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Original poster
IN A TIME WHERE racial discrimination is rampant and the Cold War is at its height, an ominous force looms over the wizarding world. Despite efforts to keep them apart, the magical and the mundane nonetheless overlap and bleed influence into each other. Muggles grapple with political and military disarray, while the wizarding community is faced with an enemy so formidable it is only ever mentioned in whispers: they call him the Dark Lord, and his followers, the Death Eaters.

Such is the influence of this rising group of supremacists that even Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, rumoured to be one of the safest places in the world next to Gringotts, cannot remain unperturbed for long. A new academic year has begun, and as students both young and old pour into the school's ancient halls, whispers of an unspeakable terror reigning within campus grounds abound. A group of pureblood supremacists, armed with dark intentions and even darker magic, now stand at the helm of the school. The well-being of half-breeds and muggle-borns alike hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Event -- Chapter 3: A Day in Detention
Flashback: Tuesday, September 2, 1975

THE FIRST DAY of the new school year had certainly been an eventful one. Thanks to the Weasel and his henchmen, friendships had begun to tear apart, carefully woven masks had shown their cracks, and reputations so tightly safeguarded were now blemished. Yet, the day went past in a quick flick of a wand. Now that classes were wrapped up for the day, it seemed that the worst was finally over.

However, matters such as last night's senior party would always somehow make it back to the professors, regardless of how hard students try to cover it up or how many protective charms they cast on each other to ensure the secret stays hidden. As such, when the clock struck five and all four houses poured into the Great Hall for the night's feast, an announcement from Professor Dumbledore awaited them there.

The Headmaster had quite a few choice things to say about the students' disregard of the school rules and had made a note, albeit in his usual expertly calm demeanor, about how they had set a poor example to the lower years. In what seemed to be an off-topic remark, he mused about how the castle had been standing for however many long years, and that various parts of it would need some thorough cleaning. He gazed down upon the Seventh Years through his half-moon spectacles, just before flashing them a cheeky smile.

It was thus decided that the Seniors would be spending an entire Saturday cleaning the castle and the areas surrounding it. The catch, of course, is that it would all be manual labor, and all wands would remain confiscated until the evening of that day. Whether this punishment would teach the Seventh Years a lesson, however, is another matter entirely.

Saturday, September 6, 1975
Starting Point: Detention

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY it was! There was not a cloud in sight and the sun was shining brightly through the castle windows when the students stirred from their slumber that morning. It would have been the perfect end to a long week—a chance to unwind and explore the school grounds, if only detention didn't await the Seventh Years that day.

While the lower years discussed what they would do on this fine day of freedom amongst each other, the seniors were merely filled with dread over what was to come. A listing of detention duties and groups had been put up in each of the four common rooms. It read as follows:

Asher Fay
Emrys Jernigan
Joan Lambert
Kyler Summers
Raina Summers

Kassandra Castillo
Henry Chen
Lauren Harrison
Sebastian Kissinger
Christopher Williams
August Yilmaz

Anastasia Fitzgerald
Jabari Asim
Pedro Govanni
Deborah Johnson
Felix Sloan

: Persephone Gaunt
Heather Clarke
Morrigan Quinn
Oswin Ravenwood
Garaile Scriven
Millicent Thomson

Alistair Blackbourne
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Seraphim Brimm
Melinda Geralds
Giselle Rosier

Whoever decided on this list must have done so deliberately and with less-than-noble intentions, because with such conveniently mismatched groups, conflict is almost certain to arise!
Write-up by FieryCold | Coding by FieryCold | © Art by Andrew Davidson

SU / 1 / 2 / 3
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
Shortly after the bet was made Zed came back, face in distress as he started to speak. The waterfall of words were hard to follow for the dazed mind of Melinda, the alcohol buzzing through her veins as she leaned forward a little more to hear.

It took a little while for the words to register, but when they did the Gryffindor clapped her hands together, a grin breaking out over her face. "He did it, he really did come back with a crazy story," she hiccuped, arms hanging onto Alistair to find balance.

"Does that mean a cat rejected you, Zed?" she continued, finding the thought of the cat being a girl hilarious. She knew that superficially seen Alistair was more of a catch, but Zed was his twin! Of course they shared some similarities.

