Amegakure - Housha Compound

Waking up early, the girl let out a loud yawn as she looked around her room. A small smile graced her lips as it almost felt like she was a part of a family again. Sitting up, she forced herself out of bed and to start getting ready for the day. She didn't have to go train in the hospital today, so Ryu had decided she would assist in the efforts to rebuild the Housha Compound. It was the least she could do to help out after the terrible, and recent, events there. Fixing breakfast for herself, she noticed that Eiji and Sachi didn't quite seem to be up yet. No big issue. Then taking time to pack herself a lunch, along with a little extra for the panther that would no doubt accompany her. Before she left for the day, Ryu quickly scribbled a note so Eiji wouldn't worry in case he forgot what her plans for the day.

Tying her hair up as she made her way out the door, Ryu whistled once. Soundlessly, a shadow in the tree across from Eiji's home started to move before taking the form of a panther making her way over to walk alongside Ryu. "I'm gonna be helping rebuild the Housha compound today Naomi. So I'm not sure it'll be good if you're by side all day, not having opposable thumbs and such. There are a few trees outside the compound, however, if you feel like sticking around." Ryu received a low grumble from the panther as a reply and smiled. "I'll make sure to find you when I stop for lunch, and yes I packed some for you so don't whine." She said as she reached down to scratch behind the Panther's ear while they walked.

It wouldn't be long before they reached their destination and the girl was quickly put to work. She was on the task of putting up the framework of some of the houses today along with a few others. It was hard work, for sure, but it was nice to have a simple goal in front of her to work towards for the time being. Around noon, Ryu found herself leaning against a tree an happily munching away on her lunch. Her cooking skills had certainly improved since she started living with Eiji and helping out with that. Naomi lay with her head in Ryu's lap, occasionally accepted food from the girl. From off to the right, Ryu heard the sounds of footsteps approaching and looked over. A small smile graced her features as she noticed the small girl coming over. Emiko Housha, Jonathan's little sister. "Heya Emiko, you helping out as well?" Ryu asked with a slight giggle. She knew Emiko wasn't helping, the girl was much too small. The two chatted for a little bit, Emiko thanking Ryu for helping out in a flurry of little signs that Ryu only understood from the occasional bursts of lightning chakra displaying the words.

Then Ryu noticed the boy who had accompanied her, Jonathan Housha. Once Emiko ran off, Ryu stood to face the boy. Her arms crossed in an expression of obvious irritation on her features. "What." She said simply, waiting for the boy to speak. Listening to him thank her for everything, and apologize for what had happened to Eiji, she only grew tired of him talking. "Look. Jonathan. I helped out because I don't like seeing others in pain. You know why. But all that aside, let's address something else. I'm sorry for what happened between us. I'm not good at this, but let's just start moving on. I don't want to be mad at you anymore, so let's just agree to keep it at being friends. I'm not giving you another option, you're still important to me." She said, smiling softly whenever he agreed to remain just friends. Ryu the stepped forward and gave him a tight hug, stepping away a moment later. "Good. Now, I've gotta get back to work. So... maybe we can chat some other time?" Ryu said as he answered before she turned and went her own way. A pleasant look on her features over how all that drama had turned out.[/hr][/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Homecoming, magenta, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Tomiko Hyuuga | Konohagakure Genin | Konohagakure

Huddled up in the back of a caravan wagon, Tomiko couldn't help but wonder if the weather could be just a bit warmer. This cold seemed to go straight through to her bones. Staring at the coffin before her, Tomiko wished the damn journey would be over already. It'd been about a week since she had left Amegakure, heading back home to say her final farewells to Hiraku. Overall the journey hadn't been bad so far, just cold. Though she was quite happy to note that the rain had stopped since they left that city. Something she'd had enough of, and would be quite content to do without for the rest of her life. She just wanted to get home already, the idea of a nice, cozy fire all too enticing at the moment.

