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[fieldbox=Dirty Strike - Team 8 - Part 4, violet]
Amegakure, capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.
Team 8 collab.

Written by Tim, Jason, Zane, Winter and Lesli.

As Team 8 had managed to prevent the insurgents from freeing Soru from his prison and Aiko having a meeting with Satia as Tomiko, Team 8 moves out in the morning. Unknown to the team, Aiko had a secret meeting with Zakito through the Dragon Lotus technique. Gaining information as the objective to take out Seiji of the Seika family, Team 8 is on the move again.

Neji had followed Tomiko as they had made their way to the north west corner where the two genin made a distraction for Satia. Tomiko would light a fire and Neji would call out about said fire which created the distraction that they would need. Satia quikcly and effeictively took her postion within the entertainement group, which then made their way towards the main villa. This would cause Neji and Tomiko to follow them as the two would stay on high ground. Once they reached their destination, Neji and Tomiko would sit on a roof that over looked the villa. The walls were of decent height and their were armoured guards all around. Neji started to look at the outside of the villa and try and look at the different possible escape routes for them to take. He turned to Tomiko. "What are you thinking?"

With the destraction underway she'd almost glide along the ground moving between puddles and areas where rain water had collected to mitigate her footstep sounds. Upon reaching her target she would drop into a half crouch behind her target, moving fast, light and nimble as to not betray her position to her target. With the striking speed of a coiled serpent her fingers shot forth towards the girls Carotid artery.

The artery in question was the large vain that allowed blood supply from th heart to the brain, carrying oxygen through red blood cells. The impact of Satia's fingers against the area caused a momentary jolt to the girls blood flow, causing a lapse in oxygen to her brain which in turn would force her to pass out almost immediately. Satia laid her arms out and caught the limp body of her target before quickly kicking off the floor.

Within a moment Satia pulled her arms forwards, pulling taught the wires connecting her to the alleyway entrance. The wires gave a metallic 'twang' before both Satia and her target were slingshot back to the alley entrance at speed, forcing the young Cho to adjust her in-air trajectory to compensate for the additional weight of the body before landing, skidding on the wet ground beyond the visual range of the others.

Satia flicked her wrists, causing all ten of her throwing knives to come lose and return to her hands, a moment later and the knives had disappeared as if the young girl were some kind of magician. The out cold entertainer was laid gently down behind a stack of crates and Satia took the time to reach into her pockets and withdraw her papers so that she would use her name and other details of her identity to further solidify her deception.

"Target secured, thanks for the distraction" she communicated as her eyes absorbed the details of the papers before pushing them into her own pocket, in case the guards would ask them from her later. Satia ensured the girl was left in a secluded position where she'd come to no harm before stepping out of the alley to join the rest of the entertainers. The hard part of the mission had yet to truly begin.

The distraction caused the guards and present people to turn to the direction. For a moment, silence seemed to stalk the plaza before the chamberman decided to conclude his dealing with the last few entertainers. The guards would be instructed to ready to move out as the group of entertainers would be told to follow the group. Nobody seemed to have noticed the quick replacement that had occured. Some entertainers were already talking in hushed voices about the good payment or being able to perform for Seiji of the Seika Family. The walk to the villa didn't take longer than thirty minutes before the walls of the villa were spotted. The walls were twice as tall as the guards that stood near the gate, armed and armoured. Their kabuto prevented sight on their faces but their eyes took the group of entertainers in with a stern gaze.

Passing the small gate and the group of guards, the chamberman and his six guards would continue to guide the group of entertainers further into the exterior of the villa. It was an oasis of tranquility and even seemed as a different world than the city of Amegakure. Pavilions with special designed canvas allowed various plants to be cultivated in the constant rain. Various parts of the gardens were enjoying the luxury of roofs, allowing one to walk through the garden without the fear of being soaked by the rain. But much time to admire or scan the gardens wasn't granted to the entertainers. They would be guided into the large villa-complex, what seemed to be an indoor courtyard. There, more guards and some servants awaited them, taking the raincoats of the entertainers and storing them away.

North of Amegakure,
Team 8, Infiltration phase
- Satia Cho.

The chamberman would explain that they would be paid after serving their lord. The group would be split in five and Satia would be among the first group. The six guards of before would once more serve as a guide through the villa, led by the chamberman. Various tapestries and paintings of various historical events were hang in the halls. There were also portraits of the Seika family, both current and previous living members. It was thus easy to gauge that the Seika villa was filled with many riches, both in forms of art and wealth. The small group of entertainers and Satia would arrive in a spacious hall. A long table was set and a man sat at its head. He had some wrinkles present on his brow while a trimmed beard was present around his mouth and chin. The black hair seemed to make his skin complexion a tad paler. There were various candles lit to provide some light in the room but it didn't offer a full bright and warm atmosphere. The guards would take up positions at the wall and the door from which the entertainers had came from. One more door at the other side of the room was present and guarded by one guard.

The man at the head of the table didn't even glance at the group of people as he seemed focused on reading the content that was present on a sheet of paper. Nearby the man was a servant that held a cauldron, the steam emitting faintly from the opening making it obvious that the cauldron's content was still warm. On the subtle gesture of the reading man, the servant would fill the cup with what could only be described as pure focus and dedication to not even allow one drip of the warm liquid to be spilled on the floor. The chamberman then spoke once more, indicating that the few with their instruments should move to the right and play something 'soothing'. The rest was needed to wait until further instruction.

As the music started to play, Aiko's voice would ring softly through the communicator. "That is our target. A direct strike won't be optimal in this situation. Try to remain calm. Kazumo and I are moving into position. If it goes down, you need to act like the rest and that is to feign panic. Might something go wrong and you will be in danger," the jounin's voice slowly ebbed away as a silence over the communicator followed, "I will be able to pull you out. It is not comforting but just trust me on it." The last sentence of Aiko was spoken in a more gentle and friendly fashion, clearly with the intention to comfort the younger Cho as their target still was reading the content on the sheet of paper.

Satia listened but didn't respond vocally to what Aiko was telling her, of course it'd be quite obvious that something was wrong if the guards noticed her suddenly talking to herself. No, Satia merely gave a subtle nod to confirm she understood what she was being told, eyes observing the room and her surroundings as her face remained one of calm and serenity.

Strangely enough the atmosphere was rather familiar to the young Cho, given that she'd spent many younger years performing for other nobles and people of high standing that were looking to make some kind of arangement with her father. Although she remembered that the servants of her house looked less tense that a simple mistake could cost them dearly.

The young Genin began to pay mind to the instruments, plotting in her mind what she would have them play for her to incorperate them into her song. Truth be told she'd considered mutiple songs she could sing on their way here, but those were to be sang without the acompanment of instruments and now she could see what she had to work with, there were more options.

Satia pulled out another little book, one seperate to the one she uses to catalogue the different plants and flora across the lands. This one contained different information, annotations and notes about various experiences much like that which you'd find in a diary. Though as well as notes she also had various musical scripts, saved in case she ever found herself in a situation such as this.

Finding the page she wanted, she waited till the chamberman motioned for one of them to step forward and perform before bowing her head respectfully and making her way over to the instrument perfomers. She presented them with the music, a short conversation ensuring they were on the same page before she respectfully and politely thanked them, taking off her coat as she prepared to perform, folding it neatly before placing it down.

Satia would then make her way to the center of the room, in front of the Seiji. A single nod towards the instrument performers would signal she was ready and as they began to start up she would fill her lungs with air before starting to sing, closing her eyes to guard against the nerves she'd feel from expecting eyes watching, judging her as she performed.

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now

Neji had followed Tomiko as they had made their way to the north west corner where the two genin made a distraction for Satia. Tomiko would light a fire and Neji would call out about said fire which created the distraction that they would need. Satia quikcly and effeictively took her postion within the entertainement group, which then made their way towards the main villa. This would cause Neji and Tomiko to follow them as the two would stay on high ground. Once they reached their destination, Neji and Tomiko would sit on a roof that over looked the villa. The walls were of decent height and their were armoured guards all around. Neji started to look at the outside of the villa and try and look at the different possible escape routes for them to take. He turned to Tomiko. " Well, there are plenty of well armoured guards around. Should we have to enter the villa that will not be so easy as the walls themselves are tall. Though I think I have found the best way for us to escape this place once the mission is complete." Neji then would point to the southwest as he waited for Tomiko to gaze over in that direction. " To me the southwest seems like our best escape route. That is where the least concetration of enemy guards are, and in that direction is a large garden, where it will be easier for us to lose any enemy pursuers we might come in contact with. Also will be easier for us to set up traps, should we need to do so."

The situation stayed calm and peaceful. The song of Satia didn't cause any disturbance but quite the opposite. Seiji didn't show any interest at first. Likely used to that people performed in front of him. Then the man's eyes would settle on the young woman. A certain disturbing look was given by the man as he sized up Satia. Revealing the intention that the man didn't just did this for innocent talent hunting. As Satia ended her song, the tranquility in the room would be shattered. An arrow suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere, piercing the man in the back of his neck. Servants screamed or gasped as guards quickly moved to action. Trying to spot where the culprit could be as some others started to command that the entertainers and servants should drop on the ground with their hands on the back of their head. Judging from their shouts and directions, they believed that the culprit was on the balcony.

"Stay calm, Satia," the voice of Aiko rang through the earcommunicator as the chaos in the room would make it near impossible for the shadow-hidden jounin to make herself audible to the genin, "Just do as they ask." Just as Aiko finished the instruction, the guards investigated and couldn't find any trace of the shooter.

The chaos soon spreaded as the security started to tighten up outside of the villa. The gates would become closed and the patrols started to take up various positions. A few bells were rang, alerting likely any surrounding patrols in the urban setting. Once more the voice of Aiko rang over the communicators, this time directing Neji and Tomiko. "Tomiko, Neji. Status report on the outside. The target has been shot down. I need a full status report, as soon as possible. Stay hidden."

Tomiko watched as the security started to tighten up. With a slight frown she took in the sights and signaled to Neji for him to wait as Aiko asked for a status report. She formed a single handsign, and her vision narrowed while extending its reach further into the Villa. The girl then slowly scanned across, searching for Satia and seeing what she could discover to try and help out. After a few moments, the girl looked turned her attention towards Neji. "The guards are tightening up their patrols. No more gaps, and they're alerting others. I think those inside will be in trouble. Report that back, then ask if she wants us to try to force them out. We might need to start another fire." The girl said as she snuck towards the edge of the building, trying to get any extra looks into the villa.
[fieldbox=Dirty Strike - Team 8 - Part 5, violet]
Amegakure, capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.
Kazuko-Aiko collab.

Written by Zane and Lesli.

While the majority of the team is operating in subterfuge, moving towards the villa of Seiji of the Souka Family, Kazumo is being guided into the Void by one of Aiko's shadow clones. There he learns more about the ominous and mysterious places that the top of the Cho Guard utilize in their missions and operations. And from where Aiko's shadow clone will allow Kazumo to make his attempt to take a life.

Waiting for a second, the shadow clone released a softh sigh. "Satia is down there, as you likely can hear. So far things have gone as I had wanted them to go. There are guards, entertainers as servants down there. Seiji is there as well." Aiko's shadow clone reported in a whispered fashion to Kazumo. She locked her eyes on the Sarutobi while pausing. "You will likely get one shot. Which means that you need to completely certain that you can do this. Once you notch an arrow, there is really no way back."

"Fair enough I suppose." He said just wanted a plan B in case as she said, the others did mess it up so badly. Kneeling down as she gestured him to, the green light would encase them once more before being in the same room. However music and some singing would be heard this time. Which meant they were back in reality. The singing was actually quite nice if he were here to enjoy it long enough. That was when she said that was Satia down there as he could probably hear, which surprised him. She looked more like the noble type than the type to sing for nobles, or politicians. She would remind him of what was down there. Guards, servants and the target himself. Only he had one shot to take down the target. So once he notched the arrow, it was do or die. He would give a simple nod as he got his bow ready along with the arrow but didn't quite notch it yet. "Good thing I only need one shot." Kazumo would whisper to the clone with a slight smirk as he focused his attention on the room below. "Now question is. which one is Seiji?"

"The man at the head of the table," the shadow clone answered back. Moulding her chakra again, the clone would wait as she nodded towards Kazumo. "As soon as you have released the shot, I will pull us both out of here. Don't try to panic when we make the jump," the jounin whispered.

Resting his attention on the man that she pointed out, he was informed miss or hit she would pull them out. So to try and remain calm whent he jump happens. Staring at the man he would bring up his bow and notch the arrow, pulling back on the bow string. He would take a breath in before exhaling soflty. His aim steadied and the arrow would shoot out flying through the arrow. Connecting with Seiji's neck, who could only form noises before falling face first onto the table.

Placing her left hand against Kazumo's side, the technique would kick in. The green aura enveloped both the shadow clone as Kazumo. By a blink of an eye they would vanish into the Void. Getting up, Aiko's shadow clone looked down on the scene that seemed to be frozen in time. From what she could see, many seemed surprised while already a few guards had thrown a look of where the arrow had came from. Likely rushing upstairs to apphrehend the culprit or perhaps trying to rush to their master's aid? Aiko doubted that they would be fast enough to prevent Seiji from choking on his own blood.

"And that is done. All that we need to do is to just walk out and that is it," the shadow clone said as she would gesture Kazumo back to window. Climbing out and on the rooftop, the shadow clone threw a look around. The crumbled half of the villa was still there. There seemed to be little to no change had occured when they briefly left the Void. Throwing a look to see if Kazumo followed, the shadow clone would climb down the same way that they had scaled the wall. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Just as he had hit the mark, the green light would envelop them bringing them back to the void to let them see how things had went. Sure enough Seiji was hit and panic was starting to form. Yet no matter what they did, no matter how much they would panic. Seiji was no more after this moment. He wondered how Satia was getting out. Would they simply evacuate her and the others until they decided they could find him? Yet the likeihood that Aiko already got her out was more likely.

Following Aiko's clone, they would leave the same way they came basically. Not much seemed to change in regards to scenary. She would ask him a question to which he shrugged and looked at hi hands. "It was... too easy. Is it suppose to be that easy? It probably was only this easy because of this technique. Otherwise I'd have to worry about getting in and out."

"I did plan to make this whole thing to be easy. The original me will drag Satia out when the time is right. Then Neji and Tomiko will fall back. Meaning that we completed the mission without harming another person than the actual target. Who perhaps suffered only for a few moments while dying." The shadow clone replied back as they would walk through the gate. There was once more nobody or nothing in their way to stop them. Deciding that it would be still a good idea to create some distance, the shadow clone would throw a sideways glance at Kazumo. "If you are interested and keep making good progress, I can perhaps teach you a bit more about the Void."

The shadow clone wanted to continue but suddenly became silent and halted her movements. A faint cold started to penetrate the atmosphere, feeling strangely familiar. A certain dread accompanied the sudden drop of the temperature. Narrowing her eyes, the shadow clone looked around as the temperature would keep decreasing. "You got to be kidding me," she mumbled. Turning towards Kazumo, the clone tried to reach out and grab her student. Only for the world to appear rocking as if an earthquake occured without any warning.

Of course she took all possibly steps to make this as easy as possible. It wouldn't have been like her to risk something important like an assassination. She also assured him that the man only suffered for a moment or two, yet he wasn't worried about that. That was a job, everything just felt too easy. Maybe he was getting a bit paranoid with all the trainings and incidents that happen as of late. he tried not to let it bother him and instead gave Aiko's clone a smile and nod. "I would very much love that."

Before they could continue the feeling he had a bit ago seemed to have been a good hunch to have, as a cold presence penetrated the atmosphere. The same feeling hes felt several times now. Only this time he was in a very shitty situation, The odds something goes wrong and Aiko's clone gets killed, is basically a death sentence. Looking aroound the area as the area grew colder, an earthquake would seem to have occured. This caught him off guard, causing him to stumble backwards, a bit out of reach of the clone trying to grab him. He started moving towards her slowly as the world seemed to shake. "So many questions for later!" Kazumo stated in Chonobi as he grit his teeth keeping an eye out for the Vrykyl.

Before the clone could grasp Kazumo, a sudden force blew them from each other as something seemed to impact near them. The shadow clone was throw through a window into the nearby establishment. Rolling over the ground, Aiko's shadow clone had managed to survive the impact. The second of confusion was soon changed for anger and concern. The chance that the Vrykyl of before had been able to detect or even reach them should be very slim. But it could likely pick up her chakra signature when they had made the three jumps. And with its endurance, it likely had sustained itself well enough in the Void. "Kazumo?" The shadow clone got up, ignoring the dust and debris on her gear. "Kazumo?" the clone shouted again. They would only need to get out and that was it. If she would get destroyed before making contact with the original Aiko, then it would take too long to realise that Kazumo would be all alone with one of those things.

Moments away from contact when a strong sudden force ripped them away from each other. He managed to catch the building she flew into, yet was slightly worried that the damage caused the clone to vanish. He however was blown through a door, landing a couple feet inside the building. Coughing a bit from having the wind knocked out of him a bit, he stumbled to his feet and pulled out his knife looking around. He panned the room but saw nothing, and slowly made his way to the door he was sent through, when he heard Aiko's clone speak out. "I'm alright!" he shouted back in Chonobi as he poked his head outside seeing nothing. "Get the technique ready!" He shouted again in Chonobi before realizing he kinda just bossed his teacher's clone around. "Please?" He would add on before moving outside and gazing around for this thing. He knew he had to be the distraction right now, he couldn't risk her getting injured and vanishing on him. If it focused on him, then that would be much better for survival.

"Stay calm," the shadow clone replied - as well in Chonobi. Though she had heard Kazumo's request, she started to hide her chakra. They needed to get close but that thing was likely watching for their chakra signatures. And while she had endured the hit, there wasn't much that needed to take her down. Now that her chakra signature was suppressed, she should try to get to a more favourable position. "Stay calm. I will be there soon." That having said, the shadow clone felt a twinge of worry and guilt. Now she was forced to stay silent as well moving from her position. The establishment she was in wasn't big but she figured that going up on the second floor could give her some viewpoint on the street.

The cold would become worse as the ground started to rumble again, only for several impacts to land. The attacks came from above as small dark orbs were dropped from a nearby rooftop. Only followed by the eerie figure of before. Recovering from its landing, the figure turned towards the direction where Kazumo was.

"I'll be fine just be careful." Kazumo said once in Chonobi still not seeing where this attacker was. He felt the cold sensation so it had to be around, but where? His question wouldn't go unanswered for long as these dark orbs started impacting the ground around the area he was in. Surprised at the sudden difference in attack, almost got him blasted by one. Instead it impacted near him and sent him falling to the ground, which he quickly recovered and tracked where the shots came from. The figure standing a bit away from him, as Kazumo glared at it as he pulled his bow out, he would then get one of his arrows and notch it, firing the arrow directly towards the chest of it. After the shot he would then start moving back, to keep some distance from the creature not wanting its icy grip to catch him.

The arrow contacted but didn't pentrate the black armour. The figure remained silent as it would start to walk. The eerie foe didn't seem concerned to draw the only visible weapon - a long knife remained sheated in a scabbard at the armoured figure's left hip. Soft whispers would resonate within Kazumo's mind, speaking in a foreign tongue that was far apart from Taika or Chonobi. The cold seemed to become more intense as the figure already started to reach out a hand towards the Sarutobi.

Black armor? Well this was something new, beating it senseless meant nothing if his arrows bounced off the armor. Keeping his distance he examined the guy as best he could. Besides the armor and the mute attitude it had nothing really rang out anything. Except that knife. Aiko got one from one of them, and she said it helped dispatch of them rather quickly. That would be a safe bet to try and get it but, something told him he would most likely die if he got close right now. Just then whispers were resonating inside his mind as the cold became more chilling and like it knew it had a free meal, extended his hand out towards him. A bit annoyed by this, he calmed himself from taking unnesscary shots at it. When an idea came crawling into his head. Just to make sure its attention was fully on him, he notched an arrow firing it at the guy, which simply bounced off his helmet. "Just saying, you'd be dead twice already!" kazumo taunted a bit, not knowing if they even got irked by taunts. As he said that he kicked open this one door, into what looked like a home someone lived in, although no body was inside it seemed.

Reaching into his pack he pulled out a couple paper bombs, and placed them at the top of the doorway. Grabbing a book he broke a nearby window, and shot another arrow at the black figure, hitting it in the chest again. "Three times!"

The eerie foe seemed to not care much for the taunt of Kazumo. But the whispers did slowly shift into more audible voices. The voices were hard to understand as the volume would gradually increase to the point that it seemed an entire group was shouting in Kazumo's mind. The third arrow seemed to do its work as the figure started to jog towards the Sarutobi. The figure's right hand shot towards his belt to draw the long knife. The blade of the knife seemed to be made of some weird substance, like bone. Only being dark yellow, tainted by age and stains of crimson spots.

Not much of a talker yet the attention was soley focused on him which is what he wanted. The voices become much louder in his head all of a sudden causing him to clutch it a bit, trying to shake his head as if it would clear it. Now that the figure was seemingly jogging towards him. Kazumo had to pick up his pace. Moving away from the window, he moved into a room that looked like the kitchen. He pulled out two more paper bombs and placed them on the ceiling of the kitchen, peering around the corner. He saw the figure jogging through the door, where a forth arrow would strike its chest. "Come on now alll you gotta do is catch me! Can't be that hard right?" Kazumo said while moving through the hallway. Wrapping a paper around an arrow, he would kick open a room that looked like an adults bedroom. He however stood his ground this time and with one last paper bomb placed it under his foot. He had his arrow pointed down the hallway. Hoping that this would work out for him in the long run. Glancing into the adults room, he saw portraits of the family that owned the place. It was a nice house, even the room was nice. It was like a mini lounge, had a couch right near a window to enjoy some sunlight while they read.

The figure seemed to pick up a faster pace, running as a soft but audible grunt could be heard from it. The cold started to make the breath of the genin visible as the temperature started to drop faster. While footsteps could be heard that the foe wasn't giving up his chase on Kazumo, he didn't appear in sight. Instead wood cracked and crumbled when tendrils of some dark substance moved through, trying to reach and wrap around the genin from below.

The figure had to be close as his breathing was starting to show, yet as he waited for the culprit, it never came into the hallway's view. This prompted Kazumo's grip to tighten a bit, yet when he heard wood cracking and and crumbling he looked up to see nothing, then realized it was coming from underneath. Turning towards the door, he fired the arrow just as the tendrils broke through and wrapped around him, starting to squeeze him in the process. His arrow had gone through the glass, but he could hear his bones cracking a bit as the tendrils seemed to wrap tighter around him. The voices pounding in his head, as his breath filled the hallway the only sounds he could make were audible pains. keeping his grip tight on his bow, he raised his left hand and made a sign.
"F...ive" He managed to get out as the tendrils would suddenly be wrapped around an arrow. Only for the house to then proceed to have a bright flash and then several explosions follow suit. Kazumo outside gasping covered his head as debris were sent flying from the explosion as the house started toppling in without a lot of support to hold it up.

The building crumbled and collapsed as the violence inside would sweep up dust. A cloud of debris and smoke would cover the site where the building was. Watching from her position, Aiko's eyes narrowed slightly. She had prepared a technique of her own to draw out the vrykyl and pin it on the street. Lowering her hands, she realised that Kazumo had managed to collapse the building. Much like the previous time that they had faced off against one of those dreadful foes. Spotting the genin, Aiko would climb out of the window and quickly descend down to street level. "Over here," she shouted. Jogging towards Kazumo, the shadow clone quickly cast a look to see if any of the debris was moving. Perhaps Kazumo had taken more than just the building down?

As he coughed and ached from being squeezed a bit, he stood up to his feet looking at the collapsed house. "Oh I so hope that doesn't affect real life." Kazumo mumbled before Aiko spoke out to him, to which he took off a bit limping towards her. "I doubt you have that knife that kills them on you huh? Cause I highly doubt that building did it." Kazumo spoke in Chonobi as he held his ribs that felt like they were fractured. Granted they could just leave too, it wouldn't go anywhere.

Managing to close some distance, Aiko would quickly skid backwards. She had spotted some movement in the corner of her vision. Just passing her by was a concentrated ball of chakra that hit the nearby building. The impact first caused the ground to tremble before a strong blast hit the wall. Throwing a look at the direction where it came from, she spotted that the figure was pushing some debris away while trying to keep a visual on them. "Move to cover." The shadow clone instructed as handseals were quickly formed. As the ground trembled, Aiko gained an idea where the next impact would be. Focusing her remaining chakra on what was to come, the jounin would spit out a strong gust that threw up dust and debris. Creating a cloud to obstruct their opponent's vision over them.

As a ball of Chakra zipped past them, Kazumo let out an annoyed groan as the impact shook the ground. Turning his head he saw the figure moving some debris out of its way. Likely to try and claim their lives once again, he doubted he would be able to pull off the house bombing strategy again either. Aiko's clone would dish out an order to which he nodded and moved into an alley way still in sight of Aiko. She created a large dust cloud mixed with debris, which would amke it hard for the thing to see them, but that worried him. "Careful it has these tendril things that can come from the ground" he spoke in Chonobi as he would notch an arrow just in case.

Once the distraction was whipped up, the shadow clone would make a run for it. She had seen the direction where Kazumo had ran to but wasn't entirely certain if her student had moved into the same alley she went into. Once she entered the alley, the shadow clone felt relieved upon seeing Kazumo. "Good. Now, this will be a bit problematic but don't worry. I can only teleport you to the real world. I got nothing enough chakra to sustain myself. Once you are in the clear, report over the earphone communicator, okay?" the shadow clone spoke in a hasty fashion while preparing the technique.

As her clone had come over to him he kept an eye out for it, only to have his attention divert to Aiko's clone when she said she could get him out but not herself. She gave him his order to do when he was back in reality. "What? But.... I can still...." Kazumo wanted to say he could keep fighting, he would find a way to kill it, yet this was the smartest plan available to them. She was a clone and knew her death had no meaning. Yet to him it was like leaving his sensei to die. "I'm sorry... I'm still too weak." Kazumo muttered as he un notched the arrow and placed it on the ground. "Do me a favor though. When I'm gone. Tell it six for me." Kazumo said giving a slight smile as he waited for her to send him out.

The shadow clone seemed surprised with the request. She had expected that Kazumo wasn't fond of the idea to be just warped away by himself but she had little to lose. If anything, their foe would just defeat her and she would poof away. If that happened before Kazumo would be teleported away then she would lose a student. A soft smile appeared on the shadow clone's lips as she understood Kazumo better by his second comment. "Count on it." Leaning forward, the clone would place a hand behind Kazumo's head. Gently pushing him forward, the shadow clone would place a kiss on the genin's head as he would be enveloped by green chakra. Only to vanish within a second.

He chuckled slightly when she agreed to do such, only to be slightly confused when she placed her hand behind his head pushing him forward gently, placing a kiss on his head. The green light would then envelop him and he would be back in reality. Placing his hand on the communicator he would peer around the alley to find no house being destroyed, so destruction there didn't happen here. "Kazumo reporting in. The target is dead and I'm out of the area for now... Some complications did happen in the Void though sensei. I'll lay low until you all get out." Kazumo would state over the communicator, not quite knowing what exactly was going on now that Seiji was dead. He could hear some alarms so they were indeed on the lookout for him.
[fieldbox=Dirty Strike - Team 8 - Conclusion, violet]
Amegakure, capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.
Team 8 post.

