
  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Jake started. "Well, who do you work for, if you can say? Like, namewise."

Barron shook his head. "How old are you and how long have you been under your organization?" He asked, watching Allen carefully and ignoring Jake's irritated sigh.
"I'm only 17. Shadow Forces is a relatively new orginization but within a year we went to the global scale after saving multiple countries. Though most people who don't know the loop think we're apart of the Perfectial Police or in my case, This city's Police department." Allen explained with a somewhat bored sigh. He had to explain this all too often.
Barron shook his head. "You're too young, no reason for them to worry about you." Barron started to move to a different room.

Kate stood up defiantly, clearly angered at this. "What?!? Too young? I'm only 16 and they tried to kill me and you think he's too young?"

"I agree Kate. You both will be taken to our safe room." Jake gave her a sympathetic face, but she just stood there.

Blake stood. "Sir, with all do respect, I think they are in the same position I am, they are not too young, as I am not." He then bowed, turning out of the room.

"HE understands." Kate turned and followed Blake, pausing just as she reached the door. "And I'm doing this like mom." She walked out the door behind Blake, resuming her conversation about her mom.

Jake winced, turning to face Barron. "Why are you doing this?"

"It's my duty." He left, beckoning Dael and Rick.

Rick stepped towards Jake. "No." But Dael followed. Rick turned to Allen. "I'm sorry. Barron hasn't let anyone under the age of 20 join since his own daughter died."

Jake nodded. "My wife..Barron didn't want her getting hurt..and she ran out like Kate, starting her own rebellion against a different race..they murdered her..Kate was only 3. She's been following her footsteps ever since."

Blake and Kate's voice were barely audible by the door, speaking about the new enemy and their weaknesses.
Allen sighed. It was a valid reason but a dumb idea. "Looks like we all have scars with those type of things. One of the many lessons my desased mother has taught me is this: If you want to protect something, then do so with both arms: Even if you have to fight Gods that are hell bent on seeking the destruction of the human race."

With that last part directed to himself, he reached into his suit pocket and placed a odd looking gun that looks like an accutal pistol but heavily customized on the table. When he moved his hand away from the gun, a special text incert was visible: 'Slashing through Fate'.
Jake watched the gun. "What is it?"

Rick had his eyes on Allen, but his attention was on Kate and Blake. "Allen, do you know Kate?"

The front door closed. Blake and Kate had left, where they were headed was unknown.
He looked up to Rick. "I don't know Kate personally but i've seen her around once or twice." Straightining up, he turned to Jake. "It's an Evoker. For everyone else, it's just a gun; Plain and simple. But for members of my orginization, it's all we need to do damage." Allen silently picked up the gun.
Jake nodded. "Uh, okay, don't point that at anyone." He said, watching it cautiously.

Rick nodded. "I need you to do me a favor, and I'm the only one asking." He told Allen.

Jake gave him a suspicious look, but then realized Kate had just left. "I should check on her." He headed towards the door, leaving Rick with Allen.
"Thats the thing." He said as he looked at Jake. "It looks like a gun, works like one but doesn't shoot bullets." He ended that explination on a hanging note. But what would Jake want him to do? Allen looked at him with a curious expression. "Go on."
((It's Rick who wants the favor..not Jake..Jake left to see after Kate))

Rick waited until Jake left. "I need you to watch after Kate. Jake's too thick headed to realize how much she'd like her mother." He paused, making sure Jake couldn't hear. "Jake's wife..she wasn't killed by the enemy..she killed herself. She went crazy in quarantine..She couldn't stand the fact he didn't tell her anything about his past..same as Kate. I don't want her getting hurt..Jake wouldn't be able to make it through. Do you understand?"

Jake looked out of the front door, but Kate wasn't there. Neither was Blake. He went out into the parking lot, looking around and took a loop around the building. She left..no..no no no..she left.. He came running back to the door, pausing before he went back in, trying to gather his nerves. He stood there, breathing deep and thinking.
(It's all good. The last part of my previous post was directed at Rick but had a name mix-up.)

Allen sat there na took all that in. Turns out that even more things had happened to Kate that even he was unaware of. "That's pretty deep. But yeah. I can help. Hold on for a moment." He closed his eyes and focused his inner senses. Occasionly, a small string of electricity flowed around him. "Found her. She and her adoptive brother aren't too far from here." With that done, he put his evoker away.
((Okay =D))

Rick nodded. "Thanks."

After taking a few deep breaths, Jake came through the door. "Kate..she's gone..and Blake..just like..I can't find them..Rick, help." He said, his eyes sparkling with terror. He just stood inside the door, his arms limp beside him. He looked like a little boy that had just been told no ice cream.

Rick stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll find her. You stay here, we'll get both of them back, I promise." He looked over to Allen. "Wanna come with me?"

Jake nodded slowly, finding his way to the back room and sitting in a chair. Daen and Barron, having heard him announce Kate and Blake's disappearance, were trying to comfort him.

Rick walked over to the open door. "After regaining himself when he heard of his wife, Jake said the last thing he would do for her was to die before Kate left his sight..We've got to find her before anything happens." He walked out after that, walking over to his own car, a black Mustang GT Convertible, and getting in.

"Kate..where did you say we were going?" Blake asked, ambling along beside Kate, who was practically bursting at the seams.

