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[fieldbox=Heading towards Amegakure, #33cccc]
A - relatively short- collab between Nim and Aliceee.

Kiyomi is organising the trek towards Amegakure from Konohagakure. Kuni is instructed to prepare herself as she will accompany the envoy. Reaching the capital of the Rain province, Amegakure, the two part ways as Kiyomi states that Kuni is free to head back home.

Three weeks she has been there. Three weeks of being mostly by herself, with one visit from Zakito, and not much else. She had kept a notebook filled with notes to herselfs, ideas, scribbles, songs to sing for Sachi, potential trainings with Eiji and Ryu, but for the past few days the notebook just laid on the table, untouched.

Staring at the ceiling from the bed, Kuni just laid there. Meditating consistently without anything in between made the peaceful actions lose their effect. She was already calm, and the place was always peaceful. The bed had also lost its comfort, as she missed the feeling of the earth underneath her feet, underneath her body. Being incapable of proper training sessions made her feel as if she has started to lose her touch.

And for the past few days, all she did was lay on the bed and ponder on how much longer will she be there, but still eating and remaining silent, as Kuni felt complaining would be inappropriate.
Without any kind of warning did the door open. Two Sworn Swords in full gear would enter and take a position at the sides of the door. Only followed by Kiyomi, who entered the room with a calm expression. Once she had entered, the young ruler frowned slightly as she eyed Kuni. "You're awake? Good. It is time to prepare to head out. I have received word that the unrest and trouble in Amegakure has been settled," Kiyomi would say on a serious tone, "Which means that I am heading towards the provincial capital. And you, will accompany us. Time to head home." Taking a small pause, Kiyomi seemed to consider something.

"We will be leaving in a few hours. Make sure you're ready cause it will be a long trip. Same rules that applied here will apply on the road towards Amegakure. I don't want any trouble or even as a prank being pulled. Did I make myself clear?" The right eyebrow slightly perked higher as Kiyomi would wait for a response.

The sudden opening of the door and the entrance of the two Sworn Swords, followed by Kiyomi, made Kuni rise to a sitting position on the bed. As she listened to the Empress's words, he expression did not change, but her eyes would light up as soon as Kiyomi said it was time to head home. Remaining quiet until Kiyomi asked a question that required an answer, Kuni nodded her head "Crystal clear. Same rules, no pranks, no trouble." Her voice was slightly weak from not being used much throughout her period there, but the excitement was still there.

Kiyomi locked her gaze on Kuni, the expression on the empress face not shifting. "Good." The hint of a smile appeared as the serious expression seemed to soften. Turning around, Kiyomi would leave the room as the two Sworn Swords followed suit. One closing the door behind himself.

Waiting for about a minute after the departure of Kiyomi and the Sworn Swords, Kuni rose from the bed and begun to pack everything with haste. She didn't care how her bags would look when she got home or if Eiji would complain. The only thing that ran in her mind was that she was going home. She is going back to Ame.

The group was ready. A few carriages were prepared as various servants would accompany the group. A mix of Sworn Swords and Tiger Claws were present. Either checking their gear, their mounts or engaging in some conversations. Though a dark grey blanket of clouds prevented one from spotting the sun and gain the suspicion that it would rain soon, it remained dry thus far.

Being ready for the long journey, Kiyomi was wearing an attire that was close to her own gear for missions. A few of weapons were sheathed and visible but nothing that implied that the young ruler had something grim in mind. Approaching the site just in front of the southern gate of the royal palace's exterior, Kiyomi looked at the scenery. While glad that she was able to head out and enjoy the countryside, she wasn't particularly interested or eager to visit Amegakure. Remembering her last visit and the dreadful weather, Kiyomi released a soft sigh as she would walk forwards. A member of the present Tiger Claw held the reins of her own mount, Shozo, and would hand it over to the Empress. Thanking the man after he helped her mount the Sato pony, Kiyomi patted the animals neck. One more glance made it clear that they were soon ready to head out. Her only concern was that Kuni wouldn't pull anything as a joke or go against the two assigned Sworn Swords, that had been sent to retrieve her from her room.

Carrying her bag as the two quiet men walked alongside her, Kuni didn't mind the grey clouds. Those already reminded her a bit of Ame. Maybe that meant the trip would be a good trip.

As they approached the group, Kuni would first go to the carriage, placing her bag inside of it. She gave the gardens that surrounded the palace a brief look, wanting to just run and touch the grass, the earth, but remaining still before feeling the stare of the two Sworn Swords that were accompanying her. With the help of a Sworn Sword, she climbed onto the carriage as well, and quickly moved to approach the side that Kiyomi and her steed were closer to. She gave her a brief smile before moving to sit in a more comfortable position.

Spotting Kuni with the two assigned Sworn Swords, Kiyomi's attention was briefly demanded by the captain of the present Tiger Claws. A rather brief exchange occurred between the two. As Kiyomi nodded towards the man, glad about the report, she cast a glance to the carriage where Kuni would stay during the journey. The empress didn't return the smile but simply nodded in a subtle manner. Now that everybody was present, it was time to get going.

The start of the journey went rather slow. The Tiger Claws and Sworn Swords formed a protective formation around the few carriages in which Kuni and other servants were located. By the sight of the entourage moving, people would rush to the streets to witness the bypassing large group. Various units of the city guard and shinobi were assigned to aid the entourage's progress.

On top of her own steed, Kiyomi would allow a smile to grow on her lips as she waved to the curious and cheerful crowd. It would continue for around a hour or two before the entourage had finally passed the main gate of the capital. Crossing over the stone bridge, the entourage would be able to pick a faster pace as there was nobody else on the road to disturb their progress.

The entourage would continue to travel for some hours before a break was enlisted. Three small squads of Tiger Claws would secure and scout the perimeter while the rest remained with the Sworn Swords at the quickly established camp. Small packages of a simple lunch would be given to those not assigned to any sort of camp or guard duty.

Sitting on top of a log, Kiyomi observed the ongoing around her. Around three Sworn Swords were standing nearby her, clearly on guard duty as their young ruler continued eating the simple lunch.
After the camp had been secured, Kuni briefly waited for the Sworn Swords accompanying her to get off the carriage before she got off it. Once her feet touched the grass, and the earth underneath it, she felt as if she could just sink into the ground and let it embrace her for eternity.

Feeling the vibrations of the group, all around made her happy. She suddenly got a nudge from one of the Sworn Swords as they directed her to go sit somewhere, presumably wanting to ensure they have an easier time keeping an eye on her. Seeing Kiyomi sit on a log with three Sword Swords next to her, Kuni decided to go sit on the ground not too far from her before she received a small lunch to eat.

Eating slowly and with her eyes closed, Kuni would have a smile on her face, as if she was a little kid that just got the biggest piece of candy they had ever seen. She placed her focus not to be on the food, but rather on sensing as many different vibrations as she could without going into the ground, her bare feet being the main conduit for the vibrations.

Kiyomi noticed Kuni but frowned when the latter was apparently barefoot. Not minding it much, she continued to eat the small lunch. Once ready, she would wipe her mouth and wondered if there wasn't any moment where she could ride faster with Shozo. It was one thing to be outside the walls of Konohagakure but it would be even more enjoyable to ride harder on the back of her pony. Already she felt the presence of a pair of eyes drilling in her back. Kiyomi didn't need to throw a look over her shoulder to know that Iroh was watching her.

Kiyomi's eyes half closed as she knew that if she would even try something that she was already ten years too late to outspeed the stern Sworn Sword lieutenant.

Feeling vibrations of someone that was walking towards the vibrations of Kiyomi and her surrounding Sworn Swords, Kuni decided to open her eyes and take a look. A very stern looking man was approaching Kiyomi, with quite the scarred face, making Kuni swallow a bite a bit too quickly and then cough a bit. She did not know what his role was, but she felt like she didn't really want to make him angry or give him any reason to go toe to toe with her.

The rest of the journey towards Amegakure lacked any sense of excitement or adventure. The royal envoy didn't encounter one single problem or obstacle. When arriving at the perimeter of the provincial capital of the Rain, which was Amegakure, the envoy made a brief stop. A rider had already been dispatched a day or two ago to alert the city's authorities of the royal envoy being close. Which mean that various preparations could have been made prior before the royal envoy would enter the city.
Though ever since entering the badlands of the Rain province, Kiyomi had traveled in the comfort of a carriage. But now, once more, Shozo would be geared to allow Kiyomi to ride on her own. Checking the saddle and other gear of her mount, Kiyomi would soon enough mount the horse on her own. Soon enough the envoy would make way towards Amegakure. With the Tiger Claws as Sworn Swords forming a protective barrier around the servants, carriages and the Empress. Across the path where the envoy entered the city were a lot of guards as soldiers stationed. Where there weren't many curious people at the start of when the group entered the city, a crowd would soon enough gather. Word indeed traveled fast about who had decided to grace the city with a visit.

While nobody was bold or insane enough to stand in either the way of the wary local guard and Imperial soldiers, let alone that of the Sworn Swords or Tiger Claws, the travel towards the Amekage Office was still taking a hour or two. Once arriving at the complex, the royal guard worked together with a chosen group of both shinobi and soldiers to continue safeguarding the Empress and her servants from curious folk.

At the same time, Kuni would be guided out of her carriage - from the side where the curious and cheering populace wouldn't spot the jinchuriki. Once inside the large complex which ran the administration of the province, Kuni would be kept in wait under the guidance of four Sworn Swords.
Entering the complex herself, Kiyomi decided to first conclude business with the jinchuriki. Dismissing various servants and only briefly speaking with Katatashi, Kiyomi approached Kuni and the appointed guards. "Seems we made it. Now, I am certain that you have some desires of you own. However, I have to state that I still don't want to hear anything that involves you making a mess or get into publicity. Some nasty affairs have already happened and I doubt that the people want anything from a prankster. Else I will have to see to it that you're confined." Was what Kiyomi told to Kuni, the harsh tone going together with the serious expression.

Enjoying the rest of the travel, which took place in the familiar atmosphere that came with the Rain province, Kuni let her mind relax a bit as they came into what she considered to be a much more known territory. The road was kind to them and no trouble arose, and although there was much she wanted to say, Kuni did not think this was the most appropriate setting to speak up.

Once they arrived past the gates of the village, she felt her heart skip a beat. It was great being back, and even if she wouldn't show it in the ride, the expression in her eyes would become much more excited.

As they stopped by the Amekage's office, she was escorted by four Sworn Sword and told to wait until she was officially released by a higher ranking member. Several minutes of waiting later, and Kiyomi came to talk to her, remarking on how she knew Kuni had her own things she wished to attend to, but that if she even heard a small remark about her, then there would be consequences.

"I understand, though I haven't done anything in that manner in quite some time. Wouldn't want to give Eiji more trouble, considering he already has so much on his plate." Kuni responded, and then turned to look at the building "I assume you need to speak to him, but can I try looking for him in other places, at the case he isn't present? First thing I told myself I'd do is go see him." She added, before turning to look at Kiyomi and giving her a bow "Unless that would count as interrupting your matters, of course." Was added as she rose from the bow.

"You assume correctly. So you ought best to do something else beforehand. Matters of state go above your personal desires. Not to mention that there is a lot of attention likely focused on individuals like Emiya-san, at the moment I wager. Best if you keep yourself scarce until my matters with him are resolved," Kiyomi said, "So you can go now." Adding a small gesture that she was free to walk away, Kiyomi would turn around to attend to her matters.

Nodding gently, Kuni would wait briefly as Kiyomi walked away before she would turn away and begin heading off herself. If she couldn't see Eiji just yet, perhaps she could first go and see where Ryu is. Or just head to the house and see if Sachi is awake. Regardless of her choice, she felt good to be back.

[fieldbox="A taste of your mettle - Part Three - Team 7, green"]

Empire of Akino.

Hanaguro - River Province's capital.

A collab between Nim, Glitchybugger, Roran Hawkins and Gerontis.

Team 7 returns to the palace of Hanaguro after surviving their encounter with the Zealots, successfully thwarting an attempt on Lady Haruka's life. Once there, they finish some errands in preparation for what is to come.

With her two guards, Haruka would be spotted by Team 7, speaking with a few of the Nagata clansmen. Her expression showed clear disdain. Once done she would turn away and walk over to Team 7.

"Well, we are dealing with a possible set-up. According to those Nagata clansmen, they had been invited for some drinks by the Okakzaki, to start mending some of their ongoing friction. Clearly, that didn't go as anybody had anticipated."

The clone Haruka had been talking to gave a rueful nod in return while Kensuke got up, finding himself sitting against a wall, ears ringing. He got up and spat out a mouthful of dust and blood and frowned at the wood splinter in his arm. He then walked over to Haruka while picking up his second blade. "This is worse than we expected, by far." He said to their protégé as he sheathed the dragonsteel blade in its secret slot in the saya. "It won't be this easy next time around, now they know we are working for you and what we're capable of." He added before turning around to examine the destruction.

"Kyoi, Karma, I need you to stay alert. Screen every person that approaches us for traces of the leech and its puppets. Stop anyone who refuses to be screened or looks suspicious to your Byakugan." He said while he handed his headset to his clone, which still had a reasonable amount of chakra left given the circumstances. It departed without a word, reactivating the camouflage technique in an attempt to scan the town and reach Team 4, wherever they were. Kensuke himself remained with Haruka, sword drawn, blood slowly oozing from the fragmentation wounds.

The Leech had vanished, but the remaining bodies still exploded. The cover Karma had set up for herself was effective, blocking the majority of the explosions and the splatter that created from them. Getting up, she watched as Haruka first spoke to the Nagata and then came and talked to Kensuke. Before she knew it, the headset was given to the clone who went away and they were instructed to screen anyone who comes their way.

Thinking about something, approached Kensuke "I understood your instructions Kensuke, but I was wondering if perhaps I should send my raven to update the Lord Commander and perhaps also request for backup. Considering how this just went, it could be best to do so." Karma suggested and then waited to hear the response the team leader's response. While she did still feel he did not deserve to be approached about this at all, if they were dealing with another Leech then it was much worse than they thought before.

The level of protective measures that the team had taken in order to save themselves and Haruka from an untimely demise at the hands of the exploding assailants proved to be enough to make sure they made it out alive.

Kyoi's first priority once everyone was out was a survey of the area with her byakugan to ensure no one was lurking around and waiting for their guard to be down, her second was a triage of those whom had been caught in the battle. "Are you and your guards injured? If so I could attend to those here or once we're back at the palace, the latter would be safer, no doubt." She'd then glance Kensuke's direction after hearing his instructions. "I'm already on it, I would like to personally handle any medical treatment that is required of our team or Lady Haruka, to ensure that nothing slips between the cracks."

Hopefully Kyoi's initial uncertainty about the Okakzaki now would be taken into consideration, at least enough to warrant an investigation into the clan and their contacts just to ensure that this was only a one-time deal that had been struck between the zealots and a member of the clan.

Subtly, Haruka nodded after Kensuke's words. There was something on the young woman's mind but she didn't speak up. There was a brief and visible change in Haruka's expression when Kensuke made his instruction but no argument came from Haruka regarding screening people. Letting Kensuke speak with his team, Haruka made use of the small time to converse something quickly in Yakimara with one of her guards. The guard made a quick bow before taking his leave.

Overhearing Kyoi's suggestion, Haruka seemed surprised. Quick to regain her calm and polite composure, the Tamiyo shook her head slightly. "I am fine and neither of my guardsmen seem to have been injured in the brief skirmish. Thank you for your offer and care, though." Another look at the mess made Haruka consider something. "I think I do want to go back to the keep of my family. The local watch can handle the remains of what happened here," gesturing to the mess that the exploded bodies and previous fights had created.

Kensuke turned to Karma when she offered to send a raven to warn Zakito of their predicament. He took a second to respond before he nodded. "Definitely. But wait until we're back. Spares me the effort of figuring out how to contact them quickly. Good thinking." He replied, already turning to Kyoi as she began talking to him. He gave his surroundings another quick glance and saw that noone had gotten seriously injured. He then pulled the twisted wood shard out of his arm, allowing a fresh wave of blood to quickly flood his sleeve. "Just close it." He said. He would have noticed by now if more than just his muscle had been hit, and if there'd be no blood loss all the wound would be was very painful. He could live with that. When Haruka spoke Kensuke nodded in agreeance, almost too quickly.

"The sooner, the better." He said banishing the gore-stained surroundings from his thoughts.

Listening quietly to Haruka's words and then Kensuke's response to her suggestion, Karma nodded. It seemed Kensuke felt this was much more serious than what was initially suggested as well. She moved to following his former instructions until they will begin to move back, as both Haruka and Kensuke seemed to want.

"I'm glad to hear you and your guards are uninjured, it's part of my duty as a medical practitioner to make sure everyone is healthy and well." Kyoi briefly beamed a smile to Haruka following her reply and her attention once more was turned to Kensuke.

Kyoi showed a bit of concern in reaction to Kensuke yanking out the wood stuck in his arm so she could treat the wound. With a quick bandage she'd make a quick tourniquet just to slow any further bleeding and then begin with the Mystical Palm technique to quickly seal the hole in his arm.

Even if he said just to close it she'd make sure to continue her use of the technique until it was in a good functioning state, she was the medical professional here after all, it wouldn't do well for anyone if they found themselves under attack and Kensuke couldn't keep up due to the incompleteness of the healing process. Once she was done she'd remove the tourniquet and gently feel along the arm, pressing on the once-wounded area to make sure it felt right through the skin.

"Test your arm a little for me, it should be fine now. Karma, would you like me to tend to that cut on your arm?" Kyoi's last port of call was the young genin, it wasn't a big wound but it was a wound nonetheless and that was enough for Kyoi to voice concern.

"Let me know when your team is ready to get moving," Haruka would tell Kensuke as she nodded to Kyoi and Karma, before turning around to speak with some of the Nagata clansmen.

Not soon after did captain Aratoshi arrive on the scene, completing the group just before they would return to the Taimyo keep. Once back, Haruka would speak up to Kensuke and his team. "I will retreat to my chambers. Captain Aratoshi is going to indulge himself further into what occured between the Okakzaki and Nagata clansmen. Perhaps there is something that he will need your help with. I will soon see if I can't figure out more through my other connections. But I will understand if you and your team will need some time to rest a bit."

Kensuke looked around at the individual members of Team 7 and saw that he was the only one who'd suffered any real injuries during the fight, earning them a silent, respectful look from the swordsman. He had trouble hiding his annoyance at Kyoi healing more of his arm than he'd asked for, but let it be, already hearing Sachiko's biting remarks about his health. "We are ready, Lady Haruka. We do not need rest." He added. If they were to be the shield against ninjutsu they were supposed to be, they were to guard her at every passing moment. Rest was something they had to find in a rotating schedule.

Karma shook her head at the offer to take care of the cut on her arm. It barely even itched her, so all she felt was needed was to let it be. There was no need to waste chakra on minor injuries that did not require it, like Kensuke's injuries.

Once Aratoshi came back, they found their way back to the keep within a good time. Lady Taimyo then spoke to them again, telling them what she and Aratoshi will do while letting them choose what they will do. "Agreed with Kensuke, no rest is needed." She briefly stated. Before hearing Kyoi's response, she turned to Kensuke "Shall I go send that report now to the Lord Commander?" She asked him. Seeing how he approved of it before, she decided to give the mutual agreement of this yet another push.

A simple nod was all Kyoi needed to give to agree on not needing any rest, and to accept that Karma could manage with her little injury not being treated. "I'm also ready to continue with our duties." Though she did feel it was necessary to at least voice that she was okay to continue working as well, at least for some peace of mind for Haruka. She found herself quite curious, excited even, about the whole affair between the Nagata and the Okakzaki, maybe she'd be able to eavesdrop in on the Okakzaki if she was allowed to investigate.

"If you don't then I suggest that you seek out captain Aratoshi. Perhaps he could use some aid with his investigation. I prefer to tackle the diplomatic talk without shinobi being present. Makes talking a tad easier." Haruka replied as she would flash a smile. "I believe captain Aratoshi will still be in his office at the barracks. Do make certain though that you won't be dragged into any stunts that draws public attention to yourselves. If words reaches out that Imperial agents are making things more tense, there is no telling how it will affect the local stability."

"We are shinobi, Haruka-ojou. It is in our nature to be subtle, unless the situation demands elsewise." Kensuke replied with a bow of the head. "Please allow at least one of our number to shadow you. The threat is not over, and a follow-up attack to catch us when we think we are safe is not out of consideration." He said to their protégé, inviting Kyoi to step forwards. The Hyuuga easily was most suited to the role, as her visual prowess would easily negate any disadvantages from a more distant guarding position.

Kensuke's clone which had accompanied Captain Aratoshi here joined them, his other one still trying to contact Team 4 around town. "Karma and I shall discuss future plans with your Captain." He said, giving Karma a patient nod as he finished his conversation with Lady Haruka. They would contact Zakito immediately after this, but there was no reason to give anyone hard evidence yet that they had the ability to contact their headquarters at will.

At Kensuke's suggestion for one of the group to maintain watch over Haruka, Kyoi quietly stepped up. "Out of sight, out of mind. Unless I need to intervene, of course."

Karma would remain silent as Haruka and Kensuke kept speaking, until she got a nod from Kensuke, which she returned with a nod of her own. She kept quiet as Kyoi stepped up before moving her sight to Kensuke and keeping them on him, waiting until he indicated it was time to move.

"No." Was the resolute answer of Haruka. "I will be fine. Surrounded by more than capable guards, I prefer having you guys out in the field. There might be sources inside at work that know what my guards are capable off. But I doubt that your team is really known with the enemy at work in the city and area. Thus, I want you and your team to aid captain Aratoshi. When you're done, come back to me." Nodding towards Kensuke, Haruka would turn around on her heels before walking away. Some of her guards in tow as the others dispersed to mind their own or attend to other affairs.

"As you wish." Kensuke said with finality, silencing any complaints from his team. He watched her leave the vicinity with his hands crossed behind his back. His clone made a few hand signs and disappeared without a word, soft footsteps pacing away in the direction Lady Haruka went. Only then did he turn around to his team with the vaguest hint of a smile. "That's all the disobedience we can afford. We can't disobey her ladyship as her bodyguards. But she never forbade us to send clones to act as overwatch." He told his team after double checking they were alone. "Even if I'm not present, never leave her out of your sight, one way or another, even when she orders us gone. Subtly, respectfully." He added with emphasis. "If she gets into trouble, we need to know."

He then rolled his shoulders and gave the healed wound another look through his blood-stained sleeve and nodded to himself.

"Karma. Let's inform the Jounin Commander of our situation."

Kyoi suppressed her frown, Haruka certainly seemed to have a level head on her shoulders, but the way the Hyuuga saw it, she was too reliant on the guards she already had. Possibly even to a fault as the young woman mentioned that her guards capabilities might be known of, it put them at a huge disadvantage if that were the case. "We have a very troublesome VIP to keep safe, don't we?" Kyoi looked to Kensuke, a wry smirk on her face. "I'll keep as close an eye on her as I can once we're done with Captain Aratoshi."

Seeing the persistent rejection of Haruka, Karma wondered for a moment what was it that needed to be done without the protection of one additional person. Her curiosity wouldn't linger as she watched Lady Tamiyo depart. As they begun heading away, both Kensuke and Kyoi had something to say, but in the meanwhile Karma checked, gently touching it with her fingers before bringing her hands together.

Once they were in a more private location, but one with access to the outside, Karma took a small scroll, quill and bottle of ink from her pouch, handing it to Kensuke as she would use the bit of blood she gained from her still open wound to perform the summoning technique. After it was performed, a rather small smoke cloud appeared, from which a raven would jump onto Karma's right shoulder "Whenever it's ready, Kensuke." She said in a calm manner.

He nodded in silence s he sat down at the modest desk in their private chambers and began quickly noting down a written report, making sure to check the encoding tables that had been activated two days ago. It took him the better part of fifteen minutes to say everything the jounin commander was ought to know and encypt it to prevent the zealots, should they get their hands on the message, from understanding their communication. Once one he got up and handed Karma the note. "Let's get this bird flying." He said as he wiped some spilled ink off his hands with a nearby towel.

"Off to the Captain, shall we?" He said.

Watching the summoning of Karma's raven, Kyoi found herself quite intrigued by it, she'd never learnt much about summoning techniques so it was new territory to her. All she would do after everything was done and ready for them to leave, she nodded in agreement to the suggestion of seeing Captain Aratoshi.

Receiving the encrypted note from Kensuke, Karma nodded before tying the small scroll to Yoyo's left leg "To the Lord Commander, with haste Yoyo." Was whispered as she brought the bird to the window, to which it responded with a brief nod before taking off, vanishing into the skies above them within a couple of moments. Turning, she would quickly pack up the ink and quill, a bit annoyed Kensuke let some ink spill, before nodding to his words about heading off to see the Captain.
[fieldbox=A new source of Anger, violet]
Amegakure - the capital of the Rain Province.
Empire of Akino.

A collab between Aliceee and Lesli.

Kiyomi meets up with Aiko, after several other meetings. With her mood already a bit sour at the downside of various events that had happened in Amegakure, Aiko brings the final push for Kiyomi to harbour a newfound hatred for the Zealots and whoever they serve.


Kiyomi stared out of the window. Standing in the office that was for the Amekage, she could watch out of the window that provided a view of the city of Amegakure. The style of the buildings and people still felt so foreign to her. Yet it was fascinating how they had adjusted to the rain and made it work, living here. Where she wouldn't have the stomach to endure the rain pour that seemed to go on forever, these people had lived here for such a long time. How they could endure it was beyond her.

The door to the spacious room would be opened by one of the Sworn Swords, that allowed a jounin to enter. Turning around to the sound that broke the silence, Kiyomi flashed a wide smile towards Aiko. "Aunt A!" Walking towards the woman, Kiyomi already spread her arms for a hug. The door would be closed behind the jounin. "Good to see you still surviving here, despite the vices of the city!"

The news that Kiyomi had arrived in Amegakure hadn't passed Aiko. The moment that she had learnt of Kiyomi's approach, Aiko was both relieved and stressed. Relieved as that meant that more forces would enter the city. Forces that were top notch in keeping the peace. And not just talking about the 'visible' Sworn Swords. Much like she suspected, Aiko had already a big hunch that the Sworn Swords weren't just visible elite guards. There were some bound to be in the shadows. Watching the Empress and ready to strike from the unseen.

"Haha, good to see you as well," Aiko let out a small laugh as the empress gave her a hug. Returning the hug, Aiko would gently push Kiyomi back - her hands on the empress shoulders. Eyeing the teen, Aiko frowned. "Good, no new scar. I am scared to see one or two scars appearing with your attitude." Aiko joked as she pulled Kiyomi for another hug. "Okay, now, I believe we have to come to business, no?"

Kiyomi couldn't help but snicker. Hugging Aiko once more, she would nod when the woman brought up that they had matters to discuss. "Yes, so how have you experienced Amegakure these past three weeks?"

The question was met, at first, with a heavy sigh. Shaking her head lightly, Aiko brought up that she had a tough time. The inexperience of the group had made things quite difficult and with both Katsu as Koike needing to take their leave at an early stage, she wasn't able to pull off the most effective missions. Concluding the summary that she had suffered four losses and that the current group was doing okay, Aiko would turn silent.

Listening to the summary, Kiyomi's smile and joyful expression vanished. Crossing her arms, her left hand cupped her chin. "That is a shame. I am glad that you could manage to pull out some success." Then she considered what Aiko just had said. Four losses? Lowering her arms, Kiyomi would turn around and walk to the window.

"How is Tatsuya Hon?"

Aiko stared at the back of the teen. It remained silent for a moment. While she had the answer and wasn't afraid of Kiyomi's wrath, it was that she didn't want to say the words that would bring the pain. It was clear now that Kiyomi was fond of the young Hon. Why? She wasn't entirely certain but it wasn't her affair to indulge in who Kiyomi all befriended.

