Murder Special III: Valen-Not-Fine [Non-Canon]

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"Lord Takumi, Niles? Is this another of Lady Elise's jokes that she manged to rope Sakura into helping with?"

She had gone to bed before she had been taken, waking up in the new place had been a shock. At the moment, the only thing keeping her from going wild was the presence of men she recognized... Though they seemed just as confused as her.

Whatever, she would keep close to them even so. It was better to keep together as a pack in situations like this... and besides, it would allow her and Takumi to become familiar with one another again. Even if she was rather grouchy at the moment about being spirited away to a new place.

A spiriting away that seemed to have happened because of the girl with strangely pink hair who ran about. With a growl, she barked out at the woman, trying to get her attention.

"You there! What is the meaning of this?"

@Hospes @Takumi @Sen @Yun Lee @Peeps wanting to talk to a grouchy savage @Other Fates players​


"You've got three seconds to explain why i'm here before I get really angry..."

Kofuku would hear Seto address her while he stood behind the others that were around her. Given the look he's giving her one could easily assume he wasn't all that happy about this situation....
Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.



This was new.

Certainly, this was the last time Gowther would go through Elizabeth's mail. The deadly sin couldn't make heads or tails of where he was now. Did a holy knight cast a spell on a card in hopes of re-capturing Elizabeth? No. Illogical. Perhaps a practical joke from Merlin? Possible, but unlikely. It was a strange situation that Gowther was in. The more he tried to think of how he had gotten here logically, the more loopholes popped up, like an ever-expanding slice of cheese. It occurred little to Gowther that perhaps this situation was simply illogical fundamentally, but... Well, he couldn't very well spend all this time looking blankly around this place, standing in one spot. He'd need to gather information in order to make a fuller hypothesis.

With that set on his mind, Gowther decided to approach the pink-haired girl, overhearing an unfamiliar girl (then again, who was familiar here?) inquire if she was the host, a thought that also afflicted Gowther.

"Salutations," Gowther said blandly with a wave, his expression made up by clashing emotions of curiosity and apathy as always, "If you are indeed the host of this establishment, how did you get me here? And for what purpose?" He asked, tilting his head as he spoke abruptly.

@Hospes @Takumi @Crow

Doesn't even bother to apologize for that...

Luke didn't know what to think of this situation other than the fact that he was away from Wonderland, and unable to keep an eye on his childhood friend if something were to happen to her there. Just splendid. Noticing that a lot of people were swarming the pinkette named Kofuku, Luke wasn't used to seeing this much chaos all of a sudden, but judging on how majority of them were just sent here out of the blue, he couldn't blame some for being outrageously bothered by this.

"Excuse me, good ma'am, but I believe most of us are puzzled by how we are to arrive here without our own awareness. Other than that, I hope that this is a mere party and nothing else."

He wasn't sure if a certain someone that was pulling the strings of Wonderland was keeping an eye on him, so for that purpose, Luke kept his particular act up. Not that it really mattered here, but he had to be sure in case of that person probably watching him.

@Hospes @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hana @Verite @Bomb @Kaide` @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Hazel-rah @Mason Moretti @Jeremi @Sumirenko @Takumi @Minerva @Ryu Keiko @Gands @york

Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"Hmm? Who summoned us here?"

"I have no idea, Mana." The Dark Magician, also known as Mahad, said, not knowing how they came to be. "Also, why do you have an icon, Mana? Why don't I have one?" Mahad was confused on how that happened.

"I don't know. The fanbase loves me too much since from what I read online, I'm apparentally the 'fanservice' of something they call 'anime'. Also..."

Mana seemed to shiver for a bit upon recalling the next thing.

"Is something wrong?" Mahad asked, noticing her actions.


"It's nothing. Anyways, where are we?" The Dark Magician looked around the room, and noticed one person in particular.

"You've get to be kidding me..."

Kaiba sat in a chair at his office silently looking down at the contents of a letter that had randomly shown up on his desk. Kaiba certainty didn't seem happy at all about seeing this letter as it was simply a waste of time in his eyes. However as he moved to simply toss said letter in the trash a thought came into mind. A thought mind you that Kaiba would never think of in his entire life. He slowly grabbed a pin and simply checked 'yes' before shaking his head. Might as well humor this prank letter after all but as he picked up a card from the top of his deck he felt his vision beginning to fade. It was becoming harder to keep his eyes open before a flash of white light engulfed him and he passed out.