The girl suddenly straightened as something heavy fell over her shoulders. Her head poking up, she looked around and noticed the old man who had been riding with her sitting back down. Only now he seemed to be missing a coat all of a sudden. Slowly the genin reached out and grabbed the new coat over her shoulders, pulling it tighter around her. "Thank you, sir. But won't you be cold?" She asked, as the man laughed and shook his head. "I'll be fine lass. This ain't my first journey, far from my last. You on the other hand, you're shiverin' over there and staring at that coffin like you've been since we left." He said with another laugh. Giving Tomiko a light smile in hopes to make the situation less depressing.

After a few moments, he spoke once more to the girl. "Somebody you know?" He asked, nodding towards the coffin. When the girl stared at him with wide eyes, he nodded as if that were an answer. "Lass, nobody stares at a coffin the whole time unless they knew who's inside. I'm sorry to about your loss." He said in a soft voice, and Tomiko nodded solemnly. "My brother." She whispered, and the man nodded. "Family members are always tough to say goodbye to, lass. Though if you want to hear the thoughts of an old man, I suggest not to dwell on it." He said, followed by a brief fit of coughing. "What helped get me through all these years was a simple mindset. That wherever the dead go, they're no longer in pain. They're at peace, and my best way to keep their memory alive is to see their last wishes come true. To live my life in a way that would make them proud. The only thing you can do, yeah?" He said, even as the Hyuuga looked up towards the man to listen to what he had to say.

"Yeah... but it still hurts to know he's gone." She said softly, and the man nodded. "It does. Took me nearly a year to accept my little girl passed on, and even now I still sometimes wake up looking for her. It'll become easier with time. For now, I'd say you should spend time with your loved ones, and focus on yourself. Make him proud." He said, and Tomiko nodded at his words. She felt like he was right, on some level at least. "Yes, sir. If may ask a question though, something to change the topic a little bit. Why are you telling me this, sir? I thought most weren't fond of shinobi." She said as the man seemed to think for a moment. "Simple. I'm too old to care for old prejudices anymore. The way I see it, without all that extra stuff you lot do, you're still like us. You have families you love, friends, loss. Just like the rest of us out here. The world's dark enough already lass, if I can help somebody else brighten up then I'll be happy to do so." He said with a genuine smile on his lips. Tomiko seemed to accept the answer and chuckled herself. "You're right. Can't be held down by this. It'll take a bit of time to grieve, but I need to keep making him proud, right?" She said as the man nodded. "Attagirl." He said simply, as two began to make idle conversation in hopes of passing the time.

One Week Later

The coffin having been delivered already, Tomiko turned to look at the caravan. Thanking them for bringing her and her brother home. Stopping before the old man, Mr. Daichi as she had come to know him, Tomiko gave the man a quick hug. "Thanks for everything, Mr. Daichi. Stay safe, okay?" She said, as he assured her he would do so. Not long after, the caravan had gone off to take care of their own business. Turning back towards the city, Tomiko sighed and looked up towards the sky. Not a cloud in sight, and somehow still freezing. Still, it was nice to be home. For a moment Tomiko turned towards the Hyuuga compound, but something stopped her as she frowned lightly. Turning then towards the direction of Azumi, Tomiko made her towards the home of the Guardians. Making her way to the room she'd been using, Tomiko quickly packed all of her stuff. Which, honestly, wasn't very much. With her belongings packed, Tomiko made her way back to the compound and towards Hiraku's home.

Her home.[/hr][/hr][/hr][/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="The Girl Team, pink, solid"]

Kitana Riojin
Chuunin of Amegakure Team 22

Today she was too meet up with the team, which would be the first time they all got together after the attack on the Hoshua's compound. It made her a bit sad she couldn't really visit Rini during her time in the hospital, yet her brother was being rather strict on her during her own recovery. Yet now that she was fully healed, no broken bones and only scars to showcase themselves. He had no choice but to allow her to go out to meet up with Etsu, which she was rather excited about.

Saying goodbye to all the servants, and getting her gear all packed she would head out. Running through the usual rain, she would stop by and look at the ongoing repairs being done to the Hoshua's compound. It made her think that this attack could have happened on just about any of the clans in Amegakure, also made her thankful it wasn't her own. It would have been a much stronger message to attack the Riojin compound too, maybe the defense was too good for them to infiltrate and attack? A lot of questions she wouldn't know.