The temperature started to rise slowly but steadily in the room. The air itself started to become dry and more difficult to breathe in. Staring out of the window, Kiyomi was barely aware of her how her eyes narrowed and the jade colour in her eyes started to darken. A grim and dark atmosphere seemed to flow from the teen as she realised that Tatsuya was one of the four. While the atmosphere became less hospitable in the room and spreading slowly to the hallway and beyond, Kiyomi felt her own stomach turning. It wasn't that she was angry on Aiko or the people she led. Or the fact that Eiji was at fault. No, the fault was of those damned Zealots. But most of all, Kiyomi was angry at herself. She knew how inexperienced Tatsuya had been. He wasn't the most talented or skilled genin. He had his charm and for a certain part Kiyomi couldn't help but desire to see herself in him. Hadn't she struggled as a genin, like he had?

"This is my fault."​

In all of a sudden, the murderous intent and atmosphere seemed to flow away as Kiyomi closed her eyes and sighed.

"I am sorry. I should not have allowed him to venture on this mission. So, what is his status? Killed or Missing?"

"Missing, your Majesty." Aiko managed to bring out. She had experienced a lot of tight and risky situations. Matters of life and death. Even with her experience, those moments still scared her to a good bit. Yet, the murderous intent that had flowed from Kiyomi had frozen Aiko. The jounin knew all too well how dangerous and feisty the teen could be. Not just because of the Nibi but more of her own skills and determination. Able to breath easier, Aiko explained on that Tatsuya had been missing and why Aiko was assuming that he was still alive.

Clenching her hands into fists, Kiyomi turned around. She kept herself calm, her anger under control. "I will send out ANBU to search every crevice and possible location. I want that boy found. He was my apprentice and I will be damned if I won't give it all to get information where they are going with him. In fact, I will get him myself." The last sentence was more than a statement. It sounded like a threat combined with a promise. Already she considered what possible places they would take him. Hopefully, they wouldn't hurt him too badly. The thought alone of Tatsuya, alone and in fear, made her anger rise up to new heights.

"Your Majesty, I understand that you want the boy found. But getting him yourself? At least, consider taking experienced people with you. You are a most capable combatant and will be above their skill. But you are still one person. Consider taking aid with you, at least. To stop me or others from worrying dead about you." Aiko said, feeling already helpless. She really was starting to look after Hiron.

For a moment, Kiyomi wanted to say no. This was her fault and she would set it right. But she wasn't just a chuunin anymore. Nor was she just a jounin team leader. Even while she had her desire to already run out and save Tatsuya, Kiyomi was aware that she had her duties. That and there were capable people who could locate Tatsuya for her. Her eyes lowered as Kiyomi nodded. "I will. Maybe," considering an option, Kiyomi looked up to Aiko. "How ready would your team be for a retrieval operation?"

Sighing in the midst of her mind, Aiko was glad that she had convinced the teen to take help with her. Aiko was else certain that Hiron would have been beyond anger at her. When Kiyomi, however, asked if Team 8 was capable Aiko wavered - visibly.
"I wouldn't say that they are ready yet. Given some time, so that I can train and prepare them? Then perhaps. After all, they all could use some more experience." Aiko replied, thinking out loud. Satia was still a fresh genin - regardless of how well she seemed to adapt to various situations. Kazumo and Neji were more battle-tested but Aiko didn't regard them yet ready for a high ranking mission.

"Fair enough. I need to assign ANBU and other people to track down Tatsuya. Hopefully, by the time that he gets found, I can rely on you and like an ANBU team." Already Kiyomi started to think of how she would tackle the retrieval of Tatsuya. If the enemy discovered the boy's true nature. On why he had been picked as her apprentice, then there was the reason why he would perhaps be alive. No report had come of the Kyuubi surfacing or something like that. So it was more than feasible that the masses would believe that it was Koike Hon, who was the host of the Kyuubi. A ruse to protect Tatsuya as the true jinchuriki of the dreaded and hated Kyuubi.

"Let us plan our next move..."
"As you wish, your Majesty."

[fieldbox='Shikaroku Nara & Tentou Aburame | Team 9, #4B0082']
Into the Dark

Shikaroku was not blind to the fact that Hiron's focus had shifted to him while reminding Yiko that they may have to kill. His mind flashed back to the memory of his first Chuunin exams, where he had killed his first opponent... While Shikaroku had always known that taking a life was part of the job, he never expected his first kill to come in a closely monitored competition...

It had made the experience all the more unsettling and left a bad taste in his mouth that served as a constant reminder of his actions.

Hiron had tried to get him over it. Tried to get him past the fear, to see the need. Shikaroku was not stupid. He understood the necessity and that was exactly why he hated it. He respected Hiron too much, however, to go against the man's word. Shikaroku would perform his duty and worry about the consequences afterwards.

He held Hiron's gaze as long as he could, faltering for only a moment before shifting slightly, hoping the Jounin had not noticed.

When Hiron gave the order to roll out, Shikaroku's hand once again moved to hover over his pack, the temptation tugging at the back of his mind...

The journey was made in silence, something Tentou was comfortable with. While she would like to get to know the new teammate a little more before they ventured into danger, she understood this was the mission now and pleasantries were of no importance until the mission was done. There was still some concern gnawing at the back of her mind. Hiron and Shikaroku had both seemed to have a change of demeanor after reaching the meeting point. While it was not immediately concerning, nor did she know either well enough to tell if there was a legitimate issue, it still didn't sit right with her.

Hiron stopped them and she watched as he moulded lightning chakra around his hand, clearly waiting for the chakra masts to be activated. It was smart, however, she couldn't help but wonder if the lightning signified something else for the Jounin...

When the lightning disappeared, Tentou surmised that the masts had been activated. This hunch was confirmed when Hiron turned to them and began speaking. Seems this mission would be one that was kept off the books. Tentou was familiar with this kind of mission and had no issue with their actions remaining unknown to anyone else.

Shikaroku had also had his fair share of 'off the record' missions, and was never one to care for recognition. In fact, the less recognition he gained from a mission, the better. It would help him to continue his work without issue. Being easily recognizable certainly made it difficult to practice subterfuge...

They followed behind the Jounin as he crawled towards their destination. Shikaroku kept a close eye on Hiron, worried. Their last bout with the zealots had not gone in their favour and Hiron had gotten the worse end of that deal. He did not think Hiron would be the type to seek revenge, but then again... even the Empress had taken Shikaroku on a mission for vengeance and answers. If she could be swayed by the allure, then perhaps the infallible Hiron was also susceptible to the temptation of revenge...

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, Shikaroku forced himself to focus. They had reached the entrance and Hiron made his way inside, followed closely by Yiko. Holding the hatch for Tentou to enter before him, Shikaroku gave her a slight nod and watched her sink into the darkness. Taking one last look at the outside, the Nara sighed and slipped into the opening.

Closing the hatch behind him, the room was even darker and it took a moment for Shikaroku's eyes to adjust. He caught sight of the light near the end of the hallway and could make out the rest of his team, gathered towards the exit of the room they were in.

Hiron had drawn his tanto and Tentou had a kunai of her own drawn. Yiko did not appear to be holding any weapons and Shikaroku wondered for a moment if the Uchiha was hesitant to draw one, or if he preferred fighting with his hands. Pondering the thought for only a second, Shikaroku reached into his weapons pouch and pulled out a kunai of his own. His chained double-scythe would be virtually useless in a contained environment like this.

Moving up with the others, he peered into the hallway, looking for some sign of the enemy. Glancing towards Hiron, Shikaroku waited for his sensei's orders.

[fieldbox=An Enemy Unknown, #0080FF]
Koike and Katsu move with the 13th to scout ahead.
Collab between Sketching101 and Gero Bearo

Wolf country - Eastern continent.

Koike and Katsu move out with a detachment of the Foot Companions - a battalion of the 13th Brigade. Their goal? To find a crossing south of the allied camp and cross the river that forms the natural barrier between the allied force and the unknown enemy.
Once finding a crossing, the two brothers in arms soon find out that the enemy isn't entirely clueless to endeavours of trying to move forces over at another crossing.


More roars and barks would resonate through the dark night, as if the Uchiha and his direwolf were suddenly surrounded by all sides. The first of the unknown sources came into sight. Speeding through the snow and between the trees, a large canine stormed towards Tanpo and Katsu from the right. While being somewhat larger in size than Tanpo, the creature seemed less to sport less thick fur or muscles and on top of it, a man in worn clothing. Only for more figures to appear from various directions, riding on top of wretched canines. A strong and reeking scent seemed to grow more potent as the unknown riders started to approach closer to the Uchiha and his direwolf.

Tanpo sunk, walking back slowly upon seeing the approaching enemies, ready to fight. Katsu glared at the direwolf as he yelled again. "Get out already!" His attention returned to the approaching riders. One of the beasts sprung out towards the young nin, forcing him to leap out of the way. As he dug his hand into his coat, a second rider ran at him before Tanpo met him from the side of his neck to stop him. The rider fell off the struggling beast before Tanpo was thrown to the side with a chunk of meat in his mouth. Katsu pulled out a few knives to throw but another rider began running at him.

The foul creature and its rider were closing in fast. The jaw of the beast already opened, revealing a nasty set of fangs, teeth and canines - all that were meant to shred and rip flesh from bone. As the beast was about to lunge to slam Katsu down to the ground, a large black threat would slam into the side. Causing the foul canine and its rider to be slammed and toppled against the ground. Loud growling would go mixed with the whimpering of a canine being hurt. Soon after, arrows would soar through the air, taking out some of the riders and their beasts.

"Katsu!" Koike shouted as he looked down from the small hill at the ensuing fight. "Get up here!" Holding on to his blade, Koike already spotted more hostiles approaching. While the thirty men started to unload arrows, they were outnumbered. And it was painfully clear that running away wouldn't also be an option as they were all on foot.

Just as Katsu was about to throw his knives, Akumu appeared to help Katsu. The young nin looked around as he was freed up again, seeing Tanpo bite down on the neck of the rider he had knocked off. After breathing a sigh of relief, Katsu looked up at his friend uphill before whistling at Tanpo to get his attention. As Tanpo saw Katsu, he turned also to Koike and ran up the hill with his friend. "I'm sorry, I... I didn't notice them until..." His voice faded away before he regained his composure and stared off into the distance, his eyes turning red. "This looks a bit tricky," he said with a grim hint in his voice. He opened the front of his jacket to reveal the rest of the knives he had on him. "How do you want to do this?"

The arrows would provide the necessary cover for Katsu, Akumu and Tanpo to fall back. The enemy seemingly fell back but their canines still barked, whimpered and roared nearby. "It is fine," Koike answered as he tried to think of a way out. It became clear that they were getting surrounded. "Circle formation!" Koike ordered in a stern fashion, in Chonobi, upon which the men would adopt the new formation. "Aim for their heads, I guess? Saki fought against these mongrols before. Though didn't learn much from that encounter."

"Maybe we could break their tight circle," Katsu said. "The two of us can reach the other side. What if we try to make a corridor to rout them and split them up. At least we'd have more freedom if the company could regain some mobility."

Koike threw a look at his companion before answering back. He seemed to consider the suggestion but after throwing a look at the other men, he cursed softly underneath his breath before replying. "I can't just leave them behind. Listen," Koike wanted to instruct Katsu to do something but then without a warning, the beast riders would launch their assault. Various beasts and riders would be shot down by an arrow but it wouldn't be enough before the enemy closed in. Whistling loud and hard, Koike would let Akumu meet the charge of one of the attackers head on. The black fur would collide against the unknown beast, causing the rider to topple over while the canines started to claw and bite each other. Snow would be stained red as the large beasts tried to overwhelm one another.

Pulling out a knife of his own, Koike would aim and quickly follow up with a throw. The toppled rider would barely stand up before the thrown weapon pierced his throat. Causing the hostile rider to fall on his back in the snow. Wanting to pull out another knife, Koike spotted a beast rider approaching their circle from his direction. Readying his sword, Koike would imbue the steel of the blade with chakra.

Katsu's attention turned to the attackers a moment later, waiting in anticipation for Koike's words. Seeing his friend jump into the fray, Katsu turned to face the other side of the circle. I don't see how we can win like this. For now, however, we don't have a choice. He looked around before sheathing his sword and pulled out more knives on his freed-up hand. He called out to one of Torrad's soldiers. "Give me a boost!" he yelled, throwing the knives in his hands up high before sprinting at the soldier. The soldier brought his arms together to make a firm stepping stone just before Katsu's foot planted on them. He swung it upwards along with Katsu's jump.

Mid air, Katsu's eyes scoured the area below for targets. As he picked four of the riders, he launched eight knives down at the riders from inside his jacket just as the knives he'd thrown up fell to his height shortly after reaching their peak. Without wasting a moment, he followed up by throwing the eight now in hand at the same four.

Waiting for the hostile on top of his dreadful mount to come closer, Koike would lash out. A small arc of chakra would soar through the air in a fast speed, cutting deeply into the face of the beast. The impact resulting that the beast would topple over and causing its rider to be flung forwards. With another swing of his sword, Koike would unleash a slash, finishing the downed man. More sounds of hostiles being taken down would resonate through the area as Torrad's men would unleash arrows or use their secondary weapons to fight the beasts as enemies in close ranged. Various curses and shouts in Chonobi would go along with the mixture of steel slicing the cold air, screams of pain and agony.

Turning slightly to the left as he saw in the corner of his eye, one of Torrad's men being pounced and overwhelmed by one of the beast, Koike lifted his blade up. Before he was able to finish his swing, a strong impact slammed against his side. Effectively robbing him of his breath and footing. Only registering that he was laying on the snow covered ground, Koike tried to scurry up as his mounted attacker would let his canine mount move forwards, the jaws opening to catch the Hon's right leg.

As Katsu landed, one of the riders ran towards him, swinging his warhammer by his side. At the last moment, Katsu parried the blow narrowly with a quick draw of the sword. At the same time, one of Torrad's men planted an arrow in the rider's neck. More riders approached the nin as he leapt back to go back next to the 13th's circle. He sheathed his sword and threw a wind-infused knife at the neck of one of the mounts, as Tanpo leapt at the other rider's neck to tear it open.

What do we do? We can't keep this up. Katsu brought his hands together quickly to form two paper shuriken between his palms. He twirled them around one hand before throwing it forward with all his strength. The shuriken flew well and above the mounts' heads. After going about twenty meters, they both ignited on ground level under some of the mounted in the back, making two explosions as though an attack was made from behind.

A loud and menacing sound broke through the air, causing Koike to throw a look over his shoulder. Just as the canine mount of his nearest assaulter was trying to lunge forward, it got dragged backwards. The high pitched whimpering would go mixed with the growling of the large black direwolf. Using this moment, Koike would get up and move forward with his blade. Not hesistating for a moment, Koike plunged his blade into the skull of the unknown canine mount while Akumu kept a tight grip on the left hind leg. The rider tried to go with a nervous stab of his spear, trying to drive Koike away. Stepping aside, the gloved fingers of Koike's left hand grasped the shaft of the spear. Pulling hard forwards to cause the rider to tumble forwards, Koike would kick twice and hard against the man's head.

Throwing a look around, he noticed that the enemy was retreating in a hurried fashion. Various riders and their beasts would be mow down by the arrows of Torrad's men as the snow around the circle was soaked in blood. Bodies laid around the place and by a quick counting, Koike cursed softly as he noticed that half of the accompanying unit had perished. "Fucking hell," Lowering his blade, he tried to regulate his breathing. "Damn bastards," the Hon cursed again, this time louder. Throwing a look at the nearby man that he had kicked twice against the head, Koike noticed that the man was still breathing. "This one is still alive. We will take him back and interrogate him," the grim order would be followed without a question as two men would sheath their weapons and pick the man up, ready to drag him through the snow and mud.

Katsu's hands were pulling out knives when the enemy started retreating, leaving a befuddled look on Katsu's face. He stared blankly for a moment before walking forward, keeping his eyes on the retreating riders before they turned back to green. Sighing, the young nin pulled out the knives he'd thrown in the enemy riders. He let out a disgusted sound when a part of the rider's bone cracked off when he pulled the last knife. Sighing, he turned to look for his friend.

"Koike!" He approached the lieutenant while cleaning the blade of his knife on his cloak. "What happened?"

Hearing Katsu, Koike turned to face his aide and friend. "No clue," Koike answered, not hiding his disdain. "Either their morale broke or they decided to not risk losing more. But might also be something else," was the answer of Koike. "Did you get hurt?" Was the following question, which went together with a worried look. The men of Torrad started to inspect their fallen comrades in silence as only the faint sounds of whispered conversations made it clear that they were either exchanging words to one another. Or perhaps to one of their fallen friends and brothers in arms.

"No matter how you look at it, they would beat us," Katsu said worriedly. "They were the ones who started the fight. Retreating cost them more lives, even. I can't help but be annoyed by the unknown why." Shaking his head with his arms crossed, Katsu spoke up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He let out a sigh. "And you? You're alright?"

"Yeah. I really start to grow a strong dislike for those," a frustrated wave of Koike's right hand followed to point to the direction where their attackers had fled towards, "People. Then again, we shouldn't complain too much. We could have lost much more," becoming silent after throwing a look at the gathering men, Koike almost forgot Katsu's question. "I am fine. Just probably a bruise and surprised. Nothing to worry about." Throwing a look at Akumu, who had started to search the battlefied for something, Koike pondered on something. "These things," kicking against the nearby corpse of one of the canine mounts, "I wonder what they are. I never have seen such mongrels before. Almost mistook them for a sort of wolf. But their shape and fur is not that similar to any wolf I have ever seen."

"They're certainly... strange," Katsu said, kneeling next to one of the dead mounts. "Still... It might not be a bad idea to move on. I'm sure they'd be able to track us, but we might want to position ourselves to avoid another ambush." He got back up. After a brief silence, he kicked the dead mount's head in anger. "Fuck... So many of them. How did I miss it?" he muttered to himself, tensing up. His fists clenched tightly before he turned to Koike. "I suppose what's done is done. So, lieutenant," he said. "What's the plan?"

"It might not be." Koike mumbled, pondering on the decision. Katsu was right. They weren't that close to their own camp but either by a stroke of luck or dedication, the enemy could find them. Torrad and his men were perhaps excellent and skilled in guerrila tactics as warfare, that didn't mean that they were completely invisible or couldn't be tracked. However, Koike didn't feel like giving up their current camp. "I will consult with Torrad once we get back. Now I want to make sure that the wounded and most of the men get back. We need to make the others aware that the enemy has outriders in this area. Then again," throwing a look in the direction he initially wanted to go, Koike bite his lower lip.

"Torrad will have my hide but so be it," Koike grumbled, clearly annoyed. Turning half around, he gave a few orders in Chonobi before turning to Katsu. "Come. We are going to continue." Whistling, Koike instructed Akumu to follow him as he continued to walk through the snow, ignoring the corpses.

Katsu nodded before calling out to Tanpo. Tanpo's pitter patter grew louder as he sprinted to their side. He turned to his friend and followed his steps.

Walking through the snow, Koike felt his mood dropping further. But there was no sign of the enemy. Walking in silence for several minutes, Koike would gesture and Akumu would advance further. "I think that I will make us camp tomorrow at another spot. Perhaps instruct a few units to make it appear that we are heading southwards. The enemy will likely try to stalk us once they can." Koike said, throwing a look at Katsu. "Hopefully, allowing us to conduct some scouting without encountering more of those mongrel riding bastards."

As Koike explained his plan, Katsu couldn't help but feel uneasy. "For some reason, I don't think that last part is very likely," he said, so quietly that one might think he was talking to himself. He looked over to Tanpo, whose mouth was dyed red from the battle from before. The direwolf didn't have the ridiculously cheerful demeanor he always had as he sifted through the snow.

"Neither do I but we can't afford to just stick around," Was Koike's reply. There was a second that the Hon considered to make certain that every fallen enemy was dead but with the current conditions, it would be high unlikely that a heavily wounded enemy would be able to drag themselves through the snow and cold, back to their own camp. Moving through the snow was already a nuisance when on foot. A small sigh escaped Koike's lips, visible as a faint cloud. There were some thoughts going through Koike's mind while he trekked through the snow. The terrain became steeper as the vegetation started to become less present than as before. They were likely to near the large hill. Their objective. "Still hanging in there, Katsu?"

A series of rapid-fire breaths left Katsu's lips and into his palms as he tried to warm his nose and mouth. His thoughts went to home. The mild touch of the sun on warm days, the chilling breeze of the wind on the cold.... Never like what they had been going for the last few weeks. As the snow started to get deeper, Katsu would mumble to himself more and more, quietly yelling profanities at the weather. He turned to Koike, half hearing his words and trying to fill in the gaps. "Yeah, yup," he said, looking up.

Koike shot a look over his shoulder. He wasn't sure if he should buy Katsu's words. For the past weeks, he had experienced more than what an average chuunin should have. If anything, Koike still was of the opinion that Katsu shouldn't be here. "Good, let us get this over with and then return to camp." Which was easier said than to be done as the hill was not that easy to climb. The fact it was steep made it less than easy but with the snow, it became more than a nuisance. Applying some chakra to his boots, Koike noticed it became a bit easier. Once reaching the top, a cold wind passed by. One of chilling temperature. But from the top of the hill, they had a good view on the area. Further north was where forest started to shift into the field and where much further the enemy camp was located. Narrowing his eyes, Koike wondered about what would be the first good move. Perhaps they should move a detachment east to scout for potential supply routes? Or try to figure out if the enemy's camp was easier to attack from a different direction? "Catch your breath. We will go back soon. Hopefully, some warm food waiting for us."

The younger nin crouched over the edge, bringing his hands up to his mouth again. "Got it," he said with the muffle of his hands. His eyes turned red as he scoured to see if he could see any hint of the riders below to make sure they wouldn't be followed or ambushed without being aware of it. "Koike," he said as his eyes turned back to their light green. He pointed at a clearing north-east for his friend to point out their new acquaintances.

Turning his attention towards the spot that Katsu pointed out, Koike had to squint his eyes. Noticing the movements, the Hon would softly grumble. "Seems we found their outpost." He mumbled, audible enough for Katsu. "Very well. Let us head back to camp. I will make sure that Torrad and a detachment clean up that up. Think we deserve some rest," Koike further said as he would pat Katsu's shoulder once before turning around. A cold winter breeze passed and Koike only realised how much he yearned for some warmth and food as he started to trek through the snow once more.

The camp was all set and ready by the time they came back. The men of Torrad were doing their tasks without any hint of slacking. The sentries were standing vigilant and patrols were issued to keep a firm control on the perimeter. Fires were concealed as the place was quite easy to defend. As Koike and Katsu ventured into the camp, Torrad came to greet them. He would gesture to the gatherings of tents and spoke up, before Koike or Katsu could say anything. "You both just came back in time. Some stew has been finished and is being shared. I have already dispatched a group to scout the perimeter further after hearing of the scuffle. The bodies of the few boys that fell have been retrieved," Torrad continued as he eyed the two younger men. "All in all, this would make a damn fine outpost if we would perhaps be willing and able to secure the surrounding completely."

Nodding subtly, Koike would reply. Speaking of what Katsu had discovered, Koike passed on the command that Torrad and a detachment were to move out and deal with the threat. Before they would be able to call in reinforcements or alert the main force. Torrad seemed surprised but within a moment more than eager. Once the captain had stated he would make work of it right away, Koike released a sigh. "Time for some supper," he grumbled. Walking towards the two tents that were set up for him and Katsu, Koike would sit down on a nearby log. Not soon after one of the men brought them a small wooden bowl with some stew in it. A bit of bread that wasn't yet stale but neither fresh, likely baked before they had left for this small expedition.

"You know," Koike began, "I have been wondering. What kind of life would you go for if you could just resign from the corps and all?" He asked Katsu, dipping a piece of the bread into the stew.

A lump of half stale bread stuffed in his mouth, Katsu looked up at his friend. He chewed it quickly to get a few words out. "What kind of life?" Katsu repeated, almost confused at the idea. His eyes fleeted upwards as pondered. "I would like to... travel, I suppose, is one way to put it. See the world. I mean, this place might've been nicer to see if there weren't people trying to kill us." He paused for a moment, looking at Koike with a warm smile. "I've always wanted to see more... Go out on the sea, go where no one has before." He averted his eyes and let out a nervous chuckle. "It's a bit childish, maybe." His head kept turned away but his eyes locked back onto Koike. "And you? What kind of life would Koike Hon live?"

Koike would chew on the bite of bread. He certainly had tasted as eated nicer food but it was far from the worst he had ever put in his mouth. "It certainly would have been nicer, aye," Koike agreed with a soft chuckle, after clearing his mouth. He thought of Katsu's answer. To travel was nice but Koike felt he had seen enough. Or perhaps experienced enough to know that the world was large and vast. That there were nice and less nicer places or people. "I suppose having a more... simple kind of living," he said, his brow furrowing. "Perhaps out on the countryside, just a sort of simple life. More peaceful, to say. Taking up a place in the region where I grew up." Shooting a look at Katsu, Koike would flash a wry grin. "Though, a bit childish, eh?"

Katsu pouted at the response. "Not at all. Devoid of any childishness, I'd say," he said, pocking at his stew with his spoon. "Fatally devoid, in fact! It sounds so... Responsible and boring." He took a sip from the stew before hissing and dropping the spoon by reflex. "AHHH-Hothothothothothot!" He bit his tongue in pain, taking deep breaths. "Ah... How can it still be so hot!"

"Sometimes boring isn't that bad," Koike said, an amused chuckle following as Katsu burned his tongue. "Besides, I have seen enough of the world. I have seen it way more than my own home. Makes me wonder why I even bother pay taxes and all that if I am not able to enjoy the comfort of a home," he further added to his reply. Dipping another piece of bread into the stew, Koike would consider something else. "Perhaps I could just take up a profession like hunter or something more local? Don't think I will make a splendid farmer."

Katsu stared down into the stew with a melancholy smile. "I get that. But I don't think I could live that way, not right now at least." He tore off a piece of the bread and left it to float in the stew. "I want to go see mom's house at one point. Visit my aunt's place, maybe, for starters. Go see some abandoned island in the middle of nowhere... Maybe get some people to go along with me on this crazy trip." He took the piece of bread and shoved it in his mouth, clearly whincing at the heat before gulping it down. "Maybe later on I'll think like you, though. I'll get all I'm too old fer all these travels! and yell at kids to get off my lawn," he said jokingly.

A grumble followed Katsu's words. "I will never be old enough to kick punks like you off my yard," Koike replied, a clear amusement tone ringing through. He would pause eating to let the stew cool a bit down as he had no bread anymore to dip it in. "Just make sure that when you're going on crazy adventures to not get too much into trouble. I would hate to be summoned while attending to my dull and responsible affairs. Nothing more annoying, I wager, than being summoned when you are trying to tend the garden. Or just about to scare off some annoying kids of, yelling at them to play ball somewhere else."

"Of course, until then," Katsu gestured at their surroundings. "We're bound to this reality. With less adventure and more an army of sharp toothed slobbering wolf-like things." He let out a sigh, putting the plate down. "What's our next step? Those things are pretty dangerous..."

They were. A reality that was grim and unforgiven. With danger lurking at each corner. Something that he ought them to be ready for with their previous challenges, training and experience. "Our next step is to rest for the night. Torrad will know how to deal with dangers like those, I wager. Tomorrow, we will move north while a part will remain here. I am considering to establish this as temporary base of operations until we are certain we can move a bit more to the north. Our objective is still to learn about the surrounding and if the enemy has a supply train or some sort ongoing. If we know that much, we will inform Hayate. From there?" Koike shrugged lightly with his shoulders, "No clue. We could be instructed to lay waste to the supplies and force the enemy to dispend some troops from its main force to deal with our assaults. Or we could be called back for whatever reason. I don't know."

"Well... Wherever we go, at least we'll be together to watch each other's backs," he said with a grin. "And, of course, Akumu and Tanpo."

Koike nodded as he would dip in the wooden spoon into the warm stew. "Aye, as a pack." Slightly leaning forward, he would place the spoon in his mouth. Only to curse softly a second afterwards. "Warmer than I thought."
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Oetje
[fieldbox=Execute both the plan and them, maroon]
Hiron Hon
Jounin of Team 9 | Major General of the Third Division | Empire of Akino, countryside- Border between the Fire and Grass Province, Uchiha-Hanta clan-lands.

