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@Takumi @Verite @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9
@Panels/South Door

The order of the tablets being raised caused a distinct set of colors to flash across the panels, from left to right, overlaying the symbols; Red, Black, Green, Blue, White, Yellow, each color having a distinct note... It sounded like it could have formed a melody of some sort... But there were a few notes that felt... Off, somehow.

A sudden bleep emanated from the door once more, and the panels that bore the colors black, white, and yellow suddenly had a light red "X" symbol flash upon them before the panels went blank again... And the symbols shone onto them once more..

Close... But not quite, or so it seemed.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Crow

The woman seemed to have found what she was looking for right now, but it seemed like her hands had stopped in mid-air... Though after a moment, the spot her hands had rested suddenly began to crackle, and a familiar shape took form.

It looks like they had found some sort of timegate, or so it seemed here... The first one they had seen in this place, minus the tear through dimensions the woman herself had made perhaps, at least for those who had first arrived here. In response to what both A2 and Sonic had asked her, glancing at the shard Sonic held, she nodded.

"When the time comes... This artifact will lead us to our final destination; Emnity himself... I can only hope we are in time..." She said frowning a little.

Though she didn't seem to say anything about Ben's absense, she did give Buddy a side-glance... A sad look seeming to linger on her face, before she averted her gaze, turning it towards the timegate...

All they had to do now... Was wait.​

"Trial and error." Shion sighed. What else could there be? The melody was interesting in istelf, to say the least.

"A melody...if Nezumi were here." he muttered, reminded of his friend and suddenly being put in a bit of an emotional slump.

Connor Walsh

Connor paused when he saw that they had gotten it wrong. It seemed that they were right about some of them. The Red, green and blue tablets were right, but no so much for the black, white and yellow tablet. So, if the black tablet was not rock, the white was not crescent and the yellow was not the star. He paused, thinking about this discovery.

If all three of them were wrong, then there had to be something he was missing. Yellow didn't seem to fit the crescent which left it as rock, which didn't make sense to him. Black was not rock and it didn't seem to fit crescent, but maybe it was. Stars did shine white in the night sky.

He reexamined the panel. " Perhaps, we should try it where red is fire, blue is ocean, green is leaf, yellow is rock, black is crescent and star is white, if that isn't right, then there is only one combination left," he said to the others.

@York @Takumi

"Oh, that could work." Shion said, trying to shake himself out of the funk he put himself in.

"What I suggested was more of a guess, so there's only so many ways to do it really." he added. Even with his high IQ, this just wasn't his field.

"What's up with the notes?" JD idly commented with a raised brow.

@York @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Otto @others
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: thatguyinthestore
Dorian found himself groaning at the display before him. So unseemly, but it was the only appropriate reaction. "Perhaps I could cast a spell that moves you faster? No doubt we would cycle through all the possible combinations in no time then."

He managed to sound somewhat cheerful. At least he wasn't being forced to fling fireballs at some immeasurable foe.

@Takumi @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @York
  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
Dorian found himself groaning at the display before him. So unseemly, but it was the only appropriate reaction. "Perhaps I could cast a spell that moves you faster? No doubt we would cycle through all the possible combinations in no time then."

He managed to sound somewhat cheerful. At least he wasn't being forced to fling fireballs at some immeasurable foe.

@Takumi @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @York


"Is that so? More help would've also been appreciated." he replied with a curious tilt of his head. They were on the right track it seemed, they just had to get the last three and they would be set.

He grew quiet then, wondering deep down if Dorian was being sarcastic or genuine in his words about the supposed spell, or maybe just snarky and impatient.

Wouldn't have been the first time someone was impatient with him really. Anyway, he helped Connor and anyone else hold up the tablets in the newly suggested order. If that didn't work? Well, he wasn't going to cry over spilt milk.

He did glance over to--Emily?--when Shichika addressed her. She at least, had helped him back in that room when he could've died. Maybe she had limited knowledge on these tablets?

@York @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @everyone
"Is that so? More help would've also been appreciated." he replied with a curious tilt of his head. They were on the right track it seemed, they just had to get the last three and they would be set.

He grew quiet then, wondering deep down if Dorian was being sarcastic or genuine in his words about the supposed spell, or maybe just snarky and impatient.
Dorian had certainly meant to be sarcastic, but he was surprised when Shion responded with such honesty. It was a little endearing.

"Oh... very well."

Thankfully, Dorian did indeed have a spell to make others move faster. He raised his staff high into the air and cast a light over Shion and the others solving the puzzle.

@Takumi @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @York

Shichika just had some tea in the meantime.​
Last edited:
Alexandra aka Huntress

Alexandra, with one arm around Kara starts looking over at Shion while he is painstakingly setting up the various tablets.

" All things are possible in the multiverse my dear. Perhaps we will make a new start here ? At any rate, we should probably move to help that person solving the puzzle I think. "

Alex moves close to Kara for a brief moment, kissing her ear before moving over to Shion.

"All right, tell us where you need us"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Takumi @York
Kara was also watching the situation with the guy she kind of hated. She didn't understand why this puzzle was so hard, but she paused.

" I think that is a safe thing we should try to do. I also think that there is some music to this, but I don't know how this works," she replied, not certain what else there was to say.

Kara blushed when Lexi kissed her ear and was flustered for a brief moment that she missed what Dorian had did.

Kara came over to help with the tablets.

Connor was happy that his question was answered before he asked. Hopefully, one of these two guesses were right.

@Takumi @Gands @York @Atomyk
Dorian had certainly meant to be sarcastic, but he was surprised when Shion responded with such honesty. It was a little endearing.

"Oh... very well."

Thankfully, Dorian did indeed have a spell to make others move faster. He raised his staff high into the air and cast a light over Shion and the others solving the puzzle.

@Takumi @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @York

Shion, sadly, would really never know if Dorian meant to be sarcastic or not. Either way, it didn't matter since his answer most likely wouldn't have been any different.


"Thank you." he replied with a good natured smile.

Alexandra aka Huntress

Alexandra, with one arm around Kara starts looking over at Shion while he is painstakingly setting up the various tablets.

" All things are possible in the multiverse my dear. Perhaps we will make a new start here ? At any rate, we should probably move to help that person solving the puzzle I think. "

Alex moves close to Kara for a brief moment, kissing her ear before moving over to Shion.

"All right, tell us where you need us"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Takumi @York

Kara was also watching the situation with the guy she kind of hated. She didn't understand why this puzzle was so hard, but she paused.

" I think that is a safe thing we should try to do. I also think that there is some music to this, but I don't know how this works," she replied, not certain what else there was to say.

Kara blushed when Lexi kissed her ear and was flustered for a brief moment that she missed what Dorian had did.

Kara came over to help with the tablets.

Connor was happy that his question was answered before he asked. Hopefully, one of these two guesses were right.

@Takumi @Gands @York @Atomyk

"Well, going by Conner's suggestion all we have to do is rearrange some tablets and hope for the best, and with Dorian's spell it'll speed up the process." Shion replied.

"As for the melody, once the tablets are in the right order it should play and sound better than it did the first time we tried." he added. Although he wasn't the music expert he kind of wished Nezumi had been there to help. Or at least rubbed off on him in the musical department.

@York @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Gands

Emily turned to Shichika upon hearing his question, her eyes briefly scanning the group around her... Taking note of the solutions proposed, before she smiled, almost uncharacteristically, winking a little.

"I think we've already found the solution..." She said mysteriously.

Sure enough, when the six tablets were raised in order... The corresponding colors flashed upon the panels in the following order;

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, White, with the corresponding notes ringing out as a result.

This time, instead of a bleep, a seventh note rang out, as all six panels flashed briefly, before the door finally slid open, revealing an ancient looking pedestal, where an blue, shimmering artifact rested.


Despite how long it must have been sitting there, it seemed almost timeless... With not even a speck of dust on its surface, and a distinct, almost enchanting glow emanating from within, though it looked like it was shattered; a mere piece of something else.

Seeing this though, Emily ran forwards, her clasping her hands around the object... Evidently pleased to find it.

"... It's still here... The tear of love. Now... It's finally time, to re-unite it with its other half..."
She said, holding the piece tightly to her chest.

One could notice that it was beginning to glow brighter and brighter, a blueish color resonating from within, with a hint of red, as Emily let the artifact go, allowing it to float into the air... Where it began to hover, as if waiting for something.

"This journey is almost over... I promise..." She said solemly, looking towards the artifact, as it hovered in the air.