The mission ended pretty well. Despite the chaos, Satia had shown to be able to remain calm. Neji and Tomiko hadn't acted out of her orders. The debriefing went individually, each member doing their report. This would allow Aiko to see how the mission went from each perspective. Aiko was a bit discontent about various things, such as how Kazumo seemed a bit down about how things had gone in the Void - the ambush of the Vrykyl.

Back in the barracks she had dismissed the team to relax from the stressful sequence of assignments, while Aiko herself would confine her to her own room. Laying a piece of paper on the table, she would start to write.

Mission Report
Team 8
  • Leader: Aiko Cho-Hon
  • Members: Kazumo Sarutobi, Neji Uchiha, Tomiko Hyuuga, Satia Cho.
  • Rank: Undefined, classified mission.
  • Request: Assassination.
  • Result: Success.

  • Event Report:
    The mission went well. The first phase went without any problems as the tasks were divided. Though it was the first mission for Saita Cho, the genin showed great promise. A good amount of skill in subterfuge and staying calm in a stress-situation were shown, which provided a great boon for the operation's success.
    Which makes me rule out that she will be a hindrance to high-stress operations. My conclusion is that I need to further improve and develop her combat skills, for she is still but a genin. Otherwise, no special or additional remarks about Satia Cho.

    Neji showed as before that he is able to follow commands. My initial dread that he would be too much guided by his own morals and loyalties haven't been justified in this mission. Seems that he is also growing used to follow my commands and teachings, which make me want to rule out that he will be needed to keep at genin-tasks. If anything, I would like to expand some of his skills that don't include combat. No special or additional remarks about Neji Uchiha.

    Tomiko functioned during the operation. My initial fear was that she would be a hindrance due to emotional instability about her recent loss - of her brother and clan leader. Even while she didn't show any problem with performing her tasks, I am slightly discontent with how she handled certain affairs. If Neji's report is correct, she didn't report right back to me and ordered Neji to do so. She makes some mistakes that I contribute to her as still being a genin. For this reason, I will need to stress out that she will need more guidance on how to adapt to a group. An additional remark about Tomiko Hyuuga is that her performance might have been influenced by the fact of her recent loss of team members, brother and clan leader.

    Kazumo performed well during the operation. Though I was worried that he would be too fascinated by the aspect of the Void and show his curious side, the genin remained focused on his task. While I have put more pressure on him lately, he has shown that he is capable of handling most tasks without my guidance. No additional remarks about Kazumo Sarutobi.

    The assassination went without any further problem. Nobody is aware of that the Imperial military performed the assassination. This has likely harmed the trust of the Seika family within the promise of the Fang's protection and influence. Hopefully, allowing future counter-intelligence operations against the Fang's incursions to be going smoother.

Done with the report, Aiko would release a sigh. Leaning back in her seat, she closed her eyes while rubbing her nose bridge. Hopefully, the next mission would be given over some time. Aiko was certain that the genin was eager for some rest, she wasn't much different from it.

Maybe she should just get the encrypted report send and then just see what she would do? Regarding that she didn't know about any additional problems, it wouldn't hurt to take it easy until next team's assignment.
[fieldbox='Shikaroku Nara & Tentou Aburame | Konoha Genin | Team 9, #4B0082']
Brief Thoughts...

After introductions had been made to their newest teammate, Tentou stole a brief glance towards Shikaroku. His demeanor seemed to have changed somewhat from how he had been when they had met. He was still polite, that much hadn't changed, but he appeared to be closed off and none of the curiosity or enthusiasm he had shown previously remained.

Her brow furrowed slightly as she pondered what had affected the Nara. Whatever it was, hopefully it would not impact his performance on the mission ahead. Turning back to Yiko, Tentou noticed Hiron approaching. She shifted ever so slightly so that she was standing straighter, formal. As Hiron completed their briefing, she found herself wondering whether or not they were fully prepared for this. Tentou had faith in her own abilities and did not doubt that Hiron would be able to handle himself, but the two genin she did not know much about. Hiron seemed to have faith in Shikaroku's abilities and her brief conversations with the Nara had shown him to be rather intelligent and curious, however, she knew next to nothing about Yiko aside from the fact that he was an Uchiha.

His comments in response to Hiron's briefing did not inspire confidence in Tentou either. It seemed he was hesitant to kill, which either meant he was very fresh, or a pacifist. Neither option was entirely encouraging...

"Do we have any intel on the enemy position?" She asked, wondering if Hiron was purposely keeping information from them, or if there truly wasn't a lot of information to be shared in the first place. Tentou would have liked to have better information, however, she was not one to back down from a challenge. Aburame had to be adaptable to survive. It was one of the things she had learned from an early age. Lucky for her, she had been quite skilled at it.

Shikaroku listened to Hiron provide the briefing, remaining silent until the others had spoken. It seemed this mission would involve a lot of bloodshed, something the Nara was not overly fond of. He had accidentally killed his opponent during his first Chuunin exams and the memory of that event had haunted him ever since...

Hiron had tried to help him understand it was his duty, that sometimes shinobi were required to kill, however, Shikaroku had never fully accepted that. His abilities were almost exclusively designed to capture or subdue his opponents. It was a part of the Nara's way. They were intelligence gatherers and it was difficult to gather intelligence from a dead person.

Yiko seemed to share the same thoughts as he had, and Shikaroku glanced at him for a moment. Perhaps he would be different from Neji after all... He knew better than to mention his discomfort with killing, however. Hiron would not care that they did not like to kill. The mission required it, and they would complete the mission.

End of story.

Reaching into his pouch with one hand, he felt the pocket that contained his pills. There were still several left. Perhaps it would not be as hard to kill if he didn't have to think about it... The temptation to take another of the pills was growing stronger, even though he did not feel any signs of a migraine coming. The thought disturbed him and he withdrew his hand, folding his arms across his chest.

"No questions from me."

[fieldbox="So It Begins, #33cccc, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Yukimi Yuki | Team 11 Chuunin | Kirigakure

Yukimi looked at the jounin for a long moment, wondering if she had even bothered to listen to her proposal. She did not need to be the bait, rather she could have the genin be the bait or assign the job to Yukimi. There would have been little risk, seeing as Yukimi was pretty sure she could defend herself against some lowlifes and that the genin could defend herself long enough for both of them to join in. But, whatever. She wanted to test the brat or something, not Yukimi's business. "As you wish." Yukimi said in a flat tone, deciding to simply stand back and observe the genin to see whatever disguise she decided to choose. Meanwhile, the chuunin thought for a second about she could be of use in the coming surprise for the bandits. If she could get the water she carried spilled on the ground, then it would surely be an easy feat to catch those bandits off guard. Whether it be spikes pointed at them, or simply freezing their feet to the ground it should prove easy enough.

Whenever the genin would choose her disguise, Yukimi would let out brief sigh of irritation. Needless to say the spoiled teen was less than excited to have to stop to the level of a peasant. Immediately after Yukimi quickly wove the three handsigns. Replacing the white-haired Chuunin, stood a rather skinny man wearing simple clothing. From his back hung a bag which seemed to be filled with various wares, yet was actually Yukimi's canister in disguise. The Chuunin figured she had done rather good impression of a simple merchant, could they even be called that, and looked towards the jounin. She waited patiently for the go ahead to start moving and drawing their enemy out. Hopefully this would be over soon enough, she wanted to go home and work on that painting much more than worrying about some petty thieves.[/hr][/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Execute both the plan and them, maroon]
Hiron Hon
Jounin of Team 9 | Major General of the Third Division | Empire of Akino, countryside- Border between the Fire and Grass Province, Uchiha-Hanta clan-lands.

Hiron's gaze moved to Yiko. Before the boy had even asked the question, Hiron had noticed the subtle shift in the boy's demeanour. The corner of the Hon's lips slowly curled down, not hiding the disappointment. Though aware of the fact that nobody was just born to be a killer and certainly genin would have to get used to the idea, Hiron didn't see the merit of sugar coating it. It was their profession. If the enemy dealt in violence then it was only fair to return it. Better yet, twice as much and hard.

Before he was able to answer the question of the Uchiha genin, his attention was drawn to the other two members of his team. Tentou asked if they had any possible intel on the enemy position. "Not more than what they just shared with me. The position that the enemy holds is an old fortification. Dating likely back to even before the Great War. We will sneak inside once the other teams have done their thing. I would have liked to deploy your insects to scan and scout the enemies in each room. But seeing it is better to take away all their advantages, a chakra block will be set up. We will go in an old-fashioned way. Surprise and take them out before they will figure out what is going on."

The jounin moved and settled his gaze on Shikaroku for a moment. "It is part of the job, Yiko Uchiha," Hiron began as he kept his gaze locked on Shikaroku. The eyes of Hiron seemed to search for eyecontact and hold it with the Nara for a second or two. "If we won't kill them then it is basically allowing them to continue their ambitions. Which will result in many more lives lost. As for information," Hiron broke his gaze from Shikaroku and shifted it towards Yiko.

"We got more than enough. They are the enemy. We know of their intentions. It is now kill or be killed, Uchiha. And I recommend you make that choice soon or else the enemy will do it for you," Hiron further added. With that said, he would half turn around, indicating that the times for questions and doubts were over.

"Now, time for work."

A hour or so later.

Traveling south-west from the rallying point with his team, Hiron kept a high pace. During the travel, he didn't allow any chit chatter between his subordinates, marking it clear without saying so that they were basically within the soon to be contested territory.

When reaching their position, Hiron made use of the vegetation to keep his team out of sight. There was no visual on anybody else nor any sound that hinted away of other activity. Yet, no casual chatter was allowed. Waiting in silence, the second slowly passed. What seemed to be an hour felt like a day. Even for Hiron, who knew that it was just the tension. Usually, Hiron would consider checking his gear. Making sure that he was completely set and ready for what would go down. Instead, he was focused on keeping a watch for it was time to move. Lightning softly and faintly crackled around the jounin's right hand's fingers. As if it was the herald for the cold anger that was building up within the jounin. He was focused on doing the mission but he was well aware who was to blame for his family missing. Today would be the first day of his bloody revenge.

The lightning around the jounin's right hand stopped, vanishing. Hiron's eyes narrowed as he attempted to unleash lightning from his right hand. Nothing. He couldn't actively mould chakra. Thus, not being able to use chakra.

"The blockade is up. Which means that it is now our time to get moving," Hiron thought to himself as his right hand clenched. "Listen up," Hiron said as he would shot a look over his shoulder, to his team. "We are going to move in. Stick close to me and don't try to be heroic or any of that sort. Today, we won't be heroes. No large group of people will learn or applaud you as heroes when we finish our job here. No local will herald you as some saviour. Remember that you're here to do your job. Nothing other matters than to wipe out this threat," Hiron said, his tone as cold and hard as stone.

Leading the team in a slower pace, Hiron kept himself low. Crossing some light vegetation, the team would stand at the edge of a grassfield. There was a hill up ahead, in the middle of the field. The only further sign that seemed out of place was a man on top of the hill.

"A sentry," Hiron mumbled, barely audible for his team. "Keep close. We are going to crawl towards the hill. At one point, there will be an entrance. I will move in first. Then one by one you will follow me. If there will be violence, don't hold back. They won't either. Our goal is to open the front door for the Crimson Blades. Once they are in, we can take a moment to get our breath back. Now, come, on your stomachs," He instructed his team as he would start to move forward, crawling. The grass was tall enough to hide them away if they would crawl.

Slowly over the ground, Hiron would keep guiding his team towards the hill. His eyes were set on it as his anger started to reach a boiling point. His desire to shed the blood of all those zealots was something he barely could control. Focusing on finding what he was looking for, Hiron would come to a stop eventually.

"Got it."

The gloved hands of the jounin would start to dig for a bit to unreveal a hatch. How ironic it was that they would use an escape route of the bunker, to get in. Slowly and carefully, Hiron would open the hatch by a bit. Peering inside, he could only see darkness. Which meant that the zealots weren't corncened about somebody going in from that point. Or perhaps even better: not knowing of the escape route existence. Though Hiron would find that unlikely.

Uncomfortable as it was to slowly move forwards and almost fall inside, Hiron would turn around and let his legs go first. Waiting for one of his team to hold the hatch, he would drop inside. After landing on his feet, the jounin instantly reached for his tanto. There was some faint light up ahead, giving some respite from the dark.

Relaxing by a bit, Hiron would softly whistle. Indicating that his team were now supposed to get in. Moving to the opening that led to the hallway and the source of light, Hiron would stay in the dark. His right hand was clenched around the hilt of his tanto, while he kept watch of the hallway and the light up ahead.
  • Love
Reactions: ~\The Talentless/~
[fieldbox=Passing the Torch, #00ffff]
Konohagakure, the capital of the Akinian Empire.
The Royal Palace.

A collab between Lesli, Gerontis and Aliceee.

Meisa returns to the capital with some news. Hisoka isn't present, however. Bringing some word of what might have happened to Hisoka, Kiyomi takes a decision while Zakito is worried what might have caused his friend to take his leave. With Meisa giving something that Hisoka wanted the Empress to have, both she and Zakito take her leave. Kiyomi then summons up an old acquaintance of her.

Length of Collab:
Considered a bit below average size/length.

It started at an early hour. Dark clouds were spotted on the horizon and would slowly make way towards the imperial capital. Causing housewives to get their laundry in and owners of stands ready for the pour. But as the dark clouds would approach, there wouldn't be anything but the soft rumbling of thunder. As if a large beast in the sky was quite unsettled and wanted to make it audibly clear.

Together with the rumbling, the only sound that further disrupted the silence were the heels of Meisa. Approaching the steps of Kiyomi's throne, the woman held a firm gaze for a moment on the young monarch. She could remember the time that Kiyomi had been nothing but an adoptee of Hiron. Then growing into a lousy genin that didn't seem to possess much talent or skill.

And yet, she had grown up to become a jounin at a young age. Being able to call herself a friend of the Nibi and mastering some of that beast's powers. And now she sat with a stern look on her face, befitting an empress, on her throne. Zakito standing next to her, his arms at his back. There was a painful sting going through Meisa as she couldn't rest her eyes for too long on the man.

"Your Majesty," Meisa said as she would give a most graceful bow in front of the stairs of Kiyomi's throne.

"Leave us."

Kiyomi's eyes that usually had a jade colour had turned darker. Her mood was perfectly aligned with the ominous weather. The corner of her lips were curled down as neither her facial expression or tone hide away her disappointment. As the Sworn Swords would take their leave, Kiyomi would speak up again. "Where is Hisoka Uchiha?" The question held a trembling anger in it.

Staying bowed, Meisa would reply calmly back. "He didn't come back to Konohagakure, your Majesty. Hisoka of the Uchiha clan has resigned himself to a place. Away from politics, military and duty."

It would remain silent for a moment. Then outside the thunder would rumble. Louder than it had done before.

"You mean, he deserted his post and station as governor. Left me worried when he went on his quest for revenge and blood. Decided that he couldn't face me properly after taking the life of the Kazekage?" Kiyomi said as she would lean slightly back on her throne. "Where is this place that he has resigned himself to?"

"He and me both partook in taking the life of the Fourth Kazekage, your Majesty. As for where he resigned himself to, I wasn't allowed to say that to anybody else but to his dearest friend." Meisa answered. She was aware of what kind of danger she had placed herself in. But a promise was a promise.

"I know the place." Zakito said, nodding subtly. He had spoken in a calm tone but decided to intervene before Kiyomi would get further frustrated. "It isn't a place of much importance. However, despite taking out the Kazekage, what about your tracks? I doubt that the Kazekage guard or their ANBU will not investigate on who had taken the man's life."

Meisa wondered about the importance of the place where Hisoka had went. She hadn't been there or ever heard of it. But according to Hisoka, it was a place where he had managed before to find some peace from all his troubles.
It had sounded vague, as Meisa couldn't really picture such a place. But she would respond back to Zakito.
"We made certain that we wouldn't leave any traces behind us. Even when approaching the Kazekage residence, we made certain that nobody would be able to pick up our chakra signature. By the time that the Kazekage was dead, we were already outside of Sunagakure."

Poison. Zakito wasn't entirely taken by surprise. It was much better to be fair. The Fourth Kazekage wasn't loved by all. Such a thing was rarely possible for people with much power and influence. There were many that likely would be questioned and much more targets that could else become a scapegoat. "Very well."

"Regardless, the Fourth Kazekage's life wasn't yours or Hisokas to be taken. Nobody had given you that order and you two abandoned your post." Kiyomi said with a cold tone, her eyes narrowed. "I don't care much for the Wind country or would have laid a stern punishment on either you or Hisoka. Much of what I have today is what I owe to you and him. However," she continued, "There are several complications that come with Hisoka's sudden 'resignation'. Shozo won't just accept a word from us that he has resigned from service. Perhaps he will even consider it a move to clip the Uchiha's influence and prestige. Despite that I would want the best for Hisoka, he isn't making things easier for those who decide to keep fighting against the current threats!"

Meisa bite her lower lip. She had felt conflicted about it too. It was partially why she had came back to Konohagakure. There was still the question of somebody else that made her come back. But also because she felt that they had to finish what they had started. "If it would be allowed, I was requested to bring you something, your Majesty."

Zakito threw a sideways look at Kiyomi. He understood her worries and it was a grave trouble if Shozo would be unsettled about Hisoka's sudden resignation. In all truth, he was even worried that it was all his fault. Had the last argument between him and Hisoka made the latter to make this decision? He was certain that it would take more than that to see Hisoka disregarding their bond. It had survived bloodshed, arguments, cultural differences and even wars. Yet, there was still this whisper of doubt that pierced Zakito's confidence. Made him waver in his faith that Hisoka's decision wasn't done out of spite or anger.

Kiyomi remained silent for a moment. "What is it?" She asked, though her tone not that unpleasant.

"Hisoka didn't explain much. But he told me that you would want this scroll. You would know what it would mean, he told me." Meisa said as she pulled out a small scroll from her pocket. She waited for Kiyomi's approval before climbing the stairs and two plateaus that one had to reach for, before standing in front of the Empress's throne.

Kiyomi gestured that Meisa could approach. Watching the woman coming near, Kiyomi didn't feel entirely comfortable. Despite the fact that there was no evident threat from Meisa's attitude or words, Kiyomi didn't forget that this woman was dangerous. Very dangerous. Standing up from the marble throne, Kiyomi would accept the small scroll. It had no signature on the wax seal. Breaking the wax seal, Kiyomi would roll it open. Reading the brief description at the top of the black lines, that formed a summoning formula, Kiyomi bites her lower lip.

"I know what to do." The teen ruler said with a stern voice. She locked her gaze on Meisa. "I want you to return to your post as soon as possible. You might take a day rest from your troubles as the journey but there is a lot that needs to be done. The Zealots haven't been idle and I need your expertise to eradicate them."

Zakito watched the exchange between Meisa and Kiyomi in silent. When the empress didn't speak of the second and absent Uchiha, Zakito would ask. "What about Hisoka Uchiha, your Majesty?"

Kiyomi turned half around to look sideways at Zakito. "Hisoka Uchiha is discharged from his post and office. He returned from his diplomatic mission that I had given to him," Kiyomi said as she rolled the scroll. Her right hand lightly trembled but her voice was clear of any anger. "He then requested his leave and I allowed him to go. If Lord Uchiha," Kiyomi's tone became sharper, "Desires to know where his son went or is, then he will be given the information. No need to make Lord Uchiha fret any longer about his son. Now, I wish to be alone."

Meisa made a short but elegant bow towards Kiyomi. "As you wish, your Majesty," she softly said. Turningaround Meisa would climb down the stairs and head to exit the spacious throne room.

Much like Meisa, Zakito would follow suit. There was still the previous worry in his mind as well what Kiyomi had said. Shozo wouldn't sit idle around and likely speed right away where Hisoka had went. The idea to visit his friend came to mind but Zakito knew better. Hisoka desired as deserved some peace. Not to mention that Zakito had his own duties to attend to.

Watching the two leave her alone, Kiyomi would sit down on her throne. Opening the summoning scroll, Kiyomi would move her gaze on the summoning formula. The sentence that was written above the formula made it clear what Hisoka's message was.

"Passing the torch."

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she would concentrate a bit of chakra in her right index finger. The chakra would soon transmutate to lightning, crackling and flickering around her finger. Pricking herself in the thumb, Kiyomi would place her hand on the formula. Allowing chakra to mould and flow through the formula to use the summoning.

A small poof of smoke appeared as Kiyomi felt a sudden but lightweight on her lap. The smoke quickly dispensed as it would reveal a ferret, that stared at Kiyomi for a second. The animal then seemed to search for somebody, only to not find the one the animal was looking for.

"Where is Lord Fourth? Ah," The ferret asked, though he seemed to know more than enough as tears started to flow over Kiyomi's cheeks. "I see..."
Last edited:
[fieldbox=An Enemy Unknown, #0080FF]
Koike and Katsu move with the 13th to scout ahead.
Collab between Sketching101 and Gero Bearo

Wolf country - Eastern continent.

Koike and Katsu move out with a detachment of the Foot Companions - a battalion of the 13th Brigade. Their goal? To find a crossing south of the allied camp and cross the river that forms the natural barrier between the allied force and the unknown enemy.
Once finding a crossing, the two brothers in arms soon find out that the enemy isn't entirely clueless to endeavours of trying to move forces over at another crossing.

Entering the part where the 13th brigade was camped, Koike was still with his mind at the previous meeting with Hayate. He had full trust that he and the Foot Companions could manage the given task. It was just the question if he should only task Torrad's company to acompany him on this task or bring an extra company. Perhaps he should also enlist Tardo's men on this objective. Walking through the bustling camp, Koike would reach his own tent. Akumu was laying in the opening, making it near impossible to enter the tent for anybody. Spotting the large black direwolf, Koike would come to a slow halt. A soft whistle of Koike caught the beast's attention, who almost in a lazy fashion lifted his head up. Upon seeing Koike, the canine would simply get up and move out of the way, laying next to the opening. The thick fur likely prevented the beast from suffering any cold and Koike wondered if Akumu was enjoying himself here more than at Konohagakure. Entering his tent, he wouldn't waste time to gather already his gear.

Katsu sat next to his cleaned knives, tinkering with the gear attached to his arm brace. He had been cleaning the wires for the last hour as part of the weekly maintanance he did to keep the gear working properly. As he tightened the last screw on the brace, he slid his hand through it and strapped the brace tightly to his arm. He placed the dozens of knives into their slots on his vest before donning his short cloak and shirt. Tanpo was laying across him on top of the soft linen that had been his bed for the past month, whimpering from time to time. "Tanpo, could you get me the, um... the..." Katsu snapped his fingers again and again, trying to remember what he wanted as Tanpo ran off to gleefully bite down on the sheaths of his swords and running back to Katsu just as he had a moment of clarity. "Swords! Sw--Oh, you got 'em already?" He offered his friend a wide smile as he took the sheathed swords and scruffled the direwolf's hair affectionately. "I can always count on you, huh?" He strapped the swords around his waist and walked out the tent. For a moment, Tanpo seemed upset, until he heard Katsu's voice again. "Well? No dilly-dallying. Time to go." The direwolf excitedly followed his friend into Koike's tent. "Good morning, colonel," Katsu said, his usual joyful tone absent, a tired voice taking its place.

Hearing Katsu's voice piercing through the silence of his tent, Koike looked up. "Morning, Katsu." The young man would nod to his aide and friend. There was the question on how Katsu felt after the raid last night but he decided that he shouldn't. Even while most in the 13th brigade had gained more morale and eagerness to face their enemies again, he wasn't so certain if Katsu was looking the same way back on the night. "I just got back from a meeting with Hayate and the brigade generals." Koike started as he would strap the weapon belt with his sword around his waist. "We will be moving with Torrad's company before the night falls. To the south and then over the river."

As Tanpo rushed off inside to run a few laps around Koike and then over to Akumu, nudging and gnawing to get his friend to play with him, Katsu took a few steps forward. "We're crossing again tonight, huh? No rest for the wicked, as they say," he said with a joking tune. "What are we supposed to be doing there, exactly?"

A faint smile dawned on Koike's features as Tanpo ran around him. The reaction of Akumu was a low growl and half attempt to roll once away from the playful and younger dire wolf. "Yeah, you could say that. No rest," Koike mumbled as he continued to ready himself. "We are going to move in and perform recon operations. Hayate wants to know if the enemy has access to a supply line to reinforce their numbers and resources. If so, we are to detail how much and possible I want to disrupt it. We won't aim to pick fights and get into scuffles with the enemy but if we do, we ought to leave no stragglers."

The young nin let out a sigh. He looked over at the two direwolves as Tanpo hesitated for a moment before continuing the unrelentingly playful attacks on Akumu. "I see. So is it just Torrad's men and the two of us?" he asked, thinking back to the events of the prior night. He nodded to himself before continuing. "If we're going to try and keep it quiet, wouldn't it be easier to just go at it the two of us?"

"Well," Koike started. A small pause followed. "You don't have to accompany me on this one. And before," Koike shot a stern look at Katsu, "You will be all up and roaring, hear me out. This is moving into the unknown and trying to remain out of the sights of the enemy. While going with the two of us, we would be more mobile there is no telling if we could tackle a patrol on our own. Torrad's men are capable of performing with subterfuge. Many of them have a former history of performing guerrilla warfare." Koike said. He was already expecting that Katsu would likely argue and join but somehow Koike felt that it was necessary to remind Katsu that he wasn't forced to come with them.

Katsu shook his head, dismissing Koike's first comment. "It was just a thought," he said, glancing once again at the direwolves.

"Alright, then you got to buckle up. Get your gear and make sure that you are prepared for a long trek." Koike instructed Katsu. "I want to get going before night fall. Then we will move south as far as we can during the day. Then if we can locate a crossing, we will move over and move north to achieve our objective." He further added to his instruction. There was the fact that he still wasn't feeling confident that it was fair to allow Katsu to join. "But how are you feeling after the raid?" Koike asked, his voice becoming a bit softer.

"I'm already geared up," Katsu said, peaking the steel of his right hand sword out of its sheath for a moment to emphasize it before pushing it back in. "And I'm... Well, I was aching all over, but that's what we have medical nins for, right?" he said half-jokingly. His voice lost that hint of light-heartedness as quickly as it achieved it. "It's nothing new. We've been through things like this quite a few times. In Amegakure, in the Province... If anything, I'm worried about Saki and you."

Nodding, Koike listened to the answer on his question. "Worried about Saki? I can get that. Hayate will make certain that she will stay safe and sound. All she needs is some time, I wager." He would hope that was all that was needed. Without Saki, he wasn't too certain how well they would able to bring this all to a good end. Then again, could they consider the campaign going well with various friends already being close to the verge of death or having passed away? "And don't worry about me. I have no plans on dying any time soon." Koike flashed a wry smile. "If anything, I need to make sure that you guys won't pass out before we get back home."

The preparations were going as smooth as they could go. The order that Torrad and his men had to assemble and ready themselves for the risky expedition into the unknown didn't seem to impact their morale. Many seemed quite content with learning of their new assignment while others were showing signs of joy and excitment. The other members of the battalion seemed more than calm about seeing their brothers and comrades in arms preparing to venturing without them. Exiting his tent, Koike had a knapsack in which he had stored some rations and resources. Armed with most of his weaponry, Koike had opted to go with most of his armour. Leaving the segmented plate armour behind, he considered that the comfort of his chainmail wouldn't be a redundant luxury. Akumu was laying in the snow, not bothered by the cold substance as the large canine's eyes seemed to observe the situation in front of them.