Waiting and paying attention to the dim light at the end of the hallway, coming from an opening at the right, Hiron did hear his team moving in. They were by no means experts of silent but the jounin couldn't berate any of them for making a sound that could give them away. Waiting longer, the jounin allowed himself to grace his team with a glance.

They were all inside.

But were they ready for what was to come? Hiron doubted. The two seconds that he had glanced at the genin, Hiron was pondering if he couldn't keep them here. Assigning them to 'safeguard' a possible way out if the enemy wouldn't be overwhelmed by the surprise attack. Then again, how could they gain valuable experience if they weren't given a chance? No, they would come along. They would either kill or be killed, was the bitter thought that went through the jounin's mind.

"Stay vigilant. One mistake and this place could wind up to be our grave." Hiron whispered in a harsh tone. "Stick together and we will make it out together." Those were the last words that Hiron said before he would get moving into the dark hallway, towards the light source. Still crouched, the jounin progressed in a slow and controlled pace. His senses were focused on what was up ahead.

The direction of the dim light came from the right. It was an opening that led into a room. Faint sounds of mumbled talk became audible. Together with the scent of something familiar. Freshly made bread.
The jounin stopped near the opening as he gestured his team to stay behind him. Listening to the mumbled talks, Hiron wasn't able to decipher what was being said. It wasn't Taika or Chonobi. And it didn't sound like Yakimara either. Not that it mattered what they were talking about. The primary reason for Hiron to take a moment to just listen was to determine how many were in the room. Paying close attention to the talks, he could determine two different and masculine voices.

Slowly and carefully, Hiron would pull out a small mirror out of his pouch. It wasn't the fanciest of pocket mirrors and likely weird for a male jounin to have - being more in place with a woman that was concerned about her appearance - it certainly had its uses. Holding the mirror so that it reflected the content of the room, Hiron could see the two men.

They were dressed in regular clothing and could very well go by as common folk. Problem was that they were both armed with edged weapons. The room wasn't big and both men were sitting on a chair at a small table. There were a few more chairs and it made Hiron assume the room as the 'wait' room. Where occupants of the bunker in the past could sit together with supper or kill boredom with games. Both men had a small bowl as they dipped their bread in. There was one door but it was closed.

"Wait for my whistle." Hiron instructed his team, raising his left hand to signal it in case that they wouldn't hear it. But he was certain that Tentou as a chuunin with a good record was well versed in the hand gestures that would command to stay on hold until a clear sign was given to enter or advance.

Gripping the tanto tighter, Hiron took three quick and soft breathes. Hiding the small handmirror away, Hiron's eyes narrowed. It wasn't time to fully unleash his wrath upon these 'zealots' but he would allow some of its boiling anger to slip past.

Moving fast around the corner, Hiron already had raised the tanto. Adrenaline rushed through the jounin's system. One of the two men had caught sight of the sudden movement. His eyes widen as his mouth opened, pieces of bread falling towards the table. Before the man could warn his comrade about the pending death, the tanto was already thrown with all the force Hiron could grant it.

Before a word could leave the alerted zealot, who attempted to move up and try to defend himself, the sharp steel would sink deep. Biting through skin and flesh, the weapon came to a shuddering halt in the man's neck. Sinking down, back on the chair, the second zealot wanted to jump out of his chair.

"No, you won't."

The thought had barely flashed past Hiron's mind or he had already sprinted and closed in the distance. The second zealot was about to turn and draw his short blade. Hiron moved quickly as he draws a senbon. The Zealot was about to take a turn and try to swing his weapon. Only to be too late as Hiron had moved underneath the attack. His left arm moved up to block the zealot's right arm. Wrapping his arm around the zealot's arm, Hiron quickly jammed the senbon into the man's throat. In a quick following up motion, Hiron would jerk the senbon to the right to rip and shred the wound in order to make the man drown in his own blood.

Gurgling, the zealot attempted to try to wrangle out of the steel grip but to no avail as his life slowly would ebb away. The desperate and pained looked in the zealot's eyes became dull and rigid. The resistance ceased and Hiron would loosen his grip as he placed the dead man back in his chair.

Pulling the senbon out, Hiron softly whistled - the sign that the team could move into the room. While waiting for his team to enter the room, Hiron would calmly and almost casually clean the senbon as well reclaiming his tanto. Pulling the weapon out of his first victim, Hiron threw a glance at the door. There was a small opening at the bottom.

Walking to the door, Hiron picked out the small hand mirror to look into the other room while positioning the mirror at the bottom of the door. The following room was somewhat bigger. The furniture was sparse. Only two beds, upon which Hiron could just about detect people. One on each bed. There was another one laying in the corner, some paper on his stretched out legs. Likely having fallen asleep while reading a letter. There were two openings, each barred by a door that was closed.

"Three targets. Asleep. One target, for Tentou. Right side of the room, asleep on a bed. Another target, for Yiko. Asleep on a bed as well. Last target, for Shikaroku. In a corner. Asleep." Hiron said softly with an even tone. "Dispatch them silently," the jounin's gaze traveled to the two genin. "Kunai or knife in the throat and free hand on the mouth. Hold them back firmly till they stopped moving. I will be on guard in case a contact moves into the room. Ready? Moving in five seconds."

Holding his gaze on his team, Hiron would slowly open the door after counting up to five in his head. Moving first into the room, Hiron didn't grace any of the sleeping men with a look. His attention was focused on the two doors. One of them would lead to the site where they had to be. Where they could open the way for the Crimson Blades to move in and start joining the dirty work.

Still holding the bloodied tanto in his right hand, Hiron allowed himself a moment to see how the genin were doing. This should be somewhat up for them to do. Let alone for Tentou, who Hiron had to entrust of being capable of doing such a task.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Team 4- Part 2 - on the move!, burlywood]
In the capital city, Hanaguro, of the River Province.

A collab done by Frostedhamster, Zane620 and Oetje.

Team 4 gets up and moves out the next morning from their last search for information. Crossing the river that split Hanaguro in two, they manage to arrange a ferry to move them over to the western part of the large city. Their first objective? The large Fire Temple.

Meilin subtly nodded as a response to Madoc's reply. She would also note the last comment of Madoc but didn't want to think that the Yamanaka was defenceless. Perhaps they should once spar to see what each of them was capable of? It would be beneficial to know that for future situations and operations.
As Aoi stated she could conceal the iron, Meilin would once more nod subtly. "Okay, I will trust you on that then," she responded, flashing a smile towards the other chuunin.

When Aoi seemed to ponder about her options, Meilin could think of several but would let Aoi pick one out herself. If anything, Meilin didn't want to decide everything for them. Already she found that she was taking up the initiative a bit too much. Hopefully, Madoc and Aoi wouldn't have issues with that.
"Good. Try to expand the backstory a bit. And we can easily notify each other when we are going at it."
Throwing a look at the approaching sight of the western part of Hanaguro, Meilin was hoping that they wouldn't encounter any hindrances or difficult issues that could hamper their intelligence search.

Well a caravan hand would work he supposed, although it still felt risky. It would be a temple to that felt unnerving to him. Well as long as each of them did their part, they shouldn't be fully expected. Maybe this could be a fruitful trip for them, get some undercover intel and maybe even something else from it. He rubbed his side from where Aoi gave him a jab and made a mental note for that later.

Disembarking from the dock, the team would head towards the Fire temple. It wasn't a difficult find as the large complex was hard to miss from where they had disembarked. Once nearing one of the gates of the temple, Meilin frowned. She wondered where the guards of the temple were. Wasn't it a holy site? Stopping, Meilin wavered as she shot a look at Aoi.
"Anything that seems odd to you?" Meilin decided to ask, her left hand casually leaning on the pommel of her longsword.

As they disembarked from the ship and made their way to the Fire temple, proved easy enough to find. Would be sad if they couldn't find something close to the docks anyway. Meilin seemed to spot that there wasn't any guards to which Madoc would also shoot a look at Aoi. "Yeah, think now would be best to inform us on what we shouldn't do while here."

Aoi stepped off the small boat once again in awe of her surroundings, although the docks were much like the ones that they had initially embarked on this side of the River offered a completely different atmosphere, although why she wasn't too sure, Aoi enjoyed the experience nonetheless. Following Meilin to the Fire Temple, Aoi would find herself staring wide-eyed at the Temple itself, she'd heard that the Fire Temple in Hanaguro was one of the largest, if not the largest in the Empire, but it caught her off guard just how large it truly was. The walls seemed fit to repel invaders and the large gates at the front seemed sturdy enough to withstand a full on siege, admittedly Aoi knew little about either topic but she had read of them before and had an imagination to go with it.

She stopped with the group, glancing back to the gates as they stood,
"Guards?" she thought for a moment before looking back at the front gate, "Oh no, there aren't usually guards at Fire Temples… Normally just a Priest at the gate asks that you hand over any weapons if you have them..." she paused as she looked at them both, "What sort of people show up to your guys's Temples that require armed guards to stop them…?" she asked jokingly of them.

Meilin found herself surprised. Why didn't they employ guards? She couldn't imagine any shrines or important sites of her own faith or people without a security. The joke that Aoi made wasn't perhaps done in a spiteful fashion but it was enough to colour Meilin's cheeks with a light red taint. Biting her lower lip, Meilin decided to not react to it as she wondered about it as well. And it just made her only more frustrated as she doubted her own faith.

But much of her frustration vanished. Meilin halted her movement as she was bumped by the shoulder. Turning around, she was in the nick of time to see and recognise the silver-haired woman. The face of Meilin seemed to pale as her right hand trembled for a second, only to be clenched.
"Guys, we got either a problem or..."
Meilin cut herself off for a second. Trying to compose herself she tried to reason with herself what 'she' was doing here. Remembering the last time that she had worked with 'Rabbit', it had certainly been anything but a casual mission.
"I need you both to be vigilant. Time to meet up with a... acquaintance of mine. Keep your names and matters for yourself. This 'acquaintance' is, at least, jounin level." That having said, Meilin would nod towards the alley before starting to walk.

So this temple didn't care for protection? Well, that's one way to invite all the possible people with bad intentions. Like Zealots. It didn't matter to him he supposed, he was keeping a knife on him no matter what went down. Yet before anything could happen this rather rude silver haired woman bumped quite purposely into Meilin it seemed. Everyone seemed to be picking on her in this city, first the pocket thief and then this random lady. Only…. Meilin seemed to know her? Well seemed like they had a distraction as they were meeting up with an acquaintance of hers, yet to keep intel on themselves on the downlow.
"Lovely." Madoc kept it simple as he would tag behind Meilin.

Aoi was beyond confused at what had just taken place in front of her eyes. That random woman, Meilin knew her? "Acquaintance?" she asked burning with further questions, but it didn't seem she'd have the time to ask anything of Meilin as the chuunin too made her way to the alley. Sticking close behind Madoc, Aoi found herself scanning the surroundings of the alley as they entered. Trash, backdoors, and far smaller alleys branched off in multiple directions on either side of the alley, and ahead of them was the silver haired woman, "So I take it, you're going to take on the job of talking " she asked as she leaned out from behind Madoc and gave a timid wave to the silver haired woman.

Suzu waited in the alleyway patiently, she was pretty sure Meilin was bright enough to have recognized her, but there was always a chance that it didn't work out how she had intended it, leaving a slightly flustered and confused chuunin in the street to continue about her business. She waited only a second longer before Meilin, and what Suzu could only assume were the rest of her team rounded the corner and entered the alley with Meilin leading. She knew Meilin, could reasonably trust the girl, but the other two were completely new faces. If Meilin trusted them though, Suzu would be inclined to as well.

"Meilin, it's been awhile." Suzu said as she noticed the blue haired girl hiding behind the male of the group give her a small wave. Suzu smiled and waved back, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything too important, but we have some actionable intelligence that we need some help moving on." she stated cutting right to the important part, "If you are willing to help, it'd be more than welcomed, although you aren't obligated to Meilin." Suzu paused and motioned to the other two as if an afterthought, "You two are welcome to help as well." she said calmly.

"Yeah but I doubt either of you will envy me if you knew only more. Let us get it over fast and then return to our own affairs. Just stay watchful."
Meilin wanted to throw a look over her shoulder, making sure that both Madoc and Aoi were following in tow. She doubted that it would be great to inform them that they were dealing with a Sworn Sword or even more. When entering the alley, Meilin's right hand would move to the hilt of her short sword at her. It was far from feasible that she would be able to fight off against Rabbit or likely that they would come to blows. But Meilin already figured that in this profession there wasn't much room for trust.

When Rabbit addressed Meilin, the latter simply returned a subtle nod. Upon seeing Rabbit wave, Meilin shot a glare over her shoulder. Turning her attention back to Rabbit, Meilin remained silent.
"Let keep it simple," Meilin said at first, her tone being calm, "We were handling some affairs. So unless you can provide us with more information or reasons then I don't see a reason to linger around." The Cho frowned slightly.
"Madoc, 'check' her. I want to know if we are dealing with just her or more people," Meilin instructed the Yamanaka through the telepathic bond. "And I don't really feel like haggling. Nor to do we really have any time for that."

Watching from behind Madoc, Aoi couldn't help but smile a bit wider when the silver haired woman waved back to her. But something seemed off, Meilin was visibly upset with the fact that they were meeting the woman here, and seemed anxious to leave. Aoi thought for a moment before addressing the other two, "I feel that we should perhaps try and distance ourselves from whatever this is, you seem upset about it Meilin, so it may be best if we just forgo this completely." Aoi offered as she continued to watch the woman ahead, offering only a quick smile to offer to help as well.

With a small smile forming across her lips as Suzu noticed that Meilin's hand was rested on the hilt of her sword, Suzu began to talk once more, "I guess it depends on what your mission is then Meilin." she took a step toward the girl as she had her back turned to her, "My acquaintance and I were investigating a possible lead in the temple and have found something... interesting." she said to Meilin. She thought for a moment on just how much she should divulge, but decided to keep some of the less professional aspects of what had taken place the night before to herself.

"There's a certain Priest in the Temple, we're under the impression that he may be a Zealot and may be involved with the reason that the Temple is rumored to be onguard recently, might even be some sort of a leader for the Zealots that might be infiltrating the Temple, at least that's my bet, considering how against talking to us he was." she said as she simply watched the group in front of her, "In order to corner him we require a few more sets of hands, people to assist or watch our backs as we go in." she motioned to the three, "If you'd be willing to assist, it'd be greatly appreciated." she stated calmly as she eyed over the three.

As Suzu and Meilin spoke to each other, in a rather direct manner to each other, another figure would arrive behind the team in silence. Ino wouldn't show any sign of hostility towards anyone, only look towards Rabbit for a brief moment and sign to her that they are clear for the moment before turning to walk away, seemingly to keep a further watch from a different spot as she did not feel it would be right to draw too much attention to the little alley.

Before the talking started to ensue Meilin would request him to keep a check on her mind to which Madoc would fold his arms as he kept his gaze upon the woman. "I'm offended you even asked." Madoc would say through their telepathic link as he would glance at Aoi who was staying behind him. She wanted to get out for Meilin's well being which was nice of her. As he focused his gaze back on Suzu, as Meilin spoke to her and was informed of this priest that possibly could be a zealot leader. It seemed odd that two jounin levels couldn't do simple infiltration. What did they do to not make the man wanna speak to them?

As he was looking at Suzu his eyes moved backwards past Aoi as he smiled. "Where you going hot stuff? You are allowed to participate in these talks." Madoc said resting his eyes on the walking away Ino.

"Bit late for that, Aoi. We will see what we can get out of this or we will scram."
Meilin threw a look over her shoulder to see if Aoi was doing okay. Only to spot a random woman to appear behind the team. More on high alert than before Meilin turned her attention back to Rabbit.

"Why thank you for the information," Meilin began as she lowered her right hand, removing it from the handle of her weapon. "But I doubt you will need us. You and acquaintance probably don't need our help as much as you think. But how certain are you that this respective priest is a zealot? How much information did you get from him?"
[fieldbox=Team 4- Part 3 - on the move!, burlywood]
In the capital city, Hanaguro, of the River Province.

A collab done by Frostedhamster, Nim Zane620 and Oetje.

Team 4 gets up and moves out the next morning from their last search for information. Crossing the river that split Hanaguro in two, they manage to arrange a ferry to move them over to the western part of the large city. Their first objective? The large Fire Temple.


Suzu took a moment, going over the conversation they had had with Priest Hitaro in the garden. His unwillingness to answer anything they asked, his animosity towards them, the maliciousness of him refusing to answer anything and even yelling at the women to leave him alone. It all struck her as something that a Priest, of which the head of the Temple had allowed them to talk with, would be so full of animosity over their simple questions about the construction taking place on the Temple grounds. "It's more a lack of evidence that has me concerned." Suzu stated as she opened her hands showing them empty for effect, "You of all people know how well these Zealots hide in plain sight Meilin, do you really need solid proof that he's a Zealot?" she asked Meilin as she remembered the sights of the person changing from an average human being into an Other in front of her eyes.

She shook her head at the thought, "If this is anything like what you and I have already encountered…" she paused, "If it is worse then that." she raised her hand up varnishing two fingers held up, "Two of us may not be enough to deal with it and keep anyone caught up in it safe at the same time." she stated, trying to appeal to the girls softer side.

She barely took a step away and she heard Madoc's remark "I trust my partner to tell you everything you need to know. But if you want me to stay and verify matters, then fine." Ino responded with a somewhat cold tone before turning back towards Team 4 and Suzu. She remained standing between the team and the alley exit, eyes closed as she kept her attention on the noises around. Just because she was wanted off the better spot she found prior did not mean she wanted to let anyone sneak up on them.

Meilin remained silent for a second when Rabbit responded back. The silver haired woman question almost had provoked an instant "No," from Meilin. Without any solid proof, they could be killing an innocent person. Creating more chaos and mayhem. Which was in line what the Zealots wanted for Akino, from what she knew of their goals. Her left hand trembled slightly upon being reminded of the last encounter with the zealots. And those beasts like things.
Then the woman of before responded to Madoc, causing Meilin to throw a look at the brunette haired woman.

"Better watch your tone when speaking to my team member," Meilin replied back. She was certain that she had not much pressure or weight, in a manner of saying, over the brunette woman. But she wasn't just going to let somebody walk over them or talk down to them.
Turning her attention to Rabbit, Meilin continued.
"We will need solid proof to confirm that the suspect is a zealot," Meilin said, trying to keep her voice stable and firm.
"If we are going to do this, I demand a contribution afterwards. Not to mention that we will do this in a way that my team feels confident about. But we won't plan any violence towards somebody unless we are honestly certain that he or she is a zealot. And I do have a plan to figure it out without drawing too much attention to myself or the team."

With the woman staying, Madoc gave a smile before turning his attention back to Suzu where the situation didn't seem to be progressing very well. Well for the silver haired woman at least. They had no reason to go along with any of this, and upon reading some thoughts it seemed wise to not let those two even speak if they did join forces. Meilin was being polite and stated a fair demand to the woman, which was when Madoc's voice would go off in Meilin's head. "I'm not getting much intel besides some construction going on in this temple. They asked this guy, who didn't comply with the random question. The situation got more hostile from there. If we do go along with them. The silver haired one doesn't speak to anyone."

Aoi continued to hide behind Madoc, her anxiety growing as the talk between Meilin and the silver haired woman seemed to only grow more and more tense. "Are we sure about this? I really don't think this is appearing to be something that we should do…" she thought to the two as Meilin stated her intentions for if they did help at all. Set their own stage? Was Meilin dictating the terms of the agreement with this woman? Would it work at all with someone that Meilin had warned them was a problem the first moment she recognized her? Aoi continued to listen placing a hand at Madocs back as she did, clasping down on his clothes as the tension only grew in front of them.

Suzu couldn't help but to be slightly tired of the situation at hand, it seemed Meilin wasn't going to go along with the plan, and her teammate and Ino were already at odds which set the girl off as well, "I apologize for her, she's got a lot to deal with right now. She'll hold her tone around your team Meilin. Isn't that right partner?" she said to Ino, implying that there wasn't really a choice for her in the matter.

Suzu turned back to Meilin, "If the contribution is something I can make happen, then consider it a deal." she stated confidently, "As well, we don't plan on assaulting this man, simply catching him with his guard down outside of the Temple to ask anymore questions. The problem is if he is a Zealot, we need to make sure he doesn't have backup or someone who can run off and tell the others that he has been taken under our custody. Or worse, we may need some backup if he proves stronger than the old man he is, like one of those things from before." she stated, hoping to set Meilin's concerns at ease. She tilted her head at the girl, "What sort of plan do you have then?" she asked.

"Got it. Stay on watch, Madoc," was Meilin's reply to the Yamanaka. It was a bit disheartening that Madoc couldn't snuff too much information. "But it is okay. Don't worry too much Aoi," Meilin further responded through the telepathic bond. "We won't do anything that will get us into trouble."

"Okay. Then I suppose that we have a deal. But as far as my idea? I like to keep some details to myself. I will just snoop around without giving a reason for him to suspect me digging through anything of his possessions. You and your partner will just need to keep watch of the perimeter of the temple. Preferably without being noticed by anybody else. If you two are able to do so as we will do the searching." Meilin replied.

Madoc wouldn't say anything back to Meilin, as he was always going to keep searching for anything of use. Yet it needed a spark to get something good going. Meilin seemed to have it under control however, these talks anyway. She had to make it known though, they asked them about this which means they need to listen to them. Even if they were their higher ups, what they say is what happens. Madoc shot a quick look to Aoi who was clutching at his clothing rather tightly, not really doing so well in what looked like a sketchy situation.

Suzu forced as a genuine a smile as she could muster to Meilin, she and her team were a necessary step to keeping things tied in a nice knot as well as she could, but to think Meilin would so quickly step up to set the terms of the agreement, and set two Sworn Swords on the sidelines at that. She was somewhat pleasantly surprised with the young woman. It had to take a lot of guts to do that to Suzu, especially with what Meilin knew of her, maybe that was all the more reason that she mustered her strength? Unimportant.

"As long as after your team and you are done in there we get you to our part of the plan we have a deal." she said with a pleasant smile before pointing to the two behind Meilin, "Congratulations on getting your own team by the way, that was faster than I had expected." she said, lazily looking the other two over.

Though standing with a confident pose, Meilin felt the cold sweat rolling over her back. There was still no telling that the Sworn Swords wouldn't decide to enforce their will upon the team. Seeing that wasn't happening, Meilin tried to pour some effort from it.
"Good. I suspect that meeting in an alley isn't going to be that great. For that reason, let us meet up at the tavern south of the temple. I forgot the name but I take it that it is a better meeting place than an alley," Meilin replied as she crossed her arms out front of her chest.
"And thanks," the Cho replied. The two words had escaped her before she had considered that she had agreed to that she considered herself as the leader.

"Okay, time to get going guys. Just stick close and get moving," Meilin instructed Aoi and Madoc through the Yamanaka's telepathic bond. Nodding towards Suzu, Meilin considered that their shady meeting had come to an end as there was nothing left to be said.

If he was being honest with himself, this so far seemed like a waste of time to him. They could easily get what they needed to do out of the way, on their own time. Whatever these ladies problems were shouldn't have to be their own. Yet he was going to let Meilin decide for them, this was her acquaintance after all. The meeting seemed to have come to an end which was a relief to him as this was starting to bore him. Yet meeting at a tavern with them again? Well that was something he wasn't looking forward too, mostly since one of them was acting like a ghost right now. Meilin would instruct them to stick close and get moving through his telepathic bond, to which he placed his hand on Aoi's shoulder and started moving her out of the alley. "Thought you'd never say those words. Are we really going to help them?"

Rather unsure of the entire interaction she had just witnessed, Aoi couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief as the conversation finally came to an end. She released her clutch on Madoc shortly after and found herself nodding her head along to Meilin's voice in her head as if it wasn't actually in her head. She caught herself before responding aloud and instead spoke through their bond, "Right yeah, back to what we're supposed to be doing right now!" she said as she spun around and began to leave the alley, only to find herself being pushed forward by Madoc as if she were moving to slowly. As she was pushed forward she threw a look over her right shoulder up at the taller Yamanaka, "You're supposed to say something before you start laying hands on a woman." she thought to him, unsure if Meilin would hear it as well or only Madoc would, either way, she was sure that Meilin would join in on teasing the Yamanaka if she was given the chance.

Meilin remained silent. She casted a last glance to Suzu while Madoc and Aoi already turned and started to walk out of the alley. Following the two, the Cho remained silent. Even as they had exited the alley, Meilin hadn't reacted to either Madoc or Aoi. Her left hand, that still rested on the pommel of her longsword, trembled slightly. The idea that those blasted bastards were going to do the same thing that they tried in Konohagakure scared her. But also rose an anger in Meilin. Pushing the occurring memory and thoughts back, Meilin would react back to her team members.
"We will see. Let us first focus on what we came here for." Meilin replied, flashing a smile in case the other two would look at her.
[fieldbox=A start of Genjutsu!, violet]
Amegakure, capital of the Rain Province.
Training Facility.

A collab between Tim and Lesli.

Neji has a training session at the Training Facility, with Aiko. The jounin decides that it is the time that the Uchiha learns some of the basics of genjutsu. With a long-term goal that he will be able to incorporate genjutsu with his sharingan.

Aiko frowned. She had placed various training dummies in the field. Much like with Satia's training, Aiko had requested the personnel of the Training Facility to make the tile a simple field of grass. While Aiko was certain that it wouldn't be a hard concept for Neji to grasp what they would do today, it was of importance that he would do it in the way she would explain it. One misdirection or misunderstanding would lead to nothing but wasted effort. Deciding to not worry about it, Aiko would place her fists against her hips. She was starting to wonder when her break was going to happen if she was keeping it up with training the genin. Hopefully, the training would bring some progess and easen up the next clash against those zealots. Now all she had to was to wait for Neji to enter the Training Facility and head to the field, where she was waiting for him.

Neji entered the training facility as he made his way to the alloted field that was set up for him and Aiko sensei. He had been doing better on the last few missions, which were a pleaseant thing for Neji. He knew he needed to contiue to get better and grow though, so after the last mission he has asked Aiko sensei for some more training which she agreed too. Neji entered the training field to see Aiko sensei, a bunch of training dummies and just a plain grass field. Neji walked over to say his hello. " Good Morning Aiko sensei." Neji stood at attention waiting to hear what they would be doing today.

"Hey Neji," Aiko replied back, flashing a warm smile. Eyeing the genin, he seemed to be in a good mood. Or well, not in any way that made her worried. Turning to face the Uchiha properly, Aiko decided to speak up again. "I hope you are doing fine. Last time we have been receiving assignments non-stop. And you are certainly improving. I wanted to say it before but it is something that I prefer saying in the comfort of privacy between us. No need to say just when others are around," the jounin stated with a friendly tone. "Anyways, today I have something special in mind. You must bear with me though," Aiko raised her right hand, her index finger pointing at the ceiling as if she warned him for some immediate threat. "I am not an expert on using the sharingan. But I know how to fight against it. That taken in mind, today I want to expand your use and capability with it. Teaching you how to perhaps start using it in a more offensive way. Cause from what I gather," lowering her hand, Aiko continued, "You haven't used it yet to ensare opponents into genjutsu, haven't you?" The question wasn't necessary. The boy hadn't really a genjutsu on his record or profile. Nor had he pulled one of during the entire time they were in Amegakure, which led to Aiko's assumption that the boy wasn't simply that skilled in genjutsu. Thus not able to utilize it with his sharingan.

Neji smirked for a second as he heard Aiko say that he was improving. He knew that he was, but still it was nice to hear from his sensei who was a very impressive jonin no less. He listened to what she had to say about the training today. This made him excited. The only training he had done with the sharingan so far was if the defensive nature. Using the sharingan to predict enemy movements so he could easily dodge them. If he was able to use genjutsu and use the sharingan in an offensive nature, that would greatly increase his capabilities. " yeah so far I have only really trained using the sharingan in an defensive nature, I have not practiced very much using genjutsu with my sharingan."