"You've got three seconds to explain why i'm here before I get really angry..."

Kofuku would hear Seto address her while he stood behind the others that were around her. Given the look he's giving her one could easily assume he wasn't all that happy about this situation....

@Hospes @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hana @Verite @Bomb @Kaide` @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Hazel-rah @Mason Moretti @Jeremi @Sumirenko @Takumi @Minerva @Ryu Keiko @Gands @york

(Bleh shitty intro)

"Seto Kaiba? Is that really you?" Mana appeared in front of Kaiba.

@Crimson Spartan @any others​

  • Locking the door to his apartment, Azusa Kurono felt terribly exhausted with that session he had with that latest date. All in all, it was worth the effort. It had only been a few hours since the stupid woman had agreed to it, but he saw that the money that she was offering to send for their "wedding" had been delivered to his living space already.

    "God, that was easier than the last idiot who threw their money at me. At least I make good money off of this."

    Unknown to others, Azusa was a special kind of scam artist. The scam in particular always changed a tiny bit so his fooled targets don't realize a thing, but it was primarily focused on the idea of marriage. All he had to do was act all lovey-dovey, throw a sentimental story on top, and they hand him over money to get it done.

    Lying down on the couch with all of the mail he had, Azusa opened up the first envelope to see that it was a huge amount of yen from his latest scam victim. Placing that money to the side, he noticed another letter, it was written in some sort of invitation.


    "This has got to be a joke... But then again, a person who sent this probably has a lot of money behind them... Guess I'm adding another poor woman onto the list."

    It sounded like some sort of matchmaking party, so Azusa pulled out a pen to put a mark on "YES," and everything when blank.​

  • Just like every day, Luke Estheim had set up another tea party in Wonderland, because it was his role as the Hatter to do so. Not many people came around, and today was especially empty. It bothered him. He was well aware that the Cheshire Cat was getting close to Alice, knowing fully well that Alice was actually a friend of Luke's from the real world.


    "... if only it were so easy to pull her away from this twisted fantasy, I would do so right now."

    Luke grumbled to himself at the lonesome tea party, drinking a cup of tea until realizing that a peculiar letter was left here at his side of the table. The way that it was stylized, it looked like something written by the Queen of Hearts... Problem was, a rabbit would always come to deliver a message from her, and there was none of that.


    "Valentine's Day? ... true, it's coming soon to that, and no one in Wonderland seems aware of that day's existence... how did a letter from the outside get here?"

    Thinking on how this was possible, Luke's tea cup happened to spill a bit onto the letter, staining the checkbox for the response of accepting the invitation. Then a white flash of light whisked him away.​


"Okay... I didn't know that this was some weird matchmaking and costume party..."

Azusa was more concerned on the fact that he was brought here from his apartment. Well, there was a good assortment of women here, and if he found a way back home from here, then this shouldn't be a big concern at all... right?


"Heeeeey! I'm a bit misinformed, but what exactly was I invited here for? A bit much for a Valentine's Day event, don't you think? Ehehehe..."

Azusa casually strolled his way towards the ravenette that was present, thinking that the wings were part of a costume. During his stroll, he lightly pushed Luke aside so he could talk to the girl, much to Luke's annoyance.

The ravenette, who had been more than happily minding her own business, glanced at Azusa when she was approached by him. For a moment, she was silent-- her bright blue eyes holding no amusement in them as she regarded the male. "...Yeah. I guess so," she eventually replied. Of course, she knew what Valentine's Day was-- but holidays were not something she had celebrated before now. And she wouldn't be again, either. She'd merely been dragged here by god-only-knows what, stuck presumably until the thing was over.

"...Do you need something?"

She was a pro at socializing.

@Gummi Bunnies

"Hmm? Who summoned us here?"

"I have no idea, Mana." The Dark Magician, also known as Mahad, said, not knowing how they came to be. "Also, why do you have an icon, Mana? Why don't I have one?" Mahad was confused on how that happened.

"I don't know. The fanbase loves me too much since from what I read online, I'm apparentally the 'fanservice' of something they call 'anime'. Also..."

Mana seemed to shiver for a bit upon recalling the next thing.

"Is something wrong?" Mahad asked, noticing her actions.