Those in the afterlife could notice something happening with the artifact the blue haired woman had been holding; a reddish glow began to resonate from within it, with a hint of a bluish color, like from before... And alas, she looked towards the others, a smile on her face.

"It's time..." She said, sighing in relief.

With one last look at her surroundings, she finally let go of the artifact, allowing it to float into the air, where it stopped in a particular spot, seeming to be joining with another segment... One that the others could not see, just yet.

"I'll... See you... On the other side." She added mysteriously.

Her gaze focused on the artifact hovering in the air... As if she was waiting for something...


There was a brief pause, as those in the afterlife, and the world of the living both witnessed their respective artifacts they found... Suddenly joining with their counterpart... And thus, became one... Joining from across dimensions, to form what they had once been; a strange, crystaline object... That almost resembled something akin to be a frozen flame, of some kind.


A distinct melody ran through the air, emanating from the object... The same one that had played from the door when those in the world of the living had successfully unlocked it, repeating over and over... Creating one last tear through space and time... One that was a different color than the others; red...


Soon the melody faded into the background, as both those in the afterlife, and the world of the living alike were sucked through... Together, rushing through time and space once, more.


This time, as they tumbled through what seemed like an infinite void, they felt a presense of two individuals within them, both seeming familiar, in some form or another...

"We were nothing more than victims..." Said a foreign voice.

Yet, somehow, its mannerisms aligned with the various females those who had not died encountered; the mysterious, yet somehow friendly tone... Or so it seemed.

"It was... But circumstance that brought us together..." Said another voice...

Those that had passed on, and met a certain blue haired woman, may recognize this one; her more reserved, yet almost ambiguous tone and all.

"I was once a caretaker... Of a series of timelines..."

A gentle breeze could be felt, as their surroundings shifted and changed, at first to what looked like some sort of pioneer camp.


One could almost feel the warmth of the sun, and hear the faint creaking of its gates... And the distant sound of birds chirping, before the surroundings changed once more...

"And I... Was a prisoner... Destined to be a slave..."


This time, it looked like everyone was high up in the air, upon a series of floating islands... With the silhouette of a blue haired woman, with some sort of cat in her lap, watching the horizon.

"But it all changed... When they came..."

"For me it was Lavos... Who tore my Kingdom Apart."

The image of a ginormous shelled beast... Not unlike the creatures those in the afterlife had fought off... Just... Bigger, and without the patches of darkness on its body...

"And for me... It was Aku, who invaded my realm... And wrested it from me..."

The previous image was replaced by the face of a demonic creature, who's laughter seemed to echo for an eternity, before the image faded... Replaced by near complete darkness for a moment.

"We had thought they were defeated... But... We were mistaken..."

"A fragment of Aku escaped my banishment... And was flung across dimensions..."

"Until it met with what remained of the creature that held me prisoner... Lavos... Who used my very body to evolve into a being capable of devouring entire Universes..."

"Aku and... The creature that was once Lavos... Became one... A fearsome creature we now know as... Emnity."

"This new entity devastated what was left of the Sovionok Camp... Transforming it into an empty void... Where it lay... Growing in size and strength..."

"But... It could never reach its full potential, and wreak havock across the multiverse without malevolence... The very thing it had come to feed off of..."

"And so... It began to reach out... To other Universes... Tearing holes through space and time, creating 'time gates' in the process..."

"It was only when we discovered... That we still had some influence left, throughout all the dimensions that Emnity had attempted to claim as its own... That we found you..."

"We believe Emnity had initiated an event... A so called 'murder game' in order to feed off of the resulting malevolence it would produce... Allowing it the strength to create a new body for itself... And to traverse dimensions..."

"But... This plan would ultimately fail, before it even began... For the few it managed to corrupt amongst you... Were sought out, and freed from its influence..."

"All we had left to do after that... Was to seek out the pieces of an artifact... The very one that was used to free me; the chrono cross..."

"And identify the changes that were made to the sequence of elements it needed to work..."

"To destroy Emnity, before it was created... And put an end to this disaster... Once and for all..."

Then there was silence... A defeaning silence that seemed to go on for an eternity... Until somewhere in the distance, directly in front of everyone, one could faintly hear the sound of a blade cleaving through a thick, viscious substance... Before their journey through space and time came to an abrupt halt, and they arrived in a somewhat familiar place...



Like before, everyone was dumped into what seemed to be an endless void, but this time... The place was considerably better lit, with some sort of bright light, emanating from a spot in the middle, where the carcass of a ginormous, shelled creature that appeared to be turning into a thick cloud of black smoke...

It seemed like Emnity had been defeated shortly after everyone had arrived, sparing them the grueling pain of yet another battle.


Though, it seemed that for once, they weren't alone here; a somewhat familiar looking blue haired woman, who had the artifact the group had seen shortly before they were sent through some sort of red tinted timegate in her hands... The "Chrono Cross" they had mentioned during their expositional journey through time and space.

However, before there was much of a chance to approach her, someone else popped into the scene, someone with cat ears... And a tail, and quite frankly, looked pretty out of place...


"Recognize me?" She asked eagerly.

Then she sort of pouted, upon realizing something, and she touched a device that had been clipped onto a spot on her hip... Causing her appearance to change into the young woman they had met who had that strange grappling gear on her... Before it changed once more, with a touch of another button, to "Amelia" the woman they had met in what looked to have been a warzone, and last but not least... "Emily", the black haired woman that had met them in the last place they had visited..

"It's a disguise generator! Crude but... With a little... Convincing, it lets you blend right in! We couldn't afford to reveal who we were... We only had one shot!" She explained, rubbing the back of her neck.

There was another pause as she thought for a moment, her ears drooping before she perked up.

"Oh! Yeah! I'm Yulia... And she's...-" Yulia began, but was suddenly cut off by the blue haired woman, who had approached the group since then.

"Schala... Zeal..." She said quietly, smiling a little as she looked over the group gathered before her.

A sad expression seemed to fall upon Schala's face, which Yulia shared, when they noticed a few missing members from the group... It looks like not everyone made it...

"I... Apologise for the trouble you have endured... But... With Emnity gone... I am free to send you home..." She said quietly.

Taking a brief moment to survey her surroundings, she closed her eyes and thrust her hands over... Causing one last tear throughout space and time to occur...


It was a blue "timegate", not unlike the one that had brought everyone here in the first place... But something about it felt alot more ominous, and it didn't look like it was going to close up anymore soon.

"Once you step through this gate... It will return you from whence you came... Wherever Emnity might have taken you from..." Schala said.

"Or... If you're feeling attatched to someone... You can also choose to follow them to their own world... If you so choose..." Yulia added, with a little wink.

"But remember... Once you step through that portal... There is no going back. We can not help you once you go wherever you plan to go..." Schala warned.

"We still have... Work to do, to repair the damage Emnity has wrought; most will not remember our... Interference, but there are some events that can not be undone..." Yulia added.

"What influence we have over all the places Emnity has invaded... Will fade once the repairs are done... And this will seem nothing more like a dream..." Schala said, closing her eyes as she sighed a little... In relief this time.

"Buuut, that's just work for us to do! You're free to go... Whenever you'd like!... In fact... If you'd like... You could even choose to forget your experiences here... And once you return to your world... It'll all just seem like nothing more... But a dream..." Yulia said, tilting her head to the side for a moment as she said this.

And so... Ends this disorganized mess of an Murder Game... For whatever it was worth...

It looked like everyone was able to return to their own worlds, or whatever they chose to go just by stepping through one last timegate... And alas... Once they returned, this event might as well have been a long, grueling fever dream... One that might even be forgotten in a week, at the most...

The end?
(Well, minus some epilogue stuff I'll try and pump out as time goes on, but yeah...)

Yoichi Saotome from Owari No Seraph, and Link from LoZ: BotW played by @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wes, and Rui from Pokemon Colesseum played by @Midnight Maiden
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Tsukiko (Moonchild), OC played by @Voidwarrior
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost in Battle at Beacon) Role: Unknown

Sidon from LoZ: BotW played by @Bomb
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat played by @The Myrmidon
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

A2 from NieR: Automata played by @Gummi Bunnies
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Sentinel!