"Thankfully I know a great deal about genjutsu. So let us start at the basic. What is genjutsu?" Aiko introduced a pause before she continued. "Many think of genjutsu as some tricky form of ninjutsu to trap a foe into a nightmarish scenario. To mentally break their target apart so that they won't be able to continue fighting or pose a threat. It is an effective way of disarming a potential threat. But it is neither subtle or always effective. I know a few 'direct' genjutsu like that. But I want to instead focus on more subtle genjutsu. Harder to pull off and its results are less visible but if you get the hang of it. Well, let just say that opponents will have a harder time to deal with you. The thing is that you need to know you're in a genjutsu in order to break out of it. And most people don't possess a dojutsu that allows them to see through most genjutsu and illussions." Aiko would introduce another pause to see if Neji understood it and had any questions, before she would continue.

Neji would listen intently to Aiko sensei as she explained about genjutsu and the fact that she knew a great deal about it. The effects she talked about were the same that the instructors talked about during his academy days. Though back then they didn't get very in depth about genjutsu as most kids who were not even genin yet would not be able to use any genjutsu at all. When the part about the dojutsu came up, Neji understood what she was saying and activated his sharingan. He came to see that there was indeed no genjutsu that Aiko sensei was using at the moment, but with the sharingan a lot of genjutsu can be seen by it. Obviously the stronger the genjutsu the harder it is to see through it though. "What if the genjutsu is too strong for my sharingan to see through it? What other ways can you tell that you have been caught in one?"

"Good question! In cases your sharingan can't see through the genjutsu there are the more traditional ways to combat a genjutsu. First, you must know what kind of genjutsu you are dealing with. Just disrupting your chakra or trying to pain yourself won't be often enough. Some genjutsu are nasty enough to make the effects worse when you try to just pull out. First, it is about locating the problem. Is the genjutsu being conducted through sound? Was it done when you made contact with the genjutsu caster? Once you are able to reason what the cause is, you can try to come with a counter," Aiko answered at first. "In case of sound, you can try to block and stop the genjutsu by moving out of range or by disrupting your hearing. When a genjutsu is, for example, conducted through touch then you should avoid to make future contact and try to win from attacking at a distance. This all seems rather easy but in practice it is harder. In the heat of battle, you won't be given much time to think or notice everything. You got the luck of having your sharingan. But in case you aren't able to use or it desire to hold it as a thruimph card, then staying on guard will be of great help." Once more Aiko would cease speaking, to introduce a
pause to allow Neji to take in the information and ask any questions.

Neji took in all the information, he figured that genjutsu by sound would be the hardest to combat, trying to get out of the range of a certain sound would be quite difficult. Luckily for now anyone that was not something he needed to worry about. " So what exactly am I going to be training on today, in regards to genjutsu?"

"Understanding the basics and then how to apply them in the field. We will then later on build further upon with actually working on a genjutsu technique. Step by step, I want to see if it will help you utilize the sharingan in performing genjutsu," was Aiko's answer. She didn't wait long to continue. "The basic is easy to understand. Genjutsu is like chakra itself divided in Yin and Yang. Yang represents a tangible force. It is what most chakra techniques have. It is in essence and in simple terms, the energy that drives and fuels a technique. The fire of your fireball technique, so to say. Yin? That is what we can consider the shape of the technique. It isn't entirely tangible but it is there. Altering and affecting the technique. It is what you can see directly but not always the drive force. Most genjutsu are driven more by Yin than Yang elements. This is why in general, genjutsu isn't able to deal direct damage. It isn't anything but an illussion. A trickery to fool or pressure the victim. Don't delve too much into it, however. Believe me, the whole theory and knowledge on how Yin and Yang elements in chakra work is not worth to crack your head open. Not today. Just know that most genjutsu are driven by Yin elements, meaning they aren't anything but illussions."

Allowing Neji to take that in, Aiko would continue. "Once you have understand that, we can come to the next part. How to understand genjutsu techniques at a basic understanding. When somebody is using a sound genjutsu, you can try to rationalise what is the Yin and what is the Yang element of the technique. If the sound genjutsu makes you see things then the Yin element is the trickery. The fact you are seeing things that aren't there. The Yang element is the fact that the specific sound wave hitting you. Meaning that if you block the soundwave and thus the Yang element, the genjutsu caster can't make you experience the Yin element."

Neji took in what Aiko sensei was saying, there was a lot of information there, but it made sense. As long as Neji could figure out what was real and whart wasn't. He could then figure out which was the yin and yang and thus make sure that he could stop the genjutsu from affecting him. " So as someone caught in genjutsu you need to figure out which part of the genjutsu is the yin and which part is the yang you can then come up with a strategy to get out of the genjutsu like for example blocking the sound waves from hitting your eardrums. That would effectively cancel out the genjutsu.". This was a lot to take in, but Neji knew that if he could use genjutsu in collaboration with his sharingan it would be a very dangerous weapon to add to his arsenal.

"Exactly. It is much more efficient than just try to disrupt your chakra and hope it will block out the genjutsu. It is also helpful, cause you can try to lure your enemy into opening him or herself up, letting them believe that you don't know what is or isn't real. It is a bit hard to master that and we won't focus on that today but it is a future goal. One that if you master, you can turn the genjutsu against the caster." Aiko replied, flashing a small smile. "Now we have that out of the way, we need to start with a genjutsu that won't be too hard to grasp for you. I managed to acquire this," producing a small scroll out of a pouch, Aiko would hold it up towards Neji to observe the scroll's content.

Neji looked at the scroll Aiko sensei held in front of him, the scorll held a genjutsu. " Demonic illiusion: Splintering Pain." Neji read the scroll aloud as he looked through the contents. " So for this genjutsu to work, I need to touch the person for the gnejutsu to take effect." Neji thought about it for a second as he thought about possible situations in when he might get an oppourtunity to use this genjutsu. Neji looked back at Aiko sensei. " So how do we start the training for this genjutsu?"

"Easy. As you would with another technique. Observe and memorize the handsigals. Then try to follow the technique's formula. Genjutsu techniques depict how much focus you need to put into Yin and Yang nature in the chakra. Not an exact number but more as in what you will need to focus on and how to make it work. It isn't that much far apart from learning a new elemental techniqe," Aiko answered, a faint smile adoring the jounin's lips. "So, let us start with reading the handseals. Then try to memorise them without activating the chakra. Then," conjuring a shadow clone, the real Aiko would gesture to the clone, "We will give it a try."

Neji bowed his head and smiled as he then looked over the scroll. The jutsu was quite easy just three handseals, horse, hare and bird those were the three signs required for this genjutsu. Neji practcied the signs a few times, they were easy he knew all of them and did them quickly. After he practiced a few times he started to try and figure out which he would need more of the yin or the yang. Neji looked back to Aiko and gave a slight smile " Okay I think im reacy to give it a try." Neji activated his sharingan and walked over to Aiko's clone. Neji took a deep breath and then gathered up his chakra. He then quikcly made the hand signals and touched Aiko's clone on her shoulder as he waited to see if the genjutsu worked or not.

Nothing seemed to occur. Waiting for thirty seconds, Aiko's brow formed a frown. "It is a bit tricky at the start. When you focus on the technique try to focus on the moulding of chakra. Unlike some simple ninjutsu, where you can form handseals and just focus on the effect, you need to actually focus and pour control into the technique. Try again, perhaps weave the handseals a tad slower so that you can pour more control on each handseal. Then give it another go." Aiko explained and instructed, gesturing to the shadow clone - which remained in its place.

Neji looked and waited to see if the genjutsu had worked, after about thirty seconds with nothing happeneing it seemed as if it didn't work. Neji looked towards Aiko sensei as she explained a few things to him. Neji shook his head in understandment. He took a deep breath and started to slowly form the handsigns, as he formed them he focus his mind on the chakra and the chakra control it takes to complete this genjutsu. Neji when he felt he had it struck Aiko's clone wiaiting to see if he had gotten it to work this time.

Once more they had to wait. The seconds slowly ticked by and for a moment, Aiko considered to go a step back. The shadow clone suddenly winced. Indicating that the genjutsu thus worked. "There you go," Aiko said as a smile crawled on the woman's lips. "This genjutsu is what could be the start of your understanding and ability to deploy them on missions and fights. You still got a long way to go but it is a start. I wager you know how to make a shadow clone?" The jounin asked, explaining right away why she had asked that particular question. "Cause I would then recommend on to practice this genjutsu to a shadow clone. Try to balance on how much Yin and Yang you delve into the technique. You do this already to a big extent with weaving handsignals but try to focus more on them." Pausing, Aiko would wait to see if Neji had any additional questions or requests.

Neji stood there waiting, beginning to think that the genjutsu failed again he was about to start weaving the handsigns again when he noticed the shawdow clone start to wince. This made Neji smirk as the genjutsu had worked. He turned to look at Aiko sensei as she adressed him about it. "Yes I know how to make shawdow clones." Neji nodded his head as he looked back towards the shawdow clone, this was just the beginning if he could really learn how to use genjutsu with his sharingan that would be a huge to add to his skills.
[fieldbox=The promise of icecream, lightgreen]
Empire of Akino - Amegakure, the capital of the Rain Province.
Riojin Compound.

A collab between Zane and Oetje.

Etsu pays a visit to one of her team members, Kitana Riojin, after the ordeal at the Housha compound. The two speak and bond a bit as the promise of ice cream is made.

Etsu felt a bit more refreshed. She hadn't the best of a night rest but it would be enough. The first thing she did was to check on Rini. Not personally, not yet. But requesting her status from the hospital, it was clear that the genin was recovering. Etsu wasn't so certain why she was dead worried about the young girl. While it was her task to mentor and train the girl, there was nothing personal that should have Etsu so tied to the girl. Was it about her bravery? Perhaps. Etsu wasn't certain and thus didn't yet want to visit Rini personally.

After leaving the hospital, she would work to gain permission to visit her other student. Kitana of the Riojin clan, the younger sister of Mitsunari Riojin - acting Lord Commander of the Rain. The chuunin had fought as hard and fierce as Rini. But from what Etsu had remembered, the chuunin had managed to pass the turbulent fighting in a better state than the genin. Heading to the home of Kitana, Etsu made sure that she wouldn't breach any rules of either the Riojin clan or give the security any reason to worry about her.

Approaching the door where Kitana was rested, Etsu flashed a smile of thanks to the servant who had been so helpful. Knocking on the door, Etsu waited till she would hear that she could come further.

Resting in her room after the whole incident at the Hoshua Compound, left her body feeling rather heavy and bruised. She had gotten off lightly compared to Rini, who Kitana didn't know how she was faring at all yet. The little one had grown on her, she had more bravery in her than she did when she was that young. Yet her brother insisted she stay home to recover has she did recieve some wounds that need to fully heal and not get re opened. The servants made it a bit easier for her which was nice of them, they helped her change her bandages like the one on her face. She was told she was lucky it wasn't any higher otherwise she might be needing help for the rest of her life. Well cant rewind time, maybe thats what she got for trying to help Rini try and get through the whole situation.

She shook her head to herself as that was no way to think, she didn't regret the choice she picked. If she regretted anything it was the fact she failed to keep Rini safe. She was supposed to be a role model in a way for the young one and she failed and watched her get badly injured. As she was relaxing though, she heard a knock on the door to which she would tell them they could come in. Yet as she was expecting a servant to come in her room, her sensei would be the onee to appear before her. This caused her to geet up off her bed and cause her to enter a salute stance.

"G-good morning sensei!" Kitana said wincing a bit at the sudden movement she just did. "W-what bring you here? If you are looking for my brother, I think hes assessing the damage done to the Hoshua compound." Kitana said still in a salute stance

"Stay at ease, Kitana," Etsu said with an apologising smile dawning on her lips. The jounin briefly glanced around in the room before turning her attention back to the chuunin.
"I was curious how you have been. Lord Commander Riojin can, after all, do without me pestering him for small issues." The woman further said, once more looking at the room.
"I have to say. Never thought that I had the pleasure to be in such a nice room within the Riojin's compound. Anyways, how are you holding up?"

Hearing the order she would relax a bit and rub her arm as she sat down on her bed. "Well brother has been a little more lax with me in this current state. Okay maybe not lax, he more so told me to not screw up my healing and delay getting back to work. And I did indeed censor what he actually said." Kitana said giggling a bit before looking around her room and shrugging. "I feel it's too nice, yet its what mom and dad left us siblings so I like it. Could use a bit less elegance if you ask me." She started off with before rubbing her side. "I could be worse, Ribs are healing slowly along with the cut to my side, although umm... Can I ask you a silly question?" Kitana said getting a bit flustered over what she wanted to ask.

"Good. If your brother and leader wasn't going easy on you in this state, I would have tried to make him agree to do so. Luckily for you, I can be quite persuasive." A rather cheeky grin and wink followed Etsu's words.
"Sure thing, Kitana. I am being paid to answer your questions, I believe. If you don't mind me," the jounin replied as she gestured to the bed - if she could take a place on it.

Something about the way she said that terrified her, she could persuade Mitsunari? Her literal hard headed brother who would rather die than quit at anything? How terriying was this woman?! Wait did she just.... Ohhhh. Kitana would somehwat understand what she meant by her words before wondering how she could respond to Etsu being paid to listen to her. "Sound like my nanny when you say that... Yet anyway " Kitana would pat the bed to signal that she could indeed sit on it. "Since you are a girl and umm.... " Kitana started with again holding her tongue a bit as he pointed at her face. "Are guys going to be turned off by the scar I'm going to have?"

Taking a place on the bed of Kitana, Etsu snickered when the chuunin said that she sounded like Kitana's nanny. Listening to the question, Etsu's head slightly tilted as she was wondering where this was going. When the actual question came, Etsu nodded slowly as she briefly looked away.
"Ah. I see," the jounin mumbled as she considered her answer.

"Kitana," Etsu would turn her gaze back to the chuunin, flashing a warm smile. "If there will be boys that are going to be turned off by that scar, ignoring what a wonderful young lady you are, then they don't deserve you. Don't let yourself be taken down by a scar. Easy to say, I know. But," the jounin slightly leaned forward, as if she was about to share a secret with Kitana.
"I am certain you will show any fancy lad that you're worth your weight in gold. So, please, don't worry about it." Winking at the chuunin, Etsu straightened her back.
"Besides, who has already caught your attention, hmm?"

She felt rather awkward having asked a question like that to her sensei, it should have been her mom yet she would be no help in her current state. Although Etsu gave some rather good advice, causing Kitana to crack a smile and blush at what she said. She was right, if the guy was a dick about some scar on her face then he just wasn't worthy of her. So when she asked who caught her attention she shook her head and smiled. "Oh no one, it was just a stupid worry of mine. I know guys like those girls that have flawless looking faces. Then again seems guys in Amegakure are a bit on the odd side, so we may be out of luck huh?" Kitana said chuckling a bit before she tilted her head. "How is little Rini doing? I tried my hardest to minimize the damage she recieved but because of my blunder she still got pretty hurt... Shes still alive right?"

Nodding as Kitana stated that in general, boys liked girls without scars adorning their faces, Etsu wouldn't argue against it.
"To be fair, boys also tend to get scars with being reckless and stupid. At least, your scar has a good reason for it. Not many can say that they fought bravely with being outnumbered. I am certain that many of your kin are proud when they see you holding your head up, scar or no scar."

Then the question came about Rini. Etsu felt her stomach slightly turning. She had yet to visit the genin. Shame held the jounin from yet going to the hospital. The genin either laid alone or was in a room with unknown people.
"The little one is still alive. Don't be too hard on yourself, Kitana. You did more than anybody could or should ever ask from a chuunin. If anybody should be blamed for a blunder, it was mine. I pressured you both with an unreasonable desire."
The jounin paused for a moment as she cast her eyes down for a moment.
"I hope you can forgive me for my mistake, Kitana."

As she spoke about boys being dumb and getting their own scars from recklessness she couldn't help but laugh. "Mitsu has one on his right arm that he covers with those fingerless gloves of his. He got it from punching a wall out of anger. His hand went right through and the broken wood piece just ripped right into his flesh. It was gross to look at but now its funny to taunt him about. He gets so angry that he wants to punch you, yet he doesn't because hes knows you will win if he does." Kitana said giving a wink of her own to Etsu. A little bit of info she could use to tease her brother if she wanted to.
While Etsu told her how Rini was she breathed a sigh of relief but still frowned as she explained it wasn't her fault but her own. Kitana shook her head and pouted at Etsu. "We could have left but we didn't, our choice was our own. Beside it is my fault. I could have done killing blows, but instead I tried to get Rini some confidence and let her deal the killing blow. If I had just killed them from the get go, then Rini wouldn't be in the state she is now!"

A soft whistle followed the short story of Mitsunari Riojin punching a wall, cause he was angry. Etsu had already been convinced that she didn't want to be on the man's bad side. The fact he could punch through a wall made that only clearer.
"Seems like a dangerous game to play with a dangerous man," Etsu remarked, though in a joking fashion as she shook her head - trying to hold back a laugh.

Listening to the reply of Kitana, Etsu once more shook her head.
"You are a chuunin, Kitana. You know as well as I do that risks are involved with our line of work. I was the one that came with the plan. If anybody has to carry the blame then it is me. You and Rini did your best. Besides, it happened. We can go on and on about what we could have done to prevent it. But it won't get ourselves anywhere. Other than perhaps becoming angry and bitter with ourselves. Which doesn't really sound like a solution." Etsu said as an apologising smile adorned the woman's lips.
"I am certain that Rini wouldn't hold anything against you of what happened. I will visit her soon and I shall make sure that she will be okay. Only the best of the best of doctors will be allowed to treat her. You have my word on that."

She waved her hand at her calling him a dangerous man. "Hes only dangerous if he believes you are an enemy, other than that it's mostly bark coming from him. I mean I tease him all the time and he hasn't punched me yet." She said with a playful face, only real person Mitsu ever really beat was Kouta. yet she chalked that up to brotherly rivalry.

She could be really spooky when she wanted to be... One day she was telling them they were striking out against the police, then the next she was trying to comfort her for what she felt was her mistake. She felt it was rather pointless arguing with Etsu, mostly when she probably had ways to win a debate anyway. So she sigh but smiled. "Well that's good that she will atleast live. Yet when she gets out I'm taking her and you out for Ice cream!"

It was amusing to hear how Kitana stated that the current jounin commander wasn't a dangerous man. Though Etsu had never the 'luck' of fighting against the man, she was well aware that the man was anything but a pushover. You didn't just get to become a jounin commander cause you had a nice smile. Not to mention the information that one could find about the man's fighting style. He certainly was a foe that could make Etsu nervous.
"Oh? That sounds like a wonderful plan. Perhaps I should make haste to the hospital then," Etsu said as she rose from the bed with a smile.

"I will go as fast as I can to see how Rini is doing. You need to rest for now. As soon as I learn more of Rini, except a message from me. For now, please do take it easy Kitana." Etsu said as she bowed her head to the chuunin.
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[fieldbox=A Visit!, salmon]
Empire of Akino - Rain Province.
Amegakure, the Hospital.

A collab between Oetje and Aliceee.

Etsu visits Rini in the hospital. The two talk about what happened at the Housha compound. And it leads to two promises as well a silent vow.

Etsu had little trouble to know where Rini was. Perks of being a team leader, she told herself. Yet while the jounin was aware where the genin was, she didn't yet visit the genin right away. Not because Etsu didn't care about Rini. Not because she wasn't worried. It was because of some shame. Where Etsu was well aware that risks one carried with their profession, she couldn't help but feel ashamed. The genin had been placed under her care. And during their first real battle, she had failed both her genin and chuunin. Something that did weigh heavy on Etsu, even while she tried to hide it for everybody.
But eventually, she had to visit the genin.

Reaching the room where Rini was, Etsu hesitated at the door. A heavy sigh escaped the woman before she would knock on the door. Opening the door, a warm smile was present on the woman's lips.
"Rini? Are you awake?"

Reading the book, Rini had a frown on her brow. It was a small novel about a veteran of the Great War that had written some of his experience. While Rini couldn't fathom how scary a war would be, it had something romantic to it. The chance for glory. The valour and presence of heroes in arms. Turning a page, Rini was so stuck in the novel that she had barely registered the knocking at the door. Looking up, she noticed that her visitor was Etsu Yabut. "Etsu-sensei!" Rini tried to offer a salute but forgot that she still held a novel in her hands. Thus making the salute rather clumsy. With cheeks flaring lightly up with a red tint, she would nod towards the jounin.

"At east, soldier." Etsu replied with the smile still present on her lips. Spotting a chair near the bed, Etsu gestured to it.
"Mind if I take a seat? I hope I am not disturbing you."

Flashing a smile back, Rini would close the novel and place it on her lap. When Etsu asked if she could take a seat, Rini nodded. "Yes, of course, ma'am." The genin then decided to ask a question right away. "Is.. Is Kitana okay?"

Taking a seat, Etsu found herself slightly surprised by the genin's question. Not that it was out of place but how long had Kitana and Rini worked together? Not before the formation that the current team had, that much did Etsu know.
"Kitana is recovering from the scuffle that we had at the Housha compound. But she is not in any danger." Was Etsu's answer. The jounin decided to ask a question now. "How are you holding up, Rini?"

Releasing a soft sigh, Rini could remember what had happened to the smallest detail. The idea that she hadn't been more of use to the team was haunting her. She knew that she was a genin and that she wasn't on the same level as Kitana. Let alone Etsu. But still, the feeling still lingered. "I am doing fine. Still having some pain but nothing too much, ma'am. In a day or two, I will be allowed to go back home. Heh." The genin chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head.

"I see. That is good news then." Etsu said in a soft voice. Nodding slowly and subtly, the jounin let a second of silence echo after her last words before speaking up again.
"I am sorry though, Rini. I should have been there to prevent you and Kitana getting hurt. I hope I can make it up with you."

The apology of Etsu caused Rini's eyes to widen, filled with panic. Almost as if she was threatened by the jounin instead of receiving an apology. "No! No! No! You did save me! And you were fighting other people! If anybody, I should apologise, ma'am! Next mission or fight, I will not let you or Kitana down! I swear it!"

"Then I will also swear that next mission, I will be there to make sure that neither you or Kitana will wind up wounded." The words were spoken with a certain sternness but it was mixed with a certain kindness.
"I suppose that means that we both have to work harder than ever to make sure that we can keep our word. Once you're out of here, we are going to train. I know..." Etsu's voice came slowly to a halt as she realised that her words could bring up painful memories.
"You had wonderful sensei in the past. I hope that I can strive to be worthy enough to be counted among them."

Rini couldn't do anything else than nod for a moment as she casted her eyes down. Staring at her hands that were folded together on top of the novel she had been reading, she wasn't sure what to say. "Thanks, ma'am. I..." Rini's voice slowly died as she turned silent for a second.
"Do you sometimes miss your old sensei, ma'am?"

Etsu saw that it was a sensitive subject. The profile of the genin had shown that the genin had gone through some teams and mentors. Which wasn't a gigantic problem but it was anything but positive. And Rini just proved that, in Etsu's opinion. Releasing a heavy sigh, Etsu crossed her arms as she leaned backwards. Her gaze briefly lingering at the ceiling.
"My old sensei was a bitter old man. The kind that will shake a fist in your direction when you were just facing his yard. But he was a great teacher, I guess. Heh," Etsu shook her head lightly, "He called me the type that would wind up dead young because I was reckless. But here I am. But to answer your question. Yeah, I do miss the old fart. He was a nagger but sure knew what to do. Most of the time, at least."

A snicker escaped Rini as she listened to Etsu's story. She remembered how different the teachings of Ryoku and Itsuo were. Granted, Ryoku hadn't done much to actually teach her in terms of skill. The man had done his best though but his position as the Third Amekage had made things just impossible. Itsuo had trained her but yet Rini felt a bit bitter. Disappointed, on the fact that he wasn't her sensei any longer. She did understand that she was just a genin. But he was supposed to remain her sensei till she could make her own path.
"I am glad that you are here. And that you are no nagger, ma'am." Rini said, trying to make a joke.

A hearty laugh followed Rini's comment. "Glad that I haven't yet come over as a nagger. It is certainly not something that I desire. And thanks, Rini," Etsu replied. She threw a look at the novel that Rini had on her lap.
"Were you reading that? What was it about?"

"Oh, about Butarou of Keishi. He was a chuunin at the start of the Great War. Endured many trials and dangers. Worked and fought against the might of the Earth Country. Wrote some of his experience in the form of a story. He is compassionate, courageous and skilful," Rini said as she gained a smile on her lips, growing genuinely excited as she continued, "Apparently, he fought alongside the likes of the Fourth Hokage. And under the command of the Third Hokage several times. You know, the Seeker and White Wolf! Legends and heroes. He writes about how the places he visited and was stationed at. Did you know that not the Earth country isn't all mountain or desolation?"

Etsu let the genin ramble. There was something endearing to the genin. The guilt of before didn't completely vanish as Etsu silently vowed that she would rather die than let the spark of joy and life leave Rini. Staying with the girl until she had to leave, Etsu would utter a soft prayer to all the gods she knew for aid. To make certain she would be able to keep her silent vow.
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[fieldbox=A Feast in the Rain, #4dffff]
Empire of Akino, Rain Province.
Amegakure - Riojin Compound, the main hall.

A collab between Nim, Tim, Zane, Oetje, Winter, Lesli, Conman, Jason and Alice.

After the attack on the Housha compound has been repelled, together with the insurgent and Zealots attempt on freeing Soru Deshuga, peace seems to return to Amegakure. Even as some tension lingers in the air, it is becoming clear that the threat has largely been dealt with. The arrival of the Empress has caused for a more festive atmosphere to enter the city. With a large feast being hosted in the main hall of the Riojin clan's compound.

*Despite the large number of participating writers, this collab isn't more than of an average collab length.*

The preparation didn't take long. It had already been largely completed before Kiyomi and her envoy had reached or ride into Amegakure. A large hall that was used for meetings within the Riojin clan would be the location for the feast and event. Many of the nobility within the Rain province were present as invitations had been spread prior to the actual start of the event.
And as by some sort of breeze, most of the tension and insecurity that came from the past events in the city seemed to be washed away. When word had reached out that, days before Kiyomi actual arrival, many people seemed to focus on preparing the city as if a huge festive event would come.

As the afternoon would make place for the evening, the wide doors that led to the grand hall in the Riojin clan would be opened. A number of Sworn Swords as Tiger Claws were present, together with some of the Riojin's own local guards. A lot of the royal servants would cooperate with the Riojin to perform the tasks such as music, food and serving those who would be present. A stage would be present where various members of the Sworn Sword were preventing anybody from getting near. Despite little tension hanging in the atmosphere, there was no doubt that the royal escort wasn't going to tolerate any transaggressions. Much of the people who were invited as present were people had some importance in the city or province. Or were invited for some other reason.

The atmosphere inside the large hall was one of tranquility, despite the heavy security in as outside of the large hall. The music was soothing and pleasing to the ear as the food of excellent quality as well showing off the local cuisine. As more people would arrive within the large hall, something seemed to happen. Servants with holding small boxes would line up at the podium, yet nothing yet happening. It would take around a dozen of minutes before it became evident what the purpose of the stage was. Servants would alert various people to be ready and where they had to be at. Subtly, the servants would work together to make a select group of people stand near one of the large hall's entrance. Eventually, some attention would be diverted to the grouped up people. A path would be cleared to the stage as Riojin guards would form a honorary guard formation, being the 'barrier' between the present guests as the group - that were being guided towards the stage.

On the stage, Kiyomi had already taken place in front of the lined up servants with their small boxes. Her gaze rested on the approaching group which had been instructed to form another line - facing towards the present crowd - while waiting for the ceremony as for the hall to become silent. Despite some soft whispering still audible, there wasn't any need to wait any longer. Standing sideways towards the lined up people, Kiyomi would speak up.

"I was most worried when I heard of the troubles that had stirred in Amegakure. While I haven't been many times to the city or the Rain province, I care a great deal for it," the young ruler stated as a faint smile started to grow on her lips. Gesturing to the lined up people, she continued. "It is thus of no surprise that I feel both honored as grateful when I heard of those who came to the city's hour of need. Many will today be gifted with a donation of my own wealth. Not just because I want to reward those loyal to the realm but also cause in these times we need to make it clear that heroes are always welcome!"

