Fighting the Losing Battle

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Please be a stow away! That would be so fun =D
Yea he could easily snuck on when the vortex was up and running.
Mind if I jump in? Or should I say, fly in?

Name: Cordel
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Ashi-magari (From Japanese Folklore)
Power: Flight and Permanent Invisibility
Personality: A shy, timid being, Cordel usually keeps to himself. Nevertheless, he will make his presence known to someone who is kindhearted, and he will lend a hand to those in need.
Appearance: An invisible, soft snake-like tendril.
Brief history: Cordel is a wanderer, without a family or a place to call home. He did used to have a home a long time ago in the Amazon Rainforest, and had a pseudo family with the other creatures that lived there. But that all changed when the humans took over, and in their greed clear cut all the trees leaving only barren land in their wake. In the chaos Cordel was separated from his fellow creatures and forced to flee his home. He has been on the move ever since, going wherever the wind took him.
Other: He can wrap around people's legs, temporarily restraining them. He can also sometimes be seen by children and creatures with more powerful sight like cats.
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Tigerell - yeah, you're all good! You can go ahead and fly in when you can
Alrighty, posted his intro. Also, if you would like, I think the only character that might be able to see him is Evelyn, since she's young and part cat.
Which reminds me, I should've mentioned about that in my form... Hm I should add that.
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I'm away for the weekend people so I'm sending my regards and be back soon sorry if you are waiting for me I should be on most of the night tonight.
All right, hope you have fun and thanks for the heads up!
Well I try to get on least once a day its gonna be worse at the end of september going away for 2 weeks but hopefully I can work something out
Name: Marvin

Age: 50 years since remade

Gender: Male

Race: AI

Power: Good memory, makes a brilliant cocktail.

Personality: His voice is very monotone He always happy to listen to people's problems and remember's your favorite drink.

Brief history:Marvin is one of the first AI made and very basic, he's always happy within himself with what he's been programmed with. Scrubz found him falling apart and he fixed him up and programmed him to be his barman on the ship. You always see him shining a glass up, wiping the bar or serving a drink.
Right now he's working behind a bar serving humans which Scrubz set up to earn some money to restock the ship. Marvin can pass being a human and managed to get a Job where he'll be happy.
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Hay scrubs, please remember this is fantasy not sifi.
Yea no worries, Marvin's been with my ship for a while, he's served many Supernaturals in his day while I sat around my fire. I could make him more human looking if you wish like Blue.
He looks good but please make him not robotic. It doesn't seem like a robot would fit with the idea/essence of this rp
Hey, everyone I just want to let you all know that I'll be gone for a week due to a school trip so I won't be able to get on here at all (there's no internet or phone service where we're going). Just thought I'd give you a heads up.
Darn beat me to telling everyone. *sighs* I am in the same situation that TigerQueen is. Was going to mention this earlier but packing and all is horrible sometimes. >.<
Wait! You guys are going on a trip without me!... Fine I see where I stand...
I AM BACK!!!! Sorry I couldn't exactly take you with us. It was a school trip....:/
Like Shadow Reaver… I have also returned! I know, I know, this is just so awesome but please try to contain you enthusiasm for the most part :P
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