Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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Say what you will, but I rather keep some first aid material and food on me when I travel through a bandit ridden forest... Physics says, eyeing the nearby trees in worry of a bandit jumping out of them, before turning to look back at Majem, a confident smirk on his face.
Farsight had stopped after a few steps, especially since the new pony had burst from the bushes. His eyes were have drooped open, the exhaustion from repairing the bat pony's wheel dragging him down. He sat back on his haunches and watched the conversation play out.
"I suppose, so. Just a friendly reminder." Majem said and nodded at Physics, then looked over at the other ponies, wanting to know their name too. He saw a red unicorn sitting down, he seemed pretty exhausted, so Majem approached him. "Greetings, friend. Are you alright?"

​As Majem approached Farsight, he noticed some leaves still on him, so he brushed them off.
"I'm fine.... Just... Repairing inanimate objects with magic is very draining... True, not as draining as living ponies, but still..." Farsight says in explanation to the new pony, his exhaustion forcing his normal weariness with new ponies away.
"Depends on the magic you specialize in. I'm not very keen on using teleportation or levitation magic. I'm not very good at it. I specialize in Elemental Magic, especially water as you may have already noticed." Majem said and moved a hoof through his water mane. "Do you want something to eat? I think I still have half a pie left." He said and retrieved half a pie from his saddlebag.
Fatal watches the newcomer. Since when is she so quick to label people as good and bad? Granted, she's never really met this many ponies at one time. Maybe it's as simple as the fact that one set of them tried to kill her and the other set just wants light conversation. It also could be something programmed into her by her creators. She sighs, walking over to Majem and Farsight, but addressing Physics as she talks, as well. "They won't be hunting you. They'll be hunting me. I killed them, and I'm sure they know the mark. Somehow they knew my name, and what I look like. It seems the false rulers of Equestria want me for something." she says with a slight, uninterested shrug.

"We really do need to move. With the bodies in the open, Tian is right. We'll need to make shortcuts through the forests. You know that I can defend myself, but my attack takes time to recharge. Otherwise I have to resort to my hooves." She says, turning to Farsight. "You need to rest. Get onto the cart. Anybody who can defend themselves, gather around the carts. We can use them to carry our supplies."

Fatal Flight was starting to feel a little nauseous. She's a follower, not a leader. She's an adviser, true enough, but. . . A leader?
Farsight shakes his head, to both the offer of food and to getting on the cart. "I'm fine, I just need to get moving." He says, blinking his weary eyes. Farsight stands once more, and begins to move. As he does, he raises his voice, "Lets get moving! We wait around here and we'll all end up with our heads on pikes..." The image was a disturbing one to him, but he knew it would get most of them moving.
Majem shrugs and puts the pie back in his saddlebag when Farsight declined his offer. He shudders at the mention of heads on pikes, but follows behind him anyway. "Sheesh, you lot really don't like to be here, huh?" He gives another glance around the party and continues. "Looks like the guards roughened y'all up quite good. Bah, they are horrible ponies. Just like those cursed self-appointed new dictators." Majem snorts and spits on the ground before continuing. "Glad I'm out of there, besides, I could really use a new vacation anyway. I was thinking of leaving again." His voice turns around completely and Majem sounds very cheerful again. He even begins to skip ahead of the group.

"Say, what did you guys do to get exile?"
He asks, skipping along, looking behind at the others, nearly laughing at the thought of being exiled.
"Thanks, Physics! You did something really honorable!" - Tian said with a big smile.

After that, Tian got herself close to the pony on the cart again. She was really worried, but he seemed to be getting better, as he could wake up at any moment. But she was exhausted and her vision got blurred again. She used the cart as a support not to fall, and in this state she lost the new pony introduction, until she heard the word "pie". She struggled to stay on her hooves and started walking slowly at Majem's direction. - "Hello. I'm Tian Long, nice to meet you. - She said with a tired voice, bowing. She almost fell doing this, but she recovered her ground. - Sorry for asking, but will you eat that pie? - She asked shyly.
Nocte hovered above the group keeping an eye out for potential threats. after finding othing, he landed and looked to the group. "So Where to?" he asked as he looked to the new comer. "Who's the new guy, and where'd he come from?"
"I just left" Fatal says simply in response to the strangely cheerful pony.​
Majem gasped as he saw the poor pony struggling to stay standing. He immediately retrieved his pie and handed it over to her. "You poor thing! Here, eat up, quickly." He didn't have time to look at her injuries, since a new pony came asking questions.