"Let him have that whiskey, Ali," she continued laughing, almost sounding like sobs. "He needs it, obviously. Rejected by a cat," the last part she said in such a low murmur that it could have easily been lost in the crowd. Falling silent for a few moments Melinda started giggling again, "Next you will tell me that the Thompson is a student here, or worse, a muggle!"

It was clear that the girl was a little wasted and having the time of her life.
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August Yilmaz
Sometimes August wondered why he put up with Henry. As the Hufflepuff dozed off, murmuring something incomprehensible, the Ravenclaw was left alone in the conscious world, and gained a few good pounds. Henry was an absolute disaster at times, but yet the Turk couldn't leave the Hufflepuff quite alone as part of the Huffle's conscience.

"You shouldn't-- oh why do I bother," August wanted to tell the boy not to fall asleep, but quickly spared himself the effort, knowing full well that it was impossible to get the boy awake. After all, August was the one waking him for the past six, going for the seven, years.

"A key, please," August went to pick up one of the keys for the rooms that were rented for the seniors. While he didn't plan on staying the night at the bar, August didn't have the intent to carry Henry all the way back to Hogwarts and into the Hufflepuff common room. There was a line in the effort the Ravenclaw was willing to put in, and it had been reached.

Casting a simple levitating charm on Henry, the foreigner casually floated Henry up the stairs of the bar, towards the rooms. Sometimes the Hufflepuff would bump into the backs of others, or have a small collision with the corners, August was feeling quite woozy and the halls were narrow, but he would never drop his friend. No matter his frustrations the boy made sure that his friend kept floating until he was hovering over the bed, which is when the charm was released and Henry fell into the bed with a dull smack.

"Huh, harder than I thought," August mumbled to himself, wondering if Henry would feel that in his back tomorrow.
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Alistair Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds

Zed pouted at how his brother didn't seem to believe him. Mel's reaction on the other hand made him raise an eyebrow. She seemed awfully happy upon hearing his story. From the looks of things though, it seemed the alcohol was already kicking into her system. Speaking of alcohol... Zed took another sip of the firewhiskey in his hands.

He frowned at their accusations of a cat rejecting him. "The cat didn't reject me, and no, she did not scratch me either." Zed put down his firewhiskey on the counter before briefly raising his hands to show them the lack of scratch marks. Why were they so interested if the cat had harmed him? Were they that concerned for his well-being?

Just as he lowered his hands back, he caught sight of the money laid out on the counter in front of the two. Suddenly everything clicked: Melinda's reaction, Alistair's question; the two had bet on him. Zed wasn't sure what the bet was about, but if he had to take a guess, it was something relating to him and the cat.

First they don't believe him, then they throw out preposterous accusations at him, and now he finds out they made a bet about him? The nerve of these two! He thought to himself as he continued on with drinking his firewhiskey.

As he was enjoying his drink, his brother decided to once again attempt at snatching it away from him. "This is getting old Alistair," he said as he tried to keep the glass out of his brother's reach. "Why do you even insist on keeping me away from drinking?" He snuck another sip of the drink as he asked this. While it was already his second glass of firewhiskey, Zed couldn't feel much of an effect hitting him.

Zed began to nod as Melinda started telling his brother to let him keep the drink, but stopped and groaned when she continued on to why he should keep it. He didn't even bother with defending himself this time. There was no arguing with a drunk person. Zed felt thankful when she'd finally fallen silent. Unfortunately this was short lived. "Next you will tell me that the Thompson is a student here, or worse, a muggle!" She said giggling.

He rolled his eyes at her. "As a matter of fact, she is a student. Ravenclaw, ginger, mud—" The word fell short as noticed the glare the bartender was shooting him. Not wanting to potentially be cut off from any further drink orders, Zed immediately corrected himself with a cough, "Muggleborn." He didn't know why he even bothered answering her seeing the current state she was in.

Zed turned to his brother and said, "Perhaps it would be a good idea to get your fiancée out of here before she does anything stupid."


ALISTAIR STARED AT ZED, flabbergasted at the slew of comments that he thought had just come out of his brother's mouth. The confusion was clear as day on his face as he opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again a few long seconds later, realizing how stupid he must have looked.

Did you just call Melinda stupid? He wanted to ask, but couldn't find it in himself to say so. Glancing at Melinda to make sure he wasn't just imagining things, he listed the possible explanations in his head. Was someone impostering his brother? Was there something in his drink? Was it polyjuice potion, perhaps? No, it couldn't be. No, his brother had just had too much to drink, probably, and Alistair was just overthinking it.