Mipha from LoZ: BotW played by @Mason Moretti
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Birdie and Noembelu from Street Fighter played by @Yun Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Blaze the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) played by @Archmage Jeremiah
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Shichika Yasuri (α) from Katanagatari played by @Verite
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age played by @Atomyk
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV played by @Minerva
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Seisa Mikagura from Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku played by @Kaykay
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Ben Tennyson from Ben 10, and Eevee from Pokemon played by @Crow
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Connor Walsh from How to Get Away with Murder and Kara Danvers from Supergirl played by @LuckycoolHawk9
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Eygon of Carim from Dark Souls III played by @Otto
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Giorno Giovanna from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog played by @thatguyinthestore
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Shichika Yasuri (β) and Houou Maniwa from Katanagatari played by @Sen
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Shion from No. 6 (AU), and Jason Dean from Heathers the Musical played by @Takumi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Togame from Katanagatari played by @Hana
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost In A Time Gate!) Role: Unknown

Clemont from Pokemon X and Y played by @Lissamel
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Deadpool from Deadpool (The Movie) played by @Gwazi Magnum
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

James Howlett from Marvel Comics (Earth 12025), and Danielle Cage from Marvel Comics (Earth 15061) played by @Jeremi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Alexandra Kalomoira (The Huntress), OC (DC Alt. Universe) played by @Gands
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Guido Mista from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @penguin055
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

Selene from Marvel Comics played by @Josh M
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Aleksandra Zaryanova (Zarya) from Overwatch played by @Nater Taters
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wheatley from Portal 2 played by @Yang Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Constanza Richards from The Disunited States of America (OC) played by @Krieg
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Chara Dreemurr (Chestnut) from Undertale (AU/OCish thing) played by @Fallen Hope
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Azuma Shinonome from Sekaioni played by @MetalNova
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @BarrenThin
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

"Rui! Am I glad to see you!"

Ben ran up to Rui.



Buddy took the initiative, jumping high up and landing on Rui's shoulders.

Scratching his head, Ben said, "it's been a pretty long day with these guys around. Can't imagine how yours went. The most awesome thing today wasn't getting a couple new aliens to turn into, but..."

Ben turns to his comrades he ventured about with in the afterlife, and then back at Rui.

"... it's not every day you go through something like this. I mean, I think I do stuff like this once every six months, but still..."

He then turns to Wes, offering a handshake with a smile.​

@Yun Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin @MetalNova @etcetcetc

@Midnight Maiden


Shichika didn't process any of that, but if he could go home already, then that was that. "I don't really know about this Aku or Lavos or Enmity stuff, so I'll just let you all handle that."

Then he turned to face Seisa, Giorno, Dorian, Howlett, and Danielle.


"Good run. Guess I'll go home now. Thanks for showing me the value of companionship again, I suppose."

Then he gathered them all into one big hug.


@Atomyk @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi
  • Love
Reactions: LuckycoolHawk9

Emily turned to Shichika upon hearing his question, her eyes briefly scanning the group around her... Taking note of the solutions proposed, before she smiled, almost uncharacteristically, winking a little.

"I think we've already found the solution..." She said mysteriously.

Sure enough, when the six tablets were raised in order... The corresponding colors flashed upon the panels in the following order;

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, White, with the corresponding notes ringing out as a result.

This time, instead of a bleep, a seventh note rang out, as all six panels flashed briefly, before the door finally slid open, revealing an ancient looking pedestal, where an blue, shimmering artifact rested.


Despite how long it must have been sitting there, it seemed almost timeless... With not even a speck of dust on its surface, and a distinct, almost enchanting glow emanating from within, though it looked like it was shattered; a mere piece of something else.

Seeing this though, Emily ran forwards, her clasping her hands around the object... Evidently pleased to find it.

"... It's still here... The tear of love. Now... It's finally time, to re-unite it with its other half..."
She said, holding the piece tightly to her chest.

One could notice that it was beginning to glow brighter and brighter, a blueish color resonating from within, with a hint of red, as Emily let the artifact go, allowing it to float into the air... Where it began to hover, as if waiting for something.

"This journey is almost over... I promise..." She said solemly, looking towards the artifact, as it hovered in the air.



Those in the afterlife could notice something happening with the artifact the blue haired woman had been holding; a reddish glow began to resonate from within it, with a hint of a bluish color, like from before... And alas, she looked towards the others, a smile on her face.

"It's time..." She said, sighing in relief.

With one last look at her surroundings, she finally let go of the artifact, allowing it to float into the air, where it stopped in a particular spot, seeming to be joining with another segment... One that the others could not see, just yet.

"I'll... See you... On the other side." She added mysteriously.

Her gaze focused on the artifact hovering in the air... As if she was waiting for something...


There was a brief pause, as those in the afterlife, and the world of the living both witnessed their respective artifacts they found... Suddenly joining with their counterpart... And thus, became one... Joining from across dimensions, to form what they had once been; a strange, crystaline object... That almost resembled something akin to be a frozen flame, of some kind.


A distinct melody ran through the air, emanating from the object... The same one that had played from the door when those in the world of the living had successfully unlocked it, repeating over and over... Creating one last tear through space and time... One that was a different color than the others; red...


Soon the melody faded into the background, as both those in the afterlife, and the world of the living alike were sucked through... Together, rushing through time and space once, more.


This time, as they tumbled through what seemed like an infinite void, they felt a presense of two individuals within them, both seeming familiar, in some form or another...

"We were nothing more than victims..." Said a foreign voice.

Yet, somehow, its mannerisms aligned with the various females those who had not died encountered; the mysterious, yet somehow friendly tone... Or so it seemed.

"It was... But circumstance that brought us together..." Said another voice...

Those that had passed on, and met a certain blue haired woman, may recognize this one; her more reserved, yet almost ambiguous tone and all.

"I was once a caretaker... Of a series of timelines..."

A gentle breeze could be felt, as their surroundings shifted and changed, at first to what looked like some sort of pioneer camp.


One could almost feel the warmth of the sun, and hear the faint creaking of its gates... And the distant sound of birds chirping, before the surroundings changed once more...

"And I... Was a prisoner... Destined to be a slave..."


This time, it looked like everyone was high up in the air, upon a series of floating islands... With the silhouette of a blue haired woman, with some sort of cat in her lap, watching the horizon.

"But it all changed... When they came..."

"For me it was Lavos... Who tore my Kingdom Apart."

The image of a ginormous shelled beast... Not unlike the creatures those in the afterlife had fought off... Just... Bigger, and without the patches of darkness on its body...

"And for me... It was Aku, who invaded my realm... And wrested it from me..."

The previous image was replaced by the face of a demonic creature, who's laughter seemed to echo for an eternity, before the image faded... Replaced by near complete darkness for a moment.

"We had thought they were defeated... But... We were mistaken..."

"A fragment of Aku escaped my banishment... And was flung across dimensions..."

"Until it met with what remained of the creature that held me prisoner... Lavos... Who used my very body to evolve into a being capable of devouring entire Universes..."

"Aku and... The creature that was once Lavos... Became one... A fearsome creature we now know as... Emnity."

"This new entity devastated what was left of the Sovionok Camp... Transforming it into an empty void... Where it lay... Growing in size and strength..."

"But... It could never reach its full potential, and wreak havock across the multiverse without malevolence... The very thing it had come to feed off of..."

"And so... It began to reach out... To other Universes... Tearing holes through space and time, creating 'time gates' in the process..."

"It was only when we discovered... That we still had some influence left, throughout all the dimensions that Emnity had attempted to claim as its own... That we found you..."

"We believe Emnity had initiated an event... A so called 'murder game' in order to feed off of the resulting malevolence it would produce... Allowing it the strength to create a new body for itself... And to traverse dimensions..."

"But... This plan would ultimately fail, before it even began... For the few it managed to corrupt amongst you... Were sought out, and freed from its influence..."

"All we had left to do after that... Was to seek out the pieces of an artifact... The very one that was used to free me; the chrono cross..."

"And identify the changes that were made to the sequence of elements it needed to work..."

"To destroy Emnity, before it was created... And put an end to this disaster... Once and for all..."

Then there was silence... A defeaning silence that seemed to go on for an eternity... Until somewhere in the distance, directly in front of everyone, one could faintly hear the sound of a blade cleaving through a thick, viscious substance... Before their journey through space and time came to an abrupt halt, and they arrived in a somewhat familiar place...



Like before, everyone was dumped into what seemed to be an endless void, but this time... The place was considerably better lit, with some sort of bright light, emanating from a spot in the middle, where the carcass of a ginormous, shelled creature that appeared to be turning into a thick cloud of black smoke...

It seemed like Emnity had been defeated shortly after everyone had arrived, sparing them the grueling pain of yet another battle.


