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Original poster
IN A TIME WHERE racial discrimination is rampant and the Cold War is at its height, an ominous force looms over the wizarding world. Despite efforts to keep them apart, the magical and the mundane nonetheless overlap and bleed influence into each other. Muggles grapple with political and military disarray, while the wizarding community is faced with an enemy so formidable it is only ever mentioned in whispers: they call him the Dark Lord, and his followers, the Death Eaters.

Such is the influence of this rising group of supremacists that even Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, rumoured to be one of the safest places in the world next to Gringotts, cannot remain unperturbed for long. A new academic year has begun, and as students both young and old pour into the school's ancient halls, whispers of an unspeakable terror reigning within campus grounds abound. A group of pureblood supremacists, armed with dark intentions and even darker magic, now stand at the helm of the school. The well-being of half-breeds and muggle-borns alike hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Event -- Chapter 3: A Day in Detention
Flashback: Tuesday, September 2, 1975

THE FIRST DAY of the new school year had certainly been an eventful one. Thanks to the Weasel and his henchmen, friendships had begun to tear apart, carefully woven masks had shown their cracks, and reputations so tightly safeguarded were now blemished. Yet, the day went past in a quick flick of a wand. Now that classes were wrapped up for the day, it seemed that the worst was finally over.

However, matters such as last night's senior party would always somehow make it back to the professors, regardless of how hard students try to cover it up or how many protective charms they cast on each other to ensure the secret stays hidden. As such, when the clock struck five and all four houses poured into the Great Hall for the night's feast, an announcement from Professor Dumbledore awaited them there.

The Headmaster had quite a few choice things to say about the students' disregard of the school rules and had made a note, albeit in his usual expertly calm demeanor, about how they had set a poor example to the lower years. In what seemed to be an off-topic remark, he mused about how the castle had been standing for however many long years, and that various parts of it would need some thorough cleaning. He gazed down upon the Seventh Years through his half-moon spectacles, just before flashing them a cheeky smile.

It was thus decided that the Seniors would be spending an entire Saturday cleaning the castle and the areas surrounding it. The catch, of course, is that it would all be manual labor, and all wands would remain confiscated until the evening of that day. Whether this punishment would teach the Seventh Years a lesson, however, is another matter entirely.

Saturday, September 6, 1975
Starting Point: Detention

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY it was! There was not a cloud in sight and the sun was shining brightly through the castle windows when the students stirred from their slumber that morning. It would have been the perfect end to a long week—a chance to unwind and explore the school grounds, if only detention didn't await the Seventh Years that day.

While the lower years discussed what they would do on this fine day of freedom amongst each other, the seniors were merely filled with dread over what was to come. A listing of detention duties and groups had been put up in each of the four common rooms. It read as follows:

Asher Fay
Emrys Jernigan
Joan Lambert
Kyler Summers
Raina Summers

Kassandra Castillo
Henry Chen
Lauren Harrison
Sebastian Kissinger
Christopher Williams
August Yilmaz

Anastasia Fitzgerald
Jabari Asim
Pedro Govanni
Deborah Johnson
Felix Sloan

: Persephone Gaunt
Heather Clarke
Morrigan Quinn
Oswin Ravenwood
Garaile Scriven
Millicent Thomson

Alistair Blackbourne
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Seraphim Brimm
Melinda Geralds
Giselle Rosier

Whoever decided on this list must have done so deliberately and with less-than-noble intentions, because with such conveniently mismatched groups, conflict is almost certain to arise!
Write-up by FieryCold | Coding by FieryCold | © Art by Andrew Davidson

SU / 1 / 2 / 3
Monday, September 1, 1975

A NEW SCHOOL YEAR is starting. While some look around anxiously, especially the muggleborns, who scream when they run through the wall towards Platform 9 3/4, others are more confident in their way around. Especially the seventh years who are looking forward to start their last year in Hogwarts.

Between the worried parents with well-meant advice, the pets that managed to escape and the bulks of baggage, a plan is brewing between the seniors. As the students wave off their parents and take their seats inside the Hogwarts Express, a flyer is passed between them.

It is laced with a special charm much alike the one used at the Halloween party from last year, however, this year only the seventh years are invited and the rest are left in the dark.