"Some sleep would do us all good," Alistair managed to say, finally, nodding at the bartender. The last place he wanted to be right now was between Zed and Melinda after the former just insulted the latter. "We shall need a room for each of us." He continued, trying not to look too anxious as he waited for the bartender to get the keys.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interactions:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia

Colour tag: #339966
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia


IT WAS AS IF Millie had just summoned Garaile with simply her thoughts. He emerged from the crowd, a characteristically mischievous smile playing on his lips, as though he was in the middle of brewing yet another master plan. Then again, Millie presumed, it wouldn't be Garaile if he wasn't always up to something.

Something caught in her throat when he called her kitten. Crossing her arms, she merely scoffed at his remark, but masterfully avoided the question.

"Up to no good again, Garaile?" As much as he was a teasing, conniving bastard, Millie was attracted to him. She knew it wasn't a very smart choice, but a part of her couldn't help but convince herself that he had some redeeming qualities. Many would argue it was just his looks; but for a girl like Millie, that was enough, even if she wouldn't dare admit it.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interactions:
Garaile Scriven @Nemopedia

  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia

Joan Lambert
Joan joined the party a little later than the others, and made a rather dramatic entrance out of it to boot. She bursted through the door, garnering a couple glances in her direction, but she paid no heed to them. People looked at her warily, as they so often did. Joan was, after all, coarse, often rude, and a little too brave for her own good, and this often lent to a bad first impression. But for all that it was worth, she didn't care.

It didn't take her long to find Emrys, who was sitting at the bar with Raina. She strode toward them with every bit of purpose, seeming almost like she was just about ready to beat someone up to a pulp, what with her aggressive swagger and notoriously angry eyebrows. But as soon as she reached them, Joan simply plopped down onto a chair and raised her hand for a fist bump.

"What's up, losers?" She greeted them. To anyone else, it might have seemed like an insult, but this was as friendly as someone like Joan could get.

+ Emrys Jernigan (Somnium)
+ Raina Summers (Noctis the Devious)

Color Tag:

  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
Garaile Scriven
"I'm looking, there is a difference," Garaile winked at Millie as he said this. It wasn't him who was causing the trouble, he just writes about the trouble. It was true, despite his reputation Garaile rarely caused anything, which is why he had managed to stay out of trouble so far. He just happened to find drama and publish it, potentially stirring for more, but usually it played itself out very well. All he had to do was pick up a pencil and write.

Scanning his eyes over the crowd Garaile suddenly leaned closer to the Ravenclaw, the curls of Millie's hair slightly touching his face. "Now be a dear and follow that lovely couple for me," he whispered, a scrawny finger pointing into the direction August just disappeared to with a floating Henry. It wasn't in Garaile's personality to ask for things nicely, his character didn't allow for him to take time for friendly socialising. No, it sounded like demands, like orders, but he always managed to get them executed. One way or another.
  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
There seemed something different about Zed, but Mel couldn't quite place how and where. Was he annoyed? He was starting to remind her of Alistair! Talking all huffy and mighty as he tried to keep some face.

"Says you, aren't you awfully uppity tonight?" the Gryffindor threw back at him as she slid off her chair. She wasn't sure if it were the drinks, or if she actually felt insulted, but she did know that she wasn't ready to retreat yet.

"I will not have myself told when to rest," she started, her words slurring a little, but clear for once. There was annoyance brewing, but again, Melinda couldn't place it. Was it because she got intoxicated, or Zed calling her stupid? Perhaps it was because the twins wanted to cut out on her fun so soon. In any case, Melinda knew she wasn't acting like herself, but she didn't care either. "You retreat if you must, I will find some other good company," she snipped, before turning around and finding said company.
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  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
Raina snickered at the retort, even if sign language kind of butchered it, but she fancied herself the queen of smart remarks and rebuttals and what kind of queen would she be if she didn't at least tried to understand what Jernigan was implying.

"Well since you're already here might as well get a drink." Her normal poison of choice was fire whiskey, but at a party like this with the weasel potentially snooping around she had to exercise more caution than most. One more year and... Fuck, even if she became an Auror, a wish she hasn't exactly been open about mostly because it wasn't something to interject in everyday conversation, she would have to masquerade as a Pureblood. The mere thought exhausted her already.

