
  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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The van pulled into the school parking lot. "Why are we here?" the 18 year old asked.
"Because, I left something here. Come on." She jumped out, shielding her eyes from the rain as she ran in, the boy right behind her.
"Ma'am, what are we looking for?"
Kate walked over to her locker, opening it and pulling out a small package. "This. It's a letter." Her voice faded off and she handed him the package. "Give this to the S.N.A. Check?"
"Check, Miss. Copy and out." He took a deep breath, turning and going back to the van, driving towards S.N.A.
Kate followed behind, but veered to the building beside the school where the others from the van had gone. "Set up observations, Clear the Area, Track the explosion." she said, heading towards a back room. As she opened the door, several snarls were issued, echoing around the room. "Shut up." She snapped, closing the door and sitting behind the desk. in front of her sat four of the culprits.
"What do you want?"
Kate sighed, leaning forward and placing her head in her palm. "You don't know."
"The S.N.A.," at this, all of them flinched, "is looking for you. We, however, have taken the liberty of hiding you and trying to help find a compromise."
The culprits looked at each other. One of them nodded. "Okay, we're listening."

At that moment, Dael was driving towards the building, a grim expression on his face.

Rick put a comforting hand on Jake's shoulder.
Jake twisted a knife around in his hand, testing its grip.
Barron was rubbing his forehead. "It's no use."
"We're not giving up." Jake said. "Where's Dael?"
Barron looked up at this. "H.D.C. He got mad."
After getting the info that it would take a few days for his weapons to get there, he took the remainder of the day to finally relax.
Kate exited the room, a smug look on her face.
The 18 year old driver came up. "Delivered."
"Okay. Thanks T." She sat back in her chair letting her hair curtain her face.
T stood there for a moment, surprised she'd said his name. "Y-yes ma'am." He turned and left towards his own room.
The door burst open and Dael stormed in, glaring at Kate. "How could you? JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!" He yelled at Kate, grabbing her arm and throwing her to the ground.
Immediately several guns were pointed at Dael as Kate wiped blood from her face.
"D-Dael?" Kate stuttered, trying to staunch the bleeding from her missing tooth.
"Idiot! Striding into danger without any training?" He kicked Kate in the stomach, making her curl into a ball.
"STOP!" Kate yelled, trying to stand. "What does this solve?"
Dael smirked. "Revenge for your mother's stupid mistake into killing my son." He threw a punch at Kate, but she blocked it, sending him sprawling on the floor and hitting his head and knocking him unconscious.

Barron, Rick, and Jake burst through the door at that moment.
"DAEL!" Jake screamed, picking him up.
Barron ran over, throwing Dael over his shoulder.
Rick stood by the car, ready to ride.
T ran over to Kate, handing her a warm cloth to clean her face of blood. "School's tomorrow."
Kate nodded, going to her 'office' which she set up like her room. "I'll be ready in the morning, I'm going to walk."
Meanwhile, Allen had did what was needed to do for school. 'Y'know, things are going to change...and quickly.' He heard from his Persona. True, Allen did agree with him weather or not for the better or the worst. Hopefully, Kate would be allright too. 'Developing a crush alre-' And with that, communications were cut.
Kate sat up, her alarm clock had gone off. She yawned, pulling on her school T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She picked up her jacket and slipped it on, heading out of her office door.
T ran up. "Good morning, still walking?"
Kate nodded.
"Pick up?" He asked quieter as one of the members shifted in their chair.
Kate nodded again. "Call me if anything comes up." She said, picking up her phone, putting it in her pocket and pulling her hood over her head. "Good Day."
T nodded, unlocking the door and letting her out.

Kate walked down the street quietly. No one seemed really active this morning, but she was early.

Jake reread and reread Kate's letter all night. He had quit crying and was now just lost.
Rick came in from scouting. "All clear. BARRON. YOU'RE UP." He called into the back room, collapsing on his own bed as Barron came out, exiting the front door to scout.
Allen woke up a bit earlier than normal so he did some exercises before taking a shower, changing into some workout clothes and heading out. Even though it was early enough, he had his evoker in his pocket. With a sigh, he started to jog around the neighborhood.
Kate stopped outside the doors. Locked. Oh well. She sat down by the door, figuring they'd open the doors within the next hour at least. She pulled out a map and a pencil, tracing routes the H.D.C. had found from their prisoners. She glanced up as smoke wisps entered the air. She shook her head, seeing the H.D.C. transport leave. They've got it.

T paced the interrogation room. "How did they escape?!?" He yelled at the guard, who just shrugged. Four melted metal handcuffs were laying on the ground. He glanced up at the map, three red dots blipped. "They've split up..how are we going to explain this to the governor? We said we had them.." the building shook slightly and T cursed as the transports left.
Allen stopped his workout when he noticed some in the air. "Shit." Both him and his persona muttered. Quickly, he turned around and went home to get his pistol. However, on his way, he had to dodge something that had aimed at him. Allen had looked at one of those odd people that Kate had captured. "Not today." He said as he sent out a bolt of electricity at it and defeated it. With it out of the way, he sped the rest of the way home.
The doors behind her didn't open for quite a while. Kate looked behind her, all the lights were off, then, her phone rang. She picked up. T? Huh..something's up. She sighed deeply before answering. "Hey, what's up."
"They closed school for the day." T said in a grave voice.
Kate stood up, packing her map and pencil. "Why?"
"They've been breached."
"When'd they escape? There's no signs at the school.."
T cut her off. "This morning, the administrator has gone on vacation after yesterday."
"Understood. Pickup?"
"Pulling up." He said, waving from the driver's seat of the black van that had just pulled up from behind the school. He hung up.
Kate slipped her phone back in her pocket. "Take it we're meeting them there?"
T nodded. "They've told everyone to 'stay inside, don't go anywhere.' The Razor Teeth are blowing stuff up again."
"Razor Teeth?" She asked curiously, turning on the radar and checking around, slipping her communicator over her ear.
"That's what we call them, because of their sharp teeth."
Kate shook her head, pointing left. "Radar says a few are there..and someone else..huh." She said, watching the radar as T pulled over. Then she pulled a pistol from her pocket that was filled with darts. She slipped behind the wall of the nearest building as T drove back to pick up reinforcements.
"Great, just great." Allen said as he got home and locked the place up. He just heard the news as they closed school and closely put the entire city on lock-down. Worst of all, his weapons weren't going to arrive there until - *Knock, Knock*. Allen got up and silently went to the door. "Who is it?" "Rush Delivery." With a sigh, Allen opened up the door and took the packages.

