Myths of Thalassana: The Cursed Stones of Light

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Raenah shied slightly as one of the groups members looked her way. Though his smile was kind, eye contact was heavily frowned upon among wolves, and many other animals for that matter. So she instead set her eyes on a point to the right of the person. But, even as she avoided the contact her interest was peaked when another shorter person approached and triggered the word adventurer. For three days she had ventured over roads, across plains, and through forest to reach the city and along the way she had encountered a few people who had themselves just come from the city. In those rare instances where she had engaged those para elders in talk they had spoken of the call the wizards had put out for a group of adventurers. At first the the idea of traveling with a group of strangers outside of her pack was not the least bit appealing. But, something about the idea eventually grew on her, and besides, she had thought to herself, what better way to learn about the civilized world then traveling with a few of its members.

So although she knew that there was to be an adventure and at which day they were to depart, it was not until she was within the city limits that she had been able to determine the meeting place. So now she was here, sitting awkwardly at the end of a bar listening in on the nearby group, wondering if these were indeed the people she was looking for. Her thoughts were briefly interrupted by a twinge of hunger from her stomach. Though she was no stranger to hunger, she had been traveling hard and fast, and had not eaten since the previous night. Reaching around she pulled off her pack and started rooting around for a few coins. She had traded a couple animal skins a couple weeks back and so had a grand total of nine copper coins. Looking around she cleared her throat softly and said to the passing bar man "could I get a bowl of stew." Her voice was soft but, it was still loud enough to be heard by the man over the general noise of the bar. With a quick nod the man moved off and returned with a wooden bowl filled with a thick broth with what looked like chunks of beef bobbing around in it. There was a slight pause as Raenah considered the coins in her hand, she could never really get why people put so much store in chunks of rock, so she was never good at deciding what something was worth, at least not in terms of coin. In the end she passed over five coins, this seemed to be good enough as the man took them and moved off to tend to the other patrons.

Turning her attention to the bowl before her Raenah reached out and grasped the given spoon like one would the handle of a weapon. Any manners that she had learned came from wolves or observing bar goers out of the corn of her eye. As a result her manners left much to be desired.
Kale looked to the wizard. He replied, "Yes, I am. I assume that you are as well?" While resting his eyes on the wizard, he thought to himself, 'At least someone here has experience to tell of.'
With her stomach filled with the scrumpy and turnovers, Kutta was content to sit back and listen to the bustle of the tavern while she fiddled with a small puzzle of interlocking wooden pieces.
Paragonis smiled. "One might say that. I prefer the term 'travelling wizard' myself, less prone to attract attention good and bad. I don't suppose you are here for the quest for the cursed stones? Additional help is always welcome, though the journey may be quite long and perilous."
Well that answers that question, Raenah thought to herself as the wizard blantently stated that they were on a quest for the cursed stones. Now that any doubt was erased as to the identity of the group now came of the trouble of becoming part of the group. The subtleties of social proceedings were still lost on her do she was a little unsure of how to attract their attention and make her intentions known. Prehaps just the straight forward approach would be best.
"Excuse me but I heard of this quest and was interested in joining in." Though her question was mostly dirrected at the wizard her comment was open enough to be answered by anyone in the group. And although she was looking in the groups direction she kept her eyes angled distinctly downwards, not meeting anyones' eyes.
Kutta hisses as a wooden pin falls in her puzzle, blocking her next move. Frustrated she puts the puzzle back in her bag and swigs the last of her scrumpy.
With a glug of the fermented apple still in her mouth she turns towards a voice mentioning quest just in case there was some information she was missing.
Seeing a new face she forces down her drink and addresses Raenah.
"I'm a not sure ifs I'm 'loud ta let ya join, but as I signed up jusht by askin' me thinks yer now a member!" Kutta slurs though a pint and a half of strong alcohol, on top of what she had drunk earlier.
The dwarf had seen everyone enter from his position, but cared little about it. He'd rather drink and laugh with the knights as they told about how they killed or scared goblins away. Jarvig was a blacksmith, but an adventurer in his free time. As a blacksmith, he had many adventurers coming over, so he heard all sorts of things and news, so he had lots of funny stories to tell. He also never had to leave his workplace to stay up-to-date, he'd hear about every news from people passing by.