"It's nothing. Anyways, where are we?" The Dark Magician looked around the room, and noticed one person in particular.


"Seto Kaiba? Is that really you?" Mana appeared in front of Kaiba.

@Crimson Spartan @any others​
Walking around, the male noticed two... Strangely dressed people standing by themselves. Inwardly groaning, he walked over to them. 'Hopefully they can give some answers about all this...' He thought. He wasn't exactly the most social around new people...

"Excuse me!" He called out to them as he slowly approached them. He tried to keep a cheery attitude, and wanted to seem friendly. "Can I ask you two something, or maybe you can help me?" He said, as he neared them. Maybe try introducing yourself idiot.


@Hospes @any others else I need to tag >.>
Walking around, the male noticed two... Strangely dressed people standing by themselves. Inwardly groaning, he walked over to them. 'Hopefully they can give some answers about all this...' He thought. He wasn't exactly the most social around new people...

"Excuse me!" He called out to them as he slowly approached them. He tried to keep a cheery attitude, and wanted to seem friendly. "Can I ask you two something, or maybe you can help me?" He said, as he neared them. Maybe try introducing yourself idiot.


@Hospes @any others else I need to tag >.>

"Hmm, what is it?"

Meanwhile the Dark Magician is observing his surrondings.

@bleh post @Ryu Keiko
Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.

Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"It's not like we seemed to have any say in the matter."


"No doubt made possible by vile sorcery."

The elf gave Kofuku a death glare. "What do you wish to accomplish with this?"​


"Hmm, what is it?"

Meanwhile the Dark Magician is observing his surrondings.

@bleh post @Ryu Keiko
Sora looked at the female and scratched his head. "Well.. First, my name is Sora. Sorry for not introducing myself, but I'm kinda confused as hell right now." He said, almost rambling. "Think you can tell me, where we are? I was in my room, when suddenly, I was here and that doesn't make any since to me." He said, with a nervous laugh.

@Bomb @Don't 'bleh' me damn you'
Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.

Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"You mean you're the one who sent that childish letter to my tent?" Rinkah countered with a snarl, her eyes narrowing at the girl. What the hell was she playing at?
"It's not like we seemed to have any say in the matter."


"No doubt made possible by vile sorcery."

The elf gave Kofuku a death glare. "What do you wish to accomplish with this?"​

Rinkah nodded in concurrence with the sharpened-eared man, joining him in glaring at the apparent little witch who had dragged them all here. It seemed that even away from Hoshido, there were sorceresses like that Rhajat girl who did not take no for an answer...

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow
Sora looked at the female and scratched his head. "Well.. First, my name is Sora. Sorry for not introducing myself, but I'm kinda confused as hell right now." He said, almost rambling. "Think you can tell me, where we are? I was in my room, when suddenly, I was here and that doesn't make any since to me." He said, with a nervous laugh.

@Bomb @Don't 'bleh' me damn you'

"Well, some call me the Dark Magician Girl, but you can call me Mana." Mana introduced herself as well. "Also... I have no idea as well. We were summoned here, and we can't seem to find our cards..."

@Ryu Keiko
Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.

Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"I was pondering if I shall arrive to this party or not, but I see that the decision went forward almost immediately. A shame that my fellow friends and acquaintances are not present. However, a bit of variety in my days should not hurt, something different from my tea parties..."

He could tell that Kofuku was unusually optimistic. Much like one of the eccentric twins of Wonderland, Luke knew better than to rain on someone's joyful parade. He had a few worries of his own, but he didn't want to be that type of person. Probably to lighten the mood before things were to get too hectic, Luke figured some small talk would help. It definitely worked when it came to stopping some awkward situations back at Wonderland.

Snapping his fingers, a mysterious force formed around Luke, forming into oddly blue rose vines. These vines would move their way to the refreshment table, retrieving for Luke a plate of scones and macaroons and also preparing a fresh cup of tea with whatever that was there.

The vines would keep said treats and tea at his side, since he didn't want his hands to be full suddenly.

"For an unexpected party, there happens to be a particular variety of sweets... do you know who prepared these, miss... ?"

Luke paused for a moment, realizing he hasn't really caught onto her name yet. He thought he had heard it from the fact there was a lot of people here, but he wanted to be sure. He wasn't going to be a rude person and assume on what her name was.

