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Blake just listened, unfazed as the events unfolded. He moved his gaze to Allen, his blank stare penetrating.

Rick finished tying off the man before looking up to where Kate was, hoping she'd call.

"You will all die." The man said, a very happy smile plastered across his face. "Trust me." He let out a loud, shrill whistle before laughing loudly. "Soon enough, you will be going bye bye."

Kate closed her eyes after the gun went off. She didn't move..she didn't want to know if she was hurt, but something wasn't right, she didn't feel any pain. She slowly opened her eyes and paused, staring curiously at the creature.

"Rick, Kate's fine." Blake said after a few moments, releasing Rick from his frozen state.

"Sh-she is? Oh thank God.." He kicked the man, turning to Allen. "What was that?" He said, pointing to the broken glass.
Allen looked down to his feet and noticed the shards of glass....which disappeared as he looked at it. "Damm it, I forgot that it sticks around for a bit when I go sync then summon. Oh well." He looked up to the balcony. "Hey, you two ok up there?"

"I'm good. I think the girl behind me is ok as well." Went the creature in front of Kate. Odd thing is that he sounded just like Allen, just a little off-kilter. It put it's katana away and sighed. "You know you have to explain me to everyone here right?" "I know, don't remind me." With a shrug, the creature picked up Kate and brought her down to the rest of the group. With it's job done, the creature simply vanished.

"I'll explain this when we're on the road." Allen said.
Kate just watched the creature, not speaking. When he set her down, she turned her stare on Allen, still staying silent.

Rick ran over to Kate, trying to get her to speak. "Kate..Kate! Heloooo..Kate..What's wrong Kate?"

Kate just reached over, covering Rick's mouth with her hand, he stood there, dumbstruck.

Blake took a deep breath, still staring blindly and Allen. "Rick, car. Let's go." He said simply, taking Kate's hand and Rick's.

Rick nodded, half confused, taking Blake gently by the arm and picking up the man by the end of the rope and leading them out.

"Wait, Let me go! They'll be here soon, LET ME GO." The man screamed.

Kate just walked with Blake, she blinked a few times, still watching Allen.

Rick opened the car, letting Blake and Kate sit in the back and throwing the man beside Blake. "Allen, come on. Front seat." He said, pointing to the front passenger seat.

Blake moved his gaze to Kate. "Are you okay?"

She nodded blankly.
Allen's eyes went back to normal as he walked to the car. It did kind of hurt internally, going into sync mode for a few short minutes just do to some quick work. With a sigh, he waited until Rick started up the car before doing something. He turned and snapped his fingers in the face of the guy next to Blake.

Seconds later, his head slumped down and the guy was out cold. "I love doing that but back to the matters at hand. You wanted to know what exactly I did earlier? Well, get comfortable 'cause it's a long story."
Kate shrugged, ignoring the man who slumped. "I have time."

Blake caught the guy before he fell against Rick's seat and he reached over, buckling him up before sitting back up, the whole time his blank eyes were fixed on Allen. "Go ahead and tell. I'm with Kate from here on out."

Rick glanced back in the mirror as Blake said this, hidden fear twinkling in his eyes. "G-go ahead and tell the story Allen, I'm not going straight back to Jake." He flicked a button on the dashboard as they passed the HQ. A loud AI voice announced over intercom 'target captured and safe'.
With a sigh, he nodded. "Allright. I don't know how many years back but in Japan, some scientists discovered these unknown creatures called 'Shadows' which can take multiple forms of monsters. The scientists wanted to harness the shadow's power to create, get this, a 'Time-manipulation device'. But, the experiment went down hill as their methods backfired, thus creating a rift in time where all electronics shut down called the 'Dark Hour'.

Within the 'Dark Hour', almost every human turns into a coffin and thus making them oblivious to the events within the time rift. Well, almost everyone. There's a special set of humans with the potential to be awake during the 'Dark Hour' and finding one was rare. That's where my colleagues across the ocean come in. We were all united together with one goal: To end it. The common ground we shared was the potential to fight the shadows...and we did. The power we used, the same one that carried Kate down from the balcony, is called 'Persona'."
Rick didn't respond, he just kept driving, glancing back at Kate to see her reply.

Blake nodded quietly, it somewhat made sense to him, but how did it affect Kate this way?

Kate nodded slowly, but she also spoke. "How do you find, or call, or make this 'Persona?" She asked quietly, still in her trance.