When he closed the door, he the long box on his couch and the shorter one on a table. He smiled as he opened the longer one which was a sheathed katana with a white scabbard. Allen easily picked it up then strapped the sword to his waist.
Kate glanced around the corner.
Two of the escapees were standing there, talking. "Are you sure it's clear?"
"Yeah..wait.." the device they were holding emitted a beep. "Someone's here." Both of them turned around to face Kate's hiding place.
Scowling, Kate turned to the other side of the building. A ladder..thank God. She ran over, climbing and holding the pistol with her teeth. She rolled over on the roof of the one story building, turning the safety off on her gun and aiming down at the two.
Both looked up at the same time, growling. One of them pulled out some type of gun, unrecognizable.
"Good night.." she whispered, pulling the trigger twice.
The first one hit the ground and the second fell forward and hit the wall as T pulled back up, three members jumping out of the van and running over to collect the bodies.
Kate climbed down, checking the radar in the van. "Just a block away..the other is there with reinforcements from their side..Meet me there." She said, picking up a rifle from the back seat and strapping it to her hip after slipping her knife in her pocket. She turned away from the van and started back down the street.
This time, he opened up the box that was on the table and smiled at a classical weapon that he used: a pair of black tonfas. He put the tonfas on his pant's belt loop and looked in the mirror. "This time, this time I'm ready." He said as the left the house and proceed to run down the street.
Kate slipped into the shadows as her target came into view. She reached up to her communicator. "T, Target in sight. Ready?"
"On Route, Setup ready."
She smiled. "Let's get this over with." She got down on her stomach, poking her rifle barrel around the corner and peering in the scope. She had one of the targets lined up and took a deep breath, pulling the trigger. A dart shot out, hitting its target in the back of the neck. She barely had time to catch the second target when the rest turned to her location. She pulled back around the corner, dropping her rifle and pulling out her knife, waiting for them to run around the corner into the shadows where she stood, hidden.
"Speculator paulum hic exi! Vincemus!" One of them called.
Kate held her breath. More Latin speakers?!? Crap..the colony must be spreading.. "English please." She replied.
"Of course, little girl." The man spat as he stood on the other side of the corner. "I said, Come out here little spy, We will prevail. I forgot your kind lost the ancient language." He chuckled, turning around the corner and grabbing her arm. The rest of the group turned to the oncoming van, pulling out guns and firing shots, distracting them.
Kate twisted her arm, trying to release his grip. Her other hand reached for her pistol.
"Nuh uh." He said, a vicious smile playing on his lips. He pulled out a gun, pointing it at her hand. "Let go little one." He said quietly.
She obeyed, narrowing her eyes. "Go ahead, shoot."
As he ran down the street, Allen was getting a grasp on the situation. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a odd feeling in his mind...like someone was going to get hurt. With that in mind, he went into a partical-sync to increase his speed ten-fold. Before he knew it, he was there and saw that Kate was in trouble. While still within his sync, he almost vanished and appeared with a tonfa in his left hand next to the thing that was holding Kate.

"Go flying." With an electricity plus sync enhanced punch, the being felt a untold amount of pain from the left side of it's face and was forced to drop Kate. Sadly, the being was sent into a trashcan rather than a wall.
As soon as she was released she pulled out her gun and shot two darts into the other two. "There's more according to the radar, but they probably ran." She said to Allen before speaking into her mic. "Hey, pick up three. On Route to others now."
Kate picked up her rifle. "Thanks Allen." She said.
"It's no problem. I still don't know what's happening but the fact that the city's close to being locked down." Allen shrugged at the end. "Don't know what the police and everyone else is doing so I guess it's our problem."
Kate nodded. "I guess so." She held her rifle close as she started towards a small box the three things where looking at. She knelt down beside it, but when she touched it, it sent a jolt of electricity up her arm, which she yanked back as hard as she could, holding her arm and rubbing it gently. "Protected with a sensor. We'll have to find a way to break it." She stated.
Allen bent down to look at the box after it rejected Kate for some odd reason. "Hmm....." An idea came to his head. He put his hand to the odd box and it tried to shock him, only for Allen not to feel a thing...if anything, it felt like it was giving back the amount of energy that Allen had used before. When his system got the amount it needed back, he sent the remaining amount of electricity back to it and shut down the sensor.
Kate watched as the box opened itself. She looked at Allen. "What did you do?" She asked after she had made sure her arm wasn't completely injured. She glanced inside where a small knife sat, engraved in small swirls. "What in the world.." She muttered, using the sleeve of her jacket to pick it up. It seemed to be eminatting heat. She was glad she was holding it with a sleeve. "Why does this look familiar?"
'Fire properties?' Allen thought to himself as he looked at the small knife. If anything..."We probably found a weapon that might work on them." He finished his thoughts. "Maybe it has something to do with your family history?
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