Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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Morning Glory listened politely, but was also busily trying to get the creases left by her wagon's harness out of her gown. She stopped when he asked for her name, and held her snout in the air once more. "Lady Morning Glory of the Silver House." she said with practiced ease. "A water tester you say? Well, I can purify my own drinking water, but I suppose you would be better suited to cleaning large amounts of fluid." She swished her tail and squinted skyward for a moment. The afternoon was wearing on. In a few more hours it would begin to get dark. "I say, how much further do you plan on traveling today?" she called to the front of the group. Her hooves were already aching from walking on the rough ground.
"Lady Morning Glory of the Silver House." He repeated after her. "May have heard that name before. Definitely know about the Silver House, though." Majem's legs began to tire, they weren't used to carry much more than his own weight, though his hooves were used to walking on all sorts of terrains. "With these carts, I'd say it's best we find a cave to hide them in. I heard somepony mention bandits before, wasn't that right Fatal?" Majem asked, looking over at Fatal.
Physics gives a small smile. Well it's good to see we all have useful talents around here and no pony is dead weight.... Physics says, knowing that a pony without any useful skill was only a extra mouth to feed and defend when attacked, something they didn't need to waste their limited amount of food and energy on.
And as for water, I do have a purification spell, I mostly use it for getting rid of poison from my system, but I guess it can also remove impurities from water too. Physics says, not using said spell in such manners often, as he hadn't need to clean up his food, as he lived in a city, and packed enough food whenever he travels.
Majem smiles when Physics begins to talk, too. It was good to hear that the ponies had skills to survive, but mostly that they were comfortable enough to talk about themselves. "Good to hear we have ponies with survival abilities, but does anypony here have any survival training or experience?"
I...I brought a survival book with me...and I wouldn't exactly say this type of travel is new to me... Physics says, knowing he had some experience wandering through bandit filled forests in the past, having done business with some, other had hunted him down in the forest, wanting something a bit worse for his well intention then to make a deal with him...
"This should be fun, then! A camping trip! Just like when I was a little colt. Well, I doubt any of you have brought any tents?" He said, thinking about camping trips.
Fatal takes the harness of the cart and begins to tug a bit to get a feel for its weight. She then gives Morning Glory a quick nod. "I'll heal. It's easier to know when my spines are back if I let it recover naturally. Don't be offended, though, I've turned down healing from closer friends." she says, every word being the absolute truth. She had been listening in on the conversations and thinkin about every individual stage of them. She begins to pull the cart forward. She looks ahead, seeing that her path is clear, and looks back a tad to see her blank flank, where most ponies would have a cutie mark by her age. She sighs.

"My uses are limited, unfortunately. I'm a glass cannon, I can only be fired once. And then it's a fairly long wait to recover. I knew more once, but not now." Fatal says, almost sounding disappointed in herself. "Don't get me wrong, I'm a very capable fighter. I'm fairly talented in hoof to hoof combat, and I have quite a bit of survival knowledge." She very much hoped that they wouldn't ask her about her survival knowledge. She didn't actually learn it from anything in particular. It was all hardwired into her by the creators. As she thinks on, realizing how many things she owes completely to her creators, she begins to get sick.

"Majem is right, though. With a banishment such as this, weak minds fall prey to strong ones. It's almost a guarantee that at least one of those great minds means harm to others. I think we should stop near here. Keep an eye open for a usable camp ground." - She'll take the first watch. And likely the second as well. After all, she doesn't sleep. She does bleed, hunger, thirst and likely die, but not sleep.
"You can fly, Fatal. That skill is very useful when it comes to survival. We won't need your scary ability to survive out here. Please, do not use it if you don't have to, we don't want you to hurt yourself." Majem said and winked at Fatal, hoping she'd calm down with the mental self-beating. It was obvious she thought lesser of herself.

"Exactly. Find a safe spot, locate water and food sources, hide the carts. Make a fire to scare off wildlife, build defenses against bandits. Hmm, I think we should make defenses first, fire will most likely attract the bandits. Could a pegasus perhaps fly over and get a good view at our location? I bet it's easier to navigate from up above."
"I would, but. . ." Fatal says, almost doubting herself again. This was more about her physical condition than anything. She shakes her head to get rid of the thoughts. "Well, I can't exactly fly right now."
"Of course not! You're pulling a cart! Some ponies do one thing, others do different things. We'll have to work out a task shedule sometime, or something. Do we have somepony else that is a pegasus? I'm not exactly good with the wing-giving spell, as in, I can't do that." He said jokingly. "Should we halt here and scout the area?" ​Majem asked, slowing down a little already, preparing to stop the cart.
Farsight had been following along, disdaining the use of the cart. He had recovered enough energy now that he had started on his way. It helped that he supplemented himself with a little Dream energy, although it was hard to pull it straight from the Dreamworld now. Farsight sighs, knowing he will probably never see that place again, nor Ponyville and most of his friends. He had plans running through his head, but if Fatal wanted to lead, he would let her. But first... Farsight approached the pegasus mare pulling the cart, and lowering his voice, says, "When we get to where we are stopping, I would like to speak to you alone." He made sure that only she had heard what he said, using a small spell to mask his voice. Before she can answer, however, Farsight walks ahead of the group, not too far, but far enough to be alone.
Fatal slows down and eventually comes to a stop, turning to Farsight and then to Majem. "I think that will be a good idea, Majem. I'm going to go scout ahead with Farsight. Two heads are better than one." she says, moving out from under the harness and trotting forward towards Farsight. Normally, she would have waited or been hesitant to do so, not knowing what his intentions are. His voice, however, seemed very intent. Fatal would indulge him.
Majem looked over at Farsight and raised an eyebrow. He wanted to ask what, but decided it'd be best to leave it be. "Hey, Farsight, was it? What magic do you specialize in?" Majem called out to him, looking over at his cutie mark, but he was too far ahead to get a good look.