Rick was a little worried, but he tried not to show anything. She has never acted like this..even with her mom..She better be okay. Jake's gonna kill me... He thought to himself as he quit his random glances.
"There are multiple ways for a persona to awaken. My evoker, which simulates a death-like trance for God knows what reason, is the way that we thought would work. But some time after that, there came another way." He paused as a Blue Tarot card descended from where he held up his hand. "This, I discovered, is the natural way for a persona to awaken." Allen put his hand down and the card vanished.

"The last way to awaken one can awaken is by the use of highly illegal experimental drugs. Whatever you do, don't try this method. If the side effect of the pills don't kill you, the your out-of-control Persona will."
Kate listened carefully and nodded again. "Okay."

This time Blake spoke up. "What does the persona do?" He said, making a small motion with his free hand at Kate.
"Well, at first awakening, the user gets his or her senses enhanced. Then there's what can be done in battle itself. Think of it like this: a Persona's skill are like magic skill mixed with the elements. The main elements are Fire, Ice, Electricity, Wind, Light, Dark, Almighty, certain physical and support abilities as well. Certain persona can use one or all of the earlier mentioned elements. For example: mine can use Electricity, some physical and some support spells."

Allen stopped to take a breath and explain something else but was cut off. "I can take the rest from here." Said the same being that helped Kate out earlier as it randomly appeared out of Allen head. But there was only one difference, it was a chibi. "I forgot you can do that sometimes."
Kate turned her tranced gaze over to the chibi. "Hello again."

Blake just stared at Allen, not knowing where the chibi was, he just took a deep breath, trusting Kate in that no one was dangerous...so far. "Hi." He said, his voice dripping with anticipation.

Rick slowed down a bit at the sudden appearance. "Uh..umm...but..nevermind.." He said, turning his attention back on the road. "We have another 20 minutes before we must return." He said.
"Hi." Allen laughed slightly. "Great going Kiunmei Okuninushi, you scared the crap out of everyone." Said chibi looked at Allen. "It's not my fault!" It said while comically waving it's arms. "But yeah, the bond between Allen and myself is way deeper than normal as the saying 'I and thou, and thou art I' come into play. I represent the side of him that made the goal of changing fate itself."
Kate nodded, ignoring Blake's small growl. "Makes sense." She said, smiling very slightly.

Blake moved his blank stare to the window.
"Mhm. Plus fighting along side him against multiple things also helps. I can tell you have the potential but there's nothing that can be done with, it which is in itself rare enough. If i could make a guess, 1 in every 100 people can awaken to a persona and 3 in every 10 could have the potential." He nodded with a small smile, but it was hard to see under it's tiny fedora.
"Okay." She said, as if that answered everything in the world.
Blake turned to face Kate. "What is wrong, Kate? You're out of character." he said in a hushed voice.
Kate ignored Blake, but suddenly moved to stare out the window. After a minute or two she spoke quickly, pulling a small laser gun from the back of the drivers seat. "Rick, pull over now."
Rick paused, but did as he was told, pulling over and jumping out, gun in his own hand while Blake climbed out. "What?" they said in union.
"We have a little watcher." She said quietly, stepping forward and telling them to stop. "Get out of there." She yelled, snapping out of her trance.
A figure moved from the shadows. She looked like a female version of the man in the car. "You have something."
Kate lifted her gun, smiling. "And soon I'll have another secret, right? You're little brother has decided he's so smart, but he gave a vital piece of info to me."
She stopped. "What?"
"Oh, just that family is important enough to throw caution to the wind, and be caught by your enemies." She said, pulling the trigger.
The woman froze, not moving.
Rick stared at Kate. "Where..Kate? Where did you get that?"
She shook her head, pulling a radio from her pocket. "Hey, we've caught a second one."
"Understood. Set for retrieval?"
"Go on. In sight."
She put the radio up, turning to Blake. "I told you I was already set up." She smiled as a truck drove up. It was midnight blue with tinted windows. Someone with a mask jumped out, taking the girl. Kate turned to Rick. "Stop worrying about me. The S.N.A. is useless. They will not negotiate. Trust me, I tried. Meet the H.D.C." She said.
Rick closed his eyes. "They're dead."
"No, just waiting." she said as the woman was put in the truck.
The men moved to Rick's car, taking the man and putting him in a weird case before putting him in the truck. "Good work, we'll be on standby."
Kate nodded as they drove off. "Ready to go back to HQ Rick?" She asked.
He nodded slowly. "You'll have to explain to dad."
At this she laughed. "No, I'm not going back."
Blake just stood there before turning to Allen. "Do something."
While his persona went back into his head, Allen was thinking about the situation. True, the S.N.A wouldn't even try to negotiate because they thought that they was too young. 'What bullshit! If anything, I've acutally saved the world...twice! I guess this is what Shinji and Aki ment by us doing thankless work.' With a sigh, he steped to Kate. "What are they going to do with them?"

