Burning Shadows Pack

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Hmm.. Two wolves pad into the ... clearing? One is all black with a white tail tip and has green eyes, is male, the other is golden and has blue ryes, is female.
Star gave a small laugh, watching the pup. "There.. No one will hurt you.."
The male glances arouns curiously. The female looks skittish.
Star frowned slightly. "No need to hide young one.." Star then looked up at the two new wolves. "oh, hello there."
-Ears twitch and i pad closer to StarShade, now within arms reach-
The male wolf dipped his head. Toned muscles rippled beneath his pelt as he padded over. The golden wolf followed closely, her fur bristrling. She was lithe and her pelt was sleek. "Hello," the male said, "Im Daxton and this is my sister, Fallen."
Star looked at the two and smiled. "Welcome to Burning Shadows, Daxton and Fallen
-Darts under StarShade and hides beneath her, not knowing who the two new wolves are-
Fallen managed a smile. Daxton smiled, baring sharp teeth. "Thank you," he said.
Star sat up, moving slow so she didn't scare the pup. "We're still working on things so we're not much to look at yet."
-Looks at Daxtons sharp teeth and eyes are now filled with terror as i run to find a place to hide-
Fallen spoke quietly, "Its better than nowhere."
Daxton frowns, not meaning to scare the pup.
-Hides in a log, but gets stuck after getting in halfway, my feet and tail flailing around e crazy, the air now filled with wimpers and whines-
Star ran over and turned human, skin slightly tanned, black shoulder length, emo style hair, wearing a black tank top and jean shorts, she grabbed onto the pup where she could and pulled gently, wiggling him slightly to get him free.
Fallen glances roward thw pup and pads over to help him out.
Fallen and Daxton also turn human. Daxton stretxhes and he seems to have more muscles now. His hair is black, of course, with a white tipped mohawk, and his eyes are green. Fallen has long golden hair to her hips and blue eyes. She wesrs jeans and a white flowy blouse