Hunt And Destroy

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Laurie rubbed her temple as she walked down to the crater. Another headache was developing. A perimeter had been set up around the explosion site, but still she could see two people wandering around in it. "Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave immediately, this is off limits to civilians," she yells out to them. It looks like a man and a child. Mabye some dad showing his brat the site. "We got two trespassers, send perimeter guards," she says into the walkie talkie on her shoulder. "I repeat, you're not allowed down there!"
'I think its best we don't worry and just get to work, sometimes Grendel does his best thinking when his asleep"
Roans eased into the chair beside yours and picked up a book off the table. it was a ledger of accounts and meetings.
"hmm this looks promising, its a log book but mostly for food and work shipments, I'm sure there might be another for her 'other' business"

Emil flipped up his collar and quietly made his way into the crowd of officers and suits, he made his best effort to look into the crater without drawing attention, maybe wearing a coat in late afternoon was not the best idea. Emil stood at the edge of the giant hole, only dirt.
"What are you looking at?"
"OH SHIT!" Emil panicked and looked around, the boy stood at his side tugging on his coat.
"What are you ding here? Do you know what they will do to you of they see you?"
"They won't"
Emil huffed.
"Who's the screaming lady?"
"Her" the boy pointed to a woman yelling at them from across the crater
"No idea"
Serenity looked over at what he was reading. "Yea I'll start looking to see if there is another one." She said as she began to look at the covers and titles of the papers a little bit more quickly but still taking in most of the information.
When two hunter security guards arrived, Laurie sent them down into the pit to talk to the two intruders. She watched carefully, ready to call them back at the first sign of trouble. "Do not engage, if resisting then let me handle it," the walkie-talkie cracked as they got closer to the people. Then one of the guards notices the child had no eyes. "Miss, we got demons down here," he mutters wearily as they get closer.
"You two are not allowed here, stop and leave immediately."
Ronas kept reading the ledger.

Emil Stared at the woman.
"Oh crap"
"I know her.."
"I don't like her"
"Well...M-me neither"
"Of course not"
"She was my partner back when I was a hunter... We really need to go."
The boy walked away into the crowd. Panic stricken Emil quickly followed
"You just expect us to walk out?"
"We just did."
he sighed..."I hate you"
"I know"
Laurie narrowed her eyes at the retreating figures. There was something really familiar about them. Maybe they were wanted by Hunters? "Gaurds, get after them and detain them. I think we need them," she says before jumping down the pit to go after him herself. As she caught closer to them Laurie almost nodded. She felt like to knew the guy.
"She's getting closer"
"She know's... She wants you."
Emil tried to focus and move faster.
"Other men are with her"
"Wait what?"
"To catch us, they want us alive."
"Can't you get us out of here?"
"Well why aren't you?"
"I can't"
"now would be a good time!"
Laurie runs to catch up to them and grabs the taller man's shoulder, whipping him around. She freezes for a second, a look of disbeleif covering her face. This wasn't possible. "Emil?" she gasps.
Emil looks down, the boy is gone..
"Who? My name is Phil..."
he turns away and hides behind his collar.
Laurie narrows her eyes. "Liar." She pulls out a gun. "Why are you here and where did that demon go?" Her eyes darken and narrow at Emil.
Emil's hands shoot up. His eyes dart about desperately.
"Lady I have no idea what you're talking about."
Laurie glares at him but flips out a police badge anyway. Fake, courtesy of special ops department. "Then you won't mind coming in for questioning? This bombing was a terrorist plot after all, and your trespassing where you're not supposed to." A small smile flits across her face. More guards move around the perimeter of the hole.
Emils hands drop to his sides..
"Not like I have much choice... I'll bite."
"I have thick gloves," Laurie mutters in response, jerking his hands behind his back and securing them. "It's a shame you're not him then." Rocks crumbled beneath her feet as she lead him out of the chasm. Guards seperate to let them through to a patrol car.
"Wasn't talking about your hands, officer"
Emil slid into the backseat and waited patiently.
Laurie raises her eyebrows at him and motions for the driver to start. They'd head to a branch of the Hunter's office. "So, why were you down in the restricted zone, Emil?"
"Technically I wasn't down, I was more like on the edge."
Emil slouches in the back seat and fiddles with the cuffs.
Serenity was starting to get impatient as she kept look through books but didn't find anything interesting. She had never been the mo patient person, but this was really starting to her nerves that nothing seemed to be anything important or even interesting. She growled as her wild hair kept falling into her face and getting in her way, and finally giving up she put it up into a sloppy bun. Her eyes narrowed as she picked up another book and began to read over it. "I'm not finding anything useful..." She said halfway to herself.
Rona's Looked up at her. "cute bun. And if it helps, Im beginning to think that this ledger is coded, ti has a lot of weird shipping times and locations, ad companies I've never heard of."
Serenity felt her cheeks turn a little pink color from the compliment but she forgot about it when he told about what he thought. "Really? That's interesting..." Serenity said looking over at it. "What do you think it could mean though?" She asked.
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