So, just like the invitation states the seniors sneak out of their dorms after the banquet. When everyone is asleep, or assumed to be, they make their way through the dark to Hogsmeade. There at the Three Broomsticks Inn, a party waits for them; they are starting the school year with a blast!
  • Love
Reactions: Bubs and Nemopedia


MILLIE COULD ALMOST SMELL the seasons changing. At last, summer was ending and giving way for autumn. It was unclear to her why it was so, but she had always had a preference for this time of the year. Perhaps it was the way the leaves changed from green to yellow to a stunning scarlet, or the way they'd fall and crunch underneath her feet, or the promise of pumpkin spice and Halloween. Perhaps it was for nostalgic reasons; her godmother had always called her 'Autumn child' due to the striking redness of her hair, despite the fact that her birthday was sometime in late Winter. Whatever the case was, she had a good feeling about this year. She always did, whenever a new semester was about to begin. It didn't matter if time would prove her otherwise.

However, she was off to a rough start. Tottering along the road to Hogsmeade proved to be a difficult feat as a mere cat. The place was crowded and people were too caught up in their own errands to pay mind to their surroundings. It was up to Millie to swerve when needed, stop when needed, run when needed. Her small stature lent clandestinity, which was good for when she needed to be discreet, but not in times like these when all she wanted to do was survive a short trip to the Three Broomsticks.

When she finally managed to maneuver the crowd in one piece, she slipped into the bar just as a couple of customers walked in. She didn't dare to transfigure back into her human form just then, opting to linger in the shadows for a bit, keeping an eye out for a proper hiding place.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade



IT WAS WITH some reluctance that Alistair travelled to Hogsmeade. Seventh year meant a time for NEWTs and making good impressions as the Slytherin Head Boy. It was certainly not a time to dawdle around when there was barely a year left until graduation. But Zed had pleaded him to come, and that alone was enough, as much as Alistair hated to admit it.

The temperature was slowly dwindling down and Alistair was glad for it. No longer was he drenched in sweat due to the abysmal summer heat or constantly reaching for a glass of water. This was just cool enough to be comfortable, so he took his time striding along the winding road to Hogsmeade. Of course, this was besides the fact that he dreaded having to interact with their fellow classmates, most if not all of whom would certainly question his uncharacteristically daring presence at the Three Broomsticks Inn. Alistair would certainly get quite a bit of attention for all the rules he had broken and would be breaking tonight. And on the first day of school, no less!

"How is this cold again? Today's perfectly pleasant—" He turned to where his brother should have been, but for some reason unbeknownst to him, Zed was no longer there. People walked past, all immersed in their own little bubbles of conversation as the Slytherin boy just stood there in the midst of it all, confused. He spent perhaps a few seconds searching the crowd for any sign of his brother, and then gave up, deciding that he might as well just head over to the Three Broomsticks on his own. If his brother had any sense, then he would do the same as well.

The first thing that greeted Alistair upon entering the Three Broomsticks was the noise. Gales of laughter erupted from one table, amidst a medley of chitter-chatter and some quiet music trickling out of an unseen source. He immediately recognized some of his classmates and was quick to evade their eyes, though he supposed they were probably too busy chatting amongst themselves to even see him. Alistair stuck to the walls and places less crowded with people, making his very complicated way to the nearest end of the bar.

As he seated himself on one of the stools, he and the bartender made some rather awkward eye contact, which Alistair simply acknowledged with an abrupt nod. "A, er, cuppa tea..." Then, as though in afterthought, because apparently he hadn't been awkward enough,"Please."

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Mentioned:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Colour tag: #339966
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
When was it that Melinda had sat with the gang proper? The Gryffindor had been so busy over the summer she had forgotten all about maintaining her social circle. Lorene's wedding into the Crouch family, the preparation that came with and the responsibilities afterwards. Suddenly the Geralds family had boosted up in their own social status. From an average-class pureblood family they suddenly had entered prestige. Prestige and class.

Her clumsy father had suddenly received a good and unexpected promotion, Lorene was offered a job at the ministry while still fresh on the market, and her mother was constantly organising one tea party after another. Everyone wanted to connect with the Geralds, as if they were the new family Black.

Melinda wasn't left alone in all of this either. The new friends she had gained, along with the weight of last year's failures, had her constantly moving around. She was terrified of making more and worse mistakes than she already had. Her family was moving up in respect and the girl liked to keep it that way, no matter the costs. She had already failed to grab the position as the Head girl of her house, her performance as a prefect last year too fresh and too great. However, by some miracle (read: Lorene) she was allowed to stay the leader of the Potion's club. At least she had that sliver of dignity left.

