Myths of Thalassana: The Cursed Stones of Light

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The old man nodded understandingly. "Certainly there are those who would sleep elsewhere than within this tavern. To clarify, do all of you have places to stay? I would be willing to pay for rooms if any of you are in need of one for tonight."
"I got me own room paid. Don't yeh worry about ol' Jarvig. Business might be notin' special these days, but that doesn't mean it's bad! I think some sleepin' be a mighty fine idea. See yeh halfwits on the morrow!" Jarvig said and drunkily made his way towards the rooms of the tavern. After such a long trip, he didn't want to have a room anywhere else in town. That'd be too far.
Raenah sent a scowl after jarvig as he left for his room. She was extremely tempted to send a snide comment after him but, she resisted and instead turned her attention to Paragonis giving a shy smile before getting up to go over and take with the bar man. After a little bit of haggling she handed over the remainder of her coins and shuffled her way over to the door. After giving one last quick glance over her shoulder at the portion of the group still next to the bar she opened the door and headed out into the night. The air was cool and refreshing after the hot pungent air of the bar, and a light breeze rolling gently through the streets carried with it a hint of rain, a cool exciting smell.

The stable was just around the other side of the Fair Maiden and Raenah moved quickly but, silently along side the building before entering the barn. The ostler was still there, a single lantern standing on top of the small table next to him. He looked up as she walked in but, didn't say a word, not really needing to seeing as he didn't remember her bringing in a horse and she was here around the time when most started bunking down. So he went back to shuffling a deck of cards in his lap. Raenah mean while ventured around the small stable greeting the horses as she went, either gently snuffling noses with them or engaging in a mutual grooming session. One mare in particular, a cute little chestnut, seemed to enjoy the attention. This was a nice bonus as there was a small storage area right next to the mare's stall where there was a large pile of fresh clean hay waiting. Crawling around the pile she curled up on the far side of the hay pile, nearly completely hidden from view. She then pulled her cloak tightly around her so as to ward off the creeping chill. For a while she lay there, just listening and breathing until finally the ostler took his lantern, locked up the stable, and retired to his room for the night. After that it did not take much coaxing for Raenah to close her eyes and drift off.
Kale sighed at Jarvig's departing comment, dismissing his insult. He hoped that the dwarf behaved better when he wasn't drunk.

Turning towards the wizard, he replied, "Oh, that's very kind of you to pay. I do need a place to stay." Kale was embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that. His eyes told of his shame as they looked at the old man's.
Paragonis smiled back at Raenah, and nodded to Kale. "Well, then, I think there are a few rooms available. Hopsman, my friend!"

As the bartender and innkeeper walked over, the wizard took out a sack and counted out a few coins. "A room for Kale here, if you will, and for myself and Bingo. And if any others here need a room, just come and ask me. Keep the change!"

Hopsman smiled and quickly went and got the guests their keys. "I hope the rooms be fitting, sirs," said he. "If anything be lacking, just call and I'll come! Wood for the hearth and breakfast comes with the price of the room, enough for a night. Please enjoy your stay!"
At the mention of sleep, Silentium failed to suppress a yawn. He remained standing, however, as though he intended to stand all through the night regardless of consequence unless ordered to do otherwise.

Bingo gladly accepted Paragonis' offer, remembering his unfortunate failure to pack a coin purse.
As the others headed to their respective sleeping quarters, Kutta heads towards the door.
Noticing Silentium still standing she makes a remark.
"Are ye gunna stand there 'till ta mornin' birds tweet? Ye'd be betta getting some rest so ya don't have ta sleep when were going."
She then exits the tavern and heads off looking for a spot to rest. Finding a decript and crumbling old house she clambers on to its roof and lays on the mold ridden thatch that still remains. Kutta drifts off while watching the stars pass overhead.
Silentium finally was compelled to sleep... but truth be told, he was quite lost. Had the wizard said something about having beds? He remembered which door the wizard left the tavern through, but beyond that, he had no direction. Silentium stared helplessly at the bartender for the time being.
Paragonis looked at Silentium and smiled. "Come, my good knight. If you have need of a bed, I can arrange for a room for you."

He nodded at Hopsman, who bowed and handed the mute soldier a key.

"I hope everything will be pleasing to you, sirs."

"Quite so, Hopsman," smiled the wizard. "Come then, Bingo, Silentium. Let's get some rest."
Silentium happily took the key and nodded his thanks to both Paragonis and the barkeeper, then retired to his room.

