Avatar: The Rebel Armada (OOC)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
@Youreverydaywildchild and @Drifter Just a friendly bump that the due date for DM-ing me a Writing Sample is today. If you're still interested, please contact me as soon as possible and we can work something out! I'm flexible, so there's always room for compromise and brainstorming!

-Stay lovely
Update: Alrighty, everyone! The Sign-Ups Grand Reopening is officially closed, thus I am no longer accepting the interest of new members.

However-- @Drifter and @Youreverydaywildchild , if you manage to contact me soon, we can talk about squeezing you into the story. It'll just take some creativity and compromise, which I can definitely handle with your cooperation. If you're no longer interested, please let me know or else I'll just assume you aren't and keep the train rolling.

Now then, @WingWong and @CloudyBlueDay , welcome aboard! I can't wait to meet your lovely characters! We've progressed to the Character Sheet Stage, in which both of you will make your sheets. I'll review them and let you know if they're accepted or need revisions anywhere. Please drop your character sheets in the following thread:
Character Sheets

I'll also invite both of you to the Discord channel promptly.

-Stay lovely