Two butterbeers were placed in front of them as she had ordered, but before could take a drink the door slammed opened and in stalked a lion looking ready to pounce. Naturally she made her way toward her and Jernigan. "What's up, losers?"

"Not Gryffindor's intelligence as a whole," she muttered into her tankard with a smug smirk, finally able to take a swig in peace and completely ignoring Lambert's offered fist. She knew the gesture well; that didn't necessarily mean she had to humor the pureblood.

Tags: Kyler - NPC, @FieryCold - Joan Lambert, Henry Chen @Somnium - Emrys Jerigan, August Yilmaz
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Emrys 'Ambrose' Jernigan

The thought of getting a drink sounded alluring, yet daunting to Emrys. He knew that he didn't have a bad habit of speaking out of turn, but with Garaile attending any place of significance one couldn't be careful enough. What if Emrys made a funny face? He wasn't ready to be in the papers, or to be mentioned ever.

However, he didn't reject Raina's idea either, seeing as he lacked any response.

Just as they received their butterbeers a whirlwind entered the bar, stomping over to both Hufflepuffs in a fashion only one person could do. Joan Lambert, one of the few Gryffindors that Emrys liked enough to bother with. He scoffed at Raina's remark before raising his fist, bumping it against Joan's in response. Raising a brow the male quietly conversed an 'about time' in his own special way, before pushing his glass of butterbeer towards the girl. Perhaps he should play the role of the sensible one, seeing as he didn't get much more interesting drunk, so why bother?



A SHIVER went down her spine when Millie felt Garaile's breath on her skin. He was so close that Millie was suddenly hyper aware of her surroundings. Under any other circumstances, she would have done as he told her without a second's thought. But this time, she hesitated, as he followed the direction in which he was pointing.

"Henry and August?" She stumbled a little at the last name, and she had half a mind to beg him not to send her after them. But alas, her attraction proved stronger than anything else, and besides, as much as she liked to think Garaile had a good side, she didn't want to test him either.

"You can count on me, boss." Millie winked back, but she knew that her face must have been betraying what she was really feeling inside. Yet, she couldn't help but convince herself: what was the worst thing that could happen? She would be in disguise. Nobody would notice a single thing.

Or so she hoped.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interactions:
Garaile Scriven @Nemopedia

  • Love
Reactions: Bubs and Nemopedia

Joan Lambert
"Oho!" Joan exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across her face. A few neighboring tables turned to see what the commotion was all about. As ever, Joan's normal speaking voice was louder than usual. "Ding ding ding! Nice try, but wrong answer. You want to know what's really up, Summers?" Leaning closer, Joan made what one would probably call her signature greeting. She gave Raina a sarcastic smile as she continued, "This middle finger, just for you."

She was just thinking about ordering a drink when Emrys pushed his mug towards her.

"Nah, don't let me steal your fun," She quipped back at Emrys' silent offer. Instead, Joan found herself whistling at the bartender as she leaned back on her chair.

"Hey, get me a mickey, will you?" Then, when the bartender looked confused and asked for clarification, she added, "I forget you Brits call things different here." Sighing, she raised an eyebrow dismissively at the sad mugs of butter beer in front of her. "I'll get a firewhisky."

+ Emrys Jernigan (Somnium)
+ Raina Summers (Noctis the Devious)

Color Tag:

Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location The Three Broomsticks

Alistair Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds

Zed rolled his eyes at Alistair's suggestion. While did agree that getting Melinda a room immediately would be a good idea, he on the other hand was not quite ready to retire yet. The night was still young afterall. Besides, he's not even drunk—or at least, it didn't feel like he was.

He was about to protest when Melinda suddenly slid off her chair, declaring her intent to leave the two for better company. Despite the slurred words, it was clear that she was pissed. Zed sighed. It was also clear whose fault it was for his friend's current mood. Pissed, drunk, and Melinda, was not a good trio of words to combined. It was trouble, trouble that none of them wanted.

Moving quickly, Zed got up from where he sat and grabbed Mel's arm to stop her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. We wont force you to go and rest anymore." As if to prove his point, he then turned to the bartender and nodded at him to put the keys away. The bartender frowned. Zed couldn't quite tell if the bartender was frowning in disagreement or if it was something else.