Pausing as the majority of the crowd clapped and some cheered, Kiyomi would eventually gesture for them to be silent. "I will also not forget those who have suffered lately by the attacks of the insurgents and their allies. The Housha clan will receive a group of the best engineers that I could muster in a short time to help rebuild their compound to its former glory. A sum of wealth will be dispersed to them to make it clear that no matter of what origin, that the crown cares about her subjects."

Once more Kiyomi would wait for the clapping and cheering to cease. Briefly Kiyomi's gaze moved to one of the Sworn Swords. Despite being armoured and his back towards Kiyomi, the Empress was wondering how irritated Iroh was with the current pace of the ceremony. Turning her attention back to the lined up people, the jade eyes instantly searched for a certain Sarutobi. Resisting the grin and idea to make a playful taunt, Kiyomi remained in the role that she had taken upon herself.

"For their efforts and heriosme, I thus want to personally gift each of these people a badge of honor," Kiyomi would walk up to the first in line. Standing in front of the first in line, which was Kazumo Sarutobi, Kiyomi would turn towards one of the servants. The respective servant would open the small box to reveal a few badges being presented on soft silk. Each badge had the shape of a small sun with a few rays being portrayed, the material being silver.

"For your bravery and actions, I grant you this badge of honour and valour. Kazumo Sarutobi, thanks for your actions." Holding the badge, Kiyomi would take a step forward. With her back to the crowd and close to Kazumo, to hand the Sarutobi the badge, Kiyomi would whisper something softly. "Also, try to not smile too much for what is next." Taking a step back, Kiyomi would slightly tilt her head to the right as she locked her eyes with the young man in front of her. "Because of this, you are promoted by me to the rank of chuunin. May Sigeberth as the gods continue to smile upon you as you continue to serve the realm." offering a small and graceful bow towards Kazumo, Kiyomi would manage to sneak in a wink towards her adoptive relative. People would clap and cheer for a moment after, while Kiyomi would approach the next in line.

Being on a stage with an audience onlooking wasn't as much nerve racking as he thought it would be. His niece being on the same stage however was what worried him. Now he knew she could handle her own, yet Amegakure hasnt exactly been very safe the past few days. Well the Sworn Swords were here, and this was the Jounin Commanders own clan ground. Everything should be fine here. As she came up to him he kept a neutral expression as she would present the badge to him, thanking him for his bravery and actions. "Thank you your majesty." As he held the badge in his hand, his gaze would lock onto Kiyomi as she told him not to smile too much for what was next. He almost blurted out what, yet thankfully he remembered this was still a ceremony. So he just watched as she then went on to promote him to the rank of chuunin, even mentioned their own lineage. He was honestly speechless at this and would return the offer with a salute.

The next that followed was Tomiko Hyuuga. Once more Kiyomi would take a badge from the held up box before turning to the Hyuuga. "Tomiko Hyuuga, I grant you this badge of honour and valour. May you continue to gain the respect of both the realm and that of your clan." Handing over the badge, Kiyomi would take a step back and repeat the small and graceful bow towards Tomiko. Once more clapping and cheering would follow as Kiyomi would turn to the next in line.

The girl wasn't bothered by being on the stage, that much was easy. What made her nervous, however, was who was on that stage with them. She could feel uneasy coursing through her veins as the empress approached Kazumo. Last time she had been around the empress, it hadn't exactly been the most friendly of encounters. Then she heard Kazumo getting promoted, and for a moment wonder if she was receiving the same honor. Then the empress came before her, talking about gaining the respect of her clan and the Empire. Accepting the badge, she briefly looked for a moment at it before looking back at the empress. She would then salute, much as Kazumo had, and speak up quietly "Thank you, your majesty.". She then thought to herself for a moment. I hope you're proud big brother. She thought to herself, even though she felt a hint of frustration at not being promoted, but also relief that the moment had passed.

"Ryu of the Uchiha clan, I present you this badge," Kiyomi said as she took another badge. Handing it over to the Uchiha, she would flash a friendly smile. "I have heard of your acts of bravery as how you tried to tend to those who suffered after the horrendous event at the Housha Compound. As a student of Eiji Emiya, I am thus not surprised by your drive. You are granted the rank of chuunin. Bear it with pride from this day on." Once more the Empress would repeat her bow as Ryu received cheers and applause.

Ryu wasn't sure how she felt about this entire event. She certainly wasn't big on being up on stage in front of everybody else. Everything felt weird, why was she being honored for just doing what she should have done? Either way, now wasn't the time to worry about all that. As the empress approached, Ryu felt an odd mixture of nerves and excitement. It wasn't everyday you got to meet somebody so important. Ryu gained a bit of an embarrassed look as the empress spoke about what she did. Then came the one that caught her off guard. She was being promoted to chuunin. Her expression was enough to show that she was caught off guard by the promotion. Accepting the badge, Ryu bowed respectfully towards Kiyomi. "T-thank you, your majesty." She said quietly, unable to hide the slight smile on her lips.

"Chu Omari," Kiyomi would say as the cheers and applause ebbed away, "You have gained both my and the people's gratitude for your actions! Thus I also gift you this badge of valour and honour." Taking the last badge of the box held up by the servant, Kiyomi would hand it over to Chu Omari. "Thank you," Kiyomi said as cheers and applause followed after the Empress bow towards the Omari clan leader.

Chu stood stoically in front of the crowd as the Empress awarded each person. He did not feel entirely that he deserved such an award, afterall, he had simply been doing their duty as shinobi, however he bowed in front of the Empress after she gave him the award, as he moved from the bow he spoke. "Thank you, your majesty." After she passed him Chu returned to his stoic posture, hands folded behind his back.

The next that would follow was Neji Uchiha. "Neji Uchiha. You too have brought prestige as honour to your clan. For your acts of courage and valour, you till be granted a badge." Kiyomi said as the next servant would step forward and opened his box, to reveal the identical badges. "As some before you, I will grant you the rank of chuunin. Serve the realm further well as a chuunin and I am certain both your clan as ancestors will never forget your deeds." Flashing another smile, followed by repeating the same bow Kiyomi was tempted to take a quick look on how many times she had to repeat it.

Neji would stand in line as the ceremony would begin. Neji would look out into the crowd as they would all clap and cheer as Empress Kiyomi would make her speach. Kiyomi would then start handing out badges to all of the genin that stood in this line. She even made Kazumo a chuunin, which to Neji was no surpirse. He didn't always get along with Kazumo, but Kazumo was a very capable and impressive shinobi and he totally deserved to become a chuunin. Neji was next up in line. Neji felt proud as he recieved the badge for his efforts here in Amekagure. Then something else happened. Something he wasn't ready for or expecting. Kiyomi informed him that he had been promoted to Chuunin. Neji's eyes widened for a second, but he quickly made sure to keep his composure. Neji would bow in respect to her. " Thank you your Majesty."

Turning the next, Kiyomi would keep up a smile on her lips. "Kitana of the Riojin clan. You too have earned the realm's gratitude and pride! Your fight against those who tried to harm so many innocent citizens of Akino won't be forgotten or overlooked!" Taking a bade, Kiyomi would hand it over to the other teen. "Wear this badge with pride for you have earned it, truly!" Followed up by repeating the bow, Kiyomi would already turn to the next as the crowd clapped and cheered again.

As she was next in line she did her best to hold the smile in, it wasn't everyday you got praised by the Empress. She however knew if she smiled like a giddy little girl, that Mitsunari would end up punishing her for looking so silly in their own home. As she was handed the badge she would indeed wear it. Giving the Empress a salute. "Thank you your majesty."

Then another genin stood in line. "Rini Yoto," Kiyomi began. She saw that the still hurt girl was trying to still stand upright. Kiyomi flashed a warm smile. "You have fought to the point of almost sacrificing yourself to prevent the insurgents from harming more innocent people. May you wear this badge and remind everybody of your valour and courage!" Handing the badge to the genin, Kiyomi would repeat the bow as she would move on to the next.

Still in pain from her wounds, Rini tried her best to not show it. A smile was adoring her lips from the moment she had laid eyes on the grand hall. Her cheeks even slightly ached with pain from it. But as she was guided away from Itsuo, Rini's eyes widened. She tried to tell the servant, at first, that she was doing fine and throwing panicked looks at Itsuo. But being whisked away, it dawned upon her what was going to happen. Walking towards the stage, Rini wasn't so sure what she was experiencing more. Pride? Yes. Fear? Oh, most certainly. Holding her head up high, Rini tried to not tear up from all this mixed emotions rushing through her body. Once on stage, her attention kept shifting between Kiyomi and trying to spot Itsuo as Etsu sensei. When Kitana was being mentioned, Rini wanted to whisper congrulations. It was some support that her team member was next to her.
When the Empress addressed her, Rini tried to straighten her back more. Enduring the sharp twinge of pain, Rini felt her eyes tearing up when the Empress spoke up. The lower lip of Rini trembled as the genin would accept the badge. She held it in a firm grasp in her left hand as her right hand balled into a fist, used to make a salute towards the Empress. "Thank you, your Majesty!" She said, trying to keep her voice clear from shaking.
Once more Rini tried to look for any familiar faces. Once catching sight of Itsuo and Etsu, the genin couldn't keep it dry anymore. A few tears managed to escape the firm mental defense of Rini, rolling for freedom over the genin's cheeks.

Having arrived together with her team at the large event, Aiko wanted to keep the group together. Not just because she was worried that the crash course on how to deal with social etiquette during an event like this or with people of certain social status as rank. But because the jounin wanted to make certain that none of her group would get in trouble. Which was easier to arrange when she had a watch over them. Though not ashamed by the fact that she was garbed in her gear, Aiko wished that she could have something more fitting. When Kazumo, Neji and Tomiko were being guided away by servants, Aiko threw a glance at the three genin. "Guess that just leaves us, huh, Satia?" The woman remarked in a slight amused tone. When the ceremony started, Aiko would watch how the selected group would be entering the stage. Pride started to surface when the jounin saw how Kiyomi stood on the stage. A smile soon followed and before Aiko had realised it, she had joined the clapping. If only Hiron could witness how much that little rebel had grown into her role.

As Kiyomi started the ceremony, Aiko faced an internal struggle. Moving a hand to her face, masking her lips behind the palm of her right hand, Aiko kept watching the ceremony. As Kazumo got promoted, the jounin started to tear up by a bit. While Kazumo saluted Kiyomi, Aiko looked away as her pink moved to the corner of her eyes. Watching the rest of the ceremony, she would continue to clap as more people got commerated for their acts. The jounin would join the cheering in a mild fashion as Tomiko and Neji gained their badge, the later even a promotion.

Satia had been standing neatly with her arms behind her back, her eyes drifting about the faces of various individuals within the great hall, each with a modicum of interest. When Aiko spoke the young Cho turned and smiled, "It seems so Aiko-Sama" she replied, "It's a lovely display though, really" she continued, referring to the setup and the stage. When their team members were awarded badges she clapped and smiled warmly, she was sure they had earned it after everything they had done here before she arrived.

Having not been present for most of what'd happened out here made for why she suspected she wasn't up there too. She didn't mind, she didn't expect a reward or any kind if compensation for the work she did. Everything she had done and everything she would do from here on was because she believed in her superiors, from Aiko all the way to the Empress herself. She had to believe they saw the bigger picture collectively and knew what was best for Akino. Perhaps some day she will be able to make changes of her own, or at least that was one of her ambitions.

As the ceremony begun, a small figure begun making her way through the crowd. She consistently gave quiet apologizes as she passed between the people, aiming to reach someone she spotted prior to the beginning of the ceremony, standing with a few other people until three were escorted away. Before she could reach said person, she briefly stopped upon hearing the name Ryu. She clapped with everyone else after Kiyomi showed her gratitude and then gave her a rank. She then resumed moving forward before finally getting to stand besides the person she wanted to get to. As people begun clapping for Neji Uchiha, she would gently tap Aiko's left arm "I'd hug you immediately, but I have a feeling that would be inappropriate at this time. Right?" Kuni whispered to her, wondering if Aiko would have a bit of time to talk to her after the ceremony but knowing there was a chance she would vanish as soon as the ceremony ends. A jounin's life, after all.

As the empress moved over to Rini, the grin Itsuo had been sporting up to that point vanished, if only for a moment. Something curled up in his stomach, pressing on the pride he felt, cutting his breath off for a moment. The young man's smile returned to greet Rini from the sea of faces quickly. Still, the gut wrenching feeling remained. Only as she burst into tears did his worries hide themselves and his smile grow. He muttered something under his breath with relief.

As his meeting hall was being used for the ceremony, which he was more than happy to let Kiyomi use. It was not only an honor for him, but it did mean exposure, which he hoped would be good exposure. It was also a chance to see how the genin of Amegakure acted in the presence of Kiyomi and how they went about it. A good example so far lead by the Sarutobi, which he hoped the shinobi he was technically in charge of could atleast copy. So when it came to Ryu she started off fine, yet bowed. Nothing majorly bad, she thanked her atleast but he hoped she would have saluted. As it continued it came to Kitana and Rini, he paid close attention to Kitana practically drilling his eyes into the back of her head. Yet she did fine so he couldn't lecture her later, yet he was a bit moved with Rini. Despite being injured she managed to do everything correctly, to him her crying was more than justified. He couldn't help but appluad for the young girl.
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[fieldbox="Blood?, turquoise, solid"]

Stick together Hiron told them, and they'll make it out okay. The only thing yiko could think about was being able to have his mom's cooking again, so he would have to make it out alive.

Hiron led the team, Yiko followed as best as he could in the dark. Suddenly they stopped with the signal of Hiron to halt. The aroma of freshly made bread littered the halls, the young uchiha could hear what sounded like chatter coming from the room where they were waiting next to. He had guess Hiron was investigating to see what they were dealing with. He watched as his team leader pulled out a mirror, and the Genin tilted his head in question, but soon realized how smart it was to have one of those at hand for a task such as this. Hiron then told them to wait for his signal, and wait he did. Yiko watched as the Jounin suddenly moved around the corner with such determination it gave Yiko goosebumps. The man was going in to kill.

Once Hiron gave the whistle the team moved into the room, and Yiko got his first sight of blood that made him sick to his stomach. The team leader killed the two guards, and he started to clean his blade from the act. This was Yiko's first time seeing a dead body, he didn't know how to react properly. So he froze for a second.

"Three targets. Asleep. One target, for Tentou. Right side of the room, asleep on a bed. Another target, for Yiko. Asleep on a bed as well. Last target, for Shikaroku. In a corner. Asleep." Hiron spoke softly

"I'm gonna have to kill... don't panic don't panic don't panic" yiko took a deep breath, he was thinking too much about it, and that was gonna make him fall apart from the inside.

"in through the nose, out through the nose" after a few deep breaths, Yiko was able to move again. "Alright I can do this, this is what Shinobi do, do not make a fool of yourself hold it together, you will get through this."

"Kunai or knife in the throat and free hand on the mouth. Hold them back firmly till they stopped moving. I will be on guard in case a contact moves into the room. Ready? Moving in five seconds."

Yiko nodded in reply and pulled out a kunai from his back pouch, and waited for Hiron to enter first. Once He moved in and took his position, Yiko moved in quickly and quietly. The uchiha got in position next to the bed. The unconscious man in front of him was sound asleep, he wondered what he might have been dreaming about in his final moments. Without much thought, yiko moved his hands over the poor soul's mouth and in all one motion, pushed the blade into his throats and held the man down with on hand over his mouth.

His eyes shot open and looked over at the young boy. Yiko's eyes met his, and he could feel this cold feeling wash over his body. This is what it was like to kill, it was cold. He watched the man as the life seeped from the new hole in his neck. There was some struggle but soon it subdued and soon he was dead. The mans eyes were still open, just staring at Yiko. He just looked away and took the metal out of his throat. He used his free hand and closed his eye lids. "I just killed a man..." he whispered. He blinked a few times before coming back to reality. He pushed the thought aside and cleaned his kunai of the blood with his hand and put it in his pouch.

He moved close to Hiron, Yiko looked ahead trying to make no eye contact with his leader. "All set" he whispered.

[fieldbox=A brother's presence , Wheat]
Koike Hon
The leader of Team 6 |Specialised Jounin | Colonel of the Foot Companions - part of the Third Division | Lieutenant-Colonel of the Guardians |

Wolf Country, countryside- unknown territory.

The sky was still pitch dark, only stars being the companions that the moon had. Seeing the height and position of the moon, Koike was certain that there were several hours before the horizon in the east would start to lighten up. Raising the flagon, the young man would let the alcohol flow over into his mouth. Filling it with a sweet taste.

"Colonel, sir," Torrad's voice rang through the cold air. The Sarutobi captain would walk into sight. There were faint stains of a dark red colour upon the man's gear. "I suppose that it is clear that I took care of the problem? Didn't lose anybody. Nor let any of those mongrols escape and warn their buddies." The captain said as he would take a seat next to Koike.

"Good," was what Koike mumbled in response. He took another swig of the flagon filled with mead. It stayed silent for a moment until Koike broke it. "I want you to assign a few of your best men to escort the captive back to the main camp. They got people there to question the bastard and figure out what he knows. Even if we don't speak their language." Koike instructed, following it up with offering Torrad the flagon.

Accepting the flagon, Torrad would take a swig of his own from it. "Very well. I will send some of my lads to see that done. I take it that you want to settle here for a bit before we move further? If anything, we can attempt to take total hold of the forest. Wouldn't be that hard, I imagine." Torrad replied, offering the flagon back to Koike.

"Eventually, yes. First, I want us to make certain that no more of the enemy is stalking this forest. Then we move on to the next step." Koike answered. Taking the flagon, he would take a sip this time.

"And where does your 'aide' come in all of this?" Torrad asked in a most casual tone. "Little fellow survived the last battle but maybe it was just the gods giving him a tad of luck. How good will he do the next fight?"

"He will remain at my side." Koike answered, at first. Taking another sip of the flagon, he would then offer it to Torrad. The words that would leave Koike's lips were both grim and sombre of tone, yet a sliver of pride rang through. "He is stubborn and doesn't like to be bossed around. But he is loyal and capable. We have fought and won many battles. Bled even more so," halting for a moment, Koike sighed. "I, however, don't like him to be here. And yet, I want him to be here."

"Ah, yes. The presence of a brother can give hope and courage. But seeing him in danger is anything but great." Torrad threw a sideways look at Koike, a frown forming on the man's brow. "But I will give you some privacy, colonel, sir. Consider your plan to be handled tomorrow." Offering the flagon back, Torrad would get up and salute towards Koike - before taking his leave.

Taking the flagon back, Koike just nodded as his eyes were locked on to the tent in front of him. He was certain that Katsu was asleep, perhaps having a peaceful dream. Koike hoped so. The grip on the flagon tightened as Koike remembered where they were. There wasn't an option to run away or bring Katsu out of danger this time. Not that his friend and brother would allow him. How many times had he asked Katsu if he didn't want to stay behind, out of harm's way? How many times hadn't they risked their own neck to save and fight together?

Raising the flagon for another swig, Koike would empty the content of the flagon. A soft curse escaped the young man's lips. Remembering the dread he had experienced the last two battles, Koike wasn't sure what to do. The way how he fought was different than Katsu. Not that either of the fighting styles and preferences was better than the other but Koike wasn't sure what to do.

Deciding that he would try to train Katsu in the morning, Koike would attempt to get some sleep of his own. Perhaps some of the frustration and anger at what he considered his incompetence of being a capable leader and guardian for his brother would ebb away.

[fieldbox=A plan of a Genin, orange]
Nishi Hirashima,
Leader of Team 11 | Ex- ANBU member,
Kirigakure, east of the city in the rural area at a hamlet.

Watching and waiting for her team members to apply the Transformation technique, to gain a disguise, Nishi eyed both. It would probably work. There wasn't a detail that would give away that either genin or chuunin weren't farmers in disguise. Then Claire asked a question, causing Nishi to throw a look at the disguised genin.

"We will take the commonly used route, yes. Just don't try to talk and give away that you're not adult farmers." Nishi instructed.
Following the instruction up with weaving hand signals, a small poof of smoke would follow up. Applying the transformation technique, Nishi had donned on the appearance of a travelling merchant.
"Stay vigilant and once you spot a target, click with your tongue. Then keep on playing the scared victim part until I will whistle."

Waiting to see if the other two understood the instruction, Nishi would turn around.
"Now, let us go."

The trek wasn't that tedious nor long but Nishi wouldn't grant her team any rest. For an hour or so, they kept walking over the dirt road and started to make some distance to the hamlet - where they had started the mission. There wasn't anything that gave away that they were being followed or walking straight into an ambush. Not at first.

The rustling of leaves and the sensation that somebody was peering his or her gaze onto them were the first signs. Then Nishi detected sounds that were very faint but didn't sit well with the ambient sounds. The light vegetation did its work of visually hiding their stalkers but Nishi could detect up to around five contacts. The question that rang through the jounin's mind was if her team would able to remain calm and not initiate a fight.


Nishi stopped and acted her part. The surprise and fear on her face became appearant as round the three, men would appear out of their cover. They were garbed in rugged clothing and carried crude weapons. Nishi quickly threw a glance, still feigning to be shocked by the sudden appearance, to see what weaponry their contacts used.
"No bows or crossbows. Nobody carries something like a javelin, so no need to truly worry about a ranged attack."

"On your knees, all three of you!"

Nishi complied as she hoped that her team did as well, dropping on one knee for the moment. The robbers would slowly close in the distance but yet kept some space. Likely not stupid enough to allow their captives to try anything stupid. When the assumed leader of the group made a move forward, Nishi whistled. It seemed to confuse the man as he frowned but it would be too late.

Before anybody could react, Nishi shot forwards. The leader held a hatchet, which he brought up for a slash. Steel would ring its deadly song as it travelled through the air, being brought down by the robber's leader, an attempt to hack at Nishi.
The jounin quickly stepped to the right and slammed her elbow into the man's face. The impact dazed Nishi's first victim as a nearby man tried to move forward, intending to slam his club against Nishi's head. Quickly lowering herself, Nishi avoided the hit and allowed the attack to further disable the leader of the gang.

As she straightened her back, the jounin delivered an uppercut. With Nishi's second attacker dazed for a second and reeling from the blow, taking a step back, Nishi quickly delivered another blow. Her fist connected to the man's temple, causing him to lose some of his balance. Leaving him open for the jounin to sweep him off his feet. The disguise soon dispelled and revealed the jounin in her attire.
[fieldbox=A new purpose, tomato]
The camp of Satoshi Jun's army.
Wolf Country.

A (small) collab between Lesli and Oetje.

Yumeji and Kaya have made a tough decision and speak about it. Together, they pledge to one another that they will work as a team to make sure that they will be able to return home.


The group started to venture out of the camp. Not much attention was drawn to them. Not very surprising as many groups were sent out to patrol across the river or swap guard duty with another group. But this group was different. It existed out of veteran shinobi only and not supplemented by soldiers. And their goal wasn't to take over another group's guard duty or to go out on patrol. No, it was to escort two jinchuriki back to Kumogakure. A long and likely perilous journey with the current dangers that occupied the Wolf country.

Watching the group, Kaya felt her eyes burning and turning watery. Yet no tear would roll over her cheeks and fall to the cold ground. Her hands were clenched into fists as she felt her stomach slightly turning. Both Reyna and Midori would go home. They would be safeguarded from the enemy. Not faced with the prospect of a large hostile army.
And yet while Kaya was given the same offer, she had turned it down. She missed her home, family and the idea of safety. Perhaps even being able to bond and befriend both Midori and Reyna. Make up for the mistakes and attitude of before. But she had refused it.

Walking through the snow, Yumeji would stand next to Kaya. Watching the group silently and unhindered travelling away, the Hojo didn't say anything at first.
"Why did you decide to stay, Kaya?" Yumeji asked, still keeping her gaze on the leaving group.

"Because I don't want to run away. If I would have gone with them, how can I try to protect them?" Kaya replied, shaking her head lightly. "I need to stay here and see through. In order to try to make sure that both Reyna and Midori will not have to endure more. That is my purpose."

The answer caused a silence to follow. The group that escorted Midori and Reyna were almost out of sight. Yumeji placed her hands on her hips as she felt how a cold breeze passed them by.
"Very brave and admiring decision. I can't say that I would have been able to choose as well as you did, Kaya."
The Hojo would turn somewhat to the genin.
"But this means that it is just you and me. If I watch your back, will you watch mine?"

Kaya shot Yumeji a sideways look. It was pleasant to hear that somebody considered her choice brave and even admiring. If anything, Kaya felt both stupid and guilty. Nodding slowly when Yumeji stated that it would just be them, she would answer the question. "You can count on that I will do my best. You're a member of Team 13, after all. Midori might not be around but I don't think she would have liked it if I slacked around." Kaya turned towards Yumeji and considered something. "I will need to become better at handling weapons. At fighting. You have shown that you're capable. Would you please help me, Yumeji of the Hojo clan?"

The answer provoked a smile to dawn on Yumeji's lips. Though she wasn't that familiar with the genin, Yumeji was glad about that there wasn't a clash of personalities between them.
"Glad to be considered part of the team."
Kaya's request, however, came a bit as a surprise for Yumeji.
"I would find myself honoured, Kaya of the Irozaki clan. I must state that I am not the best fighter but you can count on me."
Stretching her right hand, she flashed a warm smile towards Kaya.

Accepting the hand, Kaya flashed a smile back. "Thanks Yumeji. Now," pulling her hand back Kaya gestured to the direction of their tents. "How about we get some breakfast before we will get to training?"

The Hojo chuckled.
"That sounds delightful. As I like to say, no training ever went well on an empty stomach!"

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[fieldbox="A Real Fight, Purple, solid"]

Claire Rose,
Genin of Team 11,
Kirigakure, east of the city near a rural hamlet.

The walking seemed rather boring as nothing happened. Claire had expected them to be attacked quickly but as time passed all seemed to just grow more and more dull. By no means was the Genin not cautious but she was now lacking the motivation that her plan would work. It was now drawing close to an hour and the team had yet to be attacked by bandits. Though as her hopes diminished the leaves began to rustle.

She stopped and looked at the bandits. Following Nishi's lead she knelt down, a shocked expression on her face. Of course it was fake and her heart began to race. Once the Jounin acted she actually looked a bit shocked, more so as she watched the woman take on two of the men at once. The whistle finally registered in Claire's mind and she blinked. Right that meant to take action. Removing her disguise right after Nishi she grabbed her sickle.

The closest man near her dashed at Claire raising his club, taking a back step she avoided the initial hit that went in front of her. She preferred to attack at a distance but the man didn't seem to give her space as he still moved towards her and hit her with a charge. His shoulder making contact and sending the Genin off her feet, back hitting the ground. Gazing up she bit her lip and he went to swing down.

Rolling on her side to avoid the hit she got off the ground in a fluid motion and took a few back steps to create distance. Using a kunai she flung it at him letting it dig into his left thigh. Gritting his teeth he dashed at her once more. Using hand signs she created the link to her sickle and threw it at the man. Once it flew past him Claire tugged on the chakra link and pulled it back to make it wrap around his arm. Give it a yank she made him fumble forward onto the ground in front of her, though he grabbed her ankle and soon she was pulled to the ground as he moved over her. His club in the air ready to hit her.
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[fieldbox=The Feast, #4dffff]
Amegakure - the capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.
The meeting hall, Riojin Clan Compound.

A descendant of Tashigi!

A collab between Winter and Aliceee.

Satia Cho is the first to approach and strike a conversation with Kiyomi. The latter is quite interested in learning and talking with the Cho. Despite the former being nervous, the talk goes rather well and ends on good terms.

Once the ceremony was concluded and those on the stage began to descend back into the crowd, Satia turned and looked at Aiko with a small smile. "Excuse me, there's something I must do while the opportunity presents itself" she said before she turned and stepped her way into the crowd. Ever since her great grandfather had lead the Cho to victory during the second war against the Wakumi, it'd long been a tradition for her house to show respect for the Emperor or Empress in power. Her house had always been fiercely loyal to the Chonobi and even now they would answer the call of Empress Kiyomi without question.