Continuing on wards she would arrive at the destination spotting Etsu on a bench with this other woman sitting on said bench looking for someone it seemed. Did she get stood up by a guy? Ouch she felt bad for the woman and sent a silent prayer in her honor as she approached her sensei and flashed a smile at her, giving a salute. Sitting on the handle of the bench next to Etsu, Kitana would gaze at the toyshop then back at Etsu. "Interesting place to meet up. Then again not the worse place yet we've gone too."[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox= Taking Orders, Aqua, Solid]
Satia Cho
Genin of Team 8 | Amegakure

The Genin had remained mostly to herself throughout the trip through the wetlands of Amegakure, not for any particular reason other than giving her the chance to reflect upon herself and her journey so far. From meeting Tubrook on her journey from Konohagakure, to meeting Aiko, joining team eight and even meeting the empress herself. All of these things were a reality Satia thought would remain a mere fantasy only a few years ago, quite sure that she were doomed to live out her life as a wife to bear children for a noble man, likely to be of interest to her father. She had to perish the thought of such an existence as to live a life like that was to her considered a death sentence.

Of course it wasn't uncommon for arranged marriages and especially between houses that could benefit by name and business. But she wanted more than to be a bargaining chip in a larger game she had no control over. No she wanted the world open to her and now it was, albeit laced with a modicum of danger given her rather risky choice in how she would explore such a world. Nevertheless, she found herself pleased thus far in what she'd been allowed to experience alone. Aiko appeared to be a fine leader, not that she expected any less given her reputation among the Cho and team eight appeared to be no less interesting as she learned small details about them here and there.

Her sapphire eyes set upon the building as they approached, putting away her small book full of notes and updates on her discoveries, as well as written passages about those whom she'd met along the way. Satia followed up behind the others, paying very close attention to the environment and surroundings as they entered, relying on her acute sense of perception to pick out anything that would otherwise be out of place as they moved away from the rain and into the dark shelter of the abandoned building. 'Curious...' she thought to herself, wondering how such a location came to be and why it was now devoid of an inhabitant. A thought struck her mind that perhaps bandits or raiders could have came through here.

The thought was pushed out of her mind as her eyes moved to acknowledge Aiko as she spoke up, giving a respectful nod of her head before striding across the room towards the staircase to complete her task. The upper level was every bit as bleak and dingy as the rest of it, only rotten wood and peeling walls to greet her as she found the top of the stairs. The Genin flexed her fingers, preparing to summon knives in a moments notice should she find unwanted inhabitants, even if she was mostly sure no one was here anymore. She would check each room thoroughly before going about her task of setting up traps, creating choke points by moving old rotten furniture to form defensive positions and conceal traps.

By the time she was finished fifteen minutes had passed and once she was satisfied she would make her way back to the rest of the team. "Traps are set and the upper floor is secured ma'am" she said softly before she began to check over her equipment by the fire made by Neiji, making sure that nothing was too wet or ruined. Anything that had become wet was set down neatly in front of the fire to dry, the rest she kept within her belongings or on her person. The Genin allowed herself to exhale a small breath, removing her coat to set it down by the fire to dry with the rest of her items.

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[fieldbox="Blood and cortisol, turquoise, solid"]

As soon as Hiron grabbed his Tanto, Yiko could feel this tingling sensation run throughout his body. Seeing Hiron getting ready to kill, reminded him that this wasn't some fairy tale, this was the real deal. He was about to get his first taste of battle, all of his training led up to this. The Genin looked back at his teammates giving them a nod of respect, signifying that he had their back, as long as they had his.

The uchiha grabbed a kunai from his back pouch and tightly gripped his weapon with his right hand. And watched as the team leader moved down the hallway with a purpose to kill. Yiko watched as the man carved a pocket into the man closest, and without stopping he moved on to the next, locking weapons.

Yiko stood still for a second in the hall watching as the rest pulled out their weapons, this was it, kill or be killed. He spotted one of the ninja making a move towards Hiron's left, in attempts to help out his teammate and catch the Jounin off guard. The Genin saw his opportunity, but he also saw the possibility of his leader getting injured when it could've been stopped. Without hesitation he acted, running at full speed towards the ninja on Hiron's left, Yiko had the upper hand since the man did not notice him running right at him.