Though, it seemed that for once, they weren't alone here; a somewhat familiar looking blue haired woman, who had the artifact the group had seen shortly before they were sent through some sort of red tinted timegate in her hands... The "Chrono Cross" they had mentioned during their expositional journey through time and space.

However, before there was much of a chance to approach her, someone else popped into the scene, someone with cat ears... And a tail, and quite frankly, looked pretty out of place...


"Recognize me?" She asked eagerly.

Then she sort of pouted, upon realizing something, and she touched a device that had been clipped onto a spot on her hip... Causing her appearance to change into the young woman they had met who had that strange grappling gear on her... Before it changed once more, with a touch of another button, to "Amelia" the woman they had met in what looked to have been a warzone, and last but not least... "Emily", the black haired woman that had met them in the last place they had visited..

"It's a disguise generator! Crude but... With a little... Convincing, it lets you blend right in! We couldn't afford to reveal who we were... We only had one shot!" She explained, rubbing the back of her neck.

There was another pause as she thought for a moment, her ears drooping before she perked up.

"Oh! Yeah! I'm Yulia... And she's...-" Yulia began, but was suddenly cut off by the blue haired woman, who had approached the group since then.

"Schala... Zeal..." She said quietly, smiling a little as she looked over the group gathered before her.

A sad expression seemed to fall upon Schala's face, which Yulia shared, when they noticed a few missing members from the group... It looks like not everyone made it...

"I... Apologise for the trouble you have endured... But... With Emnity gone... I am free to send you home..." She said quietly.

Taking a brief moment to survey her surroundings, she closed her eyes and thrust her hands over... Causing one last tear throughout space and time to occur...


It was a blue "timegate", not unlike the one that had brought everyone here in the first place... But something about it felt alot more ominous, and it didn't look like it was going to close up anymore soon.

"Once you step through this gate... It will return you from whence you came... Wherever Emnity might have taken you from..." Schala said.

"Or... If you're feeling attatched to someone... You can also choose to follow them to their own world... If you so choose..." Yulia added, with a little wink.

"But remember... Once you step through that portal... There is no going back. We can not help you once you go wherever you plan to go..." Schala warned.

"We still have... Work to do, to repair the damage Emnity has wrought; most will not remember our... Interference, but there are some events that can not be undone..." Yulia added.

"What influence we have over all the places Emnity has invaded... Will fade once the repairs are done... And this will seem nothing more like a dream..." Schala said, closing her eyes as she sighed a little... In relief this time.

"Buuut, that's just work for us to do! You're free to go... Whenever you'd like!... In fact... If you'd like... You could even choose to forget your experiences here... And once you return to your world... It'll all just seem like nothing more... But a dream..." Yulia said, tilting her head to the side for a moment as she said this.

And so... Ends this disorganized mess of an Murder Game... For whatever it was worth...

It looked like everyone was able to return to their own worlds, or whatever they chose to go just by stepping through one last timegate... And alas... Once they returned, this event might as well have been a long, grueling fever dream... One that might even be forgotten in a week, at the most...

The end?
(Well, minus some epilogue stuff I'll try and pump out as time goes on, but yeah...)

Yoichi Saotome from Owari No Seraph, and Link from LoZ: BotW played by @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wes, and Rui from Pokemon Colesseum played by @Midnight Maiden
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Tsukiko (Moonchild), OC played by @Voidwarrior
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost in Battle at Beacon) Role: Unknown

Sidon from LoZ: BotW played by @Bomb
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat played by @The Myrmidon
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

A2 from NieR: Automata played by @Gummi Bunnies
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Sentinel!

Mipha from LoZ: BotW played by @Mason Moretti
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Birdie and Noembelu from Street Fighter played by @Yun Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Blaze the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) played by @Archmage Jeremiah
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Shichika Yasuri (α) from Katanagatari played by @Verite
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age played by @Atomyk
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV played by @Minerva
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Seisa Mikagura from Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku played by @Kaykay
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Ben Tennyson from Ben 10, and Eevee from Pokemon played by @Crow
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Connor Walsh from How to Get Away with Murder and Kara Danvers from Supergirl played by @LuckycoolHawk9
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Eygon of Carim from Dark Souls III played by @Otto
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Giorno Giovanna from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog played by @thatguyinthestore
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Shichika Yasuri (β) and Houou Maniwa from Katanagatari played by @Sen
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Shion from No. 6 (AU), and Jason Dean from Heathers the Musical played by @Takumi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Togame from Katanagatari played by @Hana
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost In A Time Gate!) Role: Unknown

Clemont from Pokemon X and Y played by @Lissamel
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Deadpool from Deadpool (The Movie) played by @Gwazi Magnum
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

James Howlett from Marvel Comics (Earth 12025), and Danielle Cage from Marvel Comics (Earth 15061) played by @Jeremi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Alexandra Kalomoira (The Huntress), OC (DC Alt. Universe) played by @Gands
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Guido Mista from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @penguin055
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

Selene from Marvel Comics played by @Josh M
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Aleksandra Zaryanova (Zarya) from Overwatch played by @Nater Taters
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wheatley from Portal 2 played by @Yang Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Constanza Richards from The Disunited States of America (OC) played by @Krieg
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Chara Dreemurr (Chestnut) from Undertale (AU/OCish thing) played by @Fallen Hope
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Azuma Shinonome from Sekaioni played by @MetalNova
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @BarrenThin
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

It was all over, earning a sigh of relief from Shion. He did glance up when he noticed something moved out of the corner of his eye, which just happened to ve JD, eyeing the lone portal with quiet uncertainty. The unstable male honestly was surprised he even made it this far.

JD was sure he'd go back to being well, dead when he stepped through. He honestly has no idea how anything worked anymore by now. He'll have to say his few goodbyes soon though.

@shitpost for now

Emily turned to Shichika upon hearing his question, her eyes briefly scanning the group around her... Taking note of the solutions proposed, before she smiled, almost uncharacteristically, winking a little.

"I think we've already found the solution..." She said mysteriously.

Sure enough, when the six tablets were raised in order... The corresponding colors flashed upon the panels in the following order;

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, White, with the corresponding notes ringing out as a result.

This time, instead of a bleep, a seventh note rang out, as all six panels flashed briefly, before the door finally slid open, revealing an ancient looking pedestal, where an blue, shimmering artifact rested.


Despite how long it must have been sitting there, it seemed almost timeless... With not even a speck of dust on its surface, and a distinct, almost enchanting glow emanating from within, though it looked like it was shattered; a mere piece of something else.

Seeing this though, Emily ran forwards, her clasping her hands around the object... Evidently pleased to find it.

"... It's still here... The tear of love. Now... It's finally time, to re-unite it with its other half..."
She said, holding the piece tightly to her chest.

One could notice that it was beginning to glow brighter and brighter, a blueish color resonating from within, with a hint of red, as Emily let the artifact go, allowing it to float into the air... Where it began to hover, as if waiting for something.

"This journey is almost over... I promise..." She said solemly, looking towards the artifact, as it hovered in the air.



Those in the afterlife could notice something happening with the artifact the blue haired woman had been holding; a reddish glow began to resonate from within it, with a hint of a bluish color, like from before... And alas, she looked towards the others, a smile on her face.

"It's time..." She said, sighing in relief.

With one last look at her surroundings, she finally let go of the artifact, allowing it to float into the air, where it stopped in a particular spot, seeming to be joining with another segment... One that the others could not see, just yet.

"I'll... See you... On the other side." She added mysteriously.

Her gaze focused on the artifact hovering in the air... As if she was waiting for something...


There was a brief pause, as those in the afterlife, and the world of the living both witnessed their respective artifacts they found... Suddenly joining with their counterpart... And thus, became one... Joining from across dimensions, to form what they had once been; a strange, crystaline object... That almost resembled something akin to be a frozen flame, of some kind.


A distinct melody ran through the air, emanating from the object... The same one that had played from the door when those in the world of the living had successfully unlocked it, repeating over and over... Creating one last tear through space and time... One that was a different color than the others; red...


Soon the melody faded into the background, as both those in the afterlife, and the world of the living alike were sucked through... Together, rushing through time and space once, more.


This time, as they tumbled through what seemed like an infinite void, they felt a presense of two individuals within them, both seeming familiar, in some form or another...

"We were nothing more than victims..." Said a foreign voice.

Yet, somehow, its mannerisms aligned with the various females those who had not died encountered; the mysterious, yet somehow friendly tone... Or so it seemed.

"It was... But circumstance that brought us together..." Said another voice...