However, today she wanted to forget about her responsibilities and obligations. Almost certain that her old friends would be at The Three Broomsticks tonight she had broken her own oath of good behaviour and followed. They were seniors and there was only so little time left before their times together as children would be over. A thought she didn't like to think of.

"Tea? You're such a grandpa," Melinda smirked at Alistair, signing to the bartender for a glass of butterbeer. She needed it, she felt, to kill the nerves. "Where is your brother?" she questioned, wondering where her fellow Gryffindor was.
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QUITE SOME TIME had passed since the last time he and Melinda last spoke to one another. It was a strange thing to be childhood friends, engaged, and yet still have an element of distance in between all the same. Throughout the summer, Alistair had only seen his fiancé once, and that was at Lorene's wedding a month or two ago—an occasion that required their presence for the sake of courtesy and familial responsibility, without which neither one of them might have never attended at all.

Melinda's demeanour had also changed. He could say that with certainty, but if you asked him what exactly had changed, he wouldn't quite be able to pinpoint what it was. It lurked there, underneath the surface: hesitance, an unspoken word, or perhaps it was her simple presence in this dreary pub on the first day of school, ordering a glass of butterbeer when her reputation hung in the balance, very nearly past the point of redemption.

Then she smirked, that signature evil smirk he had grown to despise even as they were children, and Alistair decided he must be overthinking it after all.

He simply sighed at Melinda's remark, but nonetheless addressed her query. Leaning to the side in order to put some space between them to feel comfortable, he said,
"The fool's somehow vanished on our way here." He gave a small shrug as he sipped his tea. Then, curious, he continued, "Have you got some business with him?" What he really wanted to ask was how her summer went, but decided not to do so. After a long time apart, it seemed that even such a casual topic as that breached boundaries.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
- Mentioned:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Colour tag: #339966
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
"Nothing special. I just missed him," Melinda casually responded as she pulled the butterbeer towards herself. Realising how her reply could be perceived she quickly amended herself, "I have missed everyone over the summer, it has been busy." This was no lie, but it felt like a weak excuse. She certainly hadn't been too busy for her new friends.

"How was summer?" she asked, suddenly awkward. She shouldn't have to ask this question. Melinda's expression turned dark for a second as she thought of this. They were childhood friends, she had spent the majority of her previous summers with the Blackbourne twins. Yet, here she was, feeling like she was being choked out of her time and freedom, desperately clinging onto the past that seemed so much brighter. "Asides from hot," she joked smiling again.
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Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Millie the Cat
A special party for seniors was the kind of thing that Zed was looking for. It was the perfect opportunity to spend more time with his Slytherin twin. The two haven't been hanging out as much as they used to. He felt as if they were slowly drifting apart, though he wasn't exactly sure when it started. But perhaps he only thought this was the cause of how much he missed him.

Asking Alistair to come was easier said than done. Before he even asked, Zed could already tell that his brother had no intention of going to the party. Unfortunatey for Ali, Zed was never one to give up easily. It took a considerable amount of begging but he eventually managed the Slytherin head boy to attend.

Zed couldn't help the grin he wore as they made they way to the Three Broomsticks. To say he was excited was putting it lightly. The only thing that could make things better was if it were September. While it wasn't extremely cold, the temperature was already low enough to bother Zed. One would think that after living seventeen years of his life in such a place he would've grown acustomed to it, but he never really did.

The place was already packed with students. Some he knew, others he didn't. He looked around trying to find their other friends. That didn't last long as his attention was immediately caught by something else. A ginger cat, one that he knew well, trying to hide from the crowd. Before he could even think it, his feet were already moving towards the furry creature.

Soon as he got to where it was, he picked he cat up and moved towards the wall, away from the crowd. "Hey there little buddy! What are you doing in here? Did you get lost?" he petted the cat as he spoke to it knowing fully well that the creature wouldn't be able to articulate a proper answer.
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MELINDA'S EXPRESSION noticeably changed when she asked him how his summer went, but it only lasted for a fleeting moment and it was gone again. Alistair perked up at the mention of summer. If he had noticed Melinda's momentary demeanour, it was just as quickly forgotten.

