Avatar: The Rebel Armada (OOC)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Mobley Eats

Consume. Smother your doubts. Be fulfilled.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
  5. No Preferences
Modern, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Drama, Action.

Character Sheets
Extra Info & Worldbuilding



Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

A hundred years passed and the new Avatar, a young Airbender named Aang, fell to his knees before the Fire Nation as well. Whether he's dead or alive is a mystery to this very day. Plundering and conquest threatened to light the world on fire.

In a desperate reach for freedom, the Earth Kingdom and Water tribes deployed their finest warriors, and formed a battalion that rivaled the Fire nation in size. They raged war for years until the lands were split in two, Fire Nation to the left and Rebel Armada to the right. Their borders are now swamped with violence.

Until one day, rumor spread through the lands of an artifact granting non-benders bending abilities. Residing in the heart of the Fire Nation. Now, Rebel Armada seeks to obtain the artifact, and although our thirst for freedom is great, we still have a lot to overcome before we're ready to save anyone.

But I believe Rebel Armada can save the world.


-All Iwaku rules apply

-Each member is only allowed two characters, whether bender or non-bender. Choose wisely.

-Water, Fire, and Earthbending are available. No Airbending. If you can convince me that your character can bend something else with a believable argument, I'll allow it.

-No Godmodding, Over Powered characters, Mary Sues/Gary Stews, or introducing plot points without the GM's consent.

-Must post at least once a week. If you're anticipating a long absence, notify the GM immediately and adjustments will be made accordingly.

-Post length must be three short paragraphs minimum. Anything longer is highly welcome.

-Practice good grammar and check over for typos before posting. I know things are bound to slip through sometimes, so I won't bite your head off for tiny mistakes.

-Not every single person who shows interest will be accepted into the RP. A writing sample must be written and sent to me through PMs. Those who are accepted will be notified on October 8th. This isn't a first come, first serve situation either. All who send writing samples by this date are eligible.

-Be a community, guys. By this, I mean talk in the OOC, be Avatar nerds, have your gush moments, flip out over some plot candies and theories, whatever. Just no bullying , no drama, no hostility.

-Romantic content is obviously okay, but all sexual content will fade to black or be skipped over.

-Further detail and information about the world and plot of this RP will be hidden until this idea grabs attention in the Interest Check ...which it now has!

-Finally, and most important of all, stay wonderful.



Once Avatar Aang was defeated in 1105 AC (After Conquest), The Fire Nation launched an attack on the western borders of Gooling. The raid was swift and crushing, holding civilians and soldiers alike as slaves and prisoners of war. Their sea ports were blockaded and the outskirts of the village were monitored at all hours, preventing rescue forces to be sent in by Kyoshi Island, the Southern Water Tribe, and Ba Sing Se.

Fire Nation's miasma began to spread north of the lands in 1108 AC. However, later that same year, Rebel Armada planned a covert prison break in the dead of night. Although they had managed to release several innocents, bender and non-bender, even more lives were lost in the crossfire. To further worsen the blow, Fire Nation soldiers made an example of ten village families, who were burned alive in a public display.

The event was ground-shaking.

In response, Rebel Armada fell into a standstill. Whatever operatives remained in Gooling refused to abandon their post and established an underground league of rogues to weaken prison defenses.

Further north, the Earth Kingdom Base was fully overrun by 1113 AC and was renamed Kasai Village. In rapid succession, another peninsula was taken in 1115 AC, a village resort converted into Sekitan, a direct military link and naval base of the Fire Nation. Infiltration into this area was considered fruitless in the face of their maximum security and massive soldier count.

However, a shocking turn of events unraveled years later in 1122 AC. An elite police force that had remained hidden in the underbelly of Ba Sing Se emerged. They were known as the Dai Li. Combining their combative, recon, and other unknown skills with Rebel Armada's Northern Water Battalion, they bombarded the edges of Sekitan, resulting in a Fire Nation casualty of over 20,000 soldiers. Fire Nation Survivors of the attack fled to an abandoned Earth Kingdom city northeast of Sekitan, where they are now holding post and regaining their strength. This event was marked as The Coal War.

The hit was grave and unexpected, and Fire Nation immediately retaliated by sending a naval fleet straight for Kyoshi Island. However, with their numbers depleted and scrambling to ship in more soldiers, conquest did not fall into the palm of their hands. Both sides were trapped in a perpetual loop of push and pull for a decade.

During this span of time, questions and speculation have spread through the Rebel Armada about the Dai Li... Where did they come from? Who led them? What did they truly stand for? Could they be trusted? And what skills did they hold close to their chests that granted them the power to devastate Sekitan?

The year is now 1132 AC.

Rebel Armada's Special Squadron is called to arms.
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Welcome to the official OOC chat, everyone! And don't worry, once I have chosen the members for this group, a link to the Discord will be provided.
  • Ah Seen It
  • Spicy
Reactions: Spekkun and Greenie
Huzzah! Super stoked.
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Reactions: Red Thunder
But...but...this is what I do. I encourage both good and bad. Like a morally ambiguous bard.
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Reactions: Red Thunder
And I kidnap Luna.
Hey guys! Just a heads up that the Character Sheet has been posted and thus will be right there waiting for you once I have the entire crew picked out. The link is displayed at the top of the first post and down below.

Stay gucci! <3

Character Sheets
Remind me: you're good for defected Fire Nation, right, @Mobley Eats?
  • Thank You
Reactions: Red Thunder
I'm thinking of making two chars, one who will be ex fire nation soldier :D
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
I'm thinking of making two chars, one who will be ex fire nation soldier :D
Noice! I see that Fire Nation is leading on the popularity board~