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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Awesome! @Mobley Eats with your joining that means my last spot is filled so I shall change the prefix on this thread to planning ^_^Let me know if you're comfortable with Discord, and feel free to answer any of the planning questions mentioned in my earlier post.

After I get done with work I can give you all some world lore and we can begin character planning / stat rolling ^_^
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
Awesomesauce~ I am 100% all in for using Discord as a means of OOC and communication, as I basically live on there lol! I will say that I've never used the thread dice rolls on Iwaku before but I'm a fast learner and I'm certain it's not that difficult.

As for my character, I'm currently leaning towards a Monk training in the Way of the Drunken Master and a deity she's likely to worship is Ilmater, Disciples of St. Sollars (Monks of the Yellow Rose). Of course, it's all rough draft stuff but that's a starting point for me. (and she may be a half-orc)

I also agree that balance is my biggest concern in any campaign; I'm a glutton for action/combat, don't get me wrong, but I'm also a sucker for some intriguing political or internal drama among the group, and encountering opportunities for character development. Other than that, I'm highly flexible and am just here to make an awesome story with the crew.
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I'm probably gonna go with a bard, just tossing that out!
@Falcon Any preference as far as real faceclaims or artwork?
No preference just choose something you'll be happy with long term as I'll probably make a token out of it for when we reach combat XD
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
Awesome, I'm super excited for this! I've got an interesting illusion wizard that I've been wanting to play for a while, so this sounds like a really good time to use him :D
Gonna make myself a Monk-Boi.
slides way of the drunken master monk to one side

I might go rogue or paladin.
@ Applo @Elle Joyner @TheQueensGuard @The Wanderer @Sail @Orikanyo @Mobley Eats
Welcome to session 0 XD

Attached is the character sheet. It should be a fillable PDF.
Please fill it out and send it back to me. If you have problems let me know and we'll find another way.
I only need the first page after you've filled it out, but if you want to do the second or any other background info you can send that to me too.
Take your time and make the character you want to ^_^ also let me know if you have questions/need help.

We will be starting at level 1 for this RP since I feel that will give time for characters to get to know each other before anything big comes along.

For stats, roll 4 D6 and drop the lowest number. use the resulting total for one stat. You can chose which stat each number will belong to.
For the iwaku dice hit edit after making your post and choose throw dice from the menu. It should let you chose the type and how many in the options.

According to the example below I would drop the three and have a total of 13 for that stat

If you role four or more numbers below a ten let me know and we can do a reroll ^_^
Please roll your stats in this thread.


  • 5E_CharacterSheet_Fillable.pdf
    495.1 KB · Views: 11
For my dice --

Ignore that 6 in the first set - clicked 'throw another dice' by accident.

Is the 5 at the end there even viable? I've never used a stat below 8 before 0_O And a -3 is ... a pretty intense yikes LOL
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  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Applo
Stats and stats and stats and stats
So question before I roll stats. Can I play variant human and am I allowed to replace background equipment with the 4d4x10 roll? I'll have to check on the amount of d4 because I'm pretty sure it varies depending on class.
If the variant is home-brew then no. If it's form an official source send me a link to an online source so I can look at what you're wanting ^_^

And yes you can start with either the equipment or money just tell me which you're taking. Also, I will be giving everyone an amount of starting gold later :)
Variant human is in the PHB, should be in the bottom right of the human race. But thanks! I'll get to character making now.
player's handbook stuff is absolutely allowed ^_^
@Falcon -- Realized I forgot to tag up there XD Just wanna make sure that 5 is alright before I start building?
It only makes one point of difference so I'll allow it ^_^
It only makes one point of difference so I'll allow it ^_^

Oh no LOL I meant the 5 stat (the last one I rolled LOL 2 + 2 + 1)
oh! XD
Yeah four of your six rolls were above a 10 so i'm afraid you're stuck with the low roll. Depending on where you put it, it could make things more fun ^_^
Alrighty! Let's try out this stats business!