The young Genin made her way slowly, excusing herself to those she had to navigate between as she ventured closer and closer. She couldn't deny she was nervous, partly due to the pressure of appropriate etiquette and the consequences for mistakes. It was a big moment, probably more so that her house held such status and regard for the Empress. Once she was within range she would politely wait to be noticed, thinking it was probably better she didn't interrupt the Empress given she was a lowly Genin, house status or not. She could already sense the eyes of the Sword Sword, members of incomprehensible skill that'd remove her before she even drew breath if they suspected anything.

With the ceremony done and over, Kiyomi would subtly and yet firmly ward off any servants. Dressed in a simple dark blue dress, with a few patterns that clearly gave away her cultural heritage, Kiyomi would just click with her tongue. A few Sworn Swords would form a protective barrier around her, effectively warding the first overeager nobles away from the empress. For a moment, Kiyomi wondered if she couldn't escape the event. It wouldn't be too hard. Just alerting Iroh and then allowing a shadow clone to 'endure' the event in her stead. Wouldn't be the first time she deployed such an option.

But much to Kiyomi's delight, the first wave of nobles and servants were warded off. Releasing a soft sigh, Kiyomi would let her gaze move over what she could see. There were too many people and even with her razor-sharp eyesight, there was no spot that was to her liking. Then she noticed a blonde young woman approaching, one that Kiyomi didn't recognise. Assuming that the other was attempting to close in, Kiyomi would mumble something softly in Chonobi. Without any hesitation, the Sworn Sword closest to the path between Kiyomi and the blonde unfamiliar woman would step aside. Kiyomi, herself, would slightly tilt her head to the left. A curious expression evident, accompanied by a small smile.

Satia returned the smile, the sight of the Empress was enough to send a sting of nerves through her chest but yet she managed to endure, steeling her resolve as she righted her posture to one of more confidence. There was only one opportunity to make a good first impression and it would forever define the relationship between her house and that of royalty. To fail, was to dishonor her entire lineage and the pressure was certainly palpable to her. After approaching, stepping past the Sworn Sword she would open by taking her left fist and pressing it against the palm of her right hand, bowing her head forwards in the traditional Chonobi greeting. She then finished by raising her right hand up to salute the Empress respectively. Only once given a physical or verbal cue to proceed would the Genin continue. "Forgive me for intruding as I'm sure you're very busy, your majesty, but it's a long tradition of my house to show our respect to our ruler in person, my name is Satia Cho Tashigi".

Her words were spoken softly and Satia kept her hands neatly together in front of her as she spoke. Her movements and the way she carried herself was handled with a degree of grace and elegance learned from a history of nobility and dealing with other noble officials. She wore her usual dress, the blue and whites patterned together with symbols of her lineage. Satia had heard stories of the Empress but to see her in person she could see why they said she was a woman of beauty, not only that she was powerful in more ways than one, honestly Satia could see why many young women would look to her as a role model.

Kiyomi kept observing the newcomer, on how she approached. Folding her own hands in front of her stomach, the young empress watched. The small smile briefly vanished as a hint of surprise became visible. Only for the expression to shift into what could be considered an expression of content. The smile returned when Kiyomi saw that the young woman would salute and performed a rather smooth introduction. For a moment, Kiyomi remained silent. She tried to remember the names. Satia was certainly one that she couldn't link to anybody that she knew. Cho? That was a surname that said enough, clarifying the distinct greeting of before. Then it dawned on Kiyomi.

"Ah!" The teen's eyes widened slightly as she would nodd twice, in an eager manner, "Pleasure to meet you, Satia of the Tashigi lineage." The smile present on Kiyomi's face would widen slightly as she returned the first gesture back - the traditional Cho greeting. "If I remember correctly, you are part of Team 8. Lead by Aunt A." The teen wouldn't give Satia much time to reply, at first, while using Chonobi tongue to communicate. Gesturing something subtle, the few Sworn Swords would make certain that nobody would intervene with the exchanges between Satia and Kiyomi.

"I have read the report of your first mission. I think a congratulation is well in place. Shame that the nature of the mission was secretive. You deserve a reward as well for what Aunt A wrote about you." For a quick second, Kiyomi thought about something. "How about this? You may request a small favour of mine. Only fair, seeing you did a challenging task as well. Even if many won't learn about it."

The Genin almost flinched when the Empress eventually spoke before quickly recomposing, feeling a heavy weight lift from her shoulders and a pressure release from her chest as it seemed her introduction had landed well. She hadn't been entirely sure that her lineage would be recognized but that was largely down to her own inexperience with politics and the handling of historical information. Nevertheless she was overjoyed to learn that the Empress knew of her house and interestingly enough, her mission. She'd thought such matters were below her, likely delegated to her subordinates to handle in her stead while she handled the more important parts of ruling Akino.

Satia maintained her soft smile as the Empress spoke, though her expression changed to one of surprise when she was offered the small favor. The young Shinobi hadn't expected any kind of reward for her service and for a moment she was caught on whether to accept or politely refuse to offer. She didn't want to offend the Empress by declining the offer, yet, she didn't feel like she deserved any kind of reward given that Aiko and her team had done a considerable amount more than her. "Your majesty is most generous, thank you" she said and bowed her head respectfully. "Although, I'm afraid I don't know what I would ask for..." the woman gave some thought before she brightened with an idea.

"If it would be agreeable to you, might I ask that we spend more time in each others company. By our tradition, the Tashigi have always stood loyal to defend Akino and it's rulers and we certainly intend to continue this tradition for as long as you would allow. Perhaps getting to know each other better would serve to honor this tradition and strengthen the relationship for the future?" Was she perhaps asking too much, after all, there was likely a good many different more important things she could be doing. Yet, all Satia could think to ask was to get to know her ruler better.

The request made Kiyomi's facial features shift. Once more she was surprised but in a pleasant way. "I suppose so. Unless you decide to give me a reason to terminate our time together," Kiyomi replied, a playful grin following her answer. "Besides, the loyalty of a Cho is certainly quite worth a lot. Certainly when it is from somebody of your lineage. I like to think it is because of Cho like your family that already keep the realm safe. Unless the Wakumi of the Tea country dare to be bold, once more."

Conversing in Chonobi, Kiyomi would not really worry that somebody would be able to understand her or Satia. There was the wonder if Satia had met Tatsuya before he had been captured by the Zealots, bringing some anger and pain. Pushing the thought away, Kiyomi decided to ask the other a question. "What do you think of Amegakure thus far? I am not certain how long you have been here but I do wager that you have seen some bits of it, correct?"

The young Genin gave a small chuckle to the response of giving reason to terminate the conversation, glad to hear the Empress was receptive to the idea of getting to know one another better. Satia shifted the position of her hands, holding them instead neatly behind her back in a subconscious way to allow her to appear more approachable and less nervous. "Thank you" she responded to the compliment against her lineage, the sentiment filling her with a sense of pride towards her heritage. She wondered for a moment if she would one day answer the call like her great grandfather had done before her. To lead and army towards victory to protect their homeland, certainly a daunting task and one she wouldn't be ready for in many many years.

The question posed by the Empress caused her to pause and give it some thought, thinking back to her experiences so far which honestly hadn't been much. She smiled, "Indeed. Amegakure is certainly nothing like Konohagakure, through a pleasant change of scenery and a valuable experience I must admit" she replied in fluent Chonobi, the language and dialect being far more comfortable for her. "The consistent and plentiful rain allows some interesting flora to grow here" she continued before adding, "I've a vested interest in botany and liberalism you see" she said with a smile, thinking that a bit of context might clarify why she was interested in the plant life.

Kiyomi nodded slowly. "I suppose that is one way to look at it. I, for one, don't really like it. I have been multiple times to this city and province. However, the rain doesn't suit me that much. I prefer a different kind of weather, really." The fact that this young woman was interested in herbs made Kiyomi wonder if it was a coincidence that she was part of Team 8. Certainly knowing that both Kazumo and Aiko were also familiar with herbs and poisons.

"I am not that much for plants. I know how to track and hunt a bit. I suppose that I just never spend much time researching plants. How come that you decided to invest time in studying botany and such? I imagine that it can be quite useful in the field. Or even outside of it," the teen said, enjoying the talk as it continued in fluent Chonobi. "Ah, almost forgot. What is that you would like to drink? I, for one, would like something else than sake. Ever tried Pinedale Ale? It isn't like regular ale, don't worry." The Empress casually continued on chattering.

Satia gave a single nod of understanding, "I can appreciate that, the rain would perhaps be easier tolerated if it wasn't so... constant" she commented as an afterthought. She also preferred warmer climates but even so, she couldn't deny that the change of pace was somewhat welcome after having spent so much of her life within the capital. At the mention of using her interests in the field Satia brightened a little, "Very much so, the different genus within the varying species of plants across Akino give a broad scope of application to the field. From creating healing salves all the way to poisons that'll induce severe pain, death and hallucination, though not necessarily all three at the same time" she gave a small soft laugh. The mention of the offered beverage caught her a little off guard, though she was pleasantly surprised and smiled with a single nod. "I can't say I have, but I'd be willing to try it" she said happily, also enjoying the conversation so far. She hadn't expected the conversation to roll so easily, though she was glad that it hadn't descended into awkwardness due to an attack of nerves.

"Yes and not being a slight hamper for fire techniques. Though I got little to complain, I suppose. I doubt that I will be participating in any clash, anyways," Kiyomi said, a sliver of a disappointment present in her comment. Hearing Satia out, Kiyomi paid close attention to how the other reacted. A short and soft laughter followed by Satia's comment about inducing three troublesome effects of herbs, like severe death and pain. Turning to one of the nearby servants, Kiyomi would say something in Yakimara. The servant would make a bow before departing.

"Ah, so you are known with brewing poisons as well?" Kiyomi asked, her curiosity growing. "How did you start with such a study, if I may ask?" Kiyomi further asked.

The young Genin picked up on her slight disappointment when she mentioned not getting involved. She could appreciate that to some degree, especially when her own desires had almost been crushed by an expectation to marry and serve a husband. Of course, she wouldn't outwardly express her sympathy lest it be taken as pity, which would not stand. She watched and smiled as Kiyomi made an order to one of her servants, patiently waiting as she listened to the question that followed. It was a fair question albeit one she hadn't been asked in quite some time. "Well I suppose it was probably down to my upbringing, I was afforded good education growing up and took an early interest in the subjects as well as biology. Combined they work in tandem to allow me to produce some interesting developments. But if you're interested in where, I learned from books. I was... and kind of still am a bit of a book worm" she once again softly laughed.

She was tempted to show Kiyomi her equipment and methods for various delivery of poisons in the field. But to draw any of her equipment in her presence would be a quick journey to the afterlife, that much she was sure. "Of course there is still much to learn, so I've made a habit of writing down my findings and keeping a track of various different plants so I can further experiment with the effects." she continued. She smiled warmly as she thought to ask her own question given Kiyomi thus far had been interested in learning more of Satia, "I understand you have quite the exceptional skills yourself your majesty, may I ask how you came to possess your talents at such an early age?" she asked politely.

"I guess that I can't lie then. I like to delve into books as well. Mostly trying to understand past events or people. Trying to not only use it for my gain but also because it is quite interesting to learn more, about diverse people." Kiyomi's tone slightly shifted as she wouldn't make it very subtly that she seemed to include Satia and the current dialogue as something interesting. The question that the Cho made Kiyomi think for a second.

"Heh, I don't see it as much talent. Between you and me, I was quite clumsy and failing at the start of my career as a kunoichi. I couldn't win a fight against a training dummy, to give you an accurate description." Kiyomi said, shaking her head lightly. "I managed to pick up some skills and hone them through months and months of training. Like to think that I owe a lot to the people that were patient enough to pass on their skills to mine. That and being stubborn. I guess that I have a bad habit of pressuring myself to the limit." A light blush appeared on Kiyomi's cheeks as she tried to snicker a laughter. If for one thing, she was glad that the likes of Hiron weren't around. He would have likely been able to add more to the answer. "Though I got still a long way to go before I can acknowledge that I have 'exceptional skills'."

Satia nodded in understanding, recognizing the shift in tone which caused her to smile. She assumed that holding such responsibility meant that reading the history and understanding it was an important venture for the young Empress. It made sense, in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of history one has to first learn from them after all. Satia also realized now how it was that the Empress recognized her lineage, which then made her wonder if they had both read the same books detailing some of their Chonobi's historical achievements.

Kiyomi's response caused Satia's eyebrows to raise in surprise. She'd expected to hear how her training was rigorous but with the best teachers she was able to quickly grasp the skills that made her strong. Hearing she had struggled in similar ways to most Shinobi somehow made Kiyomi seem more human to Satia and with their shared affinity for books she held more respect for her on a personal level, as opposed to the respect afforded automatically through status and standings. Satia nodded, "I can relate to that, or at least the struggle of a learning process. As long as we're being honest... " she looked over her shoulder before taking on an expression of humor, "I learned rather early that working with chemicals to develop hallucinogenic toxins while enjoying lunch... isn't a wise idea" she said, her tone implying that the experience had been a rather problematic accident combining food and toxins.

Kiyomi flashed a smile when Satia stated she could relate to that. Before Kiyomi was able to state that Aiko would likely make certain that Satia wouldn't struggle for long, the young monarch burst out in a short laughter. Catching the attention of some bystanders, likely wondering why the empress was laughing. "Really? Hahaha," Kiyomi tried to subdue her laughter but it took her a few seconds, "Reminds me of the time that I tried to train Lightning release on a lake. Needless to say, it was a shocking experience, hahaha!"

Snickering back another laughter, Kiyomi noticed that the servant of before had returned with two mugs. Gesturing that the respective man could come and taking both mugs, Kiyomi would offer one of the two towards Satia. "Try to drink it slow. It isn't a beverage that packs a heavy punch. But it is quite sweet and taste the better when you really try to flavour the taste. At least, that is how I was told to appreciate the drink." Raising the mug, Kiyomi would nod towards Satia before taking a sip. "But please, do tell more of your experience regarding your study about plants."

Satia laughed along with Kiyomi, raising a hand to try to stifle her own giggles as her shoulders hunched a little. She remembered the situation well, how she couldn't stop seeing oversized beetles and insects crawling over everything. She'd had to work on an antidote while trying not to freak out, which made for one of her most awful mistakes so far. Nevertheless, she could at least laugh about it now given it was so long ago. When Kiyomi made a pun she laughed again, being an individual who appreciated puns herself. "Now that's punny" she replied, having to once again raise her hand to control herself from laughing again.

The Genin accepted the mug graciously with thanks before listening as Kiyomi explained the best way to enjoy it. Taking the mug in both of her hands she would raise the mug to her lips before taking a sparing sip, letting the flavor roll around in her pallet for a moment before she made a pleased sound, "That's actually rather lovely" she commented before bringing the mug down to her chest, giving a nod as she was asked to continue explaining about her research on plants.

"Well, so far I've managed to catalogue over a hundred different species some of which I've picked up from other like-minded individuals conducting the same research. But lately, I've been working on a poison that affects Chakra, using a plant called Nintilius Athsuline. It's a rather ugly plant, more of a weed really... but the effect of it is interesting. I'm looking at ways to evolve the effects so that it can actively block the Chakra flow of opponents, though there's a component missing that I haven't found just yet" she smiled.

The reply of Satia provoked another laugh from Kiyomi. "I am glad that I am not the only one who enjoys a good pun or play of words!" For a moment Kiyomi wanted to mention Saki. Stating that the Yamanaka was even better with puns. But Kiyomi would quickly decide against it, for various reasons. When Satia mentioned that the taste was lovely, Kiyomi smiled. "Isn't it? Only problem is that you do need to watch how much you drink. It is easy to just chuck it like it is some sweet water. Only to wind up drunk and being unable to tell if you are still drinking the ale or a non-alcoholic beverage."

When Satia started to explain, Kiyomi seemed to become a bit more serious. Listening, she nodded twice on different occasions. Repeating the rather unknown and difficult name of the plant, Kiyomi frowned a little. "Blocking chakra? That is most interesting. I know of various techniques employed by others that can blockade chakra. I will see if I can't share some notes and resources with you later on. I would be most interested to hear if you do manage to find the missing component." The idea, after all, of applying a herb or poison to blockade chakra had piqued Kiyomi's interest. "How do you experiment with plants though? Do you like," the teen briefly hesitated as she tried to make it clear with a vague gesture, "Eat the herbs or something?"

The young Genin made sure to heed the warning of the Empress about the drink, she'd heard of various beverages that had that kind of effect, most were deceivingly tasty and easy to consume. "I'll have to keep that in mind" she replied before taking another sparing sip, enjoying the sweet flavor. She'd always opted for the usual Sake, not that she didn't enjoy the flavor of Sake or anything but the drink was cheap since it was made with rice. The offer of information from Kiyomi excited Satia as she could only imagine what kind of connections she'd have with the resources they would have at their disposal to discover new and interesting flora. "Thank you, I'd most definitely appreciate that" she replied with a courteous and respectful bow of her head. "If I happen to manage to complete the... recipe, I guess you would call it, I'll be sure to have a courier deliver the information to you, if not deliver it in person" she smiled.

She considered Kiyomi's question carefully and thought back to her various methods. "Well, in some cases yes and in a lot of ways no. Having learned much about plants I've developed a knack for noting the signs of something that can be potentially poisonous. As you might imagine there are many many plants and each has their own physical attributes. As such, some can be determined by taste, some by smell and most by visual representation" she thought for a second before coming up with an idea, raising her finger to suggest she was about to try something.

The Genin turned and reached into the bag which hung around her waist area, withdrawing from it a small packet which she opened, taking out a small leaf. The leaf looked pretty generic save for tiny spiky hairs along it's petiole, tiny yellow spots running up alongside the rim of the leafs blade. She presented it to Kiyomi, "What could you tell me about this leaf, just on looks alone". An educated guess would suggest that the leaf was poisonous, based on the visual yellow spots, however, the spikes would suggest that the leaf already employed it's own defense in a physical sense, meaning it could also be argued the leaf could in fact be not poisonous at all. Because of this the leaf was difficult to discern whether or not it posed a threat, but in fact it was the scent that it used to attract the attention of small insects that told of the leafs harmlessness.

"Try to deliver it in person, please. Though, I understand with your vocation as kunoichi, that might prove a tad difficult. But I would certainly prefer that." Kiyomi replied before taking a sip herself of her own drink. As Satia started to answer the previous question, the colour of the Empress eyes became slightly brighter as a certain curious glint became more evident. Upon hearing that tasting the herbs was a way to learn more about them, Kiyomi was both fascinated as worried. She could imagine herself half choking because she decided to taste a random plant. Or just trying to taste a plant that would taste anything but lovely.

Understanding already partially what Satia meant by noting signs, as Kiyomi figured it wasn't much different from something as observing how one fought or used a blade, the teen would stay interested in what the Cho had to say. Observing the small leaf, Kiyomi couldn't spot anything that made it noteworthy. Even with her eyesight, the teen just didn't spot anything that would have made it different from an oak-leaf. "That it is likely," Kiyomi slowly said as she tried to formulate a good guess, "From a tree that bears some fruit...?"

Satia smiled and nodded, she would enjoy delivering it in person and quite possibly opening the door for another opportunity to talk. So far this conversation had gone far better than she could have expected and was enjoying herself a fair bit. When Kiyomi gave her assessment the Genin's eyebrows raised and she smiled with a nod, "You're right, it does" she said before explaining her own analysis including why and how she discerned that the plant wasn't poisonous. "Although as you can imagine not every plant functions the same way... you know I actually once saw a botanist test a bramble through taste without any regard for the large spikes" Satia shook her head with a small amused expression, "I don't know what worried me more, that he'd endeavored to the act to begin with or that he didn't seem to react when he ended up with tongue full of spikes" she gave a soft laugh. "In any case, it's certainly one the challenges we embrace when discovering an interest in the subject. But hopefully in time I'll be able to produce some bigger and more exciting affects".

Though hiding it, Kiyomi felt relieved that her guess was somewhat accurate. Her eyes widened as Satia said what she had witnessed a botanist doing. "Oh wauw and I thought studying plants was a dull affair!" Kiyomi chuckled as she shook her head, already imaging the painful result of such an action. "Is that also why you decided to become a kunoichi?" Kiyomi asked, a playful smile growing on her lips, "To use field missions to gain more chances to encounter different kind of fauna and like?"

Satia gave an amused smirk to Kiyomi as she tucked the leaf away and took another small sip form the mug. "So you've figured me out already it seems" she replied before her smirk changed into a grin, "Indeed, I thought that traveling as a Shinobi would aid in allowing me to continue my research, however my ambitions go beyond that of my hobbies and interests, so I supposed being able to indulge in a wider variety of plants as I move around the world is a bonus" she replied honestly. She remembered her talk with Aiko when she was asked questions which had her answer about what her true intentions were, at times she felt silly for having such difficult and far ambitions, but nevertheless it was up to her to do the work and ensure she was able to get there. After all if no one tried then the world would never change.

An amused scoff escaped Kiyomi. "Ambitions that go beyond such hobbies and interest?" This talk was getting more interesting as Kiyomi wondered what ambitions Satia could have. Where she could straight out question that, Kiyomi wondered if she would be able to figure it out on her own in a more subtle fashion. "I am hoping that I haven't figured you entirely out. I do like a game from time to time. Certainly at events like these," Kiyomi further said before taking a sip of her drink.

Satia took another sip from the mug, still holding it between both hands as she listened to Kiyomi's response, causing her to flash a small amused grin. "In that case, perhaps I'll endeavor to make it as such" she replied, hinting that she wouldn't tell her outright what her plans and ambitions were. "You've only just met me, but based on what you know of my house and the first impressions today, what would you guess to be my long term goals?" she said with an amused expression, taking another sparing sip.

"Oh?" Kiyomi's head slightly tilted for a moment as her eyes narrowed slightly as well by the question of Satia. For a second, the teen remained silent. "If you want access to the royal gardens, I don't think I am just allowed to let people go and about them. I suppose I could provide some plants but not sure what kind of flowers or plants even grow in my own gardens," Kiyomi said, in an amused tone. Truth be told, she had no clue. From what they had spoken about, there had yet to be a clear hint on what Satia's ambitions could entitle. Hopefully, it wasn't to become the Hokage. She remembered something vaguely about when somebody had stated it was his desire to become the next Hokage. After she had disbanded the position of Hokage.

The young Genin almost choked a laugh into her mug at the mention of the royal gardens. She hadn't expected it but it was honestly a pretty fair guess. "I didn't even know such a thing existed, but that was a pretty good guess actually" she replied before thinking for a moment, wondering on how to word it before she began to speak once more. "The short answer is, I'm hoping to find myself in a position to make some changes to the world, for the better. I couldn't tell you what position that'd be, I have a lot of years ahead of me yet" she looked down into the ale as she spoke, observing the liquid before looking back to Kiyomi. "I want to be someone who serves the people, like when my ancestor defended them from the Wakumi. Although whether I will seek that path in military or in a political sense isn't yet clear to me... perhaps I will seek both" she shrugged with a smile.

Kiyomi stared for a moment or two, her eyes locked on Satia. Glad that her joke had provoked a laugh, she didn't say or show much of an expression of what she thought of Satia's words. "Serving the people," Kiyomi repeated slowly, as if she wanted to taste the words and understand them better. Looking away for a moment, the young empress visibly pondered for another second.

"Interesting ambition," A smile grew on Kiyomi's lips as she returned her attention on Satia. "Changes don't come easily though. But you got time and likely chances ahead of you. Needless to say, it is in my nature as ruler to not approve of those who desire to bring changes but you certainly have made a good impression. So far, at least," Kiyomi flashed a smile before taking a sip of her drink.

The Cho listened to what Kiyomi had to say about it, giving a smile and nod. She was very pleased that she'd managed to make an impression thus far, the meeting already having gone far better than she could have hoped for. Although when she mentioned about supposedly not being able to approve of those willing to bring change her expression became more serious. "Oh, please rest assured your majesty that anything I would hope to change in servitude of the people would be presented to you first and foremost, before I would think of a plan of action to proceed" her smile returned. She wondered if she really had it in her to rise to own such an authority that she could actually propose solutions and changes to Kiyomi. "But of course, there is much work to do and hardships to experience before earning that right".

"Good! Besides, I could use more help to govern the realm. Smart people are always in demand," Kiyomi replied back. There was the question if the Cho would gain enough chances to prove her worth. But Kiyomi wouldn't doubt or ponder too long about it. For now, she just enjoyed the future prospect as the conversation. "Besides, I don't think I have ever met somebody with such a noble goal and yet having a big interest in botany."

Satia bowed her head forwards in appreciation to the compliment, "Thank you" she replied. "I think they go hand in hand, or at least they do for me" she contemplated her next words, taking a small sip before continuing. "Imagine if you will, if I were able to use my research to such an extent that I could develop answers to famine, or cures for dangerous illnesses. But then, use my position and power to ensure the remedies reach the settlements that need it most. The lives that could be saved and the long term outcome would benefit all of Akino. After all, if we consider crops alone, more crops means a boost to economy... should I find myself successful of course" she gave a small soft laugh. "I know what I speak of is a fantasy until the future arrives at our feet, but If my fortunes reflect in the stars hopefully I will one day be before you again, cures in hand" she smiled slightly more brightly.

"That does sound nice but while it does sound nice, there might be people who oppose it. When one rise higher others will feel threatened. Certainly when it is a daughter of a thegn," Kiyomi wondered if she should invest some attention and effort into Satia. Making the decision that she would follow Team 8's progression better and not just Kazumo's, Kiyomi considered that to be enough for now. "Psh, fantasies are fun to discuss. I had a 'phase' where I claimed that I would achieve more than any of the Hokages. When the day does come that you will come to present cures, be assured that I will be more than eager to accept them. Unless they taste bitter. I don't like things that taste bitter."

The young Cho once again laughed in response to the bitter taste comment. "Then I will just have to endeavor to discover plants able to alter tastes to make it more palatable" Satia rose the mug and inspected the liquid critically, "Perhaps that answer is closer than I would expect however... " she said before eventually giving a light shrug. "In any case I will heed your warning Empress" she said with another acknowledging bow of her head, "It's a complicated world in which we inhabit, don't you think?" she asked, her tone indicating more towards the politics of which Kiyomi was likely far more familiar with.

Following the gaze of Satia to the mug she was holding, Kiyomi could barely hold back a laughter. "I am certain that there are enough who would swear that alcohol can make a lot of things taste or become better, in general." The question of Satia was met with a scoff from Kiyomi. "Complicated, yes. And annoying. I doubt that I need to tell you that it is only being made into a complicated world cause people like to be complex. Or just don't see a simple solution. Even if you would slap them silly with it."

The Genin exhaled and made a noise that indicated her agreement with the Empress. "I can only think to imagine... " she replied. "You must have incredible patience and tolerance to deal with such people from day to day, I must admit that I myself would not be able to deal with such people on such a regular basis". Satia took a moment to regard the Empress again, she was so very young and yet carried herself with the head of a woman far older than her age. Perhaps it was her responsibility that'd forced her to grow up faster or before her time, but never the less when Satia conversed with her she appeared under the illusion of seeing her as older.

Kiyomi snickered as she shook her head lightly. "Don't worry. At a certain point, you'll just get used to it. Either that or you patience snap. Meaning that somebody best be good in running fast or no sharp objects laying or being around. Tea, can also do wonders though." The teen replied back. Thinking about something, Kiyomi decided to ask a question. "Though if we can indulge back into fantasies how about a small pick? If you had to choose about curing a disease but ending a lot of innocent lives. Or not gaining a direct cure and make people survive a disease longer. Only for them to suffer slow and gradually. Which of the two would you pick, Satia?"

She laughed when Kiyomi spoke about her patience before her expression once more became more serious, listening intently to the hypothetical scenario which was honestly rather interesting. She didn't answer straight away, considering the question carefully before eventually seeming to become more confident as her mind settled upon her choice. "I would accept an indirect cure, and allow them to suffer" she would pause before explaining herself. "The simple unfortunate truth is I can't save everyone and to think I can is unrealistic. If finding a resolute solution meant that I would kill innocents then I surely become no better than the disease itself. If however, I accept a lesser remedy and still manage to save less, I still have time to work on it till I am able to stop it permanently, saving future generations without having to sacrifice lives to reach the goal. I suppose what I'm trying to say, is that I would never consider the path of least resistance where the lives of the innocent are at stake, those who are suffering however, I have to accept that fate plays a bigger part in this world than I do".