@Hospes @Jeremi @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

The ravenette, who had been more than happily minding her own business, glanced at Azusa when she was approached by him. For a moment, she was silent-- her bright blue eyes holding no amusement in them as she regarded the male. "...Yeah. I guess so," she eventually replied. Of course, she knew what Valentine's Day was-- but holidays were not something she had celebrated before now. And she wouldn't be again, either. She'd merely been dragged here by god-only-knows what, stuck presumably until the thing was over.

"...Do you need something?"

She was a pro at socializing.

@Gummi Bunnies

"A-Ah... I'm not really needing something right now. Just a little lost with this weird party. You don't mind if I have someone to talk to, because there's a lot of stuff that I don't understand here."

Azusa gave off a nervous laugh, because honestly, he had no idea on why he was here when he was definitely in his apartment not too long ago. A few moments of talking with this girl, he realized that he forgot the number one thing to do first when talking to someone new, especially a girl in this case.


"Oh yeah, my name's Azusa Kurono. Just some freelance designer that got invited here for no reason... weird, huh? How about you? I don't know your name yet."

Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.

Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"Oh my, a lot of people certainly came around without knowing it, didn't they?"

Suddenly appearing behind the goddess from out of nowhere, Najimi Ajimu laughed softly as both angry and calm people alike seemed to question their circumstances. She wasn't surprised in the least at these turn of events. After all one went to a party they accepted an invitation to, did they not? Though clearly, that wasn't as wide spread a sentiment as she'd figured.

Najimi stepped out to appear properly in front of everyone.

"Nice to meet you everyone. Let's have a fun time at each others' throats~"

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow @Hospes
Seeming to be much more in her element with the more polite of those that had approached her, Kofuku quickly bounced back, letting out a genuine laugh. "Everyone came if they checked their letters, of course~" she answered Gowther, except, well.... it wasn't exactly a helpful answer. But she didn't seem to realize that. "And you're here for the party, silly~ ...You did want to come, right?" the goddess asked, tilting her head like a curious dog and causing her curls to bounce. Of course, she seemed to have a rather hopeful expression as she looked at them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"The letter did not give a choice for "No" or even a "Perhaps," so I settled for the least enthusiastic answer, which I thought to be "Yes." Either way, I didn't anticipate that what had transpired would... transpire," Gowther said, adjusting his glasses, before tilting his head in the other direction, which happened to be in the opposite direction as where Kofuku's own head had tilted.

"But it matters little now. I was mostly interested because I wondered to myself... What exactly is this... Valentine's Day anyway?"

"... With all this red color scheme, does it perhaps involve great battle and bloodshed?" Gowther wondered, using context clues from the colors and the sudden appearance of Najimi, who made a comment about being at each others' throats.

@Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Hospes @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow @Kaykay
Well. This was... Unexpected, to say the least. A startled Kofuku watched the couple of rather obviously angry newcomers with her prior sadness turning to something else.



Swaying for a moment as though her head were spinning, Kofuku struggled to respond. "You're here for the party, aren't you..? You should only be here if you checked yes, ahaha..." she replied, nervously.


"So you sent the letter...? That still doesn't explain how I even got here or th-..." Kaiba had begun to speak only to notice Mana to appear in front of him..

"Hmm? Who summoned us here?"

"I have no idea, Mana." The Dark Magician, also known as Mahad, said, not knowing how they came to be. "Also, why do you have an icon, Mana? Why don't I have one?" Mahad was confused on how that happened.

"I don't know. The fanbase loves me too much since from what I read online, I'm apparentally the 'fanservice' of something they call 'anime'. Also..."

Mana seemed to shiver for a bit upon recalling the next thing.

"Is something wrong?" Mahad asked, noticing her actions.


"It's nothing. Anyways, where are we?" The Dark Magician looked around the room, and noticed one person in particular.


"Seto Kaiba? Is that really you?" Mana appeared in front of Kaiba.

@Crimson Spartan @any others​

'Isn't that... Yugi's monster!...' bit of a break in character as Kaiba processed that fact that Dark Magician Girl was in front of him. He shook his head as she conversed with Sora and took that time to compose himself. From the flash of light to her appearing Kaiba could only assume he was dreaming or this was virtual reality.


"Isn't it obvious..? Of course i'm Seto Kaiba..." Kaiba spoke in his usual cold way as he noticed he was wearing his duel disk with his deck inside. Strange considering he wasn't wearing it when it came to the letter.

