Elementally Speaking

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Vriska glares at him "I'm sorry but this is an A, B conversation. C your way out of it!"
"so whats your problem with her ?"Björn asks Vriska
Quincy stood up and placed a hand on Vriska's shoulder. "Chill, fire girl." He looked at the purple eyed girl, feeling the adrenaline rush through him once again. There was an atmosphere of unrest as the other elementals in the room felt the same. "You're... a Spirit Elemental, aren't you? I've only heard stories of them from my Grandfather, but... you match the description."
Björn turns around to Quincy and said "wow thought the were only in fables but guess i was wrong..."
Cassidy stares calmly into Vriska's eyes, saying nothing. She takes the fire elemental's hands and gets up. She looks to Quincy. "I'm sorry sir, spirit elementals are long gone." she says, dusting herself off. "You must be mistaken," she looks back to Vriska. "I'm human."
Björn then says "well looks like it was a false alarm but thats odd though we got an Adrenalin rush when she came in that doesn't happen with elemental when their near humans.."
Ran came out of the shadows lumping and holding her right arm. she was cover in her and other guys blood. she didnt mean to kill them truely she was just defanding herself. its just she real dose not have full contreol of her powers. she need to call 911. now. she sees a cafe and lumps to it s then calls out as she went in still all bloody "call 911 please"
Cassidy stares at the girl. She runs up to her, grabbing her shoulders lightly. "What happened?" says Cassidy, looking into her eyes.
Björn reaches the operator on the other end of the phone and says "hello operator i need and ambulance at the cafe on the main high street yeah the directly across from the park and the sleep easy hotel. yes my name is Björn.... no im not the one needing the ambulance it is a girl who seems to have a laceration of some sorts on her arm... yes ok right keep pressure on it .. thank you bye." Björn gets up and rushes to the counter and asked the owner for a first aid kit. then Björn yells over to Cassidy Put pressure on the wound and fast" he give her the kit just as 2 suited men enter the cafe and yell at Björn "YOU BOY your coming with us". Björn stairs stubbornly and grabs a coffee mug full of hot coffee ready to attack and yells "Come at me fools". then Björn charges splashing one suited guy in the face and brings the mug back hard hitting the other round the face with it and it broke on contact. the angry screaming man with coffee in his face came behind Björn only to be blasted though the doors to the toilets which Björn jammed tables in the way of with a blast of air. "now for this guy'" said Björn snarling as he did so.
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Cassidy puts pressure on the wound, then reaches out towards the suited men and fixates on them, making her gentle looking hand into a fist, so that one of the men would have had a really bad, but not harmful pain in the heart. She then glared at the other man with brightly lit purple eyes, flicking her wrist at him to make him have a severe spasm attack.
Björn just could help him self as he brought his knee to the last mans face fracturing his nose then smashing the man round the ears with both hands and kicking him in his diaphragm sending him lying in to some tables where he lay still not dead but beat. in the spur of the moment Björns went in to a frenzy and pounced on the poor man and started stomping on his head only to loose balance and fall back hitting the floor. then he gets up and said " ive locked the other guy in the toilets with the tables against the door he needed to cool down" and searches the men for any interesting items before pocketing $80 and a rather large locked case one of the men was carrying before they got in a scuffle. Björn puts the case on the table then looks around again on the men for the key. Björn then says " before anyone says i unreasonably beat up those men their from the hotel that chucked me out for being an elemental. as for the reason they came here is i think i must of done some damage or something after i got who knows but there is this large locked case looks interesting"
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ran was slowly loseing conshineness(?). but before she did she saw things but every thing happend to fast. firt she saw the girl help her asked things or just one sure. then guys came in with suits and thats it everthing went black.
as the ambulance arrived Björn feels an sharp pain as she passes out and every thing goes blurry but he keeps standing as he unlocks the case to find $1 M in the bag in the case with that he shuts the lid and opens it and shuts it again unsure of it all being real as the ambulance driver and crew take care of the girl. then Björn says "pub anyone?"
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Cassidy stands up and leaves the cafe after helping the ambulance crew get the injured girl in the vehicle. She heads home. It was already dark out, and the lamps were all lit up on the streets. She passed about three flickering lights, her hands in her hoodie pockets. It was chilly, but not chilly enough to be shivering. It was nice. These kinds of evenings she loved the most.
Quincy sat back, watching the scene unfold in front of him. What a busy day. Fights, friends, emergencies, legends. It was like something out of a book. He drank his tea, watching the fight, and the effects the girl, Cass, had on the men when she used her... powers? She was a spirit elemental! He was certain of it now.
Björn looks at the money that was in the case that the men had been carrying and takes it with him across the road to a bar where he was planing to have a drink to numb the pain of the bruises he had from the fight in the cafe. as goes to leave he thinks again about going to the bar and stays put at the cafe as he thinks about how he should have his wits about him at all times after that fight.
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jake sat at the church the microphone still out he saw cass and waved he smiled it was uncommon to see him smile
Cassidy smiles back at Jake, wondering what he's doing at a church. With a microphone. At quarter to twelve in the evening. She decides to walk to him. "Sup Jake?"