The answer of Satia seemed to please Kiyomi. "A good answer. Though, isn't it sometimes worth to sacrifice something for the greater good? What are a few lives to many more?" Kiyomi further asked, though the light tone marked that the empress still considered it a casual talk.

Satia thought about that for a moment before slowly shaking her head. "Every life is sacred in its own right, and deserves to be held in equal within reason. If I am to start deciding value of life and then weighing lives against others, I'm no longer a human… I'm a god" her tone suggested that such a notion was ludicrous, she wasn't even a Chunin let alone capable of making such decisions. "An interesting moral dilemma though, but personally I don't think I'd have it within me to condemn the lives of innocents to save a greater amount, living with myself afterwards would be too difficult, then again… having never been faced which such decision, who knows the choices I'm capable of making" Satia was jumping off on a tangent of hypothetical situations before eventually coming back. "What about you Empress, what choices would you make?" she asked curiously.

Kiyomi listened to Satia's reply as the hint of a smile returned to the empress lips. Reminding herself that this Cho was in Team 8 made it easy to follow her. Already did Kiyomi follow the team's progress and activity as both Kazumo and Aiko were in it. But now she would keep a further eye on Satia Cho. When Satia returned the question, there was no pause that indicated that Kiyomi needed to think about it.

"I would sacrifice people. It is true that everybody has a right to live and that weighing lives against, one against another, is anything but a pleasure. Fact is, everybody does it. If I had to pick between you and my mentor? I would let you die first. I can even ask my Sworn Swords who they would pick to aid. A child in mortal danger or me handling a fight, they would come to my aid. Everything has a value. Sadly, this doesn't excludes lives. Equality is nice but I have seen and experienced situations where people make a choice based on their preferences." Was Kiyomi's answer. Taking a sip of her drink, the teen sighed softly. "But enough of this gloomy talk. Let us talk of something fitting to this celebration. I imagine that you have met with your team. What is your opinion about them, thus far?"

Satia listened to the Empress' response and intently listened to her explanation. Perhaps she was naive to think that equality could be pushed so far, but then again she'd never been in such a situation herself to really know how she would react. When the next question came she considered it carefully, thinking back to each of her newly acquired team members before starting with the obvious. "Well as you probably already know, Aiko is a wonderful teacher and has already aided in making me a better Shinobi. I'm truly grateful to have been placed under her capable command" she replied before moving onto the others, "I'm still learning about the others, unfortunately I haven't had much time to learn them individually but I suppose that'll come in due time. So far from what I've seen from our latest mission, each is capable and handles themselves well. I'd expect nothing less given Aiko's reputation" the Genin gave a small shrug, "I suppose I'll just have to invest time in learning each of them better" she smiled.

A chuckle escaped Kiyomi as she nodded. "She is an exceptional mentor," Remembering some teachings and dealings with Aiko, Kiyomi gained a light shudder - that ran down her spine. "If I remember correctly, you serve with Kazumo Sarutobi and Neji Uchiha. Together with Tomiko Hyuuga. Though I am not entirely certain for how long that will remain, with the latter. Perhaps it is my own curiosity about the team but would you like to sate some of my curiosity? What is your opinion on serving with such a diverse team? Where only half of which can speak the language that belongs to our clans and culture?"

The Genin once again took some time to consider the question, her eyes drawing towards the ceiling as her fingers tapped a little on the mug held between her hands. "I like it, I think acting and performing among a collaboration of culture offers opportunity to learn and experience new…. Perspectives I guess you could say" she smiled, "I suppose depending on how you look at it, it also allows us to bestow an example of our own culture onto the other clans, as representatives of the Cho. And as strong clan devout and loyal to you and Akino, I believe it's necessary for the other clans to see our strength and be inspired by the example we set…. After all we are talking about the future generations of aspiring Shinobi, wouldn't you agree?" she said, taking her last sip and finishing the ale.

Taking a sip of her drink, Kiyomi noticed that there wasn't much left in her mug. "I hope that others will see it the same way you do. Sure would be nice," Kiyomi said. Though her phrasing sounded sarcastic, her tone was genuinely friendly. "Thus I would agree. Yet, I have to agree if this would be enough as a favour to request of me. I can't help but think of what others would ask for. A chance to become promoted. A weapon or gear of great quality. What do you wish to gain with a talk, if I may be so bold, Satia Cho?"

The young Cho allowed herself to show a small amount of sympathy to that, after all not everyone probably felt the same way about the Cho and desired to represent them well. Nevertheless, Satia would endeavor to represent them well, especially given her lineage which she was rather proud of all things considered. When the Empress mentioned the favor she blinked before tilting her head as she listened, another smile slowly spreading as she slowly shook her head. "Your majesty, you have gifted me with the chance to make an impression on you. While some might seek monetary gain or seek a head start... I believe there is more gain, simply if I can leave tonight with you only remembering my name" she replied softly. "Through this conversation, I've enjoyed this evening to a far greater extent than if we had never exchanged words. You've allowed me to honor my lineage with the opportunity to express my loyalty and respect and finally, parted me with several pieces of knowledge to consider during my journey towards my future ambitions" Satia bowed her head, "Your favor is more than I could have hoped for".

The expression of Kiyomi shifted. Showing surprise for a mere second before the teen would have to snicker to hold back a laughter from escaping her lips. "I must say, I am starting to already grow a tad fond of you. Your name will stick, that is for certain. And more than likely with a good notion to it." The vague hint of a smile crossed slowly over Kiyomi's lips. "I must state that I wonder how much you are willing to give up for your ambitions. In my own experience, people tend to be fickle or hesitant when the price is getting high. Mind to amuse me to say how you feel about paying the price for bringing change?"

The Genin was overjoyed with that reply and smiled. It'd almost become hard to believe that the conversation had thus far ran so smoothly to the point of having actually shared laughter. When she'd initially approached she'd expected a few quick words before an early departure, yet so far they had shared everything from silly jokes and puns to exploring various philosophical and hypothetical subjects. The next question brought forward by Kiyomi admittedly brought pause to Satia as she took the moment to search inside herself for the answer. "As I am only human, It'd be foolish for me to stand here and claim unwavering resilience to the face of an adversity I haven't yet faced. That being said, I like to believe I have it within me to make the choices that would enable me to reach my goals" she paused for a moment, appearing to be in thought before continuing once more. "Once upon a time a brave warrior named Shogun lead an army from the front lines, he'd walk into battle brandishing a sword known to his enemies to wield death... so much so that the front line opposition would create room around him for fear of being the first to fall to his blade. Despite his status and his rank, he was willing to throw himself against the flames to see victory... " of course Satia was referring to her lineage and the Wakumi war, some what poetically as she spoke. "I can only hope to have inherited such strength and resolve" she smiled. "I'll have to discover that in due time".

"Ah, foolish indeed. But I have to admit, it would have been very bold. And charming in a way, I have to be honest." Kiyomi said, even while she didn't like pushovers. Yet, sometimes it could be endearing. Perhaps it was just the way how a person conveyed it? Probably.
"Hmm, beautiful. Let me ask you something, though. Have you ever been to a frontline of a battle?" There was a curious tone present in Kiyomi's voice as she asked the question.

It was a fair question, yet one she hadn't expected all things considered. For an unknown reason she almost felt a little guilty for having not ever set foot on the front lines of battle, or even in a battle full stop for that matter. Sure enough she was a low ranking Shinobi and had spent the majority of her time at the capital, yet she'd always felt that perhaps she wasn't reaching her full potential, of course that was about to change now that she'd been assigned a team. "I'm afraid not, I don't imagine it's a pleasant experience though. A lot of bravery and courage focused into one moment in time, tensions high and the lingering feeling of death on the wind... I can't begin to even imagine what that must be like" she confessed honestly.

Kiyomi nodded. She wanted to describe what it felt like. In short, it wasn't a pretty picture. But she decided against telling Satia that. There was no need for it. That and Kiyomi imagined she would come over as some kind of arrogant twat. Not something she really desired either at the current moment.
"Good. That is good. More the reason to cherish this festive moment!" Kiyomi replied as she flashed a smile. "Please go and enjoy yourself. Perhaps we can continue our conversation at a future date. I, for one, would certainly enjoy it." That having said, Kiyomi would ball her right hand into a fist. Placing her fist against the palm of her left hand, she would make a small bow towards Satia.

Satia listened and nodded as Kiyomi replied before smiling when it seemed their conversation was concluded. She'd really enjoyed the talk, more so than she'd expected and frankly she hadn't even really expected a conversation at all. "I would be most honored your majesty, thank you for speaking with me" she said softly, returning the Chonobi gesture as she pressed her fist against the palm of her hand and bowed. As she had done when she'd greeted the Empress she finished with a respectful salute before taking her leave when the Empress gave her order to allow her through the Sword Sword barrier. Once she was alone with her own company once more she exhaled a long breath, feeling rather ecstatic over how well it'd went. Today she'd honored her lineage, learned insightful perspectives from the Empress herself and even possibly had established some form of relationship given she'd been invited to converse with her again at a later date. Satia would soon fall into the crowd, making her way through it to get some air away from other people, looking for a clearing where she'd have some space. Besides there was a few notes she wanted to make in her books.


A gift worthy.

A collab between Inzane and Aliceee.

Kazumo is the second who has a conversation with Kiyomi. But Kiyomi has a surprise for Kazumo. Already having forseen that Kazumo would get promoted, the Empress surprises her adoptive relative with a brand new sword - one of an interesting origin.

The ceremony had went well after his feeling of pride was lifted when Kiyomi had promoted him to chuunin, although it didnt last for long when Neji had also been promoted to the same rank. When that happened it felt kind of lackluster, he guessed a main benefit of it was the fact his niece had been the one to promote him. He shouldn't dwell on such a situation though, it would seem petty to be all mad and bothered about something like that. What he should do is find Kiyomi, he hadn't spoken with her in a while and he wanted to catch up with her a bit. Took a bit of weaving through the crowd and getting some congratulations from some people, yet he spotted the woman with the Sworn swords around her. That was wise, never could tell who would see an oppurtunity and one would be stupid to try with armed guards who are trained to safeguard her from anything.

Approaching the woman he would give a smile. "It's been a while since we last spoke huh your Majesty?" Kazumo would start off with as he looked at the sworn swords. "Thank you for protecting her." Kazumo would say in Chonobi to the armed individuals. As his attention focused back on Kiyomi. "I hope things have been easier on you than it's been here. It seems to burst into flames more than it should for a place so wet."

Kiyomi had enjoyed her exchange with the young woman that went by the name Satia Cho. Her lineage had certainly been a fun and interesting topic. But as Kiyomi had rounded her talk with the Cho, her place had been taken in by some overeager nobles. Dealing with them wasn't that hard but it was so demanding in terms of effort and energy. When Kiyomi casted a brief look to the side, her eyes narrowed. In a very subtle and smooth fashion she rid herself of the nobles without hurting their feelings. The four Sworn Swords made it impossible for somebody to approach her, but seemed to just step aside for Kazumo.

Planting her fists against her hips, Kiyomi scoffed lightly. "Kiyomi, dork," Kiyomi replied, at first, "And yes, indeed. I was worried for a time that you would be lost to the vices of this place." A playful smile crept on Kiyomi's lips as she would step fowards to Kazumo, her arms spreading for a hug. Embracing the other, Kiyomi would take a step backwards and eye the Sarutobi. "Things have been not that great either at home. But not the time or place to complain. Besides, look at you. A chuunin garbed in a Hon jacket! Almost as if you are ready to embark on a saga of your own!" The playful smile became a grin as Kiyomi crossed her arms out front of her chest. "I already read that you took care of two Leeches? Not bad, not bad at all."

When she told him to call her Kiyomi he chuckled a bit but nodded. "Fine Kiyomi." he said as she would mention that things could be better at home but it wasn't the time or place to complain, instead she even complimented him. Even brought up that he killed two leeches. Took a few seconds before he realized she meant those cold emitting things. "Things are bad at home? Did the Tokugawa make another drink?" He said smirking a bit, as he smiled at his jacket. "Also have the Cho armguards. Aiko really went all out to keep me properly geared. She really is a great teacher and a terrifying person to spar against." Kazumo started with before growing a bit silent as he then remembered those visions one planted in his head. "To be fair I fought three of them, although I didn't.... couldn't kill the third one. Not at my level. One of them however as it had its grasp on me showed me some.... odd visions. It was like they had their own city. Yet it was huge way bigger than any place I read about."

Nodding, approving that Kazumo would drop formality between them, Kiyomi listened to what he told her. "Well, there might be various good and bad things. But nothing that should concern you just yet. This evening is, after all, not one to become worried. Else it wouldn't be a feast. Though," Kiyomi threw a subtle but annoyed look in the direction of where the musicans were playing. "I would be willing to commit a murder to hear some better song. Perhaps something like 'Wolf Mead'. But guess that this won't be the right place," Kiyomi said, scoffing once more to reveal her slight annoyance.

"And Aunt A is indeed amazing. You will prosper with her mentoring you. Makes me wanting to see how much you have improved. But that is also for later," Though the grin had appeared, it would vanish when Kazumo brought up about the Leeches. "You're being too hard on yourself. If you want to know, you managed to outdo another team. Taking out one of those Leeches isn't a small feat. Though we should need to talk later about what you saw or these visions. First," Kiyomi half turned around as she instructed one of the servants in Yakimara. The young woman would gracefully bow before walking away. "A fitting drink! Got to celebrate that you're now a chuunin. How does it feel? Pretty good, right?"

"Well I mean you could always ask Lord Riojin to get the servants to learn it but I doubt it'd be the same." Kazumo stated as he could see why it wasn't really her cup of tea. It was probably to please the other nobles that were around. Although he he chuckled when she wanted to see how much he improved. "Later would probably be wiser. After all we don't want to be the next entertainment. Besides what would you feel if I ended up giving you a run for your money? In front of everyone no less." he would say this bit in Chonobi with the hint at a playful taunt. Although it did surprise him he outdid another team who engaged one. That seemed hard to believe, he fought two one with Aiko and the other one with some more annoyances than allies around but still. Well maybe he was better than he thought he was. As she spoke abou them talking later about the visions he nodded his head only to be a bit confused when she spoke in Yakimara to a servant. A fitting drink? made him wonder what kind of drink she requested. Which he didnt get to ask as she then asked how he felt about his promotion. Well it was nice but at the same time it felt... underwhelming. "Honestly it means a lot that you were the one to promote me, just feels a bit lackluster I guess. Now I know people get promoted but if I'm being honest. It doesn't feel like a big deal when I know who else got promoted. Its still a good feeling though."

"I could, yeah," Kiyomi mumbled as she threw a glance towards where she had last spotted the clan leader with the expression as if she was seriously considering the option. "I mean, I am not shy. And with your ego being this big, I don't see why I shouldn't put you in your place!" The teen replied, winking towards Kazumo. His answer on her question, however, caused the Empress stare at her adoptive relative. "Kazumo," Kiyomi gained a more serious expression and tone as she began, "You made it to chuunin. Fought not two but three Leeches. Managed to kill two of them. I guess that I understand where you're coming from but don't compare yourself to others. You really made me proud. And I think that more share that sentiment." Gently as playfully Kiyomi would bump against Kazumo's left shoulder with her right fist.

"Besides, I have a gift for you. Obviously, I couldn't give you a weapon during the ceremony. But I think you will like it. But first," Spotting the servant of before approaching them with two mugs, Kiyomi would accept one and turn towards Kazumo. "Time for some Pinedale Ale! I brought some, seeing that I reckon you would appreciate this more than the local beverage. Shame that there is no proper song playing while we drink it but guess that means we have to celebrate it later, again!"

Most would probably be terrified to even taunt the their own empress, yet it seemed to be a way how Kiyomi and himself bonded. It was an odd way to bond yet they most certainly didnn't hate each other and they were pretty tame just now. As expected she attempted to cheer him up by boasting his own achomplishment to him. Which did mean a bit to him, but while he was others were proud in his mind he still felt like he could have done more if he had trained more. Yet he would let the topic go as she mentioned she had a gift but couldn't hand out weapons at a ceremony. "A weapon? Im gonna end up owing you a good bit I feel." he would state as the servant would come back with two mugs, which Kiyomi was happy to announce was Pinedale Ale. She was more sad they had no proper music to go with it, yet that just meant they would have to celebrate it later.

Kazumo would smile as he accepted one as well. "Starting to sound like an Agnarr there. Yet I'll take you up on that Kiyomi. Well heres to us the Sigeberths, doing what we do best. Kicking ass and taking names in the process." kazumo said as he held the mug up.

"You will, don't fret about that. It is how I keep everybody in line, after all. That and the idea of everybody in debt to me is quite satisifying," Kiyomi half-joked back as reply. "Not to mention that this is a very expensive gift. But yes," Raising her mug as Kazumo made the toast. Once he had finished the toast, Kiyomi would take a large swig of the mug. Despite that one best could drink the ale in a slow pace, this was a toast between them. "So, while I am certain that we could talk about your team or how glorious it was to put Leeches to sleep, how do you find Amegakure? Aside from the fact it has been more troublesome than a nagging hag with all the troublesome events."

"Well thats one way to sugarcoat it and damn that expensive? Well good thing I already plan on serving you the best I can. Might make my debt a bit more enjoyable that way." he would state as he would also take a large swig of the drink. Lowering the drink from his mouth she would ask how he was finding Amegakure so far, besides troublesome events. "Well if Im being real right now. I felt nothing about putting the leeches to sleep so to speak, but I found this really amazing Ice cream place while I was waiting on a mission. Kinda happy it survived all the troublesome events. Took forever to get Aiko to go there, since we weve been busy with these zealots. Not gonna lie thats about it. Aiko taught me some taijutsu techniques but besides that it was one task after another."

"Expensive enough to make most small clan leaders faint, to give you an idea." Kiyomi replied back, a playful smile starting to appear on her lips. "And you better. Now as a chuunin, I will be allowed to demand more. Though I will see how much you can do once I put your skills to the test myself." The fact that he had been too busy to really experience the city was both good and a bit of a shame. She didn't fancy Amegakure that much but was genuinely interested in what Kazumo thought of the city. It was good that he had been kept busy and able to gain experience from the streak of tasks at least. "Talking about ice cream, what about my 'tribute'? How long must I wait before you'll come bring your empress some proper respect, hm?"

"Hmm I wonder." Kazumo mumbled looking around to see if he could test that statement out by having her tell Mitsunari how much. "Well don't go demanding much in the way of ninjutsu, still have to improve there. Then again I have a lot to learn from Aiko on some certain topics she mentioned to me. Its kind of hard to prioritize certain things. How do you do it?" Kazumo asked as he wanted to better himself but he also wanted to know more about the Void and he can could use such a technique. Yet she ten brought up tribute which caused him to snicker. "Is that your way of saying you want to go get ice cream as well? You know you can ask nicely, and just maybe you would get your way the nice route."

Kiyomi snickered for a second as she could guess what went through Kazumo's mind as he looked around. "Don't dare. Lord Riojin doesn't deserve a jump scare. Though, I said a minor clan leader. Perhaps you could ask the leader of the Housha clan later?" Kiyomi playfully suggested. When Kazumo stated that he had some way to go when it came to ninjutsu and a lot to learn, Kiyomi nodded. She had been there when it had came down to the fact she had little to no means of defensive techniques. "Very easy. Force yourself to a very strict diet. And then not allowed to have any kind of leisure until you can beat a jounin. Can take months or some years but if I can manage, you certainly can." Adding a wink to her answer, Kiyomi would nod as her facial feature showed a more serious expression. "Yes, cause do you know how much sweet treats I am being given by my staff? Less than an Agnarr would care about killing a weak piss ant. Besides, I believe that I can just order you to. Didn't you mention that you already planned on serving me, the best you can?~"

He rubbed the back of his head almost as if he ddint know what she meant, but his smile betrayed him and her comment caused him to cover his mouth to stop himself from bursting into laughter. "Ouch, starting to think you came up with a drink idea back home now. The Bloody Burn. Huh actually sounds good, should talk to Lord Tokugawa bout that one." Yet his playful attitude became a bit more serious when she started giving him advice on how to better himself. So it was like a reward game. Punish yourself but have the reward aka the goal to work towards. Yet beat a jounin? Only ones he knew of were kind of terrifying, and one he beat cause she was going easy on him. It wasn't a bad idea though. "I very well may consider that. Certainly since it may help me with my own plans as well." he stated before smiling as he held his hands up. "Okay okay I can treat you to ice cream, didn't think that the way I'd be serving you would be treating you to sweets. We will have to find time before you head on back."

Almost did Kiyomi choke on her drink as Kazumo mentioned a new drink and bringing it up to Lord Tokugawa. "Perhaps we shouldn't. I rather not have the Tokugawa look for a new victim or perhaps have another go at the Hanta. I am doubting that even I will be able to mend the wounds between Tokugawa and Hanta in my life." The idea alone that she would have to deal with squabbling clan leaders was enough to make Kiyomi take another sip of her drink. Perhaps she should already request for another? Probably wouldn't be that wise as Katashi would sooner or later intervene. Or Iroh. "Your own plans? Growing ambitions now?" Kiyomi asked, her right eyebrow perking slightly up as she wondered what plans Kazumo would have. "And I would love that. But I don't plan to stay for too long in the city. The precious little time will be devoted to pick a new Amekage before I will head east, to Magnhild. Where you and Team 8 will go soon as well."

"Oh I doubt he would find a new victim or take another......" He paused to remember briefly the history about the Tokugawa causing him to sip his drink and itch his head. "Okay fair point, and most likely you wont be able to. Not saying you can't. Just that grudge seems to be holding on for whatever reason it may be." She would briefly mention his own plans to which he would grin and nod his head. "Like I said, I plan on serving you the best I can." Kazumo replied simply enough before frowning a bit at the limited time. "Well we could always get the ice cream after the feast and were going to Magnhild? Ahhh such an impressive place. I will have no worries there at all."

"One way or another, I will be dealing with an upset victim while Lord Tokugawa will likely claim he just took what he saw his own." Kiyomi half-joked as she slightly shook her head. The thought alone made her chuckle and dread the possibility of such a situation. "Keeping it a secret? You sure that you want to play that game with me, Kazumo?" She asked, though her curiousity was piqued only more. "Hmm, you know what? That is a deal. I toyed with the idea to leave a shadow clone to deal with this feast. As for no worries, don't be too certain. Some trouble is stirring up east of the realm as well. But no need to fret about it right now."

"Wont have to deal with a victim if he takes a page from the Cho and their wars." Kazumo said shuddering a bit yet smiled and nodded as she asked if hhe was keeping it a secret. "You are free to find out, its nothing bad I promise. Besides you may end up findng out normally as is." Kazumo told her not quite yet wanting to inform her about uniting the Sarutobi again. He had a long way to go before then. As she accepted his deal he smirked at the thought of her leaving a clone behind, or having made the clone at the get go of the ceremony. Yet some troubles were stirring up east of the realm? Well that oddly didn't surprise him. "So not that I mind, yet what is the reason we are heading to Magnhild for?"

"That is a different dealing. But I prefer to not see my subjects try to murder each other. I got better uses for them than that," Kiyomi mumbled. She was doubtful if some did agree with her on that but that wasn't going to be a problem now. "Or you just tell me. No need for secrecy between us, right?" Kiyomi replied back. The question of Kazumo was answered without any hesitation. "Cause a clan meeting will be held. Aiko will head there. Then I reckon that Team 8 will accompany Aiko on some affairs of her own."

"Well I didn't say I recommend it, besides I feel you cant be plotting much when you have a group that drinks and would literally fight basically anything to see if they could win." Although he tried keeping it a secret, she was pretty persistent in wanting to know what his goal was. Although he first listened to the fact a clan meeting was being held in Magnhild, which funny enough went along with his goal in a way. "Well since you want to know. I want to unify the Sarutobi as one. Thats why I need to be stronger and wiser. I have no experience that could even put me in the running for such a task."

It took a split second before Kiyomi realised who Kazumo meant. Remembering her first experience with the Agnarr, Kiyomi snickered softly. "The Agnarr are quite... interesting, though." Just as she was about to pester him to reveal his ambition, she became silent. Her eyes just locked on Kazumo. Slowly Kiyomi's facial features showed that she became more serious. "You want to unify the Sarutobi," the empress repeated softly, "You sure picked a daunting task. You are aware that it has been something that hasn't been achieved ever since the old kingdom fell? Who am I kidding, you probably knew that." Her lips parted, clearly wanting to say more but Kiyomi decided against it. "Damnit, Kazumo. You are aware that you make me look silly now? I thought that the Sarutobi were good as they were now. How bad will I look when you are going to unify them?"

As he told her what he wanted to do, she became rather quiet and wore a more serious expression than the more relaxed one she had as they were joking. She first repeated what he told her to which he nodded his head, as she proceeded to tell him that it was a daunting task as the last time it happened was when the old kingdom fell. Yet before he could even say anything eh already knew, that he knew all of that. She then went on to tell him he made her look silly as she thought they were good as they were, then how abd she would look if he did unify them. "They are indeed good as they are, yet thats why I want to unify them. If they are a force to fear by being split, it would be even more of an asset for you if they were united once more. So you wouldn't look bad, if anything you'd be a more terrifying woman. So thats why I need to improve. I need to be better than I currently am. I need to surpass even Sigeberth if I want to unify them." Kazumo started saying as he too took on a more serious expression. "My goal is to unify them, my ambition is to serve you the best I can. I will do anything to see that through. No matter what."

Clicking with her tongue, Kiyomi struggled to mask her amusement and some sense of pride. "Surpassing Sigeberth? I hope I won't be the one that will choke on some poison then.~" Kiyomi joked as she shook her head. "Very well. I would offer some advise or support. But it is something you have to do more on your own. My investment would just be seen as that you need my support to succeed. Just don't do anything risky or get involved into too much shit. I would hate to need to move in to save your hide. Despite being pretty good at it."

Was that a joke about them being the cursed generation? He smiled and shook his head. "Nah I wouldn't use poison to take you out. Thats way to peaceful." Kazumo would joke back as he nodded in agreement. This was indeed something he would have to attempt more on his own. If he did get to unify them based on what everyone told him to do, then he was simply a mere puppet at that point. "Agreed this is my own challenge. Aint quite beat a Jounin but seems pretty close to me. Yet me doo anything risky? When have I ever?" Kazumo said smirking as their would be plenty of risky things hes done. Although he raised an eyebrow at her being good at saving his hide. "Seem to remember you putting me more in harm than saving me from it."

"Oeh," Kiyomi grinned. There was a subtle change in the instance that Kazumo said that he wouldn't use poison to take out Kiyomi, as it was too peaceful. Clicking her tongue, Kiyomi made it clear that the four Sworn Swords could rest at ease. "Yeah, cause fighting Leeches isn't risky. Don't try to be too much of a dork, dork. Besides, I would only put you in harm because I try to have some good faith that you're actually useful. Unless," a grin crept on Kiyomi's lips. "You desire to state that my trust is misplaced.~ "

Put him in harms way cause she had good faith in him? Then she taunted him with maybe her trust was misplaced. "Oooh well played. Yet let the record state the leeches fought me first. I simply won. Would have won the last one too if the house had been bigger.. Huh well that brought a question to ask Aiko later." Kazumo said mumbling the last bit as he now wondered if he could start a fire in the Void. "Yet same thing to you then. Don't go being risky, you need to see the day the Sarutobi becomes united afterall."

"Me? Risky? I don't know what you're talking about. I would never ever do something risky," Kiyomi replied back in a honeyed tone. "Though, I do wonder how powerful those leeches are. I have only read some reports on them but if a genin can take them down then I truly wonder how dangerous they are. No offense, of course." Adding a small gesture, Kiyomi also flashed a faint smile. "Anyways, now that you are chuunin you could go various ways. See if you can become a member of the Guardians. Or perhaps study and spend time at the War Academy? You know, being actual busy with your new rank and status."

