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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Adventure Finder
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
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I have a shifting work schedule, so My online times will be random.
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  1. Adept
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  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, scifi, futuristic modern, fantasy modern, Action/adventure, Mystery, Fan-based,
Hi all,
I've had a basic idea for a D&D campaign for a while now and wanted to know if anyone here was interested in a D&D RP.
If you are interested I'd also like to know if you have any favorite elements, items, or monsters you like to see, or worlds or terrain you think would be fun to explore. (ocean, Mountain, forests, under-dark etc)
I would also like to know if you prefer an existing Pantheon or a DM created one.

I am relatively new to D&D itself, but am an experienced forum RP GM and so feel comfortable acting as the DM for this, providing maps, combat, and OCs to interact with, and doing my best to weave in backstories to the larger story (if provided) and hopefully provide a fun world to play in and explore.

We would be using 5e rules for this, and creating character sheets accordingly.
Unless someone has a better recommendation I'm also thinking of using Iwaku's dice system for rolling.

So yeah, if you're interested post here and also let me know any ideas or recommendations you may have ^_^
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Yup interested. Ill think up some answers when i get home.
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DnD is my new jam. Few questions before I sell my soul... Would you be running it the way typical campaigns run? Like... Several hour long sessions... Or like a more traditional rp. Also what is your stance on character death? Will it be a factor and if so do you plan to allow for ressurections or will you require new characters to be rolled?
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My current thoughts are to run this as a forum RP with people taking turns posting as much or little as needed as the characters explore, chat, etc.. Although I would be open to short chat sessions or collabs for times when it's mostly role-playing if desired, and then turning that into a post. Also feel free to collab if it's just your characters and no OCs are needed ^_^. This is largely so I have to time look stuff up as needed as I am new to being a D&D DM, and I think it allows for people with different life schedules to still play together.

As with any game there is a chance for character death. Resurrections will be allowed if the appropriate materials are available and spells prepared, or if you can convince a local temple to help. However, I personally prefer Matt Mercer's resurrection rules.

(text courtesy of Use Critical Role's Resurrection Rules in Your Own Campaign | Geek and Sundry)

If a character is dead, and a resurrection is attempted by a spell or spell effect with longer than a 1 action casting time, a Resurrection Challenge is initiated. Up to 3 members of the adventuring party can offer to contribute to the ritual via a Contribution Skill Check. The DM asks them each to make a skill check based on their form of contribution, with the DC of the check adjusting to how helpful/impactful the DM feels the contribution would be.
For example, praying to the god of the devout, fallen character may require an Intelligence (Religion) check at an easy to medium difficulty, where loudly demanding the soul of the fallen to return from the aether may require a Charisma (Intimidation) check at a very hard or nearly impossible difficulty. Advantage and disadvantage can apply here based on how perfect, or off base, the contribution offered is.
After all contributions are completed, the DM then rolls a single, final Resurrection success check with no modifier. The base DC for the final resurrection check is 10, increasing by 1 for each previous successful resurrection the character has undergone (signifying the slow erosion of the soul's connection to this world). For each successful contribution skill check, this DC is decreased by 3, whereas each failed contribution skill check increases the DC by 1.
Upon a successful resurrection check, the player's soul (should it be willing) will be returned to the body, and the ritual succeeded. On a failed check, the soul does not return and the character is lost.

You can always chose to let the character die and re-roll a new one though. That is entirely the player's prerogative.
I've been looking into trying out a DnD campaign online! I'm interested :D
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Ey, that's pretty good.
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I have a difficult time with character death cause I get super attached, but Matt's rules are pretty fair, so I'm comfy with that.
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I'd absolutely love to join this RP! Back when I was on this site the first time I tried to join a D&D RP, but it fell apart. It seems this one will work out :D Are we allowed to go ahead and make character sheets? If so, which books are we allowed to use?
Hey @Falcon ! Worth mentioning - dunno if you're at all familiar with or have used the Avrae/Discord combo or not, but it is a highly efficient setup for dnd. I use it for my own game, using dicecloud sheets, but you can also use gsheets or pdf sheets and it'll incorporate everything right into discord for you.

You can keep track of initiatives and such, which is SO nice for a DM lol.
oh fancy! I'll have to look into it.
Also I will do my absolute best not to get anyone killed XD

okay so @Applo @Elle Joyner @TheQueensGuard @The Wanderer @Sail
Thank you so much for expressing interest!
I think that's enough people to start planning things out with! I can still take a two more if anyone else is interested though ^_^

For character creation absolutely start thinking about who you want your character to be now, but before I pass out sheets, I'd like to do a little more planning with you all just to make sure we're on the same page, and roll stats together.
I have copies of Xanathar's and the Handbook, so absolutely anything in those is fair game to use. I will also say that if there's something in another official source you would like to use, send me a link to the information (there are several wonderful D&D source websites) so I can have a reference for it and I'll probably say yes XD.

As no one has yet told me they would like an existing Pantheon I will be making one. Any Particular gods/goddesses you want to see included? (e.g. god of war, goddess of light etc.)

Also let me know any items, monsters, themes, plots, locations, etc you're interested in encountering in this game.

On another note we can continue to use this thread to plan in, but do we want an OOC thread to chat in? or do people prefer discord? and do we want a thread for dice rolling? or do people have other ideas? I will also be looking at that Avrae thing ^_^
For background/religious purposes, the Lawful Good Drago God dude person that I need to look up the name of, would be a cool addition. Unless it be a 100% Original DnD campaign and such.
Do you mean Bahamut?

I can include something like that for sure ^_^
I generally prefer Discord for ooc stuff because I'm on mobile a lot more and it's easier to check notifs. But that's just my vote. I'm down for whatever.

As far as themes go, I'm always a fan of anything involving political intrigue. Quests can be fun (albeit cliche lol) and I never mind a good 'save the world' scheme. I'm pretty flexible in regards to the other elements.

I'd say my biggest concern in any game is balance... Combat can be fun, but when it's the main focus it gets a little stale. Encounters that feel organic to the storyline are best in my book.
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Yeah discord is far easier to check for OOC conversation for me as well.
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Whats this? A dnd game? In my forum?!? Hot diggity dang i'm in.
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I'm fine with discord or Iwaku for chatting and plotting. I'm also fine with Iwaku dice rolling but if other people want something else I'm easy. Personally I would love to see under dark stuff as for a pantheon, all my characters have been godless heathens so I've never really paid them any attention XD
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I wouldn't mind a delve into the underdark so long as it's brief. As they learned in Campaign 1 or CR, Underdark gets a little stale after a while lol and it's not so much fun for those who lack darkvision XD
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*laughs in pretty much everything not human in 5E* :p
I'm a veteran of many games of 5 e, all the way back to 3.5/pathfinder which i'm still playing.

So i'm able to play whatever is needed, but if nothing is down pat, i'll play something on the lines of fighter.

I really do love what they've done with fighter in 5e.
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*Peeks in* Well now, isn't this beyond intriguing! And I spot some familiar faces! (Hallo lovelies)

I shall always be down for a DnD-based rp, so if you have room for one more, I'd love to give this a shot. 5e is my jam.