@Hospes @Bomb @Ryu Keiko
Charlotte studied the strange letter again, not sure to declare it a practical joke or not. What kind of party was this? Why was there no information about where it would be? Charlotte smelled a trick...but, on the other hand...say it was true. Parties were usually theown by rich people, and where there were rich people, there were rich noblemen to schmooze!!

"What the heck?" Charlotte said to herself as she checked off the Yes box. Now, what to wear? A cute dress? Maybe that fancy perfume that one fellow sent her she saved for special occasions...

Or she could just stay in her usual clothes since she kinda just poofed there : |

"Just my luck..." she growled. Figures she couldn't look fancy! Oh well, she could just use her...assets for now, since her armor pretty much had it all on display. Oh look, some of her friends were here! She waved at Rinkah right off the bat, but a man at the booth caught her eye. Putting on her prettiest smile, Charlotte made her way to the man at the booth. "Pardon me, sir," she purred, voice dripping with honey. "What fascinating thing are you doing~?"

@Hospes @The Myrmidon

"I was pondering if I shall arrive to this party or not, but I see that the decision went forward almost immediately. A shame that my fellow friends and acquaintances are not present. However, a bit of variety in my days should not hurt, something different from my tea parties..."

He could tell that Kofuku was unusually optimistic. Much like one of the eccentric twins of Wonderland, Luke knew better than to rain on someone's joyful parade. He had a few worries of his own, but he didn't want to be that type of person. Probably to lighten the mood before things were to get too hectic, Luke figured some small talk would help. It definitely worked when it came to stopping some awkward situations back at Wonderland.

Snapping his fingers, a mysterious force formed around Luke, forming into oddly blue rose vines. These vines would move their way to the refreshment table, retrieving for Luke a plate of scones and macaroons and also preparing a fresh cup of tea with whatever that was there.

The vines would keep said treats and tea at his side, since he didn't want his hands to be full suddenly.

"For an unexpected party, there happens to be a particular variety of sweets... do you know who prepared these, miss... ?"

Luke paused for a moment, realizing he hasn't really caught onto her name yet. He thought he had heard it from the fact there was a lot of people here, but he wanted to be sure. He wasn't going to be a rude person and assume on what her name was.

@Hospes @Jeremi @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"The letter did not give a choice for "No" or even a "Perhaps," so I settled for the least enthusiastic answer, which I thought to be "Yes." Either way, I didn't anticipate that what had transpired would... transpire," Gowther said, adjusting his glasses, before tilting his head in the other direction, which happened to be in the opposite direction as where Kofuku's own head had tilted.

"But it matters little now. I was mostly interested because I wondered to myself... What exactly is this... Valentine's Day anyway?"

"... With all this red color scheme, does it perhaps involve great battle and bloodshed?" Gowther wondered, using context clues from the colors and the sudden appearance of Najimi, who made a comment about being at each others' throats.

@Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Hospes @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow @Kaykay

"Ahhhh, no need for the formalities, haha! Call me Kofuku~" she replied, cheerfully, evidently not at all surprised or fazed by the display with the vines. But his question earned a more thoughtful look. "Eh..? Who made the treats...?" she repeated, blinking a couple of times. She seemed as though she were about to answer when another voice chimed in, a brunette sliding onto the scene.


"That would be me! Mabel Pines, at your service," she declared with a flourish, laughing and poking the male on the cheek with an uttered 'womp'. She was definitely the most charming of young women, yo. He definitely wouldn't be able to resist.

While Mabel answered to Luke, Kofuku glanced to Gowther, looking astonished by his question. "...Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, silly!" she explained. "For humans and gods and everyone alike to enjoy affections... and acts of them." Wink wonk. Of course, she couldn't explain further before further interruption.
"It's not like we seemed to have any say in the matter."


"No doubt made possible by vile sorcery."

The elf gave Kofuku a death glare. "What do you wish to accomplish with this?"​


"You mean you're the one who sent that childish letter to my tent?" Rinkah countered with a snarl, her eyes narrowing at the girl. What the hell was she playing at?

Rinkah nodded in concurrence with the sharpened-eared man, joining him in glaring at the apparent little witch who had dragged them all here. It seemed that even away from Hoshido, there were sorceresses like that Rhajat girl who did not take no for an answer...