Torrad soon arrived, with a grin present on his face. Spotting Koike, the Sarutobi would greet his superior with a firm salute. "The boys are ready to move out. Morale is good and I wager that by the dawn of night that we will have crossed the river." The captain reported. His attention briefly went to Akumu, only for a frown to appear on the captain's brow. "Is the little pup not going to join?" Torrad asked, on which Koike nodded slowly. "He will."

After about a minute passed from Torrad's arrival, Katsu came up to the two with a tightly wrapped red scarf around his mouth and neck, and Tanpo following closely behind. He looked up at the captain before turning to Koike, keeping silent. His eyes wandered over the company at present and pulled his hood up to cover the red stained light hair on his head from the cold.

"Ah, here he is." Torrad said with a cheerful tone present in his voice as he nodded towards Katsu. "Now, I suppose we are heading out?" Torrad asked, turning his attention to Koike. The latter nodded as he would instruct that they would move in three separated divisions. One that would form the vanguard and scout already ahead of the bulk of the company. While another part would serve as vanguard, keeping the flanks secured during the marching and traveling. Torrad would salute and head away to make it happen. Koike released a sigh as he half turned towards Katsu. "Well, here we go. Got everything you need? I doubt that the pace of the march will be much of a hassle for you or Tanpo."

Katsu tugged his scarf to relax it before speaking. "I'm packed light, but I have everything I'll need," Katsu said to his friend as Tanpo walked through the snow behind him. He offered a smile from under the scarf. "You don't need to worry about me." He looked up ahead. "It's not like this isn't something we've done a hundred times, hm?"

"True," Koike said as he couldn't conjure any argument to the last comment of Katsu. Whistling, Koike would also gesture for Katsu to come with him. Akumu would get up and a soft growl emitted from the black direwolf. "At least, we now are in the presence of veterans and capable people. Not just longer a small team." Koike continued as he would lead them towards the rally point of Torrad's unit. "I do hope that it won't start snowing until the evening." He further mumbled, throwing a quick look up at the sky where light grey clouds started to form a thick blanket, hiding away the sun from their sight. "By the way," Koike threw a sideways look at Katsu, "This can be some good practice for Tanpo. It is more than likely that we will need to forage some resources on our own. Due to packing light, we won't have that much supplies as food with us."

"Oh, I hope you don't mean that we weren't in the presence of capable people," Katsu said with a laugh. "I'm not sure if Aiko-sensei would be amused to hear that! Anyway, I think Akumu can help him out," he said, looking over at the older direwolf meaningfully. Tanpo ran up to his peer before wildly beginning to run around in circles. "We, the rookies, should have each other's backs, hm, lieutenant?" he said jokingly with a light jab to the arm.

An amused scoff escaped Koike upon hearing the reply of Katsu. "Just make sure that my socks won't be torn assunder when you're watching my back."

The company traveled southwards in a good pace. The men of Torrad seemed to be more than familiar with moving fast and without leaving much tracks behind. A good communication existed between the split divisions of the company as Torrad made sure that the cohesion and discipline remained at all time's high. While the sun lowered, the company continued to moving with only a few and short breaks. As the light of day started to wane, heralding the coming of the evening, the company would slow in pace. Another break was enlisted as the vanguard detachments would search for a good crossing across the river. Once a good crossing had been found, the company would continue to be split up in three detachments before crossing the river.

Slowly but surely snow started to descend from the dark skies as the company would make the crossing in a slow pace. Sentries would be established to secure the crossing while the last detachment made it over. For another hour, the company continued to travel through the unknown land. The sparse vegetation wouldn't seem to be a problem for the men, who seemed to know how to keep themselves concealed. Using the few hills as vantage points, the large company would reduce the distance between the three detachments. Eventually, Torrad would come to Katsu and Koike during the march.

"A vanguard unit has spotted a good place to set up camp. The majority of the scouts also estimate that we are starting to make quite some distance from the enemy camp's perimeter. It is unlikely that they will be moving this far south without stretching themselves too thin." The Sarutobi said as he kept up the pace of the march. Koike nodded as he considered their options. "We will make camp but I want double the amount of sentries. Make sure that the majority keep their chakra concealed. Has there been any high vantage point spotted?" The question was answered by Torrad, shaking his head. "Ask your men if they can spot or find some large hill from where I can get a sight on the surrounding."

It took around another hour or two before the company had reached the desired place for their camp. It was what seemed to be between two large hills. With sentries put on the hills, the men started to set up camp but only a few fires were lit. Many still seemed eager about the expedition, regardless of the fact that they were all on their own. Separated by distance, nature and a large enemy force from their brigade. While usually merry songs were sung among the men during camp, it remained hushed. A company of thirty men would assemble under Torrad's command as he briefed Koike about his request.

"North from here is a large hill. It is where most vegetation stops, allowing to see the fields and hills that are south of the enemy camp. Tracks have been found but nothing too worriesome. Might have been a group of refugees as we have encountered those before," Torrad reported in. "Before?" Koike asked, frowning. "Aye, seems that there are still bands of refugees roaming around. Probably trying to head towards the northern border with the Sky country. Or just in search to avoid the troubles we have heard that stalk these lands. The hill is around a good twelve kilometers from camp. I got thirty men ready to go as you asked, though I do want to say that I think it is wiser to take more with you, sir."

Koike shook his head lightly. "No, it is fine. I want to do some scouting and perhaps even see if I can bring something back. You know what to do?" The question of Koike was answered by Torrad nodding as saluting back. Waiting for the Sarutobi captain to walk away, Koike spoke up to Katsu nearby. "Make sure that Tanpo is ready. There is no moon visible," the Hon threw a look at his friend, "Good night for some hunting."

Nodding, Katsu let out a quiet, high-pitched whistle with a brief break before turning to his friend. "He'll be with us in a moment, I expect," he said. "We're ready whenever you need us to go. Let's go get some good game, hm?"

"Yeah. Maybe we will get ourselves some boar," Koike replied, trying to sound eager. The thirty men seemed more than ready and were able to keep up the pace, with almost ease. Though the snow wasn't improving the small group's speed to reach their destination, Koike decided to make use of the time. "Now that we aren't surrounded by everybody, it is a good chance to get some more bonding with Tanpo." He briefly paused, wading through the snow. "The hierarchy with wolves is different than among people. The same is more or less for direwolves. You already killed together with Tanpo but hunting is different." Throwing a look at his friend, Koike frowned slightly. "I want you to go on ahead with Tanpo. See if you can spot any tracks. I am else certain that Tanpo can help with his nose."

The young nin seemed hesitant but nodded. "Tanpo," he called out. "Want to go find something to eat?" Tanpo barked gleefully in response before sprinting through the snow for a while and stopping restlessly for Katsu to catch up. "We'll be up ahead, then," he said as he ran off. "Don't complain if you can't find any game!" He disappeared from sight with Tanpo.

Tanpo ran quietly and quickly through the snow, breathing rapidly but efficiently as his nose sunk near the ground from time to time. Katsu skipped over some of the terrain in order to better keep up with his much faster friend, often calling out directions for them to continue towards. Tanpo stopped at a more densely vegetated area, sniffing the snow. He approached the melted, yellow snow carefully before recoiling and shaking his head. As he approached a sunken paw-print starting right under a high up rock, Katsu landed on it, giving the direwolf a look of panic. "You got something?" Tanpo sulked before nodding happily and walking over to the continuing tracks. Katsu looked down on the ground to see the small, rabbit sized tracks Tanpo had begun following. A smile formed on his lips as he followed his friend downhill. Once they reached the bottom, the tracks curved into a small cave, disappearing from then on. As Katsu was about to move on in, Tanpo let out a loud bark, startling the nin. "Wh--Keep it down!" Another bark, loud as a roar. The wolf's voice echoed through the cavern before Katsu heard a stealthy rustling noise from above the top of the cavern and the hill. Soon, other sounds followed. A string, stretching and straining. A blade, whistling past the sheath. And finally, a deep, sinister growl. Katsu quickly turned his head to Tanpo as his hand went to the handle of his sword. "Move!"

An ear-wrenching cry of a beast could be heard from where Katsu and Tanpo had gone throughout the vicinity.
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[fieldbox="A Moment of Truth?, seagreen, solid"]

Some time after the raid on the enemy was a success on the Eastern Continent.
A collab written by FrostedCamel and Oblivion666

Summary: Both thankful to be alive, they drink a bit to celebrate. Where some truths come out in the process.


The raid had been a success they had done a good deal of damage to the enemy, enough so by the time they retaliated countless on the enemies side had been taken. This would hopefully set them back a good deal for when they engaged them in battle again. Then again they had so many men, that even if they had killed a thousand, would that have even made an impact? They too lost some men in this raid, that was too be expected though, yet every soldier they lost was a slight hit to them. They didn't have the number like the enemy to think a few hundred meant nothing. She had seen some of these men die with her own eyes, some were from her own unit and despite her staying back to help others retreat it still dawned on her. Death was lurking on this battlefield, ready to claim anyone even the most seasoned veteran. Yet her just a newcomer to war, somehow was lucky to dodge death at every instance it gazed at her. Seemed a bit unfair to her.

Back at camp however, she wasted no time in celebrating with those in her unit that had survived. Alcohol was being passed around, and food was to be had. Yet she seemed to be going a bit heavy on the alcohol consumption, as she was a bit wobbly whenever she moved. Eventually her unit dispersed for the rest of the night, leaving Miu with a bottle in one hand. She wasn't really tired as she took another sip by the fire, and the camp still had some activity going on.

Walking through the Kumo camp, Toshi had managed to find his way into a group of celebrating soldiers, the drink flowing freely from bottles and skins across the area of the unit and food moving about in between. He had thoroughly partook in the ale and food as they were passed around, enjoying the boisterous company of the soldiers and the few shinobi present before the men started to disperse as the night grew longer.

He sat around the fire, recalling stories of his epic battle against the Vrykryl during the Hamlet Ambush and how he and one other had gained the moniker "Slayer", entertaining more than a few remaining soldiers but even that awe would be lost as the men gave into their physical limits.

He soon found himself wandering around the camp, a half empty bottle in his hand. Drunk and enjoying every moment of living as he went through the camp, he slowly and accidently wandered his way into the Sanosuke section of the large camp, soon spotting a familiar figure against the glow of the campfires spread about. He would approach Miu, swaying slightly as he did and taking a seat next to the girl.

"Miu, glad you're here." he said before taking a drink from the bottle in his hand from the earlier celebration.

Taking another sip from her bottle as the night grew colder she was debating turning in for the night, whenever her body would be capable of getting itself back up to standing. Yet before then a familiar voice caught her attention, turning her head to see her friend sitting next to her a wide grin appeared on her face. "Heeyyyy Tooasttyy!" Miu would say before laughing quite unlike Toshi has ever heard before. In fact it took her a minute to settle down from her laughing fit. "I'm just messing with you Toshi. Where were you, you missed all the fun!" Miu exclaimed giving him a friendly punch to the arm, but forgetting slightly to hold back in her excitement.

"Everyone already left, the quitters. Can you believe them calling me Hot Head by the way? Me? A hothead?! I am no such thing!" Miu stated getting a bit louder now as she wrapped her arm around his neck and started waving her bottle around. "I simply abide by rational thought, if something is fucking stupid. Then I will call it as such. I don't think that qualifies me to be called a Hot Head. Oh!" Miu suddenly got excited as she put down her bottle and poked him with her left index finger. "Did you hear that the whiny albino thing has some idiots calling her a demon?" Miu said before snickering, shaking a bit with her arm still wrapped around his neck. "If that is a demon then that's the saddest excuse of a demon ever!" Miu finished laughing again, grabbing her bottle and taking a swig of the almost finished bottle.

Toshi found himself a bit confused at Miu's sudden creation of a nickname for him, but laughed it off as the girl had obviously been celebrating quite a bit since returning from the raid. He smiled allowed Miu to laugh to her heart's content before she changed her tone, declaring it all a joke, "Miu, I'm not so dense or nearly drunk enough to have found that even slightly offensive, if anything it was a little amu-" he was caught off guard as the girl hit him in the arm, seemingly with about as much force as she would hit an enemy.

He reeled back instinctively at the jolt from the hit only to be suddenly pulled back in as Miu wrapped her arm around his neck, "Hey hey now! I'm precious goods!" he called out as she began to exclaim her silly little gripes to Toshi and apparently the rest of the camp. He shook his head before taking a drink from his bottle, "I was out with another group of soldiers, drinking of course…" he said, pausing to pull his scarf up a little as the cold winter air bit at the back of his neck, "and Miu, you're definitely a hothead." he said as he playfully pushed her face away with his left hand and continued to listen to her ranting.

He stifled a laugh, being sure to look around the immediate area once Miu brought up Mizuchi. Sure that she wasn't around he would lean a little closer to the girl that he was entrapped with, "If you're not careful, that demon may kill us both, especially if she's been drinking too. No telling what she'd be willing to do, or you for that matter after this much drink." he said jokingly to Miu as he took another drink from his own bottle.

She gave a slight pout when he stated he was out drinking with other soldiers and the pout turned to a frown, as her arm that was wrapped around his neck began to tighten a bit when he agreed with the others on her indeed being a hothead. The frown turned somehow into her downing the rest of her drink from her bottle when he joked about Mizuchi killing both of them if she wasn't careful about what she said. "I was on the immediate front lines when the ambush happened. Had my bones broken in that attack and almost lost my leg in the process. Then we fought against something that took an explosion and still kept coming. If anything is killing me, drunk or not. It's not gonna be a weakling like that claims my life! I survived way worse to go out like a bitch!"

Her ranting only seemed to be getting worse, but then she stopped and suddenly stared at him. "Seems like we have both been close to dying recently. We only had what three battles with them? Each time it seems riskier than the last. Yet we survive but it doesn't feel like it. I can see our numbers dropping, yet their numbers…. It's like we haven't even attacked them."

He found himself grimace as Miu's grasp around him began to tighten down at his comments, but instead of yelling in protest to the treatment he was receiving he found himself holding his tongue in favor of listening to the girl. Her rant about Mizuchi, as amusing as it was, quickly took a turn for the far more somber as Miu downed her drink and jumped into the fact that everything they seemed to be doing, was fruitless.

Toshi moved his neck in her grip, trying to readjust to a more comfortable position before finishing off his own bottle and gazing at the campfire in front of them, "It sure seems like we haven't made a dent in them. It's almost like trying to empty the ocean with buckets, except that every few scoops the buckets break and we've only got so many buckets. They're like a goddamn ocean. Almost numberless in comparison…" he said, surprisingly soberly for the events of the night.

He stared at the fire for a few moments in silence before he brought his arm up behind Miu's back and wrapped it around her side, grasping at her flank and pulling her even closer to him than they already were, "But we're alive, and that's what's important right now! We're still here and with all the shit we've lived through so far it doesn't seem we're going anywhere anytime soon! So fuck 'em! We'll kill them all twice if we've got to!" he said raising his voice to Miu's boisterous levels, "Torch their bones and piss on the ashes! By the end of this bullshit they'll know they should have never messed with Miu and Toshi!" he called out, raising his empty bottle into the air and attempting to drink from it once more. He lowered the bottle from his lips, a tinge of sadness at the fact of it as he did, before turning to Miu, their faces close as he spoke, "I'm all out."

He seemed to share in her mindset on everything they've done so far being pointless. The charge from the Sanosuke seemed to have done nothing but increase morale, than those monster Agnarr looking like they had a blast just slaughtering hundreds of them. The best those charges did was give some hope that they could outlast them with their equipment. It made her wonder if their raid tonight would show any damage dealt in the next battle.

She was remaining quiet until his grasp on her side sent a little shock through her as she was pulled closer to him. She gazed at him as he tried motivating her a bit, which didn't really work that well, or have much of an effect when a moment ago he agreed that so far things seemed fruitless. Yet she let him finish and gave a slight smirk, as she held a finger up to his lips. "Easy there killer. You get this close with every woman you see? Think you need to work on your motivating skills. It was a good attempt but came off a bit cheesy. Yet I do appreciate the gesture." Miu said lowering her hand and sighing.

"I just…. I'm afraid Toshi. I've never been afraid of much or hardly anything. I've only felt fear twice since we've come here. The night I almost died, and the battle where you faked your own death. We have come to death's door and only barely managed to close it! All it takes is one mistake and that's it! I don't want you to die!" Miu would yell at him shooting him a glare as her face flustered a bit. "If you tell anyone I said I was afraid, I'll beat you with death's door itself..."

His eyes grew wide as Miu placed her finger on his lips, his eyes darting quickly from her face to the finger in the bottom of his vision before he let up his grip a bit and pulled back from her slightly, "Only the pretty ones." he said with a sly smile before it was wiped from his face and replaced with a slightly guilty look as his eyes shifted away from Miu, "I was just trying to keep your spirits up…" he said quietly before she began to talk once more.

His face became sullen as he turned his gaze back to the girl. He listened as Miu seemed to open up to him once more, he couldn't fault her for being afraid, everyone was afraid whether they said it or not, everyone knew that everyone was afraid. Death was staring them down, and no one truly wanted to greet it with a smile.

"I don't… I know Miu… We all…" he struggled with his response to the girl, unsure how to take her words "everyone's…", his grip on her tightened, bunching up her clothes in his fist as he pulled her in close and embraced her, his head past her shoulder he spoke softly, "I'm afraid too…"

She raised an eyebrow as a smirk grew on her face at his comment of only pretty ones, although his expression seemed to grow a tad bit gloomy as he expressed he was only trying to keep her spirit up. "I know Toshi.." offering him a small smile to assure him it was okay. "I haven't beaten you senseless so it must have worked in a really odd way."

However she was surprised when all of a sudden his grip tightened on her as he pulled her closer to him, giving her a rather nice and comforting hug. She was silent a bit before wrapping her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Afraid of what exactly?"

He was relieved a little as Miu didn't pull away from his hug, and in fact returned it to him. He let silence hang over them for a little while before answering her question about just what he was afraid of, "You dying, me dying… Losing myself in this madness. In this war." he said as he could feel the warmth of Miu as they sat there with each other. If he didn't know any better he could have imagined they were back in Kumo, sharing a cold winter evening in each others company, but even allowing himself to imagine something such as that would be cheating himself from reality, from everything he had been through, from everything they had been through.

"I'm afraid of losing this." he said as he enjoyed the sensation of holding Miu in his arms, of her head on his shoulder, "I'm afraid of losing this…" he repeated to himself as if to confirm something he had long since struggled with.

"Well… using explosions like you do might increase the odds you die you know?" she said slightly laughing. "As you said earlier we just got to make sure we don't die and kill them twice if we gotta. However I am not pissing on any corpse." Miu would state giving a smile as her eyes perked up a bit at what he said next to her.

She remained silent a bit more before pulling her head back to look at him. "For a playboy you are shit at taking your chances when you can you know? You going to kiss me or are you not interested in a woman like me?" Miu would state to him, her arms resting on his shoulder.

"Explosions are my thing though…" he said quietly as Miu spoke, slightly disappointed that she would even suggest he stops using them. As she kept talking he would laugh at her comment about not pissing on their enemies, to which he held his tongue with a quick remark . He was surprised to find the girls warmth leave him as she pulled out of their embrace, but the surprise quickly left him as her arms remained around his shoulders and she came at him with what might have been a trap.

"Very interested actually." he stated with a grin as he placed his hands around her waist and leaned in to kiss the girl. He could feel her breath on his face as he got close, so close that he closed his eyes before he placed his lips over hers. A short moment of wondering if there was some sort of military regulation against this sort of thing was quickly thrown out of his mind as he pulled her waist a tad closer and continued, his smile evident as he kissed Miu.

"And you are free to keep using them until you accidentally blow yourself up." She would tell him as she now sat there wondering what the playboy would do in this situation. She had a slight blush forming, never really having been in a situation like this before. Then it dawned on her that he could shoot her down and then she would just look like an idiot. Yet much to her surprise he wasn't pulling away from her, and he didn't even look displeased. It kind of made her want to tease him a bit.

Yet before she could, she would wind up with his hands around her waist watching him lean in towards her. He was actually interested in her? The faint blush she had was now showing up much brighter, not quite expecting her first kiss to come in a war camp. Closing her eyes, her breathing picked up a bit as she could feel his breath on her. She tensed up a bit when he did kiss her, which subsided for a bit more relaxed at the moment. It however tensed up again as a sharp intake of air went through her nose as he pulled her in closer. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders a bit tightly before she let go and pulled back from the kiss.

"You really are a playboy!" Miu said trying to stop herself from smiling, yet for the most part failing to hide the small one growing on her face.

Toshi let out a long and quiet breath as Miu pulled away from him, taking in her face as she seemed to berate him over kissing her, 'So it was a trap…' he thought to himself as he smiled at the blush evident on the girls cheeks. He smiled at her as her own smile seemed to grow. Moving a bit closer to Miu, Toshi tilted his head to the side and placed a puzzled look on his face, if only as a joke, "I was only trying to get a bit of your warmth is all, if you haven't noticed it is snowing." he said as he pointed a hand to the sky. Without waiting for an answer he slid closer to the girl, nudging himself into her side, "It is fucking cold here." he said slightly disgruntled before slipping an arm around Miu and pulling her into him again, "Anything you'd like to do before we both go our separate ways for the night?" he asked curiously, "I was thinking finding more to drink, or just staying here for a while longer." his voice was a bit distant and he was staring up into the night sky, but there was a contentedness in his delivery of the question that was an answer enough to the fact he didn't care what she wanted to do, he'd do it.

"That was kind of cute…. In a really awkward way." Miu said giving a small smile, not really caring he nudged up against her. As he stated it was fucking cold, she would point up to the sky. "Well if you haven't noticed it is snowing." Miu said throwing his line right back at him. He would proceed to wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer to him. To which she snuggled a bit closer. Toshi would then asked what she wanted to do next as he was just gonna find more alcohol to drink. "How about we just enjoy the fire a bit more? Rather not drink too much and be puking my head off in the middle of a battle, or thinking any of this was because we drank too much." Miu said resting herself against him, a content smile on her face. Despite the fact they were basically in a war, this was the calmest she's been since stepping foot on this shitty ass place.[/spoili][/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="A taste of your mettle - Part Two - Team 7, green"]

Empire of Akino.

Hanaguro - River Province's capital.

A collab between Nim, Glitchybugger, Roran Hawkins and Gerontis.

Team 7 moves out along with Lady Haruka to guard her as she hopes to prevent bloodshed between two of her father's vassal clans. They fear the enemy might see this as an opportunity, and their expectations are fulfilled. It seems their opponent is far more dangerous than originally anticipated...

Karma had been there, having scouted the courtyard a couple of times and then finding a spot that allowed her to keep an eye on the majority of the place until the arrival of Kensuke and Kyoi. Once those were spotted, she went and approached them "Lady Tamiyo told me to not accompany her, and did not wait around. I decided it would be best to ensure this area is properly secure, as there was no need for both Kyoi and I to come get you." She briefly informed Kensuke.

Sounds of boots, jingling of chainmail as soft cracking of leather resonated faintly through the air to herald the approach of four guards with Haruka walking in front of them. Two sheathed swords of straight design rested at the hips of the young woman who had changed her attire to something easier to move around in. Spotting Team 7 at the courtyard, Haruka would head towards them as she would incline her head in a polite fashion towards them. "Some of Aratoshi´s men have been sent forward to observe the situation. But as I expected, I can't find Raikichi Okakzaki. A few of my confidantes are on the search for him, to see if he isn't linked to this event." Once more the Tamiyo would eye the blade to give her more of a hint.

"I have four guards at my disposal but I am not entirely certain what kind of capabilities your team has, master Nimatsu. From what I can tell is that the area the men of the Okakzaki as Nagata is urban. Not really offering much space, if I am not mistaken about the area."

Kensuke scanned her guards in turn, earning a quick nod of approval. They looked dependable enough. The fact that Karma had been ordered to stand to however was less welcoming news. But the fact that Haruka was armed and ready to participate in what was ahead probably topped the list of his concerns at this time. Yet the first thing he did when Lady Haruka spoke to him was bow and smile. "We are best equipped to protect you, my lady. Shinobi, to augment your guard." He said, and tapped his saya. "May I ask you to not put yourself at risk at least once, even though I don't doubt you'll overrule my request." He eyed her blade to give her more of a hint. "I would be a bad bodyguard if I didn't try to talk you out of it at least once."

Kyoi found herself slightly surprised by the fact that Haruka had taken it upon herself to arm up for combat, but being surprised wasn't really worth it, when your life is being threatened it is better to prepare to the eventuality of a fight after all. She quietly stood, bowing her head to Haruka upon her arrival and seemed to simply be waiting for the order to head out. The news about Raikichi's whereabouts definitely put him as a suspect, not to mention his attitude about the affair not long ago in the court.

If it came to it she'd probably be able to track him down, but that would depend on what she was told to do in the end, for now it was back to focusing on Haruka's protection.

Bowing as well once Haruka arrived, Karma's expression didn't change, but she did approve of how Lady Taimyo was lightly equipped and seemed prepared to fight for what she thought was right. As the young lady explained things further, she knew that she could potentially get a drop on people in an Urban area with her chakra suppressed, but that also required splitting up, which they did not wish to do. As Kensuke gave the advice to not put herself in harms way, which was a rather straightforward advice, Karma decided to remain quiet and see what further instructions they would be given.

"Good. My own guards have their own knowledge on ninjutsu but it is good to know that you shinobi are capable," was Haruka's initial reply to Kensuke. "And don't worry. I don't mean to get stuck into any violence but I am hoping to put some diplomacy on the table. Regardless of whatever ill intention is driving one party, I hope we can settle it without anybody dying today." Haruka's attention then shifted to the direction where they needed to head towards. "But we should get moving right away before things will have transpired without us being able to halt them."

Leading her four guards as team 7 from the central island, passed the fortifications, Haruka guided them towards the location where the troubled event likely would transpire. There was no sight of more Tamiyo guards or captain Aratoshi as the group continued to travel through the urban setting towards their goal. The quality of the building shifted slightly but the most noticeable was the amount of people that populated the streets, which would become somewhat more narrow.

Passing an alley, the group would hear a soft clicking. From the alley, captain Aratoshi appeared with his left hand resting on the hilt of his katana. "My lady," he said while performing a bow towards Haruka, followed with a nod towards Team 7. "It might delight you to know that the groups haven't yet clashed. The Nagata have entered a tavern while the Okakzaki haven't found them yet. If you desire, we could confront the Okakzaki before things will go messy."

"Hm, no. You will take Team 7 to the Okakzaki. I will approach the Nagata." Haruka would slightly turn to properly look at Kensuke as a faint smile crossed her lips. "Less dangerous that way. I will have my guards with me and see what Nagata know." The young woman stated as captain Aratoshi nodded, indicating that he would comply with the order.

Team 7 followed Lady Haruka and her guards through the streets of the town, surrounding her in formation. Kensuke acted as rearguard and had taken a moment's pause to summon two shadow clones, one of which camouflaged itself as they in turn trailed the formation, giving him accurate information of their surroundings and the nearby streets. Eventually they halted when Aratoshi approached them with more detailed information. Lady Haruka decided to send Team 7 along with Aratoshi to the Okakzaki, who seemed to be the offending party of nobles, while she would attempt to warn the Nagata with her own escort. Another item to add to the list of concerns. "Lady Haruka, I must point out that we are here to act as your bodyguards. We can't do that if you keep sending us away." He said, fully knowing she wouldn't give any ground. Both of his shadow clones changed course and would continue to follow Lady Haruka's group.