Jarvig jumped off of the counter, after which he nearly fell over. The alcohol was getting to him now, standing straight was hard, but his mind was clear enough for talking. Bumping into nearly everyone in the inn, Jarvig managed to find his way towards the little group of adventurers. One look at such a strange group of people and you knew they were up to something, but Jarvig had heard that they were also joining in on the quest, so he thought it best to introduce himself.

"Alright, pipsqueaks. *hic* I hear yeh be willin' *hic* tah join this 'ere quest, eh? Well then. *hic* The name's Jarvig an' I'll be keepin' yeh *hic* safe since y'all seem tah be pretty young, even *hic* fer humans." He said drunkily, sitting down on a chair since standing became too much of a hassle. He gazed at the mage and a smile formed on his face. " 'cept for yeh, Varius Paragonis. Heh, I hear *hic* good things about yeh. Nice tah finally meet yeh." He held out a hand to the mage, but didn't want to shake anyone else's hand.
Raenah gave a smile smile as the halfling maid told her that she had basically just joined by speaking up. That had been exceedingly easier than she had thought it would be. Feeling much more at ease she raised her gaze to briefly lock onto the other member's eyes. This was her trying to get a read on the group, distinguish personalities and prehaps just get a better idea about what she was dealing with. However her good mood dissipated pretty quickly as a rowdy, and very drunk, dwarf addressed the group.

Now while Raenah made a point to try and be polite, in general taking a submissive stance to avoid conflict, she still had quite the temper. Challenges were something that she had had to deal with most of her life, and now among people she deals with insults in a very similar way. With a display of aggression.
"Old enough to hunt and fight." She said coldly her voice little more that a snarl. "And more than capable of takin' on a washed out old dwarf like you." Where before she had avoid a lot of eye contact now her gaze was concentrated fully on Jarvig, a snarl curling back her lip and scrunching her nose, everything in her manner displaying a threat.
Paragonis quickly stepped between the would-be combatants. "Your pardon, both of you! I am certain that no offense was meant either way," he said, his staff's crystal glowing slightly. "Please, won't we all sit down and have a polite talk, hmm? We are all adventurers here, and we all have the same goal, yes? To find the cursed stones?"

He placed the seats back that had been slightly knocked aside.

"It is my pleasure to meat all of you, and it is my hope that we might have as little internal conflict as we may. A house divided cannot stand, after all, and we will need to weather many storms before this journey's end, I fear. Shall we introduce ourselves to each other? My name is Varius Paragonis, and I am called Paragonis the Blue. I am a wizard of the High Council from the City of Wonders, sent in order to help guide the group through the magical dangers that might be encountered upon our journey."
Jarvig burst out into laughter at Raenah's threat, but the wizard was right, they should get along if they were to complete this quest safely. His laughter died down and he brushed his beard a little as he mumbled to himself. "That'sh what dey all say."

"Very well. *hic* I'm sorry if I offended yeh, young'un. Jus be careful out dere, alright? I don' want yeh tah die." He said, nodding at Raenah. His first impression was when he was drunk, what a way to go. He'll have to try very hard to get make that impression vanish, which he most likely won't. "Alright, introduce, eh? The name's Jarvig, blacksmith in Orod Khazad. Lookin' fer stones is a Dwarf's life, so I came tah help out, an' because I'm an adventurer in me free time as well."
Raenah's snarl deepened slightly at Jarvig's laughter clearly not liking being laughed at. However she immediately paused when Paragonis spoke telling them to stop fighting. Usually it would have taken much more than a few stray words to get her to back off but, Raenah sensed that the wizard was not one to be trifled with. Her lip did twitch up briefly at the dwarf's last comment but, she regained her composer enough to say back "I am sorry as well." she left her comment at that, her voice calm but noticeably cold.

After she finished she made up her mind to stay silent, moping was something best done without speaking. But as the introductions started she sighed quietly.
"I'm Raenah from the eastern forest of Macdar." Her introduction as she had no occupation to speak of except surviving, and prehaps communicating with some of the wood land animals.
The wizard bowed to both. "A pleasure to meet you, Raenah, Jarvig. I hope that our adventure together will be of use to all of us, and I expect that all of us may have something to learn from each other by journey's end. Hopsman, my friend, a few more turnovers for my friends here, if you will!"

He motioned to the bartender and gave the man a few more coins, and passed out the pastries to everyone present.

