Elementally Speaking

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While the conflict between Kate and Feather had ensued, Quincy remained quiet. He sat there, observing the scene. As words were thrown across the verbal battlefield, he felt a fire rising in his gut, though he wasn't a fire elemental. There was a darker side behind this eloquent exterior, bloodthirsty and ambitious. That side was how he could steal without regret, and kill animals to make a dinner when he had nothing else. As the flame grew hotter, he heavily considered using his powers to create a vortex around Feathers head, suffocating her. His regally reasonable side warned him against it, seeing as how it would only worsen the hatred humans had for his kind, seeing as how he had murdered a human child. Foolish humans, he thought to himself, so arrogant. They have no idea what we're capable of.
Björn finds Quincy and sits down on an empty seat then said "Quincy are you ok ?.."
He shook his head and looked up at the Swed. "I will be. It simply infuriates me how blastedly arrogant humans are. They think they are better than us. The way I am starting to see it, we are the next evolutionary step. They should fear us, not us them." He downed the rest of his coffee, and used his powers to float the money over to the man behind the counter.
"true i thinks if feather tries start a fight we will giver her a fight " Björn said in reply
Quincy chuckled. "Oh, no fight. So barbaric. I intend to create a vacuum around her head, depriving her of air. Not long enough to kill her, just enough to scare her into showing respect when dealing with beings of greater power than her." He smiled devilishly and leaned back in his chair, imagining the scene.
"nice idea. i hope she is afraid of heights as i could make her fly in the to the sky drop her and catch her before she reaches the ground that would surly scare her stiff" says Björn in a very impressed manor. Björn summons up a ball of air and fires and air hadouken which harmlessly dissipates in the middle of the the room .
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Quincy smirked at the man across from him. "I like the way you think, Mr. Bjorn." he remarked. "You can have this back, by the way. Sorry, force of habit." he said, handing him back his wallet.
Cassidy smiled sweetly at Jake. "I'm very good, thank you. In fact, I was just about to pop into the cafe and see my brother. He works here." said Cass, glancing over at the cafe from time to time. "How're you?"
((Okie dokie))

Kate blinked, taking of her sunglasses so the shadows were still visible in her darkened world. It's getting late..I'll get lost if I don't get home.. She thought to herself, turning onto a familiar street and heading towards the Northwest. As the sun sank further in the sky Kate tried to make out the shadows of buildings and people. She bumped her shoulder on a pole and paused, rubbing her shoulder and moving to the closest wall to feel the sign. Home sweet home. She told herself, knocking three times on the door. A woman opened it and sneered, letting her in anyway. "Go to bed. You're late." she said, pushing Kate towards the stairs. Kate obliged, not wanting to argue.
Björn returns to the hotel only to get and rude request for the keys to his room and a suited man picking him up and throwing him out upon this Björn yells "you ass wipes why did you do this to me " only to get a reply of "your an elemental " Björn says "back well do i get a refund" only to get a grunt and the man points to small print on a terms and conditions document which reads no refunds if customer is thrown out due to bad conduct. the man then slams the door and in his frustration Björn throws a ball of air which breaks the windows just as the police turn up to remove him from the property but Björn disappears before they get out their cars .
Vriska walks up to the café and walks inside. "What's all the commotion about?!"
as viriska enters the cafe Björn returns from the hotel and says " basically a human called feather got in a argument with late who is an elemental and after that they both stormed off and i got kicked out a hotel just because i am an elemental"
Vriska sighs. "Humans are so rude and racist! What's next? They'll make us their slaves? We'd probably kill them though."
"Fire. The worst of all the elementals." Vriska sighs and takes a seat at a nearby table.
"its not bad to be any of them why do you regret being different ?" asked Björn
"Fire only destroys things and doesn't create. Fire is a sin of greed. That's why." Vriska sighs.