If this was anything like the 'Skies of Darkenss' seneraio in which everyone on the Shadow Forces almost died...then he was going to make sure that would never happen.
"Simple, interrogate, find out what they're after." she cast a glance at Rick. "Then, depending on the cost of their demands, we'll go from there." She said. "But I'm not going back to the S.N.A." She said.
Blake sat back in the car, laying down in the backseat and covering his face. "I can't even see her and I can feel her resentment." He told himself quietly.
Rick took a deep breath. "Your dad will not accept this, Kate."
Kate rolled her eyes. Her whole attitude seemed to change. "All he wants is his daughter safe. What about everyone else, huh?" Just as she said this, an explosion sent up a cloud of smoke a few blocks down. "Where's the S.N.A., huh Rick?" she asked a few gunshots rang through the air and a helicopter flew by.
Rick sighed in defeat, going to the car and turning on the radio. "Jake? Barron?"
Blake sat up straight, hitting his head on the ceiling. "Ouch.." He reached for the door. "Kate?"
Rick shook his head, listening for H.Q.'s answer.
"You on scene?"
"On our way."
"H.D.C. is back..they're there."
There was no reply.
"Let's go." Blake sighed.
Meanwhile Kate had been talking to her team. "This is Kate, any sight?"
"No, they fled the scene."
"They knew we knew and we were there."
"We're tracking them now, Black Hawk caught sight."
"Understood, pickup?"
"On route now, 2 minutes."
"Check, Kate out." Kate turned to Allen. "It was really nice to meet you, and I'm sure we'll meet around school." she said carefully.
A black van pulled up, an 18 year old jumped out. "Kate! Let's go!"
Kate turned. "Rick! Tell Dad I said good luck!" She yelled as she ran over, jumping in the passenger seat.
The guy looked over to Allen. "Kate, who's that?"
"School friend, are we going?"
He nodded slowly, getting back in the driver's seat and waiting for Rick to pull out.
Almost instantly, Allen caught her carefully worded words. At least they were giving them a chance...though he didn't want to believe it. With a repressed sigh, he looked at the new group with a critical eye then pulled out his cell phone. He keyed in some numbers then looked to Blake and Rick. "Go on ahead. I'm heading home."
Rick nodded and turned the car back towards H.Q. where he knew Jake would be, waiting for someone who won't be there.
The sound of screeching tires filled the air as the van spun sideways, letting a truck labeled S.N.A. pass without hitting them. "Go! We've got to catch up!" Kate said, putting her phone in her pocket and pulling the hood of her jacket up. They have to attack on Sunday?! Of ALL days!?

As they pulled into the scene, Barron and a woman were screaming at each other.
Kate ran over to the woman. "Casualties?"
"Four." The woman said, immediately turning from Barron.
"Ages, Names?"
"6, Kyle. 19, Sarah. 32, Mack. 76, Dyla."
"Good work. Said and done with families?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Caught and headed for interrogation."
"Good work, head home." Kate them turned to Barron. "Rick told you we already had it."
"He said you were on scene, so it was a mess."
"Does it looked like chaos? No. Back Off." She glared at him, turning back to the black van as a few H.D.C. members jumped in.
The guy pulled the van out of the parking lot and headed away from the S.N.A.
Barron cursed loudly as Kate walked away. "We will get you, and your father will hate you after this!" He climbed into his car, slamming the door and heading back towards H.Q.
"Yup. One big clusterfuck." Allen said as a taxi pulled in and took him home. This was something he never really needed, one group trying to head off another and stuff like that. Hours later after doing some minor homework, he picked up the phone again. Slowly and surely, he was getting fed up. "Hey, do me a favor? Send over my weapons...I know it'll be hard to get them past Customs.....Right. Seiei out." Casually, he tossed the phone away.
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