The young Genin did a bit of a skip step about five feet away from his target, getting more momentum for his move. One leg bent down while the other tensed up. He got himself into the air using one leg, his free leg gave his body the momentum to go into a front flip. The leg he used to hop up came down on the man, his heel connecting with the mans head, causing him to bend over from the blow. He successfully pulled off the Webster axe kick.

Yiko used the momentum of his body coming down to do a twirl on one leg, and used his free floating leg to pull off a sweeping kick to knock over his enemy. Yiko used his free hand to flip backwards into a standing position. He went to smile, only to be stopped short with a punch to the face. Yiko forgot about the ninja to his side, he stumbled backwards, and looked up to see a tanto coming down on him, he used his kunai to stop it, and used his other hand to support the block as he locked blades with the enemy. His eyes locked with the man, this is where he realized his heart was racing, his body was washed over with a warm sensation. That and his nose was bleeding.

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[fieldbox=To the East, violet]
Aiko Cho
The leader of Team 8 | Cho Clan Leader| Brigade General of the 11tth Brigade | Rain Province, moving out to Magnhild - Hon clan lands.

Aiko watched how her team went to work. With no complaints or questions, the jounin decided to drop her bag and performer a perimeter check. She placed some trust in the fact that if something would go wrong that the team was smart enough to alert her. Thus going into the rain, Aiko pulled the hood of her raincoat up. From first glance, there seemed little to worry about. There was no immediate signs or tracks that alerted her that this site was quite popular. The rain, however, could erode any tracks and signs. Making it thus hard to place any trust on that. Around the building itself, there were no signs or tracks that give information about recent visitors. But the lack of information could also be good news, so she decided to expand her patrol.

There was a field, overgrown with weeds and what not. Nothing there seemed to indicate recent activity. If anything, that the place was abandoned for quite some time. Crouching at the edge, Aiko would release a soft sigh. Using her left hand she would dig her gloved fingers into the wed mud. Pulling her hand up, she seemed to observe the mud. Wondering how fertile the soil was, it certainly wasn't suffering any drought. Getting up, the woman looked over the field. What had made the denizens of the farm decide to abandon it? Good farmland wasn't that easy to come by in this province.

Deciding to check more of the surrounding land, Aiko did encounter the first sign that could lead to an answer to her previous question. Crounching once more, the jounin frowned. Placing her hand in the footstep in the mud, she whistled softly.
The jounin's hand was dwarfed by the footstep in the mud. Her hand could easily fit a dozen or so times in the footstep. Looking up, to the direction where the footstep was heading, Aiko wondered what creature had passed by. Seeing it was heading to the nearby woods, Aiko was glad it was not in the direction they would need to go. Lowering her gaze back to the footstep, Aiko's eyes narrowed.
"Could be a large animal. But if it is such a 'thing', I wonder how we will fare." Deciding to not ponder on it, Aiko decided to finish up her patrol. Nothing that further pointed out that the site had seen much recent activity.

Heading back to the abandoned farm, Aiko's technique would be dispelled as she stepped out of the rain. Mindful of the traps, the jounin would grab her backpack as she would then join her team around the pleasant fire that Neji had made.
Picking out a ration, she noticed that she was the last to join the campfire. While Aiko would normally decide to speak up and strike a conversation, she didn't mind to stay silent. Though glad that she was able to leave Amegakure behind her, the jounin felt a twinge of regret of how much was actually lost in the struggles of the Rain capital. Perhaps if she had done things differently the group had been bigger? Knowing fully well that such thinking wasn't going her anymore, it was easier said than done to pay heed to such wise 'advise'. Starting to dig in with her ration, Aiko remained quiet. Her eyes were locked on to the fire as she kept chewing.

''So sensei are we expecting anybody else or is it just us?''

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, for a second. She wondered how he was doing now. Likely watching over Katsu while they were on the eastern continent. Far away from home and unable to just go or even write home. The thought that they were in trouble or in much danger made Aiko lose her appetite. Realising she was spacing out, the jounin feigned a yawn. Raising her left hand to cover her mouth, she rolled with her shoulders. Laying out the order of the guard duties, she would try to make a comfortable spot. Using her bag as a pillow, the woman would not lie too far away from the fire. The first that would have guard duty would be Kazumo, followed up by Satia and then Neji. The last duty would be Aiko. Though the jounin wondered if her students would be able to figure out that a shadow clone cloaked by the Hidden Rain technique was watching over the perimeter. Just an extra security measure.