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Crow

"So you sent the letter...? That still doesn't explain how I even got here or th-..." Kaiba had begun to speak only to notice Mana to appear in front of him..


'Isn't that... Yugi's monster!...' bit of a break in character as Kaiba processed that fact that Dark Magician Girl was in front of him. He shook his head as she conversed with Sora and took that time to compose himself. From the flash of light to her appearing Kaiba could only assume he was dreaming or this was virtual reality.


"Isn't it obvious..? Of course i'm Seto Kaiba..." Kaiba spoke in his usual cold way as he noticed he was wearing his duel disk with his deck inside. Strange considering he wasn't wearing it when it came to the letter.

@Hospes @Bomb @Ryu Keiko



"I just wanted everyone to have fun...."

Oh, gosh, she was tearing up, now.

@Takumi @Verite @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Jeremi @Kaykay

"Well, some call me the Dark Magician Girl, but you can call me Mana." Mana introduced herself as well. "Also... I have no idea as well. We were summoned here, and we can't seem to find our cards..."

@Ryu Keiko
"Hmmm, Mana. I like it~" he said with a smile. Unfortunately, that smile didn't last, as she couldn't provide any answers to where they were, or why they were there. "Wait... Summoned? Cards?" He questioned as he tilted his head. "I don't understand. You were summoned? Like spirits or faeries?" He asked. "And why would you need cards? I mean... I know about Tarot cards, and oracle cards, but something tells me that's not what you are talking about..." He said, rubbing his head.


"So you sent the letter...? That still doesn't explain how I even got here or th-..." Kaiba had begun to speak only to notice Mana to appear in front of him..


'Isn't that... Yugi's monster!...' bit of a break in character as Kaiba processed that fact that Dark Magician Girl was in front of him. He shook his head as she conversed with Sora and took that time to compose himself. From the flash of light to her appearing Kaiba could only assume he was dreaming or this was virtual reality.


"Isn't it obvious..? Of course i'm Seto Kaiba..." Kaiba spoke in his usual cold way as he noticed he was wearing his duel disk with his deck inside. Strange considering he wasn't wearing it when it came to the letter.

@Hospes @Bomb @Ryu Keiko
While he was speaking to Mana, he did notice the...strange male, with the weird shaped head and hair, looking towards them.

@Hospes @Bomb @Crimson Spartan


"A-Ah... I'm not really needing something right now. Just a little lost with this weird party. You don't mind if I have someone to talk to, because there's a lot of stuff that I don't understand here."

Azusa gave off a nervous laugh, because honestly, he had no idea on why he was here when he was definitely in his apartment not too long ago. A few moments of talking with this girl, he realized that he forgot the number one thing to do first when talking to someone new, especially a girl in this case.


"Oh yeah, my name's Azusa Kurono. Just some freelance designer that got invited here for no reason... weird, huh? How about you? I don't know your name yet."


"Right," she replied, steadily, though she hardly seemed enthusiastic. Perhaps Azusa may have wanted someone to talk to, but it seemed that the young woman didn't exactly share his sentiment. "I get that. But you get used to weird stuff like this happening... Eventually." Briefly, she glanced at her wings, mentally scoffing. She knew she had. Kicking that thought to the back of her mind, she pursed her lips as the male introduced himself, not bothering to so much as give a smile. "Name's Teresa. Teresa Agnes. Nice to meet you."

@Gummi Bunnies

"Ahhhh, no need for the formalities, haha! Call me Kofuku~" she replied, cheerfully, evidently not at all surprised or fazed by the display with the vines. But his question earned a more thoughtful look. "Eh..? Who made the treats...?" she repeated, blinking a couple of times. She seemed as though she were about to answer when another voice chimed in, a brunette sliding onto the scene.


"That would be me! Mabel Pines, at your service," she declared with a flourish, laughing and poking the male on the cheek with an uttered 'womp'. She was definitely the most charming of young women, yo. He definitely wouldn't be able to resist.

While Mabel answered to Luke, Kofuku glanced to Gowther, looking astonished by his question. "...Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, silly!" she explained. "For humans and gods and everyone alike to enjoy affections... and acts of them." Wink wonk. Of course, she couldn't explain further before further interruption.



"I just wanted everyone to have fun...."

Oh, gosh, she was tearing up, now.

