Burning Shadows Pack

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Star fell back onto her butt holding the pup, she looked down at him, a worried look a mother might get on her face, left eye covered by her hair. "are you alright lil one..?"
Star smiled and held the pup close, nuzzling him.
Fallen has her fingers to her mouth and the sleeves on her blouse hang off hee shoukders. She watxhes Star and the pup. Daxton observes the area
Star set the pup in her lap. "Do you have a name..?"
Fallen smiles softly at the pup. Daxton turns back wolf and sits beside his sister.
-Tilts head at Fallen, me tongue sticking out of my small mouth and reveling a small set of teeth-
Fallen turns wolf again and pads over. She stops beside star and the pup.
Fallen laughs and playfully cuffs the pups ear.
-Ears lay flat and i try to touch Her hands so my ears "comeback"-
-Shakes head at StarShade when she asks about a name-
Fallen smiles. She turns human and carefully pets him.
(sorry, i was being bugged)

Star leaned back on her hands.
-Touches her and when i do she sees a smaller version of me nudging a female wolf with 3 other wolf pups nudging the same wolf. The female wolf has an arrow sticking out of her neck and blood is pooling on the ground-
-Watches Fallen leave and turns to look at StarShade-