"Very well," the young woman nodded towards Aratoshi, "I will entrust you to apprehend the Okakzaki then. Take two with you captain," gesturing to two of the present guards, Haruka watched how the two guards and captain would walk away once Aratoshi had given directions to where the Nagata nobles were.

On the way, Haruka shot Kensuke a glance. "Forgive me if I am intruding but aren't you a lord yourself, master Nimatsu?" Haruka asked, her eyebrows lightly perking up. "And if I remember correctly, don't the Hyuuga have their own nobility as well?"

Kyoi's silence persisted as Kensuke pressed the case of them being her protectors and caused her to relinquish her desire to follow her decision to all but discard the fact that they were here to guard her so they could handle the Okakzaki. But now that they were set once again to guard detail Kyoi followed towards the tavern that the Nagata clansmen were apparently in, merely giving Haruka a quizzical look for a moment before she gave any response.

"Branch house Hyuga currently are more like… servants, I guess, compared to the Main house, which you could consider to be the nobility of the clan. So I am a medical shinobi first and a Hyuga second, as fits my set of skills, Lady Haruka."

Contrary to his expectations, Lady Haruka complied with his remark, and came back on her previous decision. The uncamouflaged clone began trailing Captain Aratoshi's group now. Lady Haruka was undoubtedly the priority, but Aratoshi'd have to make do with less manpower. If all would go awry, there'd be some back-up from his end at least. "I am, Lady Haruka. I am lord of the Nimatsu clan and our associated fort." He said without taking his eyes off the streets and the surrounding rooftops. "We are but a small clan though."

"Ah, I see," Haruka reacted to Kyoi first. Listening to Kensuke's answer, Haruka simply nodded in turn. The group would walk down the street and manage to find the establishment in which a group of the Nagata nobility had entered. Sizing the establishment, Haruka pondered. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be cautious. The goal is to figure out what could have stirred one group to go after another. I don't expect any violence but if something happens, how about a safe word?" Haruka suggested as she gestured to the tavern. It wasn't particularly large and the exterior seemed to be of good quality - or in any regards, well kept.

Once it seemed that Team 7 seemed ready, one of Haruka's guards would enter the establishment first. Followed by the other guard. The sound of the interior wasn't really much what one could expect of a tavern - it was compared to the general idea peaceful. Entering behind her guards, Haruka eyed the interior. A few patrons were enjoying a dish of their own, sitting with some distance from each other. A small group of men occupied a long table of their own as being the source of most of the noise inside the tavern. Upon sighting the two guards, Haruka and Team 7, a silence dawned into the room. One of the men would rise up and bow towards Haruka, speaking in a different language than Taika.

"Yakimara," Haruka stated softly, barely audible for Team 7, "If I switch and say something about the weather, something will be wrong," the young lady stated on a soft tone as she used the moment to turn half towards Team 7. Only to turn towards the men and begin replying back in a friendly tone. The conversation sounded quite pleasant as both the Nagata men as Haruka conversed in what seemed to be an easy going talk. The facial expression of the speaker of the Nagata made it clear that he seemed confused about what Haruka said but nothing that shifted the atmosphere into anything bad.

Eventually, the men of the Nagata seemed to converse among themselves as Haruka turned her head slightly, to say something to Team 7 over her shoulder. "They weren't aware that they were being trailed. They had received the invitation from Raikichi to soothe the hostility between their houses. However," the tone of Haruka shifted slightly, "They haven't seen Raikichi or anybody of the Okakzaki."

The group of guards followed Lady Haruka inside and stoically observed their new surroundings, immune to the surprised looks of the Nagata clansmen. Kensuke did not react to Lady Haruka's warning with anything more than an invisible nod as he played his role to completion. Until something went wrong. He leaned towards Lady Haruka and whispered in hear ear, his earcoms acticated in the secure channel only his team would hear.

"Captain Aratoshi is being ambushed." A moment later, before he had given anyone enough time to respond, he added more as his clones fed him more information. "Two groups of men are surrounding this place. Armed. Six front, eight in the back. We have about twenty seconds."

With that said he leaned back into his former position, subtly loosening his blade in the saya he carried at his waist. He eyed Haruka's other pair of guards and gave them a look that told them to be on their toes, while activating the other earcom he carried, the one only linked to Meilin's set. "Support, this is Team 7. We have a developing situation with the lady, a tavern called Rou's Mug, Northeast of Uchino district." Perhaps Meilin was in range, and perhaps she would hear them. But it couldn't hurt to reach out anyways. Outwardly he did not show a sign that anything had occurred, allowing Lady Haruka to broach the subject to her father's vassals. He did not want to test their trust in Konoha shinobi on the very day of their arrival.

Haruka's facial expression didn't shift. She would take the news in silently as the speaker of the Nagata spoke up again in Yakimara. Replying back, the young lady would say something that caused the men to look puzzled again but their expression shifted as they seemed ready to turn to the other side of the tavern. The two guards of Haruka would turn and swap places with their lady, while Haruka narrowed her eyes.

"Remember my words of before, master Nimatsu. Not all need to perish," Haruka said as a second later the door would be kicked open.

Without any warning, a man would rush forward. Oddly enough, only a knife held in his right fist. The attacker would lunge in what could be described as some sort of frenzied state towards the nearest member of Team 7 as more poured in. A chilling cold would flow into the establishment as the other patrons and staff seemed to panic.

As the events slowly unfolded, which included an ambush on Captain Aratoshi's side and the Nagata being seemingly unaware and clueless, Karma slowly moved to the side of the room, standing about halfway between the team and the door. When the door burst open, she turned her gaze to see a man that charged inside, a knife at hand, and appeared to be in some sort of a savage mode. Seeing the man soon switch his direction towards her, she took out a pair of kunai and prepared to clash with him.

The conversation between Haruka and the Nagatas looked to be going rather well until news from Kensuke alerted them to the fact that the building was surrounded and that they would be under attack in a matter of seconds. Without hesitation she activated her Byakugan so she could get a strong grasp on the situation and moved to one side of the door, putting herself more or less out of sight of whomever would step through first.

The man that did come through looked maddened, barely any sense in his eyes maybe, but her attention was quickly dragged away from him and Karma and she found her sight lingering on one that looked out of sorts compared to the others whom were all armed with some form small blades to fight with… But this was something else, disguised and a disgusting sight to look at under said guise, mutilated and mauled in unnatural ways.

"Kensuke, one of those, outside, watching." She kept her phrasing short so to give as little away as possible to anyone outside that was listening in, but to inform Kensuke as well as she could at the same time. Aside from that she prepared herself to strike any of the others who stepped through the threshold, she would trust Karma to be able to handle the crazed man on her own for the moment.

Having drawn his katana, Kensuke reached for several kunai with his left hand when the tavern doors busted open. With a flick of the wrist several were sent flying at the men that entered a moment later through the backdoor. Thoughtful of Lady Haruka's request, they were directed at various targets like kneecaps and ankles rather than their chests or faces. His clone outside, still camouflaged was moving in position to ambush their attackers when Kyoi spoke, indicating one of them was a leech. There might also be 'Others' among their attackers, but through Hideki they'd learned only the leeches couldn't hide their true form from a Hyuuga. The clone halted. Conserving the second stage of their surprise would be more helpful for now. His second shadow clone, having spent a not inconsiderable amount of chakra helping Captain Aratoshi dispatch of their assailants quickly informed him and his fellows about the other attack, telling them to come along and call for more aid.

"Keep me informed of what it does, but do not engage it at all costs." He told Kyoi and Karma while he stepped in front of Lady Haruka, adopting a defensive posture.

The man who had entered first after the door had been kicked in, didn't hesitate to enter a bout with Karma. While he seemed to be in a state of rage, his actions were controlled and anything but just flailing the sharp knife around. More foes would pour in, with short bladed weapons at the ready.

One of the foes kept standing outside, clearly waiting till his associates had entered the establishment. When the calm foe would start to walk in a relaxed pace towards the entrance, the cold inside the tavern would drop the temperature. Increasing the panic of the civilians inside the room. This soon would go along with sounds of combat, as the men of the Nagata nobility would collide against the enemies that came through the back of the building. A pair of grunts and screams erupted through the air as two enemies were disabled, to a certain extent, as Kensuke's kunai hit their mark. Allowing the Nagata group to quickly take care of the wounded foe as allowing to focus on the remainder of the flanking hostile group.

The guards of Haruka would keep a defensive spot, their blades drawn. One of the guards would cut down one of the attackers without any effort shown. A soft blue hue surrounded the blade, briefly glowing brighter with the guard's swing as the edge of the katana ripped through clothing, skin and flesh. Resulting in that one of the attackers collapsed on the ground, twitching and wheezing with a gash across the chest.

The rapidly dropping temperature was a telltale sign like no other that the last enemy that entered through the front door was the leech Kyoi noticed moments earlier. Kensuke didn't need to look at the other end of the room to know what was going on there. He breathed in and began radiating killing intent to confuse their assailants, and try to make him seem like a more imposing, bigger threat than their original mark, Haruka and the Nagata. Without turning from the three remaining enemies in the front he spoke to Haruka's guards. "Protect the Nagata. You are no match for these three. Lady Haruka" He said, before joining the engagement himself. "Stay with Kyoi."

He had to even the odds before facing the bigger threat, and while the leech was still going through the door it couldn't aid its assassins yet. He raised his sword to attack the third man, using the Leaf style willow technique to hide the actual direction of his attack, stabbing at the man's face across a totally different line than he'd initiated before the genjutsu. His invisible shadow clone outside dropped from the roofs and sneaked towards the door, waiting until the time was right.

The man's knife clashed with both her kunai before sending a kick towards her leg. Even though he had the appearance of someone in a fit of rage, his movements were still making sense as movements of attack. He quickly started to send his knife towards Karma in quick movements while clearly attempting to push her back further.

Not wanting to let him do so, Karma dropped one of her kunai from her hands, seemingly losing her grasp over it as she stayed on a defensive before giving it a swift kick mid air, sending it right at the man's stomach. The hit was successful due to the element of surprise, but the man, clearly driven, took it out before resuming his attacks against her. They had become slightly slower, but the rage in his eyes had still been there, and his movements was still well coordinated. She briefly wondered if all the men that had entered were like that, not including the leech Kyoi informed them of. The last thing they needed was for the roof to suddenly drop on them, though that did confirm the operations of the Zealots in the area in her opinion.

Kyoi nodded her head briefly in response to Kensuke's instruction and took a couple of steps back to bring herself closer to Haruka and the Nagata whilst keeping that "leech" in her sights, which wasn't difficult to do seeing as it had entered the tavern as well. "I recommend trying to stay out of the fight, I'll handle anything that comes our way."

In preparation for multiple attackers, Kyoi briefly formed a handseal and shook her head slightly, using the motion of her hair waving about to hide it's extension so she could use it for restraint purposes.

If the guards of Haruka agreed or not, they made no sound as Haruka stated something in Yakimara. The three made their way to the back as the Nagata seemed to be handling things on their side. A few patrons that had resided in the establishment had gotten wounded as one of the attackers in the back had thrown a few knives but nothing that seemed too grievous.

As the numbers of the attackers on the front were getting decimated, the calm appearing foe simply took a look around. There wasn't so much as arrogance as a certain confidence radiating from the posture and mannerism of the odd foe. The man's attention would turn towards Kensuke, the moment that the jounin exerted Killing intent. But his attention briefly went to the wounded and dying of his comrades. A faint smile would grow upon the calm foe as he then glanced towards the present Tamiyo and Nagata, with only Team 7 as obstacle.

Kensuke grimaced as he saw his opponent switch gaze to Lady Haruka and the Nagata clansmen after giving him but a moment of attention. He withdrew his katana from the face of the man dying on its tip, and coated the sword in chakra with a practised movement. With a determined expression he began walking towards the leech, his sword's point trailing behind his left side, poised to strike.

Without a word, Kensuke's invisible clone dashed inside attempting to stab the leech in the back of the spine with its blade before disengaging again. Half a heartbeat later, Kensuke himself charged forwards, dropping his blade and executing the fastest iaido cut he had in his repertoire with the concealed dragonsteel blade. Lady Haruka's wishes to avoid casualties had gone out of the window once he'd realised it was a leech they were fighting. They no longer had the comfort of choosing how to defeat their opponents.

As the man kept attempting to push her back, Karma briefly noticed at what occurred behind him. Seeing how both Kyoi and Kensuke weren't letting down, She looked at her opponent and decided to move to the side as the man did his most recent slice at her. While it did cut her arm slightly, it gave her a good position to hit the man's ankle, forcing it straight and afterwards another hit to cause the man to drop the knife as a crack was heard.

The man, looking at Karma with the same rage filled eyes, charged towards her, clearly aiming to push her back by force now. As she begun to move out of the way, she would watch him use a chair to quickly turn and then spin on the spot before throwing the wooden chair at her. Rolling out of the way and watching the chair hit the wall, she formed a few seals before pointing her hand in a gun form towards the man, Lightning gathering in her hand.

Without any interference, Karma took the shot and hit the man in his lower chest, making him briefly grasp it with his good arm before collapsing on the ground, clearly having some difficulty with his breath due to the last attack. Moving her gaze up, she considered where to go to next and who was the one who most needed aid.

A loud thud rang through the air as the shadow clone of Kensuke's attack landed but leaving no visible damage. Or even causing the calm foe to be appear fazed. The attention of the calm foe seemed to be focused on Kensuke in front of him. The right hand went to his belt, where a short weapon was hanging in its sheath.

Another sound screeched through the air as the dragonblade of Kensuke bite deep into what seemed to be old and slightly rusted metal blade of a small cleaver, resembling closely to what a butcher would wield. Still appearing calm, the leech would flash a smile. Pulling the cleaver downwards in an attempt to drag Kensuke with his blade into the desired direction, the cold would intensify.

As the encounter with these cultists and the leech continued, with team 7's side seemingly at quite the advantage at the moment, Kyoi made sure to observe what the abhorrent thing stood before them was doing. This was to a slight advantage for her as Kensuke engaged it with himself and a clone, a fluctuation and shift in the creature's chakra told the Hyuuga something quite important, but the following potential for disaster rearing it's ugly head towards the swordsman made her act.

Seals were easy and quick enough to form for Kyoi to induce a sudden, almost explosive acceleration of growth from her hair that lunged forwards to wrap around Kensuke's torso and haul him backwards out of the leech's range to save him from the fact that it had him more or less where it wanted him. As soon as Kensuke was in a safe range the ribbons of hair Kyoi had forced into being released him and she used it to begin plucking stray weapons from the fallen enemies, preparing herself to some degree with a potential of ranged attacks.

He didn't know why he wasn't surprised that his attack hadn't worked. Something told him it'd have been too easy if the creature could have been felled with a single attack. Yet, as he was dragged away from the thing by Kyoi's hair, he also came to the conclusion the leech hadn't realized his blade was made of dragonsteel yet. Or, more worryingly, it didn't care. His clone, having darted back after its unsuccessful attack now disengaged and dove into the kitchen of the establishment, quickly collecting any source of oil it could lay its hands on.

Kensuke landed back on his feet and grimaced at the creature. He didn't know why Kyoi had pulled him back, but if she'd seen something he hadn't, all the better for it. He knew that close combat wasn't exactly ideal against these things, especially given this one's reflexes and skill, but it was all he had. As the fighting continued at the other side of the room he realised there was no time for a drawn-out fight. Nor would it really work in their favour. The tip of his sword began describing a small circle to distract his opponent, and as it began multiplying through the Leaf Style: Willow technique once more, he launched himself at and past the leech, using his clan's hiden of falcon flight to grant his iaido cut even more speed to attempt and get past its defences.

Watching what occured between Kensuke, Kyoi and the Leech, she went and quickly picked up the kunai that was dropped before, turning towards the leech and throwing it at the shapeshifter, hoping to create an even bigger opening for Kensuke by either causing the Leech to need to deflect or by distracting it. Once it was thrown, Karma quickly moved towards Kyoi, trying to think about ways they could bring down the Leech.

After pulling Kensuke from a potentially lethal situation and gathering the weapons strewn about the ground, Kyoi maintained her Byakugan and her control over her hair, patiently observing the leech and Kensuke's fight in order to ensure she could pull him back out if it came to it.

One of the spare weapons she had in her possession she'd offer to Karma, in case she needed it. "I don't know how strong it is, but I'll try to restrain its arms once there's enough of a break between their fight." As she finished her quiet words to Karma, some of the ribbons of Kyoi's hair to begin to intertwine with one another to make something that was more or less like a rope of hair with noose-like loops at the ends. All she would need is a sharp enough pull to tighten the nooses around whatever she got a grip of as she guided her hair around any structural supports the tavern itself had to give herself anchoring points from which to pull.

The leech attempted to enter a bout against Kensuke but seemed both surprised and disappointed - by facial expression - that Kyoi pulled Kensuke backwards. It briefly threw a look at the situation at the other side of the room but didn't seem concerned about it all. A soft thud could be heard as the thrown kunai from Karma hit the leech's right arm. Only to fall on the ground, not even pinning into the calm foe. Drawing a blade that was sheathed before in a scabbard, at the Leech's left hip, the figure nodded to Kensuke. As if the leech seemed to accept a formal gesture or invitation to a duel.

A frown did come to exist on the leech's brow when Kensuke would try to use a genjutsu. While the frown grow on the brow, it would remain standing still while the leech took a basic stance. The tip of its straight blade aimed at Kensuke's chest while both hands gripped the handle of the straight blade. By the time that Kensuke launched forwards, the leech would dash backwards to match the Nimatsu's movement. The speed of the dash matched the Iaido while the drawn blade would be used to parry the impending attack.

It wasn't the first time Kensuke had faced a great swordsman, and he had overcome those he had faced before. To meet another in this foe was discouraging given what he knew about its physical attributes, but it would not stop him. However. The fact that it managed to match his speed, even when boosted with his fastest technique, was absolutely frightening. A frisson of terror electrified him and his killing intent flickered and died like a candle in the wind.

He engaged in an exchange of blows with his supernatural adversary while his mind raced to a solution to the problem of hitting the thing enough to bring it down. No, to keep it from murdering everyone here and taking Haruka anyways. Yet even now he felt his arms rock with every clash and every bind that did not reach a conclusion. Its strength was mighty, and only years of training and instinct prevented his opponent an easy victory to take advantage of that.

His clone tossed an earthenware bottle at the creature while Kensuke turned with it, completely focused on his fight. It then turned visible again and dashed over to Haruka and Kyoi. "We cannot guarantee to win this fight. We will hold out until your guard arrives. Kyoi, Karma, I will need your help." It said before turning back to the fight, letting Haruka's duo of guards do their duty while they faced the thing.

Kensuke's fight with the leech didn't seem to be going anywhere in Kensuke's favour seeing as his genjutsu had just been consumed like every other technique that required chakra, though Kyoi's attention was brought round to Kensuke's clone as he began to talk. "Whatever's needed, I'll give it a try. That leech absorbed your genjutsu, which is why it didn't work." Meanwhile the Nagata, Haruka and her guards had cleared the back of the building and were getting civilians out, which was at least fortunate.

And then she began to pick up on the weird chakra that started to flow into the downed warriors, chakra exactly the same as the leech's own. With her control over her hair maintained and enough common sense to know what might happen if they were allowed to continue to be influenced, Kyoi lashed out at the bodies to restrain them with her nooses of woven hair, then tighten their restraints provided she still had control over her hair at that point.

If they were being "infected" by the leech's chakra any point in trying to keep them alive for interrogation was dangerous, she'd have to keep a close eye on them and be ready to execute any of them if the need arose. "The leech's chakra is influencing the downed enemies, we can't leave any unrestrained survivors amongst their number until the leech is dead." She explained to anyone still present.

The Leech canceled out Kensuke's genjutsu and before Karma knew it, the team leader requested help with the Leech. Kyoi's explanation of what was going on only felt like it was making things worse. Seeing the way the Leech kept up with Kensuke's high fighting speeds meant she would have no chance in close range, and using any techniques directly at the leech would be rendered useless.

Trying to think about a solution as fast as she could, Karma looked around them. She would then quickly grab a stool and throw it at the Leech, knowing even if it hit it wouldn't do any damage, but perhaps it could serve as an opening as she picked up a second stool, but this time waited, as she briefly stopped to look around and see if any of them men would even try to rise.

During the bout with Kensuke, a smile crept on the lips of the Leech. There seemed no moment that the Leech was interested in anything else but the fight against the Nimatsu. An intense cold started to grow more present, almost making talking or breathing painful as the cold seemed to emit a sharp pain against naked skin - emulating sharp, tiny needles trying to penetrate the skin. Just before the Leech could attempt to land a jab, a bottle hit the dreaded figure. Causing it to freeze for a second, thus allowing Kensuke to get away.

"This has dragged on long enough," the voice of the Leech sounded harsh and was laced with a thick foreign accent. Suddenly one of the attackers that had been taken care would violently combust. There was nothing for the naked eye to signal the ignition that send blood, pieces of internal organs and debris flying. Just a moment later, a stool would hit the Leech, which made it throw a look at Karma. Raising his weapon, clearly readying for another bout against Kensuke as the Leech's attention returned to Kensuke. "We will finish this later."

Right after those words, more of the restrained bodies started to combust as the aura around the Leech started to shift and morph. Visible for Kyoi, the chakra started to grow denser and thus making the aura smaller at a rapid pace.

Whatever influenced the sudden pause in the battle with the Leech sent a brief chill of dread up Kyoi's spine, almost losing her focus on the maintaining of her Byakugan and hair manipulation technique. The moment she refocused herself and saw the change in the bodies around them something was definitely wrong, but she only knew what as soon as the first body exploded.

As the area around the man was painted with organs, chunks of bone and all the blood left in his body Kyoi immediately released any restraint she had on the other bodies and instead tried to make some form of woven hair barrier between them and any of the fallen men.

"We need to get out of here, the others are going to explode." There were probably windows or doors through which they could all get out, but it was a case of how long it took for them to get out that was part of the issue.

The main issue she had in mind was collateral damage from any of these guys exploding whilst Haruka was still present, so she made sure to stand herself between as many of the bodies as possible and Haruka, in case her attempted barricade of hair wouldn't stand up to the force of the debris being flung around.

The growing cold failed to distract Kensuke at this point, as the gravity of the situation had fully come to him. He passively noticed it grew into a biting cold, but not one that was any worse than that of the Land of Iron in mid-winter. He could live with it. The bottle of cooking oil hit it, covering it with the liquid that would make any fire technique grow from a snack to a threat, and it paused to give him a second look. At several points Kensuke had come close to scoring a strike, only to be warded away by the thing's crazy strength and reaction speed. The leech had had an equal share of opportunities only barely warded off by Kensuke's muscle memory filling in where his reactions or strength were not enough. Yet even then, the pause the leech gave him was sudden enough to make Kensuke realise he hadn't been winning that fight. New gouges in his arm bracers said enough of the times he'd been only just in time to properly drive away the leech' attacks.

Breathlessly, Kensuke awaited its next move. One of the assailants' bodies exploded and not a moment later a chair hit the leech with an unsatisfying thud. Curiously enough, instead of retaliating the leech began teleporting away as more bodies began to glow with the tell-tale sign of bad news. He realised their corpses were all over the tavern. One of them lay not a meter behind him. His clone, which hadn't just fought a monster hand to hand, had more presence of mind and blew a corpse away before throwing itself in front of Haruka. "Fuck."

Kensuke began dodging as the explosions started.

The thrown stool hit successfully, but that seemed to not matter one of the fallen assailants exploded barely a moment prior, catching her by surprise. She wiped the blood away from her face in time to spot the thing's stare at her, presumably for her own action.

Once Karma heard what was said by the Leech, followed the actions performed by Kensuke's clone, she quickly turned a pair of tables on the side, providing some shelter against the explosions though not entirely as she begun hearing the bodies that combusted.

Looking in the direction of the clone who stood in front of Haruka, Karma begun using the Water Trumpet to stop any flying body pieces from hitting the two by pushing them away mid air.

"Next time," the two words were merely whispered from the ominous figure as his own shadow enveloped him by the looks of it. Vanishing in broad daylight, the bodies would still explode without its nearby presence. The debris that would be send all over the place did hit and wound several people but the chaos of violence as the Leech's explosions were replaced by an uncertain silence. The shadow clone of Kensuke managed to catch some debris as Haruka was helping with her guards to escort the last of the patrons out of the establishment. Soon enough as the dust settled in, the interior seemed to resemble as if two armies had decided to hold a bar fight.

Not much long after the conclusion, more household guards of the Tamiyo arrived on the scene and started to set the perimeter. Closing it for any curious bypasser. More reinforcements flooded in from the local police and guards that consolidated the returning order and peace.
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  • Nice Execution!
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[Fieldbox= Training and Testing, Aqua]

Amegakure, capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.

Satia & Aiko Collab.

Written by Lesli & Winter

The jounin readied herself quite early. No new message had been send to the barracks to inform them of any new assignments or change of plans. Neither had Zakito tried to reach her over the secret seal communication. Which meant that Aiko could utilize the day to train the members of her team and group. Even while Aiko did desire a certain break to just wind down from the last sequences of operations, there was no good reason to slack or skip training her pupils. Once she had managed to arrange a place at the Training Facility, she would send a message from the training complex towards the barracks. The first that she wanted to spend some attention to was Saita Cho. The newest addition to team 8, who really had no other experience than the past assassination. Thinking of it, Aiko wondered if that wasn't a bit harsh for the younger Cho. To start your record with an assassination and able to stay cool at it did, however, show good promise.

The tile that was reserved was a plain grass field. The closed in arena did really not help to give the idea that they were somewhere near Konohagakure's meadow or grass field, certainly with the lack of the sun and a clear blue sky. But it was better than the concrete fields while rain continued to pour on them. Besides, if she desired to change the field and make it rain or freeze, she had the techniques for that. Deciding to first do some basics with Satia, Aiko would wait for her newest pupil to arrive at the facility and the tile that was reserved for them.

Satia had been contemplating the previous mission, going over it in her head and into the intricate details of everything she'd done during the operation. She felt it was wise to do so, to consider alternatives to reaching the same result or to think about areas that could have been improved. She'd taken steps to minimize risks when she'd switched herself with one of the performers, utilizing her throwing knives to cut her exposure time in half. Never the less she probably could have been faster and more conscious of other methods including the various poisons she has at her disposal.

The young Cho made her way towards the training facility, taking off her coat and hooking it in the lobby before meeting Aiko on the training room floor. As before, she balled her left hand and pressed it against her right palm, bowing her head forwards slightly, "Good morning Aiko-Sama" she said softly, "I came as soon as I received your message" she spoke in fluent Chonobi, knowing the language would be more comfortable between the two of them.

Turning half around as she heard Satia's voice, Aiko flashed a polite smile. "Good morning, Satia," the jounin replied back in the same language. "I hope you had a decent rest so far. I just thought on how stressful it must have been for you. Starting your first mission with an assassination, technically being separated from the entire team and being surrounded by potential hostile contacts." The jounin paused for a moment. "If you wouldn't mind, could you perhaps inform me how you felt and consider how things went? No need to just be polite and formal about it. It is just us and I already made my report, so if you felt that I or the team could have done something better then you just need to say it."