Aiko blinked twice. It was raining but not as heavy as she had experienced during her short patrol. Looking around, she realised she wasn't in the Rain province. Coming to the realisation she was dreaming, her attention was caught by some movements ahead of her.

"Koike! Stomach!"

Watching, Aiko realised what she was dreaming off. Watching Katsu throw a kunai that headed straight towards Koike's back, who was closing in the distance with her - the dream version, so to say. Only to come to a halt as the real Aiko heard the Hon's voice ring through the air while the dream Aiko seemed to try to ready for the imment explosion.

''Shit, Katsu!''

Only no explosion came as the Uchiha threw another kunai. Remembering the particular test she had placed on the two, Aiko smiled when the explosion went off. Small pieces of dust, mud and gras were thrown up by the explosion while the Dream Aiko was sliding on her back. She had managed back then to get out of reach by using the Stream technique, to push herself out of harm's way.

"Koike! Jump now!"

Watching the unfolding fight as Koike moved forward while Katsu fell in the mud after trying to aid his comrade and friend in the fight. The Hon managed to get close and then it happened. Still, Aiko wasn't sure if it had been a dream or some kind of odd miracle. But instead of taking the objective, the two bells, for himself, Koike grabbed it. A hand of the dream version of Aiko rushed forward and grabbed the Hon by his throat. But it had already been too late. The bells were thrown and landed a bit in front of Katsu.

Katsu was standing on all fours when he heard a small ringing sound, distinguished from the rain dripping on the mud. He looked forward, noticing two shiny small orbs in the midst of all of the dirt. Realizing what it was, without thinking, he made quick reach forward and sat back up, throwing his head up.
"We got 'em," he yelled at the top of his lungs to make himself heard, muffling the noise of the water. Two bells were dangling from under his clenched fist.

Panting, Koike looked with a glance sideways. His heart was beating, what felt like his throat. He knew from experience that Aiko was one deadly kunoichi. One wrong move or one mistake and she could easily kill him. Not able to say anything, he kept staring at Katsu holding the bells in his fist. Closing his eyes, he could feel the cold rain over his back and face. Though he hadn't use much chakra nor was it a long fight, he felt exhausted. They had managed to take the bells. Together.

Crossing her arms out front of her chest, Aiko watched how the scene continued in front of her. How Katsu yelled out the name of Koike while closing in the distance. Once near the Uchiha would present one of the bells towards the Hon. Closing her eyes, Aiko wasn't sure what she felt more. Pride or joy. Likely a mixture of both.

But slowly the vision vanished from Aiko as she opened her eyes. The two boys weren't the same. Knowing it was just a dream, Aiko felt split. Cause the scene seemed to have shifted to what seemed to be an army camp. Koike sat on a log while keeping a fire going, throwing a small cut wood block into it. Next to him sat Katsu, a few cuts present on his face and arms. Both had a sombre expression, causing Aiko to feel restless. Worried.

Her eyes shot open. Blinking rapidly, Aiko realised that she was awake as she didn't see Koike or Katsu anymore. She was no longer outside but inside. Though it was a bit chilly, the nearby fire provided some comfort. Rolling on her back, the woman released a sigh. It wasn't her time to take up the guard but Aiko felt nothing for trying to get back some sleep.

Just waiting for her turn of guard duty, the jounin would pick out a piece of paper and start writing. Paying heed to the sounds, the jounin could divide her attention somewhat. But seeing nothing had happened and the sun would soon get up, Aiko decided to get a draft of a letter ready. It would be some time before she would be able to send any letter but it helped to calm her mind. By a small bit.