He would scoff a bit at her no offense comment. "None taken, first one I had Aiko with me. The second one was only easy because I think when it had a hold of me, it couldn't ultilize those weird shields of theirs. Thus allowing me to do fatal wounds easier. Third one however was very much hard to kill. I dropped a house on it and it didn't die." Kazumo would state that they were hard to kill some just made mistakes which he could capatalize on. She would suggest that he use his new rank for his own benefit and maybe become a full fledged member of the Guardians or use the War Academy. "Well whenever I'm not busy doing mission and running around trying to keep this city from killing each other, I will certainly try that."

Remembering that she had read that those Leeches were vurnable when they tried to leech chakra from their victims, Kiyomi was still a bit surprised when Kazumo basically verified that fact. But to hear that when dropping a building on one didn't seem to kill it made Kiyomi feeling a bit more grim about it. That meant that some of her theories on how to use her own skills and abilities were rendered useless. But it also meant that two were still feasible. "Perhaps you will have an easy time with the fourth one? Seeing how you are now an expert Leech killer." Kiyomi joked half as she flashed a grin. "You should. Might learn a thing or two that come in handy. Besides, if you want to lead your own team or succeed somebody, you ought to have run some courses at the War Academy."

He internally groaned at the thought of fighting a fourth one, maybe he should spend his time thinking of ways to coombat something that could live a house collapsing in on it. Now that he thought about it the first one lived a house coming down on it too. Fuck that was some defense they had, made him think he got lucky on the second one. "Well I have some ways I think works on them, so I'd fight some more." yet he would nod in agreement to going to the war academy to learn how to lead and utilize the tactics they had. "I'll make sure to do that, might read up on how the Hons fought back then as well, since Im going to Magnhild. It would give me something to do while the clan meeting is going on."

She wondered what ways Kazumo was considering but the talk of fighting a Leech made her only ache to get vengeance for the fact that Tatsuya was gone. Those bastards would soon enough pay with every drip of blood that they had. She would make sure of that. "Ah, yes, for the next clan meeting. I am certain that you will like Magnhild. It is a city that is quite different than Amegakure, that is for sure. Lots of interesting sites to visit and see," Kiyomi said as she remembered her last visit to the city. It had been some time and while she had both good and bad memories, the sight of the large city always had something to it.

Rembering some stories his father had told him, he would smile and nod. "If it's anything like my father describes, then I'm sure I will enjoy it. Hopefully I have enough time to see some of those sights. As for being different than Amegakure, well I sure hope so. This place isn't bad, yet it might be nice to be around your own people without being judged you know? That and I'd rather be in a place filled with Hons anyday if a situation broke out." Kazumo said smirking at the fact that any trouble would probably be meet quite eagerly in fact.

Kiyomi understood what he meant. It was perhaps something that most would try to deny but there was even some wariness for Chonobi this far west. "Heh, I can't say that I disagree. At least, they have funnier songs than this 'tranquility' play." Kiyomi said as she threw a look at the musicians. It was really good that they were speaking in Chonobi. Kiyomi else would have feared that many would have gained a different view of her. "Know what? Screw it. I am not certain when I can give you the gift myself. That and nobody can stop me," the teen stated suddenly. Mumbling something to one of the Sworn Swords, the guard would subtly nod before walking away. "Come, you have earned this after all. Might even be useful in your future ambition." Gesturing Kazumo to follow her, Kiyomi started to walk away. The three remaining Sworn Swords had little to no resistance by making a path clean. Most just stepped aside way before the armed and armoured men were even at an arm length away. Allowing the four to walk to where some more Sworn Swords were standing, guarding a few chests. One of the Sworn Swords just fetched something out of the box as Kiyomi and Kazumo approached.

Taking the item, which was a sword sheathed in a scabbard, Kiyomi turned towards Kazumo. The scabbard was black and had gilded gold on it. The gilded gold was further decorated with symbols inscribed in it. "It is your now. I know you are more of an archer guy but this will suit you well. Likely will get all the ladies, heh," grinning, Kiyomi rubbed her nose for a moment as she would let Kazumo take the gift.

Well the songs were more entertaining that was for sure. Made him wonder if this would be the music that would tame a savage beast as the saying goes. It could possibly put a really fight loving Hon to sleep thats for sure. The conversation would change back to the gift she mentioned earlier as she stated that nobody could stop her from giving him the gift, which.... was true. At least a sane person wouldn't stop her anyway. Yet it still felt a bit unreal to be given a gift by the Empress, even more so when you add the fact she was his niece. He would follow her and the Sworn Swords which also felt a bit out of place. Most would say the Sworn Swords followed them, hell allowing him close might confuse people. While he knew the people were moving out of the way for Kiyomi, it felt odd to see it happening so easily. Yet they would come to a stop by more Sworn Swords who were gaurding some chests, one of the Sworn Sword fetched this rather fancy looking sword from the chest and brought it over.

As it was handed to him, he listened to kiyomi as his eyes scanned over the sword. It certainly had more weight than he expected, yet wasn't as heavy as he thought. He debated pulling the blade out, yet decided that he best not for the sake of not causing a panic. Resting his eyes on Kiyomi he would grow a bit flustered as he pouted. "I hear that more often than I should. I have no interest in romantic affairs right now anyway." Kazumo said as his eyes looked at the sword that rested in his hands. "Hmmm although a name is needed for my first sword. Might sound cheesy, but what do you think about Metnaður?"

"Not bad. I was considering to suggest something as Hildebrand. Or Gram. But Metnaður? Suits your future goal pretty well. Its steel was first tempered and forged by the best of the best in Ecla. Those guys know how to forge blades. Have been doing that even before they decided to use it against Taika like the Hanta. That is also where most of the motifs on the guard and such come from. Then once it was brought to Konohagakure, I enlisted the Hyuzu who forge the weapons and armour for the Sworn Swords. Making sure that the blade was really durable. I bet that a boggarts ass will be cleaved in half when you try it. I hope you like it." The hint of a smile and a certain pride became appearant as Kiyomi placed her hands on her hips.

Those weren't bad as well, yet for his first sword it was important to him. This could very well be a weapon he passes down to his child one day. Well that was in the future, although as she started speaking about how the blade came to be and by whom, his eyes started shining. A sign that when it came to history and information in general that he was paying attention rather intently. Well he had no doubt the sword was the best of the best in this regards then. Well now he had to learn how to properly use this sword, he didn't want to disgrace it or the people who worked hard on it. "Well I don't like it, because I love it. In fact I already have a few ways I believe I can utilize it in combat."

A chuckle escaped Kiyomi's lips as she shook her head lightly. "I can imagine. I do remember that you aren't trained in the art of swordmanship. Seeing you already live at the palace, I have arranged skilled teachers to help you. I might even butt in myself to train with you. Would be a refreshing change of pace, I wager." Kiyomi replied as she was glad that Kazumo seemed to like the weapon. "Just make sure that you don't lose it. I am not certain how fast I would be able to arrange a replacement for you," she joked, winking after her playful comment.

She already arranged teachers for him? His first thought went to Katashi, then it briefly went to the Butcher, Iroh. Both were certainly skilled, yet they also were tasked with keeping Kiyomi safe. Well it would be a surprise for him he was sure. Although the thought of her teaching him, was a bit intimidating, she did afterall punish herself until she was able to beat a jounin. That took some serious dedication, which was impressive but terrifying on how she would teach him. "I'll try my hardest to make sure it's always in my sight. Unless of course I'm at a ceremony like this. Don't need people getting all scared."

"You best give it your all. It is what I demand in return for what I arranged and give you. That and a lazy Warlord? Don't think you will be able to get far with being lazy." Kazumo last comment made Kiyomi laugh for a second. "Haha, yeah. Let us not start a commotion. I doubt that many will find it great when somebody unsheaths a sword. Let alone when they even know of our lineage. But I suppose that I should let you go. No doubt, you would like to continue to spend time with Aiko in a more relaxing setting than constant on missions."

"When have I ever been lazy with my training? When I wake up its constant work for me. Yet I promise to do my best Kiyomi, I wont slack off." Kazumo said before snickering at the thought of people growing terrified with him pulling at his sword. With as she said a cursed generation member pulling out a sword no less, although he doubted most Taika even bothered to learn about their Lineages to begin with. As she was letting him go he gave a smile and moved closer to his niece giving her a hug. He would hold the hug for a couple seconds before releasing her. "Yeah I should go talk with sensei a bit. I have a feeling shes gonna expect even more from me now. Maybe thats our curse, constantly busy no matter what." Kazumo stated as he would wave his niece goodbye, and walked off.


An Uchiha approaches.

A collab between Jason and Aliceee.

Ryu Uchiha is the third that approaches Kiyomi. This conversation is shorter than the previous two. Acting politely, Kiyomi answers some questions of Ryu before it ends.

Making her way through the event, Ryu occasionally would give a little bit of a shy wave to somebody who happened to look in her direction but nothing major. Soon enough, she noticed the Empress nearby and it seemed that a few had approached her already. The newly made Chuunin watched the empress for a few moments before deciding to approach, a little bit nervous. Stopping a respectful distance away, Ryu gave a polite bow towards the Empress before speaking up. "Your Majesty, I just wanted to come over and say that it was an honor to meet you today." She said with a little bit of a smile on her features. "I… also wanted to say thank you. For the aid to the Housha. It's not my home, but is to somebody close to me. So, thank you. Your Majesty." She said, with another respectful bow towards Kiyomi.

Taking a sip of her drink, Kiyomi let the flavour of the Pinedale Ale roll over her taste buds. She remembered what she had told Kazumo regarding the music. Perhaps she should really request a change of tune. Just to see what it would bring to the atmosphere. Deciding, however that, it wasn't worth to be later scolded by Zakito, Kiyomi took another sip of her drink. Her attention was drawn when she noticed that the two Sworn Swords at her right shifted.

Noticing the reason for why two of the four Sworn Swords had shifted their attention, Kiyomi eyed the person. It was Ryu Uchiha, if she wasn't mistaken. Muttering something in Chonobi, the two Sworn Swords made another step, making it easier for Kiyomi and Ryu to communicate.
"You're welcome. The pleasure was mine," Kiyomi politely replied as she would return the bow with a curt nod. "No problem. Glad that I could do something, at least. My words would be hallow if I am not able or willing to lend something to the victims of the recent and horrendous events."

Ryu looked at the two guards with a wide eye. Those guys seemed kind of intimidating, and Ryu took a moment to focus back on the Empress. Hearing what she said about helping the victims, Ryu nodded. "It was… something else to see for sure. It'll be nice to see their lives go something towards back to normal." Ryu said for a moment, thinking briefly about the very victims she mentioned. "If I can change the subject to something more pleasant, your majesty, I was actually wondering if you happened to know Emiya-Sensei. Just from what you had said earlier it kind of seemed like it, and I do apologize if this is too personal. It's just… I don't know. I shouldn't have asked that, my apologies your majesty." Ryu said, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment suddenly as she realized she probably just made a fool of herself.

[color=4dffff]"Let us hope that their lives will stabilise as fast as possible,"[/color] was Kiyomi's reply. She was doubtful that things would go normal. The damage to buildings and the surrounding could be restored with hard work and time. The loss of lives and the trauma that would linger with the occupants of the Housha compound? Kiyomi doubt that would soon recover, if ever. But she wouldn't continue that thought. Listening to this Uchiha, Kiyomi slowly nodded. [color=4dffff]"I know sir Emiya, yes. He was the Amekage Assistant and acting prefect. Would be strange if I wasn't familiar with a man of such rank and importance,"[/color] Kiyomi answered, keeping her tone polite and light to not further fluster Ryu. [color=4dffff]"Why you ask?"[/color]

Ryu rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Well, it's just… almost strange. I see Emiya-sensei everyday, he seems so… normal almost. But then I remember that he's done all these awesome things and is known to the Empress herself. I don't know how to explain it really, I guess I'm just so used to seeing the side of him that isn't out doing all of that." She said sheepishly, still a bit flustered about the whole situation.

This time Kiyomi was slightly confused. This would be shown as the empress's head tilted to the side slightly. But the question for Ryu to elaborate anyways didn't leave Kiyomi's lips. Even while she was curious about learning more about Eiji, despite his 'forced resignation', there was the case of privacy. [color=4dffff]"I see,"[/color] Kiyomi simply said, [color=4dffff]"Must be pretty nice though. Being close to a person like sir Emiya. Why did you decide to invest time and practice into medicine ninjutsu?"[/color] Kiyomi asked to change the subject as remembering the particular detail about the Uchiha chuunin.

Ryu nodded happily at Kiyomi's first comment. When the second question was asked, the Chuunin didn't even need to think about her answer. "I don't want others to be in pain, to suffer like m-" She said, catching herself before saying 'me'. Continuing quickly in hopes the empress would miss that last part. "If I can do any little thing, in this case healing their wounds and taking away their pain, then I wanted to do that. I felt like medical ninjutsu was the best way I could take away that pain." She explained, falling silent after finishing the explanation.

Kiyomi didn't miss the part but she wouldn't react on it. Listening to the answer, Kiyomi flashed a smile. [color=4dffff]"Quite noble and kind. Fitting for somebody that is interested in medical ninjutsu. I imagine it is quite difficult to get into. I know a tad bit about medical ninjutsu, despite having no real skill or experience in it."[/color] Kiyomi replied, taking another sip of her drink. [color=4dffff]"Though I don't recall Eiji being dabbled into the field of medical ninjutsu. I assume that you learn it from your sensei?"[/color]

Ryu shook her head before responding. "No, Your Majesty. Emiya-sensei does not know medical ninjutsu. I'm actually learning from Tsubaki-Sensei, he's one of the head doctors at the hospital." Ryu said with a slight nod. "I also study a bit and try to teach myself though that's… considerably less successful than Tsubaki-Sensei's lessons." Ryu explained, "Its a little difficult, but I am happy I can help others. May I ask what knowledge you have about medical ninjutsu, Your Majesty?" Ryu asked, her curiosity peaked by the Empress's previous statement.

Ah, there it was. Eiji was this girl's sensei? It made Kiyomi genuinely wonder what kind of sensei Eiji had been. Then Ryu did mention another sensei, which made Kiyomi wonder which was the primary sensei. But her curiosity wasn't piqued enough to question that. "Not much as in using it myself. Just personal experience and some knowledge on useful it can be during a field mission. Or in general, really. Not to mention that I used to serve with various talented medical nin."

Ryu smiled slightly at Kiyomi's explanation. "It is really useful!" Ryu said, before she tilted her head slightly while trying to recall if she had heard of any medical nin that had served with Kiyomi. When she couldn't think of any, Ryu decided it best to move on. "If I may ask, Yout Majesty, what's it like? Erm. Ruling over an empire and all that? My only experience with being in such a position is in novels and such. I can't imagine it's anything like that." Ryu said quickly, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I imagine it to be useful." She replied when Ryu stated it to be quite useful. The question of Ryu was met with a slight confused expression from Kiyomi. "Ruling over an empire is, taxing." She slowly said. "Certainly isn't a fairtytale. Takes quite a lot of studying and work."

The girl nodded after hearing that ruling was taxing. She wasn't really sure what else she should have expected. "I can't even begin to imagine how much work it must take. My sister used to talk about wanting to be a princess or whatever when we were little. I doubt she would still have that opinion after hearing it's alot of studying." Ryu said with a slight laugh before looking around and wondering if she should find a way to be excused or excuse herself. She didn't want to occupy too much of the empress' time when she was sure others probably had more pressing matters to speak to her about or something.

A wry smile crept on Kiyomi's lips as she nodded. The other girl looked around and Kiyomi was almost certain that she wanted to end the conversation. In other situations, this would have been a slight but Kiyomi would decide to make it easier. "I hope she will be doing something she enjoys then. Enjoy the feast, Ryu Uchiha." A curt nod was given as Kiyomi would start walking.

Ryu only had a moment where a darker expression passed over her features instead of a response at first. After that brief moment, she gave a respectful bow towards Kiyomi as she seemed to end the conversation. "Thank you, your majesty. It was an honor to meet you." She said with a genuine smile on features. Deciding then to go through the crowd, curious at what else this event would bring. It was already a strange enough situation for her...


An Uchiha with a request.

A collab between Timv66 and Aliceee.

Neji Uchiha approaches and strikes a conversation with Kiyomi Homura. He asks if Kiyomi is willing to honour him with a spar, a request that is turned down. The two continue to exchange some more words before parting their ways.

Neji stared down at his badge and smiled. Though he wasn't looking or expecting to be commemorated like this, it was still a very proud moment for him to be recognzied like this. Also in that moment on the stage he was promoted to chuunin. He had come so far since becoming a shinobi. He messed up a lot early on, but now things seemed to be going well for him. Neji seemed to be finally undertsanding things and he was once again excited for his future. The ceremony and feast were immaculate. They really did a very nice job on putting this together everything was very elegant. Exactly like Aiko sensei told them it would be when she gave them a quick lesson on the kind of elegance one should have at a ceremony like this. Luckily for Neji being apart of the nobility of the Uchiha clan he had been at these kind of events before so he knew how to act. It was still nice though to get a quick refresher.

Neji had gotten some food and mingled with a few of the other patrons when he noticed Kiyomi off by her self. She had been talking with people all night, but it looked like she had a free moment. Neji decided he wanted to thank her for the promotion and made his way over to her. He made his way to her and saluted her. "Your majesty I would like to thank you very much for this wonderful ceremony and the badge that you gave to all of us. I was never looking for any recognition for this, but I do very much appreciate it. I also want to thank you for the promotion to Chuunin. I will do my best to serve the empire well and I will not let you down." Neji had talked to Empress Kiyomi on other time before he knew who she was. They actually shared some dangoes together, then he was not talking to her like how one should talk to an empress. This time he was making sure that he did.

Turning to the right as somebody approached her, Kiyomi flashed a smile towards Neji. Curtly nodding back as a fashion of greeting, Kiyomi would reply back. "Glad you enjoyed it. It would else be somewhat of a shame if you hadn't. I have faith you will continue doing your best as a chuunin. Even now that it will be just getting more stressful. You know," making a vague gesture, Kiyomi continued, "The extra responsibilities and what not of a chuunin. But you'll likely do well under Aiko's leadership." The teen would take a sip of her water. Deciding to swap over to a non-alcoholic beverage would likely be more favoured or else she would have to deal with Iroh or Katashi.
"I do hope that you have enjoyed or had a positive experience about Amegakure. Or experienced some sort of noteworthy experience, not tied to the assignments you were part off." Kiyomi further said as she would yet flash another smile towards Neji.

Neji would politely smile back as Kiyomi would talk to him. " Yes I know that their will be more responsibilites on my shoulders and I will be expected to do much more now, but I think that I am ready for that." He paused for a moment when Kiyomi brought up Aiko. " I owe a lot to Aiko sensei. Ever since I was reassigned to her squad she has really helped me get to where I am now. She has really worked with me during my trainings and her and I had some good conversations about certain things. I really owe much of my advancement to her." Neji then thought about her other statement about amekagure. " I would say mosy of my time here has been spent doing missions, so I'm not sure about much notworthy experinces I have had outside of our missions. I have gotten to go to a few resturants in town that were all quite good. Though." Neji thought back on the conversation he had with Aiko about his brother Nadaki and how much that helped him. " There was a conversation Aiko sensei and I had about my older brother Nadaki and myself that really put things in persepctive for me and helped me out a lot, so that was definetely noterworhty."

Not surprised that Aiko was the driving force for Neji's development, Kiyomi would nod. "She is a splendid jounin." Listening to what Neji answered, Kiyomi remembered that Kazumo also had said that the team had been dealing with missions almost non-stop. For a moment, Kiyomi felt wary when Neji brought up Nadaki. It was a name that was vaguely familiar and it took a second before Kiyomi realised what had happened to the brother of Neji. Masking her wariness with ease, Kiyomi flashed a smile. "Glad to hear so. Just continue to strive for better and you'll do just fine. Just keep training and do your best out there!"

Neji flashed a smile as he looked at the empress of Akino. He had heard many great things about her battles and how strong she was, but Neji had never seen her spar or fight or anything and he would love to see her skills up close. Neji took a deep breath as what he was about to ask was probably not considered proper. Your majesty I know you are very busy and have better things to do, but if there was ever an opourtunity where you would spar with me, Well I would love the oppourtunity to do so."

Kiyomi blinked rapidly. The request came as a big surprise. Which was evident as Kiyomi couldn't react almost instantly back. "I would consider it a honour to test my mettle against an Uchiha, that was once a student of Hiron Hon as now a student of Aiko Cho-Hon. However, I don't believe that it would be even remotely fair." Kiyomi replied, at first. "Besides, I don't really like to spar with just anybody. It will be a bad thing if people will start to figure out my tricks and techniques through me doing spars." Adding a wink to the answer, Kiyomi decided to switch the subject subtly as swiftly. "How does it feel to be a chuunin now, though?"

Neji chuckled, he figured that her answer would be something along those lines, no reason for her to spend her time sparing with a chunin like him. He also figured this was her way of being nice about it and not flatly just saying no. While he was hoping she would say yes, he understood why she said no and he wasn't going to push the idea any further. He smiled as he saw her wink and then she quickly changed the subject. " Well I am very happy that I have been promoted, I honestly wasn't expecting to be promoted tonight. I was going to be preparing to take the next chunin exams, but now that I have been promoted I don't have to do that. It feels good, I'm excited, but I also know that now more will be expected of me." Neji was excited and nervous at the same time. Obivoulsly Aiko sensei had put in a good recomendation for him to be promoted, he knew he had to work even harder as to not let her down.

"Glad to hear so! It would have been a bit odd if you weren't happy about this promotion, heh," Kiyomi replied, as she couldn't imagine one not being happy of being trusted with more and basically acknowledged to no longer being a mere recruit. "I mean, you can still take the exams. Just takes one moment of my time to make you a genin, if you would desire so.~" She further said as reaction to Neji's comment on preparing for the next chunin exams. "But you are right though. More demands will be made. Not to mention that you'll have to keep up working harder than ever. Where a genin could receive a lecture, you might face harsher punishments now. Then again, I am certain you'll do just fine."

Neji would smile as Kiyomi would talk about being happy about his promotion and then saying she could make him a genin again if he wished to take the chunin exams. " Oh no, I think I will be perfectly fine with skipping the exams and staying a chunin. No need for me to become a genin again." Neji would continue to smile. Her words were correct though, now that he was a chunin he could face harsher punishment. He wouldn't really be considered a child anymore. Even though he was still just fourteen years old. Being a chunin meant much more responsibilities and that the conaequneces would be more severe. Neji though wasn't worried he was sure that he would make it. " Yeah I know that is possible, but I want to do what I can for my clan, the village and the empire. I don't plan on leting anyone down. I just want to do what I can to help more."

"Good. The realm can use capable chuunin, more than ever." Kiyomi replied, nodding in an approving manner. "And good. Would be an awkward situation if you would decide to not do your best anymore now that you're a chuunin. After all," the teen would flash a smile, "It is now just beginning to make your own path. And deciding who and what kind of shinobi you want to become." Giving a firm pat on Neji's shoulder, Kiyomi chuckled. "I am sure that you;ll do fine. Just some time and a few chances are all that you'll need. Perhaps then I will return on the offer of a spar, Neji. Perhaps then."

Neji smiled as he heard Kiyomi speak. " Well I am looking forward to hopegully being worth of that one day. For now I will leave you your majesty I know you are busy. Thank you for your time." Neji would salute her and then would turn around and would walk back towards the rest of the feast.
[fieldbox="Alone Among the Crowds, magenta, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Tomiko Hyuuga | Konohagakure Genin | Amegakure

Upon leaving the stage where she'd been given the medal by the Empress, the girl simply stared at the medal in her hands. The world seemed to fall away as she focused solely on the piece of metal in her hands. Was that all their efforts were worth? Did Hiraku, Shizu, Sayuri, and Tatsuya die the rest of them could be given a stupid hunk of metal? Somewhere, a girl was trudging her way through the crowds at that feast. Ignoring the mass of bodies that were likely important in their respect, but didn't matter compared to those in her thoughts. To the Hyuuga, all she could hear was the voices of those who had fallen over the course of their time in this accursed city. The faces of her teammates first played through her mind. Tatsuya who had seemed a little uneasy, yet endearing despite the fact she hadn't known him much. Sayuri, who had made quite the impression when she first showed up and immediately made the rather... odd comment. Yet she had grown to be somebody Tomiko considered a friend. Shizu, who had seemed rather cold at first but then started opening up. All gone. All people Tomiko wished she could be sharing this moment side by side with. Then her mind shifted to the most recent death, Hiraku. He had died protecting her from what certainly would have made her another name on the list.

The dead fled her mind as the girl was yanked back to reality by a firm thump. Looking ahead it took the girl a moment to notice she had bumped into somebody. Satia Cho. The genin gave a quick, apologetic bow and mumbled out a quick apology before turning and heading away from the girl. It wasn't long before Tomiko ended up on the edge of the crowds. Her mind was plagued by the thoughts of those she lost. Before she knew Tomiko was back in the memories of her friends, and her brother. Quietly she suffered, slowly realizing exactly why she was so upset. Despite all the people packed into this building, she felt completely alone. Everybody she had cared about when they left was suddenly gone. She almost lost control right there, the tears building and desire to just throw down the piece of metal in her hands. Declare she was done and just go home to return to reading her books to pretend like the world wasn't so cold.

Yet she would not. Staring down at the piece of metal, Tomiko was about to just give in. Then she wheeled around to look behind her, having felt the ghost of a touch on the top of her head. Yet her wide eyes tinged a slight color from the tears of earlier found nothing but empty air and the mass of people nearby. Perhaps a breeze? No. It couldn't have been. Closing her eyes, Tomiko could almost imagine it had been her brother there ruffling her hair. Like he had used to do when she was younger, a way to let her know he was still there when she was scared. A single tear ran down her cheek as she pictured Hiraku being right there behind her closed eyelids. Opening them she was greeted by the harsh reality once more. But this time she felt a small smile spread on her lips as she looked towards the heavens, where Hiraku now rested. Knowing that he and the others she cared about were watching and that she wasn't truly alone.

"Thanks, Big Brother."
[fieldbox="The Ambush, #33cccc, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Yukimi Yuki | Team 11 Chuunin | Kirigakure

She wanted nothing more than to be rid of this... disgusting disguise. Though the dirt covering her skin wasn't real, Yukimi still felt the need for at least three baths whenever she got home. How people could live like this was well beyond the chuunin. During their hour walk, Yukimi slowly started to notice signs of disturbances which she wrote off as some wildlife. Keeping pace with the others, the sounds coming from nearby suddenly seemed a bit different than what she would expect from the wildlife. Just as the chuunin was about to look towards Nishi in hopes of warning her with a glance, the command to halt was shouted at them. Instantly faux surprise and fear would spread across her features. When they were ordered to their knees, Yukimi slowly got down to one knee just as Nishi had. The air around them would start to slowly grow colder as Yukimi prepared for the fight she was fairly confident was just around the corner. Meanwhile, the girl steadily began molding her chakra in preparation for the opening salvo.

Then a whistle pierced the tension in the air and Nishi exploded into action. Just as this happened, Yukimi turned on the man now running at her. Holding up her hand a torrent of water shot out and sent him falling straight to his rear. As the disguise poofed away, water would be flowing from Yukimi's cannister and into the air next to her as if from a mind of its own. Looking at her prey, the chuunin intended to keep him pinned for now as the water suddenly froze into the form for a small, floating, and very sharp shard of ice next to her head. Just as it was about to fly, she noticed Claire seemingly in some sort of trouble. Immediately the shard whizzed off towards Claire's attacker and slammed into his club-arm with enough force to knock him back to the ground.

As she turned back towards her own attacker, Yukimi felt a flash of pain up her back as she stumbled forward and to the ground. Over her shoulder, she spotted the final man of the attackers wielding a club, already going for another swing. In a mere moment, a wall of ice sprang to life between them, but the club managed to slam a hole in it as it hadn't much time to fully materialize. With a shout of anger, Yukimi's shield fell away before forming into another spike and yanking up from the ground to pierce his leg. The girl rolled away as he went down, turning to face him and noticing too late that the first attacker was once more on his feet and already almost upon her. "Shit." The chuunin swore as she backpedaled a step to hopefully gain enough time to form another spike to attack him. Hopefully, the genin was at least faring better against her opponent now...[/hr][/fieldbox]
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