Majem gave a quick bow to Nocte, then answered her question. "My name's Majem. Also banished from Equestria, though I'm not sure if that really is a bad thing." He said and chuckled slightly.

With the introduction over, Majem looked over at Tian again, then at Farsight and finally at Fatal. The party was in horrible condition, they wouldn't get very far without coming to a halt again like this. They were also pretty disorganized, being only recently thrown out and it seemed none of them really knew each other. Meaning there probably isn't a leader either, though Fatal gave an attempt to substitute as one.
"Should I? Nah, I'll wait a bit more." Majem thought to himself.
Tian sat at the ground and ate the pie. She was quite used to injuries and bruises, but she had barely eaten in the last 24 hours she was kept captive before being sentenced to banishment. Soon enough, her vision was already clear again, and she started to feel the energy returning to her body. - "Thanks. I owe you one." - She said with a smile, using her right hoof to clean some crumbs on her face. - "I was trying to gather some ponies back there in Equestria to help me convince even more ponies to go agains the new government. But one or some of them betrayed me and told Trixie about me, not that I judge them. They may have had their reasons. Then, some guards came to arrest me, and I knew I would be banished, so I fought against them, as I wouldn't be able to help much from outside. Because of that, they arrested me for about a day before banishment without eating anything, and then sent me here without the right to bring anything." - She said to Majem, answering his last question. Then, she looked at the pony in the cart. - "And probably something similar happened to him, seeing his condition. I really hope he wake up soon."
Majem sat down next to Tian and looked at her while she ate and told her story. "You don't owe me anything. We stick together and help each other out, no need for favors and such." He said smiling back at her.

"Mhmm, a revolution only works if the people are willing to revolt."
He said, nodding at her story. "I really do not understand how they would not revolt. But if I was successful in my attempt, nothing of this would've happened and nopony would need to revolt." He sighed, then looked over at Tian and then the pony in the cart. "Seems like some of you are injured. You lot really need some rest."
Farsight sighs... He was exhausted, but the only one that seemed to want to move on. When he heard the word "revolt", his mind began to work... He had planned on coming back, maybe try to dethrone the fake power mongers that were now the monarchs of the realm... But if he could get an army to back him... Then he would definitely stand a chance. Maybe he could convince ponies from other cities and towns, and other creatures of the realms, to aid him. But for now, he let the ideas swirl around his head, formulating...
Majem kept looking around at the other ponies. Especially Farsight and Fatal. They didn't seem very well, troubled even. He sighed and called out to them. "Hey, come sit down and rest for a while. You ponies don't look too good. Sit down and rest, you're just straining yourself."
"I know your intentions were good, but I really can't approve an attempt to kill anypony, sorry." - She said, looking at the guard's dead bodies again. "Well, I'm already feeling a lot better, thanks to you. Now we just need everypony else to get ready." - She said while stanting up again and hopping in place, feeling her energy back.
Majem turned back to Tian and nodded. "I understand, part of me is glad my attempt failed, but part of me is still worried about what's going on back home. It was all I could do at the time to stop those scoundrels. Honestly, though. You wouldn't believe how often we joked about poisoning the water back in the lab." He looked at Tian as she hopped in place, uncertain just how much of her strength she had regained. A pie usually isn't all that nutritious and it usually takes time to properly digest food. "Are you sure you're good to go? I'm serious, don't strain yourself. You'll just make it worse."
Physics just mumbles something, standing around waiting for the group to advance.
"Alright, we've stayed here too long." Fatal says, her decision to move finally absolute. "I know you're all tired, but we have to move. If we can find somewhere off the road with a clearing, we'll be much better off. If we can find a place with a defensive advantage, that'll be even better. Nocte, can you check ahead of us in the forests to our left? Farsight, please, rest if you must. I'll handle one of the carts, I have plenty of strength." she finishes, lying a little on that last part. She takes reign of the cart, guiding it towards the forest. She actually thinks it's a bit sad that the ground has less holes than the road does.