@Takumi @Verite @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Jeremi @Kaykay
Rinkah scoffed at the tears the girl was trying to shed, trying to garner some sympathy with herself and the two men who had also challenged her. False tears and all for her theatrics involving this party now? "And I wish to be home, with my tribe as our laws dic-"
Charlotte studied the strange letter again, not sure to declare it a practical joke or not. What kind of party was this? Why was there no information about where it would be? Charlotte smelled a trick...but, on the other hand...say it was true. Parties were usually theown by rich people, and where there were rich people, there were rich noblemen to schmooze!!

"What the heck?" Charlotte said to herself as she checked off the Yes box. Now, what to wear? A cute dress? Maybe that fancy perfume that one fellow sent her she saved for special occasions...

Or she could just stay in her usual clothes since she kinda just poofed there : |

"Just my luck..." she growled. Figures she couldn't look fancy! Oh well, she could just use her...assets for now, since her armor pretty much had it all on display. Oh look, some of her friends were here! She waved at Rinkah right off the bat, but a man at the booth caught her eye. Putting on her prettiest smile, Charlotte made her way to the man at the booth. "Pardon me, sir," she purred, voice dripping with honey. "What fascinating thing are you doing~?"

@Hospes @The Myrmidon
Before she could finish, the waving of a certain blonde caught her eye and she froze in shock. Was she here as well? The woman she had once always thought was always after men, but cared for her family and did all that she could for them...

"... Keep pressing her, you two," After recovering from the surprise of her best friend, Rinkah turned her head to sharpened-eared man and the white-jacketed man with a look of respect, "A friend of mine... it has been long since I have seen her, and I do not wish for her to grow enraptured by these festivities." A disgusted look accompanied the last word before the tribal shook her head and left them to the task of interrogating the girl.

She wasn't going to let her friend's heart be captured by some random rogue working the crowd here!

"Glad to know that I am not alone in being trapped here, my friend," Rinkah announced as she stepped up behind Charlotte and gave her a familiar slap on the back, a smile for the blonde on her lips as she spoke. She glanced at the man and the smile vanished as she judged him, quiet for a few moments before whispering to Charlotte, "You can do better than him. He's not strong enough."

@Hospes @Takumi @Verite @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Jeremi @Kaykay @Yun Lee

"Ahhhh, no need for the formalities, haha! Call me Kofuku~" she replied, cheerfully, evidently not at all surprised or fazed by the display with the vines. But his question earned a more thoughtful look. "Eh..? Who made the treats...?" she repeated, blinking a couple of times. She seemed as though she were about to answer when another voice chimed in, a brunette sliding onto the scene.


"That would be me! Mabel Pines, at your service," she declared with a flourish, laughing and poking the male on the cheek with an uttered 'womp'. She was definitely the most charming of young women, yo. He definitely wouldn't be able to resist.

While Mabel answered to Luke, Kofuku glanced to Gowther, looking astonished by his question. "...Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, silly!" she explained. "For humans and gods and everyone alike to enjoy affections... and acts of them." Wink wonk. Of course, she couldn't explain further before further interruption.



"I just wanted everyone to have fun...."

Oh, gosh, she was tearing up, now.

@Takumi @Verite @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Jeremi @Kaykay

"I do not see much 'fun' in being taken against your own will to who knows where." He walked closer to the pink haired girl and glared into her eyes. "Do you consider that fun?"

"Well well, didn't expect to see any Hoshidans here." Niles commented, seeing at least one person he recognized, even though the other was an enemy. Niles honestly found the situation strange, but amusing nonetheless.
Rinkah's Prologue

Peace had been restored to Hoshido and Nohr. A new nation had been raised up, one of peace and strength, led by the child of a god-like dragon who had brought the world the moment's reprieve it needed from war. Each day that Valla stood was another day that the east and west lived in harmony with one another.

Each day was another that Rinkah's talents as a warrior and her tribe's isolationism were not needed.


Yet they continued to stay true to their traditions, honoring the God of the Flame as they maintained the holy pyre that stood in the center of their home. Each day, they trained their skills as warriors, lived their lives as tribemen, and pushed away outsiders, did their best to still remain aloof of them. Though the war had ended much of the tension between the Flame Tribe and the outside world, the people within the tribe still remembered the history and the mistakes of the past. Their storytellers would not allow the memory of what had happened the last time an outsider had managed to put out the flame to fade, and as long as they remembered, Rinkah's cousins and fellow tribesmen would not repeat the mistakes of the past.