"Hot--" he began to say, at the exact same time Melinda interjected. He smiled then, the first of that day, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. He pretended to think for a bit. "The usual. It wasn't the same without you, of course, but you were understandably busy." He continued, in part teasing her for her earlier remark about Zed, in part genuinely letting her know in the only way he could that her presence had been missed as well. After all, they had spent their summers together since they were children, but now it seemed times were changing.

They were growing up.

"How was yours?" He asked, then jokingly interjected, "Asides from busy."

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia

Colour tag: #339966


JUST AS she was picking her way to the bathroom, lo and behold! Her least favorite person manifested before her. Millie found herself backing away with a hiss, looking for a way to escape, but Zed managed to trap her in his hold before she could act. The boy was a lot of things: slow in wit, and much too haughty than what he was entitled to, but he was not slow in reflexes. Millie, having had to deal with him for seven whole years and counting, ought to know by now.

A string of curses promptly left Millie's mouth just then, though to an outsider it would have simply sounded like mere mewls. Millie thrashed, kicked, and tried to escape his grip, but no matter what she did, he would simply not let go.

With a defeated sigh, she let herself be held. Even after all these years, Zed remained utterly oblivious to her true identity: Millicent Thomson, resident Ravenclaw mudblood and the object of his and his peers' bullying over the past couple of years. Well, perhaps she was exaggerating. It was just one incident in their first year, but that one incident was enough to leave a lasting impression upon her.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade

- Interactions:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
"Busy," she teasingly replied, a grin spreading over her face before she took a gulp of her drink. How had her summer been? Melinda didn't know what emotion to give it, or if she even had enjoyed summer. 'Stressful', was the first word that popped up, but she didn't want to spoil the first conversation she had with Alistair.

"Fine," she settled with. Mind wandering off to everything that had happened in the past two months. "Memorable. I'm finally the oldest at home," she continued with a shrug, but her voice sounded empty rather than cheerful like she meant it to be. "Too many people," she continued with a groan, as if that had been what bothered her the most. However, she wished it was only so.

"I miss Lorene," were her final words on the matter. Did she really miss her sister? Perhaps, the girl always knew what to do, but at the same time the blasted woman was also the reason why Melinda's summer ended up like it did.
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Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Millie the Cat
Alistair Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds
Almost as soon as he picked her up, the cat purred and trashed about in protest. Zed figured that she was just surprised by the sudden pick up and continued petting her. He knew that she would calm down eventually. And he was right! The cat soon calmed down in his arms.

"It's dangerous to roam around here right now. You might get kicked or trampled by someone." Zed frowned at the thought of someone accidentally harming a cat. The expression didn't last however. Within seconds, the frown melted into a smile and he enthusiastically continued, "Which is why I'm taking you with me! Now, we just gotta find my brother..."

He scanned the crowd again, this time searching for his long haired twin. Luck was on his side as the crowd parted in such a way that gave him a window to see where his brother was. It seemed like he wasn't alone, but he didn't get a glimpse long enough as the sea of people went back to blocking his view.

Zed looked at the cat he was holding. "I think I saw Ali by the bar." Without another word, Zed headed straight into the crowd, trying to get to the bar area. He held the ginger cat close to him, tight enough that she would fall, but loose enough that she isn't getting squished. It took a great deal of effort and a lot more shoving than he expected but he eventually managed to reach the bar area. Once he was there, it became as clear as day who it was his brother was with.

"Ali! I see you found Melvin~"] he joyfully greeted as he sat on the stool beside his brother completely oblivious to what it was they were talking about. He ordered a butterbeer from the bartender before turning to his closest friends. "So, what were you two talking about before I came?"


"And here I thought you'd say hot," Alistair replied in the same teasing manner.

Melinda seemed to think harder then, and after a little bit of a pause she said, "Fine." Alistair instantly recognized the lie for what it was: a barely concealed one at that. He began to wonder what Melinda could have been possibly been thinking about, that led her to choose such a generic response.

Before he could decide whether to press on further or not, however, she continued, "Memorable. I'm finally the oldest at home," she gave an indifferent shrug then, and she sounded far from enthusiastic about the idea. "Too many people."

Alistair still felt as though there was something she was not telling him, but he was hardly one to press on matters that he had no business with, and he was more than certain Melinda wouldn't appreciate the questions. However, it looked like he didn't have to ask.

"I miss Lorene," She finally said.

"Hmm," Alistair hummed, not in agreement or empathy, but simply to show that he was listening, in case she had more to say about the matter. But a moment passed and she didn't say anything else. "That's what marriage does, I suppose."