Those that had passed on, and met a certain blue haired woman, may recognize this one; her more reserved, yet almost ambiguous tone and all.

"I was once a caretaker... Of a series of timelines..."

A gentle breeze could be felt, as their surroundings shifted and changed, at first to what looked like some sort of pioneer camp.


One could almost feel the warmth of the sun, and hear the faint creaking of its gates... And the distant sound of birds chirping, before the surroundings changed once more...

"And I... Was a prisoner... Destined to be a slave..."


This time, it looked like everyone was high up in the air, upon a series of floating islands... With the silhouette of a blue haired woman, with some sort of cat in her lap, watching the horizon.

"But it all changed... When they came..."

"For me it was Lavos... Who tore my Kingdom Apart."

The image of a ginormous shelled beast... Not unlike the creatures those in the afterlife had fought off... Just... Bigger, and without the patches of darkness on its body...

"And for me... It was Aku, who invaded my realm... And wrested it from me..."

The previous image was replaced by the face of a demonic creature, who's laughter seemed to echo for an eternity, before the image faded... Replaced by near complete darkness for a moment.

"We had thought they were defeated... But... We were mistaken..."

"A fragment of Aku escaped my banishment... And was flung across dimensions..."

"Until it met with what remained of the creature that held me prisoner... Lavos... Who used my very body to evolve into a being capable of devouring entire Universes..."

"Aku and... The creature that was once Lavos... Became one... A fearsome creature we now know as... Emnity."

"This new entity devastated what was left of the Sovionok Camp... Transforming it into an empty void... Where it lay... Growing in size and strength..."

"But... It could never reach its full potential, and wreak havock across the multiverse without malevolence... The very thing it had come to feed off of..."

"And so... It began to reach out... To other Universes... Tearing holes through space and time, creating 'time gates' in the process..."

"It was only when we discovered... That we still had some influence left, throughout all the dimensions that Emnity had attempted to claim as its own... That we found you..."

"We believe Emnity had initiated an event... A so called 'murder game' in order to feed off of the resulting malevolence it would produce... Allowing it the strength to create a new body for itself... And to traverse dimensions..."

"But... This plan would ultimately fail, before it even began... For the few it managed to corrupt amongst you... Were sought out, and freed from its influence..."

"All we had left to do after that... Was to seek out the pieces of an artifact... The very one that was used to free me; the chrono cross..."

"And identify the changes that were made to the sequence of elements it needed to work..."

"To destroy Emnity, before it was created... And put an end to this disaster... Once and for all..."

Then there was silence... A defeaning silence that seemed to go on for an eternity... Until somewhere in the distance, directly in front of everyone, one could faintly hear the sound of a blade cleaving through a thick, viscious substance... Before their journey through space and time came to an abrupt halt, and they arrived in a somewhat familiar place...



Like before, everyone was dumped into what seemed to be an endless void, but this time... The place was considerably better lit, with some sort of bright light, emanating from a spot in the middle, where the carcass of a ginormous, shelled creature that appeared to be turning into a thick cloud of black smoke...

It seemed like Emnity had been defeated shortly after everyone had arrived, sparing them the grueling pain of yet another battle.


Though, it seemed that for once, they weren't alone here; a somewhat familiar looking blue haired woman, who had the artifact the group had seen shortly before they were sent through some sort of red tinted timegate in her hands... The "Chrono Cross" they had mentioned during their expositional journey through time and space.

However, before there was much of a chance to approach her, someone else popped into the scene, someone with cat ears... And a tail, and quite frankly, looked pretty out of place...


"Recognize me?" She asked eagerly.

Then she sort of pouted, upon realizing something, and she touched a device that had been clipped onto a spot on her hip... Causing her appearance to change into the young woman they had met who had that strange grappling gear on her... Before it changed once more, with a touch of another button, to "Amelia" the woman they had met in what looked to have been a warzone, and last but not least... "Emily", the black haired woman that had met them in the last place they had visited..

"It's a disguise generator! Crude but... With a little... Convincing, it lets you blend right in! We couldn't afford to reveal who we were... We only had one shot!" She explained, rubbing the back of her neck.

There was another pause as she thought for a moment, her ears drooping before she perked up.

"Oh! Yeah! I'm Yulia... And she's...-" Yulia began, but was suddenly cut off by the blue haired woman, who had approached the group since then.

"Schala... Zeal..." She said quietly, smiling a little as she looked over the group gathered before her.

A sad expression seemed to fall upon Schala's face, which Yulia shared, when they noticed a few missing members from the group... It looks like not everyone made it...

"I... Apologise for the trouble you have endured... But... With Emnity gone... I am free to send you home..." She said quietly.

Taking a brief moment to survey her surroundings, she closed her eyes and thrust her hands over... Causing one last tear throughout space and time to occur...


It was a blue "timegate", not unlike the one that had brought everyone here in the first place... But something about it felt alot more ominous, and it didn't look like it was going to close up anymore soon.

"Once you step through this gate... It will return you from whence you came... Wherever Emnity might have taken you from..." Schala said.

"Or... If you're feeling attatched to someone... You can also choose to follow them to their own world... If you so choose..." Yulia added, with a little wink.

"But remember... Once you step through that portal... There is no going back. We can not help you once you go wherever you plan to go..." Schala warned.

"We still have... Work to do, to repair the damage Emnity has wrought; most will not remember our... Interference, but there are some events that can not be undone..." Yulia added.

"What influence we have over all the places Emnity has invaded... Will fade once the repairs are done... And this will seem nothing more like a dream..." Schala said, closing her eyes as she sighed a little... In relief this time.

"Buuut, that's just work for us to do! You're free to go... Whenever you'd like!... In fact... If you'd like... You could even choose to forget your experiences here... And once you return to your world... It'll all just seem like nothing more... But a dream..." Yulia said, tilting her head to the side for a moment as she said this.

And so... Ends this disorganized mess of an Murder Game... For whatever it was worth...

It looked like everyone was able to return to their own worlds, or whatever they chose to go just by stepping through one last timegate... And alas... Once they returned, this event might as well have been a long, grueling fever dream... One that might even be forgotten in a week, at the most...

The end?
(Well, minus some epilogue stuff I'll try and pump out as time goes on, but yeah...)

Yoichi Saotome from Owari No Seraph, and Link from LoZ: BotW played by @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wes, and Rui from Pokemon Colesseum played by @Midnight Maiden
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Tsukiko (Moonchild), OC played by @Voidwarrior
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost in Battle at Beacon) Role: Unknown

Sidon from LoZ: BotW played by @Bomb
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat played by @The Myrmidon
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

A2 from NieR: Automata played by @Gummi Bunnies
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Sentinel!

Mipha from LoZ: BotW played by @Mason Moretti
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Birdie and Noembelu from Street Fighter played by @Yun Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Blaze the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) played by @Archmage Jeremiah
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Shichika Yasuri (α) from Katanagatari played by @Verite
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age played by @Atomyk
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV played by @Minerva
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Seisa Mikagura from Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku played by @Kaykay
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Ben Tennyson from Ben 10, and Eevee from Pokemon played by @Crow
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Connor Walsh from How to Get Away with Murder and Kara Danvers from Supergirl played by @LuckycoolHawk9
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Eygon of Carim from Dark Souls III played by @Otto
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Giorno Giovanna from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog played by @thatguyinthestore
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Harbinger!

Shichika Yasuri (β) and Houou Maniwa from Katanagatari played by @Sen
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Shion from No. 6 (AU), and Jason Dean from Heathers the Musical played by @Takumi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Togame from Katanagatari played by @Hana
Character(s) Status: MIA (Lost In A Time Gate!) Role: Unknown

Clemont from Pokemon X and Y played by @Lissamel
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Deadpool from Deadpool (The Movie) played by @Gwazi Magnum
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

James Howlett from Marvel Comics (Earth 12025), and Danielle Cage from Marvel Comics (Earth 15061) played by @Jeremi
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Alexandra Kalomoira (The Huntress), OC (DC Alt. Universe) played by @Gands
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Guido Mista from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @penguin055
Character(s) Status: Deceased! Role: Vagrant

Selene from Marvel Comics played by @Josh M
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Aleksandra Zaryanova (Zarya) from Overwatch played by @Nater Taters
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Wheatley from Portal 2 played by @Yang Lee
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

Constanza Richards from The Disunited States of America (OC) played by @Krieg
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Chara Dreemurr (Chestnut) from Undertale (AU/OCish thing) played by @Fallen Hope
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Azuma Shinonome from Sekaioni played by @MetalNova
Character(s) Status: Alive Role: Unknown

Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure played by @BarrenThin
Character(s) Status: Alive (Revived!) Role: Vagrant

"Rui! Am I glad to see you!"