When the war began, Rinkah could not wait to return to the tribe and remove herself from the outside world. When the war ended, the tribal heiress had believed that the ache for her newfound friends would fade eventually as she accepted her duties as a leader and focused on her life in the tribe.

Yet each day, the pain in her heart grew. She recalled the woman who had proven more devoted to family than any of them, the royal who had hunted with her to take deers and boars, and even that annoying butler that she had shared tea with and who grew to understood her need for solitude... each of them were close friends, along with many others in the Hoshido camp and a few in Nohr's...

But now, she could not simply leave the camp. Her father was preparing her to be the leader of their tribe, knowing that one day, she would need to be ready to guide their extended family in worship and life. Each day was filled with more and more lessons on how to be a passionate as the flames and as strong as the earth, with little break for time to herself.

Which made it all the more surprising when the strange lettered appeared in her tent as she cooked her evening meal, setting itself upon a small box that she kept her cooking supplies in.

"What is this...?"


None of her clansmen had brought the letter to her, in person at letter at least, and she doubted they could have snuck in while she cooking... Nor would they dare, knowing her wrath was not a force to be trifled with. So how did it end up here?

For a moment, she thought of throwing it in the flames, to use it as kindling and as an offering to the flames... but something drew her to open it. Perhaps it was curiosity, wondering if perhaps it was a letter from one of her friends. She doubted that Lord Takumi, Oboro, or Kagerou would send a message in this style, preferring scrolls... so perhaps it was from Charlotte or Jakob? Benny could have as well sent it, to remind her that she did not need to always be closed away from others, or even that hanger-about Keaton...

For as much as she valued the solitude that her tribe proclaimed, she couldn't resist the chance at speaking with her distant friends, or to just read their words and know them once again... which only made her even more agitated when she saw what it had to say.

"Valentine's...? What a load of hogwash. Who even sent this?"

Someone would be in for an earful of her ranting and a sore arm of her beating in the morning... but for now, the woman who did not understand the holiday focused on her meal, nearly cooked and ready. She set aside the letter, far enough in her mind to avoid the flames from consuming it just yet... but just close enough for a bit of ash to fall on the box for one of the responses, and to take her to the ballroom.


"Lord Takumi, Niles? Is this another of Lady Elise's jokes that she manged to rope Sakura into helping with?"

She had gone to bed before she had been taken, waking up in the new place had been a shock. At the moment, the only thing keeping her from going wild was the presence of men she recognized... Though they seemed just as confused as her.

Whatever, she would keep close to them even so. It was better to keep together as a pack in situations like this... and besides, it would allow her and Takumi to become familiar with one another again. Even if she was rather grouchy at the moment about being spirited away to a new place.

A spiriting away that seemed to have happened because of the girl with strangely pink hair who ran about. With a growl, she barked out at the woman, trying to get her attention.

"You there! What is the meaning of this?"

@Hospes @Takumi @Sen @Yun Lee @Peeps wanting to talk to a grouchy savage @Other Fates players​

Thank god. A familiar face.​

Not that it mean that much considering he didn't really get too snuggly with Nohrians, even if they were supposed to be at peace. Healing took time and he was taking his, for the sake of Corrin and for his own country as well - he was a prince of Hoshido after all, Takumi only ever acted to benefit his homeland.


"Is this Elise's way of trying to get us to be friends? God, this is gonna be awkward." Yeah, with how he treated the Nohrians just a few months ago, how was he supposed to change that hate into... uh, neutrality? Takumi scratched his head, not sure if he should approach the white haired man. They wouldn't really have much to all about... his personality was really unlike anyone in Hoshido. "Please don't tell he's the only one- oh!"



He quickly made his way over to her, a little happy he had spotted someone he could at least communicate with - even though she had left Valla to go back to the Fire Tribe. Was always sad to see a prominent member of Corrin's army leave, but he could understand why.

"Thank god you're here, I was wondering if Elise only invited Nohrians to this party - I can't relax around them. Uh, not that I need Hoshidans around to calm down or anything." He cleared his throat. "Are Oboro or Hinata around?"

"I thought this was something set up by Elise..."


"But going all the way to the Fire Tribe is kinda pushing it..."

@Takumi @The Myrmidon @Yun Lee

#fuck posting on mobile
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