Burning Shadows Pack

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Kuma sliced down all three rouges with a fluid slicing motion with his sword, "back off."
Kii skids to a stop right before slamming into Kuma. O.O
Kuma nearly took off her head with the inside of the curved edge of his katana-like sword. "Oh, it's the newbie."
With the inside of his katana's curved tip*
(Sorry, long day)
Kuma used a spare cloth to clean his sharp sword, "just wondering. I'm Kuma."
A tawny-brown she-wolf pads into the clearing. "Hello? I heard there was a pack in this part of the forest."

(I'll post a pic of my wolf in a bit)
Star looked at the new wolf, her dark grey fur shining in the sun and blue eyes bright. "You heard right."
-A small black wolf pup with three blue stripes running along his sides and his spine stumbles out off the woods, his eyes are bright green. His ribs are visible for he hasn't eaten food in a day or so-
Star looked over at the pup and tilted her head.
-Notices StarShade and backs up into the woods trying to hide but the rumble in his stomach gives him away-
Star's ears moved, hearing the young pup's stomach growl. "It's alright.."
-Tries to snarl, but it comes out as a squeak, i keep backing up and i bump into a fallen log letting me know that i can't go any further-
Star lays on her stomach and smiles. "It's okay lil one.."