Hunt And Destroy

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Serenity hadn't heard about things getting so out of control until now and she was a little bit shocked about it. "Oh wow..." Was all that she could say as she walked over to the fridge and began picking out condiments.
"This is all we have left, retribution."
Faust stuffed down the first burger.
"Do you have like a built plan, or are you just trying to do what you can with the hunters?" Serenity asked starting to eat her hamburger.
"We need to find them first, thats why I attacked the cops."
Faust stuffed his last burger in his face.
"its a call, the demons are getting bold, they'll be on the alert now actively looking for us. That will make them vulnerable and more easy to detect."
"Oh, so it was almost like bait then?" Serenity said understanding why he had attacked the cops now.
"Yes, also I killed one of their best, he was a detective, it was his cover. Hows the food?"
"The food is very good, thanks! And I think I remember seeing you kill that guy." Serenity said remembering watching him kill so many humans so fast and smoothly.
"Yea I sneaked in through a back window earlier and I was about to leave right before it all started, but Grendel stopped me from and told me to watch..." Serenity said finishing her burger.
"Yeah, that's Grendel, he likes letting me do all the hard work, all the while he sleeps in his armchair. I am glad he let me kill the first hunter though, it was considerate."
"I killed a hunter that tried to attack me when I first came to this world... He wasn't very experienced though so he was easy to kill. And yea I guess it was good that he told me to stay or else I would be sitting at home asleep right now probably." Serenity said.
Ronas paused and looked into serenity's eyes.
"Yeah...that wouldn't be good... not good"
Laurie sighed and cracked her neck. They had to do mass mind-alteration blanketing and news moderation. All the humans in Redrum now believe it was a underground explosive and human trafficking operation run in that chinese shop and all the cops killed by those demons were martyrs. The shop exploded when some storage stuff blew up. It was a stretch but it would have to do. This was one of the things demons were useful for, messing with human's so they're easier to manage. Rubbing her temple, Laurie looks through some files. They were going to have to raise recruiting quotas for both humans and demons. So much work is going to be done, but Laurie grinned. War was coming, and it would be glorious for the Hunters.
Serenity looked back up at him, looking directly into his eyes this time. "Yea hopefully I can help you guys some more with this stuff...This is the most excitement I've had in a while." She said quietly.
"Yeah, me too"

Emil watched from a distance as police and fire crews dug through what little evidence they had found in the crater..
"That boy is insane"
"He is"
"You're not helping"
The eyeless boy shrugged.
"Oh kock it off, you know for the almighty angel of death you really aren't much help"
The boy shrugged again.
"The others are gone, we must follow."
"we will soon, but first I need to take a closer look as the crater"
"Oh yea I guess we better go look through more book or something to see if there is anything else there." Serenity said remembering the books laying on the floor in the other room.
Serenity grabbed her glass of water and started to walk back to the room they had been in before.
"Yea I wonder when he fell asleep." Serenity said looking at Grendel who was still asleep in the chair. She went and over and picked up a book and began to read through it. She set it down when she didn't find anything and picked up some more papers to look through.

Zane decided that he didn't want to know what was going on at the restaurant, he had already seen enough crazy things for one day and he just wanted to go home and watch some tv. He turned around and started to walk to his home which was only a couple blocks away. As he walked he began to drift away into his mind and thoughts, not paying attention to anyone anymore. He had so much on his mind that he needed to just escape from it all.
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