Satia was pleasantly surprised by the question, she hadn't expected to be allowed the freedom to raise criticisms and especially towards others that were more experienced than herself. She nodded, allowing herself a moment to recount what'd happened before responding. "Over all the mission was a success, our objective completed without any casualties so as far as I'm concerned all involved handled their roles superbly" she paused, turning her head to the side as she thought a moment longer, "Perhaps I could have been faster in execution of my first objective, the switch with the targeted performer. The method I used could have been a risk and perhaps I should have considered alternatives that minimized that" she smiled, "Other than that I'm afraid I couldn't see what everyone else was doing, although the distraction I asked for was perfect and executed exactly when I was ready for it, so I can't say I have any complaints" she finished eventually. "Although, I'm greatfull for the trust placed in me for my tasks within the mission".

While listening, Aiko nodded. It was true that she wanted Satia's opinion but her question was also aimed to get something else out of it. The genin's profile was a nice thing to have, allowing to get a certain basic understanding of who Satia Cho was. But it was quite known that paperwork didn't always detail what happened in practice. The fact that the genin did think about her own actions and consider various other methods on how to be more efficient was a bit surprising, but a pleasant one at that. Memorizing it, Aiko would plant her hands on her hips as she waited for Satia to conclude her answer. "Good analysis," was Aiko's initial reply, "I am happy to hear that you don't have any complaints. Would be a bad start if I had pressured you too hard. But with that out of the way, I need to put you to a certain test. After all, I have only some idea on what kind of skills you have. The last assignment already proved that you are able to stay calm in stressful situations. Which is a good quality to have as a kunoichi, but," Aiko would turn and point at the field, "There is the requirement that you will be able to do other tasks. Direct combat, subterfuge and other specialisations. Let us start with something simple, okay?"

Gesturing Satia to wait, Aiko would start to make some distance with the genin. Once she had the distance she preferred, the jounin would bring her hands together to weave various hand signals. Creating genjutsu clones of herself, Aiko would walk back to Satia. Once more to measure if she had the distance right. Pointing to the genjutsu clone at the right, the jounin spoke to Satia. "I want you to hit that one while standing still. You are allowed to use any technique or tool that you have. To give you some insight, the clone represents a target that isn't aware of your intention or attack. Judging by this distance, you should be able to pull off an attack that isn't stealthy, but," a smile briefly adorned Aiko's lips as she casted a sideways glance towards Satia, "I will give bonus points if you manage to land an attack that won't draw too much attention to you."

The younger Cho stood and listened intently as Aiko responded to her analysis, creating a Genjutsu clone with ease before returning towards her. Satia had expected Aiko to test her skills, after all it only made sense for the Jounin to learn more about what Satia was capable of so that she could better use her in the field in future operations. The Genin returned the smile as Aiko mentioned stealth as a bonus option, a method that Satia favored above direct confrontation as it mitigated risks with a better result for the one initiating combat.

Satia brought her right arm out in front of her before turning her palm upwards, using her other hand to draw her sleeve back to reveal the brace mechanism that pushed throwing knives forwards from an ammunition stock on her forearm. A subtle movement from her wrist activated the mechanism, which clicked and pushed the first knife into her hand. Satia wanted Aiko to see this demonstration as she felt it would enable her to better understand how Satia was able to deliver them so quickly like she had done during the last mission.

"Tunaga Caelithis" Satia mentioned as she drew a vial from her side, pressing a fingernail against the bridge of the vial's spout which made it drip a single drop onto the knife, "A plant that grows commonly in Konohagakure, used in the creation of various sedatives for medical practice. However, when combined with epinephrine or otherwise known as Adrenaline, the body struggles to cope between increasing heart rate and slowing it, the signals from the brain are mixed and the body goes into a cardiac arrest".

Satia planted her left foot back and in one smooth fluid motion she cast the throwing knife up towards the ceiling of the training facility. The knife would quickly become hard to detect for the average man, but Aiko with her experience would be able to track it as well as the very thin wire trailing behind it. The knife would reach it's apex before Satia made a subtle bend in her finger, causing it to arch down towards her target like an artillery projectile, using her perception the younger Cho would accelerate the blade to cut across the clones leg, looping the wire to flow over the head of the clone.

She would then quickly pull her arm back, clenching her hand into a fist. The wire pulled taught and the knife accelerated back towards her at speed, a second later and the knife would be caught between her fingers. "With a successful cut, the poison should infect the bloodstream with the desired effects and the target will appear to be having a cardiac arrest or as some know it, a sudden heart attack. Target dies within minutes, no one suspects foul play".

Whistling softly, Aiko was wondering how far Satia's knowledge of herbs reached. Remembering that the genin's profile did dictate that Satia was somewhat indulged in it, the jounin decided to remain silent. That question could be answered later on, she figured. Watching Satia's performance, Aiko saw how Satia utilized her tools together. She had expected that the genin would go straight for the target. Obvious target spots would be the head, throat, chest or even an arm - in order to disable or lower the target's combat capability. Upon seeing the knife being influenced to arch, the jounin's eyes widened for a second. Only to subtly nod, approving of the way how the younger Cho approached this test. "Very well thought out," Aiko replied, staring at the unfazed clone. Though the attack had gone straight to it, Aiko couldn't argue that the genin would have been able to land a deadly attack on an unsuspecting real target.

Nodding once more, the jounin would gesture to the second genjutsu clone. This version was at a longer distance and facing Satia directly. "Change of situation. The target is aware of your intention but isn't aware of your skill. This means that they are likely to be cautious and try to avoid your attack. Like before, try to land a hit. Doesn't need to be a vital one but just a hit would suffice. Much like before, you are required to stay in this spot." Once finished with the instruction, Aiko would gesture the genin to give it a try.

Satia was pleased that Aiko approved of her method, an attack that employed lethality without an obvious and distinct delivery was one of Satia's stronger areas. What mattered to the younger Cho was the result, as long as the objective was met the delivery was only as important as the desired end to the result. For example, Aiko had asked her to remove the target without it being abundantly clear who had killed the target, therefore creating a situation where the target appeared to die without outside interference made for the most profitable outcome, as no one in a realistic setting would suspect her and her target would still meet his or her end.

The next test was more challenging as the clone was aware of her and facing her, meaning a stealthy approach like before wouldn't work. Satia nodded to Aiko in understanding before she set her eyes back upon her target, considering her options before she drew her arms up again, this time sliding all ten of her blades into her palms at once. She kept them together instead of fanning them out, a method she'd use in close quarters or to bat away projectiles, no she needed all ten to only appear as two in this instance and for a specific reason.

Satia would bend her knees a little before she sprung her arms forwards, sending the blades forth towards her target. Even a trained eye would struggle to note that the blades were overlapping, creating the illusion of being a single blade thrown from each of the girls hands. Satia would wait for the clone to attempt a jump before opening her hands and twisting her wrists in opposing directions, causing the singular knives to burst into ten blades cascading outwards like sharp hands, crisscrossing over each other like a wired web to snare the clone.

Watching the performance of Satia, this time the genin wouldn't restrict herself to one knife. More than half a dozen were moving towards the genjutsu clone. Limiting the movement of the genjutsu clone, who tried to spot which blade would move in first. "Adapting to the situation. Almost as fast and good as him," Aiko thought to herself in silence. The genjutsu clone first moved to the right, trying to evade one of the knives that moved in. Only to be caught by some others. It was clear that if it were a real target that more than half of them would have hit the target. "Huh, not bad. Seems you got it all set on mid range combat. Which is usually a range most genin struggle with." Allowing Satia to recover her knives, Aiko would snap her right hand fingers. Causing the two earlier genjutsu clones to slowly vanish into thin air.

"Now that we got those two situations handled, let us try to spice things a bit up. Remember," Aiko said as she started to make some distance from the genin, "This isn't something you need to pass. I want a better understanding of where your skills are at. What you're good at and what I can help to improve." Once she had made around ten to twelve meters distance, the jounin turned towards Satia. "This situation is quite simple and yet probably the most challenging. You need to hit me once. Preferably without any poison. I won't use my poison as well, to keep it even. This is a combat scenario where you're facing a more experienced foe. Something you might come a lot of times as a genin. That shouldn't mean that you have no chance. I have seen lower ranked taking on higher ranked and winning their fights. Ready?"

The younger Cho was pleased to see her attack method snare the clone, bending her fingers and moving her arms in such a manner that recalled all ten blades to her hands. Once secured they would disappear once more, secured to her wrist brace beneath the long sleeves of her blue-white dress. Satia listened intently as Aiko went on to explain the next challenge, one which posed a much harder challenge then confronting clones. She gave a soft chuckle at the mention of not using poisons, a fair ask given the various different effects of them could supplement a lot of what Aiko likely wanted to test from her. Not to mention that it'd be a better test to concentrate on areas where Satia wasn't within her advantages.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply to compose herself before nodding towards Aiko, "Understood ma'am" she replied politely before her arms gracefully drew up into an offensive stance, arms bent with the tips of her fingers facing Aiko like serpents ready to strike, bending her knees as she watched Aiko very carefully and closely for subtle hints of movements. "They say in the art of the sword the one who strikes first is at his disadvantage" Satia spoke with a small smile, "The first move is yours Aiko-Sama". Under normal circumstances of course Satia wouldn't verbalize this, but given this was training she felt it was necessary to talk through her thought processes. Confronted with a more experienced opponent, Satia would always opt to strike second... unless of course it was necessary to strike first.

Aiko's head slightly cocked to the right. The jounin didn't seem to take up on any active combat stance while her student did so to prepare herself. The words of Satia provoked a smile on Aiko's lips. A soft chuckle would become audible as Aiko nodded towards the genin. "I admit, this is new. Most genin are over eager to land a first strike right away. Or consider it is always good to be in the offensive, putting the other in the defense." Bringing her hands together, Aiko would start to take a few steps back. Her words weren't meant to waver or taunt Satia. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Satia was older and more mature than most genin? It could lead to the sharp observant capability that the young woman had already shown. Deciding to not take it too easy, Aiko would start to mould chakra in her hands to see if Satia would still remain cautious, wanting to react instead of act.

The younger Cho smiled at Aiko's response but kept her stance firm, eyes watching her closely as she began to mold Chakra. Ordinarily this would be cause for concern and would ask the Genin to disrupt the Jounin before she could continue with her plan, however Satia would not relent to that tactic, instead choosing to remain cautious as she simply made her own preparations. Aiko was still out of her immediate striking range, which meant that Satia had time to make preparations of her own. The younger Cho inhaled before she began to channel her wind release towards the tips of her fingers, although she decided not to make it abundantly clear why she was doing this for the time being.

With Satia not taking action, Aiko was wondering when the young Cho was going to cease to surprise her. Or was it because she was so used to over-eager genin? Narrowing her eyes, the hands of Aiko shot together to form the 'Bird' hand signal. The chakra molded in the jounin's hands would move at a rapid pace towards the stomach, only to travel towards the jounin's mouth. Blowing a strong gust, Aiko didn't aim it directly at Satia. Instead, the would-be-attack was aimed at the ground. Causing dust and specks of mud to be thrown into the air, towards Satia.

Satia remained in her spot as the Jounin blew a gust of wind towards the ground, knocking up mud, dirt and debris into the air towards her in an impressive display. Firstly, before reacting Satia closed her eyes to avoid being blinded by the attack, relying on her ears for the sound of movement as she waited the necessary seconds for the debris to settle in the air. Meanwhile the Genin decided to regroup and recompose herself, bending her knees before nimbly kicking off the ground into a back flip. While airborne she pushed all ten of her knives into her hands, splaying them out in her palms into metal fans before transferring the wind release energy towards their edges. As she began to fall she rotated her torso into a sideways roll before bringing one of the metal fans towards the ground with a strong grunted exhale, aiming to cut the dust cloud in half and disperse it.

Letting the gust die down slowly, Aiko watched the reaction of Satia, a soft whistle escaped the jounin's lips. The reaction of Satia was anything but expected, once more. Aiko had considered that the genin would attempt to fight it straight on back with a wind technique of her own or try to move just out of range. Now with more distance between them, Aiko would form a different handseal. No immediate effect would be displayed, even while Aiko would slowly let her hands fall to her side. Slowly but surely the temperature would start to drop by a bit as a few drops of water fell from the ceiling. What appeared to be mist started to spread at the ceiling, becoming darker as it started to pour harder with each passing second. "I hope you don't mind me starting to spice things up."

With the dirt cloud dealt with, Satia landed into a nimble roll back onto her feet after delivering the air blast, recomposing back into her stance as she watched for Aiko's next move. The Genin was paying close attention to what Aiko was doing, retaining the information and trying to weave together patterns of movement so that she could gain more of an advantage based on knowledge, given she was easily outclassed on skill and experience. The drop in temperature and the massing cloud caught Satia's attention as she gazed upwards for a moment, her brow furrowing before something clicked, causing her to smile. 'Wind release can be combined with Water release to make it more destructive... she thought to herself. As a user of Wind release this played into her own advantages as much as Aiko's and Satia intended to capitalize on it.

With the presence of water the concussive force of their Wind release should become much more potent, which meant ordinary wind based moves would dramatically increase in efficiency. This gave the younger Cho an idea. "Not at all" she called back, "It was starting to get a little mild in here" she replied in good spirits before she bent her knees, leaning herself forwards before throwing her fans to deliver two concussive blasts of air.... behind her. Kicking from the ground in the same moment Satia would be launched towards Aiko at a staggering speed. She would collapse the metal blades in her left hand, extending two of her fingers with the intentions of delivering a non lethal strike to Aiko's chest. Whether she hit or missed she would nimbly flip and roll herself mid air after passing Aiko, offering another blast of air to correct and slow her speed as she slid on her feet across the wet mud.

"Ah, here we go," Aiko mumbled when she saw that Satia moved into the offensive. Getting ready, the genin was crossing the distance between them with a dangerous speed. Instead of pulling a weapon to parry the incoming blow, the jounin would seem to vanish slowly with the rain. Each rain drop that seemed to touch the jounin acted as an eraser, as if the existence of the woman was simply Satia's imagination. Though as Satia came close, Aiko seemed to be forced to evade the attack with a quick skid to the left. "Seems that it was smarter to go with the rain than mist. She would have been more than capable to deal with the mist technique," Aiko thought to herself, wondering what the genin would do with a foe that wasn't visible for the naked eye if a quick counter-measure was taken.

Satia found herself striking nothing as the image of Aiko faded away within the rain. With her offensive strike unsuccessful the Genin focused on controlling her descent as she delivers a blast of wind to slow herself before sliding along the wet mud on her feet. Once she came to a stop she smiled, "Most impressive" she said out loud, not to patronize but because she was truly impressed by it. Aiko had vanished, a quick look of her surroundings showing no visual sign of the Jounin. Then again she remembered how the older Cho had simply melted into her shadow so while she couldn't readily see Aiko she knew she had to be somewhere.

The Genin could think of a single strategy for this, a some what unorthodox method as her previous two ideas wouldn't provide her with much help. Her first idea had been to simply close her eyes and listen for her footsteps against the wet ground but given the patter of the rain distorted the sound waves it'd be like looking for a needle a field of wheat. Looking for signs of her footsteps would be equally as difficult for the same reason, as each droplet striking the ground made it's own ripple effect, masking Aiko's. Needless to say the Jounin's plan was a true test and one not easily overcome by a Shinobi with her experience.

Perhaps it was Satia's creative mind that'd gotten her this far, the ability to see beyond what is readily obvious. She gave a soft chuckle, "It's been some time since my hide and seek days" she called out, "Let's see if I can find you". Splaying her other knives back into a metal fan she once again inhaled, focusing on her breathing and concentrating as she prepared something with much more power than the previous displays. The Genin brought her hands together before throwing a concussive blast at her feet, kicking from the ground to propel herself higher into the rain filled air above. Like before she twisted herself once she reached the apex before she began to fall.

Bringing both metal fans together, Satia exhaled a long hard breath as she exerted a loud feminine grunt, hitting the ground hard with her feet as she slammed the fans downwards at an angle at the ground. A thunderous boom echoed as a pressure wave dispersed outwards from Satia, kicking up a huge mud wave that'd travel and build in size forcing Aiko to either reveal herself or outrun the wave till it ran out of momentum.

Silence echoed the action of Satia, only being disrupted suddenly by a force of a small focused gust that blasted some of the mud backwards. Slowly appearing, the jounin had made some distance from her last position, looking at her student. "Clever. Though, I suppose that hide and seek has always been my favorite game." While Aiko replied back to keep the atmosphere playful, she was more serious at mind. So far Satia was proving herself to be 'troublesome'. She wasn't fazed by the fact she was at a huge disadvantage by experience or fact she possessed less techniques. Then was the fact that the genin was proving herself to be quite creative. Perhaps it was time to kick it up a notch? As the jounin spoke again, the rain seemed to start to hide her once more with each and single word spoken. "I suppose it is fair that I start to take this a tad more serious. Let see how well you can manage against counter-offensives, Satia."

Satia darted to the right quickly as Aiko cut through the mud wave with a precise blast of wind, pushing some of the mud backwards which the Genin wanted to avoid. Although her area of effect attack had failed, it'd managed to reveal her opponent if not for a short amount of time. Aiko mentioned making things more difficult with the introduction of counter offensives to which Satia nodded. "Alright, sounds like a plan" she replied before recomposing herself back into stance as she approached Aiko again within a reasonable distance to begin a new round. Satia had tucked her knives away again, leaving them out posing the risk of telegraphing a movement early if she chose to use them again for another strike. Her task was still to land a hit on Aiko, a feat she hadn't yet achieved. The younger Cho refused to let herself become frustrated, this wasn't supposed to be easy and it was intended to be challenging. Once again she inhaled as she began to channel Wind release back to the tips of her fingers.

With her hands already vanished and only her torso as head visible, not yet 'washed away' by the rain, Aiko would weave a few handsignals. From behind Satia, a faint sound would become audible as Aiko appeared behind a position of the genin. "Wind Release," the jounin mumbled as she would inhale deeply, holding the last handsignal. The slowly vanishing Aiko's eyes narrowed slightly. There was little to no detail on Satia's skill with genjutsu. Which made the current counter-measure perhaps a harsh? Wondering about it, Aiko would see what the genin would do upon hearing that a sudden attack would come from an unexpected angle.

Unfortunately Satia had very little experience with Genjutsu, she had no skill sets that enabled her to even perform it herself. Illusionary tactics were something she implemented through the introduction of toxins and poisons, commonly introducing the victim to a fever like state where they couldn't be entirely sure of what they were experiencing or feeling. It was far less diverse and controllable than Genjutsu but it was Satia's only current method for bringing similar affects to the battlefield.

Satia's eyes widened when she heard Aiko's voice appear behind her. Had she really moved so fast? had the Aiko she'd been talking to been a clone the entire time. There was no reason to doubt either outcome and as such the most sensible reaction was to react as if it were the real Aiko, eliminating risk of falling prey to an unseen attack. The younger Cho bent herself in half as she placed her palm against the muddy ground, shooting her foot backwards and up to swipe across the cheek of Aiko's clone.

If it hadn't become apparent already, mostly all of Satia's physical attacks were very fast accurate strikes which combined both a graceful fluid motion learned from dance combined with flexibility from the same teachings. It didn't take an experienced Shinobi to see that Satia's build meant that she couldn't sustain a lot of hits, which was perhaps the reason why she chose to use very fast and precise strikes. That was her trade, physical endurance for staggering speed.

The kick phased right through the second and visible Aiko, revealing its nature to be nothing but an illusion. The real Aiko had vanished once more with the rain and made certain to not betray her newest position easily. Having made once more some distance with the genin, Aiko was eager to put Satia through another genjutsu. However, as she was enjoying the cat and mouse game there would also be little to gain to put the genin into a direct genjutsu. Instead the jounin would let the genjutsu clone vanish into nothing while the rain pour continued to mask the real Cho jounin from sight. "What is your next move, Satia?"

Satia noticed her foot phase through the clone as she followed through with her momentum to fall back into her stance in one fluid motion. She turned back and noticed the other Aiko had vanished, exhaling as her eyes moved to pick her out only to quickly come to understand that she'd likely vanished back into the rain. Hearing Aiko, the young Cho considered her options for a second before casting her vision towards the high ceiling of the training room floor. "Sometimes to level the field we must sacrifice our own advantages" she said before she would bring her arms forwards, presenting her middle and index fingers as she threw several quick jabs upwards with each hand, shooting volleys of wind blasts into the mist above them to disperse the rain cloud, intending to end Aiko's shroud and at the same time sacrifice the buff to her wind release.

"That is a new one," the jounin thought to herself as the genin attempted to disperse the rain technique. Even with the ceiling being quite high, it wasn't as high as the sky. Making the technique more vulnerable for such counter-measures, such as Satia's attempt. While Aiko could start to make it into a contest of endurance, trying to strengthen her technique while Satia would attempt to disperse and nullify it, the jounin would let the genin succeed in her attempts. Slowly the cloud would be shattered and blown till the rain was stopping. Revealing the location of the jounin. Standing at a long distance from the genin, Aiko's head slightly cocked to the left. "Not bad. I am starting to get a good idea of your fighting style. Yet, I want to see a bit more. If you wouldn't mind, perhaps try to keep up your offensive." A friendly smile would be flashed as conclusion to the polite request.

With many holes punctured in the rain cloud it died and shriveled away. Had the cloud been higher in an outside arena the Genin would have had to propel herself upwards before unleashing the volleys, a more taxing feat but not one that was outside of her ability. Satia's eyes fell upon Aiko once more and listened as she requested her to be more consistently offensive with her attacks, the younger Cho giving a nod. "I'll do my best" she replied. Before Satia got around to initiating the engagement once more she decided to perform a quick trick to deal with an issue.

Satia's clothes were wet and as such it meant she was currently slower as they retained the weight of the water within them. moving her wrists she angled her metal fans to direct a torrent of wind back towards herself, planting her feet as she let the wind blow through her, causing her hair to whip violently as water was dried from her clothing or pulled from it entirely. It took a few moments but when the wind relented Satia was more or less much more dry than before. "Sorry about that" she replied genuinely before preparing herself. "Let us continue".

As requested Satia would immediately step up into a purely offensive move set as she drew her arms outwards to her side and kicked into a staggeringly fast sprint towards Aiko. A keen eye would note wind release influencing her movements beneath the heels of her feet, allowing her extra speed to close the gap. Satia tested Aiko by throwing one of her knives wide, arching it around to move in towards her from her left side, another arching over to strike down from above and another heading directly for her.

For a moment Aiko wondered what Satia was going to do. A soft, "Ah," escaped the jounin's lips upon spotting and understanding what the genin did. "So, she has shown the capability to stay calm in tense situations. Is creative in counter-measures. Knows about herbs and thus poisons. Wind nature is her affinity and she clearly has mastered the basics of it. Has great accuracy," Aiko summed up in her mind as she nodded back, as only response to Satia's apology. "If I don't watch out, I will be outdone at this rate. I could kick it up a notch but that would defeat the purpose." The jounin further thought while observing the genin starting to close in the distance. The jounin's green eyes quickly scanned the various angles of impending attacks. There was the tempation to show what she could do regarding weapon use but instead Aiko would bring her hands together. Weaving the five required handsignals as fast as she could, the woman brought her right hand to her mouth. Forming an 'o' before she would expell a large and fast torrent of water out of her mouth. Aiming it towards the ground, it would whip up and form a defensive wall of water to blockade the attacks and deter a straight on attack.

Satia raised her eyebrows as she ran, seeing the wall of water rise which threatened to knock the knives away, deciding it was better to recall them early than to waste time letting them continue onward on their destined to fail trajectory. Despite the water wall Satia didn't break her momentum, instead choosing to launch herself forwards into a front flip, waiting for her feet to be aimed towards the wind wall before kicking both legs at it, aiming to puncture a strong blast of wind right through it to Aiko on the other side. The punch from the wind combined with the water should jet it back at Aiko like a water cannon and in fact, it was what Aiko did with her pressure wave that inspired the young Cho to use the attack in the first place, seeing what Aiko's own tactic would do against the more experienced Shinobi.

Wanting to lower the water wall to allow Satia to continue her offensive as well gain a better visual on the genin's movement, Aiko noticed a rimpling in the water. After having used the technique so many times in her life, she was quick to realize when something was wrong. Before she was able to act, a jet of water would launch out of the wall and slam against her. The force was strong enough to punch the air out of the jounin's lungs and cause her to fall backwards. Wheezing and in pain, the woman tried to gasp for air. Only to disperse in a poof of smoke, revealing it to be a shadow clone.

A hand would reach out of a puddle of water. Climbing out of the puddle and canceling her Water hiding technique, Aiko sighed as she kept her hands up as universal signal that she ' surrendered'. "A hit is a hit but that was quite clever," Aiko stated as she let her arms lower. Soaked by the previous techniques, the jounin would throw a look at the spot where her shadow clone had been defeated. That could have been her if she hadn't decided to take up a measure during the time that she had been hidden by the rain. "You perform remarkably well for a genin, Satia. I would lie if I stated you didn't show quite some talent." Focusing some chakra in her right hand, Aiko would mould it to the wind nature and expell a gust of wind. Allowing herself to be dried from most water in one go. "I haven't seen so many genin being so good at the offensive. Or being able to endure fights of this pace. Let us have a small break and chat. Then I will teach you something new. Okay?" Gesturing the genin to come back, Aiko would attempt to dry herself a bit more. Getting drenched was certainly a drawback of certain water techniques.

Satia was surprised when her counter offensive strike landed, blasting Aiko into the floor, she hadn't expected to actually achieve the task, she thought she'd be out here all day trying to land hits on the older Cho till she was out of steam and unable to continue. Although she was momentarily concerned when she saw that Aiko looked hurt, well... until she exploded revealing herself to be a clone which made Satia grin and shake her head a little. She turned to face the real Aiko as she climbed from a puddle, demonstrating another impressive feat of jutsu that was presently beyond the younger Cho.

When the Jounin praised her she bowed her head humbly and respectfully, "Thank you Aiko-Sama, although I must admit that last attack was entirely learned from you in this training exercise" she replied with a small smile. "I was attempting to replicate the counter measure you delivered to my pressure wave earlier". When Aiko mentioned taking a break and chatting Satia nodded, using the same technique as before to dry herself off some more before she allowed her body to rest and wind down, the spools retracting the wires as the blades tucked away, returning her to her neutral state.

"Really? Haha," the woman briefly laughed upon hearing that she had inspired the genin. "My dad used to warn me that my own tricks would come back to bite me in the ass. Usually resulting my mother in berating him on his phrasing and words." Planting her fists on her hips, the jounin focused her attention on the genin. "Next time, I probably should hold less back. You were doing quite well. I noticed that you manage to keep your cool. A most important feat in a fight. Certainly against a more experienced and higher ranked foe. You showed creativity and made me wonder on how to keep you on edge. It is something you certainly should cling to. Being ahead of your opponents and making them consider their movements can work out in your favour. This time I didn't research much of your defensive responses but we will come back on that another time. It is clear to me what you're capable off when it comes to the offensive." The woman summarised, nodding in an approving manner at the end of the summary. "Though, I must ask. Despite what you showed me, why is it that you are in service of the Imperial shinobi corps? You said that you're from a noble house. Your profile didn't seem to state much trouble and it isn't uncommon to see our kin enroll in service, despite being of noble origin. I remember that you stated you wanted to bring change. Yet, I know enough who rather live a less harsh and prestigious life at home and family than to endure the hardships of a military profession." The jounin asked, leaving out that she didn't consider Satia to be the type that was out for glory. It could very well be one of the young Cho's drive or imply that the jounin was considering that to be the case.

