DnD style adventure anyone?

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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
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  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Historical Fiction
I would like to start a small group for an adventure like RP. I love the style of DnD and I figured doing an RP similar where instead of a DM we all kinda drive the story would be fun. I would prefer to do it on Discord as its easier to get notifications on but I'm open to one here as well.
would one be useing dice
Your choice. I would say yes just to keep it interesting but its not a must have
it's been a while since i play D&D irl but i can give it a try
Sounds great. Hope to find a few more hahaha
That could be interesting!
Hi, I hope so. I'll start a discord for it tomorrow. Hopefully we can add people as the atory goes. I'd like to start with four or five though
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Discord link! Its just basic right now
@Rads did you want to join us?
Hi I am also interested in a D&D style roleplay, although I was preferring one that took place on a forum with actual posts (like 2-5 paragraphs). Is that the style you're looking for or are you trying to do very short replies?
That sounds wonderful. I was only suggesting discord to get notifications hahaha
Oh lol I wasn't sure the level of seriousness/formality you were interested in; the notifications make sense though. Are you still interested in new members?
Yep its just thew two (now three) of us at the moment but if you know someone there welcome to join
Cool sounds good! Could you send me a new invite to the discord? It appears the one you posted earlier has expired...
Here ya go! I'm hoping to get at least 5 people before starting officially but you can post you OC and stuff there if ya want
Hi there! I haven't been on Iwaku in a while but I'm on Discord every day. I'd love to join but I have a few questions before I do. Nothing grilling, I swear.
Ask away I'm happy to answer best I can. I am at work so it maybe slow replays for a vital though