Before they could talk any further, Zed finally made his appearance and sat by Alistair's side, loudly wondering what they had been talking about.

"A hot and busy summer," Alistair responded simply, internally smirking, when his eyes fell on the cat in Zed's arms. He groaned. "Merlin's beard, Zed, I swear you have the attention span of a goldfish. Is that what's been keeping you busy up until now?"

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Colour tag: #339966
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Millie the Cat
Alistair Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds
His butterbeer arrived sooner than he had expected it to. Zed took a sip from the mug and nearly spat it out upon hearing his brother's statement. "Hot? What do you mean hot! The summer weather was perfect!" He dramatically sighed. "I miss it already."

He looked down at the cat in his arms and settled it on his lap before proceeding to gently scratching the top of its head. "That cat again, eh? Merlin's beard, Zed, I swear you have the attention span of a goldfish. Is that how you got lost?" his brother said. Zed couldn't help but let out a laugh. He missed these moments with his brother.

"I can't help it, Ali. She was in potential trouble. I had to save her," he responded as his pets moved to her ear. He took another swig from his mug of butterbeer before turning his attention to Mel.

"Melllviiin~ What have you been up to this summer? You and Ali have been so busy all summer," he pouted at the two. A few seconds later, he gasped as a thought suddenly came to mind. "Don't tell me, have you two been going on dates with each other all summer long?" he teased with a grin, lightly nudging Ali with his elbow.
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
'Marriage', the word made her cringe inwardly. Luckily Ali didn't have the time to take note of her expression as Zed popped up with a ginger cat. Letting the two brothers bicker she extended her hand towards the cat, wanting to pet it, but realised that she needed to stretch her arm for that, which in turn would reveal her wrist. An unfavourable chain of actions and Melinda let her arm dangle in the air for a few moments before quickly pulling back.

A smirk graced her features as Zed addressed her, ignoring his silly little nickname for her. "He wished," she scoffed, giving her fiance a glance. "Alistair was just telling me how he missed me over the summer," she followed, crossing her arms with a satisfied look on her face. "Don't worry. We will have aaaaall summers together once we marry, won't we, dear?" she cooed at him, hoping for a reaction.

Her celebratory mood was short-lived, however, as a face popped up within the group. Giselle Rosier, one of the new friends she made over summer, stared disapprovingly at Zed and the cat. "Is that a stray? I don't recognise it as any of yours," she spoke, meaning to address all, but only acknowledging Melinda. Brushing her sleek blonde hair into place the female smiled at the Gryffindor. "Glad that you got out that depressing groove of yours, Melly."

Melinda grimaced at the nickname, shifting her weight a little as she mentally pleaded for this to be over with. Giselle intimidated her, both because of her family name, but also because of her unmatched popularity within the student body. She could make, or break the Gryffindor, and Melinda really didn't need to be any more broken than she already was. "Giselle, hi, what brings you here to this corner?" the Gryffindor finally spoke, she knew that the girl wouldn't out her in the open. That would be plain stupidity, but the girl didn't like Giselle's attitude one bit. Not that she dared to speak out of turn.

Reminded of why she sought out the petite girl the blondine pulled out a napkin with brownies. "Happy time," she winked at the Gryffindor. "They're good, and they will help you lighten up," she followed, her smile condescending as she eyed Alistair and his tea. "I suppose your friends can use a sugar rush as well," she challenged, her voice taunting.

Not waiting for a response the female turned her attention back at the Gryffindor again. "Anyway," Giselle spoke as she handed the goods to Melinda. "Try to enjoy yourself, we are sitting over there, if you want to join," she nodded vaguely into a direction. "Also, be careful with that stray, it may carry diseases," were her last words before leaving, taking a moment to pause and look down at the cat. Melinda let go of a sigh, relief washing over her, as she realised she had been holding in her breath.

"Sorry for that," she tried, looking down at the brownies in hands. "Giselle can be quite..." she paused as she took up one of the sweets and nibbled at it, "something- Hey these are good," she quickly changed the topic as she held up the treats. The brownies didn't taste like anything suspicious, so Melinda figured that there wasn't anything weird hidden within. "Try it," she urged the twins.
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It was incredibly infuriating how Zed seemed to think that she needed saving.