The young Genin gave an amused smile when Aiko mentioned her father and how her mother would reprimand him for his comments, giving a soft chuckle in response. Her parents were not so whimsical, though not without a sense of humor. She listened as Aiko spoke of her skills and smiled with a sense of pride at hearing the praise. While the younger Cho wasn't going out of her way to impress Aiko, to hear she approved of her skills thus far was a good feeling. Satia had spent long hours of research, reading and training to hone what she knew into an appropriate combat skill set, to hear the work paid off validated her time and effort contributed towards it. "Thank you" she replied genuinely, "I appreciate the praise and coming from a Jounin such as yourself it's high praise indeed". The next question was perhaps not as expected and it caused Satia to pause and consider her response as she looked away into the distance for a moment. "I think to a degree it's maybe that I have a wanderlust, despite my ambitions and intentions for the future to make differences. The Shinobi will allow me to explore and experience the world, even if it must be a harsher way to do so, not to mention to stand among the courageous and respectable men and woman who place their lives on the line so that the rest of the world sleeps easier" she looked back to Aiko, "I know it sounds stupid, perhaps".

"Wanderlust? I can relate to that. Or well, used to." The woman replied, a soft chuckle escaping her as she briefly rubbed her neck. "And nothing stupid about it. At least, that is what I think. It just strikes me as a curious thing. Many nobles of our clan don't seem too fond of serving outside of their own ambitions. Mostly because it is easier and more comforting to serve in their own retinue. Being less prone to be send all over the country or be forced to work with people instead of their own desires. Not that I could relate," the woman offered an apologizing smile, "Despite my lineage, most of my youth was spend in a hamlet. And we were basically the only Chonobi in the place. Only reason why I even knew about our kin and clan was because of my parents. If they hadn't then well, yeah," realizing she was going a bit astray, Aiko cleared her throat. "What I am trying to make clear is that I am curious. You want to invoke change. But the path of a shinobi or kunoichi is less fortunate than what a noble family can bring. I don't want to pry too much but seeing we will work together, I want to state that if you want to share something with me. Then please don't waver. Not that I am a big fan of political intrigue or ambitions. I am glad that I can leave most of that to trusted people." A bit frustrated that she wasn't able to put the phrasing in the way she wanted, Aiko decided to sigh and briefly rub the bridge of her nose.

Satia nodded and smiled, "Thank you, I'll try my best to keep that in mind" she replied. "As for nobility vs Shinobi, the short answer is there was no place within it that'd enable me to reach my ambitions. An arranged marriage after having been raised to serve a man... it doesn't sound like a situation where I'd be 'allowed' to strive to my ambitions, let alone the ones I've chosen for myself" the way the young Cho spoke made it clear she had a distaste for having her future dictated to her by man she would be told to serve. "No, this is the path I've set myself on, whether it's harder or not is of no consequence, it merely means I must work twice as hard to make sure I reach my goals" she said with a determined grin.

Aiko listened to the reply back. Memorizing what Satia told her, the jounin wondered for a moment if Satia was really willing to work twice as hard to get to her goals. Perhaps it was the experience of Aiko with some past students who boasted the same spirit and then left her disappointed but she did want to give Satia the benefit of the doubt. "Okay, that means that we shouldn't be resting for too long! We can't get to good and new results if we don't keep up training!" The woman stated in an eager tone.

"I noticed that you work a lot with your wires. And seeing that you also have the affinity for wind chakra, I thought that this technique would be working well in your arsenal," Aiko started as she raised her right hand. Molding wind chakra to the point it became visible, there was a faint sound to it. "I reckon you already are somewhat familiar with chakra flow, seeing how you were using it. The idea of wind chakra is at basic to improve one's attack in order to make the chakra dense and thus sharper. What I want to teach you is something defensive. Something that I do think that could always be useful. It is really easy. It has three handseals and once you masters the basics, you can even try to expand it. I will show you."

Releasing the wind chakra at her hand, Aiko would weave three handsignals - Ox, then Dog and finishing it with Rat. Holding the last handsignal, Aiko would focus on the technique. There was a faint sound before chakra started to form a strong current around them. To the point that the swirling wind created a dome around the jounin and genin. Releasing the rat handsignal, the dome would remain for a few seconds before slowly vanishing. "Wind Wall. It is a good defensive technique. Usually wind techniques pressures air. Which can create an explosion when a spark of fire or lightning techniques hits it. This technique however is not pressuring the air but simply forming a dome of chakra that spins and creates a current. Making it an excellent defense against many attacks. Try it yourself. The handsignals are Ox, Dog and then Rat. Keep Rat as long as you need the dome up. It is a bit stressful and straining but you need to try to keep the chakra around you and guide it in a spinning fashion."

The young Konoichi watched Aiko intently as she performed the new technique, one that Satia could only vaugley recall from some of the various texts she'd read since joining the Shinobi. Such a technique could indeed prove to be useful as it provided her with a countermeasure against not only projectiles but also from her own techniques and attacks being thrown back at her. She mimicked the hand signals, completing Rat and holding it before spinning up a dome of her own. It threatened to collapse a few times but after some strain, determination and peserverance the dome began to build strength and expand till it became a strong circular torrent of wind. She held it for twenty full seconds before letting it disperse, drawing in breath as she recomposed from the concentration. "I'll have to work on making it stronger I think, but it will definitely be useful. Thank you" she smiled.

Letting Satia have a go at the technique, Aiko remained silent. The first few times didn't go that well but that was to be expected. But as soon as Satia seemed to have created a small dome around herself, Aiko started a countdown in her mind. Twenty seconds were anything but shabby, in Aiko's opinion. "I am certain you will. How about we put it to the test?" The jounin proposed as she would whip out a kunai by the weapon's loop with her index finger . Making the weapon spin slowly, Aiko gave a reassuring smile to Satia. "Obviously I won't aim directly for you. But just at the dome and see if it can withstand a thrown weapon. Else, it won't do much good in practice."

Usually Satia would make use of her other methods to counter kunai and other such projectiles, often using her heightened level of perception in order to intercept them with her own. There was a very subtle and easily missed trait with Satia, one that'd probably be missed by all but the most observant. Whenever the young Genin prepared a feat of accuracy the blue color of her eyes sharpened ever so slightly, as if her vision adjusted itself in preparation. Perhaps it was the analytical part of Satia's psyche that enabled her subconscious to calculate trajectory and space so accurately, of course that would be the logical reasoning, the truth however was yet unknown but it was clear the Cho had an eye for hitting her mark.

When Aiko suggested a test the Genin gave a confident nod in agreement. "Practice makes perfect after all" she replied with a smile as she waited for Aiko to get in position before preparing her hand signals. Once again the dome of wind would spin up around her, blowing her blonde hair around violently as the torrent circulated her form. Determined to meet the challenge her brow furrowed as her jaw firmly clenched, exhaling a deep breath from her lungs as she generated more power into the torrent. It was a challenge for her not to drop the dome and resort to her usual defense strategies, the most common being an accurate singular wind blast to throw the Kunai off course or to strike it away with one of her wired throwing knives.

Once Satia answered, that she would be up for the testing the technique, Aiko made some distance. Waiting for the genin to conjure the dome with the respective technique, Aiko would throw a kunai. Another kunai followed suit as the jounin decided to throw another one. The first projectile bounced off by the current, slammed away from the dome and landing harmless on the ground. The second one would fail in a similar fashion as well. "Very good," Aiko mumbled. She was tempted to see how good the genin's dome would provide against powerful wind ninjutsu. But there was no need to place more pressure on Satia. "Seems you have grasped the basics. Well done. Think you have earned a rest. Unless you have any questions, that you desire to ask me." The jounin flashed a smile while placing her hands on her hips, content with the progress both she and Satia had made today.

Satia once again let the dome fall after Aiko was finished testing it with projectiles. Each time the dome repelled a kunai the young Cho could almost feel it within herself, within her own Chakra. Satia gave it some thought when Aiko mentioned an opportunity to ask some questions, her brow once again furrowing as she gave it some considerable thought. Asking questions was always a good idea, after all in some cases knowledge really was power. Looking back to Aiko Satia gave a smile, "Well, I have to say that I rather enjoyed this training. It's been an insightful experience for me, so thank you. However, is there something you'd like me to work on or perhaps to practice?" she asked, wondering if Aiko desired for her to practice with something in particular.

The question wasn't what Aiko hadn't expected. Unable to mask her surprise, even though it was for a brief moment, Aiko flashed a smile. "At the moment? Nothing too big. You seem to know what you're doing. I think it is always good to practice what you already have mastered. Your skill with your knives as the wire is not lacking anything but it is always preferable to keep your skills honed. Other than that, I might would advise to try to get comfortable with your new technique. But," the jounin paused as her tone slightly shifted to a more serious one, "Don't overwork yourself. Give yourself plenty of rest and that will be all. If something comes to mind, I will most certainly tell you of it, Satia." Concluding her reply, Aiko would place her left fist in the palm of her right hand before making a small bow towards Satia.

Satia nodded her head respectfully before returning the Chonobi gesture, pressing her fist against he right hand and bowing her head forwards. "Understood ma'am, I'll make sure to rest" she replied with a soft smile. Satia was confident in her new assignment to Team 8. So far it was shaping up to be everything she could have hoped for as she was already experiencing new challenges and learning new lessons that'd benefit her in the long term. With the final words exchanged between them, Satia made her way back to the barracks to rest as Aiko had asked. Once she'd rest she'd return to practicing to ready herself with her new technique for their upcoming mission. [/spoili]

[fieldbox="No rules, #9a32cd, solid"]

A collab done by Lesli and Oblivion666

Summary: Aiko tells Kazumo to meet her at the training room, where she ten proceeds to tell him they would be sparring to see where he is at currently. However things quickly show that no rules are being followed.

The last training of the day, Aiko thought to herself with a sigh. She was a bit tired from the constant shifting from student to student. Perhaps it had been more beneficial if she had split them all among a shadow clone and taken it easy herself? Then again, she would have to interrupt whatever she would be doing in case a shadow clone would wind up getting destroyed. Which she did doubt any of her students could do but it was just less of a hassle. Or perhaps she should test it later out? Pushing the question into the back of her mind, Aiko glanced at the grassfield. There was the thought to make the request for the personnel of the Training Facility to change the tile. But she doubted that there was much merit in testing Kazumo's skill in a different field. So far, the Sarutobi had done well in his previous fights. Leading to the fact she had started to rely more on him during troublesome encounters against strong opponents.

Briefly the idea of retiring out of the Imperial shinobi corps came up in the jounin's mind. Followed by a soft chuckle as Aiko shook her head lightly. That wouldn't likely happen. Besides, she barely knew any other life. And it couldn't be that much better to just sit in Konohagakure and rule her clan. Certainly not how things were going. The lack of excitment and adventure would likely push her to move out again. Or perhaps, she was looking as if she was not a mother, a clan leader or a clan leader? Slightly confused, Aiko decided to put the thought out of her head and await Kazumo's arrival.

After the assassination, while some would be thinking about how it went and it could be improved. Possibly thinking how they were feeling about taking the life of someone based soley on an order. That wasn't much the case in Kazumo's head. The kill went off as perfectly as he could think an assassination could go. Hell he was only in the room with the target for like twenty seconds before he wasn't even in the area anymore. No he was more so thinking about what he could have done to have killed that thing in the void. It was different than the other ones, He no longer feared those one, but that one... It was different, he feared even getting near it and it could even do special attacks. Maybe if he wasn't so afraid to get close, he could have tried grabbing its weapon and killing it with its own weapon.

He had to wait a few days for his turn to train, as Aiko was training the others first which was fine by him. Gave him time to think, do some target practice on his own, and do some reading as well. So when his turn did come and he would meet Aiko at the Training Facility, he would greet his sensei with a smile and wave. Yet looking at her hit him with a bit of guilt, while he knew it wasn't her who died it still hurt knowing he in a sense left his sensei to die, so he could survive. He did his best to brush those emotions to the side for now though, "Hello sensei, how are you today? So what kind of training will be doing today?"

Upon Kazumo's arrival, Aiko turned around and flashed a smile back to Kazumo. "I am doing okay. And straight to the point, huh? Well, today is going to be a bit of a test and then a training." Was the jounin's reply to Kazumo's question. "First, we are going to do a spar. I need to evulate your capability in combat. You have performing better with each fight that we had these past weeks. And we already trained but I want to fully see what you're able up to. Then I want to teach you something. So in essence, nothing too complicated. Any questions, before we start?"

As soon as she mentioned the word spar, he looked aroudn the room for whoever it was he was meant to be sparring. Yet it slowly dawned on him that she most likely meant a spar against her. He would listen to her and understood what she menat but at the same time, what he could do probably was child's play against her. "Questions not really. Just that you are more terrifying to spar against than it was to fight against those things. So I guess I have one question, we arent using weapons are we?"

A chuckle escaped Aiko. "I will take that as a compliment. But to answer your question, let us not use weapons. Just taijutsu and ninjutsu. Of course, genjutsu as well. But no weapons or poisons. I just want to do a quick evulation about your general combat capability. I already know that you are more than good enough with certain weapons as having more than a basic understanding of poisons as herbs." Was her reply. She would start to make some distance between them, turning around after having walked away from her pupil. "If you are ready, then let us begin." Making the Seal of Confrontation, the jounin would wait paitently for Kazumo to begin first.

"Fuck." Was the word that rang through his head at hearing they would only be using Taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu. Ninjutsu which he was pretty lacking in terms of offensive capablities and genjutsu against the one who taught him the genjutsus. So she was testing him on how he planned to go about this. ".....Um." Kazumo started to get out as he would look at his sensei waiting for him to start. "Can I surrender, or is this one of those times where you just want to see what I can do type of deals?"

"What kind of test it would be if I gave the answers?" Was the jounin's reply. Raising her other hand to form a handsignal, the temperature would start to drop by a bit as a few drops seemed to fall from the ceiling. Quite hard to notice at first, each drop would start to 'wash' away Aiko. A process that would go faster as it would start to rain inside the tile. "How much of an advantage are you going to give me, Kazumo?" Aiko asked, a playful tone ringing through her voice.

"Fuck!!" Kazumo thought inside once again as the temperature dropped and rain started to fall. He knew what this technique was, which gave him the understanding that she was going to be taking this very seriously. Hearing her question he chose to ignore it and instead take off towards her, although plan wise his current task was to halt her from vanishing on him. Currently his only plan was to try and halt her or stop it. Weaving some hand seals a clone would appear next to him, who would make hand seals of it's own and sink into the ground. Kazumo getting closer to the disappearing Aiko, would throw a quick jab towards the woman's abdomen. While trying to keep an eye out on what she might do next.

Watching Kazumo, Aiko was wondering what his plan was going to be. Seeing how Kazumo went towards her, the jounin frowned as the rain started to hide her more with each and every rain drop. "A clone?" Bringing her hands together, that were already cloaked by the rain technique, Aiko formed five handsignals. Taking a small breath in, the jounin would expel a strong torrent of water towards the ground. The water would slam against the ground before being whipped upwards as it would likely slam or drive Kazumo backwards. Where Aiko had been mild with Satia, this time she used the technique as she usually would. Clutches of dirt and earth were plunged into the air with the violence of the water.

Still trying to think of another plan while he got closer, he was watching her carefully when all of a sudden a torrent of water came out from her and smacked into the ground before whipping upwards towards him.This caused sight on her to be blocked, but wouldn't that mean the same? Weaving some handseals as he moved back a bit to avoid being destroyed by the water torrent that was sending clutches of the ground into the air. She was probably trying to destroy the clone. Finishing the last handseal a clone of him would appear but on the ground looking wet and badly hurt from the torrent she just produced, best part was this was the genjutsu clone she had taught him. He quickly then did a few more while the water was still blocking them and sunk into the ground. Leaving only the "injured" Kazumo above ground.

Letting the technique ebb away, Aiko gained a visual on Kazumo. Seeing her student hurt, the jounin stared calmly at the genin. "Huh, odd," a frown started to appear on Aiko's brow. "You are aware that this technique doesn't deal much damage to a target? Unless you are made of paper," Aiko's eyes narrowed as she pulled out a kunai. Spinning the weapon for a turn, the jounin would throw it at the downed Kazumo's right shoulder.

The genjustu clone would look at Aiko grimmacing a bit. "Still hurts to be hit by something that ripped the ground apart sensei...." it said before it's eyes narrowed on the fact she pulled a kunai out. "Um...Thats no-" It stopped speaking to roll to the side, looking at the kunai then back at her. It looked confused as it got to it's feet slowly. "Hey I thought we said no weapons?" The clone said frowning a bit, meanwhile from behind. Sensing where she was standing previously due to the mole technique. With a kunai in hand the normal clone would surface, it would throw the kunai at what he was certain would be her left leg. Hard to tell when she was mostly gone.

Watching how Kazumo was hurt and questioned that they weren't allowed any weapons, Aiko slightly cocked her head to the left. "And since when do shinobi play by the rules? Sometimes, you got to break them to win." Was the jounin's response. Just as she wanted to say something else, her eyes widen as the kunai would hit her left leg. Hissing softly, Aiko's attention instantly shifted towards her leg. Only to poof away a second later. As the shadow clone would vanish, Aiko would be expelled from the clone's shadow. Rolling quickly over the ground, the jounin would quickly scan the direction where the attack had came from. "Hide and seek? I guess I got to find another place to hide now, no?" She playfully questioned, wary of her surroundings.

As the kunai hit it's mark, The genjutsu clone would smirk before it got washed away when Aiko poofed and from the shadow of the clone came Aiko. So she too was using a genjutsu clone, although it was kind of dirty to have made the clone before he even arrived. Yet now the real deal was here, and he could keep track of her as long as the actual Kazumo was underground. Who now that rules were thrown out, was lacing some of his senbons with his Numbing agent. The clone however was not going to let her find this hiding place. Taking some shuriken out, it would throw three of them at the woman. While the genjutsu clone would start to close the distance in now as well, in a attempt to keep her occupied.

Wary of any attacks, Aiko reasoned that Kazumo was still underground. That meant that any attacks would come from a low angle. So the ceiling and such weren't going to be a problem. The rain slowly started to lessen as Aiko wanted to focus on her surrounding. Detecting the three shuriken, Aiko would move out of the weapon's range with a quick skid. "Need to figure out how to lure the mole out of his hole," she thought to herself as she would start to run towards the wall of the room. Pulling out a kunai, the next technique would likely help to flush out her student or in any case render his technique to be less effective.

She dodged the three shuriken which was to be expected, yet what was curious was her running towards a wall? Was this a way to hide? Whatever it was he had to stop it no matter what. When an idea came to him, highly risky but if it worked it would have great boons. The clone poured a bit of its chakra into a senbon and proceeded to throw it at his sensei. Only it would go past her for a bit, only to be replaced with the actual Kazumo who had his laced senbon thrown right at the approaching woman, this time he took no risk and aimed for the stomach. Just the slightest bit of contact and the numbing agent would get to work on shutting her motor functions down for a limited time.

A senbon passed her and Aiko frowned as she suspected foul play. Even as a genin, Kazumo's accuracy in throwing or shooting was quite good. Just as Aiko suspected, the senbon would be swapped with the Sarutobi genin. But while her mind already progressed the fact on what the genin was attempting, her body was still attempting to move to a halt. Skidding, the jounin would move her kunai forwards to deflect any attack while her left hand opened. Out of the puff of smoke, Aiko saw how Kazumo attempted to jab her with a senbon. Using her kunai, Aiko was barely in time to deflect the senbon - the tip still scratching the surface of her flak jacket. In quick response, Aiko would attempt to drive Kazumo back by trying to land a shove with her left hand.

She knew where he was gonna be, he should have thrown at her. This woman knows too much about him to believe he missed a shot that close. As she came to a halt she barely managed to deflect the senbon, Kazumo only scratching her flak jacket. Keeping his right hand firmly gripped on the senbon, he saw he left hand moving in to shove him back, which was when his left hand went in and smacked her left wrist to push it away. While doing that he was doing a back swing with his right hand to try and land a cut with his senbon towards her left shoulder.

A smile crept on Aiko's lips as Kazumo managed to halt her counter-attack. Forced into taking a defensive course, the jounin would quickly move backwards to avoid the cut, letting her kunai move in line with the senbon's angle to keep her defense up. But by doing so meant that she wasn't able to launch an attack of her own. "One more attempt, Kazumo."

A smile? Well that was not something he wanted to see in a spar. She once again managed to keep herself from being cut from his senbon, which was a bit nerve racking. However he pushed in again as she said he had one more attempt, keeping his focus on her he would close the distance just as the hands of his clone popped front he ground to grab Aiko's ankles. He hoped he managed to capture her attention enough for her to forget the clone. If the clone grabbed her, then she couldn't back away this time. So with one more swing except this time, he halted himself and threw the senbon at her ankles. She would just deflect him from up close, yet maybe she wouldn't deflect a shot towards her ankle.

As expected, Aiko thought. The genin wouldn't show any moment of wavering when being warned that he had one more attempted left remaining. Her eyes were fixated on the Sarutobi, who's attention seemed to briefly flicker. "Weir--"

The moment that her ankles were grasped by the clone, Aiko's eyes widened. As her mind raced to progress what just happened, her body stiffened. Before it would come to movement as Aiko realised that he had made another clone at some point, it would already be too late. The senbon pierced through the cloth and sank in her ankle. An annoying pain spread from the spot as it would be followed by numbness. "Poison," was all that Aiko thought as she narrowed her eyes.


The word was spoken in a most authoritative fashion as the jounin would drop her kunai while slightly raising her hands. "Well, that concludes this spar," Aiko's tone became much milder as her smile returned. The numbness seemed to spread as a chuckle followed. "I underestimated you and paid the price. Well done, Kazumo. Now, before I will praise you further how about some antidote or something?" The woman asked as she already felt how the numbness would become worse, while spreading further.

Yes! The senbon hit and she didn't poof away. This was the real deal Aiko! Before he could capitalize though her telling him to halt in a very serious leader like manner caused him to stop moving and look as she raised her hands and said that concluded the spar. He wouldn't have bought that but she dropped her kunai which caused him to look at her a bit cautiously before exhaling in relief. Now she just needed the antidote. Walking towards her he would grab his canteen and smile. "You arrived cheating. That's a dirty tactic. I'll have to remember that one. while I don't have an antidote, the poison is imperfect in the fact water can cancel it out, You had the cure the entire time on you really." Kazumo said as he held out the canteen of water. "Wait are you to numb to drink it yourself? Do you need help?"

Taking the canteen of water, Aiko chuckled back a laugh. "Because I have high expectations of you. That and you can't expect a foe to be playing fair or come unprepared for the worst," Aiko said before dealing with the poison. Using the given water she would get rid of the poison. Or most of it as she still felt the weird numbing sensation at her leg. It seemed to slowly fade but wasn't anything of much concern. "Next time I really have to be harsher on you. You are craftier than I had expected. Well done, Kazumo. I am glad with how much you have progressed since the first training," the woman further said with her smile growing.

"Yeah that's something I still have to learn it seems, as well as using the genjutsu clone a bit better. That was poor execution on my end." Kazumo said as Aiko would deal with the numbing agent, which was lucky for him that water did cancel it out, it was also unlucky as well. Maybe he could ask Koike the next time he saw him for his input. Then again the poison expert was in front of him. As soon as she said she would need to be harsher next time he would chuckle a bit. "Yeah kinda figured you were going a bit easy on me. Yet thank you, although I didn't really improve that much. I just remembered some things you taught me was all."

Aiko remained silent for a moment. She wanted to argue that he shouldn't be so tough on himself. But that was one of the things that made him one of her favorites - which was something she tried to avoid. Then again, she would just let it slide for the moment. "If it is cheering you up, I have lately been quite demanding as harsher on you when compared to the others. Yet, you managed to cope with everything. You might consider yourself having grown, in my opinion, you have. And as teacher, that makes me happy as proud. Which brings me to the next," Aiko raised her thumb to point at the door of the hall. "I believe I still owe you some treat, no? Ice cream, if I remember correctly."

His face flushed a bit with embarrassment. It was nice to be praised like that mostly by his sensei whom he held great respect for. Yet as she pointed at the door he was a bit confused before she brought up the ice cream which had been a plan in the making for a while now. A grin grew on his face as he chuckled a bit. "Indeed, but you are forgetting one thing sensei. It's my treat remember? You cant trick your way out of that one. So I expect your money to be nowhere near the location." Kazumo stated with a caring smile as he would start walking to the door.

Shaking her head lightly, Aiko would finally 'surrender'. "Fine, today I will not 'fight' against it. I suppose you won the spar thus also the honours of treating me." Picking up the kunai of before, the jounin would place it back into the pouch. Walking with Kazumo to the door, Aiko patted the genin's shoulder. "I am glad that you're a student of mine, Kazumo." Flashing a smile sideways, Aiko's facial expression shifted. As if she was pondering on something. "I will be super creative with my choice though. I hope they got something with strawberries.~"

Ahh he knew she would cave and let him treat her for once, despite the many times she tried to trick him into letting her treat them. Wearing a smile proudly it got a bit bigger which he then tried to hide when, she said she was glad he was a student of hers. "Well You've been my only sensei but I wouldn't want any other one besides you." Kazumo said back as Aiko then stated she was going to get creative with her choice of ice cream, to which he laughed. "A better question would be, How much strawberries can you handle?"[/spoili][/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=A Day of Training, magenta]

[ Amegakure Training Fields ]

{A collab between Lesli and Jason.}

Summary: Tomiko meets with Aiko for training after their most recent mission. After a brief warm-up, Tomiko begins learning a new technique.

The field was easily shifted. Watching the progress as the shinobi used and combined their techniques to turn the field, Aiko was wondering about a few things. The training she had scheduled now was for Tomiko Hyuuga. The genin had to experience the loss of her team members and even brother as clan leader. All in one operation. Not really the most motivating way to kick off your record as a kunoichi. Then again, how much different was that from those who started off during the Great War? Or during the conflict with the Wind country or Shoji occupation? Many genin who had survived those troublesome scenarios had managed to grow and push further. There were some who had resigned, Aiko was aware of that. Deciding to not fret too much over it, the jounin took another bite of her apple.

The progress to turn the field of grass into a rocky terrain was almost done. The reasoning for the rougher terrain was in the fact that Aiko wanted to train Tomiko into some more specialised training. As it stood right now, the Hyuuga was more focused on long ranged fighting. Which was surprising as Aiko couldn't remember many Hyuuga who poured effort into that. Then again, she didn't know many Hyuuga or was actively interested in pursuing knowledge over them. Swallowing the bite, she would nod and mumble a thanks to the half dozen shinobi who had turned the field. If it weren't for the lack a blue sky, the sun and some other factors, she could believe that they were standing somewhere in the Earth country.

It wasn't a long journey for Tomiko, as the girl had been doing some training on her own before then. So it was only a short move between fields whenever it came time to meet with Aiko. Once she arrived, Tomiko stopped and looked around the training field in silence for a few moments. The look of slight confusion on her features was a bit obvious as she tried to recall if there had been a rocky training field like this one. Letting out a brief sigh and shrugging it off, the genin moved quickly towards Aiko. She forced herself to keep a more or less neutral expression, which was easy with the half-mask pulled up, as she approached. "Good Morning ma'am." She said, looking once more around the training field to take in the various aspects of said field. Immdiately wondering what was planned for today, before turning her attention back towards Aiko and wiping a bit of sweat from her brow.