Fatal stopped and released her cart off of her back, so Majem came to a halt, too. "Oh, uh. That's great! We'll just stay here, so you can find us again more easily." Majem freed himself from the extra load he had attached to his back. As soon as he was on his own again, he hopped up, then stretched. "Oomph, I'm not made for this. Hey, Physics, can I see that book you brought?"
Farsight had walked a small ways off before he noticed that the carts had stopped. He, himself, stops and sits on his haunches, watching as Fatal approached him. He hadn't expected this either, but he would make do. Once she had reached him, he stood again and spoke. "You've more or less taken the leadership position. I was going to try and lead, but it looks like you can do it. If you'll have it, I will help advise you. I have a fair knowledge of the lands surrounding Equestria, and I have my own survival skills that I have honed. But know this, I plan on retaking the throne, and either giving it back to the Princesses or to somepony that isn't as egotistical as the tyrants that are there now..." He spits at the mention of those two, not caring who saw or what they thought.
"I'm not a leader." Fatal states admittedly. She lets out a sigh. "I'm more of an adviser myself. I know what to do, and I make suggestions, but the role of leader can be... Stressful." she pushes her hoof out in front of her, looking at it. "I've haven't been around that many ponies in my days. This is honestly the largest group I've been in to this day, times three." she retracts her hoof and sits as Farsight was a moment ago. "I'll take your advice, though, until we find one more suited. I simply lead the group as I would lead myself. I hope that's enough for now."
"You and I both..." Farsight says in reply. "If it starts to become too stressful, I can take the reins for a while. I've lead groups of ponies before." He looks back at the group they had, wondering, pondering. The only one he didn't really like was "Lady" Morning Glory. She was too much like the tyrants: Stuck up, snobby, almost expecting everything to be done for her... Farsight hoped she would see that would not do, and that she would become more humble. Almost too much to ask... He thought to himself, then turns his eyes back to the pegasus. "You said that we were going to scout ahead? Shall we begin?" He asks, having heard her small exchange with Majem before he had walked too far away.
"Lets" Fatal says with a short smile as she gets off her rear, stretching her wings to check how healed they are. She begins to move forward, satisfied with her healing so far. She already misses being able to fly. Much to her surprise, it doesn't take too long to find a spot that seems perfect. Almost too perfect. There's a cavern, large enough for at least one cart to hide in, and clear of trees in a nearly circular area. The place seems easily defensible, with there being small indents in the ground with logs nearby that can be used as cover in the event of a small attack. But, of course, there's a small, week or two old campfire in the center and two broken carts nearby.

"Clearly the last people to camp out here weren't as prepared as we are."
"Clearly... But this does seem like a good place. Although I wonder if its all just a trap..." Farsight says, looking over the remains of the camp of unfortunate ponies that had camped there before. "Should we head back and tell the others? Or move on to try and find a better, maybe safer place?"
Tian walked alongside Arty all the time, but they didn't talk much. Arty was kinda lost in his thoughts about everything that happened so suddenly, and Tian let him have this time to think. They were some distance behind the group with Majem and Morning Glory, so Tian couldn't hear their conversation. But when the carts halted, waiting for Farsight and Fatal Flight scout the area for a place to stay during the night, she decided to introduce herself to the mare. - "Wait just a minute, I'll be back." - She said to Arty, who just nodded, and started trotting toward Morning.

"Good evening! I'm Tian Long, Nice to meet you!" - She said to Morning Glory. She didn't speak to her in any different way than she does with anypony, as she was all for the idea od equality. - "I'm sorry for not comming to say hi earlier, but I had to stay in that pony's company. He's injured, and it's better for him not to walk for the moment." - She said, without giving any attention to her own clearly visible bruises.
"I think it would be best to find somewhere else. This just seems too perfect. Maybe we can find some proof of what happened?" Fatal says, moving over to one of the carts. She runs her hoof against the wood, stopping for a moment as she feels a rough and unnatural shape beneath. She pulls her hoof away to see claw marks. She looks up to the cave with a grim expression. "I think they made their camp here without realizing there were wolves in the cave. Do you think the wolves have left?"