Ben ran up to Rui.



Buddy took the initiative, jumping high up and landing on Rui's shoulders.

Scratching his head, Ben said, "it's been a pretty long day with these guys around. Can't imagine how yours went. The most awesome thing today wasn't getting a couple new aliens to turn into, but..."

Ben turns to his comrades he ventured about with in the afterlife, and then back at Rui.

"... it's not every day you go through something like this. I mean, I think I do stuff like this once every six months, but still..."

He then turns to Wes, offering a handshake with a smile.​

@Yun Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin @MetalNova @etcetcetc

@Midnight Maiden
Okay. So all of that had been confusing as all hell, to both Rui and Wes as a whole. But with some odd puzzle they had been made to face solved, they managed to find some odd sort of tear, floating in the air before something odd happened. It seemed like the tear tore a hole in reality itself, the whole thing being a very confusing process. Not to mention, things were getting dark and an odd melody could be heard in the distance. All combined, it led to Rui unwittingly clinging to Wes, not really wanting to get separated yet again. Which, fortunately? They weren't. Whatever the hell it was that happened, they made it through, and did so together. Even though it was all a blur and one of them happened to struggle with recovering when they came out of it.

"Ughhh..." she groaned, releasing her hold on Wes and instead rubbing her head. "What was that, anyways?" she inquired to nobody in particular, not really having been able to take in any of what happened. Her head was swimming and she was really confused if she was even alive, with how odd the events had been. Fortunately, it seemed she was. She felt like she was, anyways, but then again, she didn't really know what being dead felt like. Not to mention, she could have sworn she had heard--



In an instant, Rui had forgotten all of her woes, her heart skipping a beat and her body going on autopilot at the sound and sight of her friend. Her body collided with his in a deep hug, arms flung around him without a thought in a deep embrace. Almost as though she worried that, were she to let go, he would vanish again. But she was aware that she couldn't hold onto him forever, so eventually, she forced herself to pull back, instead hugging her arms at her stomach almost nervously. A smile was shone at him, but it was one of uncertainty. "I was worried sick. I thought..- It's just, you were gone so long, I was worried that...-" she trailed off, scuffling her feet with a look on her face that made it seem like she was on the verge of tears. Fortunately, Buddy intervened, his landing on her shoulder seeming to pull her from her trance. Her look was replaced with a smile again, though it was a wavering one, her arms falling to her sides and hands clenching into fists as she burst out. "I'm so glad you're alright!"


Yeah. Good to get that off of her chest, even if it earned her a slightly amused look from Wes, who seemed to find the display funny. "No need to shout," he remarked offhandedly with a smirk,. It earned him a small huff of annoyance from Rui, but he hardly cared. Rather than worrying about Rui's frustration, he just quietly eyed the offered hand, expression unreadable as he did so. Normally, he wasn't really one for formalities, but to hell. The kid had shown guts and spunk, and he could appreciate that enough to show a little respect. "Glad you aren't dead, kid." Yeah. It wasn't much, but it was probably the best he was getting.

Shaking off her partner's more depressing words, Rui again piped up, answering to Ben's own words now that she seemed to recover from her fumble. "Insane," she spoke, the first word that came to mind to describe the experience. "And... Horrible. So many people died. If I could've just chosen better, maybe I could've stopped it. But I didn't," she muttered, biting her lip before shaking her head. "But I can't change that, and-- And everyone's back somehow! So I shouldn't linger, huh? Everyone's okay again."

Except, she didn't think 'okay' described how she felt right now. Not even close. Still, she--


"...Wait, stuff like this happens every six months for you?"

"im jealous"

@Crow @Whoevs​
  • Love
Reactions: Takumi
Birdie Epilogue: Home Is...

Well, that was that. Over and done with. They came, they killed, they died…and now they would hightail it out of there. What other choice did they have? It wasn't like they'd made many friends here; you don't exactly make friends when you're the ones killing everyone. Plus, they needed to make sure they got away from DIO. For all they knew, he could try to follow them into their world and enact his revenge. Neither of them wanted that-they knew what he was capable of, and to bring that kind of evil home, when M Bison had only just been defeated…it was too great a risk.

So, Birdie and Noembelu quietly slipped through the gates, not saying goodbye, not wishing anyone well, not planning to meet up later. The damage they'd done was enough. It was time to go home.


Kanzuki Estate was just like they left it: beautiful and serene, primarily because Karin still wasn't back yet. Birdie sighed contentedly, taking a seat on the tiny bridge over the pond. "Ain't no place like home! 'Specially after whatever the fuck we just went through…the bloody Hell was all that, anyways? Yanked all over the place for no bloody reason! Hmph!" He started to remove his shoes, grumbling to himself about the many things that annoyed him during his time out. "Wasn't even a fair trial, neither! Them sods got off scot-free for killin' us!"

"We got off scot-free too."

"Wuzzat now?" He turned to Noembelu, as she spoke her first words since coming back from the afterlife. "Come on now. Don't tell me you honestly think we ran around killin' everybody! The only bugger we killed was that vampire, and they all gave us Hell for doin' that! An' if I remember correctly, it all justified itself, considerin' how he beat his kid!"

"His life wasn't ours to take."

"Wot, were we s'posed to just let that magical evil force of whatever mind-control us till the end?"


Birdie sighed. "You're regrettin' it, ain't you. Look, you spent a good, what, three years? Dollin' around for Bison. Couldn't really fight back or nothin'. You would've gone through the same bloody thing had you not accepted the call. And besides, who would we have killed if you hadn't? We may have killed that little number in the pigtails you were fond of. We may have killed the happy shark fellow. Hell, we may have even killed Dio's son and earn his hatred even more when we got found out! Think 'I was mind-controlled' would work on a bloke like that? Not bloody likely! Point is, you did what you could in this situation. It's the rest of 'em that fucked us over." Pulling the bottom of his pants up to his knees, he lowered his feet into the cool pond water. "Far as I'm concerned, we did 'em all a favor by puttin' Dio down. You can feel guilty if you want, but I ain't gonna go down that road."

Noembelu said nothing. Birdie rolled his eyes. God, he didn't want to have to say this, but… "You wanna know who the real you is? The real you is the girl who rescued Ben from that drunk. The real you is the girl who owned up to bein' a killer and accepted her fate. The real you-"

"-killed herself out of spite."

"…yeah, okay, you did that. But hey!" Birdie shrugged, giving her a mishcievious smile. "If you ask me, I think that was pretty damn entertainin'."

His awkward pep talk was rewarded with a small smile. Good. He didn't really know why he wanted to help her out. Maybe it was because she stuck her neck out for him back then, told everyone to spare him when she died? Eh, what the Hell did he know?

"Ah, you must be Little Eagle!" There she was, Lady Karin, all prim and proper-and blissfully unaware of what he and Noembelu had been through. "Such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation."

Birdie watched quietly. What, was she okay with being Little Eagle again? Huh! Maybe he could make a living off pep talks, if all it took was-


Nevermind. Karin raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"I…don't go by Little Eagle. I go by Noembelu. For now, at least." Well hey, no more edgy angsty 'Little Eagle is dead' bull anymore. Birdie would take credit for that.

"Oh. Well, do forgive me, Noembelu. Either way, shall we be off?"

She nodded, starting to follow behind Karin. Before they left, she looked behind her at Birdie, a smile on her face. "Thank you," was all she said, before walking inside.

Karin let her go first, turning to Birdie as well. "Tell the chefs you've been offered double helpings of dinner tonight," she said. "I don't know how you did it, but you actually managed to keep her happy. Well done." And she was gone.

Well, how do you like that? In the end, he got his job done, and got his reward for it, too! And, like the hero he was, Birdie would claim it. But first…he wanted to stay here a bit longer, just taking in the calm and serenity of his home. You never really realize what you miss until it's taken from you. Watching the koi fish swim around, Birdie let out another content sigh, a smile on his face.

It was good to be back.

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Kara Danvers/ Supergirl and Connor Walsh

Kara looked around and saw that it was all over. She could go back home and just forget everything that happened her.... but she didn't want. She didn't want to forget it all. No matter how messy and strange things were, she didn't want to forget about these events. She turned to Lexi and Rosa. " So, are you two going home?" She asked them.