"Morning, Tomiko," Aiko replied back, giving a nod towards the genin. "I hope you have managed to get a bit of a rest for today. I want to do some specialised training with you. From what I recall, you are focused on long ranged fighting, no?" Aiko asked. It was better to ask it in this manner than to just say it and conclude it. Not to mention that it wouldn't do much to benefit the training if she would mention that her lack of close quarter experience and skill could have prevented Hiraku's sacrifice. If anything, she wanted to keep that out of the training today.

The girl nodded in response to Aiko's question before she spoke up. "Yes Ma'am, I am focused on ranged fighting. I also did manage to get some rest, so hopefully I'm ready to go!" She said, trying to put up an act like she was in a better mood than previously. It wouldn't do anybody a benefit if she went around moping in front of everybody. After a few moments het head tilted slightly to the side as she asked a second question. "Will we be practicing with ranged combat today?" She asked, curious as their previous trainings did tend to be close quarters oriented.

"No, we won't! Seeing you already got that covered and my expertise is better at close ranged combat, we will focus on that. After all, it is great to improve your strong points. But to cover your weaknesses is always a good idea. The more you got those covered, the better you are at combat, in general." Was Aiko's reply. Pointing to the rough terrain, she would continue on. "This field is a bit rougher than normal. What you are going to do is to first get a warming up. I want you to find a suitable boulder and then lean against it with your hands. Once you are leaning, you need to keep raising one knee after another. In a fast pace. This makes you use your shoulders and arms to be the point of where most of your weight will be shifted on. It is, after all, of paramount importance to gain more strength to become able in close ranged combat."

"Oh. Yes Ma'am." Tomiko said with a light nod as she made her way out onto the field. As she turned away from Aiko, the girl for a moment sighed as she wondered why exactly she had to go and do this particular warm up. She understood needing more strength, but with her bow shouldn't she have built some by now? Not that it mattered, she needed to do this away. Finding a boulder taller than she, not a hard thing to find, Tomiko put both hands against the rock and began doing the previously described exercise. "Like this?" She asked over her shoulder towards Aiko, wanting to make sure she wasn't about to get hit from behind for not listening.

"Mhm. Keep up the pace and you will notice that it will become evidently harder over time." Aiko replied back. Keeping a watchful sight over the genin, Aiko wondered how the next phase of the training would go. If she wanted to achieve the desired result, the build up should be correct. If she would rush or slack the build up, then the result would likely be anything but what she wanted. And in case of a next skirmish or clash against the zealots, Aiko did hope she would be able to rely less on various genin. Which was impossible to desire and hope but the jounin had some hope that with some focused training that it could become more feasible.

Tomiko focused solely on the exercise, keeping the pace as she was instructed. It was a bit tedious, for certain, but the genin was thankful for a simply task which kept her mind off things. As time passed, she gradually felt her shoulders first starting to grow sore from supporting her weight. Still Tomiko pressed on, making herself continue at the same rate as before. Why am I doing this? She wondered to herself as she continued.

Watching the genin perform the exercise, Aiko did keep up how long it lasted. Time slowly seemed to pass by but that was likely because all the jounin did, was to watch the genin perform the exercise. So far, Tomiko didn't seem to stray off from the exercise or slack. Which was a promising sight for the next exercise that would follow. After a few minutes, Aiko would whistle and gesture that Tomiko could halt the exercise. "Good! Now that you're probably warmed up, time for the next." The jounin would point at the ground before uttering a term. "Push ups!"

The term was almost spoken with a friendly enthousaism, as if it wasn't an exercise but a pleasant surprise. "I will join you. Makes the time go faster for me as well. That and no fun in training alone, no?" Already dropping to the push up stance, Aiko would keep a watch if Tomiko would follow. "We will go in your pace. Just remember to exhale hard when you push yourself up and try to keep your back straight. An exercise done wrong won't get you as far as done right! Ready?"

Tomiko turned around and looked at Aiko, head slightly tilting at the friendly tone of the jounin. So far the woman had been... rather neutral or even seeming displeased with her. Tomiko would take a couple of steps forward before dropping down to get in the pushup position. Taking a deep breath Tomiko nodded towards Aiko. "Yes Ma'am." She said before dropping until she formed a right angle with her elbows. Were one to look closely, her arms shook a bit as she slowly pushed back up and exhaled. She made a point to keep her back straight, not looking forward to the next few minutes in the slightest.

Keeping the pace with Tomiko, Aiko had taken it upon herself to do the counting. At a certain point, Aiko did count a bit faster, in hope to pressure Tomiko to give it her all. After a good thirty push ups, Aiko would speak up. "And hold!" Right in the middle of a process to push up, Aiko moved her gaze towards Tomiko. "I will do the count down. Sixty, Fifty-nine," the jounin calmly started. She wasn't certain if Tomiko would be able to hold it out till the last second. Which wouldn't be a big deal. Her endurance, strength or stamina wasn't after all that Aiko wanted to test out. Not now.

As Aiko started to count faster, Tomiko subconsiously picked up the pace to match the rate of her counting. It became more and more obvious that her arms were starting to tire, but the genin continued with the exercise with a determined look on her features. You will NOT give up. You are stronger. She growled to herself, repeating this and various motivations in her kind to force herself to get through this. When Aiko called hold, the girl was once again at the lowest point of the pushup. Beads of sweat dripped onto the ground as she locked eyes with Aiko, determines to hold out the whole way through. As the woman reached one with her counting, Tomiko's arms gave out and she dropped to hit the dirt. Gasping for breath, the girl made a few attempts to push back into the previous position to finish it out, as it was only one more second.

"And there it is," Aiko thought to herself when Tomiko caved in. Watching how the genin attempted to push back and still try to finish the last second didn't provoke a reaction from the jounin. Instead, Aiko would act as if she hadn't seen or noticed Tomiko not able to endure the exercise. Getting up, Aiko would roll with her shoulders. "On to the next! Jump and jacks! Come on! Got lot to do today," the jounin exclaimed with a new vigour in her tone. Waiting for Tomiko to get up, Aiko would start the exercise as soon as the genin was on her feet. "Just a little bit more and then we can start," the jounin thought once more to herself, subtly watching how Tomiko would try to endure the constant pressure of the exercises.

Tomiko got slowly to her feet, taking the moment to catch her breath and to yank down the half mask to breath easier. Immdiately upon standing, Aiko started the next exercise. She wasted no time jumping straight into the exercise. Thankfully, her stamina was a bit better than her upper body strength. Still, the unsteady cadence she went at and the expression of concentration in her features told that she was straining to keep going and seem like she was still fine.

Continuing the exercise Aiko would call a halt to it after a good two minutes. "Ah! Always great to break into it before getting serious, no? Now, let us start with the training!" the jounin stated as she would produce a shadow clone. The shadow clone of the jounin quickly skid backwards to create a sense of distance between her Tomiko. "The goal is simple. You need to land a solid hit on my shadow clone. Only taijutsu. Not enhanced with tools, gear or chakra. You got two minutes, Tomiko." Aiko instructed the Hyuuga.

Whenever they stopped the exercise, Tomiko huffed for a moment, wiping her brow to get some of the sweat off as she looked at Aiko. The shadow clone appearing made the girl's eyes go wide for a moment. This was like she had done against Katsu before when training with Miss Saki. Only, she was alot more exaughsted this time around. Raising her arms and forming fists, she let out a light sigh. There was no way she'd be hitting this clone, that much was certain. Looking around, she decided if she even had any chance she needed to use the environment... somehow.

Lets get an idea of how things go first. She thought to herself as Tomiko quickly closed the distance and lashed out with a punch towards the the clone's stomach which was easily dodged with a sidestep on the side of the clone. The girl spun on a heel and lashed out with a roundhouse kick that was once again dodged with ease. A small cloud of dust slowly drifted away as Tomiko continued her assualt, albeit slower than usual and with plenty of momentary stops to take a breath. A right cross that was easily deflected causing her to stumble forward a bit before Tomiko caught herself. Defensive, maybe I can distract her with the rocks or something... Tomiko thought as she attempted to pressure the clone towards one of the boulders with a flurry of fists and kicks, to a limited amount of success.

The shadow clone continued to dodge and sidestep Tomiko, managing to more or less hold her ground while redirecting the genin. Knowing she wasn't going to get the clone close enough to a boulder to use it, Tomiko needed some other distraction. As she twisted her foot to deliver another kick that was easily sidestepped, she noticed the small dust cloud starting to float away. Tomiko stepped in, then threw a vicious right cross and prepared for a follow-up which the clone countered by misdirecting the girl and making her stumble past. Tomiko 'tripped' and went into the dirt. Immdiately pushing off to go back to the fight, she closed one fist around the dirt and brought it around to throw in the clone's face.

At the last moment she saw it coming, and turned her head while also closing her eyes to avoid the dust. Tomiko meanwhile pushed for the edge and tried to punch at the clone's gut. Only to watch as the clone turned back and shoved her arm to the side, causing Tomiko's surprise attack to fail just as the two minute limit passed. The genin huffing as she looked back towards Aiko, the irritation at herself obvious on her features.

Watching Tomiko and the shadow clone, Aiko remained silent. Despite her exhaustion, Tomiko didn't seem to be less motivated to try to land a hit on the shadow clone. The massive gap in skill and experience regarding taijutsu between the shadow clone and the genin didn't seem to visibly faze Tomiko either. Which was a good sign. Making a mental note, Aiko kept watching how Tomiko started to pick up her offense. The shadow clone would be just evading and deflecting the attempted attacks, making it seem as if the genin was just stumbling about. The dirty trick of throwing sand towards the clone's face wasn't one that Aiko minded. Tomiko soon figured out that the shadow clone could still function better at taijutsu with such a limitation.

"We can take a break," the jounin stated with a friendly tone as she dismissed her shadow clone. Waiting for a moment to allow Tomiko to regain her breath and recover a tad from the constant exercises, Aiko would place her hands on her hips. "I saw enough to know what we need to work on during this training. In case you were wondering, I have been trying to see how much it takes to push you to a breaking point. Not as in," Aiko's eyes rolled up to as she made a vague gesture, as if that would wave off any wrong implications of her phrasing, "That I want to just bully you around or something like that. You will come across foes that will be able to fight better. Or tend to play a bit around to force you to make a mistake. You got some determination and I honestly expected you to give up with the jumping jacks. So, to continue this training. What is it that drives you to become a better kunoichi?"

Tomiko placed her hands on the back of her head to help catch her breath. Pacing around for a few moments before approaching Aiko. She listened closely to Aiko, still pacing to catch her breath. Whenever Aiko spoke about the different enemies she might face, Miko looked away for a second. Thinking first about the one who broke her leg, then the man on the last mission. Which ended in... no, not now. Not the time. Looking towards Aiko, Tomiko thought for a few moments. "At first, I wanted to be like Hiraku. He is... was, he was my hero." She admitted before taking a breath and continuing. "Now? I want to become a better kunoichi so nobody else needs to lose a family member like I did. I know I can't stop everybody, but one person I stop is one more who won't kill a loved one. That, and... I would be lying if I said I didn't want revenge." She said quietly, knowing it probably wasn't the best reasoning. "I wasn't strong enough to stop it before, I will be next time."

Remaining silent, Aiko would give Tomiko the time and space to formulate her answer. There was no change in the woman's facial expresion that betrayed her thoughts or opinion on Tomiko's answer. A simple and subtle nod was the only response at first. "A noble goal to pursue. Nothing wrong with wanting to defend others from feeling the same sorrow and pain." Aiko said, her voice a bit softer and less energetic. "The trouble do exist that you are sworn to fulfill your tasks and orders. Which might put you against people who have families and siblings. But are ordered to operate against the realm. While you don't need to always kill your foe, there won't be any escaping to it." Letting a second pause by, Aiko decided to ask another question. "Do you really want to become a kunoichi, Tomiko?"

Tomiko remained silent for a moment before locking a determined gaze with Aiko. "If they want to hurt the people in the Empire, then I will do whatever I need." She said first, then answered the next question. "Yes. I do. I can make a difference as a Kunoichi. I... debated if I wanted to after Hiraku died. I don't want to experience that pain again, but he wouldn't want me to give up because of what happened. Not to mention, I don't want to sit idle when I could be doing something." She said, before finally looking away from Aiko for a moment.

There was a moment that Aiko wanted to question that. Declaring that you would do whatever is needed was way easier than actually doing so. Yet, she decided against voicing that. There was no need to lecture the girl about hardship or how shallow such declaration sounded. Besides, maybe she would be able? Aiko had no clear idea until it would happen. "Very well. I asked because I would be pretty shaken. But if you are determined to continue on then I won't question it now or any time soon. There are many ways on how you can honour somebody and the memories you have of them. But to everybody their own way," the woman said, "If you want to know, I am going to send Hiraku's remains back to Konohagakure soon. If the team will stay stationed for longer here, I intend to send the remains before we will head back. I can arrange some passage for you to be able to attend to his burial." Aiko said, leaving out that it would pardon Tomiko from continuing in Amegakure. Despite her wanting for revenge, Aiko doubted that there was much that could be done in the city and its surrounding land. Most, or hopefully all, Zealots and insurgents were taken down or captured.

"Cremation and spreading the ashes." Tomiko corrected quietly. Then thought for a long moment about what Aiko had said. "I..." She said, tearing up for a brief moment at the thought of being able to see Hiraku home. "Thank you. But I don't think I want that. I know my parents will handle the rest. I want to stay with the team, I'm doing more here. I'm sorry, I probably don't make any sense. But I at least want to see all this to the end." She said, fiddiling slightly with the hem of her shirt as she spoke.

She wasn't aware that the Hyuuga cremated their fallen. Not that it was an uncommon practice but Aiko never had delved much into the customs and practises of the respective clan. When Tomiko stated that she wanted to stay with the team, Aiko's right eyebrow rose. "Admirable but no. I am not that knowledgable about your clan's customs but I don't think it is a good thing to not be able to say your last goodbyes to Hiraku. Besides," Aiko's tone remained calm and soft, "The threat is largely gone. Maybe I phrased it wrong but I don't think we will stay here for long. Only if the zealots or insurgents suddenly have some reinforcements, they aren't a threat anymore in the city. But if we are ordered to remain longer here, I do want you to be able to secure and bring Hiraku's remains back. If you decide to spend a bit time with your family or instantly move back to active service? That is something you will have to decide for yourself, Tomiko."

Tomiko frowned a bit at that last part. She wanted to help still, not eager to go home and sit around idle. "Oh... okay. I appreciate it, really. I just... I don't know. Thank you." The girl said, not really sure how to respond. "Whenever I do go back into service, will I be working alongside your team again? Or what will happen?" She asked quietly, just deciding it was better to be quiet and see whatever came next. "I kind of like the current team." She mumbled softly, enough that somebody would need to be listening closely to hear.

"Just don't fret too much over it. I don't know what will happen afterwards. We won't get anything from pondering on what will happen afterwards," was what Aiko would respond back. She didn't pay much attention, thus not overhearing what Tomiko mumbled softly. "Besides, there might be a chance that we work together in the near future. Just focus on what is important right now and not on what might happen." The jounin further added, though doubtful that she would be able to cheer up the genin. "Try to rest a bit and then we can continue with training."

Tomiko nodded, figuring it was probably better to not fret about it at the moment. She paced back and forth slowly, keeping her hands atop her head to let herself catch her breath and rest a bit. After a few minutes when the girl felt like she had recovered a bit, she turned towards Aiko and nodded. "I think I'm ready to continue."

"The problem with this technique," Aiko would produce a small scroll from one of her pouches, "Is that it is a lightning element technique. I thus can't provide more help than what it says on the scroll," holding the scroll towards Tomiko, Aiko would continue. "It is a technique developed by the Third Hokage. In essencce it allows one to form lightning at their hand and mould it further, striking from a small range as the lightning is described as a snake. With your lack of taijutsu, I reckon it could be somewhat beneficial for your orientation on ranged fighting. Perhaps as medium ranged support in a fight."

Tomiko reached out and gently took the scroll as it was offered to her, waiting for Aiko to finish talking about it before looking at the scroll's contents. She paused for a moment as she was reading through it, and looked towards Aiko as a thought popped into her head. "What about the genjutsu you used last time, ma'am?" The girl asked, remembering how she'd learned the previous technique.

"Not really necessary. This is a C ranked technique that doesn't seem to be much of a trouble for you. I reckon that I can even just allow you to grasp and master the technique yourself." Was the reply of the jounin. "Besides, I am trying to save my chakra a bit better. Just in case that an assignment will be issued." Nodding to the scroll, Aiko would wait and let Tomiko give it a try of her own.

The explanation made sense, and so Tomiko nodded before she quickly finished reading the contents of the scroll. It seemed straight forward enough. Pausing for a moment, the girl looked for a place to set the scroll where it wouldn't get dirty. With a slight sigh she settled for on a nearby boulder, close enough that she could reference it as needed without too much trouble.

Taking a few steps away, she closed her eyes for a moment to mould her chakra before quickly weaving the three handsignals. Lightning chakra sparked around in one of her hands before quickly flaring up with a wicked crackling sound. The girl let out a slight yelp and lost focus, the technique dying immdiately. She looked towards Aiko with a flustered expression before shaking her head. More control. She thought to herself before giving a second attempt to the technique. This time much the same result, except Tomiko wasn't caught off guard by the crackling and instead tried to pull it back in line. When this failed a look of irritation flashed across her features, and Tomiko took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

It would be quite a few more tries, with varying degrees of success, before the genin started to show some good progress. Over time, and multiple zappings of herself, Tomiko began to stabilize the chakra she was gathering. Then began to strike forward as the lightning would leave her hand yet quickly fizzle out.

After multiple attempts like this, the girl stopped and took a few breaths, looking towards Aiko. "Just... quick breather." She said, having forgotten how taxing such training could be. Moments passed before she spoke up again. "I lose control over range, I think I should probably try to manipulate it like when I charge my arrows. Try to keep it in control over distance instead of trying to focus all the control in my palm." She said, looking towards Aiko to see if the jounin had any input.

Watching Tomiko trying to grasp and master the start of the technique, Aiko had taken a bit of distance. She was only experienced in how to counter or work with somebody that used lightning release. There was the question on how difficult the technique could be. The developer was somebody that had risen to the rank of kage. Then again, it was C ranked, so perhaps it wasn't all that difficult? The genin seemed to have a good start going but after multiple attempts it was clear that she was reaching a breaking point. Probably due to being pushed to her limits before? Aiko would neither be surprised or worried about it. There was no need to rush the technique or master it in a hour. "Take your time, Tomiko," Aiko replied, flashing a friendly smile, "As for my advice, I wouldn't know. I am only able with wind and water release. Lightning release control isn't really my field of expertise."

Tomiko nodded in response to Aiko before pushing off from the boulder she had been leaning against. "Got it." She said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath once more. Having calmed herself the girl formed the handsigns quickly and lightning sprang to life in her palm. This time the chakra wad immdiately stable, a sign of progress. When Tomiko went to strike, she imagined it as if she were throwing one of her arrows. The chakra lept a bit farther than before, then fizzled out. Still, it did appear to be much more stable than it had been her previous attempts.

The genin looked obviously pleased with herself, an took another breath. "That seems to be working." She said softly to herself, going immdiately for another round of practicing the technique as it stretched farther and farther. Eventually it began hitting her target, but wasn't very stable by the time it did. Instead looking more like a shock from static electricity one might get occsionally. "I think if I focus on a single central point that might work better." She mentioned, looking at Aiko for a moment before shaking her head. "Sorry! Forgot for a moment you didn't use the lightning release." She said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No but I do know that being winded doesn't do much good for focus and mastering a new technique. Think we can conclude today's training. Get some rest and if you want to pick up training the technique, I recommend doing so after really resting out. I don't know when we will get our next order to move out or when you can travel back to Konohagakure," Aiko said, "But it will be pretty cubersome in both cases when you aren't ready and fit to do either. " Pausing for a moment, Aiko nodded towards Tomiko. "Well trained today, Tomiko. Unless you have any questions, we can conclude the today's training here."

Tomiko desperately wanted to protest that she was fine, and could still keep going but knew it was a lie. The girl closed her eyes for a few moments before looking towards Aiko. "Thank you, Ma'am. I think I'll practice more with this after I rest. Uh... I assume I give you the scroll back?" She said, walking over and rolling the scroll back up then looking towards Aiko as she awaited a response.

"Good and no. Feel free to keep the scroll with you for the moment. Maybe you can deliver it back once home. It isn't a kinjutsu or high level ninjutsu to be worried to fall in enemy hands." Was Aiko's reply.

"Yes ma'am, thank you again." She said with a respectful bow. Keeping the scroll close at her side, Tomiko made her way back to the barracks and from there to her bunk. Collapsing almost Immdiately in the bunk and falling immdiately to sleep as the fatigue from the training caught up with her all at once.[/spoili]
  • Nice Execution!
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[fieldbox=Looking away?~, lightsalmon]
Satoshi Jun,

Jounin | Kumogakure Team 3 |Wolf country, near the coast | Commander of the host, at the camp.

Satoshi released a sigh. Ever since the night raid, things hadn't been that easy. There were wounded to be tended. Decisions that he was needed to make. Verbal reports that were brought back on what the scout as patrol parties had found or saw. Then there were officers that reported on how the training or equipment of each unit went or was. Satoshi barely had any time to check upon how Miu or Toshi was doing. Or if anybody else had made it out alive and well that he had assigned to his own care and mentorship.

Then came that an Imperial officer graced his tent, discussing some plans that the Imperial commander had. Satoshi listened to the suggested ideas that the officer brought. The suggestions that were brought interested Satoshi. Enough to merit a request back from the Lightning commander, about that he wanted to meet the Imperial commander at a later date. This young man, that went by the name of Hayate Hyuzu, was one that Satoshi wanted to learn more from. Not much later, Satoshi also would send a messenger towards the camp of the Republican force. There was no good reason Satoshi could conjure to not discuss some matters with the commander of the Republican force.

Now that those matters were done, Satoshi would allow himself the freedom to walk around the camp of the Lightning country host. There were people that readied for their patrol, sentry or scout duty. People who were busy attending to their gear or enjoying some supper. Then there were those who decided to make merry - supervised by officers, who made certain that nothing extreme would occure.

During his walk, Satoshi engaged in a dialogue with various people. A soldier who was busy with sharpening his spear. A smith that was checking the armour that he had just attended to as well an officer that kept an eye out on his unit, that had decided to make use of their 'free evening' to make some merry.

Eventually, the Jun commander came across the sight of a familiar person. Spotting Miu Sanosuke, Satoshi would observe the young lady. Seeing that Miu was by herself, Satoshi wanted to approach the Sanosuke. The man easily spotted that the young lady had drunk more than she should have but he wouldn't lecture her. He wanted to just see how she was holding up. Only to spot another familiar person, that approached Miu in a swaying fashion.

Standing at a distance, Satoshi's brow gained a frow. "Are they both intoxicated?" Watching the two, Satoshi couldn't hear what they were talking about. Though he considered it below his rank and occupation, the commander would turn invisible by the use of his camouflage technique.

Thanks to the ambient sounds of the camp, there was little worry that either of his students would catch him eavesdropping on them. Both watching and listening to the two, Satoshi was briefly conflicted.
First, came the fact that his own students became a bit 'too close'. Something that he didn't condone in a normal situation. But Miu's sombre words did hit a mark at Satoshi. Was it wrong for the two to grow this close? They were both genin and surrounded by the possibility of a gruesome death or fate. And for some reason, Satoshi felt full responsibility for it.

Seeing where the situation was going between Miu and Toshi, Satoshi decided to move away. Cloaked by his technique and the ongoing activity in the camp, the commander decided that he would later send for some of his guards to fetch both Toshi and Miu. Not to lecture them or let them know that he was aware of them growing 'closer'. If they were to survive in such harsh conditions then he should aim to train them.

He would make sure that both of them would survive this campaign.

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[fieldbox=Letters and Emotions, teal]
Zakito Hon
Jounin Commander | Major General of the First Division | Akinian Empire, Konohagakure - At home, in his study room.

The evening was slowly turning into night. Yet Zakito was still occupied by work. This time not as the Lord Commander and First Major General of the Imperial Military of her Royal Majesty. But as the leader of the Hon clan. Various letters had been sent. Reports of how the new settlements in the Tokugawa clan lands were doing. Not much surprising the Tokugawa and settling Hon didn't give rise to much tension or friction between the two. Progress on the foundations of the settlements was going along the way and with the Tokugawa aid, things seemed much better than Zakito had hoped for at the start.

There was also the fact that the jarls of each Hon house were reporting that things seemed to have calmed down somewhat. Yet Zakito was doubtful if that truly was the case. The report that the Grey Guard had sent, made it clear that House Rachon still hadn't demobilised a large portion of their force. Not very surprising. Zakito remembered that the young jarl of the respective house was quite adamant in protecting his holding and subjects. Quite convinced as well that the Uchiha had to answer for the events that had transpired in Pinedale.

With, however, no worrisome report on that the Blackroot Sarutobi being irked and on the move, Zakito decided that the best course of action was to wait a bit longer. Though the jarls were quite independent, they wouldn't do something drastic in all of a sudden. Deciding to not tarry over the matter, Zakito would sink in thought. He hadn't yet heard anything about the ongoing campaign in the east. If not mistaken, the news would soon reach over with the return of the fleet. Then there was the option of the Dragon Seal but Zakito considered that he shouldn't dare the risk, despite having faith in Hayate and the others.

Slowly Zakito thoughts moved from the eastern campaign to Koike. His nephew would no doubt endure the hardships of a military campaign. He had endured much before and prevailed other situations that Zakito would have sooner sent ANBU on. Then there was the matter regarding that Taimyo lady. "Haruka Tamiyo, was her name. Ah yes," Zakito grumbled as he continued to ponder. The lady had been intimate with Koike, which wouldn't have been a large concern for Zakito. It could mean that the occupation of 'White Blade' would have an heir of the same lineage. Thus a part of his family's future secured. But was it ever simple?

Because of Haruka belonging to the Taimyo dynasty, it made things complicated. First, she was a noble of a prestigious and influential family. And Zakito was doubtful that a bastard would really improve relations between his clan and the Tamiyo. For that reason, he had already been planning something. A seemingly innocent invitation would be extended to Haruka Tamiyo, to continue her study as a diplomat in the service of the Empire in Ecla. This would make the lady into a more trustworthy environment. Or well, rather one that he could control easier, in regards to what information would leak out and what information would remain contained. Besides that, it would buy him some time to consider what to do with the prospect of a bastard.

"I could see if I can't convince the girl to allow the bastard to stay in Ecla. Until Koike comes back. Then again," Zakito's right eye moved the man's gaze to an opened letter on his desk. It was from the thegn, that went by the name Akiyoshi Cho. A response to a proposal that Zakito had made before being contacted by the lady, Haruka Tamiyo.

A positive reply to a suggestion.

"Oh, Koike, if you only knew in what kind of situation you placed both yourself and me into," Zakito thought as he softly groaned. Running a hand through his hair, he hadn't forgotten about the fact he had searched for a potential betrothal for his nephew. While he could have easily searched for a candidate among his jarls and Hon houses, it had been a suggestion of Aiko to search for a potential candidate in the Cho clan. And after some searching, Zakito had considered the family of Akiyoshi Cho. They had a good and prestigious lineage. Despite being a thegn and thus lesser than a jarl, Akiyoshi Cho wasn't the thegn of a small place. Then there was the fact that there were no siblings, meaning that it could be more 'profitable' for Zakito's own lineage.