"I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much!" She retorted with a hiss, but he was oblivious to her objections. Instead, he began talking about his brother. It was as though he expected a cat to understand him. She did, of course, but that was besides the point.

Zed carried her in a gridlock to the bar. That was when she saw Alistair Blackbourne--Slytherin Head Boy and overachiever with a pineapple stuck in his butt--and his equally stuck-up fiancé. A bunch of nasty supremacists they all were. Millie stayed quiet and proceeded to eavesdrop on their conversation, intent on scrounging up all the juicy little details. The school newspaper could use some of their dirty secrets, after all. She felt instantly determined.

However, it vanished in a snap of a finger when Geralds inched towards her. If there was anyone Millie hated the most out of their group, it was this raven-haired midget. It would have been bearable to simply be in her presence, but to be coddled by this abominable witch was another matter entirely.

How humiliating, Millie thought with a wince, but by some miracle Geralds stopped just short of patting her. Millie didn't know what prompted the Geralds girl to change her mind, but she was nonetheless glad for it.

Their little group didn't get far into their conversation when Giselle Rosier intervened. She was just passing by, handing them a couple treats, and a couple of snide remarks to go along with the sweets. Millie found herself agreeing with some of them, and she would have snickered, if only Giselle Rosier wasn't as equally as insufferable as the people she was tormenting.

Until Giselle had the nerve to insinuate that Millie was diseased. If it hadn't been for Zed holding her down, she would have most certainly lunged at the blonde girl and scratched her face beyond recognition.

Geralds promptly apologized for Giselle's behavior after the latter had left, offering the treats to the rest. Millie only had to take one whiff of the fresh brownies to get distracted. She eyed Zed just then, wondering if her feline charms would work on the dumb boy.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade

- Interactions:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13
Giselle Rosier (NPC)
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
Alistair Blackbourne



UPON THE APPEARANCE of Zed, the conversation was back to a lighter mood again as their usual banter ensued. Of course, Zed just had to bring up Alistair's eventual marriage with Mel, moping once again at the fact that he and Alistair had barely spent their summer together. "Don't tell me, have you two been going on dates with each other all summer long?" He teased, elbowing Alistair.

As expected of Melinda, she jumped right onto the bandwagon, brimming with smugness. "He wished. Alistair was just telling me how he missed me over the summer." She had a knack for twisting his words, he had to give her that. "We will have aaaaall the summers together once we marry, won't we, dear?" He was visibly exasperated, but did nothing more than simply sigh. The last thing they were going to get from him was a reaction.

At that moment, someone's voice piped up from behind them. The snobbish tone in which she spoke did not go unnoticed. "Is that a stray? I don't recognize it as any of yours," Giselle spoke. Alistair turned around only to find that the girl had her eyes set on Melinda. Tucking her blond hair behind her ear, she gave a small smile. "Glad that you got out that depressing groove of yours, Melly."

Alistair cocked an eyebrow, wondering what she meant and also wondering what she was doing here, when clearly all of her friends were right across the room. Melinda was the first to respond to her, asking the question that was probably on all of their minds at the moment. "Giselle, hi, what brings you here to this corner?"

"Happy time," Giselle replied with a wink, revealing in her hand a chock-full of brownies wrapped in a napkin. "They're good, and they will help you lighten up." Her smile turned into a condescending one as her eyes met Alistair's. "I suppose your friends can use a sugar rush as well," she continued with some mockery in her tone, eyes dropping to the sad cup of tea in Alistair's hands.

She turned to leave, but not before inviting "Melly" over to her table and warning them about the stray cat.

Melinda apologized clumsily as soon as she was gone. Since when was she responsible for Giselle's behavior? But before Alistair could ask, Melinda took a bite out of a brownie and urged them to have some as well.

"Don't mind if I do, Melly, dear." Alistair quipped with as much indifference as he could muster, mimicking her earlier response as he plucked one of the brownies out of her hand and plopped it into his mouth. The chocolate seemed to melt on his tongue. He never knew that brownies could taste this good. Passing some towards Zed, he said, "Here."

Then, turning back to Melinda, because he certainly had not forgotten: "You two seem very chummy all of a sudden," he nudged in Giselle's direction.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted with:
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13

Colour tag: #339966
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Millie the Cat
Alistair Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds

Giselle Rosier (NPC)
Zed laughed at Mel's reaction to his teasing. He's glad that she had gone along with it. The moment didn't last as they were interupted by the arrival of Giselle Rosier. He was quite confused as to what she wanted with their group. Last he checked, they weren't friends with her or anything--and they likely will never be based on how she'd 'greeted' them. Not even a minute in and already he insulted the beautiful ginger cat that was with him by calling her a stray. Zed rolled his eyes at her and instead focused on the butterbeer he was drinking.