Zed turned back to his friend. He didn't know whether or not the bartender actually put away the keys or continued on with handing them over to Alistair. Whichever it was, he'd deal with later, right now what mattered more was getting Melinda to stay with them. If she was intent on getting as drunk as she can tonight, it was best she did it with people around to watch over her.

"Stay with us Mel. It's been a while since we all hung out," he pleaded with her, hoping it was enough to make her stay with them. Otherwise... Zed didn't want to think what the Gryffindor would do to him if it didn't work. "Please?"
Garaile Scriven
Garaile had never much understood how attraction worked, but he didn't question it either. His father had explained to him that females were after all very simple with their emotions, and that it was easy to trick them into believing that the feeling was mutual. Or that they stood a chance. He had just taken his father's words on it, after all, mother had been tricked.

Watching Millie going from reluctance to obedience reminded him of the story. She was one of these simple girls. Infatuated in a way the blond never understood. It only worked in his convenience, however, as the girl was very useful to him.

"Good kitten," he stroke her hair as he said this, lips forming into a wide smile before his eyes were pulled into the crowd again. His attention was immediately pulled into the direction of a group of purebloods, a promising scene unveiling itself there.
Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
Zed was quick to change his mind, turning around to apologise and plead. It didn't melt Melinda's anger, but she did feel bad over being mad. She was overreacting, and the damage had already been done. Mood spoiled.

"I'm not planning on drinking more, don't worry," she snarled at her fellow Gryffindor, pulling her arm away. Zed was right, it had been a while since they all hung out, and it wasn't like Melinda had any other friends to hang with. Giselle could hardly be considered such, and she didn't get along with most of the other girls in her house. Her options were limited. Extremely so.

"Fine," she finally sighed in defeat. She really didn't have much of a choice, but she wasn't about to admit that. Climbing up her seat again she put her elbow on the bar in a form of rebellion, throwing her face up again. "Do, tell me more about that cat," she urged the boy.
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MILLIE PADDED her way up the wooden staircase. Though it was old and worn, creaking upon the slightest movements, Millie managed to climb in silence, her paws nimble and quick and used to life in the shadows.

Slowly, she tailed August and the floating figure of Henry until they reached a room in the narrow corridor. Heart beating out of her chest, she retreated behind a cabinet, narrow black slits watching silently.

Henry was set free from the levitation charm, and there onto the cold, hard bed he collapsed. Millie winced at the dull smack that the boy had to endure, but he seemed to be peacefully asleep, despite all.

"Huh, harder than I thought," August mumbled, and Millie made good to take note of it. That was it: a direct quote lifted and taken out of context. That was probably all they needed, right? She didn't want to linger around for more than she needed to.

It was at that moment that something skittered past the corner of Millie's eye. Already anxious, she jumped back, a soft cry coming out of her mouth. It was a rat, and a big one at that; and if there was anything that Millie despise the most, it would be these dirty little creatures. Knowing that she had more than likely already betrayed her hiding place, she scampered out of the room. With luck, August would have hardly noticed her at all, though no amount of luck would have prevented him from hearing the noise.

Detouring into an isolated neighboring hallway, Millie, after making sure that she was all alone, transfigured back into her human form. Her heart still hadn't calmed down, but at least it was all over. She could return to the party again, give Garaile the news he wanted, and hopefully she would never have to look back.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interactions:
August Yilmaz @Nemopedia
- Mentions:
Henry Chen


August Yilmaz
He was arranging the blankets over Henry when he heard a cry from behind. A ginger cat flashed past, and the Ravenclaw wondered what had scared the little thing so much. Dropping the fabric on his friend the foreigner walked over to the spot the cat ran from, peeking past the cabinets where he only found what he expected to be there. Dust and a rat dung. Nothing that he expected would startle a cat, however.

Walking over to the door he peeked into the hallway, hoping to find the animal, but found it empty. Raising a brow the boy wondered where the cat could have ran off to, stepping out of the room as he shut the door behind him. Perhaps the bartender would know more? Treading on carefully the Turk kept an eye out for the cat, hoping that it wouldn't be startled again.