Rubbing the back of his head, Zakito would frown.

But there were some complications to that 'solution' as well now. "Ignoring the Tamiyo, there is the problem that Akiyoshi response stated he was certain that the arrangement can go through. Must be because his daughter didn't yet give her word on agreeing to the arrangement. But neither has Koike," Zakito's eye narrowed once more. He was somewhat certain that Koike wouldn't be easy to convince if he felt affection for the Tamiyo lady. Despite his nephew's dedication to his duty and loyalty, Zakito was well aware how love could be a stronger drive. Easily disrupting years of dutiful service and loyalty as if it was nothing.

Grabbing a sheet of paper, Zakito would start to write back a response. "I will inform the thegn that I am happy with his response. It is, at least, something that Akiyoshi seems eager to bind our lineages together. Perhaps his daughter won't agree to the arrangement and no ill feelings will occur between us." The man thought as he would write. Once done, he would review his letter before considering it to be a proper response. All he could do once having sent the paper was to await a response from Akiyoshi. What could take time, seeing Zakito was aware of the thegn's daughter. Which was far away from home and family. Thus buying him time to see what more he could do to prevent a diplomatic issue from occurring.

Now that was done, there was another matter on his mind. Or rather, another person.

Hisoka Uchiha.

The fact that Hisoka hadn't come back to Konohagakure hadn't been much of a surprise. The fact that the man had been on a breaking point was known for a long time. It had been why Zakito was adamant that Hisoka shouldn't be pressured or exposed to much stress. Though the end of the Great War was more than a decade ago, the mental scars, that Hisoka had gained, were still aching with pain. Yet, while he could understand his friend's choice, there was another side of Zakito. That wondered and worried about if he had made the wrong decisions.

Should he have stopped Hisoka before he had ventured to the Wind country, to take the life of the Fourth Kazekage? Should he pour more effort in persuading Hisoka from staying away from the path of bloodshed and vengeance during their last dialogue? More questions started to torment Zakito, who leaned forward. The man's elbows rested on the desk as his hands were placed against his face, hiding the pain and frustration.

"I am so sorry, Kouzai."

Even thinking the name brought back the memory. A bitter sweet memory now.

"I am permitted to share it with someone I consider a close friend, as in someone I know that is never going to betray me or my trust in them. Since we fought in hell for four years and since you have become way less of a dick since then... Well, just that. So, nice to meet you Zakito Hon. My name is Kouzai." Hisoka lowered his head ever so slightly.

"Did I betray your trust? I wish that I knew what I could do to make everything back to what it was..."

"I am starting to dislike letters," he just said. A pause followed his cryptic answer as he lowered his head to look at his hands. "I am sorry. I will try to do something about it, really." The young man added, but he was too afraid to make a promise. Promises he couldn't keep, a crime he had committed too many times by now.

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[fieldbox="Kill or be killed, turquoise, solid"] "It is now kill or be killed, Uchiha. And I recommend you make that choice soon or else the enemy will do it for you," The gaze Hiron gave to yiko made him sick to his stomach. It was final, he was gonna have to kill, take another's life, it's either him or them. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, it was better to not linger on the thought. He let out a sigh in an attempt to calm himself down. "Understood sir..."


On the way to the hideout, he could feel the mixture of excitement and anxiety building up in him, his legs felt almost weak, not enough to hinder his speed to keep up with the team though. In fact he had no issue moving at that speed, though it was clear that Hiron wanted no chit chat between him and the others. It didn't matter to him, he didn't have an urge to talk anyways, being the newcomer anyhow. It was an hour of traveling or so, the team held up in the vegetation and waited patiently for the team leader to give out the order to move. Yiko only had guessed that he was waiting for the chakra block to be put up before they were safe to move. Which meant they would have to rely on their physical skills alone. This didn't bother yiko too much as his taijutsu was something he usually relied on.

Hiron explained their situation and guidelines. It felt weird knowing that no one would hear about their victory, if there was a victory. But it made sense not to try anything stupid, and for yiko this was his first mission, he didn't want to seem useless, or irrational.

The team moved in a slow and careful pace as they made their way to the enemy compound. Eventually getting down to a crawl in order to avoid a sentry as they made their way to the so called entrance. Things were quiet and very calm. Yiko on one hand did his best to keep his composer while moving about. It was nerve wrecking to say the least, but Hiron seemed so calm, and so collected, this is what it was like to see an experienced shinobi on the field. It gave Yiko a sense of relief that he knew he was under someone that knew what they were doing.

Soon each member was falling into the entrance, first was Hiron, and then Yiko, slowly letting his legs in first and then dropping in. And the rest followed. The hallway was dark, with a light source up ahead. Yiko stayed directly behind Hiron in a low crouched like position. This was it, they were in the middle of enemy territory, and the uchiha couldn't believe he was doing this, he never imagined himself infiltrating a compound full of enemies on his first mission with a team leader that was pretty well known. It was amazing, but also terrifying.

"Do not fuck this up"

[fieldbox="Team 17 - A Question of Ability: Part I, #00B2EE"]Kukiko Yuki, Shion Kobayashi, and Shika Yukimura | Republic of the Water Country, Kirigakure - Training Grounds
A collaboration between @Walter Swan, @malina, and @FrostedCaramel

Team 17 meets for the first time, and Kukiko decides to test her new Genin's abilities with a well known test involving two bells.
The training field outside the walls of the capital of the Republic were draped in a grey mist, not unlike any other day in the shadow of the Capital, in the shadow of Kirigakure was. There were the distant and muffled noises of training and practices taking place on other fields around the area, but the mist masked which whey they came from and just how far away they really were from where Kukiko stood.

She had been waiting only a few minutes, arriving uncharacteristically early to the training field as it would set a terrible example to the recently graduated Genin she was supposed to be taking on the role of Sensei for if she was late to their very first meeting. She raised a hand to her mouth as she coughed for a few moments and lowered it back across her chest with the other arm. She had sent out a simple letter to both of the Genin after she had found out she would once again be leading a team, a simple location to meet at as well as instructions to bring whatever they deemed necessary along with the date and time to be at the training field was all that the letters contained. Only now she was beginning to worry she may not have been specific enough as the time for them to meet grew ever closer.

A few minutes after Kukiko arrived, a pink haired girl ran into the training field, holding a sheathed katana in her hand. She stopped in front of the white-haired woman, bending down her body as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hah...hah...Yuki...sensei?" she asked, lifting her head to reveal a tired smile, "Sor...sorry I'm late."

"I...I was a little occupied with...training," wheezed out the girl who needed to be hit with a water release jutsu just to rouse her from her slumber.

"Anyway," the girl straightened herself as she recovered a bit from her fatigue, "My name is Shion. Shion Kobayashi. Nice to meet you, sensei!"

Kukiko watched as a pink haired girl holding onto a sheathed katana seemed to appear out of nowhere through the mist and made a straight run for where she stood, 'Must be one my new students…' she thought to herself as the girl bowed and began to introduce herself. As the genin spoke Kukiko took note of what she said while at the same time giving the girl a look over. Only slightly taller than Kukiko herself, and from the looks of it in good shape as well, 'And a katana as well, interesting for a genin that age.' she thought.

Kukiko smiled gently to Shion, although the dark bags under her eyes may have made the smile less inviting than intended, but a smile none the less,"It's good to finally meet you Shion. I'm Yuki Kukiko, the Jonin of your team as you're obviously aware, you ca--" she covered her mouth to cough once more, quickly picking up where she left off, "you can call me Yuki-sensei or Kukiko-sensei, I don't have any preference." she said to Shion.

It was late in the morning when Shika Yukimura set off for the training fields. She'd been delayed that morning as she'd been busy helping clean the dishes from breakfast. It had been a simple meal—rice, fish, and various fermented greens that, in her opinion, were better described as browns—but she wasn't only cleaning up after herself now. The orphanage that had taken her in was growing larger by the day and as one of the older orphans, much of the bulk of the chores fell to her. She hoped that her team-mates hadn't waited too long. The letter she held in her hand told her otherwise. Her teacher had told her to arrive on time and yet she'd already failed to uphold that one simple instruction. So much for first impressions, she thought.

This wasn't the first team she'd joined. Back then—she could not remember too clearly—she'd had a male instructor. What had been his name? She was sure that it started with a N; or was that her team-mates? Though she didn't recall any specifics, she knew that they were good memories—a warm feeling smouldered in her whenever she reminisced. This new team she was on? Shika wasn't too sure of it yet; she was already late for her first meeting and a small part of her wondered if she even wanted to be a part of it to begin with. She'd never had any dreams of being a word-class kunoichi. All she wanted to do was return to her old home, perhaps tend to her rice field; lie around and look at the clouds while sipping a peach drink. It had been one of the staff members at the orphanage who had pushed her to rejoin the Shinobi Forces to begin with. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind as she approached her team.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't mean to be." She knelt down and bowed her head. "Shika Yukimura. I hope I didn't make you wait too long."
She stood up slowly, dusting off her patchy sleeves. Her unstrung bow was strapped to her back; her wakizashi on her hip. A quiver hung to her side. "It's nice to meet you. What are we going to be doing today, sensei?"

Waving away her second students apology, Kukiko would smile, "It's okay it's okay. Don't worry too much about it," she leaned in a little toward Shika and lowered her voice slightly as if trying to hide a secret, "I used to be late all the time when I was your age, and I still am now too." she said jokingly before standing back up straight. Shion had a bow across her back, a sword at her hip, and a quiver of arrows to go along with the bow, 'Interesting… Both these girls have chosen unique, and in the case of the bow a slightly limiting path to follow, but interesting still.' she thought to herself running through the sort of things she'd be able to teach them in the future with her very limited knowledge of bows and her, at best, working knowledge of swordsmanship.

"Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you both, I can now officially welcome you two to Team 17." she said holding both arms slightly away from herself almost jokingly. "So I'm sure you're both curious why I sent for you both out here, I mean I sure would be curious in your positions, but it's simple enough. We're going to run a little training," she reached her right hand into her pants pocket and pulled out two bells from within, "I'm not sure if both of you have heard of this little test, but it's common enough." she covered her mouth with her left hand to cough once more before continuing to talk, "You will have all day to get these bells from me, if you manage to take them you're on the team. If you don't… Well then I send you back to the Academy." she smirked at the young girls, "Anything goes, including real weapons and attacks, show me what I can expect of you both. Any questions?" she said seriously to the girls as she began to softly jingle the bells in between her fingers.

"Shouldn't you be taking a leave, sensei?" Shion asked as she finished securing her katana under her obi, with the cutting edge facing upwards, "You've been coughing since we arrived, you know?"

"And it's not just a cold, isn't it? Your face is too pale for that," she continued, folding her arms, "If I have to guess, It would be pretty something serious. Something that would hinder your ability to fight."

"Now sensei, you might be a Jonin but facing you in your current state and two-on-one, no less, doesn't sound like a fair fight to me," Shion stated before turning to the young archer, "How about you, Shika-chan? Do you think it's a fair fight?"

Shika did not respond immediately. Instead, she moved her hand closer to her quiver. At this range, she'd have no luck in using her bow. Besides, it wasn't stringed yet. She hadn't expected their first meeting to involve combat; she'd never participated in a bell test. Back then she'd helped her team with fixing up the ruins of Kirigakure.

"Yes, I do!"

In a flash, her hand was down her quiver grasping an arrow. A second later, she lunged towards Kukiko, using her arrow as a makeshift sword. It was aimed for her teacher's heart but Shika was certain that it'd be dodged, or deflected, or something—Kukiko was a Jonin, after all. And as frail and sickly as she looked, that word meant something.

Kukiko smiled sincerely at Shion's worry, waving away the girls fears as if it would make any difference as she spoke, "Don't worry about me Shion, I'm quite alright, this is all normal for me." she said as she began to watch them both, "But I'd rather not delve into my health issues with my students, they are, after all, my issues." she stated, slightly more stern to Shion than the first half of her sentence. She lamented on the fact that even one of them was the slightest bit interested or even concerned with her health, but was also slightly grateful that at the very least Shion was curious and even concerned for the wellbeing of others that she had just met. Though how much of a blessing or a curse that would be would entirely depend on how well the girl would be able to handle the loss of comrades in battle, a sure thing to come to anyone following the path of a Shinobi.

She peered between the two girls, waiting to see if there were any questions to be asked about the test while she lightly jingled the bells hanging from her fingers. Noticing that the second girl, Shika, seemed to be up to something Kukiko would continue to peer between the two, but keep most of her focus on her even as she would look to Shion.

Shika would call out, while at the same time using one of her arrows as an improvised close quarters weapon to try and strike her in her chest. 'Good.' Kukiko thought to herself as she would side step the jab of the arrow to her right and take a few steps back from the duo, "Improvisation is good! It'll keep you alive for longer, improvisation is a key to survival in combat especially when a well thought out plan falls to absolute shit." she said to the pair before jingling the bells once more, their prize so close, yet the road to get to them incredibly long.

"That was a bit rude towards sensei, Shika-chan," Shion pouted as she stepped in front of the young archer, "But next time I ask you something, you can reply after finishing up your attack, okay?"

She was hoping to avoid the fight with Kukiko, considering her condition, but with their teacher's stubbornness and Shika delivering the first blow, she had no choice but to participate in the fight. The least she could do right now would be to give it her all as holding back would be insulting Kukiko's will.

"Water clone technique!" Shion shouted as she performed a hand-sign, a clone forming besides her from the droplets of vapor in the air. The true Shion then rushed towards Kukiko, drawing her katana and performing a wide horizontal slash against the Jonin in one smooth motion. Two of the possible escape routes would be jumping over the attack or staying on the ground and stepping back out of its range. It was then the clone leapt over the young swordsman in an attempt to close off these two routes. If Kukiko jumped over the attack then she would come face to face with the clone in the mid-air or if she stayed on the ground then either she would be slashed if she's still in the katana's range or the clone would land on her and engage her in a grapple.

While Shion was busy fighting their sensei, Shika used this time to string her bow. No matter how many times she did it, it would never be easy on her fingertips; the waxed strings hurt to tie. It was made even worse by the fact that she hadn't really had the time nor the interest to practise her archery at the orphanage. It was hard to remove years of instinct, however, and her hands soon found their old grip on her bow. She did not twang it experimentally—she knew when it'd been done properly. Shika then drew an arrow out of her quiver and waited. Although she was a fairly experienced archer, she wasn't sure of herself not to hit Shion by accident. When she saw an opening, perhaps when Kukiko jumped away from the now two Shions, Shika would let her arrow fly. At least, that was the plan.

Kukiko was a bit surprised with Shion's comment toward Shika, but had no real time to bother with it as Shion formed a water clone at her side. The young genin charged her sensei, pulling the katana at her hip from its sheath and lashing out in one fluid and continuous motion, at the same time her clone leapt over Shion, obviously trying to cut off her ability to simply jump out of the way of the attack. Kukiko smiled slightly before stepping back only to give herself enough time to form four handseals.

From the spot that she had been standing a large spike of ice, about a third of a meter wide would burst from the ground straight up into the air, blocking the horizontal slash from Shion and, although not aimed at the water clone to do damage, it would sufficiently cut off the path of flight for the clone by placing a large object in its way as jumped through the air. She took a brief moment to find where Shika had gone, only to see her busy stringing her bow behind Shion. She was beginning to think she may one day like these two, even if they weren't aware of it yet, their skills seemed to compliment one another. Shion appeared to take more to the close range combat, with the ability to keep a foe tied up while Shika would be able to do damage elsewhere or back up her up with fire when the chance presented itself, and at the very least it seemed that Shika had already caught onto that fact.

As Shion's attack was deflected by the massive spike of ice summoned by Kukiko, she jumped backwards to the side of Kukiko. If the young swordsman wasn't pulling back her attack so as not to kill her instructor, the blade would have been stuck within the ice which would leave her a sitting duck. The clone, on the other hand, slammed her chakra-infused feet onto the surface of the ice, allowing her to walk on it as if she's on the ground.

"Not bad, Shika-chan," Shion commented with a smile as she glanced over at the young archer, "I thought stringing up a bow would take much longer"

"But make sure you don't shoot me in the back, okay?" she added with a wink.

Meanwhile the clone walked along the surface of the spike to its back where Kukiko should be directly below and cancelled the chakra flowing into her feet to perform a plunging attack on the Jonin, if she was still there that is.

"I-I won't!" Slightly flustered by her teammate's comment, her arrow slipped from her fingers. It had been a long time since she'd last been a proper kunoichi. As she'd expected from her teacher, both of their attacks had so far had no effect. The speed of her hand-seals, the ease with what with she summoned her ice technique… Shika was starting to have doubts about their reaching the bells. Still, Kukiko had not gone on the offensive as of yet and Shika was going to use this time to her advantage. She placed her bow carefully on the ground before performing the hand-seals for the clone technique. She hated how convoluted they could be; how they hurt her fingers.

Much to her chagrin, she was only able to summon one clone. She'd never been the best at ninjutsu but still, at the academy she'd been able to summon at least two.
"Just one…" she muttered. "Go help take Sensei down."
If the two clones could just grab onto Kukiko for a second… then the chances of her missing her shot would be miniscule. And even if she missed, she mused, the arrow would only hit a clone. As her clone ran off to confront her teacher, Shika grabbed her bow and began to circle around the ice. If she saw Kukiko, she resolved, she'd aim for her torso.

Kukiko raised her hand up to cover her mouth as she began to cough for far longer than she had since meeting her two students. As she coughed she moved her free left arm up to meet Shion's clone dropping from above, her fingers slipping seamlessly around the clone of Shion's neck before clamping down, the look on the clones face one of complete surprise as Kukiko swung her toward the incoming arrow. The clone uselessly clawed at Kukiko's hand a mere moment before the arrow met its unintended mark and the clone burst into water in her hands and splashed to the ground.

Gazing back in the direction of the two genin, Kukiko thoughtlessly shook the water from her hand, "It was a good try, but far too--" she coughed twice, "far too choreographed, maybe try to have the clone not walk slowly around above the target next time?" she said before recognizing that there were now two Shika's, although on quickly disappeared behind the pillar of ice. She took a few steps back to give herself some time to anticipate or respond to any incoming projectiles or swords before once again assuming a rather defenseless posture and rubbing at her shoulders as she seemed to shiver in the mist.

"I'll keep that in mind, sensei," Shion replied as she followed Shika by her sides, "I can lend you my coat if you want to by the way."

Witnessing Kukiko's counter against Shika's arrow gave Shion pause. Though she trusts her own swordsmanship, she doesn't know when her partner's arrow would strike her. Even if the young archer is skilled and careful, Kukiko would try to put her body between her student and the arrow. Shion then took a glance at Shika, wondering if the girl also had the same thought. They would need to have a discussion to coordinate their attacks better.

'Pst, Shika-chan. I have a feeling frontal attacks ain't going to work with sensei,' Shion called out to the archer in a whisper, 'So I will distract her while you go around and shoot sensei from the sides or the back. If you have any concealment techniques, that will help out a lot.'

'So what do you think? Do you think it's a good enough plan or do you have any better ideas?'

Shika shrugged. It seemed as good a plan as any. She'd never been the mastermind in her old group—as short lived as it'd been—and she wasn't about to start now. Still, her teammate deserved to know everything in her arsenal so Shika motioned towards her sword, buckled on her hip.
"I have this," she gestured. "I know the paralysis technique… and I can summon some crows. I don't know if I can do it right now, so I'll just follow your lead, I guess. I'll shoot when I have the chance."

She glanced towards the ice and noticed that her clone was still alive. It was clearly evident that Kukiko was not fighting them anywhere near her full strength, which worried her somewhat. Could they just bum-rush her alongside their clones? Or perhaps, she mused, she could use her jutsu to try to blind her teacher with a flock of crows before jumping her. No… that'll never work. Not now. Her past attempts on using her Scattering Thousand Crows technique had resulted in something much less—five at best.

"Well… whenever you're ready, I'll be ready." With that, Shika set off to join her clone's position.

Watching her students from where she stood, Kukiko was slightly relieved to see them at least trying to figure out what it was they were capable of, and how they could use those strengths to win if possible. Kukiko opened her mouth to call out before quickly raising her hand up to her mouth to cover it as she broke out into another fit of coughing. As it subdued she turned her head up to her students, she could feel her eyes were irritated from the prior fit but only a hawk could notice such a thing from where her students stood. "What's the hold up? An actual enemy won't give you two this much time to formulate a plan and execute it!" she called out to the two trying to see if they would take the bait and accelerate their planning to fit her wants, a small smile evident on her face as she did.

"And I'm pretty sure our enemies won't tend to cough like a cat with a hairball stuck in her throat," Shion stepped forward with a smirk, holding her katana in one-hand, "Moments like these are perfect opportunities for a surprise!"

Forming a hand-sign, Shion dashed forward at Kukiko, a water clone forming behind her as it circled from the left to attack the instructor from the side. As Shion got close enough to place Kukiko in her katana's range, another water clone bursted out from the wet ground below the Jonin, initiating a bear-hug on her leg as it emerged, in an attempt to tackle her to the ground.

In truth, the young swordsman actually summoned two clones, using the one that was circling Kukiko as a decoy to hide her actual plan, using the wet patch of ground below the Jonin to ambush her with a water clone from the bottom.

Shion then performed a quick thrust aimed at Kukiko's shoulder. Even though she was pulling back her strike, she want to make sure not to kill their instructor on an accident. A stab wound in the shoulder should be a minor enough injury for the medics if the thrust actually landed.
[fieldbox="Transformation Success, Purple, solid"]

Claire Rose,
Genin of Team 11,

She was happy that her plan was considered and even was wanted by Nishi. It did give her confidence but she could feel the icyness coming from Yukimi. The older ninja definitely wanting her plan to go through, not some underling. But to be fair it would be better to be safe than sorry and surely the Chuunin would have understood that. Making the handsigns Claire transformed herself into a young man. His clothes something casual used to travel about, light and plain. She bore a satchel and backpack for her fake wares. Though this wasn't her strong suit she could still change pretty easily and thankfully successfully.

She waited patiently for the other's to follow, her eye's moving to look at Yukimi as she changed. Even if she was not liking this she still went along which was good. Though would she follow everything the Jounin told them? After all Nishi was the most experienced and she would know exactly how to handle this all. Being a Genin meant Claire was more of a liablility at the moment, not having much experience with combat or even a mission. This ultimately put pressure on her to be careful and to make sure she wouldn't screw it all up. "Now that we have this part down. What's next Nishi? Should we go the normal path most merchants take to draw the bandits eye's?" She asked as she looked at the older woman.
[fieldbox=Preparing for the Rain, #33cccc]

Kiyomi Homura I,
Akinian Empress | Konohagakure, Royal Palace - the Council Room.

Reading the content of the message, Kiyomi's eyebrows formed a frown on her brow. There wasn't so much good as bad news. The fact was that the turmoil in Amegakure and thus the Rain province started to cool down. Insurgents as Zealots were being captured, which only revealed more leads to take down more of those bastards. Which was great but it wasn't going as fast as Kiyomi wanted. The entire region of the Rain province was without a formal and central leader. Matters had so far been dealt by Eiji Emiya, who had managed to prevent unrest and turmoil from spreading but there was a dire need for an Amekage to oversee the region. In the name of the Empire of Akino.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Kiyomi wondered if there was no way to hunt those blasted zealots faster. There was the temptation to head out herself. The rush of adventure and adrenaline was something that the young Empress longed for. It seemed an entire past life that she had been out in the field. Doing missions and exploring unknown places on her own. Even leading her own team had been quite the experience. Now, however, she was 'stuck' in a large palace complex of her own. Fenced by gardens and beyond that defences manned by elite operatives as soldiers.

Trying to focus once more on the important matter, Kiyomi made a decision. Seeing that things were cooling down - according to the reports - she decided that it was time to head out towards Amegakure. Preparations would need to be made first. The authority in the Rain province would need to be informed. Then Kiyomi had to arrange and instruct a convoy of servants and guards to be ready to travel. Zakito would need to know of the plan and take over some matters together with Meisa. Then there was the whole deal that Kiyomi wanted to meet and spend some time with Aiko and Kazumo. Which wouldn't likely come to fruition as she had to elect a new Amekage. Though, to be fair, it would likely wind up to be Eiji Emiya. The man had experience. Serving underneath the previous Amekage as well taking over the reins as the acting regent over the province and its assets. He clearly wasn't disloyal to the Empire as no reports of misdoings had been discovered. As for combat capabilities, Kiyomi gained a small smile on her lips. Remembering the duel that she had waged against mister Emiya was one that hadn't vanished in Kiyomi's memories. So all and all, the man was more than capable in her opinion to become Ryuku's successor.

Perhaps she could conjure some excuse for a new trial to test out Eiji's combat skills? Just so that she could have another spar with the man. It would certainly not be something that some would approve but Kiyomi was certain that she could arrange.

Setting out to make the arrangements, the teen ruler already was pondering on how she would convince Eiji Emiya for a spar. And how well she would fare against him, with now being more experienced than she had been at the first spar.
[fieldbox=Operation Red Harvest, green]
Harumi Uchiha,

| ANBU | Akinian Empire | Nondong, capital of the Jarldom of Dagny- Cho Clan Heartlands |

Previous Post.

It had been relatively easy. Bringing the captive of her last endeavour back to the Cho Guard. While waiting for the Cho to question the captive, Harumi was pondering on what the man had told her. The whole deal of making it appear that some clans, of Taika origin and culture, were conspiring against the Cho wasn't a small problem. It could escalate into a big trouble and unrest between powerful clans. That could in the worst scenario rupture the stability and only lead to an armed conflict between clans. That would damage the Empire and leave it open for its neighbours - to descend like a bunch of vultures.

"Miss ANBU," the soft and masculine voice pulled Harumi out of her focus. "I must compliment you on bringing back this package of information," the man said. It was the same as the one who had 'welcomed' her into the large city. His disarming smile would have likely worked on a less wary and skilled operative, pulling attention away from his distinctive black garb and the array of gear. The uniform of the Cho Guard.

"Part of the job," Harumi replied in an even tone. Pushing her back from the wall, she wanted nothing more than to leave the facility where she had brought the captive. It had been easy to find it, seeing that she had been approached by two Cho Guard members the moment she had left the sewer. Which had given cause to make Harumi wonder if her help was even required. Clearly, there was something else about this mission than an actual dire need for an ANBU operative to be an aid.

"Indeed," the man would gesture for Harumi to walk with him. The ANBU operative would comply, though her right thumb hooked behind her belt. Close enough to her own array of tools and weapons. "It is quite worrisome what the man had to say and give, in terms of information. Though vague, the threat of creating a feud between the Cho and another clan, of Taika origin, is quite troublesome. I hope you can agree to that?"

Harumi just nodded. She wasn't interested in playing games or some elaborated treasure hunt for clues on why she had been requested here. The man flashed an apologising smile. "I am certain that you are eager to finish your business and head back home. We are close to ending our mutual cooperation for this operation. As the situation stands now is that we know that there will be a strike in the northern districts. Four locations even. While this is quite good to know in order to plan a counter-measure, we haven't figured out what four locations these óvinur are hiding."

"The enemy?" Harumi asked, not recognising or knowing entirely what the man meant by that particular word. The man simply nodded as he spoke further. "Yes. Anyhow, I was hoping you would lend your skill and help in one place that we assume will be the target of an attack. Already, various others have been dispatched and are watching the northern districts. With your help, I am assured that we can apprehend the soon to be culprits and then you can be on your way, back home."