Slowly but surely the time came for her to wake up the team. A brief breakfast with the use of some bland ration would be enjoyed before the team would start to move out. Usually, Aiko would order them to remove the traps but seeing that the site was abandoned and they had a long trek ahead of them, she decided to ignore it. Traveling to the fort that she had in mind, the group would continue to travel at the same pace as before for two days. Arriving at the fortification, which existed out of a stone wall and towers that harboured barracks and other establishments, Aiko would arrange a few mounts. Unsure if her students had any experience or skill with horseback riding, Aiko would refrain from increasing the pace. Paying heed to her students, helping them to ride a bit better by giving them tips and instructions, when needed, the group would travel at a faster speed than they did on foot.

The travel through the Rain province was quite uneventful. Sticking to the main road there were the occasional merchants and other good folk that they came across. A few times they encountered a military unit on patrol. Both soldiers as a few times a shinobi team. Using these meetings to learn if there was any development to be wary off, Aiko was relieved to hear that no bad news had came from Amegakure or the surrounding land at the borders of the province. Continuing the travel, the team would move into the lands of the Fire province. Heading through the lands of the Uchiha, Aiko wondered what route she should pick.

There was the temptation to pay a visit to one of the large cities of the Uchiha clan. Certain that Neji would relish the chance, Aiko felt a sting of regret. If they weren't short on time to reach Magnhild, then she wouldn't have minded a day or two to take a detour or pay a visit to a city. Perhaps even going through a northern approach by moving through the clan lands of the Hanta clan and then approach Magnhild from the north. That would mean they had to travel through the dominion of the Hons of Ecla or Dowhon. Knowing that at this time of the year travel through such areas was rougher, Aiko decided to move southwards through the Uchiha clan lands. From there, they would head eastwards, briefly crossing the southern part of the Hanta clan lands.

Much like the rest of their journey, nothing eventful happened. Something that Aiko was grateful for. The team would slowly start to encounter more difficult terrain. Noticing the shift, Aiko decided to seek out a nearby village. Not to just spend the night but also to haggle the next day for warmer cloaks. She was, after all, aware of what was awaiting them on the last part of their trek.
The lush fields and meadow as lightly dense forests would seem to shift into something harsher. They were about to enter the western edge of the Hons of Magnhild house. And much like Aiko had expected, the cold became worse as they had to more hills on their way. The more they advanced towards the east, the more difficult it seemed to become. The temperature kept dropping at various times the team was forced to seek some shelter from the heavy snowfall.

Where most of the Fire province, certainly the western parts, was able to escape such heavy snowfall, Aiko was aware that the eastern parts were colder. Harsher, was perhaps the more fitting word. Traveling a few days through the snow and cold, Aiko squinted her eyes. The soft cracking sound of snow beneath horseshoes, the animals breathing and the wind howling, masked the sigh of Aiko. Once the team had managed to climb a hill, they could spot something on the horizon. Stone walls and towers.

"Seems we are close to our destination," Aiko said, having to raise her voice to make herself audible to the team, "I know you all are longing for some warm beds and you will get a chance to rest out. But before we going to enter the city, I want to make a few rulesclear." Aiko's sight settled on Neji for a moment. "Don't use your sharingan or surname in the city. Your folk isn't hated, Neji but I will try to explain later why. We don't want any ruckus. Kazumo," Aiko turned her attention to the Sarutobi. The most experienced student she had with her now. "You are in charge when I am gone. I won't stay with you guys but I will try to keep communications up and going. Kazumo, you will keep me informed as being responsible for Satia and Neji. That, however, doesn't mean," Aiko slowly turned her attention on Satia. "That you guys can't move around freely. Just make sure to keep more to yourself. If anything, we will stay here for some time. So if you want to write home then you can do so. "

Turning her attention back to Neji, Aiko waited for a second to let her words sink in. "Now, let us go and get ourselves some warm beds and dinner!" That said, Aiko would steer and spur her horse once more. Picking the pace up, snow would be thrown up as the team rode through the snow. At various places alongside the road, they encountered groups of guards and folk. Doing either a patrol or attending to shovel some snow of the paved road.
Approaching the large city from the south, the team would have to dismount in front of the first ring of defence, a gate that was guarded by many armed with armoured men. The first guard to speak up, spoke with a heavy accent. Once more Aiko would handle the talking and after showing some papers, they were quickly able to pass on. Crossing through the intimidating defences of the southern gate, the team would eventually find themselves on the streets. As snow continued to fall from the sky, there was a warm atmosphere welcoming them. Many establishments were still open and people wandered the streets. Leading the team further, Aiko wondered for a moment if she had arrived before Zakito had.

