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*Prepares to fight an undefined thread pantsless*
Maybe Unanananananu is planning on making dog noises and running at Malwin himself? :)
I think this is a good plot hole filler.
**Throws a dog biscuit for Unananananananu**

PS: Stop fighting the threads and focus, Jack.
Unananana, you didn't ask Jack or me before putting this in your post. Plus, Jack's character should have sensed it.

TALK to the people who you include in your post. THAT'S why I wanted the group to be started up. Not just for shits and giggles.

I respect Asmo, He's got the ability of a drill sergeant to lead RP players in RPs, He's gained my respect through YEARS of RPing- He's one of the few people that does Character hijacks that I don't mind, because he talks to the people before hand, or it's phrased in a way that can be manipulated.

I love the story of this RP, but good RPs can be QUICKLY disbanded when people rub each other the wrong way- which can happen when you don't talk to people in the RP.

Alright. I have more to work with now that I have some info. I'll remake it.
Malwin's in danger of premature ejacluation.


No, but seriously, Unanun. Change your post please.
Alright, hang on. I'll just delete it.

It's kind of weird though. It's like everyone's plotting with everyone on something. It's not like I'm worried about being left out, but isn't it weird how you expect me to play along, but telling me what to do would be spoiling it?

The concerted backlash, I can extrapolate from, means that pretty much everyone has an idea of what they want to do. Before I philosophize about that, you should write out summaries in OOC so I can respond to them in a controlled manner, so I don't step too far out of line.

I respect Asmo, He's got the ability of a drill sergeant to lead RP players in RPs, He's gained my respect through YEARS of RPing- He's one of the few people that does Character hijacks that I don't mind, because he talks to the people before hand, or it's phrased in a way that can be manipulated.

Really, let's not go into 'how long we've been RPing' or something like that. I won't take you up on the offer, but it leads nowhere.

or explain why Unanun's NON-CHARACTER-SHEETED MONSTAH SENSE is retarded

I made up most of the backstory on the spot for Orion because you wanted something I couldn't come up with yet. Do you need details listed on the character sheets to plan very far ahead?
You're right. Everyone IS plotting with everyone on something.

But YOU are stating exactly where the MAIN ANTAGONIST of the chapter is and what it is doing. So you're going in front of me, as the main GM, and in front of Spammy as the Chapter GM. We're not witholding information from you - we're expecting you to realise the basic roleplay etiquette of "DON'T HIJACK THE END BOSS THAT TWO OTHER PLAYERS ARE CONTROLLING".

I honesty cannot believe that you are confused by this.
But YOU are stating exactly where the MAIN ANTAGONIST

I did? I already deleted my post, but everytime I try to do something that hasn't been planned in advance I keep it extremely vague. This was done purposely out of respect to the central plot. I approached Orion and Jack pretty much in RP with no preplanning whatsoever. Specifically, in the deleted one I actually alluded to nothing.

we're expecting you to realise the basic roleplay etiquette of "DON'T HIJACK THE END BOSS THAT TWO OTHER PLAYERS ARE CONTROLLING".

But I didn't. Perhaps it inconvenienced you by delaying the progress, but I didn't.

You're right. Everyone IS plotting with everyone on something.

Damned if one does, damned if one doesn't. If two people have plans for everyone else, and something wrong happens a shitstorm is thrown. But, if you don't conform to the plot you gently get hijacked back on course, and you become a puppet stumbling in the dark attempting to say the right thing.
Dude. Just stop. We're not here to get in a big argument. How vague you were or were not doesn't matter. Its about not you meant. What it all boils down to is how people will interpret it. Asmo is the GM, and as common courtesy we don't suddenly start moving sudden dangers out of nowhere without running it by the GM.
Specifically, in the deleted one I actually alluded to nothing.
You alluded to the fact that Malwin is about to get attacked by something. Which means Jack, TK and me all have to come up with something to fill that plot hole and distract us from the main story. That's pretty rude since you didn't even ask us beforehand.

But I didn't. Perhaps it inconvenienced you by delaying the progress, but I didn't.
Yes you did. You posted in the OOC that you were going to have the werewolf go after Malwin. You then posted that in the IC. This means the Werewolf had suddenly teleported out the location where me and Spammy had put it.

Damned if one does, damned if one doesn't. If two people have plans for everyone else, and something wrong happens a shitstorm is thrown. But, if you don't conform to the plot you gently get hijacked back on course, and you become a puppet stumbling in the dark attempting to say the right thing.
No one else seems to have a problem. They seem to understand that this is a plot where Spammy has come up with a Werewolf and wants to have us encounter it somewhere. The players aren't exactly stumbling in the dark. Most seasoned roleplayers like yourself should know how these things play out. And everyone who has asked me for clues to help the investigation has been given them. You're just not communicating.

Does 'GMing' at Iwaku have the same etymology as a D&D GM?
Well, since "GM" stands for the same two words in both arenas, I reckon the etymology is the same. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make there.
*hands up*

I get it.

Most seasoned roleplayers like yourself should know how these things play out.

Different style, different time. I'm not used to this.

You then posted that in the IC.

Indeed, but I just explained to you that that wasn't the case. And I also explained that I specifically avoided hijacking the main plot. But anyways, I'm sorry.

The players aren't exactly stumbling in the dark.

I'm genuinely unsure of what to do. If I encounter it I'm ruining the plot. Do I wait for enough clues to be dropped via GM posts? What do? If you tell me what's going to happen, then .. I know what's going to happen.

Well, since "GM" stands for the same two words in both arenas, I reckon the etymology is the same. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make there.
Nothing. I'll save that discussion for another time and place.
I'm having trouble following your wording, so I'm not even sure what arguments you're making here, Unanun. You're the only player I've ever met who comes from some strange mythical place where "roleplay styles" are catastrophically disruptive to common sense.

I guess I'll never understand you. I'll have to concentrate instead on the eighteen other players who seem to be doing okay.
I'll try and understand what's going on. It'll come, eventually. Again, I apologize.

"roleplay styles" are catastrophically disruptive to common sense

If I rise to this challenge I'll never hear the end of it, so I won't.
Okay. Let's move on.

The old man says the Werewolf is in Fletcher's Alley. That's where our finale's gonna be.
Alright, good, I'm glad that while I went out and took care of some stuff, that this resolved itself. I'm sorry for my behavior and rudeness.
Nah, I was being an idiot.

I beg for mercy though; I didn't even know GM-driven RPs existed until some months prior.
I've updated the Group info about the three factions.

Feel free to add stuff, especially stories about the heroes/saints mentioned in your character sheets.
Actually, I still would like to make references to Tahan's monster-sense. It's a good foreshadowing to a later conflict, but it's still new, untested, and by the large inaccurate. Yet another source of frustration for the crew.

So in order to avoid plotholes you're just going to have it constantly misfiring?
... yes. Ignore him or be sent on wild goose chases!
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