"Glad that you got out that depressing groove of yours, Melly." He nearly did a spit take upon hearing Giselle's nickname for the midget. First off, since when were the two friends? Second, Melly? Zed let the name sink in before finally letting up a silent chuckle. He couldn't help but think it was a nickname worse than Melvin.

The blonde didn't linger long thankfully. She dropped off some sweets and went off, but of course, she didn't leave without making one last snide remark regarding the cat. "Also, be careful with that stray, it may carry diseases," she said. In response, he muttered quietly, "You should come with the same warning." Thankfully for the Gryffindor senior, it seems that Giselle hadn't heard him.

Soon as the witch was gone, Mel turned to him and his brother and apologised on Giselle's behalf. She then took a bite out of the treat that the blonde had dropped off and passed it on to his brother who in turn passed one to him. Zed raised an eyebrow at the brownie before pushing it away. "No way. I'm not eating anything that came from the cat hater."

He looked down at the ginger cat only to find her looking up at him. Zed knew that look all too well, it was the look that cats gave when they were pleading. It didn't take long for him to realise that it was food--more specifically, the brownies--that she probably wanted. Zed took a look at the chocolate treat that he had rejected and pushed them further away from the cat's reach. "No kitty. Cats aren't allowed to eat chocolate."

Zed then turned his attention back to his friends. While waiting for what Mel had to say in response to Ali's remark, he downed the rest of his butterbeer and ordered something much stronger this time: Firewhisky.

August Yilmaz
"Encore!" his roommate swished his glass in the air, trying to pump up the crowd to chant with him. However, few heard him, and even fewer cared. August certainly did, he played as he felt like, and he would stop just as soon. Shutting the piano the Turk ignored the wails of his housemate as he drank his glass. Music time was over, at least for him.

Almost as soon as the Ravenclaw had been convinced to attend this party he had been parked behind the piano, playing tunes on demand, and sometimes a rebellious piece by himself. However, he was weary now. He loved the piano, it was his life, but in this crowd he couldn't share his passion. With this noise he couldn't give the craft the attention it deserved.

"Entertain yourself, Macey," the foreigner spoke, his gentle accent lacing through his speech. He didn't care much for the girls-crazed boy, just as he knew that the blond didn't care for him any other day unless as a cool party-trick, or 'chick-magnet' as his roommate would call him. So, it didn't matter if August wasn't as polite as he should be, or usually was.

After all, the boy did come to a party to enjoy, not to entertain.
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
"Don't call me that, pretty boy," Melinda glared at Alistair. Of course he would jump straight onto the silly nickname. How could she ever expect him to do otherwise. And to even accompany it with an endearment. Melinda would have vomited the brownie right over the boy, but unfortunately, (or fortunately) her stomach was stronger than her disgust.

As Zed refused the brownie, calling Giselle a cat-hater, Melinda kept herself from responding to the Slytherin's question immediately. She wasn't chummy, or so the Gryffindor liked to believe. However, it was undeniable that the girl had managed herself to get the amiable attention from Rosier, to whom she was air not even a year ago.

"Blame Lorene," she finally decided, she wasn't going to hide her dissatisfaction on her new friendships from the twins. "The marriage came with more than one tie," she sighed again, downing her glass in one go. She really needed it tonight.

Eyeing Zed, who had ordered a firewhisky, the girl pondered for a moment if she should do the same. Getting wasted sounded like a good plan, but Melinda knew what she was like drunk. She didn't need a reminder, or worse; a repeat.

"Trying to make up for your brother?" she asked, putting her empty glass on the bar. "Good thing that they have beds here. Don't think either of us wants to carry you back to Hogwarts," she grimaced, giving Alistair a look before turning back to Zed. It was odd how the twins were so different from each other in character, yet so seemingly inseparable at the same time. Envious even...

Before allowing herself to go further into that area of thoughts the Gryffindor snapped up. "Another glass, please," she told the bartender as she pushed the glass over. Alistair was here, not drinking, and there were rooms. She was in good company. Hopefully.
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