It didn't take long before Aiko had lead the team to a large inn. There was a Chonobi name on the sign but a symbol of a boar charging at a mug hinted towards the name.
"The Thirsty Boar," Aiko said as she flashed a smile towards Neji. "Okay, wait here for a moment. I will go inside and arrange matters." Letting one of her students take the reins of her mount, Aiko would head inside. It took her a dozen of minutes before she would exit with a few young folk.

"Okay," she started as the horses were being taken over and led to the attached stables of the inn, Aiko flashed a smile towards her students. "This is where we part. You three have each a room in this inn. Get yourself settled down and enjoy some rest. I will try to contact and visit you three soon. First, I need to attend to some affairs." Nodding, Aiko gestured for the three to head inside the inn as she would start to walk away. If any of the three students shot a look where the woman was going, it seemed as if she started to vanish with the snow falling from the sky.

It was warm inside the inn. Behind a counter, an elderly woman seemed to be waiting for the students of Team 8 to enter. A wide smile dawned on her lips as she spread her arms as if she was about to pull the three younglings for a firm hug like a grandmother would. She said something in Chonobi before repeating it in Taika.
"Good evening, dears! Oh, you three look like you just came from visiting the afterlife! Come, come!"

Walking behind from her place of the counter, the woman would gently pressure the three shinobi to move towards the dining hall. Long tables with benches were set in four rows with a few places where fires were lit. A few patrons were eating drinking in peace. Making sure that the three sat down at a table, the woman would once more flash a wide smile. "The name is Borghildr but you dears can call me Auntie. Most folk here wind calling me like that. Now, I heard that from your caretaker that you are new to this town. I suggest that you stay in these districts and parts of town. Not that I don't think you good dears can't handle yourself but I rather not hear any trouble. I got a good reputation to keep up! Talking about good reputation..."

Borghildr would mumble an excuse as she headed towards the kitchens. Though closing the door behind her, some muffled shouts could be heard before two young women would bring two plates to the students of team 8. Borghildr kept sneering at the two young women, shooing them away so that the students of Aiko could enjoy the bowls of steaming stew as warm bread.

Once the team was done, the old woman would approach the three with a smile. Placing her fists on her hips, she would nod towards the three shinobi. "Now that you have finished, it is time for you dears to get acquainted with your rooms! Your caretaker paid me a good sum to make sure that you would be able to enjoy a comfortable stay."
Leading the group away from the large hall, they would have to climb a staircase. Entering through a hall with doors, they had to walk to the end before Borghildr would unlock the doors for the members of Team 8. A young man was waiting at the end of the hall, his hands at his back.

"We have simple rules. Please don't make too much of a ruckus. Every noon, somebody will come to clean your room. I will have to ask you dears to hand over your weapons." The old woman flashed another warm smile. "Local customs, you see. Also in line with that we prefer that our guests don't feel the need to grab their weapons. You can always request your weapon from me. Auntie will make sure that not even the Great Wolf will dare to take your arms."

Waiting for the members of the team to hand over their weapons to the young man, who stepped forward, Borghildr waited again. Once it was done, she eyed the members of Team 8 once more before speaking up. "Now, I am going to say this. You dears can come and go at any time. Just make sure that you alert somebody of the staff. No bedpartners, regardless of how wicked or pretty they might be, in your rooms!" Her gaze almost seemed to travel instantly towards the older members, Satia and Kazumo. "No ninjutsu or such inside the establishment as well. Now, I have rambled enough! Go, go! Come on!" Shooing the members to their respective rooms, Borghildr would hand over a key of the room to each of them.

The rooms were somewhat spacious. There was a bed, looking most comfortable as the rooms had a window that provided sight over the yard of the inn and nearby street. Due to the houses and other buildings, there wasn't a view to admire. A closet was present in each room as a mirror. In the corner there was a large wooden bath, with the possibility to expand the blinders to gain some privacy. In each room further resided a bedside cabinat where a mirror was located.