"We'll have time for breakfast before we leave, won't we?" asked Bingo, pausing at his door.
"Certainly, my Bingo," smiled the old man. "I'll make sure to leave us enough time for that, don't you worry."
Bingo, now mentally at ease for at least a meal before the tireless journey, bade Paragonis "goodnight", closed the room's door, and promptly fell asleep moments after landing on his bed.
Jarvig, mentally at ease the entire evening, fell asleep as soon as he only touched the bed. He didn't bother taking off his clothes or getting under the blanket. The dwarf just lay there, his arms and legs spread out over the very large, to him, bed as he snored loudly with an occasional mumble about ales, food and fighting.
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Kale returned a nod o the old man. "That's generous of you."
He took the key, got off of the stool, and faced the others. "I wish you a good night," he said. Turning, he started off to his room.

He entered his room and walked over to the bed. He got into bed and under the blanket and gazed at the ceiling. He thought of the journey ahead, and whether he was truly ready for it. Kale hoped his determination would be enough to make it to the quest's end.
Day dawned slowly upon the crowded city, heralded by the crowing of roosters and the ringing of the castle bells, signaling guards to change shifts. Street cleaners were busy sweeping the filth of the city into the gutters or shoveling it onto wagons to be burned elsewhere, and merchants were setting up their stalls in the markets as the early risers began to take their morning walks.

Paragonis was already up by the time Bingo awoke; he had been reviewing maps of the surrounding area and plotting a safe route towards the southwest most of the morning before dawn, though the candle was out and cold. His bed was folded, and he had quietly made his way to the common-room, where some of the other residents had taken their midnight suppers and early breakfasts. He was seated at a comfortable table meant to cater to both Big Folk and Small Folk alike, which is to say it was slightly low for him and slightly tall for halfling and dwarves, but comfortable enough for all. He had a mug of Hopsman's best in hand (which was getting better every day since the wizard gave him the talisman, or so the man said) and a plate of cheese, buttery biscuits, soft eggs and sausages before him, growing a bit cold as he alternated eating with reading through a book on useful plants west of the River.
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Kutta shook her fist at the sunlight scorching her eyes as she opened them. She clambered down from the roof she had slept of an bats a few loose stems of straw from her dress.
She gathers and checks her belongings before heading to the Fair Maiden, the cold streets beginning to warm under the suns rays.
Listening to the cries of some of the stall-keeps that had set up and had began trading until she found a pie stall.
Handing over her last few coppers Kutta secures a meat pie that was mostly filled with gravy before continuing on her way.
Silentium had spent half an hour of the early morning sharpening his halberd, and now that it was the usual time to go outside for roll call, he donned his armor and stepped outside--to find himself not in the barracks. After a few moments of standing in thought, he recalled the events of the previous night and made his way to the tavern to wait for instructions and, if permitted, have another tasty meal.

Bingo, meanwhile, was taking his sweet time bothering to wake up. His door remained closed, though not locked, as fate beckoned for a wakeup prank on the snoring halfling...
"Wha?! Where am I?" Jarvig yells to himself as he woke up in an unfamiliar bed. "Ah, right. Human bed. Time fer breakfast. Oof." He jumps out of bed and gets ready to head out. Getting up early with a headache was nothing new to him, but the bed was different from his usual morning routine.

"Good morning, Paragonis the blue! Sleep well last night?" Jarvig said gleefully as he approached the wizard and sat down at his table. The hungover dwarf was not quite ready to talk just yet, so instead he dug in to his breakfast consisting of one pound of sausages coated with half a dozen eggs on a bed of potatoes.
Waking just before the sun Raenah awoke rather suddenly, her eyes snapping open quickly survaying her suroundings before she dared to move a muscle. Mornings were never her favorite time as wolves often hunted at night but, she had learned how to sleep lightly and now often wakes up and shifts around purely out of habit. Slowly she uncoiled herself from her curled sleeping position, bits of straw sticking to her clothes and hair. Staying on all fours for a few moments she paused just long enough to give herself a good shake before standing up. Truth be told she was not really in the mood to deal with anyone, hopefully a bit of food would keep her reletivly happy. If not well, she could always just wander off and track the group from a distance. Indeed from what she could tell tracking down this lot would be like using your nose to find a troll.

With those happy thoughts she walked into the tavern easily locating her group. Seeing everyone digging in she grabbed for herself a couple sausuges, and some eggs. She then retreated a little ways from the group, skill close enough to be included in their number but, just far enough away to have her space. This was one of her worst habits, something which while she continued to try and fix, food aggression. Having to always fight for every last scrap of food she got really nervous when people got to close while she was eating and sometimes would even snarl and snap. She had yet to actually bite someone but, there was no point taking chances.
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When Silentium joined the group, he found that they had, indeed, taken the time to sit down for breakfast. He took half a pie in a bowl and sat down off to the side, hoping not to get in anyone's way as he enjoyed yet another tasty meal. The rations he was served in the barracks were overall tasteless nutrition, and although these sat perfectly well in his stomach, they made the slightest biscuit taste like a king's birthday meal.

Meanwhile, Bingo rolled over in his sleep, unknowingly orienting his snoring face toward the door... through which it began faintly reverberating through the hallways.
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