@Minerva @Gands

Connor looked around for Dorian. He wanted to talk to the other man, before he left. It felt weird to say, but he didn't want to forget any of this. At first, he did, but now, that meant forgetting Dorian and Ben and even the evil hedgehog. It was weird, but he didn't want to forget them. He looked over at Dorian. " Hey," he awkwardly said, not sure how to start a goodbye.

So, it was over.

Rosa looked at Noembelu and Kara.


"Yes, Kara, I am going home. Before I go... I wanted to say goodbye." She said. "The people of Baron need their queen, so, this is farewell." She said. She smiled.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee
Sonic Epilogue: To Crack an Eggman

After exchanging goodbyes, most notably to Blaze, Sonic gave off one last Farwell wave and entered the time gate back to his own dimension...

Much to Sonic's complete and utter unsurprise, Eggman manage to build Eggmanland while Sonic was on his little trip through dimensions with all of the other unsuspecting victims of whatever he just witnessed.


"Oh hohohohohohohoho!!!" Came an all too sinister sounding laugh over the intercom. "Welcome to Eggmanland! A creation of my own made possible thanks to my astounding intellect! Now, I bet that you are all wondering how this park came to be. You see, it all started when..."

As the Doctor began rambling on about himself, Sonic just sighed and facepalmed. "This guy really loves to gloat about himself, doesn't he?" Sonic asked to nobody in particular. Deciding it best not to waste any time standing around, Sonic used his signature high speeds to traverse through the amusement park. After spending roughly an hour traversing through the place and demolishing more of Eggman's robots (seriously, this place is huge!) Sonic eventually found out where Eggman was hiding out.

Upon his entry to the room, Eggman let out a gasp and jumped back at the sight of the blue hedgehog.
"S-S-Sonic! What are you doing here? Didn't I already defeat you!?" Eggman asked, managing to regain his composure and change his expression from one of shock to one of pure annoyance.

"You know me, Eggster! Every time ya knock me down I'll just get right back up!" Sonic replied snidely as he rubbed his nose in a cocky fashion.

"Gah! You miserable little rodent. Well luckily for you, I have one last trick up my sleeve!" As soon as he said this, Eggman would tug out the all too familiar red button. After slamming his finger on it in quite the dramatic fashion...

nothing happened.
"WHAT!?" Eggman screamed as he continued to press the button multiple times, each press earning no result aside from a bored Sonic and an increasingly annoyed Eggman. The Doctor would eventually realize what was going on, causing him to fall back into his seat and let out a groan. "Right... I didn't make a giant killer robot to defeat you this time. Considering that I thought you were, y'know, dead."

"Well in that case, you wanna just surrender now?" Sonic asked in a monotoned voice, one hand placed on his hip to display how utterly bored he was right now.

Eggman would simply nod and turn around as if reaching for something. "Yeah just let me get a few-- AH HAH!!!" In the instant that he exclaimed that last bit, the Doctor would turn around and spray Sonic with the oh-so threatening can of silly string. Sonic, of course, wasn't intimidated or impressed in the slightest, the hedgehog even tapping his foot out of boredom now.

"Dude, come on. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point." Sonic replied, his face and quills now covered in silly string.

"Yeah... you're right." Eggman replied with a sigh before simply stepping down from his chair and surrendering to the hedgehog, not even attempting to make a daring escape this time.

The day had been saved yet again thanks to Sonic's efforts to stop all evil in its path! Eggman was taken to some makeshift jail that he escaped from literally seconds after being put in there, swearing vengance on Sonic like usual. Sonic would have followed him, but after a day like today, Sonic felt that even he deserved a break.

Besides, there's no fun to be had if there aren't any bad guys to fight! So Sonic would spend the rest of the day explaining what happened to Tails, who was fascinated with his story and went to study more on the multiversal threats. While Tails worked on that, Sonic caught up with Knuckles, played a game of chess with Shadow, got chased around some by Amy, went fishing with Big, attended Cream's tea party, and helped Rouge hunt for more jewels.

Sonic ended the day by perching himself up on a rooftop and staring up at the moon with a grin. It was good to be home.



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Giorno Giovanna
- Epilogue: Part 1-

"A Sleeping Slave"

The perpetual lightheaded sensation of leaping through realities was not lost on Giorno Giovanna, but he knew that feeling would come to end if they him and his allies reached the end of this 'path': the golden path that this lost son walked on ever since he'd crossed fates with the gang. Perhaps that day would be better known as the day Giorno Giovanna had become a gang-star, and achieved only the first piece of his dream. That description feels nostalgic in a way, as if he'd somehow lost that title along the way. Whether or not that is the 'truth' is up to the boy.

". . .So, it's over, then?" Giorno asked no one in particular, staring off into the same darkness he was in at the beginning of his journey. The darkness that was then consumed by the light of a rippling blue portal. The cool breeze of a nostalgic summer day escaped the swirling vacuum, touching the boss' face and hinting him at what lies beyond that gateway; home. He couldn't be entirely happy, because there was still questions that needed answers. He wouldn't find them here, however.

He was done here. This was the end of the path. With the Arrow in his possession, he could go home.

Giorno's thoughts were cut off as he was roped into a massive hug by Shichika. Giorno didn't really do hugs, especially when Shichika was rubbing his hair all over Giorno's good uniform. However, he didn't verbally object, and cracked a smile when he looked upon Shichika and Seisa.

"I'm glad that you've learned something at least, Shichika. I have you thank you--"

"Both of you," he looked at the two of them now. "You have both reminded me the feeling of having allies to rely on. It's been. . .a long time since I've felt that way, and I was beginning to think I'd never fight alongside other people ever again. But, I believe that we wouldn't have made it this far without each other."

". . .I wouldn't have absolved myself of my father's influence, either. I suppose both of you were my anchor. . .I'll remember that. The blood of the covenant is stronger than the water of the womb, after all. That is a lesson I'll keep in my heart."

"I'm talking too much, again."

Giorno quietly laughed, turning from his allies and beginning to walk towards the portal.

"But, If you ever find yourselves lost from your world again. . .I'll be in Naples, Italy."

"Take care!"

Giorno gave one last look over a horizon of virtuous souls. These people, who have helped him relive that summer day. Fate brought them together, but a part of Giorno wanted to believe that fate was what kept them all together, in the end.

They said fate is a sleeping slave, that must be awoken.

In this crisis, perhaps, it was awoken in these people.

What a bizarre thing.

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Noembelu's Epilogue: ...Where The Heart Is

Noembelu was in a state of chaos.

It had only been one month since she returned to her tribe after the Murder Game, and nothing felt right. After all that had happened to her, after everything was said and done…she didn't feel at peace. She had been distant from everyone, even more thsn she had been. There were days where she would stay in her room and never come out, not even to eat. Little Eagle's-no, her parents were worried about her. She knew that, and she did regret that. What they'd been through in these three years, without a daughter, only to have some shell-shocked killer return in her body…she heard how her mother cried at night. Saw how her father stared at her with grief in his eyes. They were happy, all three of them, once upon a time. But things change. And Noembelu wasn't anywhere near a happily ever after just yet.

The nightmares she'd had before the Murder Game were still there, only now they varied. Sometimes Bison would be there to capture her. Other times Dio Brando would be there to drain her blood. Once or twice she'd seen Constanza with her gun aimed at her, filling her with bullets as she screamed, "I'm the God of Hellfire!" Every dream had fire and smoke, suffocated her, made it hard to breathe. Every night she would wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath, unable to sleep for more than a few hours.

Julia wasn't here. She and Noembelu had both tried to rebuild the tribe with Thunder Hawk, but they all knew, really, it was too good to be true. Julia couldn't stay long here. The memories of that night…of her father…she needed to get away, and she did. In her last letter, she'd mentioned that she was in Egypt, working with the United Nations. 'Psycho Power or not, I can't live with myself unless I do some good in the World,' Julia had said. 'I can't shake this feeling that this is all my fault-that I need to give myself to doing good to counter all the harm I've done.' Noembelu couldn't bring herself to write. She had so many things she wanted to talk to Julia about, so many questions, fears, worries…but she just couldn't do it. She'd tried, many times, but all it ever really amounted to was staring at a blank piece of paper for an hour.

For the life of her, she couldn't figure out how things spiraled out of control like this. After coming back from her visit with Karin, Noembelu had felt some semblance of peace, some acceptance of herself. She'd returned home happy, joked and worked with her parents as if everything was back to normal, helped out others in the tribe…it was like nothing had ever changed. But then…then, something did change. And it happened whenever those damned nightmares plagued her sleep. Her subconscious was screaming to her, telling her things weren't right, but what? What was wrong? Why couldn't she be back to normal? Wasn't that Murder Game what she needed to be happy? Why couldn't she just be happy?!