ALISTAIR SIMPLY WATCHED the scene unfold in front of him, feeling what suspiciously tasted like bile rising up his throat. He wasn't sure if he wanted to puke because of the drama he was witnessing, or if he had eaten something bad during the feast and it was just now deciding to rebel against him. What he did know was that he felt strange, as if he were somehow floating. Everything seemed slightly further away from him now—out of reach and incomprehensibly vague. Meanwhile, the noise around him increased tenfold. Suddenly, he was hyper aware of every little detail.

This sudden detachment left him feeling slightly anxious, but he couldn't help but chuckle a little at the weirdness of it all. Everything just seemed a touch more interesting all of a sudden. It was as if life was a movie suddenly put on slow motion. Ignoring the bartender's keys, he patted his brother's back and chuckled some more.

"What's the matter with you? Acting so serious all of a sudden." He said, taking Zed's mug in his hands and gulping the rest of the firewhiskey down. "Oh, who gives a hoot." Alistair didn't quite know what he was saying now, and he supposed the rest didn't either, but that just made it all the more hilarious to him.

"'Oh, Mel, I'm so sorry. Stay with us, pretty please,'" he said in a horrible falsetto—a poor attempt to mock Zed's apologies from earlier. "You act more like her fiancé than I do, ha! That would make for quite a family affair... wouldn't you say, Mel?" He said in between sniggers, "How about it, eh?"

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interactions:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia

Colour tag: #339966

Persephone Gaunt
Seventh Year, Slytherin

Shades of oranges, yellows and reds. All over Hogsmeade, from the leaves to the decoration preparing for the upcoming Halloween. Such warm colours, it really did help Persephone understand the warm atmosphere to Hogsmeade. A rare visit that she decided would be a good chance for her today, stepping out of the shell she'd been hiding in for six long years.

Of course… These interactions were meant to be make or break for her now. It was harsh, but the truth since there wasn't a family to go home and cry to anymore. She thought bitterly to herself swallowing back rising bile that tended to make appearance when nervous.

Walking nervously through the large crowds, Persephone found herself taking the first step in asking for directions from a stranger. Kind guidance had lead her to The Three Broomsticks, and by the roaring crowd of teens roughly around the same age group, she figured that she was in the right place. Awkwardly for a moment, shuffling in through the doorway as another cool breeze pushed her in almost encouragingly.

Persephone had worked hard on her appearance to fit in a bit more today, in the possible hope of making friends. Sweet black ballet flats, white knee highs, with a simple flower pattern dress and cardigan. Smooth hair fell over her shoulders beautifully, keeping her appearance somewhat to standard of what she thought it should.

Orbs of nervous green scanned the crowds, noticing the attire of everyone. Blinking a few moments to take all the images of each person it.

Second pass for today's stepping out of the shell activity. Somehow look half decent and relative the crowd, tick! Persephone took a mental note, ticking off her success. Before slowly moving through the crowd, excusing herself politely with each movement. Apologising if she felt she got in the way at any moment.

Short minutes passed, and she found herself staring at the taps across the counter. Looking to the barmen, offering him a polite and gentle smile. "Good day to you, I want wondering… Do you have anything you'd suggest I try? I've never taken the chance to come here in person before," Persephone politely spoke to the bartender, yet there was an echo of shyness at her tone. A light level of blush dancing upon her cheeks, and she spoke softly. Placing her scarred hands upon the counter surface gently.

Finishing her words, she slowly slipped into her hands, looking down. Eyes tracing the scaled appearance of pale hands. Fiddling fingers nervously, almost waiting for someone to speak. In suggestion. Lifting her gaze for a moment, moving to look at the butter-beer tap. "Could I please try some butter-beer." Persephone asked reaching into her wallet to get some money out for the tender.

✯ ┆ This time, baby, I'll be BULLETPROOF

There was never a party where Felix wasn't present, and this was no exception. He was dressed to the nines—some might even say overdressed—as he often was regardless of the occasion. Decked in his leopard-patterned coat and favorite pair of boots, he entered The Three Broomsticks Inn looking like he had just come out of a photoshoot.

The party was already well underway when he arrived, and he spotted quite a few familiar faces. One of them was Garaile, who stood in the background, just silently watching the chaos unfold before him. Felix sashayed towards the boy, sucking on a blood-flavored lolipop he had bought from Honeydukes on his way there.

"Enjoying yourself, Gary boy?" Felix purred, his perfectly manicured fingers touching Garaile's shoulder ever so lightly. "I haven't missed much, I hope?"

uptight downtown - la roux