"A place I found awhile ago, I figured I could go here if anything ever happened." She smiled, opening the door to an old abandoned church. "It's a great hideout, and headquarters for my group. H.D.C.-Human Defense Corporation. It's the same thing my mom started..she just didn't start out strong enough."
Allen nodded at Rick then joined him in his car. This...was becoming one hell of a mess. At the very least, he found her. Kate nor her brother have the 'potential' but due to her touching him earlier, he was able to get a read on her. Allen wasn't a sensor but he cold only do well enough.
Rick started his car, pulling out of the parking lot. "Which way, Allen?" He adjusted his rear-view mirror before looking over to him.

Kate moved one of the benches to face a chalk-board which was covered in a map. "I did this last time I was here.." She took Blake's hand and sat him down, explaining the map.

Blake nodded, only pausing at the end.

"Then we storm them, starting with the leader." Kate finished

"Wouldn't it be better to silently infiltrate, then kill the leader after interrogations and sending their people off?"

Kate paused. "I guess so.." She started changing things on the map.
"40 miles to the west, near a unknown compound." He said while reloading his pistol and sticking the evoker in his suit pocket. How much more than things get worse? Wait, don't think about that. Murphy's law loves to hang around Allen and his friends.
Rick nodded, turning the car into the right lane and jumped the car, going faster than the speed limit mumbling something about danger under his breath.

Kate finished, turning to Blake. "Done."

Blake didn't respond, but was listening to something carefully. "They're here."

Kate froze. Here? Already..Dad shouldn't have already- She stopped, seeing Blake's alertness. It's not dad.. She grabbed Blake's hand, leading him to a closet and barricaded the door with a few racks. "Shhh..."

Blake nodded in the darkness, hovering closely in front of Kate to hide her.

The door bust open and commands where shouted. "Find them. If you don't, you'll end up in the same situation. Go." The voice sneered.

Blake pushed a button on his watch, sending off a silent alarm.

There was a loud beeping going off in the car and Rick cursed loudly. "I knew it..They were waiting.." He said, screeching to a stop in front of an old church, the front doors broken down and an old Jeep parked out front. "Come on Allen, we've got to get them out."
Allen nodded and damn near dove out of the car with a angered expression on his face. This situation did one thing that was complete taboo - Piss off one Allen Seiei. Quickly, he ran up to the front and through the open doors. As he entered, something was whizzing through the air at him but didn't do any damage. Why? It was cut to pieces.

"Wha-" Was all one guard went before getting knocked out by a single punch. His comrade was luckier by getting kicked into a wall. All the while, Allen's eyes had a dilated look to them.
Rick followed behind Allen, firing a warning shot into the air. The others scattered, but a young boy stood in the middle of the room, blocking the closet.

"Huh..reinforcements..how sweet." He smiled, revealing pointed teeth. The rest of his face was hidden in the shadow created by his hood.

Blake cracked the door, holding out a hand to Rick, pointing up. He closed the door, turning to Kate. "Let's go." He said.

Kate reached up, pulling the vent off of the ceiling and climbed in, pulling Blake in behind her. They climbed up carefully, making it to the balcony above. "What now?"

"Wait, then jump." He said, pointing to the boy who was slowly taking steps back.
"You have two options. One: you come with us, clean and simple. Or Two: I simply beat you down and stuff you in a trunk." Silently, Allen took out his evoker and held it at his side. "Your choice."
"What makes you think you can beat me? I've got your precious little members right here." He pointed directly at Blake and Kate, pulling out a gun that was pulsing a weird white glow.

Kate took a quick step backwards, afraid he would shoot at them.

Blake took a sharp breath as he pointed at them, but he kept in position. Almost..almost.. Blake waited until the voice seemed directly below him before jumping, landing squarely on the target.

The man coughed loudly, pulling his gun up and aiming it straight at Blake's heart. "Y-y-you in-in-insolent li-" He started coughing again, spluttering up blood from the attack. His eyes gleaming angrily.

"Yeah right shut it." Blake said, staring straight ahead.

Kate watched as Blake jumped and only dared a step forward when he heard his voice. She knew the man would shoot. It was in his eyes. She looked around for something to to throw and found an old piece of wood. She quickly snatched it, yelling down. "HEY! YOU WITH THE WEIRD GUN!" As soon as he looked up she threw the wood, hitting the gun as he tried to fire, but one thing unexpected happened. The shot rang off into the room, bouncing off the chalkboard and right towards Kate, who hit the ground.

The man was knocked unconscious as the wood bounced off his gun, hitting his head as quickly as Blake rolled off of him to avoid the loose beam. He froze as he heard it bounce. "R-rick..Kate." He pointed shakily to the balcony.

Rick waited for Blake's signal before running towards the man, ignoring Blake's desperate attempt to point out Kate. She'll be okay..she dodged it..I hope.
Before Allen could take off and help Kate, he sensed something. This time, he had to use it. In a quick motion he held the evoker to his head and pulled the trigger. The result: Shards of colorless glass burst from his head and a unknown creature who was a little bit taller than Allen, who was wearing a black kimono, katana sheath at his side and a fedora launched out.

It got to Kate in record time and blocked the beam with the broad side of it's katana.
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