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DnD style adventure anyone?


I would like to start a small group for an adventure like RP. I love the style of DnD and I figured doing an RP similar where instead of a DM we all kinda drive the story would be fun. I would prefer to do it on Discord as its easier to get notifications on but I'm open to one here as well.
Hi, I hope so. I'll start a discord for it tomorrow. Hopefully we can add people as the atory goes. I'd like to start with four or five though
Hi I am also interested in a D&D style roleplay, although I was preferring one that took place on a forum with actual posts (like 2-5 paragraphs). Is that the style you're looking for or are you trying to do very short replies?
Oh lol I wasn't sure the level of seriousness/formality you were interested in; the notifications make sense though. Are you still interested in new members?
Cool sounds good! Could you send me a new invite to the discord? It appears the one you posted earlier has expired...
Here ya go! I'm hoping to get at least 5 people before starting officially but you can post you OC and stuff there if ya want
Hi there! I haven't been on Iwaku in a while but I'm on Discord every day. I'd love to join but I have a few questions before I do. Nothing grilling, I swear.