And so, her happiness left. It had been fun, for the week it lasted, but she was now more withdrawn than ever. The therapist had said that would be normal, considering all she'd been through. But she hated it. She wanted to be the girl Birdie had talked about, the 'real her'. She wanted that more than anything. But she just couldn't be the real her. Maybe this was the real her? A sad, withdrawn nothing who was only meant to be used. A living breathing murder weapon. And no matter how hard she tried to escape that, she never would.

That is, until one night, just after midnight. She was tossing and turning in sleep, having another nightmare (the most common one of Bison), when suddenly…


For the first time in years, Noembelu woke up slowly, groggily. The dream hadn't reached its end yet, and yet she had managed to avoid it. How? Oh-the TV in her room was on. Did she roll onto the remote while she slept? She felt around for iton the bed, trying to turn the damn thing off, until the words said registered.

"--she was a former Doll, you know, one of those girls Shadaloo kidnapped!"

Noembelu froze. She looked at the television screen, realizing that it was on some news station. The words FORMER SHADALOO DOLL SET TO PETITION FOR SUMO WRESTLING IN THE OLYMPICS stood out on the screen, and Noembelu recognized Fevrier instantly. What…?

"Colette, who used to go by the codename Fevrier, stayed with renowned sumo wrestler Edmond Honda for a few months following her rescue from Shadaloo. A few other girls also stayed with him." They showed a picture of some of her fellow Dolls with this Honda: Enero. Fevrier. Satsuki. Santum. All of them looked…happy.

The screen changed to Fevrier-Colette, apparently-being interviewed. "When I got here, I thought fat people were all stupid and lazy," she said. "But Honda-sensei is different. He showed me that you can be a fatass and still be a decent person. He also showed me that sumo wrestling is a powerful sport that Western idiots can't appreciate!" She grabbed the microphone from the reporter and pointed at the camera. "You hear me, you lazy piles of [BLEEP] watching back home?! I'm gonna make sure sumo wrestling gets into the Olympics!"

"Gahahaha!" That laugh again. On screen now was Honda himself. He looked so…jolly. As if he hadn't a care in the world. Even with a gross scar on his shoulder, it looked as if nothing could faze him. "Colette's enthusiasm for sumo is nothing I've ever seen before! I'm real proud of her, to tell the truth! I'm proud of all the girls who stayed with me! They've brightened up so much, and I think that's really important!" His voice suddenly had a serious tone to it. "We all find ourselves in situations we can't control…where life seems unfair…but in the end, you gotta find what makes you smile. What brings you peace." His jovial demeanor came right back. "Just like Colette right here with sumo! Gahahaha!"

Noembelu was transfixed. She couldn't stop staring at the screen. Maybe…just maybe…this was her answer. Maybe this man could help her. She wasn't sure, but something about Honda…and oddly enough, that scar, made her feel like she could trust him.

For the first time in a while, Noembelu actually felt a bit of hope.


"Oh good, it worked."

Outside of Noembelu's room, someone watched her quietly. Bright red eyes observed the former Doll, a smile on her face. Placing the TV remote on the windowsill, she walked off.


"Hmm…let's see…" She opened a notebook, her finger travelling the lines. "So, since she has the idea in her head now…Noembelu should be arriving in Tokyo within the week, meaning that she'll be able to meet Wanda in time! Perfect!" The girl smirked, flipping to the next page. "Now…let's see if she can find out who she TRULY is."

To be continued...
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Okay. So all of that had been confusing as all hell, to both Rui and Wes as a whole. But with some odd puzzle they had been made to face solved, they managed to find some odd sort of tear, floating in the air before something odd happened. It seemed like the tear tore a hole in reality itself, the whole thing being a very confusing process. Not to mention, things were getting dark and an odd melody could be heard in the distance. All combined, it led to Rui unwittingly clinging to Wes, not really wanting to get separated yet again. Which, fortunately? They weren't. Whatever the hell it was that happened, they made it through, and did so together. Even though it was all a blur and one of them happened to struggle with recovering when they came out of it.

"Ughhh..." she groaned, releasing her hold on Wes and instead rubbing her head. "What was that, anyways?" she inquired to nobody in particular, not really having been able to take in any of what happened. Her head was swimming and she was really confused if she was even alive, with how odd the events had been. Fortunately, it seemed she was. She felt like she was, anyways, but then again, she didn't really know what being dead felt like. Not to mention, she could have sworn she had heard--



In an instant, Rui had forgotten all of her woes, her heart skipping a beat and her body going on autopilot at the sound and sight of her friend. Her body collided with his in a deep hug, arms flung around him without a thought in a deep embrace. Almost as though she worried that, were she to let go, he would vanish again. But she was aware that she couldn't hold onto him forever, so eventually, she forced herself to pull back, instead hugging her arms at her stomach almost nervously. A smile was shone at him, but it was one of uncertainty. "I was worried sick. I thought..- It's just, you were gone so long, I was worried that...-" she trailed off, scuffling her feet with a look on her face that made it seem like she was on the verge of tears. Fortunately, Buddy intervened, his landing on her shoulder seeming to pull her from her trance. Her look was replaced with a smile again, though it was a wavering one, her arms falling to her sides and hands clenching into fists as she burst out. "I'm so glad you're alright!"


Yeah. Good to get that off of her chest, even if it earned her a slightly amused look from Wes, who seemed to find the display funny. "No need to shout," he remarked offhandedly with a smirk,. It earned him a small huff of annoyance from Rui, but he hardly cared. Rather than worrying about Rui's frustration, he just quietly eyed the offered hand, expression unreadable as he did so. Normally, he wasn't really one for formalities, but to hell. The kid had shown guts and spunk, and he could appreciate that enough to show a little respect. "Glad you aren't dead, kid." Yeah. It wasn't much, but it was probably the best he was getting.

Shaking off her partner's more depressing words, Rui again piped up, answering to Ben's own words now that she seemed to recover from her fumble. "Insane," she spoke, the first word that came to mind to describe the experience. "And... Horrible. So many people died. If I could've just chosen better, maybe I could've stopped it. But I didn't," she muttered, biting her lip before shaking her head. "But I can't change that, and-- And everyone's back somehow! So I shouldn't linger, huh? Everyone's okay again."

Except, she didn't think 'okay' described how she felt right now. Not even close. Still, she--


"...Wait, stuff like this happens every six months for you?"

"im jealous"

@Crow @Whoevs​

Ben returned the hug.

"As long as I have the Omnitrix, Buddy, and all those other guys having my back back in that funny afterlife place, I'll be A-OK," Ben assures Rui.

"I'm glad to see you alive and kicking too, Wes," Ben smiles back to Wes.

"Don't stress yourself, Rui, everyone's back in one piece and the big bad's all gone for now. There's always trouble around the corner, but hopefully, whatever comes tomorrow or the day after will be nothing as major as that Emnity guy."

Ben scratches his head for a bit.

"I think 6 months might've been a bit of an exaggeration," Ben says, "if 'stuff like this' refers to somehow getting thrown into a weird place outside of all of time and space much like where I was teleported to back there, 3 times, technically 4. Pretty specific, but it just happened to eight of us."

Before Ben could continue, he realised that he had one thing to do before saying his goodbyes.

"Wes, Rui, think you could wait for me for just a short while?" Ben asks, "I have some things to attend to before we part..."


Meanwhile, Buddy, still on Rui's shoulder, rubbed his face against her. "Skree-ee-ee..." Buddy then seemed to be eyeing Wes' Pokeballs, as if wanting to see the creatures that inhabited then for one last time in a long while...

"Supergirl, I'd like to exchange some words..." Ben utters under his breath, believing that the receipant's superhearing will pick it up.

Next, Ben slammed his Omnitrix down. In a flash of green light, he transformed into a taller, fish-like being.


"Flailbait!" It exclaimed while waving to two particular red individuals. Ben didn't walk too far from Wes and Rui, so they'd still see it. Most would recognise that the creature was the same race as Prince Sidon and Princess Mipha. "Princess! Prince! Over here!" Flailbait flailed its arms towards the royal Zora, Mipha and Sidon. "Pardon me, but I never actually got your names."

@Crow @Midnight Maiden @Mason Moretti @Bomb @LuckycoolHawk9
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