"This here," he patted one halfling on the back, "is Bingo Fallowfoot, a descendant of Dalgo the Undying and an archer of no little skill. Silentium is a knight of the guard, unfortunately incapable of speech, but talented in his abilities. Shields, swords, arrows, daggers, traps, hammers, magic, it seems we are becoming quite a well-defended group here! I hope it will aid us when we begin our journey tomorrow."
Having been dozing off in thought while slowly sipping at his pomegranate juice, Bingo nearly choked when Paragonis mentioned his name and patted him on the back. It was a bit more of a slap for someone his size, though he knew it bore no ill will.

Upon the mention of his name, and "knight of the guard", Silentium thought he was supposed to show off a little for it. He stepped away from the counter in one motion, spun his halberd like a baton, and stepped to attention with the business end of the halberd pointing straight at the ceiling, rod on the ground, and a good clank of his shield against his armor for effect. The guard captain would have been so proud... Silentium's halberd spin went faster and smoother than he'd done in months.
Kale looked at each member of their party as they introduced themselves, making a note of each person's name. He looked to wizard as a turnover was put before him. He gave a nod of thanks to Paragonis which doubled as a compliment to his eloquence.
The mute knight's display was certainly making an impression on Kale. His eyes followed the halber, slightly awed. He shifted the turnover in his hands, eventually eating it.
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Kutta clapped at Silentium's display before introducing herself.
"Name's Kutta, from a little clutter o' houses on ta Blossom Downs. I'm ah wanderin' tinker mostly, but I do a bit o' trappin' if I can't get me any work.
As fer why I'm here, travellin' is easier in a group an' I want ta see more in ma life than tha rolling grasses. A quest all the better 'cause there's loot an' fame and excitement, least sa books tell."
"Man a few words. Does as is told and knows how to wield a weapon. I think I'll like this kid." Jarvig said, laughing a little. The effects of his alcohol consumption began to die down a least bit, but a red blush still covered his entire face and if he could walk again remained to be seen.
Raenah turned her eyes to each person as they introduced themselves or were introduced. She watched, her interest peeking, as the one called Silentium spun his weapon in a little display. Having never used anything besides her knife, teeth, and nails as a weapon she could not help but to admire those who handled such weapons. But, for the sake of appearances she acted like she was not all that impressed. Instead she turned her attention to the plate of turnovers that the bar man had brought over. Cautiously she dragged one over and gave in an experimental sniff. It did not have an unpleasant smell, but, Raenah had discovered that after so many years of simple hardy meals had made her a little adverse to some of the more rich dishes. But, this was to be an adventure wasn't it?

So she carefully brought the pastry to her mouth and took a small bite out of the side. For a few moments she just chewed in a contemplative manner. However, as the taste fully hit her her face scrunched up, obviously in a display of displeasure. It wasn't that she hated the taste, it was just much to sweet for her, and Raenah could tell that it she actually finished the whole thing that her stomach would have something to say about it later. So instead she brought her bowl of stew over and finally just discarding the spoon she brought the whole bowl to her lips and quickly finished off the thick broth.
At last, Kale spoke up. "I'm Kale. I ... ," his voice trailed off. He wasn't quite sure what to say. "I guess you'll find out who I am as we go along. That'll be a much better guide than anything I could say." He looked at the others as he talked, intimidated by several of them but not showing it.
"An honor to meet you, Kale," smiled the wizard kindly. "And I certainly hope we will get to know every one of us better as we journey tomorrow!"

He looked over at the drunk captain of the guard.

"Although, whether some of us will actually be able to journey on two feet remains to be seen. Do all of you have rooms for tonight?"
Under the pretense of wiping her face, Raenah hid a chuckle at Paragonis's comment. The closets she had gotten to being drunk was when her pack had stumbled upon an apple tree who's fruit had dropped and was fermenting. It had actually been an amusing time, there were few things funnier than watching drunk wolves run around making fools of themselves, at least in Raenah's opinion.

However at the wizard's question she fell silent. Now only having five cooper coins to her name it wasn't really feasible for her to rent a room for the night. Besides she had still not gotten over sleeping inside. Something about sleeping in a closed off box, without the whisper of wind, the steady murmur of someone else's breathing, or the twinkled of stars watching over head, made it impossible for her to drift off. The two times had gotten a room she had ended up sleeping on the roof, having crawled out through one of the windows. She had actually just planned to bunk down in the stable, soft straw and the gentle shuffling of horses would put her at ease.
"Uh, I was going to stay with the horses ." She answered awkwardly. Hopefully they would just assume that she had a temperamental horse that she wished to send the night with.
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